CC 10-01-73 - -- CII'I . CIlrr.s.DIO, STATE . c.u.JJlØlllIA .-rr Torn A_., CupertiDo, c.1UOrD1a .... ~. De: Z5Z-4505 _1110) 01' 'rill --- - -'UtG OJ' 'rill cm COUIICD. .... . UI.I__ I, 1m. .... œalCn. CRNIBD, cm II&L ,,-.-I*Þ. CALUOIIIA -..n !O m lUG - ___ II'Ida call_ tbe _tal co orier at 7:35 P.M. w:ILL CALL Coun;ll_ pre_t: c-acil_ &!!sct: !'rol1c1i, J....~.oa. Meyers, Sparlta, Mayor Irv1 !lone S~aff prese::: Cit)' "....er QuInlan City Attoraey Ad... Director of Adaini.trative Service. Ryder Director of 'lanDlnl and Development 51sk Direc:cor of Public Vorb Vukovich !UJlUuS OJ' PIlEVlœS MEEtDllõS :.. AppnIYal;)f !Uaute. of ~r MHtirl¡ s.ptalber 17, 1973. '''' 17, itee 36. ead of t~ l1De: Cbaa¡e "60" to "16". '''' 14, It." 24. 4th 11De frøa bott_ of para&upn, add to the ... of tile Hntence: "is _ ,ropoa&l of the ~C." a.._ ~ c:o..:Ü1aaD Jscu-. _oaded by CouncU_. Sparb to ..,rwe tile ~iDUt.. of Sept~ 17. 1973, as corrected. JløUoo carried. 5-0 2. Approval of Minute. of .wjounLed Regular Meetinl Septaber 13 1973. ,,,. 7, third paragraph, 4th l1øe: delete the word "legal". I.st·11ne, !<_ paragraph, delete the word "should" and replace 1Ii1h "could". SallIe pace. f1.fth paragraph, fo>urrh line, delete -.Is "City Councll" and replace with the word "Counsel". CC-182 Pea. I r -181 2 r . ¡ , ¡ , \ . - , IIDIJ'rES or m OCTOBR 1. 1913 aEGULAa em COOlICIL !ŒE'fIII: 1;.:. 3. AppEOVal of Hinut.. of _joumeð Þplar ....tina of s.pu.IIK U. '"13. . - .C. 1, last parqraph, thizd liDe. delete "2500" an4 np~. w1.tIa ·250,000". :rc. 6, first parqraph, oat to the la.t ..lICence abaald DIIII: "'Councilun Frolich aiel the City Coanc:il he. clearly .aieI they _14 '0 alolll with approsilllate1y 250,000 .q. ft. retail .al...· Third paraaraph of ... page, nøt to the last line, cIelete "bat· eDII replace with "put". :rqe 10, last paragraph, third liDe, IICIteace lhou14 read: Frolich read a phrase frea the Gppol18l1ts1ara-enu that he 18 not true. II "Councilaan said simply Moved by Councilman Jacksœ, secouded by Councilman Meyers to approve the Minutes of September 11, 1973, as corrected. MotIon carried, 5-0 COMHUNlCATIONS 4. Written A. Information from Hr. Edward J. Hah_ian relatIve to a clat.ed dangerous traffic sItuation in the vicInIty ~f Wolfe load and Miller Avenue. B. Request of the City to reconsider a decision to perait the continuance of the vegetable stand on Stevens Creek II.d., owned by Hr. L1zardo, so he may continue operatiOD in the sallie maDDer as it has been. C. Request from Santa Clara Valley CODlllittee for UIIICU thet October 31, 1973 be proclaimed as National UNICEf Day. D. ll.equest froa Navy Recruiting Station that the week of October 7th be proclaimed as Navy Week. The City Clerk stated the following cOIIIIIUnications were" also receIved but they pertain to agenda it...: A. Request from City of Petaluaa outlining the litigation Involv- ing their Resldent1.al Development Control Policy and re~uesting financial assistance because of the potential iJIIpact of the outcome on other cit1.es. .. -. ~p or t1Œ ocroIEll 1, 1973 natI a. em COOKCD. !lZIIBG .. ,';' "'j> c. D. ..... f~ Cupenf.Dø T- ~~ of Iad8 for a penit to .. s.a.a for tha sale of ~ the .-It pnce<ftl'lS the ftirj _.1 T01II"" ' -~ of .-.... 00 Ie)" . u 17. 1973. SoU('h_t. pera1t r.., .... f~ ..Uoaal FoaDdat1oo IIarð of DfMa. SoUc1tatiaD pera1t _.. . Tt " f~ Cba1_ of tbe _81 CI&r1ataaa BoU, CIapafp 1ft 10)' Scout Tzooll '488. Ia eM1tion, dIa'e ..r. other Cc ,...~~øaj...ce received relatina to ,..tcloo stat_u on vadoua upecu of the public hearinas on die '"-eral PIa. DIa Ka,or referred the letter f~ Hr. llahaaian to the staff for iJlftat1¡ation and correl:t1ve act1oD. . M to the vegetable stand, the PlaimiDs Director said there is . ce.porary pem1t UDtil the en.s of October. The owner has agreed to elia1nate the ankeapt coadit1œa aød the City Meager was ~sted to so adYise those Vbo had written an objection to this 1IuaiDeas. !Iøftd by Counc1lun Jackson, secoacled by Counc1lman Frolich to ~oc:1&1a Oct~!ler 31, 1973 .. UNICEF DAY. Motion carrilld, s-o Jløwlld by Counc1ban Meyers, sec:onded by Councilman Jackson to prodafa the _ir. of October 7, 1973 as NAVY WEEK. Motion card.lId. 5-4 5. Oral c.. "'1c:&t1on. A. 110M requested. a. "quest by Councilmen for r_al of items frOlll Consent Calendar. - No request.. CC-l82 'ea. 3 Oct. 31st will t UNICEF DAY Week of Oct. 7tt vill be 'IlAVY WEE lO-Z-73 -.proved ILUIUU;S 0' tIE ocroB!I. 1. 