CC 11-06-73 p Ie $!f. ~~< ~' r:·;·:¡ , --'~,>~~ ~::,-, :4· ~:' , .~, ~ . e ';CìTI OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALlFOL'fIA :,:J0300 Torre Avenue, Cupert1øo. Californi.a 95014 ~epbone: 252-4505 " .~.. -~~ +é< ;;~ ! #JlNDT£S OF TilE ADJOUUED II!CiIJLAJt HEl!'fIHG OF THE CITY COUlfCIL ît: HELD JOIJm.Y vUø rBEl'LÀDING COMKISSION .~. 1I0VDIIU 6, 1913,Ct'I'Y HALL ~, wnblKO. CALIPOIDIIA aau. CALL CuancUlllen present: COuncilmen aosent: Frolich, .Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwi.n None nanning Ccœ1issioners present: Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Cbairaaan O'Keefe nanning Ccmnissioners absent: None S~aff prese;1t: City Manager Quinlan City Attorney Adams Director of Administrative Services Ryder Directcr oí Planning and Development Sisk Director of Public Works Viskovich Assistant City Attorney Kilian Associate Planner C""a'1 :be Planning Commission had a preliminary ~eoting in the Conferenc i.oom of the City Hall at 7 :30 P .,:. There was s~~e discussion of the schedule of meetings for the balance of X~vcmber and Dec~r of 1973. The Planning Commission next reviewed City Council Resolution So. 3569 and the October 31, 1973 "Detailed Description and Sundards of Land Use Designatio¡]s within the Core Area as Approved b) the City Council - Exhibit A-I". The Planning Ccaahsion r1anned to ask the City Council tho rationale used in cbeir detern>nations for the zoning of ~he core area. AL 8:00 P.M. )byor Irwin called the joint meeling to order in the Council Char-cer. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss Kesolution x~. 3569. . CC-189 'age I 'f" ~ , . . ES OF mE JOINT em COOJK:IL/PLANNING COMMISSIOtt KEErIJlG 11/6/73. . I.". . . BeUis stated,tbK ... _ very pleased this joint ~Ias vas t:â1ua place after .- e1øen long IIOnths of public 1wadøp - the .973 eo.prehensive GeIIer_ rlaD. She said the Pl IDn1n& c:o.fas1oD attempted to eatabl1ÎÍh tlii..'ÍJiNla of a balanced co.. ,nt.ty, CODtrolled ~h, a a-ceen city". cli:..~).1.. ty, etc¡ 'these goals were _tr.ctecl the Goals Report. ",~t quoted a portion of the tIleR Mayor .' ~ol1ch 'a _ssage at tile) ~s{nning of t!t,. Goals lIeport: '"rile City Council _ baa the respoøs1blllty to see that these a:lopted Soala get e thaD lip sbtVice, tbaCthey are a strong guideline to the develop- _t and "wplementation óf 011£ new General Plan, and that they continue to' be a lII!3Suring stick lI8IIiDst City policy decisions that affect the future of our citizens. ComI:1. Nellis said the City should take a more active part in deter- mining land use; one goal speaks to a population of 50,000. She felt it vas important to review again the 2dopted ~oals of the City, In regard, to the regional shopping center, the major factor was traffic. trafficwise, she felt the Vallco Park location was sDœewhat better tr~n Mariani Mall for the regional center. The most i~portant factor ~43 to come our. with this moderately intensive, l~~alized use. It has ò..n said from time to time that the Planning Co~ission did not tak. the fiscal factor into consideration. She took issue ~lth that st~:.