CC 09-26-73 lð,/1.1- 'i, 1,' " aD OF C1JPE!.t'_W; JMT! OF ca..r-IIU ',-ro Torre A...e::u~,_ert1_. Ca1Uornia .........bone: ' 252-4505 . . ,I_U ....t: .. h~"· '.' ',i~~'. - ';~:)ÎÎ7.r.. Sparb. Kajor In1D City A,; City' ,..' . ' D1r8Ctói'~ ,"." '''{strati.... Services Ryder Director 4.f;~.....f"l and Development SiBk. Director ~ ~1c Worlca Viskovich "'---Hant present: Steve 1.89)' Court reponer: Eunice r.-- ~!C HEARTh-:õ JIa70r Inolin ca:led the meetiJ:g to order at 7:15 p.m. %"l!:Iarlca vera ::.1:e by Counci1J:la:i .Jackson, Chairman ,of s::o...ittee. E. r."d his 'prepareri ~ate:nent regarding 1IaII4eveloped c="rcial acres. Introductory the Bonds the 200 !Ir. Paul :!:1~~a~, Homestead ani! E1ghway 9, Cupertino, wanted to ~ass the t~¿:fic studies of BLg~~y 9. He as~d if a policy ~ been es~a::ished wherein a property owner may purchase copies o£ maps, etc. ~f land adjacent CD his own land. Jiayor Irwin said .. \OOUld be ie fa...or of this .. 1.ong as they are not preliminary aapa that are subje::t to chas>ge. Be _uld like to make sure tJa&se asps a~e carefully ma:ked prelÚlinary. !Ir. Mariani re.1:i a newspaper c1JppiD& from September 20th local _I'aper in a¡ard to a city reachiD& maturation. He said Capertino is a relatively YOUIIC c1ty if ~ ~an learn frcm older ~1.., it is :ó) our advanuge. :be possible ::Iistake this article refers to is a:1 ilabalance of resiÃ_t1al in relation to comlllerci>ù ... iDC!ustrLL. This was a pon1on of a speech by San Jose's BI.7or Hineta;o a group of bnn~.. b regard to ùe Sept_ber 2SUa ~ing when justification of 50 acre. of ccc:llercial in thú cj,CY _s discus3ed, Mr. ~lariani ..u if this ...re correct and U CUpertIno were a city with 200 ail.. of desert around it, _ co.U get some pretty good nUl1!bers é the co=e~~~¡ that is needeI. !fro ~lariani does net believe' ~e economic studiea are too ~rtant. CC-181 Pat.. i " a:-UU .... 2 P. 1WIU1a$ OF _ 1111",(1__ 26, 1913 ADJOUlUIED ~ em cœJI:IL ftt;r;¡œ . " JIr.. MarialÙ ..W in r..-rd to CoaDc1lun Jackson'. c_ -ooe. chat at DO tØa ba. the a:c ...sa tile .11~Uon that the 1&no! uno!er c ~1al aoniDg · " ac the pr._t e.. .1IDa1AI .. IIeld for retail atore. eø1lls1Yd)'. Tbe ~,., ~~~t i. that t~ 1a ~J...a;~ l:jj ,~c. available to tIia,c:1C)' for dc_ for ';,.)..2t, J.. and ..ma... ~,dIa... I.. .' '~.' ID111 a. people ar.~hw to bo!4 th1a .,.'.". ad pq.,that4'~.". ,.~1,t~.';'~. Aa.¡~vbø 10..., if -:- tIØtø7.'. .1aDI ',". _, "',_-, , 'r:ti.'~êfiCJ 10_. . , :;-" . , I~~c IntD,. ~~~,"f")hof ~';"1: C1Iøk1Da on iC". ..;CI:_ .,... .1IIdch j~......,. .pùat" ..'~.. """:"'~.. ..~i1d4 he cIo.. 1IOt;.øiì..~.'·p.n11a1. ..' ,,,tweeD \ ')4*saa Jo.. __'fH~'. .:, .,' 'iusua Cupert1ào·..'~'. ..' .';~, " . " " '., "",' " .'. :... '< i "CGlmcu.a rnUda.at4 Id8 -'t~""8I1t 18 tbat ha1epJ-"4-c fœ (;¡¡'.: . ...h.....; l1li1... JOII..... . -..u.4~OD the relative 4......