CC 09-25-73
10300 T~rre A~nue, Cupertiøø. California 95014
Teleph:>ne: 252-4505
Hqor Irvin called this adjor.rued meeting to order at 7:10 P.M.
Council~¿~ ?resent:
Council::e:o absent:
FroUcb. Jackson, ~eyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin
Staff r71?':;'èr:::
City Manager Quinlan
City Attorney Aùa~~
Direct:>r of Admini~tr.Hi·:e S.'nrices Ryd<:r
Director of Plannir.g ,1:1d lJ.>vdop",ent Sisk
Director of Public \,or:,s Viskcv1ch
ConsiJl~.~:::~ ;:-r~sent:
Econonic Consultants Arnold and Levy
Court ~~~'? :::~r:
Mart 1)·:1 ~!anno
FL'BLlC c,:_:.3..:;.:: To consider the 1973 (.):::~r.'h,'nsiv" General P;cn.
Mayor ,:-":~ ~.1id this meeti,,!: would start with t:'o ju.;tif1ca!i(::1 of I
the 50~::-ç':; of cOlIØ!!ercial (;.ecision made by lh~ Planning CO:->::lis<.;h...'1"\. i
}~r. Ar~::": ;:,r~::)cnted a set of tables of c~r:;"aris·I.Jn~ of total 3:".-',] I
in co::-."'_<:\' ,,:\O?ping centers by kinds ci !>"~l!W<S ...;,.:\1n a 3 r~'"
rang£' ~.:":. :~1':: City of COJperti:1o and the Fru!1..?Y.1rd C..·nter. 11t!' s:lici
the "h'c::O-,> of this feasibility analy~i$ is to dptenoine the I
aoount :: :::'::\.! footage anc acreage for c~'o:::r"íl'rcLl1 activity autsiùt.:"
the rC':"'~3~ a:ld neighbomocd center tl..1t c,mJ'¡ h'.-ate in th,- Cit)'
of CU?(~,,~~ in the Cflre area. ~Ir. Arnol.! ~..i'¡ the Plannir.¡: {;<,.·ois-
sian el..::..¿ :0 stay with ago;1omerate t3t:,,,r them strip co"",,,·rd31.
He sai¿ " ¡.rranged to have .3 detailed 3:13lysis of the del'artr,cnt
stores. ,; \'~ri strict fe......i;,ility analpls did S:1OIo1 the soo,ooa
square :ut nt:ler high. The origin31 b3Sis of th... 500,OVO ¡;quar...
feet "'.1$ 3 gr('ss cOllparisOQ b<:tlh en the P.'wh'ya,d and Cupertino
core ar~a ~x~luùing Sunnyvale Plaza.
Mr. Am....:.: :".~xt dis:ussed ~·....e Tzblcs Proj...~c!:1cn. 3 department store
type C).~r~ :--,¡::J:st! sale. vlth~n .:;. 3 Ql1f- ra:1b~ of the ('~r.tpr of Cup,,-r-
Uno. !;.. "3~ t.l1king cOßSta:n dollars (ath"r t:'ãn c..-rrent dollars.
Page 1
Poage 2
.. said the projection of the real income is verY optimistic. Real income
Ja the 19S>'s 1s not gOiDg to grow as fast. By 1980 the regional shopping
....t"r will saturate this area. By 1980 the area Cl\:l probably accOIIIOdate
%'iO,OOO square feet more of agglomerated co_rcial, but no 110ft than that,
as c:oncluøiOl1S are that there is room fa!:" one 250,000 square foot shopping
~er by 1985 over and above the regional shopping center,
Jlqor ItwtD called a recess at 8:22 p.lI. The meeting reconvened at 8:48 p.lI.
111'. Arnold resuœd his aaalysis on the projections of total depart~t store
C)'p8 merchaadisa sales in a three mile range of the center of the city of
Cupertino. His cajor conclusion is that he cannot see where the Planning
~sion was '.orking with a very pessimistic estimate in terms of retail
sales. He an:N¿red Councilman Frolich that when areas are over-zoned com-
_rcial the ¿.x'r opens for strip commercial.
