CC 04-30-74 . . . CITY OF \u~LKO, STATE,. caLDOlllIA 10300 Torre Ayenue. C~. Califomia Telep~: 252-4505 , ,'" , IWIUüIoi> . tRB ADJuu....,. . .... IŒETDIC OF T8I Cl'rr CIO'- IL IIILD. AnIL 30. 19t~_.. COIIFERØCE 1tOOM, crrr B&U. ,¡, ..b..____. CALIPODIA !lie MaJOr called ebe "J 7:30 p... JØLL ~ .. zep1ar _tiDa eo oner .~ Councu.s ¡>resent: Fro1.-. 7.('''''011, Nellis. Hayor Sparlte CouncilDC ~sent: Staff p:-u.ct: ""'.1t<o;. (JIr. Heyers was absent being oue of state on a busIness mateer.) City ~ger Quinlan »1r~~ of Administrative Services Ryder Mr. Fr<,E~ 1dvised the ~!:er me:mJ>ers of t!le City Council en the res·":::$ :of the mee~iDg Df the LegIslative Review Comc.1ctee immediA:L.T p:-lor to the r..zrt cf this C,,,,::cil meeting. Be stated :~: it ò~s the r~ d~tion of this c~mmitt~e t~t the City:.: .::::11 go on rec=1! as opposing t;'.. requireae:lts c£ SB 193~ .-~:~ provide that ~ changes in :~e p"ovisions of any pu~:~= ~?l~yees ret1r~~ system sh~ll not be considered a new S:.::æ ::.:t:tdatcd pro¡rzlt cr an increased level of service of an U::$:~ State prosr-- Tt was t':.! :on3ensus of ali -w-rs of the City Council prese:>t: that the ~;.'Osition to tMs ¡,~ be made kn-"ò-n. AD expl~:i"n was given 1:0 t:be City Coun=i1 on the impac~ of t.he 8IIl""'--CS to the Feda:a1 y...ir Labor Standards Act which takes e::æ<:t ~y I, 1974. 1'_-...e of conflicts between the Federal :r. and Rules gov~ t:be conditions of employment:. promul~~:~ under State s~t:es, the CIty's Rules œust be amendeè :.: codorm to the 7e4eral requireoents. . Essentially, ehis delæ:æs the option of ~empt employees to select c0m- pensator: :i:De off as 1:....... """tiDn for overtÎI:1e worked. Hccl:e- forth, a.:: :Nch overtt.8 1IIt:£t 'be compensated at time and one- half caè payment. It was ...-red by Mr. Jac~ seconded by Mrs. Nellis that ltesoluti:c :(0. 3649 be adapud. AYES: 5OES: ABSENT : Fro1jó. .Jackson, Nellis, Mayor Sparks ... ~I-- cc-208 Pa&e 1 SB 19~O Federal Fair Labor Standard Act CC-208 Page 2 Itequac .Æ IIorLl .øt 1Ø:A . . HUUTES OF 'DIE APRn 30, 1974 ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUlCIL HEETDIG A request.. introcloce4 frea repn.8IItatives of the 1fœtbwuc 1K:A for pena1aaion eo solicic flØlCl. tbrouRh the aal.. of peauC. fna April 27 throuBb a..,.-c 31, 1974. On moUn of 111'. rroUcJa aa4'üe .econð of )fr. .J8cboft, which was approved ,",.to~7 '" the CoaDcil. auch auehodaatiOD was ¡ranted aa4 the usual bu81aeØ lic_. f.. wl_. Ine~' f '!be D1receor of ,"-to,heradv. Services vas requeatolt eo KbeduJ.e eo-.-- "- .for intern_ ehose app11canes for commission vauDCleav1¥» pre- Va~.-- v10usly had DOe been in~eved by this City Council. Such in- eervievs wre eo c -....,. ae 7:30 p.IiI, on llay 7, 1974. Per80oøe1 Soss1œl On motion of Hr. Jacksou aa4 the second of Mr. Frol1ch, the Hayer adjourned the CoUDCil meeting to a personael Seaeion at 7:52 p.D. for the purpose of røviwing matters eo be discu.'" under the Heet and Confer proc.... The meeting was reconvened in open session at 10:18 p.lI. by llayor Sparks. Councill!li1n Jackson asked City Manager to look into the possibility of in-house publicatioo of Cuportino Scene, ADJOU\t.....'ŒNt The Mayor adjourncd the Council meeting at 10:23 p.lI. APPROVED: Isl Reed Sparks Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: 1.1 Qa. E. Ryder City Clerk ".