CC 11-05-73 . . an or CUPEnUO, STATE or CALUOIJIA IaJOO Torre AVellue, CupertiJ». Ca1J.fornia ...~ rbone: 2524505 1WIU1.&.:. Of THE IIGIJLI& ~..c; or THE cm OOUHCIL laD. _&BHI. 5, 1973 ø'BB œlllCIL CHA.'ØlElt, Cln 1IA1L w..-....~. CALUOIDlIA UUIß 'fO THE lUG IL.._': Irvin called the ~ma CD or"r at 7:30 P.K. with die s.lIICe to tile Flaa. -.J. C&U. eo-c:u.en present: c:ø.c:ilMn a!lseut: rrolich. .I-I.-OIl, Meyers, Sparks, Kayor Irvin None Swf present: City ~ Quinlan City Attcmaey Ad_ Director of Adainistrative Services ~7der Director of PlannIng and Development Sis~ Directcr of Public Works Viskovich Director ~f Parks and Recreation Butler !WiUTES OF n.."'\"~OOS MEETISG 1. Approval:= Minutes of Ia~lar Meeting of October 15, 1~73. Paae 4, thir! .araaraph: De:ete "to his radio" and replace ~th ·~cerDing ~~:erference". Pace 6, ald!:.. .:f the pase: AT£S: Cou::ci:",en Frolic.", mES: Co....cil...n JacksOD. Tote on the ....'t ion should be: ~ ...rks, Kayar Ir,dn ~ers Kat lOG ~rtecl, 3-2 Jlcrrecl by Cou:::il2an JacksCD, M~ded by C....undl..an Keyen to .,.rove the ~i~utes of October 15, 1973 as c"rrected. Kot1oa carrled, s-o CC-188 Pase I >.ClC-1II ::;ft. 2 K., t'~~i~;: ;. .... l' . . ES OF mE mmøn S. 1973 IECULAIl CITY COUKCIL ftUlœò CATICIIS . Vdtta Letter of na1paes. '- Capenf, ) LibrUJ ('~-- ~ 1Ir. P. lri.. vn-. AD atrlce frea Ctt)"..- .øce carrIer that eM ... caap1alat fU... by ~ ... Dorothy Kc:Condck .... ... nfern4 to a 1ø flra 1Ibo 1d.11 K& on behalf of the Ctt)'. AD _rice frea tile State c:c.pensation Iuunace I'WIIÍ _ CO .o4Ulcation of the JI al dividend distributioa .... 1I-e-.., by -.rt deciaioDs høUIq ciUes liable for ,.,-t of· . orary .... pusan_t diaabUUy to public safety pe~1 _ta1Ja1q heart trouble at CCDSUerable periods subsequent to theu temiDat ion. D. Request frCD the KaJor of the City of Riverside for support in their actIon opposiac Proposition I. E. Letter frea the !tayor of the City of ~"nte Sereno r~stlD& support for the coot1AuaUCII1 of the pr.>posed West Valley Fre_ay. F. Letter frOla Sandra Jean Ball expreuir.g opioIo" as t.o the diffi.:ulty 10 _et1l-& ¡"S schedules in this area. C. """ti.:e fr_ the lLe&i.o11al Goverl1Olen: Issue C_ittee of the Re8ior~: Citizeos' fer.. of a publi.: hearing on l.egiC11al Co~err~~t to be held at the Board 0: Supervisors' ~~rs o~ Satur.uy, Dec_ber I. 1973. B. A DOti.:e frCD the ~~llc Utilities C~ission of a ~eti~1 00 50veaber 28. 1973 ~ the Commissioc's O~~ aDtioo relati:c to pl~~ir.g, co"tructioc, operations, .r3ctices, aest~tics and econc:i.:s of overhead and undergrounj transœission facilitIes of all electric public utilities within the State. 1. A copy of a petition filed vith the :u~lic Utilities Coaaissioo by Roy t. Arledge doi~& business as enited Transit for authority to extend passenger stqe s&rvice fro", United Airli~es ~.ainteoance Base to vadous pobts vithin the co=unity. .1. Three caoaunlcatlOftS relatlog to lte:s on Consent Caleftdar. . . _dS OF TIE ØÐÐIER 5, 1m ECOLAR CITY COONCIL KEETDlG L ..... m. Hr. Uehara r. ðl11t...., Vice-President ancI ~or of the Park VUla Associate of Cupertino (Glesa Oab), ~tb& apport for .. --10ft frOll! Cupertino clue to the ,riiIote L .·4Mc locaC~. aeek ancl freeway barders. .. '1IIÎà11 .. odIK CØIUIicler- . (Aaeucla it. 15) s.... Allrice &. tM Siena Cb6 eactorsing the Parks acl 1IIer..- tioD c--c...-·s re" '-_ for the r....-ing of the StanDS Cnek Park. <.... ... ice. 10) .. J.etter f~ the Ass1at8IC "-lve Officer of the County re1atiD& to the IlUbla1ssiøa to LAFCO of c:ity urba service ana pl..... (Agenda it_ 14) ...... by Ccc::~il:an JacksOD. _c:oadecl by Councilman Heyers, to ~ vit!! r~ret the resip.atlOD of Hr. P. Brien Wilson fr08 eM Capeni:>.:- Library CD_issloD. Motion ~iecl, 5-0 1: relar; t.:- t~~ M=Coraick a8tter. the City Attcrney said there are two c.:-:.=t 5 i::. the cOllplai:>t: one for dar.lag..s and one for an iAjUDctiec. :~ City Attorney's office will handle the injunction As to the :~. 5~~edule matte= k=~~ght to the att..ntion of the CouDcl1 by ;~~ ~all, Council:a::. Frolich stat..d he has sent copie. of to:. :etter to the ~istrict. The staff ~as asked to follow up .::": A ;>hone call ;:r letter to Mrs. Hall telling her it ~ been r.:.::ed to the Dis:=1ct. CoaDcilma~ ::r::i~h stated t!lat the District en:.:-urages competition ~ DOt t: tee extent that t~7 ~QUld have to "~y out other bus _---.- .al.5 ~: c. ~'·erlapping 0: seo·ice occur$. 