CC 09-19-73
c:rrr. or aJPuu¡ro. srAD .. CALIFOIIHU
J8300 Torn AWR_. '1:' _ àU-. CaIJ.fonúa 95014
"Tel.,. _: 252-4505 "
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0~, ,',;:',;,',,1 f.:':~,\~ ' ",- SlP1'IIII.t ' " mE COUNCIL awmn. C1ft BALL
,;:;,'>I.~/ ';,.\1{ ',/ ' ,I> CALIFOIIHIA ' ,
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,,~ lør1D ca11ecJ .~: 't't'-I to order at 7:15 P.K.
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COaadlen pnsent:
Coua~11aaa absent:
J'øUch. .Jacltaon. Sparks. Mayor Ir1riA
Staff pnsent:
Cl.Cy ØaDager Quinlan
CI.CJ' Attorney Adams
D1øctor of Administrative Services Ryder
D1xector of Planning and Develcpment Sisk
D1øctor of Public Works Visko~c:h
C:-ultants present: h.......fc Consultant Levy
Court Reporter: PaCsy Fenerin
PUBLIC REARING: To CODS:l.der the 1913 Comprehensbe General Plan.
Hr. George Mangano, 10206 South Portal Avenue, Cupertino, wished to
panue the \Utter of c1ta:l.oDS with the City Attorney. There
foUwec! an excban¡e of ügal opInions. This can be fomd in the
CoÙrt Reporter's tr_cript.
Hr. Leo Michaud. 10408 Sorwandy Court, said it seemed to him those
cledslons were _de _ the fact a person cannot use his property fo
~rc1al purposes. Be does not believe these decisiOl15 were on
clauD zooing. The questloD brought up was haw cOftstitutlonal is
cIawn zcoing. Mayor 1!ViA _end that until the General Plan waa
adopted these are atricclJ' proposals. The City Attorney said the
lIOrd "dow:1-zoning" ..,. be aD 1nappropriate description. Zoning
It..lf is in a in the sense that it is restricting a
plVp8rCJ owner's riþta.
Attomey J. Robert De~ur, 20325 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cuper-
tino, todt ls8\18 v1th _ of the City Attorney's stat.-Dts. Mr.
Dnlpater said he repr_ed properties along Stevens Creek Boule-
...rd. Be said they öd obtain building permits for their buildings
... speDt in ezcea. of $50,000 on development plans, etc. He would
....ct that they woul. .. per:d.tted to proceed. It 1. hIs intent
Pa.. 1
llUbIu or I'll sønaR 19. 1973 ADJOUI1ŒD em cœRCD. nuUJRj
10 !bel oue tIhat tile c:oazÞ voalel cIo with this __ lair. Øa adlid.tteel tile
~DI ~I ....""..~.......... ......~~ ..... ..,.. the
, CoIII.U to 'fato, h -i_ration ""at a ,,' f ....
~Sa .. " . .., :.tü ci .o~ I ., "', r. dciae,
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. 1,*.'. "a. ·fø... 'a81.4 "";".i.~:saarch~eI' tile _t:.~.·¡j'~'Ôf,¡¡,,¡,~.·zM1DI"
GOt f-.4l__....ìW'" ~t be cIoôì:' .. .
',',_, . -', 'c,,,,_. " ,
,1IIc. ...., aaS',_ all tba àÌ8caea1on froll nCIV OQbafòi-'de CJ.i.1 CouIacU
ww. be 0It uu.,'.eI'.-.u paÍ-:ela the ujorittof vb{chhå9a bea ch.pd
.., the '1-"" ('........iOD froa to __ ottier 1ittelUfael'"., '1M
'ftSNlrty OIIIIar'a posit1011 will probably be that it's lDCCD8titutl00al anel
::at .a ahOll1c1let the pri_te sector clacide on how the propertY should
clevelopa,. 'lbe pt.-ft. eo-1sa1on has stated that If you let the
,d.vete aaecor cOIIpete aud f11l lip all the spaces it vould have severe". 1I,acts. 'lbe Plaam1Dg Couaission' s position ls that they would
l1ka to r&þ!atawhere the co_rcial should go and the _OUllt of coøaercial
in CapUtilO.
