CC 10-03-73
em OF cuP}::t!~. . OF CALIFORNIA
1po1) Torre A\'"~::u." CupertiDo, C1tl1fornia
Tebpbone: 25:-i.~5
Page 1
~, ;:~~ OF IIŒ a&;UJ.Ø ADJ\.---." !Œ&¡;UV OF 1BI em COUlEJL
'1' Ft" aJ1'au.uu 'c:ø.uouIA '
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. . call.. the _t~to.... at ):22 ,.., with the ,
'to the fLlla. .>.
. .
IIIIIi. cw.
11aen absent:
Frolicb. .Jac:kaon, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor
.f1__ preser:~:
__f preaent:
City HaDqer Qu:1nlan
City Attørney Adams
Director of Administrative Srrvices Ryder
Director of PLanning a::.i !'evelopment Sisk
Director of Public Works Vis~vich
c:o-ltant pres~~:
Steve Løy
c-1lun Fro:i~:: ,,-arted to apeak to the Park B.7nd Issue. He aid
. tborouah lon¡;-:e= Capital bpr.....eoaent. Prot:r.... has been worked
_ for the firs: ti::e to the City of Cupertino. The purchase. of
~ Ioond issue ate part of the Cap1tal Imprcv","..nts Pr"gram. He
... COIICerned the people Ybo are In favor of voting ~O on thl.
.... taaue cUd SO' ;n t!:.e be.ú of the propoaed d.:wn zoning.
c-u..a Heye:s DOter! the QIp-niDo Courier bas pubU.hed the
. ., þboce ="..:.eera.
C-tlMa Jac:"s;:: ""'lID: throuah tile anal yd. t-.. ba. lUde in hi.
report to the ~~.r. of the City touoc:il dated ~tob.r 3, 1913,
"jeet: lropcu: af Core Ar... In thl. report he delinuted the
_ 1_ be woteè tQ 12pl_ent¡ be .tated tile Plannir\&
~_ --~·tions vitI: vhlcb he ba4 probl_. acceptill¡:ò and then he
..". hill tbree poi:.t p:aroaal: 1. Slr\&le feily re.idential at
4 1I:11ts ,": ac:re on the use aid. of Highvay 9 (approx-
illlacely 76 acres). ~. COIIDerc1a1 frea Steve:lS Creù Blve1. to the
---t_ on t'u:-':"r Str""t on the vest .ide of Highvay 9 ( a¡>p:-ox-
taoatd7 25 acres). 3. Light 1Ddustr1a1 on the reaainill¡: west
!dole of 81&bIoay !' (approximatel)' 39 acres). He then vent into.'
4le:atl_ desc:ri¡-:icn af the traffic results. II.. suggested thb eI_nd
.. eatl.fied by S of traffic on Highway 9 ptus 2 lane. of
~ea.ion of &a~:êY Avenue frOB Stevens Creek Blvd. to Valley Green
JIao1.e. Ue the" lated the advantages of fcUo....i::g this proposal.
(' ÜIIa" Jact=" sa!e: it w. hill belief tbat this plan be O¡;tUned
ill. Ida October 3, 1973 aemo 1a IOCically consil.tent. doc. nc>t present
C ut.t.ble pr.:>bl..., woulel be . reasonable co=proaise with the
~ ~;:\
.' .
. ", ~Mt.
. .
p1........ rec...·.....ticma, -..14 involve rela~iv81)'
~1 public ......,41turea, and woulol bea~ alleviate øcb po~enc1al
IIardab1p ca... .. Durkee, D1xou, 1IrcnID, ad ¡'alJt,
. that aft.r níeJa""t~nt:Laa. if tile
-'-B'-' .1111 _.,..,f... ...-....
....-rD -1 >1IoIdI. .' .........'... :-'.'..1ÑÑIa..'. a 1IettC'.~..·'.· .' .:,;Xt1lllllU "'111. t~..r"
IÌIIIIJ of .....;íi are _ fad'iìi",Jì. :lit DOt ... tile At'.
1n ~ aci' ,'....r. "!a aU 1MI.U ,'c,,';'
',...t'~;\A{., '. . .~ "~ ". '
"""-n....·~;þ he 11M 8110 ~..tu4)_ eM u... Be..·
110 ipeC1flc iJlpUbit tide t:IM, . .