~ent because tr~L is one of the main reasons ~by she voted for a re;i;Jnal shopping c..nter. The income fro", this sho??ing center would pr:¿u~e the revenue to achieve some of our objectives. As far a3 the Town Center is concerned, Cono. Nellis sai¿ there is no sericu.5 ¿ isagreement here; ho~;:cver, she ~·as surpr ised to Eee an ;alternati o:c for inj~3:rial in the To~ Center. The Pianning Co~issio~ ~ants t~ have the To.T. ~enter a place for com=.unity activities. Hoving aò~ng Highway 9, she said there arc serious differ~ces of opinion ;JD the part of the Planning Commission and City çou~cil. She sai! what the City Council is planning for the west sid~ of High",,:, 5 tends to change our goals. As to t'eside:1t ial alcr:g Highway 9, sl,e Hid there are aesthetic ways to han.!le this suc~"Fsfally. She "as ~~ncerned about intensity of land u"e along !ilgh~ay 9. She feels tè~t 16 trip ends per peak hour is too i:1tense. On the S~ich propet'ty, Cac=. Nellis thinks she heard s~ethir~ that made S<~3e and that is the designation for a park site ~it~ underlying 16 units per acre residential use. Comm. Se: lis said there is a very serious di5Cr~p.1ncy bet\leen the think;':1>:: ~f the Planning C<'I'II!I;'ssiQn an.! the City Council i:1 re~ard to Stevens -':rc~k Blvd., ~ast cí Hi;;hv.·û}" 9. 'fhe Planning Co~iS5ion took , #Ii " - ~. ~ r.. , . . . 1I1J11"'n;S OF :-,¡:; JOINT CITY Uo"FJI'" uJPLAHNING CC:,!.'IISSION MEETlIIG 11/6 CC-189 Page 3 > !.."-, ",' ~ .,.., .trOD¡ stud on this ~ 'a¡prII to strip coaercial. It ;; .' fOintecl QUt tiler. --t- .".~ ". ft. of strip cœaerc1al. . ~ ';.ith ~SO,OOO in fWiIIe ~..~. _rcial¡ and if we SO ~.' tW lllere _ vUl _~_ real problems with -- .'. { ..~ _. In fUca! ~. ~'C-' Rellis said it would _*' '. 1'''a _ to r..Jà' '. .6isting c~rcial¡ but 011 ~ ~ "ride _ do DOt lane ___¡,~rcW and she wonder..··· the City Council ani".. _' dIIdr decision for coaere1al . ;ai. ,....... ._~.J.; ,~~ ,., .~ -u.." lrol1ch _ted to ...... Ids understanding of the tr_t-' _t of He-leas eraek 11ft. ~ ~posa1 was that the exist1Ds _ _ St.....ens Craek 11ft. --<II. be _ad in accordance with C-l _ _thi~ similar. tI-t If ..... 1ØIdeve1o,eJ areas and exin- ... .... t~: "ould fit ~cø dais Dell kind of %"ne would have 8ia11ar tra:f~c geoerati_ 1f.1 _1ctions as being u~ed on Highway t. It was ,=o?".ed that ~ be a planned dp.velo~ent spproach alooa Sten::. êreek IIlvd. Scme sort of overall landscaping plan should be ":~':!shed here so ~~ will .11 tie :o~~ther. This would get ~:; :f tbe visual &S?&Cts of strip c:~~clcial. He said it vas .'so :.