3. Oral &. !loDe re""es:ed. .. Jaques::~ Councilmen for reaoval of itens from Consent Calft>d.a:r. - There were :>one. ~ Kayor !~i::. publicly welcosed Cub Pack 431 to this meeting. They we:.. .orking on their Citizenship baèg..s. CC-188 Page 3 Vilson resig. accepted .,' . .... 3568 _op~e4 . . OF T1Œ ~ER 5, 1973 RECULA1l CITY COUNCIL !lEErINC C 1IIa'.~ . a-l11Uøn 10. 3568: -. Þso111t1øn of the City Council of the City of C1Ipert1Do OIIS.d.. vacac1øn of . lortioD of Billcrest Iø... J.øcatell JIorth of ('411 rc1Do ...., ParlUat to Section 8320 .t. .eq.. SCr..ts ... BtaJ-,. CD fe of clle Scate of California and "ta1n1aa tile Ana as 1'IIbUc Vti1lC7 aa4 Slope w.- -c..- - rail by IIqor IniD. Director of Public Vorks .cu_ thet tb1a property Is 111 clle foothills . 40' street 1a .ffideDt hen. Þb1bita A and . atuchell to lucioD 110. 3568 ap1aID tile Mtail.. Irvin asked for c lilt. fr_ tile _isace. There ....re DOne. eel by C?un.:llaaD Jack.OII, Meoadeel by CouncilaaD Meyers to clo.e ~be 1'IIbUc: Hurin&.. Ifotioa carried, ~ ved by C~."~~il!:WI Meyer., .ec:onded by Counc:U..n Jackson to adopt Kesolution ~. 3568. Ifotion carried, 5-0 5. 70 c:or.$~"~r Envircr.uaental lIapact Repo>rt for expansion of Hewlett- Packar~ :~~ilities located at the southeast corner of the intersec- tion .:: '''~~fe Road and """",,stead Road. the Planni~~ Direc:tor ask,>ð that this matter be discussed along with agenda ite= '(a) since they refer to the S3me property. So aoved by ,~~ncilaan Meyers, seconded by Co~ncil.an Jackson. Motion carried, 5-0 APPLICATIOSS 6. Planning COCIIIIisslon A. Applicat~~ns II-U-73 and II-TK-73 of Howlett-Packard Company: USE PEL~I :~ allow construction totalling 1,3.0,000 sq. ft. of light industr~~l space: TESTATIVE MAP to combine Parcels A & B consisting of 96.57: ~~r~s. Said property is within a P (Planned Dev~lopment with light i~~ustrial intent) zone and is located at the southeast corner of the int<r$~ctlon of Homestead and Wolfe Roads. Recommended for approval. IWIUj~ OF TIŒ ~ 5, 1973 RECU1.AR CITY CooAHEETlNG IIItJa reaard to ph....h. c:-1aaion Re801ut1oD No. 1214. Mayor Ima ..ieI he had IpODD with Hr. LoUD StoclWle1r in regard to * o1cI ~ located OD th1a property. Hr. Stock!.eir atated did tile B1ator1c&l !Iociety 1IOUlcI vote on JIov..ør 15th on the . trt1.41it)' of --~ th1a bøuH for 811Øther with IIOre aq- tdfJaKa. a. .Joe Ibrl1cb. of 1br11ch Raft aDd __4..U Arc:b1tecU, Palo A1ID. ap!aiDed the _"n.4U GO the ballatin boarcl. The ~_t ~ 18 alJoat 200.000 .... ft. 1a.. ChaD pnrioualy apprO\'ed, tbia ...1 1 18 for a I""'" period. A future traffir aip;tl v11l he locaÞII at the _traCe ecR" frea the BiltoD coeplø. Be ..id ~ ..... prepared their plaDa arcnmd the ..cure ne.. loc&ted __ ~ the uistiDa fan bouae. The arc:b1tecture v1ll be cœpaUble w1tJa that of Jll¡UdiDa 142. JIr. Kilton StockaaD, v.a.s. ae_ch COIIpaDY, _rind the ~I'UDt points of the Enriro_ental 1ap&ct Report and the Bay Ar_ Air Pollution Dl8tr1ct'. atat.eDta. Aa to i.pacta aaMH:uted with cODatruc:i~n and iapacta relat1D& to ongoing operations, ba .U that durir.¡ conatruct1on of the proj.ct 1lOIII. high particulates v1U .. in the ¡eneral area of the construction, not uDlike other conatruction pr~jacts. ~riD& operatIon, they have a concern about particulates ;,,::tribute<. by seae of the operations and by the autoaobilas. ~~era arr ttae. when the acceptable standard is aceeded, but ::'i.wi~l he of abort duration and localized. The levala of hy¿r~;uboD8 will he Increased in the afternoons during shift changes. This will .. reatricted to tbe immediate area. Ik. Stoc1a:lan uid nol8. 18 'another matter of concern. During the construction ¡>!-.ua, bigh lev.la of noise vill take place. This is DOt a unique .i:~tioD for this particular type project. There ..y be ~e residential coaplaints during the construct10n pbase, pAZticularly :r;n the people scross the atreet, on Homestead Road. Be noted that ¿aytw. noi.. ia less unacceptable than nightt1Jl1e D01ae. At the intllTs~tions of Tantau and HoIsestead and at Homestead and Volfe the tra:::ic nol8. will exceed the IIIJD levels, but this will be of abort ¿uratioD, dur1D& peak hours. The conatruct1cn of the parkiDa lots v1l1 destroy IIOIIIPvegetation aDd wild Ufe. A traffic si¡r.l ~ill be required, at leaat by 1980, at Pruneridge aDd Tantau. rhe 'Iantau overcrossing will òe necessary. There vIII be a: increase in tbe total Dumber of accidents, due to the increased traffic. CC-188 Page 5 . . ES OF T'!