CC 05-06-74 · .. .. all CJI curu1lE, STATE OF CALUOIIU -- Torre "",-.-L. Cupertino, Ca1J.fonda 95014 ..... ... III: 2.SZ-450S , "~ or 1!E :w:uua 1>....h;4.!II em WIi~ ',~ c,...... 6. .1!J74. D DI,1'~.< "i--ClWlBD, CD'! BALI. \óUfto g~'~1A -.... m!lll 11M: ___ Sparu c.alle4 ~be _eiDa co order ae 7:32 P.!t. vUb the _'I~. eo the nac. ..u. CALL c . present: ~~ lich, Jac~. *yers, Nell is, Mayor Sparks CcIaDe. absent: Jo:tte SCaff present: ::':y !tanager Quinlan ~:'tector of Adain1a~rative Services Ryder Assistant City Axtorney KIlian ~tector of PUD1Ú"g aDd Development Sisk ~:'tector of Public Woru V1skovich J~ector of Parks and Recreation Butler BaVu:.S OF n.~::C5 ~1NG ~. Approval~: ~~tes of adjouro.d regular meeting April 30, 197 . J'-.a 2, direct::," .==e ADJOU1IlOŒS1'. add the following: "Counc. ~kaoo aske.: :::.. ::ty Manager to look into the possiblUty of D boue pub::':.a::~:: of the Cuper~ino Scene." lie..... by C~. ~::1s. seconded by CouDC. Jackson to approve the JI:1Daees of A;>r:: :C. 1974 as .-ended. ~tioo carried, 4-0-1 ~c. Heyen abstained z. Approval of !!i::utes of regular _ting April 15, 1974. ~ 9, 5th ;>&t8Çárh frOlll the boU_, first Une: Change the --.I "rezon1:¡- :.:- ~ålroject". CC-209 Pag_ 1 - .. IS or m MY 6, 1974 em COURClL MEETIIG 10, last "tOte OD ehe .... ill npn eo the WIOtion on rea&l1Da of 1DaDce 10. 630: Ayes sItODlcl be CouDc. Frol1cb, Jaclteœ aa4 ..,.. Iou .......1. be CoasIc.lIellis ... llayor Sparlte. . . . 11, fine Un of firse ....,:.' cbaole "repuc"- eo '"t' ...... IS, sec_ 11M of firse pR8IS'8ph: cbaD¡e "J_- to .....,.. b1 CoaDc. JacIteon, aecoa.Jed b1 Counc. Heyers to a~on ebe JliDDees of April 15, 1974 as correceed. Motion carr1ecJ, 5-0 COIMUNlCAtl<llS 3. Vrittea A. Letter frOll County Board of Supervisors asking for City of Cupertino's recommendation by June I, 1974 for filling vacaocy on San~a Clara Coun~y Library CommIssion. B. Copy of resolutIon adopted by City of San Jose supporting 1974 State Clean Water Bond Issue and a request that the City of Cupertino do likevise. C. Request frOll Citizens for Cal-Vet ProposItion 3 for endorseaeot by CIty of CupertIno of State PropositIon 3, the $350 million Cal-Yet bond acasure. D. aequest frQS Mrs. Patricia S. Littlejohn to have an ..ergeocy study dooe 00 the speed and oUlDber of trucks traveling to a_ frQS Per88nente and Stevens Creek aeservoir. The City Cler" stated tha~ the r_iniog correspondence concerued _tter.. 00 the agenda. Counc. Nellis said she vas under the impression that ~he study requested by Mrs. Uttlejoho had already been done. The City Manager stated that ~here have been speed checks from time to time and the Highvay Patrol has conducted a noise check. The Library C~ission post viII be discussed at the adjourned Council .eeting on May 7,1974. Clean Vater aes Moved by Couoc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Frolich to instruct the staff to draft a resolutloo supporting the 1974 State Clean Vater Bond Issue. . Motion carried, 5-0 .. .. IIIIIUUS or THE MY 6. 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEErIRG Coanc. frolich aske4 the auff to check fureher with ehe Stae. in .·naeñ to ebe cleuø_ OD bonoviDl throuah Cal-Vet in Proposition 3. 4. Oral c-nicatlOD. llayor Sparks ataeed he .. pven a certificate for runnina ehe 5 IliDute 14 sec0a4 ane. ' The Hayer was presented vHh a baseball signed by all _gers of ehe Bobby Sox. A. Representative from Common Cause in relation to endorsement of Proposition 9. Mr. R.N, Salle, Saratoga, spoke in favor of Proposition 9. No more than $50 cash can be received by a candidate. Campaign aanagers oust file a report. There are campaign spending limits and regulatIons on lobbyisrs. He answered Counc. Jackson that this is not a ConstItutional amendment. This measure can be amended by 2/3 vote of the LegIslature. He answered Counc. Nellis that thIs proposition sets up a committee to police the law. The chairman would be a full time, salarIed posItion and the other four commIssioners would receive $100 per diem when called upoo. Caunc. Frolich wondered how the enforcement would functIon DO a loul ...18. Mr. Salle said the spendi11ll: limitations \IOuld DOe reach down to this level nor to the Board of Supervisors, The Mayor departed fro. the order of the agenda to allov a ..-her of the audIence to speak to Item 12. 12. Subaisaion of position statemeot for the proposed railroad fro. Santa Clara Valley ~o Santa Cruz. (Contloued fro. ..eting of AprIl 15, 1974.) Hr. Dan McCorquodale, 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose, said the .ffort to reinstItute this railroad is a dIfferent approach to solving the Highway 17 traffic problems. The County Is cur.rently involved in a study of upgrading Southern Pacific. Amtrak is doing three dlffereot studies on rail servIce. There are a number of possibilities for using the existIng railroad right-of-way. Tr...ndous growth is predicted for both Santa Clara County and Santa Cruz County. He said the CupertIno staff's statements meet ehe Deed of the Board of Supervisors. CC-209 Page 3 .... 3647 r_eä fr_ ebe aaeada .. .. K1lCUtES OF THE KAY 6, 1974 cm COUMCIL HElfIIC Saperdeor KcCorqvocJ.t. coaft.r.ed CoaDc:. Frolich's sf;4t_e that n 18 DOe Ids iDeentiDD eo .....at. ~la project baa ... trade. Be said tile Sata Craa CoaDt1 IaiIrcI of Sapen1.or. 18 iafa\'or of ebia train HrY1ce on tI'B'IIr-. baI: DOC nece.sarily durina ehe -wt. Hoved by CoaDc. Frol1cb, see_eel by Couoc:. Jacksou to adopt a resolution in support of the r..Ur0e4 coaeepe of a.... eran.ie corridor beeveen Saota Clara County 8Dd Santa Cru& as a priority over videnina preaeoe corridors and/or constracUDI nev corridor. primarily for ehe purpo.e of acc~atlog more eypical vehicular traffic between the tvo locations. Further. that such rec ·"dation, however, receive said priority only after intra-COUnty oeed. are alleviated. Motion carried, 5-0 B. Request by Councilmen for removal of items from Consent Calendar. Counc. S"Uts would like to have agenda Items 50 and 51 taken off the Conse~t Calendar. PUBL~C !