~ and ~~.. rc1al ~. ta r..._ JOG doD'c· nall)'bøIr 1Ibo ia and who ia oot :1D balance. In reprd to the po1nta.... at tllepre,,1ou. ..etins, the 1IIpac frea cba 8CO~at. repreallAta to Ida jaa& 0118 input of ..veral fœ the dec1a1ona tJlac the Cit)' ecNncl1 ... to ..u. . ~ 1\ '-~. ·;i~ '~, > " " ,. Jury FiUaua14, 101'1 Borth BleDey, CupertillD, saW ~.c fNery one of the ahoppq center. ~1aDe4 107 Councilman Jackson in Ida .catement are OIItaido the Cit)' of CupertiJlo. Be ..id he could not care 1.... ¥hat are in the other citie.. Be baa not .._ one juatification in the past year or beadDga for down zon1Da aD)' property in Cupertino. He do... not th1.nk the City has any basia to cIo th1a. Councilman Jackson ..14 hi. purpose for listing those ahopping centers was to d-.nstrate bow Dlcb 200 acres of c......ercial really is. Mr. Fitzgerald said Vie Ricbes of Riches Kesearch had stated Consultant Arnold's figures are wrong ano! to his t:Dovledge they have never been cOlllpared. Councillll3n Jackson said that ~ far as he is ("oncerned, as soon as you get more commercial than tbe City can support, you get lover Guality. 'Mr. Fitzgerald said with the controls tbe City has, there is no ~~y we can get lev quality cClCZl8rcial anymore. Hayor Irvin ..W we cIo not bave ecoDOlllists on our staff. Therefore, "" have had to .-ploy OIItside belp. We have alvays hired consultants for certain thing., Mr. FItzgerald said he was convinced our o~-n ;>lanning ataff could have clone a better job. He said nobod;r ,nderstan<!s vhat the c_Itante ha..,e dODe bare. He referred to the numerous charts on the wlls. Councilman 1'ro11ch ..id tba ~.. of hiring conaultants u justified. (1) Va have no· ec-uts on the staff. He said the aistau. pointed out b)' 'tt. 1Ih1tted were gleaned fr.. the elata fr.. the San JaM Mercury ..... (2) Va have no right to cIcnm zone any property unl...s it affects the health, ..f~ty. aDd welfare of the citizens. Conditions change. Th1a is r.ot different fro", any zoning that has been denied in prns-a years. ' e, 'J", "''''''' _u:o> OF 'IDE ~ 26, 1973 ADJOURNm REG"üLAR W cmmcD. HEErING " Meyers proposea putt1D& aU vacant land into agricultura1 and then let the l'....perty CMl8t5 come in with their proposals " ,t. . ,~. ,/';':i'I!,: , 'f;.~" . . 'I,¡',~Ieral4 ..id the cic,. c:-¡cJl 18 70% morally wroua 10 dó~ I'lL ;.'*1 ue doir41 bare 10 ~ePd to down zoning, , ~1f~~ n:b'4a~ ::~~:,;~:í:at:s~: :u~~=b~~iea .... Sa traffic. 1'JIe"U'/ fact t!lat _ ha"e spent so IllUCb tlllle OD .... Sa that _ ue uriDa to ccmaUer the property owner and uri~ .. __ the pro1ol_ at haIId. CouIICu.an Frolich said if the J Itltion of the urut place would always do a good job, we would ..c ..... a Mea for a pl.-hg depa~..t. .. "1"" Irvin ..id ve will now discuss the Blllawala prOp9rty. )fr . ~ Bil1.vala first corrected himself that small as well as large r'¡4~Kty O\o"Cen are being 1aIrt here. He said some figures _re ~ out to the a t the previous nigbt' s meeting wi thout any ~ in wr!ti:1 :. Ue aaked the City }!anager to have }!r. Arnold ~ c~s~ltar.t ba~k up hIs statecents with a ~Titten report. He said the .-all prc?erty o~"Cers are quite concerned because }!r. Arnold ..id be is ~""r,,1ng for the public agency only. The large property ~s can ~1re econa.ais~G etc., bu~ tho little property owner can't. 1.