Œ Jt'\'!1IBER S, 1973 tEGUW CITY ComK:IL MEETING ¡ . seocJ-- S&U the lase area of CODcern is socio ecQllOlaics; direct :b1111rect Dpacts. M to cI1rece iIIpacts, 700 _ years of labor F iDto û1s project, Local expenditures for uteri.l. v111 be ___ of $I ailUou. 'rile CIIIIo1Da orcbard/aadcaltural bua1aa8 be .tt.t-t_. In this _. It, is not a vert eco_Ic - for _. Jy 1910, the toc.a1 . u of .plo,... add_ to tllia t1 vi11 kfq haM ..... sa the order of $SO .1111011 per Jear w1l1 c:œcrUoate $2 .nu... per year in tau. In ßeneral. tile 1 of eM people vork1DI for the ..nic.. supportiD& the ..,l0JU8 be $90 .1111_ per JUIC. , to the _tal tapact. in tllia area, tbe aarlcultural operaUoaa uded three ~-Uies (6 acha1ta aDd 14 cbildren). Hevlett-Padtard Yallco Park are vorltiDa tOletbar to help re":'stabUsb aud relocate e people. . '~ , . Stockaa:: ~..::ed port ions of the document {rOOl the Bay Area Pollution He feels l~r vind speeds should have been used in He salol the eaitters of th~ pollut&nts vill be ead thr~.~~;: :he facIlity. These two things will counteract ch other. ~~ >-aid they looked at both th~ a,·erag~ and the adverse bient air :~:::~ in their study. Kayar lr~i~ added that the southeast ~~~, ;~~~lly brIng storms which t~~d t~ mitigate pollutants lin the air. ~,5:.xlaaan said the only case in ~~ i.:h things exceeded ~:ceptable ~~_~3<ies fall vithin the proje.= i:s~lf. ¡The prese~: z::c.~t air quality will impro~e. d~e to the smog control I"" the cars, ¡Mr. Stock:o;¡c HC~ rho! last question vas in r'~'¡(Q to the fuel substitution. ,In the fu=~<., ::i~ area might suffer from !a;~ ~f natural gas. Ine st appr~;: _~:. sabs:itute would be soae t";~ d fuel oU. re is :~. :>:;,iJility that increased t,.~~~!o~y will take care of chIs prob:~ :: .sides. This problem is ur..~~.~rable at this time. Council~~ ~~'.<. asked if thIs project were !~~ked at in the light of at it wi:: ~~ :~ the total environment a~¿ .~,:h~r it exceeds present S:~C'J:". Mr. Stockman said the E~~i<~r=e~tal Impact Report procedure :. :~e ~f the eleaents in this aat:er of air quality. The facts prc.e~:.; :~< the i~ediate site indi.òte t~ere is the possibil'ty of exceeQi~~ ::~ .hart periods the acceptab!o! l~~el~. Councilman ~T~<' ~alled attention to Secti~n S i e~gard to noise, fflers, ;-:ssc=:'lity of traffi.: rerouting, et;. "e Planning Director said we ar~ ¿::~.ting to aaintain a stagger~d wcrk shift. The Director of Public ä:r.5 :>.lid eliminat ion of some 0: t!,e acc~sses on Homestead could be w.:<ù-': :~t, bu: then what would h.l?,en t.' the air quality at Pruneridge ~; :~tau1 This aight be a tr.lde~'f: $itu3tion. He said .ost of the :~s will have to get onto Homestead ~~ether or not the eDtrance is :~ =~~stead. ~~ OF mE NO~ 1973lU'.CU1.ü em COUNCIL.C Hr. a.11da pointed OCt 10 relatioD to the heavy equipment' a -s... IIIIf .ajor earù. """,i1>g takea ~,. a IIIOnth. As these pn~ ~op the _t of contt_t.. 1I018e is liaited to fdd7 ~ per10cls of tÛle. 'lben 18 ., dvet1n¡ ~re; IIDst of ~. -..1 1Iandi? are wldell. c~ n_ ""re A1d œ would In. Co Jøok at s_ pose1bilities of -~pP" _ of the conatrucUøD Ø)iae since this project .. w.11 _ ochers wit!aio the City 1d11 affect residents. Hr. ..-- - .,JIII CGGDC1lun Sparb that Hewlett-Packard could -n&o£'J 17 prGllOte car pooling, etc. c-ilman Sparks said the fl~1.. ..-It hours ..y help di..i..t-lII the peak hour loads but eM,. wU1 ..-It aga1r.at ur pools. Hr. Stoclaaan said the fuel cr1åa 1d11 IIIOtivate car pools, etc. CoaDcn- Frolich ç.:ke of matters diK_sed at the Transportation r.-t_ioD _etingl !:e :.as attended recently. Minnesota ~lanufacturing and )U..i"1C Company ~,s ~t:d furnl8hes to their employees .1nJ.~ for the !:e::.o:i: of bring1n¡ people within neighborhoods to aD4 !rea _rk. oi::: 5 riders the driver breaks even; an:! more than that be makes & ,=-::it. plus he can use the van on weekends. Co..-il:.an ..Tackson :.as ò~itten to 3M for IIIOre infomation on this. Somet:~ d:allar i5 ~i=.g tried In Southern Califernia. Priority parU=- places are s:::.e:~es given to car pools. Counc'".....- !':eyera a>~~ :;:e City Attorney if the City "'Quid have any c:::rol over ~.~i=:. =oise during co=s:ruction. The City Attor-".A)' wid the C::~ =::;:d adopt local ordinances co\·ering this. A co~itic= could :e &::~:hed to the uae percit. Hover! 