1913 aroLØ CITY QJÐJCIL HEEtIIG IIIIILIC ......- ,. Appl1C1tiOD lO-Z~ 0(:(- . G. 1)e--- fOT PrUOlliDl .43,acn , fna Sata Clara Q ,tJ',11-10 (J"'''entlal. IiDala-f..ut. 10,000... n. pee" ~~'H j"aDb:) SOl18 to City of ~C1Do"U-9 (7 .".....b1, s.""~ ~,' "r. t._ sq. ft. per ctn11i11a aDiC) sODa. Said pro....ï:.7 iatøî'--'" CID the _ar1y .ide of Sata P&'IIla ~... at dIIt bItMJ n ( r - of SaD 1.t....4Yo AwDaa. lee:. ..... for ~ "';'.4. - ~ P1-... Director rdeøa4 to ..tail. of tM Sept.-ber 27 1973 .taff report aDd the Pl........ C .-.... "solut!øD 10. 1200 ia ;.c1da &hay ftC._ -~ approval wi~ aay c:oad1tioD. or further f1Ddilla.. TIa1a property is 10,000 S41. ft. _. bIIt with decll.cationa it will be 9.000. ~ appUcøt's request _ fl1_ ia response to the City'. --.- úon policy with respect to die prGYi.ion of _ter service.. ..... 610 fint· ·...a Counclll1aD J.I!~hOD ~.11ed atteDtioD to a discrepancy on the !Up. The Plannin¡ Director said be vœ1d c:hedt this. Mayor Irvin asked for" -..ts froa the awli_ce. There vera _. Moved by Ccun.:ilJUD Ja~, .ecoaded by C-UcilllUlD I'roUch to dosa the Public Bearings. Mot ion carried, 5-0 Moved by Ccunclllllan Ja~, secoaded by Counc:l1l1U1D Sparks to approve applicati~n 10-t-73. Motion carrieÁ, 5-0 A. First leading of Ord."-c:~ 110. 610: "AD Ordinance of the City of Cupeninö: A:oendiD& Section 1 of OrdInance ~. 2 by Prezonlna Approxiol&tely .23 Acre froa Santa Clara County 1.1-10 (ResIdentIal. Sinlle-Fa:ily, 10.000 Sq. Ft. Per DvelliDg Unit) Zone to CIty of CupertiDD &1-9 (J...U_tial, Single-F.Uy. 9,000 Sq. 'to Per Dvelling ¡¡nIt) Zone; Located on the Westedy Side of Santa Paula Av_ at the Intarsection of San Leandro Avenue." - read by Mayor Irv1a. !loved by Councilman Heyars, _coaded by Councilman Sparks to have Ordlaanc 110. 610 by title only aDd the llayor's readi.. shall constitute tha First bading. Mot1øD carried. 5-0 -- ta __IA DE 'IE OCtOJIlt 1, 1m --... em wu..lL MEETING CC-182 Pce 5 , .JIfLICATICDS 7. 'l_t.. c t-don A. AppU....riOQ 9-U-7:J of &IÞn11, Inc. - Ua.1on Carbide Corp. u.e lem1t to aU_ &:be __uuctiOQ aDd operation of a niu~ sas S--- p1.aDt on a plauDed aanufactudllS plat site. Said 1'"'" L,7 is ill a P (planned Develop.ent with Lisht Incluscri.81 T__t) zone and is located at IQ9í)j'Iantau Avenae. &H -ded for çproval. ' The Plannh¡ :»irector referre4 eo the Septesober 21, 1973, staff _ on t1>is _tter. as vel1 .. the Planning Cœa1ssion's recoa- _clatiou c: ~portills due.--......tion. The basic concerns at the tt.e this "-u rò!Viewed for envi~tal assesment were related to noIse as ~: affected the nearby residential neighborhoods. Aabient =:.u :eve1s were .ani~red at the pr,,?erty line and ~diate:y :'.;:side the buildin&. Planning C<-=ission Resolution So. 120~ S:'~"$ :he decibel ratiDS· !fr. Roy Stc'. :nion Carbide Architect, with c::~ces in Palo Alto, said the t~ is exactly 7' taller than sho""" cn the plans. It Is de?res5~= 7'. Councils,,: v~;ers asked if there are trees an.:. shrubbery on the DOrth st¿< :: ::'e parking lot as veIl as the ex~sting parking lot. !fr. Stark ~.e:ed that the present parking 10: is landscaped and the new ~r::o= .ill follov through on this. CClunclllU:. :1:Oon was coa.c:erDe4 about Conditicn 19 regarding decibel :~t~s 1:1 the future. Ris concern was ~:\ regard to im- pl_tat::=, ::to! PlannillS Director said this candition C8e fr_ a le::c ::ca VaUco Puk to the applica:::. !Ir. Valter är:. Vallco Park Ceueral Manager, said the intent in the letter .~ that they vant the noise to :e as low as possible. It was ne: :;:.~: intent to pt it below the œient level. IlaJOr I..,.~~ :e!erred to Coa4itioD 18. He said cne reason this ... perai: ',¡as ~sirable ¥as thac it would cut ¿own the nomber of ðeUvc:u. !Ir. Mike ~~, Industrial .