>~ on trip ~ ~~ration. ,-~~ t<pes of commercia such as :~~=::~=e stores do ~~ :Teate the t=a::¡c that sooe other ~,pes of .:=,'~:i..l do. ".."or In:;:, ".~ ~..ere were ,--uo primary g031s: 1) The Planning ~!ssi~~ .~:~~~~J to ha~- &eS~~e~1c trcat~c~~ ~~~rcver p~s5ible ~n our ~,:.' ~::~~t~; 2)!~ ::~~i~g CC~~i~5i0~ intended to a1tlgat(l ~:-: - :.:"'"":IIcrcia:; c:.: )) 7:-.e Planr.~::; C.:'m11ission ¡'c:e:l¿ to keap a ,:. ,:::ènsity :a::';~. P.e said :::.. City Council s;>ea>:' :0 Inten~:: .-.:'",: a mix ~= ~s 'tC' keep the rè3~ hl1ur trip e:'lds ciovr. . The !Wyor ,.'_ ~:,~ two IUjc:' ::"::,oughfares s~,:': ·....ry severe prob- 1-. wit:: ~7 "~:ads'1. At~~S to rdtl¡;at.: t:I" proble::-,s fore- s.... on t:-., .,-t side of :ii¡:-way ~ are being "'''p~"red. lie felt that plar.~,c: ,,,";ustrial a:c=.g ~:..e ust side ,,~ E,~h"'ay 9 ",ade a wary lo~ ;::'¡:.. and a n!:. E:::,&~~e to the Cit~. Mayor Ir~·i:. ~..ii¿ cverybO'.1:.· a¡-:"e~s tha.t the T,:-·..-:-. ("t.'nter r.1ust ~e a very closí>. ':_'~:rolled ¿e-..e:--;a.e:ct.. 1he I"C.\.";~~ industrial ¡,;as .dde~ to :': -.j:'=: t,,'" keep t.he ':'.:a;;= ope.~ to inn.:.....ltl\"t.· ideas. n¡e Mayor :'.1.:.:. it was po~:'jt.eé. .:r...:.t. very cl('-,rly t:-:-tt the corners at the in~.:~''':t i.:>n of Steve:..s Creek Blvd. J"" ¡"~:¡"'3Y ') \:as no place to ;-._: ., t'.:1rk. The dec.~s~c: 0:1 the scat:~ s~J~ of Stevens Creek Bh·¿. "-..b :aùc qult.e c_u.:..~i:.:.y, baseù on :-:-t.':>I..'ut use of the property. ~..:_.:: t"lt there _"ere :.00 ::3!'lY 1nf It;....:-:...-~s ar('lund the undevelopc.:. ::-:-"'"';:'te'rtics to all.:.... resldcntial t;.;;;~ tìa.>rc. CC-l89 Paae 4 r i , . . OF r;;:: J0!~, CJ.TY COU!ICIL/PLA!;NINC C()!o!MISSION MEETING 11/6 . Jluth.....rb said he 1a .cil1 COIICerued with Highway 9. n appears ;~1Ie City Couocil did IIOC f_1 residential would be appropriate there. , if tMy felt std, rcW ancI industrial would be appropriate. . .. . JKksœ said CM. Ce. ,. U evaluated sinale fllllily ruidenUal ilUah-1 9 oeaat1.val,..:. eød.re 140 ecr.. ~re evaluated '.' ,~y as res::'dent1al, '"u.'CUy Council did DOt put a deas1ty , 'on the east side d. '.-'.-a:IIY!I. Kayor Irvin said ~of CM ,'atatellmts will cl_ .. _e of this. '~ ~_ \i_,_ ' " ; t ,L-1J..ù !leyen said the City Council did DOt eUaiaate sinale falå1y . "......-tial a1~ng Highway. 9 if tbe øo!.se and other probleas can be " ted. Be said he could v1Æua1úe industrial a block deep along ItM .st side elf Highway 9 and residential behind ~hat. He c_pared U UI the ty;>e in !.'est Valley IDdastrial Park. Kayo:, Irvin acMed daac SO' frCl& t!!e curbline vill be in landscaping. CO:lncilman Heyers -.1:J the Ci:y ':"....::01 I did DOt thiaJr. the Sur.nyvale appro ach to resi- ~ial ale~ :oigb'ay 9 vas the right way to handle it. , '--·,1; c.:-. Gatt" ;~:. ~" a~preclated thi3 cpportun1ty t.