CC 11-28-73 '. , , ~~\ {'/~'':''J'·--j;l,,¡,,;~ ,"J.~i!1<, "': 'zt ~t;'~:'~- ,v"._ ...,.._.... ~~'1.;~::~ ,;~ :;~.. ~:~: .>".. ' ,,' " . . CITY OF CUPEImNO, STATE or CAL1FORIIIA 10300 Torre Avenue, CUpertino 95014 -relephooe: 252-45OS mUlA or TIlE AJ)Juu_ IEGULAJl HlŒTING or TBECITY C01JICCIL BILD JOØIL'I vrrø 1'IIB PLANIIIIIG CCIIHlSSIOB tvr-,. 28.. 1973 CITY BALL IIõUr&KUIllO, CALIFORNIA SALUrE TO mE FLAG the _etilll vas opeøed at 7:38 p.1L by Mayor lIViD with tite Salute to the nag. IIOLL CALL CouncUmeu present: Councilœa absent: Frol1ch, Jackson, Sparks and Mayor !rvln !leye rs Planning eo..1ssionerw present: Adams. Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis and OIair.un O'Keefe Planning Co:mIissioners a~s.mt: None Staff present: City :tanager Quinlan City Att~rney Adams Direct?r of Plan:1ing an(\ Development Si~" Director of Public Works Viskovich De?uty City Clerk Pagnini CC-192 Page 1 Mayor Irvin said the City Council vould first hear a continuation of S.H.A.R.E. the S.H.A.RoE. .~pllC&tian l8-U-73 before pro~eedinl with the dis- 'I3-U-73 cussion on the General Plan. Hr. Larry Madsen, architec:t of the project, said they went back to United Califcrnta Beak with the information that there will be no c:urb cuts alonl Ste..-a Creek Boulevard and they agreed to this atipulation. 1be princ:1i'aa have agr~ed to it also. The Planning Direc:tor Aferred to his me.. of November 2!S stating the 18 CODditions rec:..-nded In ",,'Vent this application u appr"v..d. Be aaid the entrance IS ~ulca11y the s..... .u originally proposed. Moved by Counc1bum Sparks, aec:oaded by Counc11Mn Jac:ksoo, to aciopt Application 18-U-73 with t..... 18 coocü tio)lUl. Ko.!~~ ca~ried, 4·~ '. 18-U-73 approved vI cond1tlona J ,. r.J. ~'t rP """'--. - . . IDItITES OF IHI XOVEMBEI U. ~7J cœB:OO:D CITY COUllCIL-PWRDlG cœMISSICIf Kl'G. . :~SCOSSlœ (II IRK GEHEW. PUll ~_I\I eo..1ssiœ O1at~ ,O'Keefe sald the intent of tile P1aœ1q "--don for tile inteøecc1_ at Hipay 9 and Ste_ Creek loa1evard "~ open apace with œclerlJlaa _,ucial &one. Be said it _ felt ~lUIt ..maps Coanci 1 did not --' .,.taIId the'intent of the oriatnal opr.. space ~ .datioa. It vas DOC iDt_ded that these areaa would beCA!_ active public pads but rather opea .,ace areas of landseapinl that tHIUlcl ..sist iA providing an &esthetic focal point for the Town Centar ana _ would be ~U_tary to futaø tIne1op_nt on the south aide of Sc.veD8 Creek Boulevard v!rlch is to be~ the c-.nity center. Therefore tha PI8IIDinl ,.--.tœ's rec~dati06 1a that the open space as orlpnally ..t forth ftIIIIin a part of the core area amendment, with the øpecif1c 1ntnt that these propó!tties be acquired by the City. It is further rec_ nGecl that the under1ying use of the ('pel space area should be for c_rc1al purposes. Councilllan :roUch said he understood the Planni::; .omalssion plan for open space. ~e ~3d no oppositlca to this as long as it is ..de very clesr that it 1s not a sC:lè!me to al1011' tbe City to purchase those properties at a _ch laver cost. C<>uncilman Sparks .gree~. COU:1dl::,.m JaÒ.son said tbe City Council ag:è!ed it was p..sl"" o¡Ien space rath"r than an "ctive park. He would Hito! t.;> see this referred back to tho! La¡>1t:1l lI::¡HO,--.ents progra.. committee :: ex¡>lore whether or not this is an 3:ea we would like to have u public ~::"¡>erty. ~ayor Irvin agreed anJ ...ked the City Attome~ how long this ...:~d ti.. up the ¡:ro¡lerty. The C,ty .