CC 01-15-74 t ¡ I . ¡ , ern OF CUPtRn::o, STAtE OF CALIFORNIA lO:!O<' Torre Avenue, .r&inO 95014 Telepbobe: ~52-4505 C-197 age 1 . J IIINIJTES OF 'n!E ADJOURNED REGULAI MEETING OF t1Œ CITY COUNCIL BELD JOINTLY WItH 'DIE LIBRARY cœ~tISSION JAJlUARY IS. 1974 CITY BALL ClJP'AlUIJIO. CALIFORNIA ~r Irwin called this adjourøeol _ting to order at 7:35 P.M. 1IØLL CALL c.nmc11men present: Councilmen absent: Jackson. Heyer., Sparks, Mayor Irwin Frol1cb Library COIIIIIissionera present: Brut:O, Casien, ~!athiasen, Rohde aDd Chairman Woodr~ff Library Commissioners absent: None Sufi present: , Deputy City Clerk Pagnini Others attending: Hiss Barbara Campbell, S.C. County Librarian Dale Tbocpson, Cuperti=o Librarian TCPICS DIScrSSLD 1. Vandali~ inside and outside the library building, including the pulling of the fire alarm boxes. Dale Thc~pson, Cupertino Librarian, stated that they have a high rate of vandalis= at the Cupertino Library, although it has dec!ined. She said the bi¡;¡;est probl('JII was the pulling of .he fire alarc boxes ~hich are located ~~ both sides of the doors as you go into the library. ~.a10r I=in a"i<od if the alarm boxes had some kind of cover on them. Dale Thompson stat~d that the boxes didn't have any kiud of cover and that it ~as very easy :0 open the doors of the library and pull the alarm in a few seeonds. ~uyor Irwin suggested that Barbara Campbell, Santa Clara County Librarian give the Fire ¡~rshall's office a phone call and ask theQ if there ~as another type of cover for the boxes like a glass cover that you ,"",uld have to break first and tben pull alaro, ~hich would take the vandal alot longer to pull alarm. :Barbara Canpbell agreed and .all be gettin¡; in touch with Fire Marshall 's office. 2. The pos.sibility of the library being ope:> to the public on Sunday afternoons. Barbara Callpbell discussed the :ibrary being oper.ed on Sunday and stated that the library is not b~~beted for Sunday opening. If they were to be opened they ,,;auld have to pay the employr:e I s time -197 e 2 HDIUTES è: ~AJlY 15, 1974 COMBINED CITY .CIL-LIBIWlY COHKISSICS !ŒEflNG aDd a half and they would alao have to let their Union's approval for S1mda1 openiJl&. !be CCnmc1laen asked that Barbara Cøpbe1l cbec1r. into just what caD be do1Ie to have the library be OpeD .f1D Sual!ay aDd report;. beck to Co\IIICU on their flDd1D&a. 3. Foar Build1Dl pro1l1_: (a> That in ",,-Itdf.,. the library a vroaa type of pUIIp va. installed in the ~ lweI, becauae at first there were 110 plaJ:s for rest ~ in that area. It v1ll coat $2,000.00 to pat in the proper __ pIDp. (b) 1bat the City v11l 1D8tall a ladder t.:) the 1D8idc cone so :hat workmen v111 have a proper permanent ladder to let to :hat area. (:) It will cost $500.00 to replace and inatall a proper svit:!>. (¿) The roof tiles, broken by vaLdals, have been repaired- 92 ;:: :hea for a cost of $272.00. The Cc"..:,cil felt that on all four problems they ,"",uld like staff re;:;:r:s from engineering. 4. Re;-cc: from County Librarian, Barbara Campbell on library usage ~v :Ò4t the $10.00 fee has been re:oved. There use to be a $10.00 :.." :fOr non-residant's at the Cupertino library which has recent:: ::e..n removed. The library will be doing two studies on usage, :r." :he first two weeks of February, and the second tho first :.~ v..e~s of Kay. The study will show how many non- resider.:'s ar.d resident'a will be using the library. The Library Commiss:cr. .~ll keep the Council inforced about the studies. 5. The ?"ssibllity of making a public ceeting room in the lower level c: :~.. library. Barbara Campbell felt that if there were a mee:~~ reom there should be no close¿ ceetings, they should be open tc :~~ public. The Council asked vhat kind of facilities there .~e in the lower level. Barbara Cacpbell said there were no faci::::es, the lower level was beir~ used as a storage room. The Cc~~:: stated that to build a meeting room would be a great expense. Y~yor Irwin said he would gct i~ touch with engineering deparco~: ar.d have th~ check into the sJecifications of the library. :e see what can be done about the lo~er level and get back :: :~e Library Coccission with a re,ort. Barbara Campbell also asked a:':o..: fund" for the ¡""er level. The Council said that they.'co..:': ::.ave ~Ir. Bert Viskovi:h, Director of Public Works get in to;,;:~ v::h Barbara Cacpbell concernir~ this matter. . . IæiUTES OF E:: J~;t:.\RY 15, 1974 CO)!IIr:ŒD CITY CO¡;:'CIL-I.IBRARY ~SSIO:; ~;:'¡:Tl~;G CC-197 Pal:" 3 ,. Purposes a~ goals of the Library Commission. Councilman Sparks SllC&ested that the Parrish JfDuse would be a &000 project. The Council sa&&ested that the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Library eo..ission should get together 2 or 3 members fro~ each commission .... Councill:L1n Jackson as the Cb<Jirm;m and discuss just wb<Jt should IÞe done wheth"r the Library Cocsissioll should use the Parrish House .. cultural or just what sbc:<ld be done. ~l3yor Irwin said that he vøaJd talk to :he Parks and Recreation Chairman, and he will also discuss this natter with the Council at Monday's meeting, January 21, 1974. A!!J OL1U¡}IENT ~..ed by CC\:~<il:::3n Irwin, seconded by Council",.1n Jackson, to adjourn tz.e ~ccting .:: 9:25 P.H. Motion carric~, 3-0 APPROVED: Isl Keith E. I~'in Kayor, City of Cupertino , ATTEST: Isl WIll. E. R\"¿~r Ci~ Clerk