> g:>t logether with tiI6: City c~~~: ,¡"J wished tbat it could have happen~d e.,rlier. Be said we :--i"; :.: Urad sc::ae baslc agree::1t':1t ,'n ..tut we are trying to ach1.eve. 1::. f-=::è:-al, he th~n«''i t~. Ctt~· Ccuneo!l a?prc,]~h .'ere ig !easible. :-:~ ::'i';S .I develop::~t of ,ortoron.l!1Ce standards f,Jr the City. ii:it:h this, "'-f ..:"-:: ..l::11e...e our !~~S í::>r Cu;:("rt~m."'. He saii. the term "iLt~sltyn :--_.__,: b~ defined. :re !taid th~ us~ i~ n:Jt as i.::J.p:::ortanc ~ ..·ha.t it ~~:'''::_\:~5. Th~ a?¡::r,:,ach ta.ken All~-.:'5 fl~xih111ty and ~ation. C--mm. Adan~ ~~_.: :-....:' endorsed c..:-~. :~cIlis' .3~¿ r";atto':; stat~~e:1ts :-egardinK ~:_;.~:- ~::..: r~qulre=.e::.t'§ t.o C"~è ',-tl·~r.? "';e ar...~ ;.")i:1~. ~e ·...anted ~;; make serf .~ ":::1tt ""."alk o"..:rs~:""e.5 ir.t" .J. bv:<. H~ ",¡..,}ted the :.)la.nn.ing 1C;~ssion ,:,::,':::' 10o~,t>J a~ a sh"~pin~ ~en"~< or i.3 :1:iIll.:" ''iuarc fCl·t. I Tnis vas re~, 'c ~.'n~ider<l~ly. .r..e: _ Clt~· C.:'i.mc:'1 ~.i;i ~sta:,l 4 sl1cd 16 trip3 per a~re ':'5 .i :-":.!::.ia.rJ. !tes!.¿ën::a: ~cn{tt'.ltt'5 ~Ò~~ltt 8 trips Ft!l" acr~. Bayer lr~i~ 5~_": 3 5tudy 13 ~e:r.4 ~v~~uClèJ Jt :hi~ ti~e as ~~ tri~ ends a~ peak h..,,< C-,: ''''3t thl,. r.,..:ly "edns. Coa=. Ad.\::15 :';.: :>.~ Planni~ C'~"___:'~'iion lc..lflH.....: t~~dt i~du~trlal .ener3t~s 3 ::......:c.:~ "::13t the a·:e:.a~e r~C):dcn·.i..l1 J.-=,~s, and COt:'~~rc{al ceneratcs.. ::.::;-; ..1:::: ·:':ouc.h as .a:"l or-"er.:¡r,c rC;jiJ,,"'ntL.l .:¡rC03. He ~·,¡~~.:!sted 111« be as r(>s::_..:::·:~ on Ste·lens, Creek Bl':J.. as c'n Hiöh~~'ay 'J. leou:z:cilman ~:~:.;;~ 3 :'...iid to r::'a.t.in',J~ dcsisni!1g ~UL" ilid\I,,:.l::S for pcak hout' ,~ratflc l..:-a.:.: ..::>. ..l ....Iste of la..:d. Sc.cun:,¡ly, ~'l..:' is lüokir.g at the energy 1- c:-isi:; an~ .:~ :.::;<':'cation.i. :t is hi~ 0ÿi::i(~n that '.:...' :.¡lll b~ set!in~ 5~ dra:u.1t:.': __...:...~:..'s in ~oo~s of trav~l. itt?' Ih.,teJ that along Stevens . Cree;:' Bl\'d, ::__:" _,. t~l~ p~lrcelc; arc ·:er:' s~,.\ll. D~vcL"""!,t:1ent in large. 12:g,;lcr::.erat~~ ~'::.:,':-i i~ not t~ë t;e5t in all c.1~c's. [\ignes$ iti :'"lut I ~~ter---.·":._,:, .....;.:::'\..;1~ to tae ·'l':"ttlc guy""! . . KIIIVTES OF THE JOINT CITY COONCIl/PLANNINC- COMMISSION MEETING 11/6 CC··189 Page 5 c:-. Mellis wondered if we are suffering from "automobile SJIIIIr_". She feel8 there should be room for the "Ùttle guy" :Ia Cupertino, but wondered bow 1DUch room. She noted the Planning ~{..ton acknowledged the exi8ting commercial. C2IairIIan O'Keefe said that 88 we 10 along the south side of SteveD Creek Blvd. we must eddre88 ourselves to Blaney Avenue. He would ~ 1i1te to increase the traffic on this residential street. He _tee! that Jack In The Box has purchased the SheJ1 station at Jl1mey and Stevens Creek Blvd. He would not like to see this trend exp4llded. He said a l"t of the Highway 9 traffic is non-sit generated. We cannot control traffic with zeling