\ttoraey said the Su.~...me Courts ~: :~e S:ate have ruled that und~r th~ r~n~ral Pla~ you are doir.g long ra".~ ;13:\."\ing. You .,",o.úd put in t~~ '"'''''[31 llon ",,,at yuu ti\ink the pre?,,:::' Ù"uld be. The next step is t"" zoning ..-hich """'t a;ree with the G£no':a: ,:..."\. If the pr:Oi>ert;' "er~ z,""o!d .:.'=erdal &:1d the (""_"tiers :oame 1n :::: a ~uilding per=ít, o:oe ~o~ld 'avo! t¿ be issued. If it is zoned 01'." s¡>a~o', tbe existing :oot::l!lCrdal llS~ ,",,,uld bo' ron-conforming. rf the I'::~.,tty bas an underlying comme~~1.1 :¿no' and it ~. not purchased for open 0=.1:o! ..1thin a reasonai>~e lengt:' or ti"",, it can be develo¡>ed ~rcia::y. He advised it would be .l beg ~¡st.ke to :ry to establish at the pr..!:;III!::':.t time what caastltutes a r~J5...~n~i.:,toc! 1e·~6cn of ~.'-IIIII!. 'n\e General :::ð.'"l i:; s~th1ng t.hat. cc~s firs:. ¡. Ll~.Üng COmc5 nex~ a:'\d must be campa:i;lo! ",ith the Gefteral Plan. H" ,,:ulJ bo! op~osed to pincing døwn any t:u:::Øo!" or limits as to what is a r.:as.>nai>le length of ri"",. Co_. S"t""""th ..aid be h... been thinking .;>f tho! !sc..l ""i'ects also>. Hð thougi1t tho! City cout~ i'urcbase this pre¡>crty (or "¡>en sÞace in the future vit!t the ro!""",,,e frea the ahq.i'~ng cento!r. I I Co.&. ~ellis said the mø~tOD va~ stato!d in sucb a way that the underlying zone ahould ¡'e the s..... as gi,...n to the re:r.aind"r of Stevens Creek Boule- vard. Aiso, L~e Planning eoa..ission dJscusseJ priorities: t~e northeast parcel "''' first md nor~1Y'"-"t V:1S secon,L C0mm. Ad.oms said thð thi rd priority ",..uld b.. the ad.~acent pro?ert}· g01l:<; ca,,;te:ly along Stevens Creek Bculo!"ard. , . . . JIDUtES OF nn: JOVÐIBER 28, 1973 cœB1NED CITY COUNCIL-PUDIlC aaasSIOll ~IXG CC-192 Page 3 _or IrviD súd that knoviJla.llloat the bOlld issue that did _t if,... and hew far døvnatreaa die øwuue fro. the shopping, center t., it loœs like the City _'c be purchasing the comer pieces Û die ftzy ..~ future. Cøœe1åaD Spañs DOted the .......-1. thing is long range p~n.. DIe n_oa be 'IOted for the v"" . riDg center vas to pay for the ~tiu the City of Cupertiao vanU. ldeùly we an pl8lll1iD1 10. 20 or 30 years ahead. Oaa1rIIIID O'~fe said it was his feeling tbat priorities were taIleD iDto coosiden:ioo. He said d>e DO:,thwest ",'mer was not one of his ~rizazy goals fer open space although it would 1>e desirable, !f feasible. eo.a. Nell:', ".:..ed with Couw:: 1-'"1 Sparks :;'.1t this is a long range plan and t~< ,.... .~.:':1al sh<'P?:::.g c.enter wi] l =.".. it possible to have s",.., of th.. a=.::::.ti..s. If aDd w;,en it 10<,;'5 :,,-e they are ready to develop, th.. :"::eral Plan ca::. :.e ar.ended. Kayor In..in $.':''': me of the ':!.a.;c.r stumblins ~:~...~·~s vill be ~he non- c.o:1fo~nï: ~:.:' ::tat cou:d s::~: ",·1th us fC''r =-:::v years without the r:>5sibili tv :: ~~'¡;r3din¡;. City Attorr,cy sa:''' :::,'r.' is some Ie.,.,...] in this r..p::. Councilmar. :~;::..:~ said h~ co'".,,;.:: e:1v!sioo a. \";.',:",:." nict? open 1;¡:ace area on thi' :-..: ..:_'r'lers but ::..::. as )"OU ge :::.::.:::c..: r down Ste\."c:"'s Cre,.,(. J.oulevard~ ::-. :t?r-....s of pri 0:-:" :.:'es the C..1¡Ji :'..i: ~::~:oveœI'tts CU=:Ú :'tet vC'~d pro""i.:.t :':'':,?,'..It on this sa.:.:.er. Coe:..:: :;:~;Jth said he ".