& far as traf~!c is concerned. }:x". Billawala said we could have 1ass pollut!cr., ~ise and asr~lt ribbons with the implementation of 1m;Dvative ~..ys of handling busy intersections. IIe said buildings c:øul4 be built in such. way that they could be used by industrial aDd professional offices. He would like to see some flexibility. ~1lcan Sparks asked if we leave the zoning as it is if industrial wanta to come in there ou Mr. Billawala's 8 acres, would hc be .....l11.1:1& to pay for the road cosU etc. CouncillD3n Sparks said it is s1Dk or swim ti::le. \:e are talking about 4 1/2 million dollars in 1anðo if you get out and knock on doors and ask the people what is ~~Q& you vill hear it ia the pollution and the noise and the CDIICeation. }!r. Billawala proposed that we could have 1/3 less poUutlon, noise and congestioc with his proposal. Councilman Sparks -u the land cwners in Cupertino are going to have to work together _ 801ving these probl.s. ~. Bi11aW:1la said a group is bound together with a common cause. .. _id there ia a moral issue here as well as financial iosue. .,. .d....g the small property owners to get together, only the big "-=r-t1 ovners will survive. Councilman Sparks said if you want ~h1Dg more than 4 units per acre the property owners will have eo set together with a planned development proposal. Councilman Sparks said thathe is representing and helping the citizeos of Cupertioo. _ people are telling h1a tbat they want low profile, that there .. too auch pollution and that there is too much traffic. CC-181 Page 3 , " ct-181 ~.4 .~ . . BUlIn::; or m SEl"fE!!oID 26. U73 ADJ01JlOOD 1tEGULAIl cnr v·· lllÇJL ~ING . '. JIayor Ima said cUP"U-.. ....'.... re.pon. sibUity to it. ......,.. lie. .. aach '.. to the cit:1&1III8 ofC' JlH II!JÍI. We are .ül goiDS to ... - -- ':COþt~. . have ....~-;..;;u.. a1lll suburba .tr"'4~- 1!Ie 1aDcI ..¡,....e1tJIK pWc to -A... '_11:111 ua. ." :', .' '>~__:,:J>¡'_:,? ., . ,,'Wi..ADD~. HontA '11:'~~~ that she did not _tit to: ~ _ of ··.1ZMe City QluncU-. ~..id those people 1D die _. . of ,.illfl_. an goiDS to Ioe'.(" -1;, affected by thd.r 11......-"-, ," '~~""", . . WIr. riÞprald offered .. ~-.. of CCC to MV. b18.. . ~k to IÞdp ~ this city Uck'ì: .1 -""'r. He said that h1atodca11;, - ..". alW), asked dev-'-. - to Dprove on site and off duo 'Dae ŒIC _s to 1iOrlt withiD cIoe ~--.."& that has been grauied. 1fa1Or Irv1A called for a _ at 8:30 p.m. The meetiDe recoøv__ at 8:45 p... Jfayor Irvi:: asked for r 1.. from the audience regarding the area _rth of Eo:t"'5~ead, vest of JI1&bway #9 and east of the Greenbelt area. Hr. 3i:lawala sa14 he 100uld like to have this property reDain cOIIIIIercial. Council::.s:: :.;;oson asked r...:: vasthe ratio""le for the 12-16 umts per acre re; :=::endation fer ::his property. Consultant Lery- said this vas due :c ::'e density in t.ŽIe area. The Planning C=iss~:¡ determined èiffere:::u :.:: the density !:.ad no appreciable affect on t!::.e traffic. =-ne PI!::::.:.::.; ::'rector sai<: tÏ>e 12-16 units per acre \o'Cul:; t£ c=¡>atible ~~th the ::e:',:;aring dens~::y ~ the City ~f Sunnyvale. ~. !illa~ala said this ::~ .:=rner prope:q a:x1 the tra:':ic is much '--crs.l! :;'<e;re and ;>cllu~io:: i. :::.11 greater. Be does not ;e:i~vc the City ·:c-.--il should ~ke peer:e ::'~e at that basy corner. Cour.c:i1=a:: E?.1rks asked .if tlaere is a sig:1ificant traffic d1.fference Det"een 1;-::: ;,nits per acre a%>d a bo"lir..; alley. Y.r. Lev:' said the bawling ¿::ey traffic vou14 be somewhat higher that 12-16 ~-its per acre. Cocncil::.3: E;..:ks wanted to apologize to the :nany good ~le vbo live in Cuperti:>:'s sphere of i.Df1.