11)" Cc=i!I:a= ::=:i:;" seconded by Councilman }!eyers to fo~rc! t~ quasti;:: ;: ::cis.. abat_t of off-street facilities and ~i~t to t::. ~;::i; Safety Coa:ission for the development of ataDdarc!s In ke.,::~ ~;':h the feasIbility and practicability in c.-ple:1JI;: conatru;::::: ò"Ork. !lotion carried, 5-0 The p1.~·r& Dire;:;: ~~red C~Jnci1Dan ..Tackson that the staff will ðoc:_t the i>¿, -"=... Air pollutiou :U.atr1ct report Cor the f11e. Co..-ilaac ..rsckson = .:: :h.lt the Bay Area'. efforts to cut off or control ita arovth viIl be ::.0.:":. until \Ie coordiAate jobs with housing. This project represents ::.::': =ev jobs, w1<:h can mean an additional 23,000 _ rea1d_ta. It 0:<$ ::.:> good to try to liJOit the nllt1her of houses bec_ tbaae peopl< ".~:: need bomes 1D wich to live. He \lOuld like to _ _ iDventory :: :"".e types of projects being developed near here. 'CC-l88 Page 7 Noise standards to be studied by Pub. Safety COIIIIII. , -Bl'- project will aft eec enviro -t ¡ , I t ¡ . . INUTES OF TIlE NOVEJØD S, 1973 REGULAIl CITY COUNCIL MEErING UDctaan Heyen aaiel _ will have to factor in a _ber of people already liYing in tbia area wo do or vill work for Bevlett-Packard. . Ehrlich auavered C:-c:i1aan Sparks that they are plaDnlna one car apace for 1.2 or 1.3 .-ployeea. They wu1cl Uke to put .. few parking apaces a!I possible in tbe future. l!ut if there are DOt enough spaces, this puts the cara OUC _ the curba, etc. In regard to the energy crisis, Councilaan Spa--n ..ked if there are any pla:1s for turning l1ghu out, etc. He said lUI18S_ent is becoming increasi"gly aware of this situation. Mr. EhrlIch said this will be handled ,'ither voluntarily or legislatively., Councilman Jackson suggested a modification of Condition 15. The City Attorney answered that this is a Plann4d Development Zone and perhaps it even goes beyond the initial PD. As the project progr~sses, the City might be able to make reasonable conditions, but would not be able to eliminate portions of the development. The application is either approved or d~nied. Council:an Jackson would like condition 18 to include the provision for "'0r<. s;,1ft movements and co:&sideratioJ' of car paolinI!. Mr. Ehrlich said F.e.lett-Packard is ~ving to...arJ this end at the present time. Counci1~n Meyers wanted to discuss Condition 17. He wondered if this condi::cn gives them eno~gh time to .ork it out, since LID's are much more expensive. Counci1:an Jackson would like Condition 17 to say it ...ill be in accor¿ar.~è with traffic ~vecents ou:lined in the Director of Public Works' October 16, 1973 memo entitle.i "Construction Phasing for Vallco Park". Recess ...as called at 9:28 P.M. The =~eting reconvened at 9:45 P.M. Mayor Ir...in asked for CoaD1ents fr.'t:1 the audience. There '~ere none. Hoved ;y Councilman Jackson. seconded by Councilman Mey~rs to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried, 5-0 Haved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Sparks, that the proposed expansion of Hewlett-Packard facilities at the southeast corner of Welfe and Homestead Roads would have a significant effect on the envirolllOent. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Frolich. Jackscn, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin None Motion carried, 5-0 - e HIMUTES OF THE NOVEHBF.It 5, 1973 REGULAIl CITY COUNCIL MEETING Moved by COlØ\cilllaø 1f81ers, seconded by CouncilaaD Jack.OII to approve application U-Ð-73, subject to the 14 standard conditions and conditions 15 throalh 18 as modified. ADS: BOES: Counci~ Frol1ch, JacksOD, Heyers, Sparks, Kayor Irvin lIoDe Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Councilman Heyers, seconded by CounclIaan Jackson to approve application ll-TK-73. Councilman Jackson said paragraph 17 should be identical with Resolution 1212. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Spar~s, Kayar Irwin Sane Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Dete~ination with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin Sone Motion carried, 5-0 7. Architectural and Site Approval Committee A. