CC 10-16-73
,- ~
" em OF C::~;;.Tr:¡\), STATE OF CALIFORNIA
", ';'. 10300 TC'n~ A~-enue, CUpert1øo '
'~'7, , TalepbODe: 252-4505
.' '.~",
:ç 'A"!W
~(~,P. .,'.·~IU OF tIŒ AJ).)WIII'IAIII ,..,... ,.. JŒ£I1JC or 1IIE em ~
;~.";'."t~, .', ",!'1IILD œ 0ct0IU 16. 1973. D TIlE coœcIL æAHBIR
,. .'"",
,,,¡ 1!Ie _tb¡ wM called to order at 8:04 p... by !layor Pro T_ SpaDa.
IØU. CAll.
CouncilDe:. ,.resent: Frolida, .Jackson, Merers (10:00 p...). Sparlul,
Mayor Irwin (9:5C p...)
Council~ ~sent: None
Staff F"":::: City Manager Quinlan
City At!orney Adaas
Director of Ad!linistrat: \'è Services Ryder
Director of Planning ðn¿ DevelQP~lt ~i5~
CODSC!l~~: ~:~$,~t: Er.ono=i~~ Steve Levy
Court Ri;'.:":~: preso!nt: E1.:l:'ce Turner
':'':i.:\L Z-ft:SICIPA!.. ~i.£t.-l'HA~S
the Dit,,:'. .-' AJmtnistra:~'..e Services e""Ia:n..d that the Election
Code f", :: :,:"t~ of<':'l~a requires t!'a: tilt" re~ular _~ti:t;
of the (~:' ~:~~,il to be ~e:d October 15, 1~;3 b~ adjourned to
Octob..r :'. :"7:; for the i'''1705e of canvu~in¡; the votes <,a!lt at
the SrH~l~ :!',::1:c1p.d Elec::<'n Ìleld on OctN-..r 9, 1973. Atta..i.ed
to hiø ::~.: :: 0ct"ber 11, :~73 wa!l tho anal~sis of the votes cast
at this i_~~::~n.
Hoved by ::.~~~¡33n Ja~ks~~. seconded by Co~~~lma~ Frol!ch. to
adopt RèS::.:i:n So. 3562.
HOlirn carried, 3-0
CENERAl. : ~..:; :Œ\'lEW
The rlac~'~; ~irrctor reierrrd to his staff meoa of October 15, 1913,
aubject: ::"::r:.Ü I'lan Rev"ev - Remainder of Core Area.
Pag" 1
(lAdl Jnfl' u: ....tecl that the aadat..... pzopertJ be def.rncI
.at1l eM .~Oí¡ Cftiidnl be~ it Us not ..... poøa1b1e to 'coatac\:
eM .....~,:....i.. '," ,
~;o . , .
.... .,,1· .4tcn1'-òf......tað 10_ ad SUatolå-SIlDß1Va1. lIoad
(101 11"1) ,
.... _ tba w11 nOactecl the rec:~daUoa of the Planning C0œd8s1on.
11M 100f ...... ... ~ tber'~ . uu.ber of years and i8 a non-conforming
.,. eo.ds.. J___ ¡¡"SUIIDed whetber it would be beøtto per-
petuate the _ ¡ fondAl _e o~ She tbb property a BQ zoning or a
sl.Ua~ _ tlaa& .-loI pen1t this use. He said he would also prefer
to live the ..utial ..mce nation appropriate zoning rather than
I..". it in-a noa c-foming ... status. For the remainder of the
prørerty. Councu_ Jacka.... felt the Planning CollllÚs8ion recommeodation
of l~-lð ~_ideaUa1 _in..~ acre vould be consiøtent with the neighbor-
Counc,l~ frGlicb .aid th.r. vas some doubt in his mind considering
t~. :""flc in that ar.a re~idential would be best use there.