ŒARINGS 5. Res~:ution No. 3647: "A Resolution of the City CouncIl of the ~::v of Cuper~lno Ordering VacatIon of a Portion of Palo Vista Road 5e:~een Janice Avenue and Stevens Creek Blvd., PortIons of ~e::evue Aveoue East and West of Palo Vista Road, Portion of :U:-.:na Avenue West of Palo Vista Road and a PortIon of Ventura Avenue .es: of Palo Vista IDad." Upu~ :e~uest of the DIrector of Public Works, it was moved by Counc. Nell>s. seconded by Co~c. Meyers to remove Resolution No. 3647 froa the .age>Wa because the project has been delayed. ~tioo carried, 5-0 6. Application 2-Z-74 of Keith E. Garner, Et AI: RezonIng 14.761 Acres :r~ P (Planned Development with commercial intent) Zone to P (i':~ned Development with COBDerclal/lndustrial intent) Zone. Said property Is located in the southwest quadrant of Saratoga- Su~n~~ale Road at Freevay 280. Recommended for app~oval. The Planning Director recapped the proposal, as noted in the May 1st staff report. He added that there are a number of conditIons on the conceptual plan. There are applications pending in regard to development of the industrial portion of the p~operty. · .. .. )wIIJIES or TBI HAt 6, 1974 CUI CDIICIL IIDTIlCG !be Direceor of 1'IIblic IIDña _ ner the circulation pUC" of that area. A ttatfic ....1 aC s.ratop-5uuynle IINd .. ~_f Dri.. wouLI WIiêk 1Iest:; b..-.aJ:. there i. the poaDf.11ty thae a sigDal .Y lie _t .... _ VaUey Green Jnive lief.. die ac8DSion of Bandley Dd.,. is ece-q»IUhed. The developer-. cqneribuUon ae ehe ODe loc:âiøD -.aU lie applied eo Che eoac of ehe sipal that v11l eveøÞal1y 10 iD ae Greenleaf DriYe. CouDc. Jackson 8814 he _... llbae CØDCeroed about ehe ~ of °ðeun of Conditions 20 IIDII n .. far as eoforceaent is cOllCG"Dell. '!'he Assistant City AttorDey ..14 we can be IIOre specific _eø - let to the IIOre defiDiUve plan. Counc. Frolich vould like tbe specific off-site improveaeøts included in Condition 20. The Director of Public Works 8814 ~he State's present plan for the freeway Interchange does DOt include the cloverleaf a~ Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Counc. Jackson would like to reword Condition 21 thus: "In the event that a traffIc signal becomes warranted at Valley Green Driv and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road prIor to Bandley DrIve and Gree:1leaf Drive being constructed, developer shall participate in t~e COD- struction of a temporary traffic signal at Valley Green Drive and said participation shall b~ credited toward the particIpation for the permanent traffic signal a~ Greenleaf Drive and Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road." Mayor Sparks asked for c~ts from the audIence. 111'. Jia LeDin, San Jose, represeoting Pacheco and Associates, who represented Garner, 8814 that one point made clear at the Plaon1og c-1asion level was ehae tbis is a cooceptual plan. They are atteapting to brinl this into cooform8nce with the General Plao. The weeds on the property are being taken care of. The people interested in the proper~y are A-AAA K1nistorage. Hr. Dick Pacheco, of Pacheco and Associates, would like to see the seaff work on a guideline for other developers showing what is expected of them. Hoved by Counc. Heyers, secODded by Counc. Nellis to close the Public Hearings. HoeioD carried, 5-0 CC-209 .ale 5 I Œ-209 .....6 J-Z-74 4I(IP1'owall "'CODdiC~ Ord. 635 First Reading . . 01 'lIII HAY 6, 1974 an COU1tCIL HEETIRG ell bJ CouDc, 11.1118, Nt: ..... br Counc. Jackson to aptrV" , ';, icaC10Q 2-Z..:-74 vitb Cba [ -'ft1OD8 in the naff report óf '1. 1974 aDcI aaeIIIIed ~" . Jackson. tIœ ion carded, 5-0 A. lirst :,.~inl of OpI-e No. 635: "An Ordinaøce of en Cit; of CupertiDo" 11111 Section I of Ordinance 110.. 2 by Itezoning Apprcntf....., J' 14, 761 Acres frOlll P (Planned Dav.lopunt vith CODIIIerc1al 1--") Zone to P (Planned Develop -e vieh COIIIDercial/Industrial Intent) Zone; Located in the Southvest Quadrant of Saratop-Sünnyvale Road at Freeway 280.· - r...... by the City Clerk. Moved by Counc. Nellis, secoaded by Counc. Frolich to have Ordinance No. 635 read by title,ooly. and the City Clerk's reading shall constitute the First Reading. Kotion carried, 5-0 7. Application 6-Z-74 of Charles J. Brooks, Et AI: Rezoning 3,l2 Acres from P (Planned Development with commercial intent) Zone to P (Planned Development with professIonal offIce and related commercial Intent) Zo~e. Said property Is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and PacIfIca DrIve. Recommended for approval. Moved by Ccunc. Meyers, secooded by Counc. Jackson to ccabine this hearing with that of agenda item 8 b. 8. b. Application 5-TK-74 of Charles J. Broo~s, Et AI: Ten~ative Hap to dIvide 3.12 acres Into two parcels. Said prop~rty is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Saratoga-8unnyvale &oad and PacIfIca DrIve. Recomœeoded for approval. The Planning Director reviewed she proposal, detaIls of which are in the staff report of April 30. 1974. Thcre followed a discussion of the traffic pattern for the Security Pacific NatIonal Bank. The cars will be restricted to right turns in and rIght turns out once the medIan is put In on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Counc. Nellis would like to have CondItIon 17 deleted. She would not like to see, for Instance. a 2-story buildIng in the Town Ceoter right along Saratoga-8unnyvale Road. . . HIllU'rES OF THE HAY 6, 1974 cm COUNCIL KEETIlCC Coanc. Frolicb said this 40' restriction is a part of the policy for tile Town Center aød 1f this is DOt agreeable it abould be a MpG'.te it... Cøanc. 1Iel11s .¡read. Arcbieece J_ rOUI, Palo .