CC 12-19-73 . " , ÍIII OF Ctr.'E.!mSO, STATE OF at.IJIOIKL\ ..'."'.' ;¡:,~ Torr" ¿venue. CuperU.... .5014 .:.1j y' ,\~ -:.....r ^De: 232-4505 .. ;~. ~~¡.'...'.'.;." '.~ :~',j' 'f:,:,. ," - ::j\~.·~...i·.··i..~:··.·..·..,.,.ri:{?=1 :=~~D~;;3--:~ =~~~ :~=~I~:::;" ';."~" ,,/4 ".. . .,¡;;".",....., CUl'f.Kn._.;. CALIFORNIA "'. . '., ~ '''." . -71 ~&;1.~~'" '" ':~"'('.., ì" ¡'.' ti '.: fy-- TO THE fLAG ~', .....¡ . I I I 7:33 p.lII. with the Salce' - J _& Irwin ::&lied the :lleetba Þ order at ~'dIe nag. -.L CALL c..act!meu preunt: ~11111en abse~t: Scaff Fresent: ~ultants r:~seat: ""lIDVAL OF )!1.'-.-rë:S Frol1ch. jackson, Meyers, Sparks, ¡.fayor .ITldn Nooe City !".a:I&.r Quinlan City .\tCOrDe,- AdaJ;lS Direc:or of Administrative Ser<i~es !ì.y¿~~ Direct4r :)f Flan...1ng :md i)evelopment Sis;' Director of ~11c .o:ks 'iskovich Ec:c.nönZi¡: C~ultant S:ev~ Levy Dr.~~ ~.. of );".....::I>e1: 28, 1913 ~ by Co~~:..an Jackson. ser.oaded by Councilman Frol1c.'1, t:> ~rov. the ;~:~tes of Sove.ø.~ 28, 1973 as rec~rded. Hot1~ carried. 4~ Cøund.l:wc !Seyers abs.ain.:od --.. o)f ~~"""¡'er 19, 1973 a. . by r;"u:::i::.an :leyers. s~d by CouncUcan Jackson, to ...rove the ~,,:es of So"..lIÍMr 19. 1973 as rec~rded. Hotioc e&rrled. 5~ . CC-195 Page 1 -'~'.,....-. '.... - . CC-19S Page Z ..' ;"'uu" or tIE ŒCEIIIIU ø. D73 IEGULAJI. AlUOUIRED em .......aL øauÍlG It . .. - ·~!'·---'r'~"""··'·":· ~_. of ....~r·6~··~un·'·~'r- .~u._. ,....-.~; _.. ,....,~...- .'-' - .,..,", ...._~.........--' ., ..,.._..,~_..,....;........... ..6+.1.-; ._'.,-,.., '-",,' ........... ...;it......... ..." , ;y... ..lete the WM Wþ _ ~'.~.. " ' '. 1ft'( ~.'... np~ , . '..''-~ . ,.:Ia the s_ paraaraph, ....~;6e ..unce on third u., ""_ftl ... ",DOt so _med abODt~: -~...~.". ~ City Attomey adYiaecl dIac for clarity the iii_tea OD ... . should ,. ..n.ect that the Public Eeadq _ the core area vas c1øaaol. ï I , !lined by Q>uxilman Meyers. r r c -ded by Counci111111D Jac:I<aoa. ~o approft !be Hinutes of Noved>er 6. 1.913 ,as corrected. Motion carried, 5-4 !!1nutes of Sçted>er 26, 1973 Qa page 2, paragraph 3, l1:oe 3. the first word (property) should be deleted. ~ p..ge 2, paragraph 8 sboa1.d read "Councilman FroUch said the ti_ and expense af hiring a c.r.¡s1l1%&Dt is justified". On page 4, sac:ond paragrapå tro. bottom, Une 4, sentence be¡1DD1na "'Counailman ;!;oyers.... "the vont "not" should be inserted at end of 11ne and the figu~ "50" in the _ line should be changed to "lS". ?age 7, paragraph 7, the cape should be researched to clear u;> the stateMOts oa amfiguratiocs of street p6l:U~. DiD page 8, Ù.. 4th full pa:asza;>h, 3rd line, the word "great" should be deleted and raplaced with tbe vord "grade". _d by Cou:><:ilman M~Jers. sec:.onded by Coun.:1lman Jacksoa. to approve tbe Minutes of Septed>er ~. 1973 as corrected. ; Motion carried, 5-4 I I . ~ . >"r't' .... ~ ønrorES OF THE DECIHIIU 19, 1973 REGULAR ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL Hl'G. CC-19S Paae 3 JI1nutea of Septe_er 25, 1973 . <~,Hi"" 4, sècœcJecJ ,¡i¡.~~~, delete the adcIøaa -x.p.dalAftaué" ...... ";;..<.,¡,;~1ac:e it with ~è~Ddft". ",.'" \:~;-i'-,y-"(;~D:~:Ì"~{ ': _ -"",:.¥{,':f;:.-':':"" ~'.. .........