CC 10-17-73
i: ..'
,",'.. ".
y. ,'"art f1I U/l'U4ISO. STAtE or CALDOIIIIA
;'....... :=. Torre A~e. Cupert~
, ,&;-, . 1IøDe: 251-4505
,¡:, 4:, :it.
::¡",>" ..
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JIaJor Irvin c..~l~ the .eeting to order at 7:07 p...
Cø<=.c Un,,::.
Co<;::.c 111Oc::,
Frolich, Jackson. Meyers, Sparks, ~~yor Irvin
-_. . - ~þ.
. ...::".. -~_.
. . - . -- .
..:. . ~ -~ . - .
Su':f pr~~~::
City ~¿~Àger Qjinl~n
Director of Aè:inistrativc Scrvices Ryder
City Attorney Ada~s
Director of Planning ~nd Dev,·lop"",nt Sisk
Director of Public Works Viskovicb
Consultant ,~¿..::.::
Econo!Úst Steve Levy
Court Repor:,~ ,resent: Eunice Tayler
CD;LRAL PiJ,;. o.~-.'::-'; - RemaiDder of Core Ar,'a
n.e North...".: ~_.l':rant of Stevens Creek Boulevard/Stelling Road
n.e color c~¿! l.l'~ use ma~ ...a$ reviewed. The Planning Director that ~::.,¿ :~è decision is aade on the Core Arca the staff
~11 update :~e ~? and shartly thercaftcr there could be a
joint ..eeti~; ~<·:"cen the Planning Co:::d~sion and! he City
Page 1
Nor l h""ct> l
S l£,Vi!ns
Creek In v'
"_ _;¡''f'
cil...U'OCd Novnber:,4." Þ further stated that.. we see iato d1s-
_s1aas ~f tndividual .' a legal dOCUl:lel1t of _ son will
req1d.reI because thia· .' eoas1dered dlscret1cmary art·....
'. ,. '; -.J
1be pt........r D1rector s· ."".. . :;¡, . the basic idea that _ øaC of
,reYiDu. ÜSC1ISS10D11 v..~~~\Wa property at StelliDg CId Su_
Creek 5Qrzlrrard abould ~íìi:"___rc1al. It has b_ _14ared for ,
pådtpÜr?ses. ' iIIe aaiú ~ 'propert>' could be' coåa1dered ·for some ' ~..
sort of =!dmtial. 'Iha r+q- ",,,S Coamissie" decided - 4 ~ 10 units
per acre Hue! on adjac_':: oIíÌw1op~ts.
Kayor !rri:t called for ....-_ta frCla the audience.
~r. Jerr:< n:z¡erald, 10191.S. BlaneY, Cupertino, stated Ú1ere Is "
law sui: ~~~:tg on the propeny on the corn..r of Stelling and
Stev..ns ~:-.~:< kulevard w!d.dI s.. presently ~f: calendar. If it 1s
not de,,,,.=?"¿ .IS a park site die lawsuit ,;ill be reactivated. Be
respec::~~:~ :eq~sted a dec1s1oo at this ~~:ing.
~r. v..:-,,-; :::dstensen, 801 ....rican Street, S3n Carlos, said he
p".\r:hasao :,:e "ChrJstensen- property and d"¿l:at..d streets and
agr"eè :: :~7:~ve on tbe :'as1s of 16 units '.': acre. This density
h~s b¿i':: ~~-.:':·:'c1al to :~e Ci~y of Cupertl::= :.'f apart::le:':.t. ~=7-1exe9
~:Jr re:; ~ ~-_:_~$t? chl1~ren ~.. grown and li':: :¡..,me. The z~i:lg of
~ to :: \ _:~ J"tocaticall:r elicinate thi~ ::'?' of develo;>,.-e:tt. He
said p:,..-,: .:iiitie.. are aðequate, and '" ::iaional tC3::ic ",ill
be t'l.i":':- :-: :~sident1al s~reet..t¡. He woul'; ~:.:,~ to deve:'cj)
"roper:~ ',.:.,': to the G:e::Þr.x>Ò< Apart.."n~3.