-.5 hoping to ¡;<: ':ë»thing coaç:i~"tary on be ,;:'J:', side. Coaø. Nell~$ ~JS concerned c~~~ S~e~ns Cr~e~ 5:ul~vard would end lip strip c,,=><~::..ù. At the i':'f:5ent time t::e:r 15 a aoix of older ~oaes. BOO¿ ':""p commercial ~4 SDm" proir5,;::~a: offices. C~~. .uthenuth ..::.~ ~"at if there :"s to be a "c",..:"í." t"en the <>¡>en çace shaul': ¡~ l..ast go to ëe east property : ¡".. of the church ~roperty . Councilman :¡~,s~ said non-ccc!oraing us..s :~ :h.. west Bi~e and the C08t of the C::55roads Assess~~ District I ~~.. it possible that â1e propert~' ....uld stay in l:d>o for some ti::<? He said we s!1ould CO ahead an¿ ~:.1:1 this open spa.oe and not ",ait for a develo?er to co.e in for 4 ;,lálding pet1lli~. f IIDIUrES 0! mE !COVEMBn 28. 1973 co;·uma:¡¡ CITY COUNCIL-PLJJCHING CO!NISSIO~ MJ . e . . ~ i);Counc1l-. Frolich thoupt it vas re.csonable to i'nd the open space at the :--.daurch dri_., on Ste_ Creek Boulevard. The properties vith nothing ~ thea c.a probably be ,iclted up cheaper. Those properties - developed ." U cost _œ and it IIIIJ& 1te years before ve can realize tIu! purchase of . a parœ1s. . . fd.anc1lJom 5?"'Yh _d to adopt the PlanDing eo-issioa's cIoc:umented "...t....t. th1s .øt1oa .ø.e.t for lack of a second. Co1IDc1lasD .Jackson ŠU1d he """U like to sacca4 the _Cion if there vere _ type of ¡ þformal ~tEDt. JIa 1a DOt sure that General Plan t1_ is the ti_ to 8Ske c::ao! 5tat_ts. eo.&. BeUis agreed ve wiU haft to come up WE)' soo:: ...-i~ SaM vay of i.p~ntation of the zon1ns IUI I. ø.yor 1=,,'0.:: s&id the result of the recent 1Iond election spoke very loud an¿ ~':'ur that the public is not :r~2~ at the present tlæ to take aD an)" 1>:.... ::'ligation. eo.a. Adams noted these were loag range plans. Co1IDci l-:r :<~l1ch belie'leS that to inc1uèe that property on St~vens Cree~ ;;' __, '.,-:J containing the professi"aal offices and auto parts stot'~, ;:::. :~"r open space would be unrealistic. ~Vt'd :.-. Plan~.'-.' .nd i"h"" :-: eastt>~:. . .:_O'.::'!.:".3n Froll~'1.. sccondt?d -;,:. ~L!:"\.."'r Irwin, to adopt the 7~33~on's lates~ recomcendj:~:~ ~5 to the northwest ~: ~^rners of ~i~rJay 9 aaJ ~:t~'a~ Creek Boulevard : ',' church drl'..evay. ~:~:".-a tied, 2-2 C'1r:":'J.!. ~-:,11 \.~', ,. ;lid th~ ~ext area to b~ ~~~~u~s~ù i~ Stevens Cr~~k ·::'t~r"..ay 9 t:- casterly C~::.. ::.~t$. T'!h? ?la~:1ing ~i:,,· ~·t ~r ...;. ......:. these ~':'"J?~rtles. ï.:'..,' ?::;':~:1inG CC::o.15510n L.õ :"( ,....:::::~.::j- . ,,~:y side of S:.e:·:í'ns Cr~...~~ ~.:::.l¿v~u·d to Port.al '\ve:1ue .1S ...;, -....;ident:.a.: (:'-12) mix ~<-:"":":':5¿ ~f the bi;; lot<;. .\!,~a~ '. .~t" t~~ P:1:::1~:1g Ccm::ti:i.~-:- ':~cot:".:-::::-:-:.d...·d re.s~,J,.·nti.~~! .. .-~~) _:1 vacant a.:r':3. TIle! C:.:.:, ~":-:":.':1cil has dLscu;;sed ..1 .;_~ot type of::':-~!rt."sidenti.l: =.ix. - Vt':tt ..' in g t .~ co:-.r...' ~ t:lè: ~',., fJr t...' . "VL..;.t-1 __. _ C..:-1$'1.. " ~.... '.1~2 the Pla~!:i:-:~ Co~i5:j:p.~ :.~¡"u~ht performanc...· sLI;~j::.r.L; w\)u14 ':, ..'': .1Jout in f;~-:e crdinan...'