}he Plalnilll Director reviewed the Sai~å and O1ristl~en properties acroaa
TOIl De Anaa College. The 12-1/2 acres of Saich property is now Planned
n....lop_ftt vith co_rcial œe intended. The O1r1stiansen property north
of the Sa1ch property is R3-2.2 with a density of 16 dwelling units per
acre .
!fr. Levy laid these discussions vill op"n up the question of density. It
Will also 01111 up the question of parks in the city as well as neighborhood
CO-relat activities. At the Planning Couaission level there was some
discussion as to neighborhood commercial on these properties. The Planning
eo..lsaion had planned to go through all the residential decisions and then
~ back .d determine vhich areas need commercial and parks. The red
circles. on the 1964 map shoved existing neighborhood cODlllercial. The blue
ansa are all8ller neighborhood commercial. The recommendation from the
.lcnlng Coaua1on by unanilllOUS vote on the Saich property is that it be
acquired tor park purposes. There was no discussion of co_rcial use on
that property. There is no rationale for commercial use of this property.
the park Vas aelected 011 the basis that the Parks and Recreation ComadSa1011
and the atalf deter.1ned this would be ideal as far as size and locdtion
for a park. The adopte<! standard for co....unity park property lndicates
there is iliad for IIDre park property in the Clty of Cupertino.
'!be U\rlatitasc plece vas discussed next. When it came down to a question
of diat1ftllliahlng density of residential there were no substantial differ-
sac.a betWlla fiscal and traffic impacts on tract 10 or 12 units to the acre
-'ity lawla. The Planning Comtdssion determined it should be a density
that would be COllpatible with the neighborhood. Some overlay ordinance
~d b. dnftad for zoo1ug for social purposes such as housing for the
elderly, ate. 'l'he Plamina Coaaission decided to work on tbat on an overall
b_ia ratbft than on a parcel by parcel basls.
...un:! or DIE SEPTEHIBa 19, 1973 ADJUUIll'ld) CITY aJUIIC;IL .....£lifC
~~~~ .
.~; ...:~:,JenJ f'1U.I'au,.}OJ,tlW. ~. cupert1D!'j..~d tJaaC 1D,191O" .
¡':.ct".'.·... ..~. P'....aL.I'v. ..... '. 9. t--'. '. ci.~rcial. 0Ia'~.'." '...t. ,5.,1970 che '..
,,~j- §:'. f_b pat ap<~~ .~ .tteet cledic:åU(l~\~;Stnel .~.
..,jJr",*.,.,.;~.,. ..,. Iod.-i øcll~~U"'.;1LieL 'DIey _,:. ..". 4:!.,p8COOf12.2. "
" Y~""a@118 left froll the WjJ.1Ij__ before 1~ .' U. lIe,theo_t
" . ... die _aotiati_ 1rûJa theJlàzeðel Colpora ..~" ~ - a ¡
"ÌIU!1aa .œlar project. lie 'fe1~ that they had :'ea.: the mracori_
~. twD..... Be rea4 & port1œ of the last lenetf... 1IanIIe1.
!IIeJ'n still v1llina to pardaMe the property froa the Sdeb's
aJ.-'" they ha.. DO ~ts ac the present time.
..,or lIViD liked the idea of the park on this property if the city
coald :fford it. If the _rs have an offer for a II1lUaa dollars
be voaclered if this vas in line v:ith the assessor's evaluation of
the propertY. The Cf.ty A£tomey advised this matter is uncter
litiptian. The fina1 cJet.erllination will come when the property
1.a finally zooed. The City Council should now plan what they would
like to see OQ this property. We will be required by the end of the
year to m:çlify our open space plans. The adoption of a comprehen-
sive General Plan and open space ordinance will be accompanied by a
p:)l1cy f"r ',::¡>lementation. We must take the feasibility factor
into consi~~ration here, but the emphasis at this point should be
OD planni"¡.