alone. Councilman Frolich said that ODe of the problems in tryin~ to plan this City is that we probably have more linear miles of heavy traf fie corridors tha.., Joost cities in this County. The City Council had to temper their decisions with concenlS of the fiscal aspects. The City Ceundl said the development of transit should absorb the areas of ibnorance in the future. Councilman Fr~lich said the State cr>mputer says that if ..:e rlon' t get the extension of !lig!",ay 85 beyond Highway 9 it will dmap more traffic onto ¡¡ibhway 9. He believes this is not trlle. Chairman O'¡;êe1'e said he has Lxpressed conCUR for Blaney .\~er.ue and Stevens Cr~,'" Blvd. The Plannin¡; Cor.tt:1Íssioll feJt thp cut"r.:obi " 'Would not be a..; ':::'pOli:3r..t a mode of transportation and perhaps \-:e should hdp t,w "",all business"",,, by providir.¡: Hsidenti¡¡! al"n~ Stevens Creck Bl\id. To datt'. parking has been ~uch nn important factor in d~\·,·!.."?ing. In La~ future, we .i11 end up \.¡it:1 an over- fIo~ of par~i~~ .paces. Council2an ~~vers said the City Council also ta!~~J about the larger par~d < on the south s ide of Stevens Crp..k BI vd.; that tht·y could be de\'",,'?ed siMilar t. that c02pl..x "Ion~ tal'renc.. Express- ...ay, around t ".... SC1ugglers' Inn restaurant. ','here there is residential. C0uncilman Jackson said Vista del Lago, on ~aratoga Avenue. also h..15 a mix of uses. CouncU=n Jackson said he could see soone .."trcMdy difficult problems among the propert~ o·..ners along Stevcas Creek Blvd. with phasing in the residential. For in5tance, he wonùt-red wh;tt the future of Boulevard Shopping Center would be if that property were zoned rCS1Ùi"11t Lal. There \ol:lUld be sane suhstanti.J.l ccono~j(" and legal probl....r:s \lith nonconforming uses. The nore the COllndl WCRt ft)r c01JlDicrcial along Stevens Creck Blvd. the h.':lrJt.'r it b(~C~lm...· to put residcnt~al zoning on the other properties th.'re. " ~ ,a;-119 t,~... 6 \;: . . HI:m£S OF tilE JOlNI' CITY C()I,"NCII./PI.A.'mING CO~lSSIOJl MEETiNC 11/6 Ji ;'''j Cœa. "thenuth said Joe agreed with the City Council on the Stevens ~eek Uri. dec1a1oD. lie would like COCllllent1' fr_ the Council on wy lDduatrial vas lDchllled in the town Center. The P13nning C~lsslon felt tlds shOllld be . unique, pedestrian orIented cOIDerdal developlllent, Couaciblln Jackacft ..id this Val Deant not to rule out this Jae bat to bep it as f1alhle as pouüle. Tbe City Council talked aboot a Ilia. Be __ s_ very f!,..., architecture in the bulldll1ll1 in West Valley IlIIhaKr1al Park. 'fbey _idon a total c_nity: residential, _reial, and perhaps _ light industrial. c-. Buthenuth feels the City ,Council sut_t of industrial in the .ix for the Town Center destroyed the Plaøniaa eo..ission's concept for the Town Center. .,. ~, " i" ! eo-. Gatto said the Industrial cornotation is not what the Planning CaDissioll had in .ind. They had in nlnd a cOCIIIUnity oriented deçelo~nt. Mayor Irwin said it isn't so much that the Council wanted to ..ake sure industrial goes lnto thl! Town Center, but rather they did not want to close the û~or to industrial there. C=. XeltiA does :1Ot feel that inJust rial !loes along wlth the Planning CC"!:Z:s.