Counci:~~~ ':':Lch asked if aD additional 1:-,è:3tion on :ulti?l85
based ::, :'" ",,:::ber of bedr_ would be a::""Òl.. to hi",. If so.
..-:-'at ...:_:.:. :l: ~ul8est ;t~ . :allber of bedr.:':::~ :'.J encourage a
d..vel'7""~: ""~~ .... Glenbrocå or Villa S..r:a. ~!r. Christensen
said : r~ :~ ~~droo1lS per çanment would ~" ,'r¡>ropr1ate.
Counci:~~ -"~ers wondered 1f 3.6 would be r~e average pcpulation
?er èI;,:~.o; ""it. He said if ve are looò<i", ,it density t.'1e real
c¡~sti=-= :. ,:~ulation per -.¡uara foot. .\~~:::-:e"t housi:lg could
resul: ~~ _:_~~ populat1ca CbaD. say. du~l~x~s. ~r. C~rist.enseD
ans~..r.= :~1: the survey firs found they h¿~' 1.1 pefson ;>er bed-
rooo. :;.:. 3..rvey was dace 4 or 5 months ..p.
r.,e Pl~=; )irector said tile average house'1dd is 3.6 ?er30nS per
ct.;elli=¡ .::::; duplexes,, 1.5. lb"se are g......rally
accepte= ::ò,,:es, not C~ert1Do per ..e.
Counci:.u:: ::"lich sa1d the ."er of bedr,,:=> ?.or acre ccr.>eS out
about ~ .z:;.! so it cooes .s-n to quality. "''' b~lieves there
should ~ ~ ro1icy stateaemt speaKing to t.~is.
~ {
>_ 'Ii-.
~ .~4" ,"'" fz~...,-"
, ""jj¡ 't'
{"., ~;,,~~:ll':<'~
PlI&e 3
III. Aa:a .....r, Monta ~,MkacI the Council if the1 are taking
Sllto _i_ration tile JijåCetn.age. She is concerned that a
'__~t nbstcly cne:iG-«--1 iD hip density are.. cog],d result
..__ " o"',,;l:',~'" i
__.._ )' ", ~ "'f.,
o,(a- .:F. ¡,}oJL.
c:-ct~ J~ Døc.i'ø..ø'1s wry Utile property left in
Cllpert1_ for th18 type 01- ~opII8nt. He agrees there should
lie a paU~ sUt_t .: . 1D11ng the zoning.
C:-ciaa Spuks .u...... á buffer area along Stell1Aa a1s,ht be
Coœc1!..... ~,.ers .aiel people in this co::cunit,. in this last
elecU:-:: ~eel concern ~ apartments. The Colden Gate school
eru vas i:cluded ill the laat bond electien. It .howed a very
lov ..,,::~¡ turn out. 1h1. probabl,. will ~\aj)pen with 8?artment
cOllll'hxu. HistoricaU,., the veople ",-bc live in apartcent com-
plex..~ "OTe· little ~ "'1ty conc""'. Mother thing, when
you l~:~ &: sL~&le family wersU8 apart~~~: perhaps there are
8 to ",' ~..o?:e difference per acre, but c,e asked ..-ba: additional
.ervio,; ''-.0",1:1 be required for these j)e.?:¿....schools. par;.s, "Hf'
Be ha¿ =,x.~ f~~lin&s CD ~i.. This .a:~"oular area ~ad the
high~": ,"-.3Ü:: ?er ..Ue of an>· other a~e3 _'f the City of
Cupc!":." -:. C':'1e of the :.hinbS Counci l~..::..~ ':::'y~rs feels :'~is ,:o\l1d .
lend i:~~:: t,) is to f111 th~ need f..":" ~";-·::.~'r citizc:1 ".¡cU3':nh in :
thi~ c:,:, _'__,'. This w01:ld be a ve:y ~:::"..:i..t' area for t""Q
since :.3 .:l~:i~ to Fli.:1~ Center. d.......":':'::_-·d-:. etc. He felt Lht"h'
mi~t -: :.~::al flmds a.".HaOle f;:or t::,,, :y?e of develc?x:enr.