The City Attorney answered Councilman Sparks that you must nt)t down-
&aDe a pi~.:~ of property solely because we would like to acquire it
for park ?1.:t¡>oses. In so far as what we are going to have to pay
for the pr~p<!rty it will be the market value of the land at the time
it is pur6ased.
Collllcllac Frolich questioned wether the City Attorney felt it was
appropriate to consicter the alternate for thi.s property in the event
we can't afford to purchase it for a park. The City Attorney said
that at ù1s time he would like to see the City Council go on record
.. indicating what they would like to see on this property.
CoUDcilaa:1 Jackson does Dot see this as anything except residential.
Be sees t!>e Oaks aa the shopping center for that area. He sees the
ne1pborbcod co_rclal in !fcnte Vista. He sees this as· low denalty
zeaiclential west of Stelling Road. He does not see where co_rc1&l
would be caoçatible vith HellOrial Park and De ADza College. He does
DOt vant to see industrial here either. Councilman Jacltaon has
abed -.ot1ons whether this should be a pari< or residential on this
laich property. He does Dot agree that we should bold It for years
œtil we ~ afford to put a p.:¡rk OD it. He said we could show it .
v:ith residential density _d both parties would then be in a positi
to do so.ething with the property. Maybe there should be, for
General Plan purposes, a policy statement or holding zone for a .
8bort period of ti_.
rase 3
¡ CC-l19
'Pap 4
-Jl 01' THE :>aru.aDU'lSo. 1973 ....MoggJW CITY mllllCIL hu.i.uIG
Spub ai' now ,..,. ...... ""ju. acrosS the street vld.da 1.s
" .4,* ~t.~¿...t..... the street you hdetJle p.dt.
""'" ab_ dIat ·tbê. P. .....,' ~;.....~ "'~""..'.'...........' In the ......,0......'. ...,¡am. the
;./."'''''"..,~:~~I:::,:.i.~.' ~. <'.1.. . ;:;'~.r,:,.~~lfØl~~~.::!~:~
:¡ài:':~ ~~::~.t~~~¿ >!"~~e. there Isì~;¡iOu1bi1ity
:iQ;;. " _ _~,~.
, .;CiC7 AttoDl81 sat.4 vb_ ,.CÌà bb: ftaa1 act100 00 the ptop_eeI &lll!Dåent
. Ÿ"'" then desl..e the puUca1à;~ of open space coo·u.p1ated here.
~_ 1d be good ia OUX GeDaø1PI.D if .e designate the type of open space
...... In llind. A policy 'stat. t would do this.
1:' ~1.... ProUch.. a_reel by the Director of Planning and Development
~ this was rezoaed froll raid-ff.t to planned development _rc1al ha
I'_r CouncilmaD Fitzgerald said there were 12 acres of cOllllllercial on the college site. The tax; ,"¡!en forfeited the revenue frail these 12
aczea when the college said, they needed additional parking. The Board of
y~~ had no objection to across the street at that time.
!Igor Irwin said !lis first choice here would be for a park en the standpoint
rñ p>od city pla:>ning. The Planning Director answered th.· Uayor that the
(;lenbrook coltplex 3CroSZ from Flint Center has 16 units pc,. acre. There
a%e also 7,500 s~""re foot and 10,000 square foot single family C:..·,elopment
12 the area. )\.1y;):" Irwin said it is not so much a matter of either the
eo-Ission is f~:" ;)r asainst co_rcial here. He for one would like to
__ a park her", ""d four to ten units per acre residential as an alternate.
'Jr. Berman Christiansen, 801 American Street, San Carlos, said at the time
tky came before the Planning COIE!I1ssioa and City Council in late 1969
~ we're only a:.le to purchase two acres from the Saich family. Because
of åat there ,:as !>een no serious consideration of d"velopment on that
paoperty since t..""". In the aiddl.. <:If 1969 there was some discussion about
tTad1ng properties in order to develop a lar<.;er complex. You can nave all
sortS of densities and the Avery complex at 16 units per acre is an excellent
~le. Villa Serra is also 16 units per acre. Density alone is not going
co parantee quality.