- : ·":5~~~~âb1.. coUllCi~ï;t,..ç·ø, seconded b1:Co1Dd.~·Spaøa, to .nr~~'ve!,th8 ænutéi!i!f,JePte.er 2~, 1973... c:orncacl. .>....., 'C. ';f -~ ,<-' ,~::,:}j¡ ........ , > Hotiœ éan1el. 5-0 ' . :c; lUnutes of Septea6er 19, 1973 011 the first page, tbe KiDutes should nflect under loll Call that I Councilman Meyers _ absent.' . On paae 6, third paraaraph, line 3, should delete the vord IIunde,ferre[" and replace with the vord "undeterred". Pap 8, paragraph 5, first line, delete vord "better" and replace it with "othe r". Delete vord "than" and replace It with the vord "besides" . Same paragraph, line 8, insert the vord "have" after "we will". On line 10 of paragraph 5, the sentence should read "Councilaan Frolich said SB90 minimizes the effect of property taxes on finance". Hoved by Councillll8D Jackson, seconded by Counciban Sparks, to appr0'!2 the Minutes of September 19. 1973 as corrected. Hatton carried, 4-0 Councilman Meyers abstained Minutes of, September 18, 1973 On page 3, third paragraph, line 4, delete the vorela "the Town Center' and replace with "Vallco Park". Haved by Councilman Sparks, seconded by Councilman Jackson. to approve the Minutes of September 18, 1973 as corrected. Hatton carried, 4-0 Councilman Hl!)ers abstained '. 1;:' {:,>.',:' ~, ! J ' \.",,,,,, OF mE L. .., I posTPOIŒHENTS - -- &I 1973 REGULAR ADJODIIŒD CITY COUNCIL HEETDlG wanlY" COIIIIIIIICØ1~ -... " ,,}' OIlAL c»-,'·lCA'lI'" " ' ' ,',-,-,.;:'~~:~~">",, ",,', '~:::":':!~:';' Hr. Jerq r1ta"-'''. JØ1t1i'WlBlaDey Aven_~:c¡¡Jèttt-. said q..tioaa høe lIeen raiaecl,_ COtbe,lIOràtori_~ Be .......n4i II, the PI..mua D1nctor that folbtaa èi1teîta win not be '1Ji:tba IIOratorima' (1) . vhere1D the pre..t 'ZiaÌIê!1di1 be in confomøncê,W1th the adopted e~t. 1(2) the City win œ.ap'daeaOl1e upon adopt1ou 'o~ orcliDances to illpl_t the Plan (3) the prC1....L". owDar can IIÙe applicad.œ ill accordance with I the Plan. the CJ.ty ~1:ome1 advised for clarity that this is with respect Ito the core area. Hr. F1ugerald WM CGDc:erned about the coaaerc1al zonil1S adjacent to ¡Barclay's Bank on St__ Creek Boulevard, and the property by Portal ; Plaza. He was infor.ecl those properties could make application for ideWlopaent, :Mayor Irwin said the CapItal Improvements Program collllll1ttee will meet :on Dec~~er 20, 1973 to attempt to resolve the status of those proper- I ties having undedyina .0De.. ¡PUBLIC ~GS I I ! Report for the Element - Core Consideration of the draft Environmental Impact pro¡>;,sed aMnd8ent to the General Plan Land Use I Are3. ¡The P1=1ng Director Infoned the Council that Dr. Myronuk and Hr. Levy, ,the Air and Noise Consultant, were present to discuss the EIR. ~r. Le,,· said we ha_ been working on the General Plan for l~ years now: i(1) ta~ ~ore area, (2) tne foothill area, (3) the remainder of the valley ¡floor ::.~t in the core area. The Environmental C01III!Iittee determined the ¡Core .'~ea could have a sIgnificant effect on tne Environœnt and therefore :requir~d an Environ:llental Impact Report, "hich should point out areas of ¡impact, ;:<:'W to altipte t!1e Impact and alternatives. Tnis report was prepar~¿ !