On r~" ~t~r hand, anythIng .l~. W~ would do with that prope.ty would
t."d :^ coap3'1Qd tbe traffic prcol.....
~r, ~Cè" S!IIaval!a,20ZjZ Hill A\~nue, SaratoY-A, stated that different
crt:.-:. are use1 '~r diff.r~nt corn~rs. He questioned the
,,10..,-' 'i putting rrsidentlal 0" au pro¡>erty located between the
10(1: ,:1 and the ..rv,ce stat I"". ¡Ie !lote1 to:. City Council has
place, , limitat10n of 8 l~p. ~ s~ratoga-S~nyvalc Road up to 1995.
lie "",_ :"ld the IUt. computer ",,'<ti did !let taò<c into account the
cr"'" .:reet. loa.,... till.< ..."uld t-e too co:opllcated. Dlal-a-Ride and
lart .a~uld be included. ~xten5!"" of !orre A'",nue should also be
incl.....~ci. ø. felt th.t V:...n all t" thIngs "ere considered we
vill :ud that a 1.... can handl.. the traffic.
~ounc~l:an rroll~~ .aid the 30: tr~nsit figure presented by Mr. Pott
vas ~~ut tbe best v. could ..nvlsion for tn.. County including all
th.. F"" lie tr_portaUon "ith,in t,'" County. Another factor to
cOGat.:i..r is the poaaibilily that tne State IMY never put through
tbe nrensloo of \Upay 8:;. \óe are hoping that It will at least
au t:'r""&R to Saratop-Sunn}'valtl ¡w..d. The ovcrHow from thr f..eeway
viii s~ìll over OQ to Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Must freewAYs beL~rJe
ioad.<;~olte before the St..te says t'l"y ;¡re goln~ to be inAdequate.
Counci:~n Jackøoo .tated he did not want to base zonings on presump-
tIons. For inatance, the DIal-a-Rid.. proposal may never reach fruition.
Hr. lillawalla .aid we should give soae value to all the positive as
well as the nepUve faclors !n figuring the 1'.09) traffic assulllption.
~.'~, ~'.,)
Be then procnfK to ......t s_ aolutioos to the traffic problem.
Be natecl thit Go1deD Giìt. BrUse traffic at peak bow is one vay.
Be .uuest." coalcl'.... 6 1._ pins .outh dadøa peak hours
.. abUt tbII 6 ~lDiAa north for the peak hoar lOinS 111 that
c-c11_ fro1icb IUÜ tJae .e1ec:tlœ of 8 1_. for Saratoga-
SOMIu\rW ao.4 v. '-d...cI ",oa partly beca... of tJae au. of
whiclu that.. are "1111, to nold. The traffic pattem changes
with induatrial or _rdal aonin,_ Tb;J tl:roullÞ traffic has to
be tÜft can of nprdl.. of the Cupertino traffic. The method
used for 1IDYiD, tba traffic alonl Golden Gate Brid.. vas probably
a l..t resort.
Mr. Bill~walla .tatad that because of the pollution, considertag
the hea¡~~, .afety and vel fare of the residents, he did not feel
residea~~a1 actdDI vas appropriate or. thh property.
Counci~~c Jac~an stated that lane shiftir,g is totally ~acce?taÞIe.
He doe~ ~~t believe ve .hould ~~ to unre~~~nable lengths j'JSt to
&Cc("-......¿a:,' traftlc.. ~.. still f,'els !lot rongl.:,' that resident::'al usag,eo
af Ll1. 7'~?e"y 1!1 acceptabl.. h"re.
C{"IIr"':~~-:-,i:'".¡ d;.d ~ct thi"k the City CCt;..1c~1 s;:ould r'I...kc any
d("ci,;¡:~,'''" ''':':i.cil thf! :"' tv,) c¡1UI'1cil::;.~n .¡:~i·!e at tnls :!W.....tin~.
C('oun.i _. _'oleum: n~-~e-~ :.Ì"\esè are r"("om::':('n'~_"jt:l:"~s at thie; p;"'i:lt..