~ :-..:: t" be \o,Titt.?n. ;.. t:I\.':~' ~:~,,·;.;.lJ be ~':i~ -: . ...:.: :,~r Steve.~s C:e~~ 3..,ull,.·';..~-':' .,::.¿ t:~~ Ar'..:¡~itectu,·.1l .3.::J ~~r...· Arr" r,)\ , ':"... ::.::.! shJu!i ~c L.l..:.lud~J :: : :::; di~t·u-;~icn. Cor.:.'t. .-\..!.,:':"-'; .ugg,-,.~~c;.: ~_: .:~.llit}· rr.3tri..::tlon::i s:¡;,;~:..; ,~:3¡J b,,' tn¡,:luded.. Count.~:' ~-~- ::-:-.<i...::-. wlJuld like to Inclu,,'-...'>- i ;'linicUD nu,~er of l~'l1"':'t n;ts along '.'_:.. ~...~=-.~. Ad&DIS s...gg-.sstion of r.:.;~:.ri.:1g Pl:1!1nt::l ~'JCL,};':!':,,"'nt3 by bl..ck. : . I I j J . . xmm:s OF THE ROVEHBER 28, 1973 cœBINED CITY Cotr.iCIL-I'LANNING cntIISSlai !ŒETDlG IIcnIId b, Coœcll_ Frol1cb, seeøncled by CouncUIIID Jackson, to ....t tbII PlllllÚ.Dl C~..iøn'. rec~clation on Stewna Creoak ao.1aftrtl fna Rip., 9 to the e.tedy City liaits with the eIId1t1_1 coaditiaaa reaarclina II1nl_ curb cuts. At th1a point die .u_ ... its ._d _re v1th¿ravn to aUow discussion OD the ___ ftCSIIt acres, Counc:i~ Jac:kson said be could visualize ~ .._t_ aerea .. reaicleDtial 4 to 12 units per acre. C:-c1bm Frol1ch .aid this 18 the one parcel along Stewns Creek ao.l.evartl were _ caI do the beat job because it is vacant at the ,runt U.. Kayor llVia saId be has p:-oblelõlS with luge residen- tial arus particularly along ..jor thoroug:lfares. He would g:> ai_I vith se.. type of aix bere,bowever quite often a 16 units per acre develop_at tums out to be better quality than 4 to 12. C1a1rman O'Eeefe s'Jggested tb¡¡t if we go to 16 units per acre the she of :,,~ units and nUllber of bedrooms be specified. He said he spent .~ time at Vista del Lago an1 it has a lot of a~tomobiles and as~~a:t in a~d1tiOQ to the water and th~ tr~es. Co.... ~l:is said the Planning Commission "as "illing to go along with th~ Ci:y Council deternlnation of c~ncerciaI on the existing c",""",r; i a: ,r."i"rty because of the non-conforr..i:lg uses problem but ~ thc '~;a~: iand it was felt it shoulJ go residential. The 4 to 12 desi .::.1::-':1 was to give the City as .·ell as the develeper a chance :.. ,::oJ". various plans for the rro,erty. :'!ayor Irwin did I not hi,,:.. :c.. ....·ul.l like to Ii ,·e in a ho::e C:1 Stevens Creek Boulevard, ewn th~·,,:!:·. :':: could be quite attrac:.ti'\"~ ...ita rere, landscaping, ete, C~. ~:::, .~id it does not have to relate to Stevens Creek Boule-' vard, t"" ,r.'jc.'t could be turned in"ard. Cou:1cilman Sparks said I the prcè:.~ i.. has is whether or not the parcel is large enough to do. "\loa di"l Lago". CounclI~ Jac~son said what we will pr,,~ably end up with is commer-. c1al alm~ t~e _jar thoroug.'1fares. This is the one ares where he I believes a residential development would "orl<. It would provide a visual r~iief as you go alon& Stevens Creek Bcul('vard bel....een the regional ~""ter and the TOIoo"n Center. Chair=an C'Kcef~ said people who might wish to live here would be peopl. ~~o "ould be walking to a~d from servic~s and work. For this reason 4 to 11 could be increased as long as there is a restriction .. to the mo:ber of bedroOlllS. The c"""",,rcial should be the type that Is oriented to peclest rians. He noted reti red people who no lon;er &..p~nd on the automobile and w~uld like to be close to ser- vices might be attracted to this area. . CC-192 Pa;e S t. I i~ i' 'i~';; .