~t--'r for Intersi:, said that at the present t::.t ::ey run about 67 trucks per ,""n:h. this will be reduced to ~..c 5 trucks per _h with the nev generating pl.nt. !Ir. rat s:c::.::s, of UniDG Carbide. said the~· ..ill oIeliveries ::.erwen the IMRars of . A.M. to 5 P.!!. _y have ~ situ&tion where that restrIction "i&!l~ try to kef'p However, they shut down the lS-U-73 approved , p . 4f''': -'" ;', . _~ at t!IE ua--. 1, 1973 U'GIJLØ CITY COUIICIL !llŒfDG . IabnU "s ftCiUk -. loT tile nut feU v1l1 lie dMle that pn I .' 01. 80, tM)o ..u ... tat1rtQI about 125 ft .80 tncka of fi1 IU' .oath if tt.r 40 DOt pt the leneratUl plat. , , . by 0 n__ lrolich,,- aeêOlMlllllby CouDcn- sparta to _""07. ;~. H~.tiÆa M-13. HøC1_ anied. 5-0 B. Appl1caion 15-0-13 of Vallco larlt., Ltd.: U.e lenit to allow the up_ion of the off-street parUng lot for Inters1l, Inc. Said property is in a P (PllIIUI..t nevelopunt wiù U&bt Induacrial Intent) zone and IS located at 109\."0 Tctau Av_. Itec.,...œed for approval. The Planni:!¡ Ðirector said this is a companion application to the prevIous e<:e. It finishes out the existing parking lot. JlDved by W;:1cil:un .Jackson, seconded by Councilman Heyers to approve applicati~ IS-Ç-73. Motion carried, 5-0 C. A,?:i.:ation 7-V-73 of Stuart Kadas: Variance to increase the n~ of perattted stories for a single-family residential s::~:ure froa two (2) ,stories to three (3) stories. Said ~::~ty is In a Rl-I0 (Residential, single-family, 10,000 ~. ft. per dweUinS unit) zone and the address is 11476 L~T Place. Recoo--nded for denial. (Continued frOlll ...e:in¡ of séptember 4, 1973.) '1'be llan:::¡ ~irector said this application was referred baclt to the PlaDning ,-~fcsion by the Council when new evidence was p.esented by the ap?:i~t with resard to the inter-relationship of the subject property t;) :I4i&hborins propereÿ owners. The Planning CoaDission received tut1»oay from re.idents in favor of the proposed structure aIIII frOll t!>cM opposed to it. The Planning Co...ission felt that the prDary ~ evolved around the question of "úether or not the appli- ~lon justified a variance via a unique hardo;hip that applied to ODly tb&t ?~ty In that area. The Commission felt th&t no such .....blp enned and rec_....ted denial of the "pplication. JIaJor Irvùa vas not sure that the .pirit of the law was being vIolated J.re, eve:: t!:onlch it was accord1n& to the letter of the law. M to "'üh1p, it is a ..tter of dear", The plans were drawn and paid for. . Ii, "- IIUUI~ at tBI 0CftIID 1. 1913 1JP1'.... em COUICIL _IIIG ". Q1 1'.~' JroUcI& ..w IIødå1t baa DOt 1ft the p8 .... to 110 wit , , .... apfl4 . ". f4_~r--. .. 11M 1IOt at tbie po1Dt:fi1llJ ther. ... ~ Iliff.. ..C dda p¡t...-Lr fra othe~ sa 'u. area, m. C1CJ Mt......, ..,... Ge criteria for the InDtIDa of . var- IDea, lùCe11 Ia l.cc4- 4.2 of 0ri1DaDc. oo2(a). Wk. Stun II. Was, 1655 !oath Saratoaa-5u11D",al. løacl. 14, SaD JoN. CalUonia '512', aaU he is the applicantla this c.... .. ,r...t_ col0n4 .U." of the property 1ft qu..t1oD and of the other properti.. 1ft the area. Be is builllin& six boIIes in CaDdy løck. this lot is UDique 1ft that It Is situated 1ft a gulley .. ..I' they pat .. _ch work 1ftto this .. in a c_rc1al buildin Coœc1t.a rrolich actDovledled that the slides show there is a IØÛque ait1lAt1na bar.. Ifr. Kadaa ..u the Ordiownce is witten for the flat lands and tlab is 111 the billa. Be d_trated how this proposal does not int.rfer. v1th the _iIhbors' privacy. The slides showed the sewer. drop 111 the lfot frœ the road. Hr. lCadas said he builds OGly OD 41fUcult lot.. Be..u this lot has 2 pads that were put 111 tllere 7 or . ~. "0. It is his contention that a fairly lara. bo.e .uet be lIul1 t on thb lot due to the expensea involved. Be ..14 the people 1Ibo object_ to this proposal on the basis that when they kilt tIaat they vere DOt allowed to do thIs do not ha". . 