HQar IniD aaU tbá-"e was an ~ atac..t 11)' tbe ~tenc.
of tId. cit)'. Hu:hD1 Hall, aDd V.Uco Park. But the traffic !a bad
_ and 1& 801118 to set mucb wone. Illase and viRal 1IIpac:t are
b1& !aaa.. here, He .aid he bas been tQ'1II8 to ...... what _.t of the
people iD CupartiDø _nt. Only a baadful of tbe 10,700 reaiatere4
votus have spokeD out OD this matter. Be thiDka that lo1l"1led:bz::¡
a:ixed use. vUl '!Ie the answer along Big1nMy 9. Be .aked the other
COUDC1JJaeD what they feel vUI be the :bIale on BigINa)' 9.
Councilman Jactson said he visualizes . veQ' high quality mediaD atrip
dovn H1&hway 9. Individual homes should DOt bave frontage ODto
Highway 9. . Utülomity of design treatlll&n~ should be carried througb
along the entire .~reet. There should be 1_ profUe signs along
the ' aide. On ~he east side, single fDlUy homea should have a
buffer strip. llith l1&ht industrial to the north, sad cOIIIIIerciö11 to
the south, their froDtages should be turned invard. There should be
no br1&ht light. or flashing S1&D..
Ceuncilman FroUch questioned wether 11&ht industrial can pay !DOre
for :ha stree~ iœprovement.. etc. than single family hoa~s. He said
it is pouible for an industrial park to fund these boult"Vard. etc.
If R1&"'y 9 1& videMOl to 8 lanes. .. vUI still heve probl_ .t
IllAJor IDtersecUoD8. \1e have to try to fiDd soce balance along
H¡¡hwsy 9. Be que.tioD8 whether aLaale f.-1ly residentials C.D afford
to do vha~ .. ~ along H1&bway 9.
CouncllmaD Spar" _Ddetod If the 1.Dd _en could let tOilet her vith
a rropoSAI here. COUDcilaan Frolicb 1iOu1d DOt like to clo..e the door
to the landOWl1ft" 1It.o c:_s in vith a propoaal and a solutioD ~o ~he
traffic probl....
CotmCUaaD Meyer. _. an¡¡vered by Councillll8n Frolich that be doea DOt
adopt the ''Fitzluald Approach", but he would lib to see a policy
stat..ent in the General Plan indicating that the door is open to a
cohesive plaD. He said the City bas some responsibility (throulh its
gas tax funds, etc.) for development of part of Highway 9.
Councilman Sparb said if ve go the "Jó1ckson Approach", vith the wear
stde of Highway 9, It will procauiy be plausible. Councilman Jó1Ckson
saId the problem with Councilman Frolich'. proposal, is the uncertainty.
\,:,:". ......,......,.
, '
Page 3 Heyers ..14 vben he finally lIIIde the choice of Hadad
11111 for the sboppillS center, he up Ida IIiDd there would be
,ldaJ¡traff1c on 1U.&1øM)' 9. Be just CaDtt v~1ae lov-L&:aa1t)'
''Ii. '_ a10Da IU.&bw)' 9.
,~);!~v.. .IriJD aU, tbe mìluatda1-CØImIHC~:1dX"'ku ,the-'1IIII.t __
'co ,J:'~ íHaJ-y 9." TI*:...chet1c. cau be atUfted with IlUfferillS a.'!Id
.. ~,". \_..-~,._, ø...... _nt a traff1c,atAlidml thaI; the
-:;b~ .st åb1lf.'1ìf'DI defin. the daYe1~tto."t tho..
: ::iit'¡' '-'iI8. . Be aU Hi. Kadan1 ts stat..-ta r...rcliIIS safety :1D aur-
~p1aa GIll 1aDdbaD1üD¡ lI&CIe a lot of seuae. P1aDned dneloplUl1t ulœa
_ attnet1ve dnelopaent.
CouDo:UIUn Sparks aclaløvledged that Ð.tenaion of IU.&bvay 85 would
belp relieve the traffic "along Highway 9. Be cannot keep Cupertino
d1vUed by a lo-lane Highway 9. As you move away from Vallco Park.
the intllD8ity diminishes. He said we have the alternative of having
. city for the citizeua of Cuportino or a trade ares for the West
The City Manager said the east and west aides of Highway 9 can De
handled independently, He noted there are different kinds of
commcrcial that generate a widely different traffic factor.