\leo, aUted that bi. fim h8d prepared ehe abibiU, Be offered eo aA8W1' any quesUous. There vere no lIoved by Counc. lfelliAl, seconded by COOnc. Frol1cb eo close the public hearing. !lotion carried, 5-0 Haved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Coonc. Nellis to approve application 6-Z-74 vith the conditions as enumerated in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1254. Kotioo carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Coone. Meyers to approve application 5-TH-74. Kotion ~arried, 5-0 A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 636: "An Ordioance of the City of Cupertino Amending Section I of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezoning Approximately 3.12 Acres from P (Planned Developmen~ with Cocmerclal Intent) Zone to P (Plar.ned Development with Professional Office and Related Com- mercial Ioteot) Zone; Located at the Northeast corner of the Intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Pacifica Drive." - read by the City Clerk. Moved by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Meyers to have Ordina~ce No. 636 read by title only and the City Clerk's readIng ahall constitute the First Reading. Hotioo carried, 5-0 Hayor Sparks called a recess at 9 :00 P.M. The meet 10& reconvened at 9:20 P.M. cc-209 Page 7 . 6-Z-74 approved v/conditions 5-TK-74 approved Ord. 636 First Re.ading I cc- ,,09 ~..... ~ I' It 4-TM-74 apprcved wI c:>od it ions I . .. .. HlHtITES or TIE IIAt 6. 1974 cm COONCIL HEE'IIKG APPLlCATI<IIS 8. PI_ill¡ c--t-"\t0'" A. App1~ÌOD. .. 4-G-:.. .7. 4 of Die.-Crane: TenUCi". lfap to divide ll.6~"'~,S% .1ngle-f~l1y res1denUa11ots. Said proper.~ U'~ at ehe southeast corner of ehe iDteraecUon of Foottd11B1.... aød Stevens Creek Blvd. ___ -nded for approQ!. The Plann10l Direceor .aeed he had prepared a condition that removal from the site of any trees 4" in diameter or greater shall be subject to the approval of ehe Architectural and Site Approval Committee. The Director of Public Vorks recommended a cònd~tioo that a portion of Bellevue Avenue be retained at the northerly terminus. of Ramona' Avenue in order tó facilitate a fully constructed curb-to-curè cul-de-sac as approved by the City EngiDeer. Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve application 4-TH-74 including the above two conditions. Mot Ion cal'r; ,<I, 5-(1 ~. Architectural and Site Approval C~ittee A. Application RC-5l.318.2 of Fisherman's Village (Alfredo Scardina) reques~1ng exception to SectIon 7.021 of the Sign Ordinance to allow an adv.rtislng area in excess of the allotted square footage for an existing restaurant located on t~~.. south side of Stevens CreeK Blvd. approximately 200 feet easterly of Blaney Avenue. RecoI:ICI€<nded for denIal. (Continued frOG ..eting of April 15, 1974) Counc. Jackson said that ;men this application was previously dIscussed the City Attoroey stated the boat was an advertising structure so the exception factor must be addressed. Attorney J. Robert Deapster, Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, submitted petitions stating tha~ the boat is a part of the landscaping rather than a part of the sIgn or advertisIng. It was hIs opInIon that it blends in wIth the landscaping and refle~ts the theme of tha restaurant. He saId most people are very much in favor of this boat and there were almost no objectioos to it. ~... ~ l , ,. . . MIMES OF THE KAY 6, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-209 Page 9 1k. Vie putipe10 sUted be vas the Public RelaUou - for '1shenaa's'i11fae. Be called atteneion to 80M of tile nurlte .OD tbe lU~ttiklpetitloa.. Be..id nsheDllD's '111ap .... spa c"""'........ of cló'tiars ftsiJIS up ebe boat. Ie saU elda r..uurane bu prov1clèllt1ìe.CUyof QapertiAO over $15,000 PH welt üa boaai- . .a. Be saWe·ttie 'bòacis a, part of ehe logo. Be _e 011 eo àpla1D hoII'8ÂÛti81D1. __ Øbisuous vord. TJaet· caD do · very . aood busines. vieb or vitbDaC ehe boat or a sip. The' people connected vith ft~'s Village have a sent~u1 .u·..~t eo ebe boat. Be funher suced hia clieot is prepared co enter into litigation if neceasary to reeaio this boat. Hr. Dmpster staeed thae hia client has spent thousand a of dollars on the landscaping, parldn& lot, etc. The reason they 1ÆIIe abead and fixed up the boa~ vas on the pretense it would give a better idea of how it vould vork into the landscaping. Mr. DelÇs~er said when you get into the questioo of aesthetics, it is a personal thing. He noted that pareicular location has gone throulth a numbe of restaurants. This restaurant has a very good clientele. Counc. Meyers noted that the last tIme this matter was discussed before the City Council the applicant was given time to consIder tying the boat in with the landscaping and they were also going to reduce the amount of sign space. Counc. Nellis believes the problem goes back to the fact that the applicatIon was asking for a vaTiance to the Sign Ordinance. The question is whethel the boat is a part of the sIgn or a par~ of the landscaping. The AssIstant City Attorney said the City Attorney made the original determinatiDn. The Sign Ordinance is very specific. The boat is a sign. The applicant has asked for an exception to the Sign Ordinance. He quoted the conditions under which an exception can be granted. Counc. Frolich felt it was up to the City Council to make a find- ing as to whether or not ~he boat is a sign. The intent of the Sign Ordinance is to protect the aesthetIcs of the City. He believes there is a basis for an exception to the ~ign Ordinance in this case. It vas moved by Counc. Frolich to approve application HC-51 ,318.2. Hotion died for lack of a second. Counc. Jacksoo said that aesthetically, he likes the boat; howeve , it was his opinion that va must be more careful of advertisiog structures thao of signs. He cited other possibilities for advertising structures. . ....... , ·~t/{<: "\.-",,1:', .. :1:1- ;" '"f~~:I',~:;:~ ';1- .' .. ... IS OF mE KAY 6, 1974 em COUlI:IL KEEI'mG ,':: . Me,.. aaU he libla ... boae, but he had bope4 Cbe .,.u..