41fficult lot; they ha". a typIcal subdivision lot. 1Ir. Iadas aplaiDe4 the 4.sip of the h__. It does DOt exceed tile ..1&tat Or4~.. The object of conc.rn is the bedroom at the top of tile bouM. wblcb r....._U 10% of tile hou... . CouDCU- Jacu_ DOt_ the 'l_iDa c-isslon referred to "practical .1ff1c1alti..... We are 101111 to have to _01 our or41nance to prøri.. for d..,.loJI-Dt in the hllh14.s. He said he could He where a lit.ral eaforc_t of the ordinaøce would re8Ult 1n practical dIfficulties. Be could .ee .oae ba.i. for "ar~e. Coundw.n ,..,.s ..id tllet ainc. this lot is already cut and ready to be d..,eloped _ witbout further cut, he _14 be in f..,or of tile "..iaace. lføved by CouIlCU- J......-.,... aecond.ed hy Councllaan Ksyers to approve .ppl1cat1øo 7-11-'13. IIotion carried, ~-o CC-182 'a.. 7 7-V-73 approved . .. . . 1WIUt&~ at DE ~ 1.1973 UGUU1 em COU-=IL MEErIlC Iløtt.oD c:arrled. s-O D. Appl1c&t1oD 14~-13 of T&Jlor Wheeler Planning Corporat1oD: U.. Perait to a11_ COG8U1ICt1øn of 82,812 sq. ft. of ...sical offic. space. Sau pro~ is in a P (Planned Development) acme aød b lOCAted at the DOrt~.t comer of the intersection of Torre Av_ and Pacifica Drive. ReCOIP"-f\(\ed for approval. The Planning Director referred to the September 27, 1973 staff 1IIemo on this matter, A site plmt vas approved for these six lots with the stipulation that each lot development was to be reviewed iDdividually. There are joint eas_t. throughout the parking lots bere. The undeveloped prope~ty to the west will do the same. 10 x 20 parking Moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Sparks too have the space. staff prepare an amendaeDt to bring the parking spaces back up to 10 x 20. 14~-73 .,,109_ Motion ca!r1ed, 5-0 Høved by Councilman Heyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve application 14-U-73. Motion carried, 5-0 Mayor Irwin called a rece.s at 8-:45 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 P.M. 8. Architectural aDd SUe Approval ec-1ttee ..Ione '9 . _ad at till ~--"1. ur, ux:uua cm wcbICD. ..døc CC-182 .... 9 IIrD1SIID IIISDIIIS t. SUff ..,at" -.1"" of.._ -u for ... ..,.f.._ "0111'11_ 110. 1. ~ s.,c...... Z7. IU' _ '- clle Dtrec:CD1' of ., .ef-T8&t". SaYS-. "'Jec:u ~7IIIa of A&_ta fD1' ad .fag fro- ,..st- I... IIItnIH". 1Ir. lerait I.. s.icb '" ~ _ __a Sb.-tw.. u,n. "1ItI die Si~. CIa', -.4 eM CU7 CoaDcl1 to pabUc11 "1"10" .....iUon So. 1. ... Kane V1DIIel1. I_~ of Vœen Voten, spoke 111 opposft1oD of h'opos:.t1oa 110. 1. Hr. BDlae. Croach, D1~ _ Lara., Uulted T..,ayers, read s1x '.ic pc1r.u OD ..., ve ~. "ot. yes OD Propos1tiOD 50. I. .. ..14 t!>e CIty eou.cl1 -.Id refraIn f..- "oUaa for or ..-inet tbi. pr~1~s1tIOD. Hr. I. C. ChrbU..OG. r~_tina Tr1-<ouDt)' Apart.ent Rou.e Aa8OCtat1:t1. .... the Cit)' Couacil to take an afUr.uU.,e pos1tio oa Prop.:s1tion 110. 1. Hr. Joe l'oa.ab&ae. 4712 !lacball. of lhûted Taxpayer., presented a copy of a ~~t by tile Vtc. Pre.1dmt of the lank of Bavai1 on tbis SW~Kt. Be uk... tile CIty Council DOt to take. stand aD Propo.t:1=~ So. 1. 1Ia. AmI An¡cr. MoDe. Viaca. ..id .... _s In f."D1' of Propo.ltlon lID. I H.:_ it is a c_ltuUoaal _......t. If there is any- tb1ll& Ift'0:l& vith It. It 1a .p to tile people to cban&e it. She ..u sbe VOIIl' lib to -üa aove~t bKk to the people. IIaJvr In"1a ..u that 11& .adiUoa to whatever stand the C1t)' eo.cll tùu, lie _t take 1IIsuuct1ou hack to the Ice. The Clt)' CøuDCll also baa to _U.r a !.Ncue of Califoraia CitIes vot. oa this _ propaa1C~. eo.cU_ lrolich saU lie. persODa1ly, has be. on both sUe. of Cbis. I.dall)', _ a c...cU-. his _t iJIportant objectloa to this fa lock1:l& It iDto the c-tltuUoa. Be f_ls that th. eoasUtu- tion sboI¡ld ..t out oper~"'1 prindples not proceduru. Be .hfn.. the Cit)' .hould DDC take a po.itlon on thIs because they ar iIe;c. to repr._t the C1CY ... operate the Cit)' as an Executive Ioard. lD tb. C&M vbe&'e a proposiUon may "'~e an effect on the City, the the CouDcU ~ 14 ~ake . posit1oa. but in th1a case it 1& DOt clear. .., ~,~ Bo posi.t::1a:D ~aIteD, 1oa:It CC '1Dd.1.Y. _,. ".. ~o Prop. I lie __ "c_n I1Pu .,~.:..... , . " .. . ... IIPIrCU or TBB ocrola 1. 1973 REGULAJt cm COUJIC1L M.&U~ , ~..n__ Spa"~1 .aU .....1ca11y ..neel vi.th c-d''':''' bolicb. .., penoully, dou áoC Uke the iclea of an Wt1.ti.... !Ida ü a ....partisan offic:a .. lie _t ... how PropodtiOD I ca -'face tile City. eo-vn--.J.c:kaOD .aU tJIere an ,tiIMa when the City c.. .I~t shoal. DOt take a nand OD Stat.