CC 04-03-74 - lit an OF CUPEXIINO, STATE f6 CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre AY8Due, Cup~, California TelePhone: 2S2-4S05 !llJl!"AIS or tIE JIQJUa AP-AW'·..... MDTING or TBI em COVICIL BILD œ ØUL 3. 1974 D ftI ~u£RCE JOCM. em BALL w.-- ---. CAtIFOIlIA fte _tiD& __ c:a11ec1 to order at 7:37 p... by HaJOr Speru for dill purpose of 1DtervieviJla app11caDt. for Pla1lD1D& eo..1ssiDD we""-·lea. lOLL CALI. Cou1IClll1eD present: Frolicb (8 p...), Jackson, Heyers. Kelli.. KaJOr Sparta CouIIclll1eD absent: Kone Staff present: City JlaDacer Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder The Hayor a=jcurned the aeeting to a Personnel Session with uaantaous ~~nsent of the City Council for the purpose as stated. At II:S5 r.~. the City Council was convened in open session by Hayor Sparks. On motion c: ~r. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Meyers and adopted unantaously. the City Council accepted the resignation of Mrs. Juanita Mcl¿ren as a member of the Architectural and Site Approva CoDaittee. On IDOt:~ns ;y Mr. Meyers, seconds by Mr. Jackson and passed unan- bIously, ~r. Victor J. A~, Jr. and Mr. J. Donald Woodward, Jr. _re appci:::eJ to four year terms as members of the Planning Com- atssion. y~s. Judith A. Cooper was appointed to fill the unex- pired ten: .IS a Planning Cmaiss10ner of Mrs. Kathy Nellis, which term expires .~ril, 1976. The City ~ger was requested to notify all applicants by tele- phone on t~ following morning and to request information from each of thc5e not appointed as to their interest in serving as a .ember of t~e Architectural and Site Appro..al Cocmittee or other commissions, He also was requested to prepare and mail a letter of advice t~ each of the applicants. CC-206 Palle I '1 Resignation of Juanita McLaren Appointments of new Planning Commission"rs e· - œ-206 ... Z KIJIUTES OF mE A1'UL 3. 1974 REeULAR ADJOURBED CITY COUNCIL Hl!l!TIRC '.' ADJuiIaMI3l Jleet1D& .. a4Jc-- -II at ~""fvt by the 1IaJor. -. AP1'ROVID : /s/ Reed Sparu Mayor" City of <;upertino ATIEST: Is/ Io':a. E. Ryder City Clerk