~r. Levy sai¿ :~~ Planning Comnús~ion tried very hard to rut together t~ese
:>t!ter uses i:::: .111 agg10r.erated center. These are uses that would:l't: ordi-
"'-ar1ly fit i:::: .1 regional center. :Iayor Iruin said a bmJling alley, for
~::stance, 15 " "~.,, anù diff"rent use for the city of Cupertino. lie asked
if this wot::~ ':~ classified as strip com.."ercial. :'r. Arnold said it would
t ::.~t De stri.~ .: :'t ";J'~rt! a<4~lomcrateù -.-lith other S?0rt shops, and li~e uses.
I =:7..ever, a L:;: f\lrnitur~ store on sevcral acres \;ould be classified strip
· :£ located j~, _::;~lf. Hr. '\r101d said .:1 sinf;ll~ furni lure store or a :mtcl
t ::> not con5t:'.:'_:¿ an a¡;gl"".ora:ed "enter.
~:".. Levy S.l:'': .'-,.; you go Jv..;n Hl)~':-StC~1.:.1 Road h~ t~,i:lk:i \-:~ ::IrQ goi:1g ::.) get
::"'Jr 3ep.2T..1:i- _'_~:':'_:'ercial ';;; YO\l ~o sc~uth on Hb;;,·..:aï 9 th(~re are
:::..'C~ pror\,."s-:._:. Thi.s ·.~·oljld a!IlOU":1t to a giant qtr{? co:r:!1':,~rc~:1.t -;;ir:.: Idr to
::.aven:; L.ri'';;'·< "~~':~e':ard.
::>cnci~Ii1an ::~~:''':~1 :5aid '''¡C arc going, to have t~"' dist!n~;llish l;.,t.·.·t!ea t;tt'!:
~::ff~rcnt t::7'~-: ...,f strip c0m::1ercial.. :·tayor Lr:;i~ sa~d \,'l.~ nc ~'i cric¡? d~fi-
:::1i..tions of '::. ::.:rt'nt types cf sàoppin~ ccntt..-rs. \..\' <1rL f<1c~~-': ·....itÌ1 j, ·:0::'-
t ::rC" ,)f ._:--.:.: :./ç ;·¡Quld like- kI1d \rlÍl:lt t.¡~ can alfl.rd. ::"::ì~ ;'5?.~d
· ~'~at part 1.:::-, Sr:ith played in thi5 :::nalY$is. ~!r. An~JJd :..;L1tf!¿ "-:'C :':1re~
"'.Jt :Ir. S::"::":~·.·: '-igures ar:è did his o'::.{o analY5is.
P..o~~rt \\hi~:t:.: ~ f ~~,,"'um.In Properti¿.:¡¡. 10050;':. ~·lo1 tC' R03d. \' .111co P.lrk. w..l.nt~1
to di.:;ccss :--.:. Anlo1d's tahle, too. :lr. Arnold ;')'Üd thi1t lr:l.:lud.~d Inrge
drugstorc.;. 1.-.';' ::~ll as d<'-:?3.rttnt!nt stores. :1!'. t-.·hittl~d s~1it.l :lC has bi-C-ll in
:.his busir.í's:=: :":'r 500.- 17 years, snd they ;'1h,lays uSè ;¡ five :::.i.le radi.u5 and
ten mile $i'':::-:' :.ìr)· radius ;,onerc3s !-!r. Arnold h..J3 lh'cn usi_n~: t:ìC th!'ë~ mile..
~r. Whltte¿ :~,~ ~~ves that Cupertino p~r capiLl in."l'ITIC is '!f11. !.i::-Jlcr than th~
~OtD,ty aver;.,;"~ inst~ad 01 5%. He ans·.,"~n.'d COH! Spark~ that h~ hoped
t....'1ose outd.s.:;.:..: 5:\ùpping Cènlers would upgr.1dc, but t:lèY P ~ob~t ly \Jon' t.
t, '
Page 3
Mr. 1Ih1tte¡dsa1c1 Oakrf.clge Shopping Center has 6 theat~rs, a super-
..D8t, . bavl1.1 alh-y, Craata. Montgomery Wards, a bank, a s.vings
ancII0111, two østa1aanta, . c:.-ra shop, a card shop, a men's sbop,
. _'s shop. It h_ an air conditioned ull md was built to
cater to the cust_r.
l '(~
Hr. Le"fJ said the eoIDd.l II1IÞt want to consider: I) Take pœl:ic
test1~es 011 blocks of properties that are related to each other.
2) Discuss these aft_ in blocks rather than individual properties,
'!be cI1scussion be... witb the group of properties along Homestead Rd.