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. Report of bids received & award on contract for Memorial Park Phase I construction. (continued from October 17, 1973) The City Manager said that for the most part the specifications are quite good but there are some minor things he would like to check into. The low bid is some $33,000 above the architect's bid. The staff's recOllDendation is a weak recotllDmdation to accep the low bid and include alternates 2, 6, 7 and 9. I CC-l88 Page 9 ll-Ð-73 approved w/cooditiODS ll-TK-73 approved Notice of Determina~ion t a:-188 Pap 10 r I !'ar\< :'~d apprO",e~ 50 f undeè Policy for gran~in! solie!. ta~iOD permits lumn:s or THE !VFJmEIl S, 1973 REGULAR. CITY COUN! MEETING ratIonale of the a~aff's recommendation is that If we were to go to bid qain they vou1d be higher, due to the raise in costa recently. re are fwda available for this project. ea.e d1acøaa1oD about the possibility of elbDinatina the bleachers to save _ of the costs. The CIty Manager expla1Dac1 that incorporated into the bleachers are the lights and restrooas. Further, w _ld DOt be able to have this done any !DOre eco~cally at a later data. The heElS will also help to keep the noise down. The Director of Parka and Recreation stated that the Cupertino Tennis Association has discussed the matter with the Parks and Recreation Commission. They have requested 16 tennis courts. The bleachers will haodle 200 people. Councilman Heyers suggested putting grass instead of seating on the berm. The spectators could sit on the grass. The City Manager urged the aaintenance costs be kept as low as possible., Moveó by Councilman Sparks to acccpt the Munkdale bid of $258,643.00 with alternates 2, 6, 7 and 9 for $22,479.00, totaling $281,122.00. Motion died for lac' of a second. The Director of Finance informed the Council of $65,000.00 in surplus funds. Councilman Sparks repeated his motion and Councilman Frolich seconded it, including appropriation of $65,000 from General Funds for this purpose. The Director of Public Works answercd Councilman Meyers that the contractor is given four months plus rain days to complete the project. AYES: NOES: Councilmer. Frolich' Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin NODe Motion carried, 5-0 9. Staff report on criteria for granting solicitation permits. The staff report on the criteria for granting s~licitation permits was accepted and filed. . . IIDDrES OF THE NOVEMBÐl S, 1973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEEl'DIG _ BUSINESS 18. l'roposal by Parks azul kcr8atlon Coaaission for the change in . _ of Stevens Creek Park. eoaøcUman Jackson brouaht lip the policy previously set about the iq¡ of parks, etc. ~"'1_';' P'rolich explained the rationale fIf the previous City .CouøcU for the policy against aa.iDg parks _ter people. There is the yer¡ real possibility of overlooking _ deserving persons in the cOllllllUnity. However, he had no oItjection to the MID" Varian Park. COuncilman Meyers reminded t:e Council that Stocklmeir property is also contiguous to the par£. Councilman Sparks noted tha~ ~ have scho~~s named after people in the community so he did no~ see why parks couldn't be. With that, he moved that the Stevens C=eú Park be renamed Varian Park. The motion was withdrawn si~:e there appeared to be the need for additional discussion. Councilman Jackson wanted t: 7~t a notice in the Cupertino Scene requesting suggestions :0= :~e renaming of the park. The Parks Director said this notice :::g~: also ask the opinion of the people regarding a name for the E:=S8 3Anch. Parks and Recreation Caccissi:~ Chairman Thibodeau said the Commission has indicated :te :~ly one they would like to change is Stevens Creek Park o~ :~e :asis that there is a Stevens Creek Park in the County. They r~.e ~ot been able to come up with aaother name for the Horse 3A~ch. ~ed by Councilman Frolic~, seconded by Councilman Meyers to continue discussion on the =e=a:ing of Stevens Creek Park to the first meeting in January. Mot~:1 carried, 5-0 u. Award of time deposits. ~ed by Counc:lman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Sparks to _rd ,the time deposits in a.::cordance with t~le recommendation of ~ City Treasurer. AYES: Councilmen Frolich. Jackson, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin None -.s: Motion carried, 5-0 CC-188 Page 11 Park ren=ing postponed to January Time deposits awarded L CC-188 ::·--12 ì' .-- t f f~ , 6.\73.5 sea: ~o H-COntroL 4573.2:' sa:r.~ to Pla=i~ :.:-. Hod1f 1eII ¡uiele1~ of UrN:a s.r.ke Area appr_ecI . . INOTES OF THE NUYuo-. 5. 1973 REGULAR CITY COUKCIL IŒEtØG 2. Referral frooa C " n..m1n¡ of Application 6&73.5; boat elisplay and sales, soutbecl7.... of Stevens Creek Blvel. 1IetveeD Vc;1fe bel and Lawrence ~--1· OJ Planning Director ~ his November 1, 1973 sCaff Te¡Ïort on his _ttar. and ...