-c høe rftÙed ehia sSp.. ':~_ster saW that vb.c die Couøcll vas reallJ afc. .. .. -utJ '~·he be1i_ the ap,l1ca8C ....._thina of qua11tJ .... Aaaer, llaata Vista, 1ÍafIJ....u concerned about ad'fUtiatJla. She . that dd. boat·1s11ØC alYeiti.iDa. She considers k . ~ or . She cited several ..._n.,. sieuaUon.. ed by Counc. Frolich, -----'eel by CoUDC. Meyers to approve application -5I,318.2 00 the basi. t~ iUS1DUch as granting of ebe incorporation f the boat Into the 1aodac:apiDg is consistent vith the intent of ehe Sian Ordinance. e motion ad the second ~e vithdrawn and Counc, Yrolich moved to ant the exception to the Sip Ord inance. This was seconded by Counc, yers, A condition was added to the effect that some lettering, other than "Fisherman's V Ulage" would be aU"",..d on the boat. '::ounc. Frolich, Meyers Ccux. Jackson. Nellis. Mayor Sparks Motlo., died, 2·'3 Moved by Ccunc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. ~ellis to deny application SC-51,3l8.2 en the basis that the applicant has not satIsfied the conditio..s ur~~r which an 8%Ceptlon to the Sign Ordinance can be granted. Further, this denial is without prejudIce, Counc. Nellis commented that they are al:eady oversize on their sign. They were asked to come back with some alternates. which they did not do. AYES: JiOES: Cc~c. Jackson. ~lli5, Mayor Sparks Ccunc. Frolich, Meyers Motion carried, 3-2 B. Application HC-51.259.81 of Edwin J. Myers requesting approval of site aDd architecture for a proposed baok facilIty located in the Portal Plaza Shopping Center at ~he IlOrtheast CorDer of Stevens Crcek Blvd. and rortal Avenue. Recoaaeoded for aprroval. Colored slides were shown of the property. The Planning Director called aetention to Condition 9 in regard to landscaping of the coemon street. He then revleved the hearings at the Planning Commission and H-control level. ~ ... ~¿a OF .6, 1!J74 crrt CQlmC1L 'l'ŒEfrlfl ~ ". Be1lia aùed if tIda r".D,-' 18 COIISU... _ aoIoUUOD; to ... or!&f.ul ÙDpp1DS c- p-. . '1_'. Dlnccor ..u dlat m _.b1fMrationa OD the - ..., !1a .. call.. thU þ1.~Jb;L.7 ~lüa tIS" . ~.~. .,,-.110111111Da~ft1e oopt_ to" rÞu..I to .... ,"We what tile app1f..-t S.(.&á..... . .~ ~ èb.'LÐ.. ø.wa.. c:w:"- .....¡...ty. t dII ~~ - IE of tdp "'t.'W by tha 1Iak aae ..,......... ~ Xmcy !t0011., ..,. die Alddtect1lra1 all Ilg Af,...Y4l ,.~t,t.. .. told elWl ._ calfcma wida tM t:--ral n... Architect iðr1D J, *yen ...n'" that _tn ell. MmiDI of th1a _tillg be felt he bad "- c1eano;I by tha Pl~ ('-t".iOD. Be had c_ to the ,]a....,.. e t.,iOD ...t~ aa4 ... told to .,roceed to :he Ø-COnero1 ...ft... Hewed by Cc:IA:. Heyen,. rn ... by COUDC. Frolicb to approve applicatic: EC-5I,259.81 vida ell. conditions as listed in Jleaolutior. :;.s4 from the Arcldeectural and Site Approval Committeè. H it is fcc:d that this pTOpOaal 18 consistent vith the General Plan. Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by C::=c. Nellis, secoDÓed by Counc. J~ckson to send this prcposal to the PI¡;n'1ing ('-i~sion to resolve the question of what is co=s~stent with the General Plan in the Portal Plaza Shopping fe.:::er Area and theD reeurn it to the City Council as aoon as ?Ossible. Mot1oD carried, 5-0 C. Appl1catio.. BC-S1.2S9.8 of Edvin J. Meyers requesting 81\01010"",1 of lightilU! for the LUlllberjack facility loca:~ at the northeast corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. ar..i Portal Avenue in the Portal Pùza Shopping Center. RecOlllDended for approval. Høved by Co-c, Meyers, aecODded by Counc. Jackson to approve BC-SI,259.S ',ith conditions. -..raeed in H-Control Resolution '0. 385. MoUøa can:l.ed. 5-0 CC-209 Page 11 HC-5l,259.81 approved v/conditions Portal Plaza bank sent to Planning Comm. C-51,259.8 pproved Iconditions -51,259.82 pp~oved th condi~ions -51. J31. 2 pproved . . ES OF THE MAY 6, 1974 CITY COUNCIL HEETIlCG D. Appl1caeion BC-51,259.82 of Luùerjaclt's True-Value 110M Center r~stiDl approval of a sign plan for a c~rcial bu1UiDI-located at 19765 Stevens Creek Blvd. in the Portal Plaza ShòppiDl Center. Iec._...'snded for approval. . Jerry Peuibcllle, of Sanea Crua, represenUn¡ Luaberjack, offered o anaver any quesUons. c. Nellis asked if the applicant cOl1ld give up the reader board. . Pettibone said he could not. lored slides of the site were displayed. The Plannir§ Director lained that the non~onforlD1ng reader board sign has been there number of years. ved by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Heyers to approve BC-5I,259.82 wIth the condItions as enume~ated in H-Control Resolution No. 386. MotIon carrIed, 5-0 E. ApplIcation BC-5l,33l,2 of Firmlno J. Mlchelis ~equestlng approval of site, a~chitecture, landscaping and Rradlng for two duplex units located at the south sIde of Rodrigues between Blaney Avenue and Torre Avenua. Recommended for approval. Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Meyers to approve application HC-5l,331.2. Motion carried, 5-0 F. ApplIcation HC-51,334.l of Mercury Savings requesting approval of site, architecture 'and landscaping for a bank facility located west of Calabazas Creek south on Stevens Creek Blvd. Recommended for approval. The Planning Director reviewed the exhibits, The staff recommended one-way travel along the creek, and the applicant has indIcated necessity for two-way t~affic there. He went over the rationale for the recommended condItIons. Counc. Jackson wanted to make sure the staff felt the parking would be adequate with the 51 spaces, partIcularly since there wIll be no parkIng along Stevens Creek Blvd. · .. KlllUTES OF T1I.E HAY 6, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1Ir. Ion 5bø-", Beno.. Jlach, California, Senior Vice-President of llercury Savinla, ..id he .. very satisfied vith the applica- cion's approval ac:. for Che _y traffic along the creek. Further, they vouU prefer to bave all 55 parkinl spaces because ehey have a "Hercury JDca- to be used by tbe co~nity. He said evo-vay uaffic is needed in ebe event a car misses the first entrance and needs to eurn ineo the second ooe. Hr. Hel Capsan said they woulcI like to landscape the flood control chain link fence and vill provide facilities to irrigate it. There are 22 feet betveen ehe building and the property line. He said that with a 2' landscaped strip next to the building and a 2' strip landscaped next to the fence, it would leave two 9' travel lanes. Counc. Jackson was concerned about the safety of the right turn in at the second driveway. Counc. Frolich was concerned about 20' drIveways and would like to consider widening them. The Plar.~i~g Director answered Counc. NellIs that ~a~ces are not too goo~ for the Flood Control District landscaping on their portion of t~e property. Moved by Cou~c. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frol1ch to approve applicatb~ !!C-5l,334.1 with conditIons 1 through 10 in II-Control Resolution x". 