C"ur1l:i..-::: :"rolich sa:..¿ ~"1··irt~nr.:t'nt.l1 tmpà,! :..c?.)rt:;¡ arE' &..."'i:'1b In
be >'lad." :7': tile bu':s ::- :.:),i~ d~c~si¡J:1 arui J.t .dll 10 bac_k to t~1~
Planr.i~~ :~~i~slor...
The Ci tv :'·,:tomey a;l~".~red ~:aY'or pre tem 5:'.:1:1<5 t'1tit ~ayC'r Indn
md Co.¡"a.::'l:un Mayan _Itre expect.ed to arri':e s:-,or~ly. He :Jgrc'êJ
It vou:~ .Jè much ClC're desirable to ¡l,aVt" .iLl five councilm...·n pr\.·::h..~t
but ~t ti.,~s tbia bas b~n 1Ilpo~:iil:llt. so t:le aO!Jent r.eri>t'r~ h :\'t.:
119!:~~¿ to the tapes ~! the neet1RC and r~~d t~e minut~s so they
,re fully ..pprised -:J! t~~ p=oce",din~~. :r'~;_~ a '..cgal p~int oi
vie.. tw aJvised tho.oe councilmen 1'~!I""l \ia.liu be in order to
lUke a d~d!lton.
Hr. Joh~ Carl!lOD cal:ed attention to th~ tact that they are over-
looking ta~ Environ~:al Protection Agency, ..nQ ~ay~ they ar~ baing
to cut t~" aut...obile trafÏic 75%. It this happens. we won't h,¡ve
myane 1I.,·inl in Cupertino tu vorry about.
Page 3
rllp 4
Councillll8l1 FroUch ..u there is residential to the north of tbia
property but, on the other band, tbere is a fairly larp c_rcial,
clevelopamt across tba screet. In tbe next few years there _y be
s_ new Idnds ot ....tip that will need to be lD8ø.cjþJ aa4 would be
appropriate bere"; 1ÍdiJl:Jpe of business could prodw:e a revenue and
p:rcwtde a servieeto>t1ìi.'duzena of Cupertino. Mayor pro tea Sparks
',' felt a_ type of ~ "<".\.ta1 or amall light industrial use could be
put there. the p1...-.a"i D:l.rector aaid the Planain& eoe.1aa1óa'a
I dec:ia1oa to put n816ìiiatial here vas basically a neiPhorboocl
I clecla1oa. there 1s'-" JDate cOlllllll!rcial developaeat in that neighbor-
I hood.
Councill111D .Jackaoa fdt :l.f we put cOIIIIIII!rcial here. thia vould put
prt~SUre on the agricultural property next door to also go commercial.
Kayor pro tem Sparks q1aStioned tbe quality of an apartment cOlllple:<
that :oay be put here. Coaacilman Jackson said tbe trip end factor
should be the crU:eria med. He feels a residential use could go
in her.. and this would cake away the uncertainty of the status of
the property.
Council:an Frolich said the property owner could be given the
resid.."tial/co=ercial :Ix zoning with the proviso he must meet the
16 trip ends per acre criteria.
~r. L..,; said the one criteria that came out of the study vas that
we r,,~: ly don' t care .r.tat is put on this property as lo:tg as iL did
not ;;~"~rdte any oore t;,= "-5 trip ends per acre. Ee sa~c! the City
Counc';': has said there are rotht'!r factors to be ccnsidered.
~~V~~ ~y Council~ Fr~l~~~, seconded by Council~1 S~ar~s. that the
nort.ì_:¿~t corner 0: Sa:-a:: ':!ga-Sunnyval~ R"ad and Hc~st;ead f cad (Bl11a-
valLi; :,e treated 1:: 5::'=':':ar iashion as Saratoga-S~..n:.-vale Road north
of thè [r..~~ay. T.~e :ecc:x:ended land use is co~~rcial, residential
or a !:~x thereof.
