CC 10-12-73 ·'~. :. ,:1' ~' " .' ,,:., ~<; ~;. ~;¡t :.<~ . .'\ ;,··!:'i· ~;.'-'I>_,... , ;~- - e CITY OF CUPEKr1~. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10:300 Forre Aven_. Cupertino, California 95314 Telephone: 252-4505 '~~'; ., '{'~' .... :1' v1~ the Salute ;/f' 1IOlJ. CALL .;e- ~ " :, l' Councilmen present: Counci11t1!D absent: Frolich, Jackson, Meyen, Sparks, Mayor' Irvin .one Consultant present: Economist Steve Levy Court Reporter present: Eunice Turner uPENING RE:-lAP.KS: Coçncilman Ja~<son vas disappointed in the outco~ of the ~lection. I~ever he w~nte~ to thenk all t~cse who had vorked so diligently un the ~lection ana he stated we should go ío~ard n~ without any recriQi.natio:\ð . Mayor h..in s¿id he '!:ouid call a meê'tir.g o~ rr.e Capital Ir,.;,rove:oeõlts Coœ:nttee tc review t;h.e program to see v~ere ~e ca.n cut. strctc~. and tri:!l. PUI \.Ie HEAR¡~¡G Dr. Joseph Brown, 20985 Pepper Tree Lane, Cupertino, went over the m3ster plan for the vest side of Hi~fWay 9 nort~ 0: Steven~ Creek Boulevard. He s t&teå that thi$ is the gate...a;' ~o our fa i r ci ty and he and the Cupertino Xursery oeo?le havè for Y23'$ ~3ßted to i~pruve that ar"a. Tne l::!.ty decided they vant"d an".h",:, strt'..t: to 3ugc.'nt Sarato¡;a-Sunn~'vale )load. AI though the Durk.,e' s are not a p3rt oi this m:1stcr plan ch"l :,;..ve indic:1t"d they ...ould Ii;'" t.o go al"n;; ...ith it. Tue nurscl:! åa.c; indicated th~y '..ant verj r;u...ch to exp;¡nd their ho~e impravelDf.!nt business. CC-1&4 Page 1 ',~ ,~~: i~ ~\ ii.' ~..~:-, :t.. ~,-,-, ;.-;"; ¡¡: > " . . ~~ or TIlE OGTOBI& 12. 1973 REGULAR ADJOUIIED CITY muøcu. HrC. " ~:,. \' ',' ';;';-j~1¡r, ::·',:;-';t " ,¡.ì :U-¡::t ~ 7", ."',, ,:~. , 'i.r'~:oï'¥'\*- '; «<~..',-:.;.,:5'_·" ';, "~: ,-:;:¡':" Hr. Uenaka 'sa1dthat last year Dr. Brown was auccessful in puttina toa_ther a Local IIIprovement District. In fomins tbis District they have udUgated the problell of IIIUltiple ownership and strip cOIIIIIIercial. 'lhroup this aaglomerated use they have been able to lllinilllize the matter of curb cuts along Saratoga-Sunnyvale !load. they want to provide goods and aervices that are not available in other shopping centers. The aesthetics they offer are for the mutual benefit of the businesses and the people of Cupertino. ~... Hr. Uenaka said they started Vf!ry small and have branched out to landscaping, florist shop, patio shop and barbeque shop, It is their hope to bldld additional buildings for these various enter- prises. They hope to be able to expand their administrative offices also and they are in need of landscape sales office space. If they should go into garden equipment rentals they would need additional facilities. Landscape consultants would probably want to have their own offices. , " f' t;;' ,~. Hr. Paul Kari8lÚ., B_tead and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, wanted to rebutt statements made in Councilman Jackson's letter of October 3, 1973. He said he could not argue with the goals established here but he feels he can argue with the implementation of them. He then read the points listed in his letter. He suggested we could end up with an inferior city in this area if residences are forced along Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. This could attract ;¡ h1,ghly transient element. lie questioned the amount of time "pent by the Planning Commission and the CIty CoW1cll on the intensity of uses. He doubts that the one way street pattern would work. -- . ~":r: '~- ¡~";"-~~7~ . ..uù or mLER 12. 