~ ;i: -- . 1wI1h;r;:; OF I1Œ ~OVEIœU 28, 1973 COMBINED CITY COIIMCIL-PLAJIBDIG aJIIIISSIQ1I ~IKG ,( alIa. Gatto ..teel to .... to lael use and bteasity. QIe,of the äoâ.ttiOllS of the PlanÎdÔs,a-t.nion vas a reduction tlf int_ity ~ÚII. be~ the TCIIIII Ceacer aDd Vallco Park. Pel"'spa a_ ',~t1CID aleng that 11_ 1IOa14 be profitable. ·,tòiíÍ'ícllam Spam cion DOe ddø1t we can, get the iDteasity l""Dough with .c_rdal on Stevens Creek Boulevard. Perhaps sOlllBthing Hk. afúDüture store voulel be _ eX8lllp1e. Be would prefer 1"" inten- sity residential or ~rc1al use I¡ere. Hayor Irvin a:tS1o-ered eo-. (;uto that we are studying trip ends and deDsity on different types of uses. There is a possibility of decreasing i::tensity in cae portion in order to increase it in another. CoDa. Nelli; ;a:.d there are two ways to approach cOlIII:Iercial inten- sity: (I) :i=¿ _:7es of 10v intensity commercial, (2) use larger parcel f,,= "i;:, i:1tensity cOII!IIIerclal use. She nC'ted we hav.. a lot of comme=~i~: ~:read)·. Councilcan Frolich said we aleo have a lot of apart"",:::;. If we are going to talk about perfc rmance 3 tandards he does r.~: ;ee .T.ere c~rcial is that bad alo"g Stevcns Cr£ek Boulevard. Chai~n :.~~¿:~ gaid at ~allco Park wa are looking at c~r5 that travel 2J ,.,,,.:";. If these seventeen acre; go residential t;¡ey ~oulJ b~ ;~~~5:~ian orient~d. L~e Pl~ninð C0~ission wants a de"/elo?~:-.: .:~,":1;' $t.!v~ns r:ree~ Boulevard that :1.:15 tongcr daY3 and is open '.::.<:::;3. This is :lOt true at Vista del Lag". Council~~ ~7~~~g moved ~ adcpc the Planning Commission reco~nda- tion of :;:·,'e::.:. = 19. This =tion died (or lac'< of a second. Moved i-y ~::::':""" Sparks. seconded by Councilman Jackson. to adopt t~e : _"""'''g Coœúss~on reco::1Inendati"n for the north side of Stevens C=a,~ 3:ulevard f::O:1 Vis~a Drive to P"rtal. }wtion cartied, 4-0 , Moved by c.:,~:~ "::3R Spar'.-s, seconded by Coul,dlm.1n Jacksor., to uphold t~e ::.l..,,,ing Comm1ssion's reeom."',~lldation of resideontial 4 to 12 ~::3 ?èr acre for the sevente~n V3ca~t acr~s on St~vens Creek Boule¥3=d. !lot ion tied, 2-2 CC-192 Page 6 i ~~~, ;, ,. r- ~, \ . " I,',F , ,¡ '.'" . . e _DdS OF !BE NOVEMBER 28. 1973 COMBINED CITY COUIfCIL-PUIIIIG ~ASICR ~ING "',r,,:}" "~- ·'''-·>¡f'';1InIId by COUI1cillll&n Jac:Uoø, NCGDcled by Couocillll&D Frol1ch. CO . " ~fy the PlanniDg eo-1øt_·. recom=endatim for the _fftfl" ~ paU of Stevens Creek Bou1eYud Co the easterly City 11II1ta inclu4- : 181 ite. a through i. Motion carried, 4-4 aece.;, vas called at 9:4S p... Councilman S¡>arks left the _etiDS. 1be _ti:l¡ reconvened at 10:06 p... TC'.~ œn-rJ The Planr.i::¡: :!lrector rev1e1Md the written ro?ort. The Plan:!ing Comcrlssi~:: ~. ¡;~neral1ï 1:: faõ·or of Ci ty r~=dl's stater.ents regarding :::..: 7("""..-n Cente~. E.:r~ever there? is $ome questic:: as to the indus::.': rortion ~~ ~~e i~tensity. Councl1:!:~;,. :7.-:ich sal¿ r.:5 =:-~iinal i:: the -:':'..-: . ".t-:or was t.; '--;.c. it up .:!:!; to d:,~~ indcst:-:'.:l:' ·,-.-e-:f:r.. , I I int~rc~: in includ!~g i~¿u~trial f~r p~~~i~ilities. ~~ ~s _111- Cc=. B;.::.::.__. d('es n~_:' ::¿:~~...~ '.."C sh"ul¿ ::.:~ a d(osity ...___ on t..~e resi":.:':".::.·· ¡".1rt of ::-. :-:a::::cd Jh>\'~L':~_~~:t here. I'.ayer 1:-.::, -~:~ this tj;:~ :f ¡>ed<-strian _',,:o:1leù dev('lc.