ABSE:;7 :
Councilman Frolich, !hyor pro telll Sparks
Councilman .Jackson
Councilman !ieyers, !tayor Irwin
Motion carried, 2-1
Kayor pr~ telll Sparks called a recess at 9:16 p.lII.
at 9:..0 p...
The me8tirg reconvened
, .. .. m ocrO.16, 1973 AIU"-~" CITY COIJ¡C~ETING
~ ~.
I: corner of HolIes 1:"" .... ... Saratoga-Sunnyvale ....
oUch felttbat, th8~~~..)t&,ítt sense for '
vas l1¡ht ladUIJ~,:(,~ ':;¡. "
.' boo said f_~t'~,"¡;:Z,,~~ we should abøIt
zoniD& bere, Ba':iS,'-&:"...tJaae:·.too IU:h caD he a-
1.1ghl: iDdcatriial';'¡' ''¡ÎK~~U; 'acres. Also we ,c:òiaY
!lIeu with I:bat1lltu '. :Ó;;;"'¡."tllese basis. Be weÂt'
1the pþ....ilOg c:c-1ut.a .I: ;. '-Hon of 4 to 12 -u.
., idential.
r ~,QIaz¡cilJlan Jackson, s..- '-" IIy Councilman Frolich, thaI:
-·..t corner of HOIDest.... .... aa: Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
_ the General Plan .. r~~ 1.1, 4 1:0 12 units per acre.
lie -
Hation carried, 3-0
i'a.l.ko !'ark (excl:.:di::g the regioDal. 5b:>ppiDg ·center site)
TbL ?'~<~g Dir~<~:~ ,tated that =~ ~lanning Coccission recognized
V~·~-~ T~~~age ~~:;~~~~ center as ~~ial. The pr~p£rty at th£
5C':1'""....s~ corner ~: =:.--.;n.eridge a.~ 'itiCUe 2.oad has bt...t?n d\:"signated
iO r,-i&1. pri::.l~i::,' fa, the cons==.o=ion of the Hil:"n !lotel
f~y. vnich n3S =",<n approve<! 1>: =be City. The rcabing acreage
!.3 ,,~= Park ar< ~di¡;nated pIa::.""': industrial/offio~ park
pr:w-i~s"l for the ,,~'..:opment of ~:.a= ~ea in a man:¡~r that is
p~- ~ relative to ::=.~ development c: :ut.ure rO.3d",~y i~rr()VtSent5
~ =a£:fíc handli:¡;: <,¡pabilities 0: tl>e area.
T1a ~ector of ?1:b:i.: Works revl~ ids October 16, 1973 memo
_f·~-' Co:1struc:i~" Phasing of VèkD Park. He n"'te;;! that the
rT-1 ce:>tcr ....i$ s:aled down tc ~ aillion squarL' feet including
ÛIe r-..... :facility.
AC áúa point Mayor Irwin arrived at ÚIoI: _eting.
~_ 1ial~ Ward, vic.-president of Y&llco Park, wanted to address
r_ _ y n. Unco=i::ed Uses, 111 t;be Þirector of Public Works'
Be spoke of t:'c recreatlOD area z:bey arc planning to develop
aa ~JE~ &oad. Troey .ill not be cocs=~ting the tvo eight-story
oIE~ '-i.ldings a"" :-~cause of this z::w:y would like to add about
1..tIII feet vf .ommercial.
Pa&e 5
S.E. comer
-I:ead aDd
.. . .I' .ale IlDadt
Vallco Park
Creek a...
!Illy.' c.
.1 'Y'"
Bl-. _
F1acIi .eIIL
. .
Com1c1aa Beyers &rd......, die _t1. $.