-ide ..ttars. When the City c-..n taka a position, tMD the State _ __ what position vea takeD .,. the City if they care to go iAto 1t:. Sa feels that tbis PropodtioD 110. 1 ca bave SOlllll effect OD Joca1 &0ge~t in the future. Be f..h it Ü exl:rnmely dangerous to pat: chis in tbe CoIIatitution .. _ 1,7"-" ~ -t because it is extre:~l,. di.ffiÎ:ult to understand. Sa said be n_U die partisanship bere, bat: he recopized the Sierra Club, the LeaI- of Women Voters, etc. and their recollllllllUdatioas. Councilman Meyers said he vas concerned that this would be a CoIIat:ita- tional Amendment. It is a very expensive and inefficient way of aalting changes. If the City Council does take a position againat this, it could have the opposi.te effect. There is a practical l1ait on taxes; however, he does DOl: believe this is the way to do it. At the conclus1.on of hearing arguments for and aga1nsl: Proposition I, the City Council declined to take a position as a body, even thouab there was consensus' that individually they were in oppositIon to It. 10. 'Agreement between Foothill Community College DIstrict and City of Cupertino concerning De Anza tennis court lighting. The City Manager explained that the College AdminIstratIon said they were in favor of I:his because thèy feel it is an efficlenl: use of tax dollars. Moved by COWlcilman .Jackson, seconded by Councilman tkyers to appro"e the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement to provide tennis court li¡þting at De Anza College, vi.dI the correction of SecHon 6 in I:M third line where the wording was ch_ge!! frOlll .....the City vi.ll provide supervision.." to ..... the City may provi.de supervision..... Councilman Heyers asked die staff to try and work out _thing about a time limit for the people 1:0 play. This ia his biggest ~1a1nt. AYES: CoUllcilmen Frol1ch, .Jackson. Meyers. Sp.rks, Kayor Irvin Jl)ES : IIone Motion carried, 5-0 " " ~ü:> OF till ,,&~ 1.1913 IECIILAI em ~"¡:II- -.r;ulG , . <) 11. nøc ...._ of.~' -. 10. 602: "AD or.J4.c:.-r of the C1t7 of ~Ili-""U"'f"a -.In:løu forDili4ica&ion of. ......' hJj7 -.t"..... or loth. for Put ..¡ lícnatiollal ..... Sa SaIIü,....1I.· · i:. ;~. 12. J1nt - .,. ot'~~ '" -.110. 603: "AD or.Jf"--. of the CltJ of t ,I.L».- r~'''I'' bci8e 'fa lID tile CGaatnctlCID of 111114__ .. - -"a.. tot. Sa tile City of Cb,.rt1øo." ... a-l_so. 110. JUS: itA "Iøolution of the City CaaDcll of tha C1C7 of r J J, ciao laultl1eh111a tile lat.. of the bd.. 'fa _ tIIa CoDatructioa of BulldiDp ad KobUe 110M tot. T _ all' "" Ord1Daace 10. 603, the Coustructiou Tu ~df- . of eM CIty of Cllpertiao." VpcID request of eo--t1 !'roUch, it vas wwed by Counc1laan JOCbCIII, seconded by C-1laan Sparb to coutinae ageDeIa itellS 11 aDd 12. KoUon carried, s-o CoaDcllman FroUch uIted vhat the reasoa was for separating the aIIoYa ordbance and nscl..t:!.on. The City Attoruey said one 1a pursua..,t to subdIvisions and tha other is pu':5Uant to taxing power. The City Kanaaer said it is t1'.e point of control that ~. the differeace. IIIIf IUSIJŒSS 13. lequest froa City of Patal... for financial assistance Sa ..eting 11t1&atioa ezpense Involved in matters relating to areas of planninl. zon1D& and environmental considerations. Koved by Councllaan JacUCID, seconded by Council..n Heyers to authorize the dravtna of a $150 warrant instead of the requested S2SO to the City of 'etaluaa for fInancial assistance in meeting l1t1&ation ex~DSe. tøYolved in matters relaUna to areas of ,1~lna, zonlna aacI ea.1roamental consIderations. AYES: Councl1aen Ja~"-_, Heyers, Sparks, Kayar Irvin mIS: Counci1aen Frollch Kot1oa carded, 4-1 Councilman Frollch said it is unrealIstic for the C:!.ty of Cuportin to live that aount c-.ared with the aount froo the City of Sen Jose. He added thet there is a lot more of this sort of thing _1na up, too. CC-182 '..a 11 Ord. 602,603 . Res. 3455 continued I , - IWIUU:i OP tHE ~ 1. 1973 JIÇIJLØ em ~J1. -.uUIG '. . . CoaatJ r1_4"',~xr-6I73.2 fo~ sou f' .-.. ØII'~".c , comer of St_;':;;c.~'::"'\.'I£. .. tac-. ¡¡. - lID CIG ZcIM. ::"; . ;'__ ;:',::~';~ :_t-~}.., ~'!'