Counc :-,~~ :~.::.son said ve should k....~ ::: ::ênd the future
~:eC1":-:.:..: : lrs. c~uld be surrC"unded b" a~.::-:~:1ts.
:':' '-:::; :Jirector .~aud that th~ ::::,::i"g Comci;;s:'or. indl cat.,!,
::-.: ;:-..":'~rr)· as &11 addition to ;~{-:-__~'::3.1 Park. eli::linatinf. ~
5 4::-f:-, :." t;1'-'! rear. Ibis will a::::'~~:' ...'ur open s?ace ('lè~:,·nt.;
Mayor ..' __ <aid ..·e wUl nave to go t~,,=~:', the Capital\'C'-
M'nt :-:;;'=.£2 ,¡gain. The S act'es as ,.c~l a~ the 12 ncres are
prc~~:: -=:':!r do clou¿ a.s & result ~: :"d~ :-...':1d issut!s result:;.
COU='h--:. - : J..:Ìi.':;C'o äoulc! no: like to $::.:.... :-:..i$ ûs Far~ ;»ropcrty
beca~$. :: ~~ tJ~ far aw.y.
Counc:::---:.- ::-....lic:' said it 1,;'ould be d~::::;~:t to apply
p~r .:H':t- :'::. :hè back port.~o:1 and 6C'::-.i" ~ ~ :~:- ¿è'usity 0:1
He ...':__ :..-. ~:: !av~r of 16 u.,i:s r~r :1'::.. ::",'ping t.~1i5
in ...'i:':. :-'.': acjû.:ent cotJplrx.
ló units
th(' fr0n~.
..·i11 ti.:·
?3¡¡e 4
Ha10r Irviø. felt tbat Jrorthpolnt davelopment locks crowded at this poiat
__ thoqb tlle1 are ~ COIIpleted. '
,,.CoIIId1-,FroUcIt, lie had DO objection to 16 units per acre on that
. t _tin ,_1. .:Chitet'- Heyen suuested II Planned DeftlopMDt here.
~t1- S,...' <III ... like the CapItal 1IIpr_ts ~ttae to tske
,Ii 1oak. g the Sa$dapnpertJ bdore J.t is zoned 16 units per acn. ' ,..
lD npri to d. ....rl)'1D& zOlte, the City Attorney said somewhere in the
poliey aut_t it could say that this lI1¡bt be a feasible park site.
If v1thia a ~1a 1eI1ath of ti_ it is not feasible to pick up
this property for a park site and if the deftloper vas ready to pro~ed
with tlw deftl~t, ... could do so.
CøuDcllun FroUch Mked if it is a subterfuge to put an optIon on the
property for oae year. The City Attorney said this would not be a
subterfuge. Fr_ a pUnDing point of viev, the City Attorney said,
if the CoW1Cll VaDts this conside....d for.. par.. site, it should be
indIcated at thIs ti...
C~cilman Jac&soa said the Planning Commiss10n made this decision
relatively ~u1c"ly when they reali%~d they do not have en~u~ park
property. Perhaps it should be restudied.
! ~o>\",d by C<:,und Iman FroUch, seec-nd"d by COW1ctlman JaCÕ<.en, that
i t.l~..e L"'·" ~..Jrcels (Saic:'s and Chr\~t¿:\scn) be dC3ignat~lt 0¡\ the
I c.,neral Pl.L"\ as PD 12 to 16 ""its ,;,<,r lcr... wit!. a polley ,;t.>t"..ent
: ~ttaehed th~t the City be instructeJ tG 1000< into the p~~5ib.lity
¡ ,,( utili.;.n;; the comer piece for ;>.HO< purpo""5 aud that th" City
100:< into th" unlllWll BUDDer of b"dr"~r.IS per acre as w"ll.
1ào!! City ~!dI\ago!!r cautlOfted that "'e de,"' t want to use zoning 38 a
c¿thod 0: ho>la1ng property for futur~ public US". Ke will discuss
the Il3tter!\ the property ownet:i.