1913 JŒQJL.U ADJooa C1n COOHCIL JIl'G. C:C-184 Pqe 3 . c-c111ll8l1 Frolich stated that tee street pattern for Torre Avenue 1.s subject to change. Be also sta:-:! that if a way is provided for die throu&h traffic the City would probably assist the property _rs in that Art:.!I if they are required to develop as residential. â that point he read his proposù for Highway 9 land uses. He th~n reviewed his proposal. Mayor Irwi~ called a recess at 8:20 p.m. The rn< ting reconvened at 8:40 p.m. Councilman Sparks explained the volumes of traffic that would be ~erated by the various types of zoning. He said he would be inclined te go alo~g with Councilman Xeyer's propesal. He would lik to see a road system developed that would cut down on the traffic CI1 Highw..~· 9. Ideall~' he liked the Planning Commission approach but; felt it "as not feasible. Council:Dan ~yers said he vas cOQsidering lower intensity in the residential because the pe~le have state~ they are not happy with 10+ units per acre. Councilman Frolich said it is true these people have expressed dissa fsfactton with 10 units per acre. But on the other hand people have been pleased with some of our 16 units per acre development in the City such as the Avery Development across from Flint Center. Area D was cL.scussed next. It vas reco=ended as residential becaus ~r 18 next to residential. After further discussion it was decided Areas C and D should be c~abined as commercial/residential. r .,.w--",..,~,...~.,.. " .'-~ .:~": ':;:"":,.4¡ c~; '. ,~ . . ~I., ,.' .. ,TI'" . ~t:_ ' ., ,...~ OF T'll: ~~ 12, if~-' -f,j¿:~¡.l . 1913 - ... ADJOURNED CITY œU!lCIL JØC. ¡. f '" ps per ~re are ......~, ' . ¡}::.~. : ..;)~~;~""~.i>" " 'be that we w1Jj, . '..~. ,,,:,. . .,ê~DOt", that!to~ ",.,....a~~':¡;.·· !;... _. p,....u__ __ " . "..' Va sho1l1d;i:IH?" .:>~,.f ·:~t . . <":;~;~f.~~~;~C¡-"'~. ~. c_t CIQ bow to ,i~'i' , , :.is not' sure a deP; I.i _ it saR,Lody who pDàmu. , ,. .~ma Uvina in that dø-J , ." Be aaœes nth the per£) -~t..'1Qclard approach but tu .. r a laqR area could _.·'....t..ntial proòll!lllll. or of MUc Vo., of~aa . , r ... CII:y Kanai'": =nieved 8011e o~ OU'pratmt' zonina restrlct1oas. . a.. if tbL~ ~ enougb .. .. for corzercial to justify t:!aU ..... - 11_... J~::'!: ,~?osed that: __ of the people weuld Uke ~o ~ Where th£: ,=.: rather d1aa h&Ye ':Ì1e proposal of mixture of ~ eses par..::-~~:y in the case of .lÙ.tiple owaershi? in a gtgel1 -- .. ~1_... F:-.:,:,= H~:i perhaps it. vou1d be better not to speak to a sv-:ific us. ::: ~,! eight areas and co go with t'le performance - "-~s only l::~ :.:en wait and see vbat is proposed. r 11..",\ Mey'=-: :''':5 that 8 1.aDes is probably right for Sara~ga- I ~ ,; ..Ie Roa¿. , ,,_ a tborC",,~ ::..: :c.:,ssion, it vas aeved by Councilman Frolich, 1 "-d by c:-=~-,¿:o S¡:.u'..s. chat zoning to be applied in Areas ~ ~d be :~=,~ J.,velopmen%O core and they be defined by the p"" q state,..,.,:: ,._: :.i:ted in a ;oroposal for land uses except for 11.; aRAI that :>¿ O~ :':o:>osal for t:he core area; and that t!1is be _ .ack to ~.. : ~.&::.::.iag Colllllllss1ø:1 for further study. *' 11_" Fr.o::'= '=":tc!ed his ..,t~CD to say th"t the uses to be -s.Ie~"d sh~ :,,~ =d"r our pres,:¡¡t industrial-cOllUl'erci"l ordin- __ The ==:0: :!led for lad< of a second. I- f _ ~1_n M"y.:-: ,.,_-~:..i prefer 1;0 1ea_ in IrvIn a;;::-~~ ,..::-1 him. n_n Jau:...~:::. H~J then aøydún& :Ln those range of uses would or .. DOt be ..~: '=:j.;'~" depending apo:1 the traffic g"n"ration. the designated areas. . .. ~~ :;"',," , 'f~"; . :"'<"'... ~;.f-\;'" t·, s"....·"~ ,':....f.~:. .~.,:','~,<,: "\ ~':.; ',;' , . ~,t'.__. . .,·7.. :~ ' I',' ~.