Jir. Levy said the Planning C~sion distinguished among densities. If you
~ate v<-='j 1IUC:h froll a pattern there bas to be strong criteria for this
oIewiatloa. The Planning eo-1ssiOl1 did not want to see everything developed
16 gñts per act<! in this area. ,
Jlllyor Irwin said this adpt be a OOd place for college students to live.
. ~d have to go along with the Placning CQlllllÜssion decision of 4 to 10
....u per acre here as well as on the adjacent prcperty, if we don't get the
Pap 5
,c-c1~ ,--.. voalclJJþí.CO... a general policy .uc_t that
/~bner drMtt)' is .ettbi&~ø aght be a deviatiøn to thi. if a
",1-t1Od1l poUCJ is be1Da',~ :tWt>,øe vould alDcur with the 4 to 10
,:"aídta per aeø CIQ tbia p~~~J
r- _ ~K_:_,'I,;!.~:
~(''''''''fJ.a PIoUch _t'_1~i~';the stateaents of the other
'CllÎUlc11_ aapt he 1foalcl11bcfj)'ee aD additioàal policy .tate_n
',iII that we also provide ._.:1IòGûs for a developer who 18 cIo1nS a
·...rtic:uhrl1 Fad Job on thepiøperty. Be would be wil11aS to go
with a h1pr dell8ity with ._thins in the c:aliber of the Avery
COIII(Ilex. Be noted this 18 a c._ onf ty college across the street
which senes the people ill the c:~ity, therefore there probably
wouldn't be that grest a cI_cI for student housing. \lith respect
to the point taised by Counc1lJsan Frolic.'1, the City Attorney said
the City Couacil IIdght vant to widen the gap on the density. ¡hen
ve are dealing with density we are dealing with the people we can
accomodate ~ the area. Couad.lman FroliÒ said with a density
range of say ~ to 14 then it is assumed the C:eveloper viII go for
the highes~ ¿~sity. Be said be bas se... r"servation about trying
to designate t:'is as city pa:rk for a long period of time. This may
bave some effect on the outcome of the be~¿ issue. However, it
would be a g~d park site. If this does ,,~t reach fruiti= il
should be ~~::3id"red 4 to 16 units per a~rè rèsidential. At a loca-
tion suc.~ a5 Stelling Road and Stevens C~èè~ Boulevard, he would be
more willi::g t;) look at this higher density.
Hr. Burre: :....onard, 19165 ?runerldge, CU?è~tino, suggested as a
policy sta:è~t the inter-relationship cf Ùè traffic problems and
the pos~i;'ilit\· of some faD of public He also urged the
City COu:l~il to get out of tD1.S social p"t?OSe thing. There are
zany facdlies who would do with one less automobile if there vere
public trr.s¡:ortation. He said 4 to 10 <::lits per acre residential
1s a strai&-'lt out no vote for t:ransit. There ar~ two streets in th~ i
City of ~rtino that lend tJemselves t~ transit: Wolfe Road and
Stevens CNes. Boulevard. By comparison,n.~ sÜd, IHlshire Blvd. in
Los Angeles is cOQ!!'idered logical for tra:lsit. ~r. Leonard recoœnend
ed quality ci.ense residential near De Anza. With West Valley Industrl-
Park on O:1e e:ld anù Vallco Park on the 06er, you have the nucleus
for transit in the reasonable future without waiting for BAR>.
Mayor Irvio called a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
9:22 p ....