Councilman frolich suggo!!sted ~"\orh¿~ ,0551b:lity "Guld b¿ to zone
pro;-erty wi tltout specl fy ins ...hid> ,~~;>erty sh.)uld O~ resid...nUal
."\d ~,ich should be park prop"rty en tlto!! PIL~n...d ùevelop~nt.
The City Attorney said th... pur¡>oso!! _,f th" C"'I1"r.11 Plan is that the
basic de»1b=1....t1on should be the pr~f~rr~å u....¡e .:iI\d t¡1e SC(:oõ\ddry use
should be the underlying .....e. Coun_-iloan FroJi d. said ...e :,avo!! not
est&blbbed yet that this is who!!re w" "ant a par". It hasn't been
reviewed by the P.rlts and Recreat1"" Commis~icn nor has 1t b..en
!~tion carried, 4-1
Councilman Sparks No
JlDiuu.:. OF THE ocrO'lE& 17, 1973 ADJOl1l.'ŒD CITY COUNCIL MEETniG
Page 5
" ~.~.
..,or IrriD calW . nc--' at 8:20 p... KeeUna reconWDed at
':40 .,..
~_:!. i
... 'Ita Db..ctor'8dI .... area the "-'''' C '..1øD
'i¡,tafl'''lta- dIa _;ht-IIII! Blae)' A__ .. tile TCIiIID Center
"'å1a. Sta_ CnaII.'IoII1aYari. Ihe '\-'''' ~·dGO cCld1ðU'ad
'; tIda alØllll,)' ....1.... ... tbouþ thare are a couple of vacant
íate. fll t"-I' __ _ diet propert)' na& to Ha7fa1r Jlañet GO
.~ Cuek IodeYari. 1ha 'I_ilia c-tss1on rec_cled the
ana "tweo F1ac:It ..... .. the ..stem CitY b_claq nul11
....rcial. 1ba Portal Plaza vacallt property v1ll reaaiD
....rcial "inca it is a daftloped sh::ljIPlnl cntu. Ihe EcOQOlÚC
CooaultlD: said the '1aøD1l1a Coaaissioo atteapted to distinguish
"tween t:'on .daUna .as that th,,}· felt vere desirable and
thoae edstin, _ tbe7 falt vere not dedrable.
Xoved by C~~cila8D Heyers, secon~d by Council~~ Sparks, to
.cc~pt t~e .oove stateaeftt.
Motion carried, )-0
Cour.cil~ ?<01ich surges:ed that t~~ traffic ~eneratln& ~~ct~!
a;"rroa..:r: ..;.~.:.~ not feasible alo~¡.; St!.:·"l~ns Creck. aoule·/ard. S..):'~
otht.~r tY!"~l :-~1..-..dg,rdq, sh::;.ul:i be ir.lì¡':;~","'nted here. Kinds of
busi"..s~". :..2: ..i¡;llt bi' a;:prorrid" ..'uld De auto=Dlle d,·,Ier,
furnitu:-e ..~ ~:-f'. garden 5\:??li~s, !'h~iC' and TV repair, s\.,
pool :ou;;-::: .l."1d sales, interior d~c...'r-\tor, realtors, anirr-ll
~"'5pita~.. :...,J.,,·('l bureau, boo~ sto'!"~, ~nall aotels, health club~..
A p~rti~~ ~: ~hc comcercial zonin~ ~~ Stevens Creek Boulevard
might fa:: .:'\:'0 page of ::;cse 11m::. .1: i......ns.. Pres~ntly Sor:1e ('f
the old~r "."~s are bei::g used by 3ttCt:1eys.
CC'c:\cí~::-..::.~ :a("l¡,s.:m felt t:1at co:.-:.:.(' offices \o:ould probably
also b.:- :.'.... : r.¡ffic ge:"lf':ö;tors t:~...~u~:. h~ 1.:; ccncerned about nC"n-
crof"r:::::".~ ..;,~£,~.. He cc'..:l'l...'t see t:~:::> pr('lp~rty goi;)g resid~ntial..