Hr. Le"fJ eaid a nlØber of issues came up at tbe Planning Commission
level. In-filling Is ..-here they are willing to sccept new uses that
are compatible with existing uses. Another point he wanted to bring
up vas the Idea of getting acti·,lties everybody wanted such as the
bowling alley. but hCTJ do you write an ordinance restricting the use
to the booding alley only. The big commercial block ,.ext to rayless
and P W ~rket was dealt wi th as committed. The Forg property is
pres"ntly in t:,e WUlia:!1Son Act and is classified as open s;>ac€'.
The decision on the ;>acking plant was that if the ;>roperty changed
hands it ,;ould be cc:::;>atible to the property 0:1 the east. There
was some discussion of qUölsi-public Jse, such as a hospital on a por-
tion of the :iariani pro?erty.
"'unci 1man Jackson asf.ed if there ",ere any oth<,r proêcrtles in ,that
area ~til1 in the COU:1ty other ~tIan :'!ariani. The a:'ls,;er WaS no.
~est of $tell1ng, South of lion>stead
Councilaan Jackson ,;ould li~e to hear froD the property ~ners befoc
be makes a decision an this.
Hr. Jasen Chartier, 1627 Hol1en¡'".-x !<Dad, said he is involved in a
property 200 fe"t ¿"ep with 3 20 foot driv.,.Jay to the rear. They
are proposin;; t!' bui ld an oifice building. They have the plans at
this point and lhey are ready to go. Thi s property backs up to the
PG6.E trahsmls¡.ian lines in the rear. There are two commercial
businesses in the front. He does not disagree with the commercial
zoning do:signated here.
Hr. Richard Grey, 25044 La Lana Drive, owner of the scuba diving
proposal,said at the time he purchased the property the city had to
annex the property. During a discussion at the time of annexation,
they negotiated on the type of building and the landscaping. lIe doc.
not disagree with the commercial designation.
. rqe 4
East of StelUna. South of Homestead llDael
Hr. Jack Taylor, 3000 El Callino Real, Palo Alto, of Sauer-l1ill CorporatiOll'
asked Hr. ArnoW U it is correct that the statistical øa1yds does DOt
take into consicleiation neigbbomood COIIIIÎÎrcial. Hr. Arnold said that Þ
a separate~. Hr. T.,lor theø nvieved the action CD the su1ljeet
property fro. í968 on. Twenty of the tveDty-fhe acres are zoneel lIUlt1pIe
and tbe ".....niDI five acres are zoned co.-rcial. The re..oa for the -
mercial at that u.e vas a service to the 1:6 _i tJ, at this heavily tra_
dled intersectioa vb1cb faces c_rcial OQ all three other comers. lie
said the superaartet did not wish to proc:eed and this stopped the total
development. He CQlcurred with the Staff and the City Council that it is
not justified at that comer for a superaarltet and a druptore. lie voulel
like to continue the original plan of aalt1ples and the 4Ii acres could be
planned as they were originally. 'l11ey are in a position to develop .
Bruns...ick bowling alley and a liquor store and other compatible shops.
Even when they knew they could not proceed with the comœercial, they VeDt
ahead with the off-sigbt improv"Q8IIts. They are asking permission now to
proceed. lie said ...e are talking about one 30,000 square foot building plus
several scalI shops. Gulf Oil purchased the corner property-the corner
h3lf acre, and they were not allowed to proceed until a major portion of the
shopping center was developed. lie said Hr. Cavalero owns a portion of the
property "nd would like to construct a 6,000 square foot liquor and shops.
~Ir. Taylor said t~ere is a problem trying to get the four property owners
toget¡\¿r here.
~t. Jo¡,n Rintala, Scenic Drive, ~!.:nte \'ista, represented the bo...lin~
center. He suò::dtted pictures ot the ne" concept oi this business. They
ar.> g"tting au.:lY frem the nig.ltt club it'.age. :Ir. Rintala read into the
reccr¿ the letter :re= the ilruns'óick peo?le who ..."re unable to at tene! t:~is
I "",clio!;. They cater to the school grou?s, and park iU\d recreati-.':\
They like to oe ;nay from ....jor streets.