-- (~ . y. ~,r " :j. . . íÌØulllS OF IiI OCTœER 12. øn,..qr U ADJWISID CIn COUIC1L JaG. ". CC-l84 Page 5 ;, ¡, ,,s. ~<' ':j) , . .¡.a. IAvy sa14 7- could .....~ .... .... perforMDce standarda frua the ;;; idP end. Ead1....wle coaW..... :;CIÌtt81D restrictions aDd 1:..... you ;,:iíU superúpoH the 11141-' -¡ ~,..... OD the properties. 'Øae CUy , r addeti :!&at the larpr',dif.-dule the mre difficult Ie is , . . dewlO9t!r to identIfy. ,'.. Ü'the area separauODSw. a ."". .'. approaQ. In addiUca" -",-. l' try to speak to the' _ØbJ.p ",f~tbe prcpetty. . .'. "....". :p,' , .;;:'j. _clllent was made by c.. -'-"w . hollch, sKoaded by c-c1J-.n ;: "IP., to ru: Section 4 bad fa 1dtb the chage that Areas C ...t D ~. '~' . .. lumped toptther and clesir-.... ~rcial/indU5trial/reslc1eDt:1a1. ... amendœ:1t _de by Coun..n - 7Dtllch . seconded by Councilaan Sparks, vas :: at~empt anartUk1.alnUlllber for the traffic genera- tion per ac~' ::: the indust:naJ. property (ap?="xl!:lately 80%) in orde " account ::= :;,e fact thu thar. type of de\",l~p=,i'nt would be well suited to t==<:':. Council!:lan :¡~~n was agreeable to the mixtu:~ ~: land uses on òoth sides of E::;.-:.~:: 9 but to ::oa£e a :f~rm commit::<::: ~r. ?erformance s~a:1dards ",..:..: Je very di:ff~~': at this t:-:=. ¡;<' ·..ould 1i:.ce to see more C¿::.=-:.::\"e infor::Latia:: ':':1 this a.ppr:-z..::: :'~ed on traffic before se:::':'::f :.:: back to 't;:¿ ?léC:1i:sg Ccr.n::.':':;~:':::. He dO.!Si :'lot L.."':!(....;' at é1is poi:lt, ::: :::.stanc£. ."hA't. $-::r::te of the 5:-3.: ~ ;,':cpe-rty O....::ler5 C~ Ó':I \iith t::'-_=, ,_=-= of arrange::III!::'::. He vas n..:":' rë3"::; to mak~ a ¿e~ísi ~:: a:: this ti,,~, Councilca" :~:==s agreed i:> ~t but in i::.~:,,::.t':lting it, we wo"ld have to c.:':o: .:; .ith perfo~ ..tandards. JIayor ¡n;i:: :~:led a recess ax 10:00 p.lI. r.~" """ting reconvened u 10:25 p.::. ~dment ~;:. :..~ made by Gooacilman Meyer., se:.:'nded by Council- _ Sparks, ::;..=è.ing the p~aJ for tÏ1e "·C2: .i':c of Sarato~- Saanyvale ":.i:. ::'at we coasioler a residentli.: :i=.:.t of 4 to Ie smits per ..::= rod on the e_~ sioJe, 4 to 6 <:::i:s p"= acre in the iDdustrial :¿s:Jential area. Council= -c~: :i.:h 's opinlOD _ that the only "..y ycu could use che 4 to 12 =:::s per acre OD che east side 1o":uld oe farther awzy fr_ the í=",,·.'..:. It would be wry difficult :,) ¡>"t that kInd of idE toget:',:. ¡;~ ,,-auld be :in fawor of no s¡>ed fi: residential ......ities tr.::: :he perfonlallce standards are- est3\>l1shed and at __ later ¿.i:C some restritt1ø:ts relating to nu:lber of bedr_ ..r unit "" <s:~lished. . .. " ....,.iW OF IIŒ 0C!0III12, D73 ØCULAa ADJOUlINED cm COOleD. HM. .1,,__,11' :~';'>t . \~, ",,':Ii' . . ·"c~-: )~ ., ",.,,',;.;,,¥;f, ',. City Att~ ..utli18.~ .,~ P1aD¡the IIOre criteria pc ~' ":~l:$.,+.. GeIIeral PlaD., tbIt ~l'woáIo4~ ,~ ordinance. UauaUy c1e11111cy ;'i.~~i{~~P1lC into a GeM'f~::..,~,.r.. could go either way. ~<f¿~; .ÍIar1ai saU th ~<ot~~~UIIDJV81e Road for c_rc1al ""J" ,> ' is.. the la~ .....r:;ot ~__ _&1 that road. Be ..ked how '.:¡:;.¡", ' can ,.r'" hoár_" flìp»1DI'OD lomestead Road, Stnas '1:"¡if Jouleurd, Volfe Iøed,' ace..· Be tIOUld liLe to see what perfoaa- ';;~ ~__ standards or leftl o~ _ri1ca i. aPPlied to the other _jor ., ~cs in CUpert1llø. Be ~ like co know what performance standards · _ in tera of level of eeEY1c:e. The performance standards could Z81Ilt in :10 re¡1onal sbopp1Da c:eacer for Cupertino, The Director · o£ Pablic Works _end that 700 cars per lane mean Ø-C level IIDII 16 trips per acre are based oa JI-C. Hr. Hariani said the mini_ · staadard that is established aloal Saratoga-Sunn)-vale Road should apply throughou: the City. r t f ! 