>y the Institute, the staff and Dr. Myre>nuk. Traffic and traffic ;related i::l¡>act were _jor ru.tters of discussion of the General Plan. :Cupert'''~ has much through traffic and the land uses will produce additional ItrafH~. Regional shopping center was cut from four to two new stoces. Some of th~ d..,'elopment in Vallco Park was tied to new traffic carrying devices. ~ ., KDlUTES OF 1HE DECEMIIEIl19. 1973 REGULAR ADJOURNED CITY COU5ctL Kl'G CC-195 Page 5 Bipay 9 traffic will be Uld.ted to 8 lanes and there win b. DO .ore than 8 lanes on St..,.. Creek Boulevard. 1Ir. Levy said another i~ 1111(1act is the cost to the uxpa7er. (1) Beca_ the plan indndoO. Oe regional center, it was felt the project will have no 1181&1:1- :bpact and (2) there were no IODg run problellØ in providing services for the core area. Dr. Myron.... suœoar1zed his report on air quality and noise levels associated .....ith the develo,.mat of the core area. The ..jar source of air quality is traffic. Be said the air quality sectiOD looks ! at what t!tere is nov and what La projected. In terms of the over- I view the e::issions froll the aato.obile are so much greater titan : other sour.:". :>ew cars are designed to have lower emissions. He i believes i::. ge:leral these em-. ions will decrease except for sulphur oxide. Dr. ~'yronult said _ are looking at catalytic mufflers which ruy be a s","r.:e of sulpbatea. Dr. Myr('n"" Hid w will p,g _re particulates into the air as we change fr",::. agriculture to urbanizati~. In terms of the overall picture ~e ~i:: increase the average temperature and visiòility will be re:i~.:ed due to the Increased rough"e~~ in the ai r; we will not swee? ::~e air clean as readily. We will ha\·e to start cantrall';' Lng traf!~.: ,.:terns and we _t look to other meanS of tra:¡sIt. It was Dr. ~'r~nuk's opinion ~~at l,~ering the s¡teed of automobiles will not :.-..·:e "'"1 effect on ¡tollution although it will have an efíe.::t on fuel .....::.s·=ed. By 1980-1~~: ~. will be well below the noise levels of today. In the imcedi..:. :utule we will see an increase in con~truction noise. etc. but t~,is will not proc!tõC8 adverse ef:e.:ts. Councill:l8:: :~:lich said he could see that high rise buildings In large ci:ies =:~~t havo an e!fect on wind ~elocity, etc. He asked about the e::è.:t Curertino will have witn its three and four story buildings .....:::. ::uc¡' open space. Dr. :lyronuö; said the flow of air over grass. :reps and shrubs is quite dlf ¡"rent than ai r around buildings. :: you change tOe character "f :he ground itself from rural to s~~~3n you will tr.nd to slow the winds down and decrease the disper5"~~ le,~l. Councilman Frolich as~~d if it would be possible t'" ~.xs:ruct a cOllp<lter model tecnniC¡lIe to do so"",thing with desig:: ~~~ ~lacement of buildings, ctc. to mitigate these proble:ll5. :r. ~!yr"nul. s.sid i:t term:. of a coaputer model he ,d;:>es no: think it is fe.l3ible. -. I :C-195 ?3gt! 6 ¡ JIUIudS OF IE œCDIBn 19, 1973 JEQJLA1l ADJlAJiI4t:D CITY cotIIcn JŒETINC ."'.4'~:':.. -,.,"'iII:' '....:1... _d. ';.o-cll_ __ø asked Dr. 111.. . if his predicUon ¥ill be .fleeced ?