øezlce. He said his earlier re:r.arJc.s were 4:1&ectec! :0 r..o?le who bought and sold their property aDd DOVed away v1thout ..-c ;..ing really CQZICarned about how the area cie'7elops. i I I I ¡ f t . City Attor:oe:r .answered Ha:r-- Irvin that the PD ordinance can have commercial !Dtent, irt..s:rial intent, resiAlential ir.:cnt, or office ~ent. It would _ feasible .¡.:;¿ legal to prepare a nev larA clarification zoning ordinance t for coa::u:i4:-recre¡¡tiona!. I Cooncillla: ~¡ers said, 1£ .. are thinking abcut zoning in that area. 1£ it aPrur"¿ logical to ~~ Ider the eas:erl)· side of Ü)e greet as c:aaDercid, :cr equity sake .. should also look at the _=ly side _ c_rciL. vith specitiA:..-s. Council::::an Heyer_ felt that VI! ¡¡hould require a 13 a.:re"IDinilllua _ p1aJmed development. We.bou.1d look at daese parcels concurrently. n~'I- . ·-- .....:L _DE Suml26. 1973 .AD.~_." iEGULAll cI COONCII. JtEEtDÇ CC-181 Page 5 (: .. ". _id tbe aescbetic ~. .... lack of COCIIIeTcial were h1a . -...." .".". Vith this in a1nd, 1f ~C ,i.8. ·po..ible to require an aggl- . . could l~'er the I'D nqair~. aize. The PO ordinance ". f"l:'" .wIth a :s acre .1".--. .. jJ: baa been reduced a few CDu' .,:= The Ph....... COIDiajaa'" _id they are inure.ted ta a" . alley, :..:z they bad 110 wq of l1I8I"antyiDg this cOIIIIIIercid _lå~"'øea. The PlaDniaa Director sa1d the PlaDDiDg Ccmm1saiøD _ ....-.. whet!>.: cr DOt a c~~ecreational ordinance can be ... - '-' '... A ~:i::g alley ~ ... aood but wuld we want to .... ... - . ar cars or Ice SlcatiIIC riDka etc. The City Attorney said ~...... _ caD be ~1fied aa all rf&ht but other uses would be all ~ ~ . _ pen:i: a approved by cIIe City. , I!II..._ Inda a.ked !: ~... c~n put a tbul li::11t on a zonir.g. There would !Ie _... ..tages ¿o~ SC~e disadvantages to 1:his. !r.e City Attorney ~ ~ !S'. are r.~: c.~ vith1D the City of San Jcse in a certain ~ et! t~, th: ::ò" that 1':). Ee said there are scme ca&es au:Jd.s.. It coul¿ :. :esurched if the City Council sc desires. Co:::Ic~ Frolic, ,_~: ~'e have to not c:epe:>d on our e.'Üsting zoning o:-:...~~..- ë.e f ....t:~: :__-= ':it)· Cou:1cil s:..o~ld decide ..·::'2t they would l~ :: _ on t,,,,c :: :~orties a:c: give general gui2eli:1es. Another ~ =~ .,..~~ \ò'e :_:.;.:.: ...~::t besides :.c."=ercial-recr~.::.:iû:'lal with U5e ~: ~~uld:~ ::~ç for ki~s of o~her cornmcr:~al. Councih~~ Fr::':1=::' ¡r:>p:>sed .:;: _:~-:::-::..rcia¡ for ::oat propert)'. en the south- e:a.s:: ~ :'e 1:."C'o.::_ ::':.~ :0 also see recreational-cc=.:-rcial with KCe ~ :of ordir..;.~:. :·.....t penaits a Þ<nõling alley. c.c..c.:.,~ Sparks ""~; '..... "ill pro....!>l:; r.eed ",ore leisure time fa- c::1:.~ ~ the fut:::.. ;'·11 h.,ve De A=a ar.d }!emorial Park along k_ecs Cceek Bl,·¿. =.. :elieves the DcvliDg alley "'ill probably go k ~. !rted l>c;~_H :"e market is tr.ere. On the corner property if %Joe ,~rty o~.,.,":. ;..:1 get tote::'.: 2:>d if the traffic problems c:.aa .. -~I:.ted, :.. '"'~:¿ go alol1& v1~~ the proposal. c ~- Frolid: s.!i: :"" fruit plas:: ?roperty can enly be considered .1 _ ë-1r. :he p3t"~: .;.:~:h of the free1.