~i:J~'s concep: -:.'f the To"'T\ C~nt('l'. If this is an aÎti.v~ pJrt of the ,:.;:cunit,.·, rcsid¡:ntlal works '",,"11 witj, it. (;)U~..: ~:~~'1n Ja.:kscn sai:J further ~t.l~;.!.l!",is '.:;,:uld be aJdt~d that th. ind~~trLd sh,aU be an incidental pùrl icn ..Jf the ':'oW'o C(' ltcr. Cc\.':':..: ~ :::.1n Frollch 'i.1 id there t~ L:'l' ti...,ü;:::, 0f ¿vcry p'-'''' ,,:ih!.e use hen-. 0:.1 t...s ,...OJ::' that c~r~.1.in u.:=cs .:."l~t1:J ~,\::->i:~ility [h.Jt ~:.~ h~"i'\"t" nQt T'lo' ;lon·or or thc ùf.~;.'.u5:;i('n !:..:t h,~ ..x.~ludcJ. Chal:-:"'.l:: ~)'¡:~cie ';\':i,:"ecJ -...:!t:1 ttlt.' c.'L;.::..'i.i. 's p<";iti~n. HI! ~jl).::...e ~tn.'ì.lg1y fer ;-\:j,i"~trì.:ln U!...è~:~'''~r LonK pt;:rl.-Js ...r' tir.,c. C('U¡'':~:~,l;¡ ~parks ·..·.u ~uite h.aFi"·; '...it;' t:..tt..~ ì;1put at t:,i~ :"I\.·~tin~. I!~ t.:-..~.~'" pC'rfortr.a.a~:t: ~tand,"1rJ:-: ·!l_'aIJ bt" t h~ "nan.:! -:-1 th..~ ~.a.l1odn Ih{' ~.ièas of 50' ~Jl::':-":t' ing and .1\.:' ,~::~t i...:,:; .10J la:1d~can :':l'?, ...::ould itll bt' i;!~ ~uJ.~d in pl"rf ;,.;;.~.tnce st.:1nJ..lrJ.'i. Cl~:%I. ~';'ll;'('rm::.h s.,;¿ t:,t:. Pj~Hu1int' t:~'''~~i~·dl'r. i..; ~oi:\~ t,\ h,T:" t\-' Il~0k 111:0 t:.?ir rca.'ions f.-~r s,:>œe of t!:.'. J::..-isiolls rr.aJe. H·~ ...L; ;,.;'(j ~h.lt the C0ü::,::,:..;~,""s tor re\.:rt~."1tion.lilcv-::''1-:r..:i~11 U~~t· .It t:1(' SCl1tJ,....';.l'it ('0rut:,;r o~ ::;:.eiling and Uo,~..":>Ll-ad Roads. ~1....1Y,,:'" In..¡a said th~ ~:t'ltinb of :-."'"-"r~ >::~~ g...,,,,ds is Ot:~ C'xa."Dplc. (,\1.1:1..: i l~..la ~!0rers r"..ft;"'rrt.',l to t~w "< C" i· 1··", l d' I' ~u:r~l." curt n ~lJn:\yva e tn;lt IS ;1"'::1:1\! ul~""è c~c 101· ¡... aYl.ng squash, ct~. Th':lt pr0í'et'ty aCTO:;':> ~.".\ll." KOJ.J froM tht..' !-!ilt,"!r r:ûtl~L i,:; .l~s':: rlanncd for thcse ~ypcs oi us~s. Ce:·~""". j~uthcnut'l ~!sk~d. ....·11y lhót ,;~rticu13r site '....J'3 picked for t¡~~lr. na:.-l !cular us.~. CCIt:1cilr.t.;.U1 Jack....;.:}. s:dd the sit£' across the ~t::e('t is co:;ncl'cial. ·UH.'rè '.;~~ SC'm~ .:L~Luss1()n about a bowl¡nl~ ,,It.!y i.;oir.~: in l;ll.·rc. d(~...:.3us~ ...f the hi~~71 ":'~·11=:i.ty residtonti..1l around ~t, Lt· ~~a\'" no ¡C.:l,-;on for not rUlli~g t!ti:; ::~~e zonlng there. . . . IUNUTES 01 :OJ: JOINT CITY CrosclL,PLAN~m:G cm:mSSION MEETING 11/6 CC-189 Page 7 c:-. Carte said that if JDU __ that with a restrictive pattern ... it is a aU of this and other uses, and if the mix is develope Þat you severely restrict the ..rket for the remainiDI property. Coaucl11aan Sparks saId bis piech for recreation here is that 111 th f1Itare we are supposed to haY. _re time for leisure. Perhaps" _ have an Wldedying residøUal zone here. Tbere follc.