_ the curreK tal crista. Dr. lIJroDuk said it wuld. Bopefa111 ve t.ul have .mt t_ic be~ of ie. CoœclUm Jawoo dt-secl the .,.....; charts 1m tIIa do~e tritla Dr. If,yroaå. : "' Sii. II1rOllå said oar 1IutA is, ill ",; a lot of trol6le vith1D tIaa øezC t~1,eara - to nlphar~. OpeD space md the pr.._ of ,!.mts " ':" help ~. .. tIIa preble. .,..........". the plants win suffer. 'ílíror Irwin asked for Cu .. f_ the audience. 1Ir. Boor Bi11-11". Saratop. relened to Section VI, pa.. 17 and 19 . .t Dr. MyrOlllX's report. Bs... _ered that ,the sulphur oxl.des ¥ill " ... adverse effects on people _ _11 as plants. Dr. If,yroD1å answered ,. Ifr. Billawalu' Wt lead has _ aoherse effect on people, especially on I dlildren. I: .-ould not be desirable to live within a few hundred feet .f heavily t:ueled areas. :!!!r. Bill""a::~ uud about the effect of noise le\."ls. 1>1". Hyroouk said lie have una:~:~le noise levels in some areas near the freeway. Con- si.dering air :;=lity and noise levels if we ha,·e ~he altemat1v3 it 1POUld be be::.: :1,,: to live close to traffi:. .:'n the oth'!r hand, some =f these p:.:i::e::s :an be lllitigaud. :!!!so Ann AnS':. :'!::-::e Vista, asad If studies ~uj been made of other :::úngs that \-.:: rJn our autoccòiles besides ps"li:1e. Dr. Myronuk said there ~:! =y alternative f=ls, but t::ere arc over a hundred zillion gas ;:;$:::g :ars novo He believes t::. J.-:s,;er is in the service of transit. ~or In.-in :.L.:e¿ a recess at 9:00 p.m. and :>ee:ing reconvened at 9:23. p.m. Councilman :¿",,-s;w:: asked what: ot!1er public .i;:endes viewed this document. and what, i: r:::-, "òere their coace:::ts. 11'.e ?:r.n:ng Director said the ~. was se::: :: >~~rJunding cities, ABAC, L;'::. Air Pollution Control ;dstri":, :::",i :"ntrol Distric~ and varioC3 :::>er agencies. There were :DO written ::"",,:::s frem any of t~em. TI,e "~: ?::lution Control District e&lled to SõT :::ey had just rece! ved the <Ìo:;.=,,:,: a:1d hAd not had time to s~udy it. :-~= :::"d Control Dis:rict said .." s:::'J1J proceed ..-Ith the hear- 1 Ú1&. 'nIe City At:::=e: said the proposed chang.s i:> :::~ amendment to the CoCneral ?1an differ :r.": :.'lJse origin.ally submitted a:>¿ ,;ere considered by the UR etIIIIIIi.ttee. ~ :e:: there were no sigp.ifiga::: .:.~a.'1ges involved. ~ thIs poi::: :o..""r Irwin acknowledged a Ie::.: r"ccivcd fro. Attorney liarpster. é.:.=;:::=n Meyers sug¡;ested the ~e::"r be referred to the - . DUlUtr.s OF Ti!!: DECEMBER 19, 1973 REGULAR ADJOURNED CITY COUIICIL HI' Cllpital lJIpro-æ.el1ts progr. ~ttee. Jk. Blllawallö> asked when the EIR was ..de available to the "Ue. Be had just purchaed his the previous day. the PlaainS B1reetor said it was published in the newspaper on Dec:e1lber S and _ available to tbe public at that ti_. He added that copies _re hand deii<vered to the a¡e:sc1es to aai;e sure they rece1wd ~- Cøœ.dlman Ja::£sOD said he read the EIR tvice. He believes the process the:· ::a,... gone ti1toug;. the past year and :ÐO~e, with s_ SG public hea:ings, and aany staff re?orts and public coaoeørs, are more thr. adequate. The fIR sucmar1ze~ one year of heari:lgs. Councilman ~~¡:i<s noted a tre::>e"dous 8IX'1C: ~¡ information has been prese:,:,: 1:1 the past year. Thi5 re;o"r: had no s,¡rprises.. CCnmcilman ~::~::ch said it ::s true th~t ~~e~ We urbanize we create iJ:Psct. He £.