~'\1' ,~' . _ _. _'~~..1-:'? .:", .... " ... , "_4",. Dihc~' '" ....:i:1II.- ..V".._~;~ .tftG oa dda cørner. n.'" ·'.....co aM tb1a p¡~ Ift'-C .. .... .It~'". " . " ì..... tJ-.t~' ,i'l\·.n .~.. tM ~-r''''1Ie:''\' .. .... "'tII* 'ldl"4",~ P' don. 18 IK '4", .....4 a1..~rì -' ,;"..... .. it ...w .u- 1ft C1JIU of _ that vœld lie 16 éâ.fudwitk t1Ia quality of Å_T '1 .. in daa& pœd_ of CDpaCJìID. ' CoaDciluDlfeJUl aaU_1Iøa to" pnct1ea1 in ~ 1JJr,e these. Be thinks the ~ of tM IIoat 1Iua1Aess 18 lletc.u ~haD l.."in¡ that servIce luti_. .. .... Tbe1 iDtend to r_ the service statioa buUd1n¡ aDd provide saM '.....IfC.'ina. Be wanted to r... 1-..iI to the Plannin¡ r.-faeioø thaC If thq caD uc:erUin It 1.s ~1cd)' expansioø of the boat busiDus lie ~ be interested in ~- of the laDdscapin&, etc. "73.2 .,provelll Haved by Councilun 1feJer1l. MCODcIecI by Counci~ Sparn to approve Count)' Planniq Appl1catioø 6Z73.2. KoU.OD carded, ~ IS. Award of bid for ~ half-eon pickup ttuCn. The City Attorney said die Ordinance says it goes to the lowest bidder aDd does not take into c:onsi4eration the sales ta. There are other resIdual 1Ienef Its, such .. service, etc. 2 half-toG pickup traci<.s !toved by Councilman Frol1ch. seconded by Councit..aD Meyers, to award contracts to \lest VaU.y Ford for a half-ton light utilit)' pIckup, 1973 model, for its lov bid of $2,491.88 and to ICe)' Chevrolet for the purchase of a 1974 full-size half-ton pickup with Alternate A, a V-8 engine and Alternate ., _u.atic transmission. far It. low bid of $3,014.14. AYES: CouncilJRen Frol1ch. Jackson, Meyers, Sparks. Ma)'or Irwin NOES: None Kotion carried, 5-0 · ~, t, .. If; ., ~' '.¿t ... ~ BUlin,:' OF 'IRE OCTOBER 1. 1973 UCIJLAR Cln COUNCIL MEETDIG , . 16. AIImI of T_ DeI~J'~" ~"" ,'C "~' .-,~,' ,~'--r:: 1..;... r.-: -lltüit. . ,tÌ.ir ' . t'01' of Aà1Distrative ~.. ...~..:r'.".!;...~.,.~"'~: ---" ~:' ". '.j~ .. ., ~ed b Co 0- 11- ~~'~',:.~~' }.k:\~:- -..-. "6"', ~'".,_" . '.~, _,'_ . 88euuy "1 anc -z_S ~r;:i:i ªi~!.L~ ~§¡ ª~;lËi ... of "-rica ;~.øøo' 8-3/4% to'_i:ure Apr. 15. 1974 'ØI!S: Counci~ F'roHÑ. w_".on, Heyers, Sparks, IfaJor Irvin -.s: lODe ØII- 1- carried, s-o 0ID1lIØCES 17. Seccad Itudilla of QEd.---- 110. 609: "AD Ordinance of the CIty of CupertiDo· of, Section 1 of Ordinance ~. 2 by PruoninC Appr_f....t.ly .287 Acre frOll> Santa Clara County 11-10 (Residential. S!JIcle-i'aaily, 10,000 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Zane to City of Caperti= B.l-IO (Residential, Single- Faily, 10,000 Sq. Ft. 7cr Dwelling Unit) Zone; Located Adjacent to aid !!fonherly of Santa p..la Avenue Approximately 47S Feet Euterly of tM 1Dtersection of Foothill Blvd. and Santa Paala Aveaua.· - read by MaY.:Ir Irwin. CC-182 Page 13 lIøored by Counc:11ae ProU.c~. seconded by Councilman .Jackson to Ord. 609 baY. Ord.:'::ance 110. 609 r.... by title only and the Mayor's read1Dg Se,ond Readin aball I:ODStitut. the Secca4 balling. A'IES: Counci~ Prol1da. .Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin .aES: Sene !IDciøs carried, S~ lIøored by Councilaan .J......-_. seconded by Councilman Meyers to _t Ordil1aDC. 110. 609. AYES: CouncllaeD Prol1da. .Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin IIOES ~ None ...r.- carried. 5-'1 Ord. 609 enacted .. . ... OF m OCTOID 1. 1973 ~ CIty COOBClL ftlWlIG . CBS ':/ ,. . ',;'),/~'" !¡A~t' J"~{':;': A;~~~1~_~e:-40.~.:a c;mc~.~.,~:~ ;¡. ',.dti':~#¡.;, "¡,".... -... f_'dIIf¡Y'....... Ben1nafter Ducd"'f« .', :~:J{}¿~".~: Iìi1adM ....... &ê .....J..,)).1 hr1ød 11141:JC.1itIc . - 18. >">J . "(",,~ 1173.· ;'7:f,~' >, ~~.~ .',,*, ':c- o ~ ¡; " , . -: ' InIa ..tI'd tIda fi¡;.¡.... asøa of $36.078..51. .....~..t. 110. 18977 P1..{JfII'.~ 19G16 "ft, '~,. ., t it Wrn14.... - -bð by C-'I1- ~. to 8IDpC a.olct. JIo. 35M. &111& C:-U- hoUcli. w_"_. Jfeyer., Sparks. IIIiJør IEw1D ...& ... 1IDCtøG carrIed. 5-4 19. 110. 3~7: "A ...lueS- of the City Council :If the City of Cuperu:» Alloviaa c:.n.1D Cla1Jls md 1)eu..,ds Payable in the Amaats _ f~ the ..... a. Hereinafter Described for General _ !I1s.:eU_ ~~1Þares, Period Ending October I. 1973." IIayor Irv1:l. Sl:ated th1a f_1....ecI Warrants So. 10069 through 10146 for a tota: ~f $333,031.55. .... »67 -pC" lined by c..