-.~.. a copy of the propo8ed p~ t.o tha CduncU. staff proposes t1le ea..cy consider sCllethiaa _re iD keepiD¡ with t _ are doing odtla a Ileal iD that area. ncilaan Meyers ..... if one existing driveway onto Stevens Creek Blvd. is necessary to ~ operation if the ingre8s'ecre88 on anrau Avenue is left opeD. The Planning Director su&&ested OM entrance should be saff{riI-t. oved by Councilman Jackscx1. seconded by Councilaaø Sparks to forward the cocments in the JØY.-ber 1, 1973 staff report to the Architectural and Site Approval eo..ittee and to ask them to consider the necessity of the curb cut on SteTec.s Creek Blvd. ~tion carried, 5-0 13. Re:erral from Cou:~y ?:annin¡ of Application 4573.21; east side of Skyline Blvd., 1.9 .:':'es north of Highway 9. The Planning Director suaKatized the November I, 1973 staff report on this ~atter. The pro?8rty involved is presently ~~th!n an AI-43 zone .ith the Montebe:':'o ~~ge Interim Zone overlay an¿ the Scenic Highway Zone overlay. ~ed by Councilman ~.r., seconded by Councilman Jackson to refer application 4S73.21 to t~ Planning Commission. ~tion carried, 5-0 14. Revi=ion of Urban De7elopaent Policies for Santa Clara County as adopted by the Local Alency Formation Comøisslon. After discussion of :be So7eaher I, 1973 staff report on the matter, It was moved by CouncU- Sparks, seconded by Councilman Meyers to approve the modified ca1clel1nes for the Urban Service Area as subaitted by the CoauJ'. !lotion carried, 5-0 . . . JlIJlJTES OF THE NOVEMBER S. 1973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL KEE1'IRG 15. lequut by ~. of Park Villas Association of Cupertino (elen Oaks) for de .....u,.)~ frOla Cupertiuo', TIle City lfaaa¡er aa!4 disc although he was uotif1ed of the _ting ~ thia AssocLatioG be ... _ble to attend. Øe aKed the Council for ,,_ preli.iaary opinioaa on this prior to his going to LAFCO OlIo lIøY-"r 15th. COaacilaan Jack.on vauld lIke to take the position that Cupertino is 1D (nor of logIcal bo\.....·d... OøaDcilaac Frolich voald lIke soae detailed informatIon on the reasca. ,""y they vi_ to de-cnuex. R' a.ked the City Manager to al.o check on whethar this voa:d change their po.t offIce address. Moved by Counc n..n Jackson, .econded by Councilman Frolich to bo~d the a~ove matter in abey.nce until such time as boundary r....i.ion review criteria has been developed through the LArCO study DOW under way. !lotion carried, 5-0 ORDINANCES 16. FIrst Reading of Orc!inance No. 612: "An Ordinance of the Cit! Council of the City of Cupertino AmendinR the Municipal Code of the City of Cu?ertino by Adding Thereto Section 8.05 Prohibiting Noisy An~1s." -- read by Mayor Irwin. MaJOr Irwin stated this ordinance is a result of the Public Safety request to reduce noise. Be believes it is a good idea, but he doe. not think it can be adainistered. He specifically did not waDt this to becQD8 a seans of supporting neighborhood arguments. Be bas not Sèen any papers fram neighboring jurisdictions in .upport of this ordinance. Councilman Meyer. said Palo Alto uses it. Noise Ordinance to cODtrol tba noisy anb&s1s. They u~e a measure of decibels. CouncUman Jackson said there has to be sOllIe way to solve thJ.s problem; it Is a utter of health, safety and welfare. He ~ould lIke to aaeliorate some of the problems; e.g., eltaina.e a jail ....tence. Sheriff's Deparraent investigations could "UJr.inate the spite-type situation. It Is important to see if this is eDforceable. CC-188 Page 13 De-annexation held in abeyance CC-188 I ë... .ì.~ Ord. 612 referred ~o staff ¡ ~ ' , Res. 3553 adop~ed . . MINUTES OF THE NOVPJIIEa S. 1973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL KEETINC Esther Shields, 22437 St. ADêrftlS, Cupertino. said that out of 94 nights they bave been avakeaed 103 tÚles between the hours of aidni&ht and 7:00 A.M. She bas bad tbis prubl1!llo for the lar.t 10 y!