~::'''',: \lould le:'Jd It:ö¿:: :~' :Ii¿;her ¿é~:i~::: es;ecially .".:::1. ., social g..:-ë:.:. Council::-...;.:". :.:,-:';'5~n said ....~ a.:-~ trying t(", c:-~.-:~c soœthing u::.::;;;e nerê 3nJ ....,: ...·.11 almo.&t :-"a-.-~ :'0 go hi¡;.'1er .......0:. thc reside::.~:a.l ¿c:nsity' to ech1~"è ,_: b.,..ls. ~,,;;o...:::'e \<illin~ :0 go 4 to 16 '..,-.1:5 ;>er , acre her-r-. ...',':.=1cilr.an F:-::::.:':' s~id if ",-eo .~=è b,11ng to be :'~:-_~·..atlvc: here we ~~:._._.:. ~av~ as :í:.0'¡ :-e:5itrictions as ,;,.:"::.~ible. We shc.'.;ld look: at the 1:c; :,,, of the total ~e....elo;>ment anà :cake the decisiv:-. C'n that basis. I The Dir...::.: .·f Public ...."r'LS said tha 25 tri? cnùs specifications c.aœ fro:: ~:,_. Traffic Cc--s",:tant's report. ¡;.. f..lt this \"O';:¿ be an acceptr:: :'1¡;ure for "7_~t v; are trying to accomplish. ~ese 25 trip ..".;. "ere for t!;e e::.tire 50 acres. eo.... But!l<~"t" saId he s~s üis as cocbincd rather than isolating the resiào::::.,1 frOlll the c~_rcia1. HI' feels a certain nu:'!ber of units sh"u:~ ;'e placed 0:1 ~ entire devele;>:!ent rather than so aany units ,<" acre. Co=cilman Frolich said until we see what the clevele;""~t looks 11;':1' it 1s very difficult to place cany restrict1~~5 en it. I \ CC-192 ¡page 7 e e CC-192 rage 8 ~,.~ . :~.' .~JØJIU'l'ES OF TilE IIOVEMZ~tl 28" 1913 camINED CITY COUNCIL-PLØJIJ]IG C<KtISSION MTG. .~ .~~~, .f~ . ,~:.¡' ¡,f)::oaacllman Jackson believes dlen should be some statemeAt .. to overall ....ity. He "'Quld be ill f;nor of SOllIe inducements in orcler to achieve !__ goals. He believes 16 r:adler than 12 would be one in..... ·-·t. He .œ. not like the 25 trip __ restriction here. He woulcl1ik.e to àelete .' this restriction with the ~oIea that the Council is still soiDa to take a close 1"".. at traffic. CIñ~ O'Keefe beUeves it is .bIportaDt to give the property owner and de_1~r ad much lacitude as possible. CoDa. IIellis is syoIpathetic with the idea of innovative developw2llt. However she belie\"~3 th.e developers need guidelineø. :'Iayor Irwiu said the developer s;,,,uld COllIe to d>ea with conceptø rather than ex¡:>ensive drawings, etc. at :'irst uatil it is es~Ushed he is going in the -rtg >t direction. 110ved by c...=.dlman Jacitsoa, Hconded by Councilman FroHch. to ad.,pt the reco"""""~,¡:::~ of the Pla:=1=<;; Co=l:f3ion en the TOIo-n ~nter ..·ith the followi~S :'''';;8.0: delete t=e ~ndustrlal, do>lete the 25 trI¡» ends, revise ¿_-::; :'=.y range of ~ t.o 12 t.o 4 to 16. ~~tion carried, 3-0 '5J..r,;,.-~·')C:..-~. ·:-;y·...\LE ~OA!). L.:...37 ;':;D ~';F.ST SIDES ::--:.e ?1::- ..-.: ';~!"cctQr ~'';:-~:--:'='::':¿ ti¿ ~tat..:~_'::~s jr., hi-; !'~::::!":.. ..,.. :-cal ~;.;c.:.;ti.."':; ..':'-~' :'s 0;0(" :;~ :-es:':'=.:.t.ial dlln~ity. Council~..l:: :::.:':-:.., s.dJ t:-.~~e i- ., ~..::':..:~r ir-;.~ .:::.e .:: ~:1e lJ.ndo~:n~r~ i.n this ar':¿a :::cn~ 1> t.n~ f..:('~~ :.:~~. th~ ;=..::¿.=~~, ~:O~b the t\Jrt.\ side of :"'a~ :..:-~".-.~ :.'~::> :.0: .J~~:-, '.:-: thê .~'::-....ê: ::-:-.:¡,:.::'~ration bec:.l113c üf thç l:r:::':;:~:3':'.3 . -- ~ - .......::. .. ··:.:-ic:t ..;':~:;: :i .:.:.;¿.; Drtvea L"''..1l\cil:r..-1.n ;::::: ::- ~~l:l'_,::';~'i '..:. ,~3 more 5:':"~·. ¿-? ·....:::uld lik~ tJ look at it. -2;:'::':: t:~·:.; ti r:--;t .