}k wC'u:..i : ....: to see so:!r'.e typ~ of (.·..·~:.~!"cial 10\1.· traffic genera-
tin~ use. ::.'"'' such as t;;Gse "",nti,,,.·¿ by Councilm.ll1 Frolic!1. n..
.~:;u¡f1 'Ll'/~ a ~:,_.,,,,, ~'J1.~·,t\-t ~·,t ~.~:f:l\· In·' t"afliC" gC:1':'r3-
t;',. .
Tnt.: Ci::
'''~':J1è &:. "-
:. ::ai:y ans:..-e:~:.i t.:ü\';';1ci.L..:.~. Frolicl1 t~¡3t a C-2 Z:>l1e
....~ ~C':"'.tr.."'l ·_·.t;. t:1...~ ,:-.l.' ?':",....~~,·jur¿.
C':"~:1.".:~:" ", ;p';""S is c.:'::=t':-n~d 'lP":-'Jt r.":~-C"l,)r1f(,;"i.'-:nh U3CS~ Hi? is
-.. .
~i:~:- ;~:,' ,.u:":~-,.-·:""I..·-
" '
- ...._- ..- -'.-'
tor ~v~.! .:::. ~~-"I.!se ?arcels ":0:':":''':' L't~ \kH~d in t.,;.lis mar.ner..
Pace 6'
íirr .. ,'~, ......'
.~:~ ,'¥l~it
~·,t'ì >,~'
,"'. .
\1"' ,'~ '" '.:>' ""
. .
Hß1.ii'ES OF TáE OcroB~ 17. 1973 ADJOIJP.NED CITY COU5CIL KEEl 15(;
}be Dor~ ~cleçf. Sta"" Creek Boa1eYar~. Flq, þIIt_, CØ!I14 be ,UH4
a they presently are,h1n. used. Be would like the lull profesl1onal
, offices and ...U ~ to be allowed to ~..
. ',. ",' . .,"
Hqor Irw1D 'á1~ tII.~/~qsae' "17 nårrcni piec.. .t~~Ste_ Creek
Boulevard that, tfaa1d'.tjt~~.~!f1~t to develop þI41"'''''.''y. If - ,
are able to ....V.-rac., ~"!P1i; of, these properti..1C,,~d eo1ft!
e_ of the fQreu'__. Jiâlì1øB, dpiD.1IIId l..a.ape prob~.
Be said we do not baw tile 'aew.s17 controls to force tile property
owera to set topther. . .
Couociblan }'IAyen eaid Viata Drive to Satatop Awa_ ~d ~
the vay it ia beina uecI at. present because tbue are shall_ lote.
CoœcUuo *fen m4 CoaDcil_ Jackson sugpeted 4 to 7.6 unite
per acre for cluplesee alan. Vieta Drive.
After further discuse10D it va felt that those properti.. that
could fit into a C-l ....lgnation would get ':-1 and the balance would
£0 1:1to a new type of zoning. This could be a general policy on h_
tc C,?r03~~ these propertiPos. The only things that would fit into
t~~ ~1d C-1 zone would be existIng use~ that vould not fit into the
n~\" ordln.ances.
~..::. 1r':::1 as"ed for c"""""nts from the audlence.
~:r. "'L,c~::: ¡orre, 19945 Stevens Creek Bculevard, Cupertino, stated
th..: h1< :.:-ther h... 4'2 acres along nere that were ?resently zGned
".:d"nti3l. ",ere is a solid vall bet"",,,n the Boulevard shoP?ing
ce~:"r ~~d this property. He does not beIi~\~ R-3 can be built
t~~:~. His mother would li"e to conti3..e living there for the
pr~.~nt ri~. He said the pro~erty is about 400 feet deep. He
ao.:òw.!Ted ~:ayor Irwin he had QO objection to rezOlÚ.n& this
prci'erty to COIIIIIIerciAl.