<a1'S. She feels it is a utter of bea1~b. She said her neighbor C8llJ»~ even ,enjoy her back yard because of the barldDg dogs. She said this pertafr.B to hUlll8n rights and she hoped the Couacll would do something about it. Kayar Irvin said the CouDcil vants to cOlDe up with an ordinance that is equitable aDd enforceable. Moved by Councilman FrGlich, seconded by Councilman Sparks to refer the Soisy Ani1Dal Ord1uJlce to the staff to obtain additional infor- mation on how such matters are handled in other 'cities; to in"'!stigate the possibility of les~er penalties; for the review of the e~.orceable provisions; and, for the introduction of time of occurrence and repeated occurrence. Hotion carried, 5-0 RESOLt:7IOSS 17. So, 3563: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Al:o~ing Certain Claizs and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the fUI~S as Herei~:ter Descriòed for Salaries and Wages for the P.1::r.on Period E:1ding October 16, 1973." - read by Mayor Irwin. This Resolution includes ~arrants So. 19185 through 19299 for a total of $25.604.59. Moved J: Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3563. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin Sane Motion carried, 5-0 18. So. 356~: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allo~ing Certain Clatms and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures, Period Ending Nove¡:¡ber 5, 1973." - read by the Mayor. This Resolution includes Warrants So. 1001 through 12667 for a total of $230,627.12. . . KtmrriS OF rilE NOVEMBER ~. 1913 REGULAR CITY CI'JUNCtL KEETDIC Jføved by CouIIcilllan Frol1da, seconded by Councilman Heyer. tu _pt hsolutioa 110. 3.564. AYES: ~, CouDcilllen rrolida, .Jackson, Heyen, Sparks, KaJc - Irvin 1Ioae lIIICioD carried, s-o 19. No. 3565: "A b801uUDD of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Autboridøg ..I Directing the Authorized A&8I1t of the City of Cupert1Dø co Execute AIIendaent to Social Security Alre_ent vlth the Sta£e of California." - read by the Mayor. The Parks and Recreation Director answered Councilnan Sparks that a different type of rate schedule has been set up that is .ore equitable. Moved by Councilman Frolich. seconded by Councilman Meyers to adopt Resolution No. 3565. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Frol~cè, Jackson, ~eyers, Sparks, Kayar Irwin S~ne Kocian carried, 5-0 20. No. 35~ó: "A Resolut~cn of the City Council of the City of Cure=:ino Allowing Certain Claims ~,d Demands Payable in the Agou~:s aod from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Sala=ies and Wages f;= the Payroll Period Ending October 30, 1973.'· - read !ly Kayar Ir",in. This Res~~u:~on includes .arrants No. 19300 through 19407 with . total cf S;~,774.53. Moved ~~ Ccu~cil~an troli=h, seconded by Councilman Jackson to adopt Resc:u:ion No. 3566. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Froli=h, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Kayar Irwin S~n~ Kotion carried, 5-0 , CC-188 Page 15 Res. 3564 adopted Res. 3565 adopted Res. 3566 adopted a:-1.88 ... 16 3101-5' ~ r f '.o"sent Cal. .':.o¡>t;!d t . IJlUTES OF E! SC'VÐ!BER 5, 1973 UGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING n. 110. 3101-5-0: "A Resoluttc.i of the City Council of the CIty of Cupertino J.¡!?rovin¡ CJuo..-. Ckcler No. 3 for Crossroads Assessment DIstrict Project No. 71-2.- - rucl by Hayor IrvIn. eel by Cow>ciban. Frolicb. lution 50. 3101-54. ~ed' by CouncilJDan JacksoD to adopt : CoaDo:ilaen Frollcb. J_L....., Heyen. Sparks. Kayor Irvin ibM : Mottc.i carded. s-o EHT CAI.E:.'O&1 22. &esoluti~: So. 3567: -A &esolution of the City Council of the City of CUi'e~~:~ ~kin¡ Its Order Describing the Boundaries Designated as 'Deas:c ~3-7' to ba AøDesad to the City and Ordering Annexations to the C::7 öithout PublIc Bearing as Provided by Law; Approximately 0.230 A:~' ~rth Side of Santa Paula Bet~een Foothill Blvd. and ~ira Vi~:¡ A~enue." 23. I I Resolu~::o s~. 3570: "A Resolution of t~e City Council of the City of Cu;<:::o.o "i'proving the Final Hap of Lots 14 and IS Within Tract ~o. )3ô-. :~"Jy Rock Mou:tain; Lo~ateJ at the End of Regnart Court; Owners.; ,\. Huch and \i'. L. Chen; anJ Authorizing the City Engineer and t:-.. : .::: C1..rk to Sig::¡ the Final ~..¡>." " ~.. ResoL:::: :>. 3571: "A Resolution of :!-,.. City Council of the City of Cu;.:::c: ,1-:cepting ~~itclaiœ Dee¿ ar.J Authorization for Under- grour.¿ '::f~ ~ights frea .arren J. Dunn anJ Elvira L. Dunn; Par~~: ; _ ~~rdova lDad." ::5. Pro~:...-..: .,'" that the _ak of !lovember 11, 1973 be proclaimed ''TOUf:-..,i.:. ~_...:, IJ¡ Bands ~ek". 2~. Proc:,'=~:: '.' th.1t the week of November 1~, 1973 be proclaimed "Yout:-" _~.~~:~..: ~dtioD Week-. 27. Reque.: ::: ~'licltation ~r2it from ,<~<nth Day Adventists for annual duor-::-o::: .oampalgn batveen November ~5 ¡ December 17, 1973. 