Kayor Irwin called a recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 9:00 p.l:I.
The Planning Director said the staff has discussed alternates for
81gbway 9. Thère i. a possibility of pulling the propprty ~~ers
together a plalllled develollllent. Pros and cons were discussed.
The eco_ic consultant said if the City COUDCll consiclers lIOI1Ie
fI) approach 1rtth .."eral property owners, it should be considered
....tber or DOt It ia lead for the CIty to take over the LU>. Ycu
will p~bably fiDeI the cOSts to the City even for a numberot years,
1a DOt aubstaDdal. All tbe road costs would be ultimately recovered
with the dew.lopDeDt of the property.
The City Attorney said there are two important c.... ¥here the State
Supr_ Court said tlda ia 1...1. A definitive anner should be
obtained frOct Attorney XeD Jones, the Cities Bond CculUlel.
JfIr. Levy auaaested the City take over the pa~ents on the LIiI until
1t 1s decided bow the property ia to be developed. '
CouncilJllan Spara 8UUested a light-industrial development along
the B1gbwy 9 could be handled IIIOre aesthetically than co_rc ial. Over-
all l1ght-induatrial traffic haa peak hours, whereas cODlDerc1äl traffic
could be all day long and weekenda. The I80re cODlDercial you put on.
the laIId the larger the traffic volumes. "
Mayor Irvin proposed adjournment at this time v1th the IlUggestion that
a deciaion be made on the Highway 9 situation at the next meeting.
COuncilman Jackson said he would like to have all the information
_aUable to the public by the following Wedneaday.
1Ir. hal Kariat..
,. pttq toptlllr.
¡'fit:. _1.'_ "
:.c,W.... ...
, _ _1.. èJdà,,'
.?t ~.;,
"'. till "'
etc.. ~:
to 2:30 P.II.
J at ........ ea!II's. ~1Pri CD till 1anckn;.__
t -41_ JacboD'. ,~~ tnJabt lacldDa
_... tIaa tnfficno"-- ,~St4InU C1'eek
r.. '."""';: l;--S.'DII'~~,,~;~,,~. but do_
, .........., IIii'. ¡.¡-"!~4IppII!;t811 to
'1Iì dÌIÎ .. ...:dl ã~ ,-~ fawoÅIII' JÎa...... I
" .. ",!P.... " ....J
:,.. lieu.¡ tllât 1OtII(..,..,........ WI .-n..
.',.. .off!/:_ OD OcfD'- 10t1a ~'12.00 DØOD.
- cJ.j('..~ . --. . : <
, /-,'",_.", ,,¡o:t, .
1Ir. JlarbDi err. dIat If till ar.. _. .... &0 becI1y,_. it lIOulol
IIOt tab _ UDJ "I {9f_. ate,.' to _ly. the probl~.
1Ir. J1a LaDay ¡;..jr I ..... eanu Propert1u at tile IIOrtJ.ut quadraDt
of StllftJlS CrMk ~ and 1U&hwy 9, Hr. LaDay the traffic
Benerated throu¡1a the Cjty 18 the probl., not the traffic with:l.n the
C:l.ty. He baa fOUllll _at pbftftf.. atafb with IDUnic:l.pal:l.t:l.ea wiahed to
bave d:l.fferent zODiJlle with:I.D vacant prop.rUes aet aaide for the future.
They are alwaya look:1.D8 for reserves, cOIIIIIercial reservea,
and residential ruerYa8. He åa:l.d that on the atation \(CBS, San J0ge,
Mayor Mineta had atac.d that :I.ncIuatrial usage produces 10 timea the
revenue than reaUent1al, and residential requ:l.res 10 timea the revenue
tbat industrial dou.
On June 28th, the PlaDnin¡ Cœa:l.saion approved H:l.ghway 280, H:l.ghway 9,
Stevens Creek Boulevard, and Beardon Avenue except for ahould
be a ..ix of and reaidential. He believea a cOl:lllercial-indu.tria:
aix would be more appropriate on the we.t aide of Highway 9. He brought
up the fact that rq:l.ønaloriented commercial must meet the need. of the
region. At the _ tlme, citizens of Cupertino bave these regional needa
alao. He said he do.. DOt believe the Crosaroads District II
w:l.11 ha;>;>.n if :l.t :I.a zcmecI on the e.a.t aDd wen ddea of
BiSbway 9. He then pea.eeI out copies of lettera fro. the WIcke Corporation
aclclresseel to Ph....f.. ec-1aa1Dn Cbairaan Butbenuth. He sa14 the Wick
Corporation baa a propoaal to util:lze 6 acrea for a re.raurant and low-
intensity Savlnaa aDd Loan BlAnk., et.:. lie said this propoaal wlll be
compat :l.ble with the :l.D4uatrial developaent of the area.