C~cil~ JaCLson said he "ould not like to prohibit so.e sor~ of
co~rci3¡/residential .!x. This could be included In a poll~y
Mr. Ern",st McConnell, 55Z 8ear Creek Road 116, Scotts Valley, s31~
he "as a ."=.111 ¡>iece of property on Blaney Avenue behind the Snell
Sta:ian 3::d he is ple~d to hear the Cóty Councl1 is considerlng
~~thini otber tban residential. He purchased this property witb
the idea of putting. _tel on It. He QO'"" ,,·ishes to sell the
pr<>~erty for health reaeoos.
..... 11)" CGaDcll_ hol1cb. "'-eI by Counc1lun Heyen. that
..... pnpert1es 011 tile DOrtIa?~1cIe' of Ste_ Creek Boul.-rel
,.. 'Portal to Santo.. 5j'. INd be shCIW oa the Ceøeral
, -.'
ftà· m accorùace vitbdWi;.' elations earlier; ~Y.
tIdic tbon abt1nl us.. ~_I: fit Íllto the new zoa1u&
'-.._a .oa1d be .oaecI C-l;~JbøM areas wbich caD be fined
Ja or wb1da an PrueDI:11 ~ would SO mto the -
rclat _. Ind'!"'-t Sa:=daaC new c_rclal .aninl
........e. wilen it is dr_ ... ~d be a paraarapb 1Ihlch
~des for a mxtura of ~rcial and residentIal vith
."npr1at. cœtrols .... b9~. t by the City aDd further
that a dditlit1ve clefin1I:1011 of us.. in that area would be
.r.1pued by the staff before tha _Ung on October 31 for
f1aû em1blu.
j¡ 0
.. '"
Motion carrIed, 5-0
South aide C'f Stevens Creek Soul."ard, to Wolfe Roae! or Blmey
n.e Pl.,ni"g C"=is3i,,n r.cOICIe!1dation ".a.~ fer resie!ential across
froc Val!." :.=~ :Inanci~~ Center. 'lbe ~reek separates tae
property. ,-C:;..ld lean Spar" sees pro"erty as co.-rcial.
Be also :::'e Fitzgerald ..ropen)' as co=erdal.
n.e Plauni:1S ~;=cctor stacoed t:"lat the Planning Coc;.mhsion felt
the sout!: si:~ "f Stevens Creek ßoulevard offered more opti=s
because it i$ >¿sically unde7eloped. They tal~ed about a mixture
of land us~~. 7ht! Steven3 Creek BculevôTd area was the: cost
cI1ffieult '''' :".. Planning ec.r.ission. r...,y generall)· åenou:1ced
Yhat they sa. as c~~merc1al. ~ey discounted any linkage
betveen t~. ::-..,. Ci!nter and cob" r,,¡¡ionaI s~"Pl'ing center. r"ere
vas . gr~.1t dè'.ll of coacer:1 ~cut. non-cC'tlf~rmlng uses.
Mayor l~i~ ,,~served that ve bave here t~~ fairly large parcels.
With PlL~..d D.oveloPQeQt ve could prevent strip cçmmercial. This
v~uld \.."...:.... .;....;~ ~u':'"b, 11fc.e t~e area across thE' stre~t. Ar~t.. 12
a;"p~o:\r:: t... ;;.:;....,: 3 (If 4 pc:.:~el.s. He doe!ÖÕ ~~,t kn()w hl".""': cany t
property ..".:..:......-::~ n:,c in..-ol."ed t:-.e:-e. ~:ayC'r :r-"1n 5aiJ l.e c:oe3
DOt beli~~~ =~~:ùential belocgs .l~g St~vcns Crc~k 30ulcvar¿.
Counci 1;-,,,,, ::,y~rs said ve have ~o rec"¡;:>¡z,, that traffic is a
protlem ~n S:e~ens Cree~ Boulevard as .....11 as Saratoga-Sunnyvóle
""ad s" ,'e s".:>uld allo-.: t.'lil1P along hi!re t:...t are 1010 traffic
rale 7
I....... or m """'"'" 17. 191> AW""""" an IllUlCIL -
CoancUaao Herem ..s.4 certainly the larger pareet. leave _re options
open. We are 10""" for a break in continuity ~ the Tow
Center and thes1lofida' center. Be yould be ~ in..1f-ct·to lIP
alGal trith low '"e- -11:7 C-2 ~rcial beø. .. .