-..:.:lt.aD Meyers. seconded by Councilman Jacksem to adopt "so1utio:1 Sc. 3547. .dES: CouxilJqn Prollch. .Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, !la70r Irvin -.s: Iœ« !lotion carrIed, 5-4 .... 3551 , _opted 20. 10. 3S5~: "" IesolaUDD of the City Council of the CIty of C1IpertiDc Declarin& Its IAtl!btion to Order Vacation of a Portion of !lU~cr..t load, Located Iorth of Cupertino load, a. Provided in Section 8320 Et Seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State cf CalUonaia. Pb::n& Tillie and Place for Public BearIq ad Prawidi:& for Batiee Thereof." - read by Mayor Irv1D. IIDYec! by ~ll.an Prol1cb. _onded by CouncillDan Keyers to acf(1)t IIa8olution So. 35S1. , !lotion carried, 5-4 . . .. _uS aE till ocroua 1. 1973 IEGUI.Aa cm COU1I:D. .-rUG . .~-U'& ,.., ana. 21. ~otS- 10. 35491 -.& -.-laU_ of t" CScJ Go -41 of die C1t7 of CllpeñiDo - . '. It. Older DHclriMDI tile II -.Sa _t...-_ .. 'Cr-"'~ ".... to ...- - CO die CIC7 ... 0&'IIerlII&. ".i0a8 .. dill C1CJ V1tbDat hNlc -..dIll .. ~ .,. ....; -'. . -,1,. 0.492 Acn IkMCII Side of 'k leL CIr..... Stn8C _ CIIr... -_." 22. JIHolotS- 110. 3550: -.& ....lot1oa of t" C1tJ c:-n of t" Cit7 of Cupertino ~ r1Dal !lap of Tnct 10. 5440; Located on 1fa1De "- lee.. ø_ar..ð .,.. aDd '-te 210 freeny; Doftloper, Iatata ___, lac., Ii. Calif cma1a CorJora- t1oo; Acceptb& CertafD hIIl1c Senlce E.. U; _tboda1D& the City Eqb..r aDd t" CIty Clerk to SIp tile fiDel !IAIp; . ä:horldna tile ....--..t b CoaDect1on Tberov1th.· 23. SoI~i:~tlo11 peøit nqaut by Ioy Scout Troop 50. 411 for _a: Clr1atllaa Holly c.pa1p. 24. Soli;i:~tiOD perait request of tile S.tional Foandation ~cb of ~s for .J.....ary 1974 with Mothers' "-arch bou..-to-bou.. soli;i:atlo11 .January 25 - 28. 1914. 25. leC 1'Cs: by Cupertino T__t of !s.s for a peø1t to ..11 pror-øs the _ek preceol1D& the third aaaual T~ftV'" ,- of I""¡s .,.. :Ioftaber 17, 1973. !loved by c,;,uucU- J.~"--. aecoaded by CoUDCUaa Meyen to III'proye t:'" eou-t Caleadar. . !lot iCICI carded, 5~ CouIlCilIa:: ~era noted that the ~. _re quIte hi&h 111 connecti",:! with the March ,of Ds.e. collection. The staff v. ..ked to :':'c¡ulre bto the criteria of the opeutinC ex,..... CC-182 Pee 15 eoeHftt Cal. apprvwed #' - ......u£ 01' 'DIE \Ad...... 1. 1973 IIECULAR CITY COOJICn. ....ulC , . ,..:;~;;~,,¡:i~.:<~ '.', " . ,t,"- .nœ ()~~'~;~:,JIIr~~Jb..~..¥U Î!;;~,,\·, _ ' " f.:_~~:':';;¡~~:<t\·;" ," ~,~3-- ~e;;~51~~:'~~-:~~~f~~1 ~1l ,; ',;' :1tj" 'riI:aa Aba.. coordlnat1oa C~·.1oa .<¢ .'. neJMqor 1IÚ.... the 1øC ..at1Da. ~ -if , ;.:. Luaue of California Ctti.. .. No report. 'D. CoaDcilJam hol1da: Transportatiou COData.ieD .. 1ø regard to a trmsponation-related .atter. Counc:ibaan Frolich sdd be hacI discussed rap metering witb Hr. Pott. The Director of Public Vorlts stated that a State representative v111 be here In the very near future to discuss some of these things. He noted that the peak level of service OD Freeway 280 is E to F level now. Councilman Jackson said that ac:cordiøg to the figures, ramp metering has been success- ful in Southern California. The Director of Public Vorks was asked to arrange to have a State representative speak to the Council about r..p meterIng. Legislative Review CommIttee .. No report. 28. Councilman JacksOD: Assoc:iation of Bay Area Governments .. No report. Urban Development , Open Space Subc:omaittee of PPC .. Did not attend the last meeting. ürport Land Use CommissIon .. No report. · ~ IIURII&.S OF tHE OCTOBD 1. 1973 UGULAIl cm COONC1L HEE'lDIG 21. ~f1__ Hayer.: ,rJ.D1n1 Policy Caa1ttee ... fte w1ghted vote".. d1sca8Hc1. '.' DIe ALUC rec TMetion 11111 be ODe city - one 'IIOta. 811le1da Subcœm.Uee of PPC .. "co._dation on the ":Imler zone" is lo1Dg to County Plann1n& C-uS1 vorksbop. .. Aa to the solid waste prOlr.., it ... decided to take the position that a work-study progr.. should be undertaken. 30. CouDI:llUD Sparks Flood Control Advisory Committee .. No meeting. ~ission on Alcoholism .. No meeting. UP\AU S A.