Counclilllan Sparb aaU the property owners .hould gf't together with their
proposals to put coa_ller a cohealve plan.
Hr. Dick Pacheco, rçr..ent1D¡ Garner Property, sa:ld they have been here
.ince these meet:l.a&a be¡an. Tonight they thought tbey might be able to a presentat:l.oD .t thia aeetina. A full scale presentation was made
before the Plann:l.DI C-iaalon. He personally haa been lnvolved in thia
property since 1962. Øe AU they have turned down .everal prop03als for
tbis property because chey did not feel they vere right for Cupertlno.
He òelieves a aucur. aJ.on¡ ,Highway 9 is feasible. He said Cupertino need.
,to get back on the tzack of Broweh property controlled.
Mr. Harry Falk, 11452 Mora DrlvR, Los Altos, vanted to speak t~ the propert:
owned by Falk and ~Dhardt, south of Valley Gre"n Drive, and a piece b<oh1no
the service s:At:l.on frontlna on lIigh.....}' 9. He sa.ld the aav:lngs of a lUet 11
Jh-'U OJ' 1m; OC¡ot£R 3. .3 JU::CtJL\R ADJOU1::1I::IJ CITY COt'.lŒEfIBC
Pl1l:(~ 5
in this property. Before t:høy purcb3sed the proper1:Y t:bey
'wieb ehe City ",bat co do vlth It:. Tile Ciey told them they
. ,y for rezoning. '1'bø City :1JId~ted they wuld like 1:0 cut
. ell: PropeR,. ACC'" to U1ghllaY," 1I1e Cit,. wantecl,the
,",,' 1IUndtng at the"ront:of thec,q"ut1 built fir8t~!I'"~t'Þ.e
;lIOt want the senite station .taDdtngthere by itself., .HE'. "',
, ';they were told tb:Lå~ t.s"a ;r-f......t location and want~."Jd&h
,',' . ',' iaa, which va. IlUbawqu_tly bunt. ,Ue said tb1a'~ probably
.. .'eostly per s'l.uan foot build1ng in the City of CupertbID.· Be
. !'L' seated they gave between $200.000 and $300,000 to the City in
tJe&a_t'''''''. and i::¡IroveneDts. He l14id they wuld suffer a boneødcus loss
it tills prop<:rLy is IW'" rezoned to residential. Ue is also concerned, about
a ''''' t:hat gives Me'a lIOn-conforming uso. He "..QuId like to turn the
P".:2. I.,. over to sc~e plar.ners or somebody who can ",ark ",ith the City on
p~_.1 1. for this property. He would like to consider high quality
~~l offices.
~~i1~~n F=olich said he wuld expect a ~ather low key presentation'the
linn: ~e aroun¿ ;!::è \." can ",,,,rk fr= there.
Mr. Fall: lMlid h" ·~JS v('ry concrorr.d a.bout the possibilit)· of a non-
co::fo::aing use bei::¡; rbced on his C:evelopnent. In regard to the c;.:tension
of .~cy Av~nue. he said this was financially impossihle for them
1:0 èé1A:ate a.nd it:?=c,,"", this'!o a¿di:ior. to V3Uey Gre,," Drive. He said
he 1s aaenabl~ to =~ctir.g with the othar property o"'~ers io the arca.
De s.;-4 1! they ...·.:ul~ cooperate to :~.e extent of rci.cbursir.g hin the
$200.000 be has ir.,,"~st",d io the conz:ruction of Valley Green Drive.
r.-r. _. 110 1=edia:a ¡¡ns,,"er to this.
~ 1Ioy Councllt:£~ FroUch, _on<!cd by Counci1lllan Sparks to adjou:on
de -1n& at 10:10 Oct:ober 12. 1973 at 7:00 P.:'I.
Iløt10n cani~, 5-0
,., Keith E. Irvin
Jfayor, City of Cupertino
,., ... E.