389, per the second revision, Exhibit A-I, with the added condition that the drive on the easterly side of the propert be two la~es 18' wide total, with 4' of landscaping along the easterly boundary and none at the easterly side of the buIlding as propose.> by the applicant, and with the exit as shown on Exhibit A. Kotion carrIed, 5-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. Review and possible adoption of a City of CupertIno Code of EthIcs. (Co,tinued from meetIng of AprIl lJ, 1974.) Attorney Dempster stated that it is a waste of time to draw up sue a code of ethIcs. He feels people should have the right to confer vith the City Council 00 certain items without h3ving to do so at public hearing. Hr. Walter Ward, Vallc', Park General Manager, believes the people should be able to go ~o the principals to get correct facts and quell tullOra. CC-209 Page 13 j ~ , , 1 HC-5l,334.l approved wI cond it Ions Œ-209 hi- 14 arua r.k _d , i I ¡ Youth c-. survey cøac·" or m., 1974 em COUNCIL !ŒETI1i_ Counc:. Frol1ch said he also bad _ reservatioos on Section 6. lie uld like to retain the r1&bC: eo d1ecuss _tters vieb ebe citizen.. 11. Df~"fOD on eha qaeacioD of re¡o".f'lg the Stevena Creek Park siee. (Cœl'f-oed froa __isla of AprU 15, 1974.) ved hy CoaDc. Mayers, aecoa4ed by Couoc. Frol1ch eo renaae Steven. Creek Park site to VariaD radr. IIotion carded, 5-0 ~ 12. Subllissioo of poøieion stateaeot for the proposed railroad frQa Sanu Clara Valley to Santa Cruz. (Continued from meeting of April 15, 1974.) ThIs was ccvered earlier io the meeting. See pages 3 and 4 of these minutes. 13. Repo:: ~Y the City Attorney as t~ the City's lIabIlity for ma:~:3:~ing slope easements. (Co~ti~ued from meeting of Apr:: :5. 1974.) This =3::': ~as postponed sInce the City Attorney waS ill. 14. Re~:: ~Y the City Attorney as to enf~rcement of parking regulations o~ .::v3te streets placed under th~ jurisdiction of the State Ve:::cle Code. This ma::e: was postponed. 15. Appe3: from an admL~lstrative order for removal of accumulation of '·e":.:~e parts and schedulIng of a public hearing thereon for pr.:,.::y at 10430 South Blaney Avenue. (Continued from meeting of A,:il 15, 1974.) Upon re~.st of the DIrector of Administrative Services, the above matter ~33 taken off the agenda sInce an agreement has been made. 16. Staf: report on survey of Youth CommIssions In other citIes. (Co~:~ued from mee~ing of Karch 18, 1974) Koved b~ Ccunc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to continue the above-ee~:ioned survey. Motion carried, 5-0 ~.,.,----~ . . .. IlülUIES OF nŒ 1'.\Y 6, 1974 C1n COIJl'ICIL MEEtING .., BOSI1ŒSS 17 _ SO'........1. of!:. ... .... :~~løe on Fe1almer n. City of CUpenùo for referral þš-. - s iDsDzance carrler. -and- > 11. Su!aissfm1 of ClaJ. for I'W;NIIa1 Injuries on Cœpton n_ Ciey of CUpertino for refural to Ciey'. insurance carrier. Moved by c."W)C. Jackson, .-""'Ifed by Counc. Frolich to refer the Feighner a:>i Cetlpton matters to ehe City's insurance carrier. Motion carried, 5-0 19. Reques: ::~ allocation of funds for construction of storm drai~ :3.ilities on Ho.estead dDad. Counc. Fr::::~ asked ~hy the County is not billed Íor this work. The Dire.::: :: PublIc Works said it is a joint project. Moved by C:"~:. Jackson, seconded by Counc, Frolich to refer the Homestca: ~:~ storm drain aa~ter to the City Attorney. Kot ion e<lrr ied, 5-0 ORDINA."'C:::: 20. See,,"': ,,¿a.:ing of Ordinance No. 618: "An Ordinance of the Cit of C~?è~::~~ Repealing Ordinance 002(0) and Amending Ordinance No. 0:: _! .\Jding the ClassificatIon 'Planned Development Zone'. - - read by Cl~y Clerk. Moved by C:=:. Jackson, seconded by COline. Frolich to have Ordlnan.e ~:. ::8 read by title only and the CIty Clerk's readIng shall co~.:::~:~ the Second ReadIng. KotioD carried, 5-0 Moved by C.~~:. Jac~son, secooded by Counc. Frollch to enac~ Ordinanc~ ~. ~"8. Mot1o. carried, 5-0 CC-209 Page 15 Feighner & COIIIpton mat terl to ins. carriel Homestead Rd. storm drain to City Atty, Ord. 618 enaCled ,;...\.,' , 631 ~ed .. II . , OF TIlE HØ ,6. 1974 CITY COUlIClL HEETTNG ,''¡¡'; . ~ ....._ of OrII,-e 10. 629. "AD OrdiDallce of ebe Cit7 of Qa,.UIlO~ >ff...{" .. ,1 of OrcIiuace .0. 2 b7 1aon1na Approx- ta8Ce1J'~~s'^' .; - \"'-10 (Þ.UenUal, SiDJl...raaily, 10,000 Sq. ft...."...· . &.)1oDe aDd .93 Acre frc. CG (General C-- acetal) (IÂdi~ ,,",.. ) to r (PlaIIIIeI DeYelopMDt ~th SiDSI...raail, ".Uential. Clt!;,tateDt) zqae; Located Venerl, amt Adjacene to Viata Dd..e Jtåf.......'260reet: Iorth of Stevens Creek Blvd." - rud 'ÞJ ehe Cic1 CIedt. ell by CaaDc:. JacUoia. aec:0a4ed by COlIne. Heyen to have Ordinance . 629 read by title 01111 aa4 the Citf Clerk's readinl shall constituee ehe Second .....i... Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Couac. Heyers, seconded by Counc. Frollch to enact Ordinance No. 629. HOtion carried, 5-0 22. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6:)1: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Anending Section I of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezoning Approxi- mately 3.4 Acres fro. CC (General CommercIal) to CIty of Cupcrtino 11-7.5 (Residential. Siogle-Family, 7,500 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit); Prezonlng Approximately 7 Acres from Santa Clara County Rl-lO (Residential, Single-FamIly, 10,000 Sq. Ft. P~r Dwelling UnIt) to City of Cupertino 11-7.5 (ResIdential, Sin~le-Family, 7.500 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit); and Prezoning Approximacely 1.2 Acres from Santa Clara County 13-2.5 (ResIdentIal, MultIple, 2,500 Sq, Ft. Per Dwelll~g Unit) to Ci~y of Cupertino Rl-7.5 (R~sldential, Single- Family, 7,500 Sq. F~. Per Dwelling Unit) Zone; Located at the southeast corner of ~he Intersection of Foothill Blvd. and Stevens Creek Blvd." - read by the City Clerk, Moved by Counc. NellIs. seconded by Counc. Frolich to have OrdInance No. 631 read by title only and the City Clerk's .'eading shall constitute the Second Readlnl' ~Dtion carried, 5-0 Koved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to enact Ordinance No. 631. MotIon carried, 5-0 · - HDlUTES OF THE MAY 6, 1974 CITY COUNCIL HEETIlCG 23. First