28. Ac,er:'-,f :: municipal ~;~~v..ents - Pete B. Loiaconc - Bubb Road soutr. :: :t:~ace Drive. ~ved by (:_:,::~an Frolich. ..:onded ~y C:u",_ilman Sparks to adopt t be Cons~::: : j,: .::War.. Kat 1= carried, 5-0 . . KIlWl'ES OF iU£ NOVEMBER 5. 1973 If.ÇUIAR CITY COUNCIL JŒETDlG CC-I88 Page 17 urotTS nœ COONCIL REPllØørATIVES 29, Kayor Irvin: IJI£«-City Council ..There ... a discussion on standardizati n of bouae uu.bering. . .'llaere ... a 9-4-5 vote on ProposItion I ..DJck DeLon& "as appointed until the 1li1pitas CIty ManageT positIon is fill ..The Dee_ber 6th meeting will be social Draa Abuse Coordination eo..1ss10n ..COuld not attend the meeting. League of California Cities ..Took "no stand" position on Prop. 1. Kayar Irwin abstained, per Council 1Dstruction. CouncIlman Jackson said he wrote a letter saying the Parliamentarian should be present at all tices. 30. Counoil=an Frolich: Transportation Ccn~ission ..The Executive Cor.mittee met en Nov. 2 aDd recommenåeå to the Board of Super- visors that they negotiate :he modifi- cation of the specifications to try to lower the price of the busses. The bids were $1.2 aillion over the budget. One of the prøbl~s is that cost of the bus manufacturers are not ~illing to build 30' busses, even though there is the need. Also, they are not willing to furnish propane engines. Our Federa srant was held up because of this. There is the possibility that f~C may get into the business of building 30' busses. The major thought is to make the bus operation as appealing as possible to the public. 31. Council:un Jackson: Association of Bay Area Governments Urban Development & Open Space Subcommitt e of PPC Airport Land Use Commission ..Bo _etings. . . lNUTES OF THE IIOVEKBER S, 1973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 32. Councilaan !leyers: . Planning Policy C~ittee ..He asked for Council's comments on hls letter. The Council was in favor of voting as shown. ..The Committee is -.de up of 7 public Ik~ber.. 7 land owner m_bers, and 6 cItizen aellbers. ..If there is a review of the County clrculatiOD ~tudy it will go back to the cities for comment. Hillside Subcommittee of PPC -- Ko report. Airport Land Use Coa.lsslon - No report. Councilaan Frolich left the meeting at ll:38 P.M. 33. Councilman Sparks: Flood Control Advisory Committee - ~ meeting. Commission on Alcoholism - No meeting. Councilcan Sparks brought up the matter of the status of the Horse Ranch since the recent bond issue failed. The City ~~nager said he understands the Senior Citizens prefer the Memorial Pdrk location to the Horse Ranch. He said we can acco~~odate traffic safely ag far as the driveway into the Horse Ranch is concerned. If tne Council wants to change the contract it should be done as soon as ro~sible. He said there &re other uses pos~ible for the space. REPORTS A.'iD MINUTES 34. Planning Commission Minutes of Regular Heeting of October 29, 1913. B. Minutes of Adjourned Regular ~eeting of October 11, 1973. C. Minutes of Regular meetIng of October 8, 1973. D. Minutes of Adjourned Regular meeting of September 20, 1973. 35. Architectural and Site Approval Committee A. No meeting held. · , HDII1IES OF THE NOVÐlBER 5. 1973 REGUlAR l.JTY COUNCIL KEEl'DlG 36. Parks aud Recreation ec-ission A. Bo .eeting scheduled. 37. Vater Commission A. Kinutes of regular ..eting of October 24. 1973. 38. Library Commission A. Kinutss of regular aeeting of October 16, 1973. 39. Publi= Safety Commission A. Minutes of Regular aeetin& of October ]8, 1973. U:POR! n.::! On-ICERS 40. Cit-- >t.lff The Pla"""":~g Director passed out copies of the final Resolution on the ,0=' area. The jci:lt ",eeting with the Planning Commission will b~~:~ .lt 8:00 P.M. on ~ovtmber 6th, although the Planning Commis$::~ plans to start at 7:30 P.M. RECOG~l:::~ OF NON-AG~~A ITE~S BY MAYOR 41. Gene~.l: Audience ReGuests -- There were none. 42. City Councilmen -- Nothing furth~r. ADJOL'R~';:X: 43. Adj'~~:I to Personnel Session It was ¿ë;ided there v~s no ne~d for the Personncl Session at this ti:::è. CC-188 Page 19 -III .20 I II>1JTES OF THE NOVEMJEIl S, 1973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL tlEETING - . 4. Adj~'~ to 8;00 P.K., JOveaber 6, 1973, for joint meetin& with the PlanDing toaaisø1oD. . moved by CouncllDan Heyers, seconded by CouncU.an Jackson. This et1ng adjourned at 11:48 P.K. ATIEsr: Js! 1'm. ~. Ryder City C:"rk Kotion can'ied, 4-0 APPROVED: /s/ ~eith E. Irwin I~yor. Ci~y of Cupertino