~ a dIscussIon about whether there should be lIore joiDt _eti::gs 3Dd if so, their frequency. CouDcilma.-: ,,,.oUch said th,_ IIOlIt unfortunate thing sbout this join: =<,eting was that it vas t~o bad the gentleman who pa8sed ou: :J~ ~CC bulletin was not present. Comm. :¡e¡::' said theTe is "" i::!balance in th:tt we aTe going to be heavy on :', i~dustrlal ònd c~ercial in relation to residential. She is 1', :=::'r of flexibility a~.d innovative ideas, but she is afra1d 0: : " "r..d dots". T:-.e Cfty nct'ds guidelines. Mayor Irwi ...id the .-.:= ':-t1ancc standards 2:ïd the oròi~;.1;,;ce5 will be very iaportao:, ,\ ;'aIanccd coucu:1ity speaks to ¡and uses, tax Tevenue, aDd quaL: :: lif" for it!' resld('nts. It provides a ra'\!;e of &ood~ a."':.'; _~::":~"::C5 and li·~·ing ccnditi0!15 to a variety oi people in a mix th~: .~ ~~neficial to t~e co~unity. Council!:t..· >:~-: ich said ~a!.an.:ed communiti~8 are not necessarily al\o"ays t:. -~..:. Cuperti:lc :-.;;:5 a unique ~it~l,1.t 10n ot having 50 "auch tllr:. _' :-:" ..lit ic . He:s:\Ot so c('>nccII':.~'J. ahout perf or~nce standar¿: :~ cannot tcrest:t? all the tYP'-':3 \." ! land uses that IiaY COD\.". :.:-:. the future. !"h,e City ig h~1.\·::;f; SOOC stuùiesdone prior t.' ~:o..:,,¡; up the ne-~ c=erclal on:¡".'''c~, It will not be .5 unstr:..~:.:.:..i as it &?pears at f lrst g,LHh~'-~. Councilr-.i:"_ ~<,"t?rs does not bel :c\'e ~e h..'1Ví" bone out of balance to any sr~at ~~:-:~t. Councll:-:o:: _'~,k50n said in the long run, t~1e input from the pubI ic will re>:,:: _:: ouT having a stronr,..r gener,1l plan. The City :_ _::.oil adjourned at this point t" an ex..cut iv.. session for the :_:~~~5e of discussing wage controls \)f er.q)loyees, and the filL::: .'t vacancies on the Libra')' Cl'r.1::>ission. The time was 10:20 P.~~. Koved :'y C-:=. Nellis, second<'d by CO""". Gatto to continue this public h..:.:.: ~~i;; to the next. regular mccting. The time was 10:22 P .~. Motion carri..d, 5-0 .-189 ce 8 .......~ - . !lIXlJTES Of rdE JO!~"T CITY C~IL/pLA., :¡ING CO~IlSSIO:¡ Mf..:TINC 11/6 '!he City Cou:-.cil _etinc recClll'nlDell In the Council Cb.....ber at 11:01 P.M., _ .oved by COWICilaan Frol1da .... aecOllÒed by CouncilJaaD Kefelrs. IIoCtoo unied. S-4 Øøwed by Councilman FroUcb, _onded by Council_a:¡ Meyers to _J_rn dris !:Ieetins to 7:30 P.~. OQ JføYeaNr 12, 1973, in the Library Conference Rooa for t~ purpose of intervlewi." applicants for vacaJlcl... on the Library CoI=ias1oo. Hot1oD carrIed, 5-0 !loved by CO'::ldl=n }!eyera, aecollded by Ccr.1ncllman Jackson to clo.. the public r.e.t=ing on tbo Core Ar.a. Motion carrIed, 5-0 APPRCVED: ~_L_.~:!:~j.t!-__~ _ :~".::. ...!j'or. Li'::.: t. 'ërt ino "TIES!: I . I /.. / ,< "- ~.!.._~--=--~...\~~ I City \. :~r;' -- ....