Keadinl of Orðinance No. 632: "AD Orð1naace of the City of Cupertino JMa41n1 Chapter 10.24 of the Cupertino Code 1I.elaeina þ ehe lep1ation of ehe Sale of rirewrlts Within ehe CU)'o- (Continued fl:oa _tins of April 15, 1974) - read 111 the Cit)' Clerlt. Ifoved by Couac. .r.cboa, aec0a4ed by Counc. Heyers Þ baYe Ordinance Ro. 632 r_ by eitle only, and the Cie)' Clerk'. readinl shall constituee ";1Ie ~se Reallt·ns· lIoeiOD carried, s-o 24. FIrst Readiol of Orðinance No. 633: "An Orð1nsDce of the City of CupertiDo .weoðing Ordinaoce No. 490 Designating Speed Limits 00 Wolfe ItDad be~weeo Homestead Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. and on Ste11inl Road between H01II8stead Road a_ Stevens Creek Blvd." - read by the ~ity Clerk. Koved by Counc. Meyers. seconded by Counc. Jackson ~o have OrdInance No. 633 read by title only and the City Clerk's readIng shall constitute the First Reading. Counc. Sellis questioned the approprIateness of several of the desIgnated speed limi~s. Counc. Frolich said that unless there Is evidence that we are gettIng a big percentage of accidents between 35 mph and 45 mph. he ,"",u<d be opposed to reduc Ing the speed limit on ~:olfe !load. He suggested implementing radar checks to establIsh the appro- priate speed. Motion carried, 4-1 Coune. Frolich voted agaInst thIs measure. Since OrdInance No. 633 dId not receive unanimous approval, it viII be placed on the next regular agenda again. 25. First Reading of Ordinance No. 637: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Ordinance So. 467 by the Deslgn~tion of Additional Stop Controls at Portal Avenue and Merritt Drive." -- re:¡d by the Clt~ Clerk. Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to have Ordinance So. 637 read by title only, and the City Clerk.'s readIng shall cons.itute the First ~e3ding. ~tloo carrIed, 5-0 CC-209 Pale 17 Orð. 632 rirsc RMoIIIIC Ord. 633 to S' on next agend, Ord. 637 First Readinfl: . . . ES OF TIlE MY 6. 1974 cm COUNCIL HEETIIIG 26. rilst .....tq of Grlf- . 10. 627 aa4 MUla. of paltl1c ..ad..a &.. ~I- -. 10. 6271 -. OId1MDce of Che CiC7 of Oor-ltl8o . ·1.. - _ 1- ""eM of eM Jlløa1clpa1 Co4e ~ ..... ,C'" dIJ ""'1_ -- ~ _ w..'. 1973 UIC10a .... Appl'Opdace ~~-#&.... - .... - ne4 111 Clef Clezk. " C:-. .,-6. d"'f 111 CøaDc. Frol1ch to ha.. Orðl-. . .27 ~ " cleJa ..a,.. .. cbe City Clerk's readiDl shall -UÞICe eM fane - ., JlDCioa carried, 5-0 .._ 111 CouDI:. "..ue. IIU..... 111 Counc. Frol1ch to set OrcSinance -..,. ..,. 627 for poabUc IMuIllC _ J_ 17, 1974. ct. fi28 rlnt ~i:I:>& Ord. fiZ8 Public 1Iear~ JUDe 17th Ord. 634 Firse &e.a4b>B JlDCloa carried, 5-0 27. First 1....I1na of Orci1aaDce 110. 628 and "etting of public hearlDl: A. oJrdinance So. 62.: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertioo .\.idinl Chapur 16.40 to the ~nic ipal Code by Adopt ift3 the 'l:n!fono FIre Cod.'. 1973 Edition and Appropriate Exceptions !lwrec':." - reac1 by City Clerk. Moved ~y ~~unc. Jackso~, seconded by Counc. Frolich to ha.e Ordinr.nce No. 625 ~~~J by title only and the CIty Cl~rk's read~nl 5nall constit"te the FIrst ....d1ne. Motion carrIed, 5-0 Moved by C""DC. Jacksott. seconded by Counc. Frollch to set Ordinance No. 6~8 f~r publIc hearing O~ June 17, 1974. Motion carrIed, 5-0 28. Fir~t Reading of Ordi~~e No. 634 and settIng of public hearing: A. Ord inance No. 6~: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Am~nd1ng Cha~ter 16.16 of the MunicIpal Code Adopting the 'X..tlonal Electrical Code' 1971 Edition." - read by City Clerk. Moved by Counc. Meyers. seccnded by Counc. Jackson to have OrdInance No. 6~ re..J by title only, and the CIty Clerk's reading shall constitut~ the First Reading. Kotlon carried, 5-0 II II IWIIfES ar T8I MY 6, 1974 an COOlICD. KEErœ , .j; -l __ 117 c-. lleJCe." <: 111 by C;,unc. ReUis eo see CJDI4-". ... 6J4 f_ pabl1c L -~i_,;a.. 17. 1974. ',-. :i' _ :' .. .~,!\ '. -1ed s-o ",,' j1;~ :.:'~' - ~ -, DIIIUJnIIIS 29. .. 3644: "A ...1...·.-;.. e« che City Cooncil of ebe CU)' of Coperdllo AlloviJla t: &.Ja Claiu and ne.aods Payable iA Cbe Mounts aad frea die r . _ Hereinafter Described for Salari s aDd Vaces for ehe L¡¡ra.41 l'a"iod Ending April 16, 1974." IIInred by CouDc. Nellis. I auolutioa So. 3644. "-- by Counc. Jackson to adopt AYES: .,£5: Cou:1c. Frolich. ~_~, Heyen, Nellis, Mayor 5par1ts !ioae !foeS- ~ied, 5-0 30. ~o. ::~'.: "A Resolalt~ of the City Council of the Cie, of Cuper:i~~ Allowing C~i: Claims and De~ands Payable i~ ehe Amo~=:. ¡ From the F~ ~s HereInafter Described for Salaries and ~3g~$ for ehe Payr=¡: Period EndIng April 30, 197¡.ft Moved bj C:u=c. Meyers. ~ed by Counc. Jackson to adopt Resoluti:= So. 3650. AYES: NOES: :~unc. Frolich. Jar;cnn, Meyers, ~ell1s, Mayor 5?8rks SQ:1e Holt:.œt carried, 5-0 31. No. 3"",5: "A Resolalt!cB of the City Council of the City of Cuper:bo Allowing ~ Claims and Deoands Payable in the A/IIou:::s and froD the ~ as HereInafter :>escr1bed for Caner and ~:'5:~llaneous £:..~ 'i:;ures PerIod Ending AprH 30. 1974." Moved by C,June. Meyers, _-.-.1I-d by Counc, Jackson t 0 aëop~ Resolutic~ Xo. 3645. AYES: NOES: ::':-une. Frolich. ~ksm, Meyers, NellIs, Mayor Sparits Xone !focfÆt carried, 5-0 CC-209 Page 19 Oret. 634 Public Héu~ June 17ch . " , Res. 3644 adopted Res. 3650 adopted Res. 3645 adopted Res. 3651 adopted Res. 3652 adopte4 Res. 3653 adopted . . ftullITiS 01 THE HAY 6. 1974 CITY COUNCIL HEErlNG 31. No. 3648: "A __1_-1_ of the City Council of the City of CupeniDo Al1owiJ1fa :c:a-uio Claims and 0-""". Payable in the Mounts and f~.tllehød. as Hereinafter Dacdbed for GenaAl and Hf"'~1ÓOft_S Ex¡:.. aditures Per10cl EDding Hay 6, 1974." ,;:,..~,. ...... 'c, , Hoved by COUDC. Ja..lo/ra', iec:onded by Counc. Heyers eo adopt Resolution No, 3648. AYES: NOES: Counc. holfdt. .Jacksoo, Meyers, Nellis. Hayer Sparks None Kotion carried, 5-0 33, No. 3651: "A .....lueion of the City Council of the City of Cupertino AL~~~~~ a Grant Deed of Real Property from Valley TItle Company; AP9tOXimately 0.440 Acre, Loca~ed on Stevens Creek Blvd., East of Mary Avenue, Adjacent to CupertIno MemorIal Park." Moved by Counc. Nellis. seconded by Counc. Jackson to adopt Rp.solution No. 3651. MotIon carrlp.d, 5-0 34. No. 3652: "A Resolution of the CHy Council of the City of Cupertino Granti:1g Authorization to COll'Jllence ....ith Eminent Domain Proceedings for O!