Mayor Ir\;i:: said it is the consensus of t~~ Planning Coaaission for
those 12 a~N:i to be open space with public "r private use. If it is
not poss1:'1e to de'lI!lop it as a park, puhlic or private open space,
vlthin a r~as""abl" length of tIme it could b.. residential. Council-
-.n Spads added that this could include.. clinic. Councilman
.Jackson sAid he wOl.1ld prefer not to see co::merdal recre¡g1.on use
IlUUXJI:I or 1BI 8.n__ It. 1t73 ADJOURHED cm ()LI_nJ. lludlG
;1IIeClCJ AtCOllMJ ~ CIae é Coœcll not to."_ too claf1n1U... aC
.dIÞ. "potac. .. ...o:'<t~~. ........taff cne UP. vitll ,aM nc:o 'claU... CO
., . i>(1- of ,..uc<~'. . ~..e of opea .,_.
c~-t' :"" . "<: .:·".~i.'1"'~"· . Ý>: . _ ,'"
~IS" 6l1a .d~'IIiìt_ 'fï* tile health, ..feCJ:. Wldfan of tile
diof~.1f-. .. add ~ft....1NIea clbc...eI ~..c of 81"'"
',. .: I' of tIae Cnff'4ëJlll!l....·C nat peóple li"lllll:_ á It.., .tnat.
.. Iee1a tIIiI ... -a......;to tb1a property. D1nCCor of Public Volta
.riII tIIiIn is a au 1aaè JIIÌI1d~t aloaa St.- Cnek Bou1e1PUll
...~ 81pq , "'~B1""", 15. The traffic 18 leu here th_ OD
81...., 9. Mr. IU 11--11.. .del there 18 need fOIr _rc1al n"lr the
cone.. Counc1:a- J,..... .del ve have c_rc1al acrœa fr_ the coU...
fir. Un-Ua said the 50 ..wtt1œ.l c..-rdal aCTa baa ne".r been J_t1-
fied by tbe cOllSultcta. 1110 Plmulng Coaaisa1œ baa done their pl~nl OD
the bal8 of being UDdetGTecI by any fiscal consIderations. This property
cost œe .Ulloa dollars. For the sue one ailliœ dollars ve could b.., IIOre led in the hilla for public use. That open space would be aood
for the Ite,ùth of the peopla. He s"id the govern_nt should not restrict
c~t1tion. Thera 1a the question of moral and lepl responsibility 1n
these decisions.
Councilaan Frolich said hIstorically it has been proven that zoning is
necessary. It is a self-defeating argument that if we leave the co~rcial
zoning th~re and let t~e open mar~et decide on coa.ercial development this
will solve pldnning probl.... Mr. Billawalla answered that the city now
ca., control be quality of development. Councilman Frolich said you can't
just adopt an open door policy and just hope it will come out all right.
1i.e City Attorney said the 1_ in its way tries to reach a morally good
conclusion with respect to designation of open space, parks, etc. He
thinks ~~ should defer any definitiv~ consensus action on this. At this
?oint the staff would li~ an indicatien from the Council as to what they
would like to see on Hlghvay 9. Coundl...,n Jackson said he would like to
see some '~nsity deviation if perforcance or design standards in the policy
st.temenf$ can justify tnia. Otherwise he would prefer to keep the 4 to 10
units p~r acre density as reco_nded by the PlanlÚng Co=d.sslon.
Mayor Irvin asked tha~ the Economic IÀ>nsultants prepare a justification pre-
sentation on the SO-acre aaximum coomcr~ial. He vould like to be in PublIc
Hearings. ~Ir. Levy sai.! one addition..l pil!cI! of infonaatloll can be presented.
They cO>II>i1ed a square footage of co....,rcial subregional existing it: Cuper-
tino and this is quite a large figure. He said there is an unbelievable
surplus of co_rclal in the city. Th~ question can up whether we are
leaving out uses that tight come u? in the future.
Councilman S?arks asked Mr. Levy if tnnsit would be facilitated if we had
this site as cOIIIIDI!rcial. Mr. Levy answered transit would be desirable
along Stewns Creek Bouleyare!. He does not thinÍ< we will want to create
a San Francisco or New York City her~, however.