þ ,
" ,
Coancll_ JadÍ_,_'the area pretty van _taltUahacl ..
_rcial adj_~ to. the hi&b sehool. 1Ie.-U 1.1JuI to ...
_thiDg cOllllat1b1e tAt the fiDancial center *=raøs the street.
lie are cleferrin. c"... of usage to the Pi_a Dewlo~t.
Parcels 22 aa4 U CIC>G14 Ita devaloped sWlar to Barclqs and
die Dun Witter dewl r ta. He yea think!D1 111 telWS of
profeu1oaal _a:1a1 offices. ø. would lite to ... so_ t:ype
of I"tddin.. bere _ III .l:sture of dedred _.
Attorney Tom O'DD:z:Ia1I. 101 Park Center Plaza, SaD .Jose, said he
vas representiDc the Cali feally and they agreed with everything
tile Ci:y CoUDCU b_ .aid regardtl1g property ac~s the street
f.... \"allco Park. It ú 300 feet cl<>ep. It goes all the vay over
to Finch .\wo_. e. suues!ed a wry nice office com;>lex a1øÞt
be ç¡>rcpriate .i::ce there vUI probably not be the need ior more
cO:=>H.:ial in that &:ea sInce the regional shopping center is
aoing in close to Sears.
:k-wl ;', C"""cil= ,roUch, s"conded b>· Council:s:> Si'arks, that
tl.e s""" dde of S~e-.'eI1S Creek ð.,ulevard froD t~e easterly side
of r:::" Av..nue to ~. eastern Cit, bound.1ry bc d.esi¡;:tated
~o~:::al, ~~d t~a: :~ staff is to b.. directed t~ re3tudy this
ar"a p:'Jr to the O<.:~er 31st ...eting.
~otioa carried, 5~
Councilt:.>n Jacksoo .~d perhaps there should be aome standards
for u:lif"rnity al~g üe southern and northem aides of Stevens
Cree~ 3:ulevard. C=-.:cilman Frol1ch said the Plan:led Develop.ent
Ordi:ör.,'e would tùe ~re of this. Councill'>al1 Jacitscn ,,·as inter....ted
in tyi"¡ tne laac!aca;>e plan tog"ther here into a policy statement.
Moved b~ Councllma:t Jacksoa, seco:!d"d by Cou:1cll::an S;>arks, that a
policy s:at.,ment be worked up for the abow ::enti01>ed areas.
:'!ocl00 carried, 5~
CoU3cil~ ~eyer. veald like to discuss the core area vest of
Met1l)"D 's Dcpart....~ Score 01> the south side of Ste~-ens Creek Boulevard.
Paa- 9
,lIønd by Counc:iI.a Ì'ìDJIda that this area be CCDS1cJeft41
'_rcial. This 8Oti.-_ withdrawn.
IIII'nd by Council_' Fød1dá. seconded by CouIId~ Ke1en.
to designate the ro.c OU1cemd church propeny OD StftmS
~_k' Boulevard as IQ ... the existing c_rdal iD that
_ up throuab die comer be designated ~rc1a1. Amaad
tile comer on Ste111DS it shall be residential.
!be City Attorney cautiaaed that these are properties for
1Ib1ch the Planning ("--.ion hu not _de rec_dat1OD.
'DIe IIOtion vas dropped at this poInt.
It vas moved by Couocil-.a Frolich, seconded by Council..ø
.Jackson, to designate 4 to 7.6 zoning parcf!Is 1 _d !8.
Kotion carried, 5~
~\"ed by Council::an froliè1, seconded b)' Councll::a:. !;;oarÕ<!I, to
adjourn the meet!"; to i: 3J ;> .D. Octob..r 31. This :--","ting
adjourned at 10:06 y.:,
Motion carried, 5-0
Respectf~lly submitted,
Recording Secre:ary
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