. : ..f.rrJa¡ to Area 18~¿~1:";¡ .1 said they are thtllk1D, SIt .teØ8 of
. ; 1øv tJpe eff1ca .... ' .11ke to ha'll the ar..'..... off1ea
'{,;ã.JJor . . trial" "'~I" the P1InniDa C~""".,ait~cI
dlat ,n-1. the. .. /ofPrœeridp ~'-';"'~ .s..4"'''-;'_-
....e of ..11.... .~. ~.true for It. 7...~;..~·~.
At.. 1føII -.1. ~" ,~" for athletic ...' apiât of
'~~iC .. ofø.c.. Be, . ~wo the possDWt1J¡~! c d. --:.....
,~QIaø~t I'roJJ.cb:' . al does not .... èo·...a
. .-ar1al1:1 f~ thè Public Works' report.'·
·-it,~·~ '~',
1Ir. Vm stated the .....;. ,,··-'-Uy in vaUco VUlap 1s _. & _J -1
cd vUl nlocate. k 1d11 .... 4 ddve-up vindøn .... dleø v111
be sucki.:t& roo. for ~'aø.
Couacihzl .1acksoa sa14 :Ie _ his understaDd1n& th.t die .1.m1D.
CoIIIaiss~~ said anythiaa ~ pes in must be able to be haD41eo1
by the ~~,a.! syste.. 'DIe ......--...r vas IOent1CD4'd for t.he _c._ (PC"
propett!. !tt. \lard sa14 dw7 felt that if a small theater vas there
the P"::=c:.5 "f the hotel _tol valk to it. In additioa. they ~d
pt d.,..-=:~ .:se "f the p~ lot because the theater would IIOC
o¡>era:. '.-:::e:1 t....e people _n mopping. He .auld Uke to !i..... this
zonin. :A!"~pat1on an die }tmperty, reca¡;aizing that ~ !1aw
to ~e~ C~ :~r approval of :heir appl1cati"cs at a l.ter date.
Coun~~:= :a~kson said êús is already a:\ attespt to lae the
\DcC'=:::.i areas so tbe Ci~ will have to be extreœly caret..!
in tOt:.. =-è~rd. Discuss~ followed.
!4o~..,d ~:- ;_,-,=,~illllSD FroUd!. seconded by C.ouncillll8D Spar'.ts,
as fa~ J3 :". remainder of Vallco l1aro< i~ ~.:-ncerned, it ...auld be
ha:!.j¡.~ C~ a.::cordance vi= ~ Director "f Public ,"or;'" October
16, l~-: ","::JJ ...ith the ~ci= of Cate¡;.:-::' IV, labeled #5 DC
the =, J::i that shall be œsl¡nated recr.a:ian/com:aercial.
:wtion carried, 5-0
Coun~~:= Jackson said ~ 1IDUld go along ...ith this sInce it is
a par: == :he total p;o":'~ e-..en thoug.... he d1d not go for the
re&io::.¿: 5"",p1n& center.
Steveos ;~ Blvd. oa die .orch side from Hwy. 9 to Bl_y Ave.;
south 5:::.e from Blaney A_. co Finch Ave.
The Plc::i:t¡; Director referred to page 5 of his October 16, 1973 __
on this :::atter. The f(01J.øIr1:s statements represent the aaJor f1nd1np
relat~"'" :.J the Plann1aS c-Ali1on's detet1:Únat1on of land use
.djace::.: :~ Stevens Creek n...s.
i\ '
~ ,
fii, ,
,...... '.:
Page 7
.~- ,1~:¡. ,';<.
H~<l!'t, .";,,,~, /.~
.<; fï'\ ',1'''''':. ;\'
f·'····· .'. .:":'.'L' "
.; . - .-,.
,- .' -
. ' "); '"
''«-'''~' 'If.
'~J \,;:, "~j¡~;;";S
:'~ ';, ;;.....;..<"t/·t2
.' " '/I'" ".'
~q, ':
!be iJlpact CID tb8~.. .. ~.r of· the City .41 on 8U~"c"8
_lÞbodaoocla . fn.'¡'-' jateø1ty ... f.a posUb..'