Hr. I.n1 said the 1'1CD1Da eow.issiOll elisc_sed densities 011 the
'a.dsti_- property. Mr. HeRm Olr1atlmsen said he 18 OM of
the _eø of the property adjacent to the Saleh property. He said
this property vas ¡niRbased in 1969 for $36,000 for the purpose of
conatructiaa 16 UD1tA1 pel' acre adult co-m.ty. 7bey have ded1cated
l..d ..d purchaSed IÞODds for street i...roV\<IIII!Dt as _11 as payiaa
t_ 011 the property.
J'ualta McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, Cupertino, realtor, said she is
DOt involved In this property in any way. She said due to the loca-
tion of this property 16 units per acre would not be too high a
cleDsity. CouncillDSD .Jackson said the type of community we are
envisiooing is low density. The Planning Commission recolIIIII!nded
4 to 10 units per acre and he feels this is more in keeping with
the area. He sees nO reason for increasing the density. We are
talking about the balance of types of residential. Hayor Irwin
said if we were to raise all pre3ently designated 4 to 10 units
an acre up to 16 units an acre that would raise considerably our
u1ti~2te population.
Hr. C1ristiansen said that 4 to 10 units an aerc precludes apartment..
This ...ill limit the development to some type of cluster or townhouse.
Be ...culd then ha~e to think about selling the prODerty because he is
not i:t business of construc,ting single family homes.
Judy Cooper, 21906 Hyannisport Dr., Cupertino, said she has been con
cerne¿ about this piece of property for some time novo She feels it
1s L' ideal locdtion for a co~l~x for the elderly since it is close
to services and wi thin the rcutes ior transit. She would most like
to See the allot~nt for a higher density on this piece should it
_at these kinds of social needs. She would also like to have lower
incoce housing considered for th~s property.
Councilman Jackson said this Council has stated they would be inter-
ested in higher density for these social goals. lie would like to
keep the 4 to 10 units per acre density on this property with the
acco"l'anying policy statem<>nt regarding socicl goals. He said he
vas not sure this alone is the area where he would like to consider
this type of develop....nt. Where it would be would depend to some
extent on the flexibility of the oarket.
Hr. Fitzgerald said he feels morally involved here. He said a
llillion homes were built under "235" and "236". One fourth of
the. are nO" under foreclosure. They arc selling them in bunches
of ten and twenty just to get rid of them. There is no more money
for "235" and "236". He sees n"t~ing on the horizon for Cupertino
to build low incoue housing. ~r. Fitzgerald says he disagrees with
ColØlcilman Frolich's statemeont about the possibil i ty of developrent
of anythln¡ haphazardly in Cupertino.
Page 7
'hae 8
CcnmciJaaD Jact.on ~td U _ put 15 beaut1fullydone aDJ,u aD acre on 811
tJaiapzoperty, it 18 j1ØC too _h, too int_. !k. Fiuaer81d asreed 18 too _h...1· .úa1 iD Cupertino, but he feel. tbe ~1c
~tlWID will tØe..cøe of cIWI probl..
1ÎIJOr 1rIdIa called an.:- ac 10145 p...
11100 p...
the _tillS r___ at
,'t Mt0:rDtl1 »-pacer IIåII tIIøe is _t1dD¡ beaidea the C.I.t7 eovenaat that'
en ..y vbat .. caØ tÌo ]..".11)'. lie do.. DOt uu4erataDllt1la rea_ for a
court reporter at ~e __iDaa, Be questioned all th1a worry about
11t:l¡atioD beeau.. if tbe aDd reault ia the right one there 18 DO need
for court reportera, etc. Hayor Irvin said the discu..lon of legal righta
..a stated by a m8lber of the audience. Our City AttorDe)' advised the
Council that a court reporter is ess8Ltial. There have been many hearin&s
011 thia because if affecta 80 many people.