~35c?';:'; ..?e;'" i:1 _.,,:.'::.=¿r6o CC:.:=1a ,;::: ':~:1 saiJ h¿ t:;¡:.i :":è: ?1.~.n1.1ing C(,::-":.:i53ton he "~-:'.1:¿ !i~'~ to see 5.:':'..: __:~:·..?ntlat:'.:,.... ...': :::'2: i--ad:;3trLl1 ......U lllZ ca.3t '1:.= :~~é ....c~t side a ..~ -. _":~j like t~ see :.:~: ::-.dU3trial en the east s~:e. Co~ciL::..:.:: _-.i,::,,::,s\Jn en":i.;:'=':':.e;; iig::t. industrLll ?ark on t:-:e ·..·-2.5t s:d¿ c.1r\d no indu~::"..:: ...':" CO!:ä::.:=!'c:.a: ::.:- the CdSt si.¿¿. Lïlair:"'.1~ :'·~~~efe s;~~d t.:tt!re i~ ;:"~' :in~ t'O:1CCc:¡, I:.V-. -:--"~a.c p~opl~ lCl':..ltè closer cû t.-.eir CL1l}'lj"r;:'l-"nt. I:1dust r:':, '_ ':: t~e c~t. !»ide c: High..,·ay 9 """0uld otter e:::.: 1 :¡:.·=ae~t to CI1?t:'r- tine ci t:' : ':-:-.::i. Coau. ~:.:':~:s ':;dld her c:~cer= is ending up \..'!.th strip ty?~ zoning here. Council~~~ ;~~lich 53id resi~=tial could So in at the sa~ time a3 industr:a: ,,:od ea¡>loyeès of :b..t ind""triaI \Could get fl=;~ c..'1ance at the resi~,:l~:al there. :iayo:- lr-...in s3id the prL.blem wit;' that is all differe"~ ~:::,es of jobs for ...1: <lificrent l::"c's of peopt.. would be involve':. ,:,,, develO¡>Cènt of t"'" industrial ,,"d residex:tial =y not be ~he sao~ 5~ ~t could ~t!=~ ,ui~e r¿strictivc. Council:a~ JaCLson said perhaps ~',,, o>:::¡>loy..rs could ....courag.> thi.; sort of thing. Ic merits further 3:.;.;dy. ! . . _~~ OF THE NOVEMBEit 28. 1973 COfBIllED CITY mONCIL-PLANNING ~C;SICIi MEETING CC-192 Pa. 9 ,.. :f1amIinc Director _vesel eø....,-- Jackson that ~ere are 14-1/2 acres in the CrOllsroatIIJ "ut.a Phase I. -> GId_ O'lCeefe agreed ~~1Iif-tÍie"CØDd to lc>cate 'j)eople close e. ,dldr ellployant. uOWftiÍr_...It: ute into .:oaltideratlOl1 thae lids is the entrance to our cïcy. !lie width of tb{s property here _ .Iso be c:oaaidered. a-. Nellis said we baft gerI a- ezøplea of industrial in Cllpertino. It is true _e .....1a _et to live closer to tbeir j~ DOW. We bave a lot of ~eda1 and we _t provide a wide ~ of housing for the "art_ 1Ac_ levels. She does not want co IIr10g pressure to bear _ our~. Ve have a delicate balance hone. J!Æyor Irwin believes industr1al belongs closer to the freeway. ~ reason ...hy the Planning eo-tssion set 4 to 10 rather than t. to 12 units ?er acre on the east sic!e of Hislr..ray 9 "as because t:~ere are t".o schools and singl.e faaily homes in toe area. Co=. Se111s said she does not want to see ¡ots of apartcents along HigbYa? 9 ei~er. It ...as decided this discussion would be continued. . šEv- "nO:-;-E:·;n::u..\I:;:IENT U'O cst: DES ¡ C;:¡ATI ON- LOCATED ¡¡'EST OF 1ÖV'-z=: ROAD SOtTd OF VALLCO ':UJ~ ~e Planning Director said c>e recreation would be oriented to recreation related to profess!"".l offices. !kned by Cooocilma.'\ Jackson. seconded by Council""", Frolich, to ~rove recreatiOl1/entertain=ent desig:tation for the property west of Çolfe Read and South of Vallco Village. sœm£AST COR:iER OF THE ì ; IIo"'nESECIIC5 OF HOMESTEAD A.'ID STELLING ROADS; i ¡ Motion carried, 3-0 ar.ed hy Councill:!3lt JacksDO. ~c_ded by COImcilman Frolich, to .pprove the recOl:lb!ndatlon. Hotion carried, 3-0 ., (( . -192 10 BUllinS OF THE IIOVEHBD 28. 