--ay along the e3st side of ~ ;. I '" Maeci 0:: :=~ ,treet pat~ern. Councilman Frclich said ..... _ ~u.seè :"e ~:--=istiansen pr~y along St",·ens Creek Blvd. ... __~"..., the ~i:- :cuncil decided 1:hey did not ,,-ant to make . ....... ,_~ on i: .;::11 the H1g!rvay 9 property is resolved. c. ,- .Jackaon a.;rus with the parcels &lD~ lIigh"..)' 9 being f. . ... the r;~ pattem. Be UU. the concept of a bowling .'.", _ a.llillg R.o":. ¡¡" .uaaeaced the ordinances should state ~ . W· -.... aDO..:.: c: cOCIIHrc1a1 to support the bovling alley. Øe .... _ ~1a1on a :1<;';or store or a crocery store in that light.. .. ~.. re.ide:::~-re.::reat1oaa1. Kesidential vitI> related , - W activi:a$, :....t 18. 011 the area vest of Stelling he 'I" .. aJ.øaa "ith ::.. !'lannins (".-.....t.ons reco=enciation. Counciblan rw-w~ ·...ed if :ui:!ential a10asaUe a bowling alley makes . '" I. f" ~t: #î ~,.~.J1,.~ :,'~/f. t~.'< " -.... ". .. .", '$ ...: .~ ;__:.. ~:-r;, . . , IIUIIl~ or !II! ~tusDa 26. 1913 ADJOUllŒD IEGULAl cm COUlfCIL ItDTDIG CouIIcn-a JacboD ill ---s about the COrDer. The probl_ ill the City Coancn is UJiDI to look at the General Plan alo1ll with the ""e1opMDt plan. Be 1IIIU1II like to see tbat entire area with ODe ÜftlO¡JMDt plaD. ,';'. 1Ia,or Imn saU it hu Ilea brought outtbat the bovl1Dg alley aDI Satellite n8taunDt ~ be suitable use of tbia property, A aport1Da aooct8 .tore would be COIIIpatible. He th:tnks the liquor .core ia of DO ¡rut C01UIequeuce although he does not want to see _tbÙ ""ice stat:1øn at the cotner. Mr. Ric:k KcK1c:baels of Sutter-BUl Calpany, saU Gulf on owns tbe c:C?tner property and it ill up for sale. Councl1caD }I.e,..rs said he bad to look at both of these parc:ela together. He feels _ can prqvide a specific kind of zone to alIa" the bo",liDg alley. He thinks the developer can come up with something much core iJoaginative tban the proposal previously presented. Mayor Irwin c:alled a recess at 9:35 p.m. The meetirig reconvened at 9:55 p.... Mr. Levy, the c:onsultant, ~~Dted to respond to the City Council's request for information costa. !for. L"""Y ~"'nt over several broad points directly related to the Highway ~ 9 di~\:ssi.::-.. For the past several years, groups and jurisdictions have èee~ ¿£:acding this kind of impact information. Part of it is the enviror~e~talists concern and part is the co~unity learning the economic possiri:ities open to then. The financial health of a city like Cupertino is not ë4=~bcJ by expar.dir~ its residential and making the kind of abUts tho> City is tal",ing about. 'fbe "hole discussion about Senate Bill 90 ar~ the idea of revenue sharing of regional centers has come into play. ~ls is a ?art of an overwhelming national trend. The basic thought of the discussion that higher density uses along Highway 9 for the financial health ~f the city is wrong on the basis of the analyses done here. The traffic cousultant backed up by the traffic consultants from the two regional centers, statement ~~s that if the City is filled up with its present c:or.cerc:ial zoning, we would have 12 lanes of traffic along here. Mr. Levy said the Plannioa Coaamlssion has considered all the information before t3&k1..,~ these decisions. They looked at a full and a partial iDdustr1al aad c:ommercial residential mix. They