Councilman Jackson feela strongly about the democratic process. He feels
that what he and the other councilmen are trying to do will reflect the
will of the people, DOt just one faction. If this communIty develops the
way it is going it is DOt going to t'~rn out the way any of us want it to.
Counciloan Frolich says he certainly has other thinga to do besides put in
all these hcurs here. He is here for one reason and that is to see this
thing through. the question has been raist'd as to what has changed here.
There are a number of re:aarkable change~. We have beco:!:e conscious we
cannot keep stuffing people into this county without affecting those
already there. Pollution has gotten much ~~rse. The State has mandated
new areas that we must look into. This has led to ey.tra expenses and to
the moratorium. We will have to get econemic inpats soon just a8 ve now have
EIRs. \>e do not have an <=<:onomist on the staff and die! rooto realize how
long and ..'<pensive this1o'Ocld become. Councilman Frclich saie! SB 90 minimizea
the effect of property tax on financing. It is a fact of life today, although
he feels it cay change in the future. The General Plan review will go
back to the Planning CQC:lission with the Council's rt!Co=r.,Jation. A
decision needs to be made by the Council by the end of this year. He does
not think he can make a decision on the d~nsity for this piece of property
before making a decision on the large parcel nearby. He does not think he vcul~
bave too much trouble agreeing to 16 unjts per acre on this parcel, but we
need first to study the 1npact on the overall area.
,Cou.,cilman Frolich said Hr. Christiansen bas indicated the kind of quality
i development he wants to build . To do this we might V8nt to consider higher
densityand restrict to ace and two bedroom units rather than 3 and 4 bed-
rooDls. The restrictions =ould be the number of dwellir~ units and the
number of bedrooms in the entIre project. lie \IOuld like to haole tite staff
explore that possibility. He said one of the thing9 he ~'nts to get a
h.¡ndle on is the total _ber of people \Ie will want to house in this
~ - ""J~"'"
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Page 9
c. ~
Sputs .gruel
,_ tile det.àÞl'
;.>Be saiel hedÎ'
official. 'Ibis '
",'ad hopefully co-âP~.
~~r'/_~' ,,",... ..V·'f~<'j_'
laser; 1Iøote Vista, s"'ii["'íer of pubUc hOIll1as ~ lip
, ~Jnpe.tecl1y. She saidJ~"'~ '.lIgures as to how 8UCb public boIlS
," ...alreadY haw iD thiS ti4ì;. She vill briDg this IDfonatioa to
'ü-." ',' .." - .. ';.-'~
,_ ... MXt meetic!;. She said_ .... 1!IOre than our fair share of ~
, ' hous1Dg with its acCOJlp~& problems.
~r Irvin said ".. have spðlœsa £0 the law income housing issue 1n
de Goals Re7-'rt st' it is inev1cable that it wUI come up iD the
!!Ir. Martin Hall, 1627 Hollenbeck JtDad, said many things had been said,
kre this e",,:o:':o¡; ""d he agreed vith cany things. From a develo?ing
_dpoint i! Y":J "ave tram 4 to 10 units on bot" sides of Hig..'....ay 9
7011 won'L see ""y a?artt1ent ce>c;i'lexes. In the future there are ¡;oine,
þ be impro\'''::,o",: of clustcr dewelo¡>:>ents and condotliniu:::s. Ever:~ I
c:DJI!aunity neeõ" ,;"od building a::ui developers, such as :'Ir. .illti,::son.
........ bave no a~",":::ent compleX2S OQ High",ay 9 but you hav" a?art:::ents
adjacent to t::~ Christiansen pro;>ert)".
'%De staff is t."'","dinating its effects to bc ready to disccss the
c::øre area t:'" :~llowing week.
AD.} cr.;æŒE~"T
~ Eeeting adjourned by ehe }'.ayor at 11:37 P.}I. to, next Tuesday,
September 25.
/./ ~1th E. Irvin
~r, City of Cu~ert1Do
Is! Ms. E. R.-c!er
CUy Clerk