" ~ ~. ..":" "" .
- . ,.l:'l -
TIle -al1.1a of ,.&...,--~ .cdp _rc1al clewl~C
.1øIed that it 'l1li'.' t. _rall i~IICt8.
t' .
<a> the b,act .. die daaracter of the City ad 011
...U·O"",,,f... .................... f.a De¡ative.
(b) traffic 1~.cca an .re nepth. than for
....'_rated _rc1a1.
(c) eo...rc1al øeeda of Cupertino residents are .ati.fied
by existing aa.s pro¡>osed cOllllllercial development located
iD the City of Cupertino, _d existing and potential
~rcial deftlop:81t in the surrounding region.
(é) !be positIve fiscal i:pacts are not suff~cient to
out_lgh the neptive impacts above.
3. T::~ nisting stri;: cOIICIercial development does not produce
p~~':~'~ impacts ano sho~ld not be a part of the long run
Il~~ 1.:5'> pattern i:> Cu;:ertino.
Director <: ?"~lic ~orks went ever the Stevens Creek Boulevard
Y:-affic :'~-...:..\", O1art - 19'i5.
Mr. Le~' ~..:! ":Ie of the proõle:.. is that we don't know ",hat the
traffic ~~ :095 will be ~~t~ ~e pre3ent develorment plans.
Council~~ ?~::ich said tae pres~t existing co~rcial on Stevens
Creek Ik-a:<'.~~j in thb area 15 ¡;~e:-Jti::g very little traffic.
The Dire~t;~ ci Public ~Qr'u stated that the Tr&fflc Consulta:\t
h.. 1ndic..:.j that Ste'l8n5 Cr~£ Boulevard was overdesign~d.
Kr. An~l; L::lo, representing t~e ~llo family, 19914 Stevens
Creek B~J:~~4~d, said the property he is interested in is located
300 feet C3$t ,,: Blaney. He said this has bcen assessed at the
cø.aercia: <3t~ for a loog t1&e. rnis property has been in the
..110 f.:J.:\' :.)r over 40 years. The}· have cooperated with the
City of C::¡,,~:iQO with dedi~ioQ and im¡>rovements along Stevens
Creek Boul~~ard. The furniture store on their present property
vaald li~~ t~ expand its facility. He feels this commercial
propert}' <-',<,tributes to a balC1ced co_unity.
- .
"!J. Ferenz! ni4 tile e". of senn ehey proposed 1a .~.1UIIaC ....-
8fålar to tile Ethan A11eII .1Þ8~" It is inclepenclentl1 0VnjIII..
'A·CO appn"" of "'fua1~:"ÌluUe. they ~d1tb ._wi '
.cIoo IIqUft feee vitia· 2O.00IJ'/~ feet of it .. ..1.. aâa.. 1JIþ.'
. hip .01_ eJlNt lnailaeN,;,?ri'afflc ¡;eneratecl b1 the .eon
___t 40 Ct8tOMrS.. dq;,'Jbej.W haft 4 apl."...... ..
,.1IØt beU... their _ca.n tMIIltl1te on the roads clariDa...
',.. the fa:I1tue ~ ~ JIorth Carolina and i. storetl1D tbe1r
... 1Mre 1a pl_CY of _ for a buffer between this .eon
8cljacent nsidatia1.
-- further 41s_1.oD ie va cIec1c1etl to pcsrpoøe this _CUr.
"'__4 by Co==i::san Jac:ksoa. .ec:oaded by Cocncil!:l.1D Sparks, to
_joum this =,,~:i:11 at 10:46 p.1L to 7,00 p.... cn October 17.
~Iotlon carried. 5-0
APPRO\'!:> :
/1./;, E. In.·!,,
Y.ayor, City of Cu?cltino
fsJ ~. E. R",::.~
CJ.:y Cl~!t