'Mayor Irwin as~ed if commercial recreational type zoning would prevent any
otilcr tYpE: cor.uœrd.:1l frolD going on that property. The Planning Di rector
s3id t:li~ type of ordinance will have to be vritten. Counciltl3n :'!eyers saId
theN is a reco:cœndation of commercial acrcss the street from this. Mr.
Rintala s3id it is too small for a bawling center.
Mayor Irvin called a recess at 10:25 pm. The n:eeting reconvened at 10:35 p...
Mr. Bob Cavalero said about five ye3ts 3go he purchased a portion of this
property at commercial rates. He put in the Improvements. He said he has
tried to sell thIs property but Herfy's, who were interested droppë:d it
because there were too many obstacles. He said this is a hardship case.
He is ready to proceed as soon as the city says he can.
CoaIIc11llAlD Sparb aaked if pact1ll& 1D . bovlins alle1 -U .........
tile _ pu.1t. !be City Attonç .aid :it 'is bis U1Iderat'---f.
tJd.a coner piece. aclucliDa tha 8ØY1ce atation pl'Opany. 1a part
of 10,000 aquare feat -.... for c -dal d8Vel~t b«e. Tba
~.....f"l Director ..U 1IbeD the øri.&~...1 a_ral c~c1al zODiJlC
_ aranted there w. a c:oø!iC:løa tbat . cut.,in ,arc_usa of
tJd.a property had to be ba11t Wore other por.t101U1 of the pl'OPUt1
coa1d be developed. Hr. T67lor ..u tbe7 would be agreeable to
.., coutrols to .aka this .., - .. ODe center archiuctural17·
Jronh of Hocutead. West of B1lthlray 9.
Hr. lfoor Billavalla. 20252 Bill Avenue, Saratoga, saId he _s DOt
lookina fcr s~",?athy, but rather f&Pathy. He apologized to the
Planning C,,_,.issiODers because a long tù:e ago be vas very upset
about a matter. He did IICt knovat that time that the
Planning C,,__ission ~~s asked to plan vithout rezard to fiscal
1:¡IUcations. He said his suað.stiona made to the Planning Co=1a-
sian vere DO: even ackno...,ledged. ¡¡" has since learned that it "'aa
not neeesaar)" at that t1:"-e, az:d hia i,deas are being cOOl>idered ~O\'".
Be does not think the P!ar~ C~ission recommendations are =ean-
Ingful because they do n~: take fisc_l responsibilities into con-
sideration. Fe ielt that reports and statisticg should ~e ~e
available Fr:~r to, or at l.ast during, the Mr. Rilla~alla
acknowledged that ~:e8&rs. Arnold snd Levy are very knovledgable
people, but he feels they should have come up vith s=e vritten
I!Iaterial. He said Senate 3111 90 Vas given too I::uch importance.
There have been many amer.èents to it. Øe ans,,-ero.d Counci1;!;an
Frolich that ~-e should plan for the Senate Bill 90 for a fev years,
but not up until 1995.
Hr. Billawlla said there bave been long meetings about pollution,
8101, noise, etc. It appears þ) bi:I that the location of the
regional center vaa chosen on the baa is that Sears is there. On that
baaia he does not believe it vaa necessary to hire the consultants.
Øe said you cannot completely neglect the 8111811 property owners or
the big property cnmers. Mayor Irvin said these decisions aTe made
011 the basis of the infor=ation available, and the input fro. the
consultants and the Plann1n¡ Coaad8sion.
Hr. Billavalla said there are group a of users that generally don't
go into regional or cOlDUDit7 &bopping centers. He said there ia
DOthing wrong with comp..t1t1on. Because of competition _e buai-
_aaes w11l go out of \Y..s1Daaa or improve their products and aerv1cea.
Ee reviewed his solution to _e of the traffic problEms. He vaa
..ked to suœ.it his proposal for solving the traffic problea in
vriting .
Pase 5
. .
. '" .~,
ed by Councilman !'19u~. secoøded by CoUnCUID3I1 Heyen to
a.ljoum this meeting.} Jí.:30 P.H. to 7:00 P.M. on Septeaber 26, 1973.
~ -.
, -.csøo carried, 5-0
/.PI"W\'F.I) :
/ ~,I_.X:..f':.:S.~ E.__~r·..i:'"
:" -·..·Ct. ~l.~;¡ a: ..:U? :-~ i...-.c
IS! ..... ,.
, Y'...;... _.
City Clç~;c