1he City Att~~ey answered Councilman Meyers that performance standards caD:lDt in :act ))e arJpJ.icd only to certain portions of the City and not ochers. l.'1e :"'":1 ':entec is going to apply only to the T<T>ffi Center however. ~:.-. Le'-y add~d tbat be does not recall that the standards being disc~$se= f~c Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road are any more restrictive tban those 3,?lied to Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard. Mr. Robert Ka:-;>i!:1, 10436 Qúshol"'o Cupertino, felt that the third amandment c~a:d be considered aesthetic. t ¡ f Ms. }.nn .-\nge:.-. ~nta Vista, does not see how you can call this good pla:ming ò""e" Y~\1 take indt'strial away from Vallco Park in lieu of CDaDercial ~¿ s.:.-ead a Qixture of uses on the property. She said De considered :his "honky tonJr.y" zoning. I I Ms. Judy ç"o<"r, :!1906 Hyannisport Drive, said ?erformance standards are ODe thi:1.g :he Goals Collllllittee vas asking for. She felt that COUDCilma" ';"~;'S.:11'S statement on aesthetics sho'Jld be incorporated. Couacilman J...;:;.scn believes that what ve art! doing is backing off and postpc~~g ~ecisi~s. Difficultie~ will arise with performance staDdards :~r S,) large an area for ve have a J:lultipl1city of parcels aDd owners. ile does not feel at this puint he can vote for this approach, e..."" though he sees _rl1; In it. Councilman Frolich cbeerves thi, "as the same type of argument used against PD zoning 10 years ago. Jtuch of the best development in the City has been done wmder thi> ?:> ordinance. The difference here is the time ele.....t. We have und"rtaken to zone the entire City at this time. We are dø1Dg t:te ruon1na with a broad brush and will have to come back later arid go into IIOre detül. Counc1t.an Meyers said he shares It .-' . 'C,,",,,,. . . ,......';.It'".. .~.¡i';-/~",)I: l' -~:~ ),¡. . .)~... .. _, ,t."~&Å OF THE 0C1'0BElt 12. 1973 lŒQ1Iu ADJOURNED CITY COORCIL !lrG. ,''''- 1;",- 4 . ". 1: . CC-184 Pa.. 7 .'10 -k ~- ~.,t<' ';t ~ , T" ~1.... J...I.-'5 cODcems &boat _rely delaying difficult ';~t~ ".~-. ; '",; . ... CII A!ŒNIIŒXI I ØIS: -: AaSrADf: CoundlaeD Frolich, Heyen, Sparks, Mayor Irwin Nooe Coundlun Jackson Motion carried, 4-0-1 won: ON AMD'1ME!o.7 Z DES: I1CES : A3STAIN: Council=en Frolich, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin ~o~t! Cou,,~il::an Jackson Motion carried, 4-0-1 van: œ A.'Œ:;D:-:;:;: 3 (with the designated residential 0" the west side of Sara:",>-5~nyvale Road as 4 to 10 units per acre and the -.st side 4 :. ~ ~~its per acre). .\-"!'oS : 500-5: A3SIAI~: C",-=",..:::::::~a ~leJers, Spark.s C"c::::l::.an :'rolich, :iayor Irwin C~~~:::=an Jackson Motion tied, 2-2-1 1'011: (1.1 MOTlO:\ AYES: :ID£S : C~~~~¡~en Frolich. SparkÆ, Mayor In<in Coc=~::~n Jackson. ~~yers Motion carried, 3-2 ... _4 by Coun.:i:.z&:1 ~ers, seconded by Council""," Jackson. to .._~o.e that &~~l south of Area, to Stevens Creek Boulevard, ._ .led by Banl:ey)rive and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. be designated _reial. ~: .œs: Co=dl..en Frolich, Jacksoo, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin Non~ Motion carried, ~-o :,;<\', f'!, ., . , ' ;ò" ,J:~ J ~ , . . , 01' ru OCIOBa 12, un ~ ADJOUIII'IQ) CITY COÐJrCII. JIl'c. .' " " by C--' I.... hollcb¡"gf!d'-- ,.cI by CouD:illl8n _en. to c:alt1nue ;,Genera! Plm Øearlnp to": ~fI1. October 16 at 7:00 p... 10 the ."l1l!1 ~ _... City BaU.' - .lM.LiDD; Cal1fom1a,KeetJDs adjourned .-& 11128 P". Motion carr1e.t. s-o Respectfully submitted, ,-' \ \;;::~ Ù ....-,)~ Recerding Secretary j ~ . Î