\1) H15UTES 31. Pla:n1nc CommissIon A. !tinut.. of Septeaber 24 and 20 not availabl.e at this time. 32. Architectural aDd SIte Approval COŒ1ittee A. !tinut.. of Septllllber 19 not available at this time. I. "solutIon No. 330: "Design Guidelines for the Northwest QIa.snnt of tile Intersection of 'Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road aDd Stevens Creek 11vd." Recotlllended for approval. ..,.ecI by CoulldllUD Hayer., seconded by CouncUml&D Jackson to -'Dpt Iasolutlon No. 330. ItDtiaD carried, 5-0 33.'arks aDd bcreat10a C--t-sion A. 10 ..t1Dg K"-'"led. CC-182 Paga 17 Res. 330 adopted .. . .... CIO-lIZ .... Ja ~&U or 1111 OC'IUID 1. 1t73 nçur,.n em COU1ICIL nu¡;IIC ·tìløu - '-1AIo ,¡: ';t;~ . '<t:" ~~'¥(~ ~ .t,. ...~"':Iør :leptBber 26 _ell..s for 1aCk of (110~. .' ,~;'rïí ~"-1~i~"r:'~of naul.r ..uDa of s.;ff ~_~.. 1973. _~\, ;, ir,_-_~-:- ':'>,';/. _', ' . ,.",~ - "IfI" aaicl..t$'_j..;;~·... a .j, tft of coapWau ahac tIae ;'1Ie .... wi-'. ~s",¡;:"':òf. sa Jose for UJlrIrJ carda. !IdDwP '.' ~. dab p..aecfCeu bunl diaCOliÛllued. MUc Safety "'--dca &. S t ,...ton of 111_.. of regular _~iDg of SepUll1lu 20, 1973. t: -n__ Frol1ch DOted thai: the Valley Journal and the Cupertino Courter .... pu1Iliabed the -raeøCJ' pboae number. IØOAT nœ OFFICERS 37. City Staff the City Managér stated that the City bas received the SOl Federal nbilurseam~ for preparaUons of the CoIIIIIunications PI_iDl I1eport for our me plans for the lower floor in the City Hall. If the Capit&! Improvements Program goes forward we will probably be able to let Federal fundiDg for the EOC in the City Hall bas_to the Director of Planning and Development reported that ISS baa requested that they be allowèd to utilize a temporary builcliDl 111 the feced yard. Vallco Park does not objec~ as long .. it is only teaporary ill llature. It faces tbe flood control e.._t. Koftd by Councilllan Sparta. ..conded by CounclllU11 Frol1ch to allow che t.-porary lnstallatioa of a prefab building ~ithin Ita f«llce yard ana for a period of 1-1/2 years. HotiOll carried, 5-0 «,:'"':"":."':; ~ }~!i(~,,;, DIe Dh-t- of Pub'" llecreatioa said ". !lave areriø4 draw- ,,,. '<~·~:,'i~ of ~ parldaa10t ,of die St..ens Creek ruk. !be ~ector ,1;';titt'M1iC ibrks DOted d.c if we vaDt a street to the _cia, ¿'iJfc ~''f~ta c:.n _lei ......... _. The throup traffic Ie b1oe1ced. ,,';¡.{~"... td1l.. two~' ~s, _ ac either end. . , "~"'" ' ..} , ~~¿,.. Dinct.X of Public :... . b ('81184 attenUoa to the face claat wit ,rí.tafa DeW "'-~p it v1U ..___t puent. from the Phar Lap Drive .., etc.. to tab ~ 411c1ren up to the school vitboat , câk1nc a ~adtous rau«aw lie _a..ted s:IIIIe kind of portable ~. 1IBricade. the prohl_ tdð that would be not knowing _en the lJanicSlie ~d be up ... IIIaen it would be dow. CoUJICilJun 1'ro11c:h s<:¡&..sted a .tP-b-ed 1o-alkway frea the other pukin¡ lot to the sci>ool. ~~. :' ¡ ~: ' ~~ , . . " ."~. .. '0 . .. 1lUU1f,;) Œ m ŒIOIEI1. 1973 IØiUW em COUltClL rlU.lœì ;J DCOGJlITlCN OF NOJl-AGEIDIA ITDfS BY MAYOR 38. Gener&: .....dience Requests KII. Ann }~er, ~Ionta Visa. said the prc>perty under agenda item 21 has Rl-6 ==iu¡' and they are using it as cOI:I!IIercial. She asked if this v~! be classified as a nonconforming use. The Planning Director s,q this is prezoned for cOIIQercial purposes. It vill come into :~ City as coaa&rcial, but it will have to conform to City ord i - ....::es . 39. City C:=cilmen Councilma: :4~kson introduced his Resolution to welcome the rain back to ~~rtino the ~ of October 14 - 20, 1973. J!løved by C-'"CIcilman Jacksoa. seconded by Councilman Meyers to adopt the ~""'e-1llentioned ksolution. Iføtiœ1 carried, 3-1-1 Council1lla:l !'rolicn objected b~cause he does not yet have garage -.ace for ~ cars; not that be wants to "::less around vith Mother JlaCure". ~yor Irwin abstaiDed. áD.J0IJmÐ"T ....ed by Co=cilman Frolicb, seconded by Councilman JacltsOQ to adjourn t", ;:00 P.M., October 3. 1973, for continuation of Public llaarin&S .... ~ Use El_t of the General Plan. .lføtiGa carried, 5-oAPPROYED: ÃAllõ:>l: 1.1 ilia. E. bd..r CIty Clerk /s/ Eeith E. Irvin MaJOr, City of Cupertiao CC-182 Page 19