>taining Storm Drain EaselOent at Farallone Drive." Moved by Counc. Frol1ch, seconded by Counc. Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3652. Motion carrIed, 5-0 35. No. 3653: "A Re.so1ution of the City Council of the City of CupertIno ApproviDg the Termination DaLe ot Agreement between the City of CupertiDo and the CIty of San Jose for Resurfacing of Bollinger Road ~o be changed from June 30, 1974 to December 31. 1974. Moved by Counc, Frol1ch. seconded by COline. Nellis to adopt ResolutIon No, 3653. Motion carrIed, 5-0 - -- HIN11rES OF THE KAY 6.1974 Cln COUNCIL HEETIlCG 36. Ro. 3654: "A IMolœ1OD of tile City Coadl of the City of Cupertino Aut~· the City MaMser.ad .......c.uatl.. Sealf to app11toit:1ie Jletropol1ean'frauportattøa Cl' 'alioD ,for l'uDda froa,:t_Tnnaponaeion DeveløpIIeàt Act of 1971, .. ~ed in 1f7Z....1973, eo CDnsexuct-PlIClllda for-eM lþu:luaive U..".icyc1u." Hoved by Counc. Jac~. aecoa4ed by Counc. MeJer. Þ a40pt IeaoluUon No. 36.54. .. ~ed. KoUon carded, s-o 37. No. 3655: "A Resolution of the City Council of ehe C1ey of Cupertino Authorlzlng Execution of a Reimbursement Agreement io Conjunction vith Waterline Installation and Off-Tract Stree Improvements, Tract 5239, Fairway VII, Kay Invesœent Company. Koved by Counc. Nellis. seconded by Counc. Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3655. Motion carried, 5-0 38. No. 3656: "A Resolution of Preliminary Determination Under DivisIon 4 of the Streets and HIghways Code De Anza Campus Off-Street Parkiog and Traffic Facilities Assessmeot DIstrict. Koved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3656. Kotion carried, 5-0 39. No. 3656.1: "A Resolution Appointing Engineer and Attorneys and Authorizing Execution of Contract for Engineering Services De Anza Campus Off-Street Parking and Traffic Facilities Assessment Distric~." Moved by Counc. Frol1ch. seconded by Counc. Nellis to adopt Resolution No. 3656.1. Motion carried, 5-0 40. No. 3656.2: "A Resolution DirectIng PreparatIon of Investi- gation Report under DivisIon 4 of the Streets and Highways Code De Anza Campus Off-Street Parking and Traffic Facilities Assessment District." CC-209 Page 21 lea. 3654 adopted a. I IfaoI Res. 3655 adcpted Res. 3656 adopted Res. 3656.1 adopted ,-.~09 .p 22 . 3656.2 tell . 3656.3 ..u.pe" ,s. 3ó57 ,opted ,So 3664 .~?ted .". 3665 "Opted '~J~ ,¡,,-, '" ;~ , if:j . ~;.::Y. "'- :'-~ IS or TIE ., 1974 cm COONClL K1.rflHG III " ., C:-. tzoUdl. It r 1011 ... 3656.1'.';, ... ., Couoc. Bellis to "ope Milia caaW. 5-0 { F '. ~ .~, ..... 3656.'1 -A "'~J~... Óf lac_CIon eo Acquire aa4 CoDaeruce 1IItIv4 t. Dé 1ttÎiÍIã; . "'. Ofr-Sereet ParUlIS aDd Traffic ~_JlSts.. AaI.....,¡·· . ·:'1ÞtScdcC.- . ., C-. !":oUcla. II :-.,öL~ Dr COuDc. BeUis eo &dope iaClon 10. 3656.3. lIrKion carried, 5-0 42. Ro. 3657: "A le80lacion of ebe City Council of the City of Cupertino Author1&ina Execution of Local Agency Sta~e Agre_t No. 12-74 BLA, Bicycle Lane Account Project." Moved by Counc. Heyen, secoocled by Mayor Sparks to adopt Re.olu~lOD No. 3657. Motion carried. 5-0 43. 110. 3664: "A Resolution of the CIty Council of the City of Cupertino Approving Contract Change Order No. 1 for Traffic SIgnal Relocation Pruoeridse Avenue at Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. at Finch Avenue." Moved by Counc. Jacksoo, seconded by Counc. FroUch to adopt Resolution No. 3664. AYES: SOES: Counc. Frolich. Jacksoo. Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks None Hot ion carr led, 5-0 44. No. 3665: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Accepti~g a Grant Deed of Real Property froB Victoria M. Castello, Approximately 0.028 Acre, Located'on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road north of Stevens Creek Blvd." Moved by Counc. Frolich. seconded by Counc. Meyers to ad~pt aesrlutlon Ro. 3665. Motion carried. 5-0 . ~ " . . .. !IlHUTES OF Iߌ MAY 6, 1974 cm COUNCIL MEETING c:oøSENr CAUDAR 45. Resolution No. 3646: -j, IIe8oluUon of the City CGUlld1 of the Cit of Cupert1Do ""f.. In Order describiDl tbe ..........uies desigoaee4 _ "'__lone 74-1' to be __0.-.4 eo the City "I11III OrderiDa "'-";'t1ønS eo the City vithoue public hea~iDa u pr01lided by'Lø; Approxilllately 0,260 Acre DOreh side of Stevens Creek 81ft. betveen Foothill Blvd. and Carmen load." . 46. Resolution No. 3658: -j, Iesolution of the City CouDcil of the City of Cupertino AccepciDl Grant of Eas~ment for Roadway Purposes from Peter GachiDa and Dorothy R. Gachina consisting of ApprQximately 0.165 Acre, Located on Rae Lane south of McClellan Road." 47. Resolu:iQn No. 3659: "A ResolutIon of the City Council of the City 0: Cupertino Accepting Grant of Easement for Roadway Purpc~es frcm Jason Chartier and Diene Chartier consistin~ of Approxi:ately 0.013 Acre, Located on Rae Lane south of McClel13" Road." 48. Res"l;,¡:i"" No. 3660: "A ResolutIon of the CIty Council of the City e: Cupertino Acce?:1ng Grant of E3semcnt for Roadway Purpcs,s from Robert Saleh, Ralph Saieh, John Saich consisting of Ap,:oximately 0.213 Acre, Located "" Rae Lane South of KcCle: :3:1 Road." 49. Resolu: ion No. 3661: "A Resolut Ion of the City Counc il of the City 0: Cupertino Approving FInal Xap of Tract 5239, FaIrway VII L~3ted on Rae Lane South of ~~CleI13n Road Developer Hay Invest:ent Company Accepting Cert31n Public Service Easements; Authorizing the CIty EngIneer and the City Clerk to Sign the FInal ~~p; and AuthorizL~g the Agreement In ConnectIon There- with. " 50. Resolution No. 3662 --- Deleted from Consent Calendar. 51. Resolu:ion No. 3663 --- Deleted from Consent Calendar. 52. Deslgn.uion of Hay as ''Correct Posture Month". . CC-209 Page 23 t.- . -~_:_~.:~;~:,,~.,; - . 'l::)~~~ i 'f. :"::4:;~lfdi .;: ;'¡,L~î 54., SoUciUtiaG pera1e f~ ~U of . buried CbWrea to Ml1 ,~;;:. Ueteu for a public A, : CO, lie IIeld May 18, 1974 ta SaD Jo.e. e ~r'.i. Ifønd by CoaDc. Frolicb, ..c"...ted by Counc. He,.ra co &IIopC ehe Consene : .,tell . Calea4ar, less agenda Ie.. 50 aa4 51. t .H t< . 