looked at fiscal informatIon that told them that 1£ there vere parks along HighWay 9, there would he maintecance c:osts. If it were industrial, there would be a slight Japac:t but 110 public: aervic:e c:osts. If they strip out all the frontage 64 acres would be worth $350,000. Yhen they looked at the fiscal road coats they looked at tbe iðea tha~ ebe City would have tò pick up part of the c:osts of videning Highway 9. The Planning Commission would like to keep lit at 8 lanes. They..we their decision based on the character of the City, and what .1x of industrial, c:ommerc:ial and residential tbey would like to aee t1~outbout tbø City. Tne PlanninR Co~ission said they would like a .1"''''' ,.. ,... <u..~..,. n.". _ld ... M .... ,,,..fog o. "''''''' .. · KIIÐTES OF TIlE SEPT~II.26: 1973 ADJOURNED REGIJLAR Cl'&\rnCII. MEETING Tbe7 kaev some additional costs would be involved with an assessment cI1.strlct. When yo)u get to the mixes, Mr. Levy said one of the real prob~ is implementation, that is, there would have to be some ..lection of the properties. Hr. Le9)' .aid the City Council bas said the Planning Co=ússion did DOC CÏDas14er the total Lost of the buffer strip, and did not go into prec1ae plans. The staff had discussed with the traffic consultant the cost aDd impact of various treatments of that intersection of B1¡bw., 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd. He went through the charts that _n p..sed out, entitled "Traffic Impact from Highway 9 Land Uses". _II '"Iotal Capital Costs". Hr. Levy said a one way arrangement on Highway 9 would carry any g1weD level of traffic and would show some significant improvement at the three intersections along Highway 9 at Stevens CreeK Blvd., Hipay 280 and l1ùc....'stead Road. You ;;ould gel improve¡:¡ent at all tbree intersect iL'ns ...Hh the one-vay situ,~tien. There wIll probably be transit by 1995. ~n the other hand, it is som~Jhat questionable whether High1oo",';: 83 ',Ii 11 be e::tended southerly to lIir.hway 9 and P.AinbO'J Drive. CG'""dban Frù:":': ,;aid the projectioa5 for 198:> and 1995 shù'. that t:-.e peoi'ie .i:1 ~~~t C!\!y go b3Ck a:1¿ f",rth tfJ h·ork. bu~ t¡¡-..it they .11: go shVPtd;).~a ~\\~ have aC:dt"è our anti("ipa~\!d dc\·clcp::.cnt traffic to: :!¡e St.a:.c· ~ ~ i.,...ft'>S th:lt have alrcat.i:; cO:1.:;iJered ~I~l increase in traffic. ;1r. ~~\'Y s..dJ that the traffic consultnnt h.1J alrèady badc.e¿ ou: th.i: t:-a: fi...~ su it was not doubl~ counteJ. COUI1cil¡r.:w, frj'j.ich ~ald ta.J.. it i~ li~ely that the <"xtensicn of High\o.-<lY 85 to ;;tlh...,A;r 9 ...~ 11 ta:"t- so~e of the traffic off High....)" 9. the Dir~ctor of Public ~orks explained hew the conputer model worked. Tbe State coulJ not ~valuate the induced traffic. It vas not ao¡>hi5ticated en"u~h. Councilr:an ~Ieyers SJid the 1985 projection shows High.:ay 85 extended at least to HIga.....y 9. If the freeway is a different d"slgn, he could see where it wuuld d"crease the 1lighva:; 9 traffic. ~!r. Levy said it would require whatever lanes that wuuld have been required originally to i=prove the tr~ffic ~t thre~ intersections. The Football proposal was presented to t.ltigat" ..orne of the turning DOve::><>nts and i:oprove the level of service to the intcrsection of Hi~Alay 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd. A Grade Separation was also reviewed but found to be too expensive and unacceptable aesthetically. A f"rther extension of the football was a two-one way c<,uplet between Ho.estead and Stevens Creek Blvd. which ch.