1973 COMBINED CITY roœCIL-PU1llf1llG CO!IfISSIOII II :~": :JICII.DIWES't' CODER OF S'lELLDIG JIW) AID STEVENS CIE!X JIOUIØ&ÎD , . . '> ··b PlanDing Director·...... tis. 18 the property adJaceDt,.to !feMrial Park. "ÇoaDcilman Jackson ..aiel M""~o be cODII18tent if it is tIiìt1~t8e1 parks ".1«: implies we should baJ' .~~ .... should take steps to f:1JIcI oaC ~f we can i1*.J 1t. As soon as the _ area is completed he would Uke to see the ·....lic acquisitiOll of op_ space investigated by the Capital IlIIprovements ~ttee. The City AUoDleJ' advised the General Plan shoald Dot get so tsa_lved in 1mplementaU_. ] Councilman JaeksOll said he favored the Planning COII!Øissi_'a concept of , open space çtrst and residential for an underlying zoae. He was concerned 8bout the 12 to l6 un.1ra per acre here on both the Saleh and the Chrlstiansc property because lie already have the l6 units per acre at the Glenbrooke Apartments and thi9 could result in too many apartrœnts for ODe area. He would be willing to go to 16 on some, but not all t!u! acreage. Councilman Frolich fe~ls there is too much concern over IE units per acre density. He would like to see so"", kind of bedroom lir-~::..tion all the "'31 through r....e ordinances. Me""d by Ccuncilman Frolieh, seconded by :'layor Ir.Jin, to &do?t the Fla:ming Ce::mission recolI!I:>8::iation of open sp'1ce ...it:-. :.-e;;:'¿e:1tial ~¿erlytng use at 3 ¿en;;!ty 0: 12 to 16 units ~er ac:.-e :or t~e northwest co~er oi St~lliag Road and S~eYen9 Cree~ Boulevard. 7~:s ~tion and se::.ond wer,e ,.it:Hltawn for f:.;rther discussion. Councii~~ J~ckson vas co~c~~ed there Is too ~u~~ a~rea~~ h~re at 11 to 16 ~~~t~ ?cr acre. Ara~:ments would com~le~e:; 3~~~~und ~=rial P~r'" Councll:aan ¡r~ach uould like to i,,¿i<:ate re.idential on this and later discuss ¿.ens.::'ty when there is a ::.::1 (.,\:--::=i1 present. Moved by CoU'\cilt'..1n Fro1.1ch,seconded by Coundlr.:an ;..ci:s,,~, to acce:>t the Planniog Co~~sion's re~o~.en¿ation of open s?~.:e ~t~ u:1derlying residentiai ---the density ro oe determined at the :lext <:i=:; Council _ting. ~otion carried, 3-0 ADJOURNME.'iT It was decided the next City Council meeting would be ;)ecemer 11 for the regular agenda itelllS. Mayor It'.ln adjoul~ed the aeet1ng to an executive s~ssiCQ at 12:02 A.M. . . HIlUTES OF TIn: :iOVE:-mf.:l 28, 1973 co:,m¡:\i:D C¡¡Y COlr.iCIL-P1.A."i!IING CtlGnSSlœ; ;~l~G i CC-I92 I Page 11 Claairm:ut O'Keefe noted the P1a:ming Comcission f.!Ceting vas still jasessi~'!1. 1be Planning Dhector sugg<!stcd the 101m Centcr OI'I1inance be discussed at Qe Deœ!lber 5 rI~ctin& with tbe possi- "lit,. of the Cocmerc1al ortislaDce and recreation ordinance also ~g discussed. Jføftd by CO:oll. Buthenuth. secandcd by Ch3itT'~m O'Keefe, to continue the Publlc Hearing on Ceøerall'lan and Ordinl:!ces to 7:30 p.a. on DæceÈ>er 5. Motion carried, 5-0 1be Pl~~ni:!s Co~~ission adjou~ed at 12:0ó Ä.tl. I 1be Citr Cc,""dl assc:o~led i" tJ-." COll:'lcil C:.'",·,,'r apin at 12: Y.) ".1".: T;~e Ci:.y ::.-.:;::.~~r vas ¡n~:tr..;c.:.ed by t:,e Ci:.y L~u:'.cil to c~~~ac.t the I S~'"1ta C1.::.: :.:::aty 1r.::nS?~~ 3t:' "n CC::"_"":i5S;'~';1 ':~":H'("'~'nin õ !:: &:.-:ar 65 (';"H r..1:,:, :r.':',:.1Y). T:Je :¡...ycr : ._~~'Jrra.òd the ~.e:::~r at 1:00 ...... APPRCVEI1: /s/ Keith E. Ir~in Y.yor, City of Cupertino 1JTEST: 1./ l~. E. KyGer City Clerk .