~:i the rCj)or: ::a1 ~een \~r:4 'A°t,!:l dC'ne and a great deal of in?~: J.~d thought ::a3 ¡:me into t:-:~ ~u::=larj" and the report.. }!Dved by c....-=_::::an Fro11c.~. se.:.C';¡¿ed by C"......'.,;..-:..:ilcan ~tc·~..ers. to close Publ:: ~¿aring. ~cti,,~ carried, 5-0 KL'iUTE ORD:'. - :l.wed by Co=oi :=n Jac;'s, "" 'è'conded by Co",,"cil...;;.n Meyers, t~ =~,~ d det~~nõ:~~ that the ~~::~~ed acend~nt to th~ Ge'>eral PI.>:: ..::1 have a si¡ni:1cant nega:i';e impact on the environ- .-rot. Councilman ':::i.:h qucstic:;""d "~ether it w.'"ld hav", a significant effe'ct in c:s;-,risoll w!t!l :::.. alternati\'",~. Councilman Jacitson acknowled¡;,,~ :::~" ..i¡;ht be tr= sir.ce it 3"'è'"ds the 1964 Gener~l Plan. City A::~rney sai~ i: is signific3"t ~!lçn you go from vacant lan¿,:: ~eveloped la:d ~c: not ~h"" y"u consider the old z.xI1ng veri';';; :h~ new zoning. Discussion ¡oHawed. AYES: 1iO£S : C~~:~loen Froli~~. Jacitson, Y~yers, Sparks, ~ayor Irwin. 1'-:':-J;¿ Motien carried, 5-0 CC-H5 Page 7 ·~ ~ . .,CC-19S " Pap . M1l1UTES OF mE ŒCEKBEIt 19, 1973 REQ1LAJt ADJOODED C!.TY comtC1L HEErIJIC 1ES0000Iœs lto~ 3592: "A llesolution of the City CoaDc11 of the City o~ Cupertioø AJoptinl an ADeocblent t.. the 1964 General Plan Cœcem1DI the t..cI Use Ble_t for the Core Ana." . 'Ihe City Attomey cU1ed attention to the correctiOllll on p.ses 2 ~ 6. Howd by Council_ Frol1ch, seconded by Counclll11AD Sparks, to adopt a...solutioo No. 3592 as amended. .' t ¡ AYES: NOES: Couocilmeo Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Hayor ImD. None Motion carried, 5-0 MIXL1E ORDER - Moved by Councilman FroHch, seconded by CcuncilJaan Jacison, .0 direct the City Clerk to file the notice of determinatioo req ui red by law. Motion carried, 5-0 There were stateoents by the Councilmen commending the citizens of Cupertino and other concerned people for th..ir input in hcI?ing the Co~~eil to make their decisions. ADJ JC'l\'}1ENT Adjourned to Personnel Session at 10:15 p.m. and reconvened in open session at 10:37 p.m. Mo'..ed by CouncU:oan :1eyers, seconded by Councilman Frolich, and passed una:llI:k)usly that there be a 4% general increase for all e::-.ployees, , ",hie:' increase reflects the approxil"k'te chango ilt t:'e Ccnsutrr Price I~d"x for the 6~onth ?eriod ending September 30, 1973. The sum of $19,730.00 was appropriate fro," the Unappropriated Surplus of a General Fund exclusive of that portion applicable to the Water ¡;tility Fund to fi"an~e this increase ...!tich ...ill becû"''' effective ...it!, :he pay period ~o~encing Januar¡ 9,1974. The Director of Administrative Services wau iost ructed to prepare the appropriate resolution to ic:ple"",ot this minute order and to sîl')w tÌlereon the same votes cast as "".~ 11 be cast for t:'is minute order. - tit MII,U1ES OF THE DECE:IBEã L'J, 1973 R!:Ct11A1l ADJOUR:ŒtI CITY COt:iCJL HIC CC-195 Page 9 Koved by Cowcllman Jackson, seconded by Counci1=m Meyers, to adjourn the meeting at ll:OO P .D. ·Motion carrled. 5-0 ' APPROV!D : Isl Keith E. Irwin Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: Isl ~ñ. E. Ryder City Clerk -. I