3662 opted Res. 3663 adopted . II -- ES 01 nŒ MY 6, 1974 em CœNCIL KEETIlCG "',r, , ð Des1paU_ of ebe __ of Jlay 12, 1974 as ....eic.Wal Traaaporcation Veet- . lIoeiOD carried, 5-0 After a brief explanation by ebe City Attorney, it va. ~ed by CouDC. lIel:1s. seconded by CowIe. lrolich to adopt ¡¡esoluUon No. 3662. Motion carrIed, 5-0 Counc. X~:::. asked why t!>e sanitary sewer easement is going through the Hurs. J'-l:o:!t. The Director of Public lOorks explained l hat this Is to the C::~·. advantage 5i::ce the Horse Ra~ch can then ~~~nect to it. Moved by ::~~c. Meyers, seconded by Ccunc. Frolich to adopt Resolut i.:-:: ~;.:-. 3663. Motion carried, 5-0 REPORtS n_~ ':OUSCIL r,£p!lZSü"TATIVES 55. Hayc< >,arks: Inter-city CouncIL .u the meeting on ¥.ay 9th the Air Quality ~trol Board position wIll be fIlled. There wIll be 2 ~re vacancIes wIthin the next 3 1IIOn t hs . There are 3 openi~~~ on BASSA. The ~Ayor will brin~ up the matter of the Meaber on Drug Abuse CommIssion. Leasue of California CItIes -- No report. Flood Cootrol Advisory CommIttee -- No report. . I41NUTES OF n.6. 1974 em COUNCIL HF.ET_ . 56. Mr. Frolich: 57. Hr. Jackson: 58. Mr. ~eyers: 59. ~r<. Xellis: Tr8Dspor~a~ion C~lssion LeaialaUve lleview eo-i~tee Ifr. Frol1ch announced he is still on the ~au. of California Citie., PeniDsula Division, aud has just been appoiDted to eh. suee ec-issioo on Transportation. AasociaUon of Bay Area- Governments .. There _s a planoing _eting to discuss ehe coastal plan. The Executive C_itte rec.. 1 ended the COIEission look at the EIB. involving any item under EPA. Urban Development & Open Space Subcommittee of PPC -- No report. Airport Land Use Subcommittee -- No report. Planning Policy Committee - No report. Hillside SubcommIttee of pre -- No report. Airport Land Use Commission -- No report. AIrport Land Use Cor-misslon -- No repo~t. Planning Policy Co~ittee It was a good meeting for the alternate to attcnd since there was a good review of what h~s transpired. UDOS Committee is sen~lng out a report & the cities have 90 days in whIch to report back. CS zonIng will be an issue on the May 8th Board of Supervisors' agenda. There will be a TraIls report in July. PPC does not feel this warrants a committ e, PPC feels that gro~.'th policy should come from ICC. Environmental Review Committee The Committee will meet the first and- third Thursday at 8:30 A.M. CC-209 .Page 2S ..' II -209 e 26 or 'I1Œ HAY 6, 1974 CD'1' COUNCIL HEE1'DlG ._J.. AID 1I1JIIII4S :. '"':' " . .h...... c:.-iatliòD A. ~.sion of ..,,,..,... of adjeùrned replar _tiDl of May 1, 1974 DOt Bailable aC dda Ua!, B. 9'o.....sion of IUøatea of regular lleetiDg of April 22, 1974. 61. Architectural and Site Approval Co_it tee A. Subais910n of HiDutes of regular meeting of April 17, 1974. 62. Parks a=d Recreation Comaission A. s., "",eting scheduled. 63. Watc~ ~~isslon A. >~:=i$siun of Minutes of regular ~eeting April 24, 1974. 64. Uor-:-- <=:=ission A. \" =~~ting scheduled. 65. Publ.: >~:ety Comœission A. ,~:=ission of Minutes of regular meeting April 18, 1974. REPORTS n.::.'! OFFICERS 66. City ><~:'f A. Ci:y Y.anagcr referred to his st:ltt report an.! indicated hc' ~~ ~othing further to report. B. !~e Finance Dlr~ctor introdu.eJ discussion of the creation 0: a~ ad aoc coanittee to study treasury functicns, and to "¿';el"p polic1",s with the M..~::lJr. ".prointm"nts are to be "",de a: th~ adjourned Council ~etir.š on ~y 7,1974. . . fill IIDIU'IES OF t!i! !lAY 6, 1974 cm COUNCIL MEETING Upon rcc, -whltion of ehe C1I:,. Clerk, it vaa IIIIVed by CoaDc:. bol1cb. seconded by ConDe. JIe11iB to set for public budDa 011 .JaDe 3, 1974. ~he _ner of revenue sharing. - IfoUoa carried, 5-0 1Jpon request of the Direceor of Administrative Services, it vas ..",ed by eo-~IK. Frol1ch, secorded by Counc. Meyers to appropriate . supplemental sum of $840 trOD the General Fund to the Department of AdminIstrative Services for the acquisition and prosr...ing of additional cap.adty to the accounting macbine. AYES: IiOES : Cou=.. Frolich. Jacksoo, Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks ~"=e Kotioo carried. 5-0 Upon reques: of the City Cle:'K, it was c"ved by Counc. Frollc~, seconded =¥ ~:u=c. Jackson to authorIze dr3wing of a warrant for $21,500, Fd~aole to Victoria Yo. Castel10 in settlement cf eminent domain pr0~¿i~ings on Crossrca¿s Asse5~~~nt District ~nit So. 1. AYES: !õOES : C:~=:. Frolich, Jac~~~, ~eyers, Xell1s, Mayor Sparks ~;C'::e Kotio= carried, 5-0 Upon requ~$: :f the City Cle:,k, It was ~ved by Counc. Frolich, seconded ": ~:U3C. Jackson, to aut~oriz~ Cupertino Fine Arts League ar: ,,",:''- at Vallco V~l:age on ~1a: IO and 11, 1974. with business :::è=se fee to be _a:ved. Kotion carried, 5-0 C. The Virector of Parks anJ Recreation reported a meeting was ::~ld by the Lit:le League ,\Od the Bobby Sox to dl"cus the :3tter of baseba:l diamonds. IECOGNITIOX 0F XON-AG~~ I~~ BY ~\YOR 67. General ~~dience Reques~s -- There were none. CC-209 Page 27 June 3 public bearing on revenue aharina Addition to accounting machine authorized Castello warrant aut hor ized Vall cO Park art show lit " '. CC-2Ø Pap 21 HThVŒS OF Tnt MY " 1174 em com:cn ~;'rJ:NC 68. Meüen of the elt7 CctaDcl1 A. CouDc. Jfe11is ,., ucecl aile vat on a bua tour of the Saud. Ccnmey jpUalcural huene. I. CoImc. hol1Ø .,,'-' tile Herc:ury-Nen (3-IIcar ellicioJa) for a ntracUoa.. a aue_t in ehae paper 1da1c:h .aid the Couucl1 .ec"""""" clo..d doors to diaeua t!ae EnvirOØlental T _ .~t laport of the Shoppizlg C_ur discus.iou. Ie __ the conaensua of the City Couucl1 that to bring i.t 111' &pin and ask for a reeracclon ,,"Ould 1>. just I>T"." Ie to the attention of ehe people again, even though iC is . llis-statement. ADJOURNMENT 69, Adjourn to 7:30 p..., May 7, 1974 in tne Conferer.ce RoOl!l of the City Hall for ineerr1ev of candid3tes for Cocmission vacanciee. !'.oved by Counc. l1elliB, seconcled by Counc. Frol1ch to adjo'.1rn this meet in¡; at 12:40 A.M. to 7130 P,M., :lay 7, 1974, in the Co:úerence Room. Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVF.D: /s/ Reed Spar!:s ~~yort City of Cu¡e=tiüo f·!TES·,·: !.".l ~~. r. Rvder . Cl t,· ("l,,!~