~nged the physical pattern of tbe Town Center severing a 9-"cre parcel in the Southeast quadrant of tbe intersection. This altern..tive v¡¡s a!$o found to go through tbe existing packing plant at Homestead I~oad and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. With the traffic proj"ctlons we have, it is hard to evaluate now hoot thi5 would hdp the west side of Highway 9. }Ir. Levy is not sure .. CC-181 Page 7 c . , , ,. ~ t. -.. ~ Hn"t'IES or 1iIE ~ 26, 1973 ADJOmu:m 1 em eOU:jCIL ~JUTINC vha~ it does to tile ..cce.. for the propcty on .the wellt sUe of IUgm.-ay 9. Hr. Frauk llulkont.::Z08OO Ø__tud Road, CupertiDo. ..id in true perspective Cor cœ:parat1veaøal7Sü with the configuration of the tw-way traific this ridaces the lalla requuacnt on Highway 9, U' that coDf1guration was IIOt w.ed. aDd if ., èoDt1nue with tho t,,_y traffic em 81gm."8Y 9, then \18 wald have to tab our level ~f present need. of two-Way traffic and chaøse our present lanes _eded to double that figure. Councikan Frol1ch believes the one way spproach ia tho best and most econo::ical. He said $425,000 \IOuld be put up by the 'State to provide on and off-raapa at ireeway 280. He said a lot of these costa will have to he paid ·even if there ia DO DOre develo~ent. Councib:lan ~!eyers said on!> of the costs of the one-way proposal ""uld be the relocation of the Mariani Packint; Plant. :·rr. Paul ~rö1riani asked how much ,,~ can improve cbp. service or r.~b~r of lanes before th3 traffic starts :0 back up1 At ~hat point èo ~e cease to improve the s1tuat10n1 Cc,,::.:il=n Frolich said at this pain: "e don't reall)' kno'..1' the ans..-.:r to this. 1';" 1-.1-:<: to find out ...-l-.õtt the traffic ¡'~mdlin¿; service is :!orth and South of C,;;errir,u. }!ayor Ir~n wuld like tho traffic consultant to report on t~is at the next ~e~ting, I~r. ~il~3\:"la asked if "nythin¡; h"" "'Hm done about a proposal for cl:"-_:'::c1:i:':~ the left. tU=:1S b)· ¿'è.prc~sir.,; the ro¡~:.! at the intersections. '!:~.:; :::':-::;:cor of Public \-:or1:s s..tid t::~y èid a t;ra::e scp'-ration fer a cost ~f ,,::=~: S:",OCO,ODO. To tl-.:!t, you ,:""ld h:we to au" the cost of the clo\-è:·':.;,;.--._. ~:ayor Ir-...·in said. th~ :'.::.1son ~~1is .::..1_tE.rn.1tive ",,"as not explored r.:.Jrp. :';~=-:';,~1.:ghlYt "ÖS that it \.~uld ;''';'\"C fanta5tic co::.o...s. ~·:"l:.":: ::.~:in rt~t(;d t~:.at e.¿ditio::31 stedy is a(~f;üf::d 0:1 both sides of Ei£h.~~:,· 9· ~(,':.l__~e they are 1:::er-related. t.:::less there \:c:rc :::o:'e people 5.n the lit.:~':'t:.:-..:e ...,ho ",,"ishc:i to ~ycal~ he i~lt this ~isht be a good titJ.e to ..ljjourn to n~¡:~ the staff a~ consult~::.ts to pre?arc ~orc study. Co,,=:i:::an Jackson ,,-c.uld like SOl:>" ,,,~ditio"al ti!!!e to digest so!!!e of this ir~c~~:::'cn tr~t bas been p~cscnted. ..\DJC!.~~~'tT ~~yor lr><in adjourned the noc:ir.g "t 11:25 p.M. .\:'PROV'ED: /s/20th ,.. rndn ~t-lyor, Cit:: oi Cupt!rtjf\u Ar¡z.:.-:: /~! ~u_ E. Ryder City ';lërk