CC 05-07-74
. ,. ~~ ..- "'...
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C1ft' OF ""raoaùu.. SUD '" CALIFOIbfIA
10300 Tom A'; " T. ~. t:Þo, CaliforDia
.~: 252-4505
~ ~ .....
"'r' ·
..,. Spub ...n.. tIIa -C1Da to oreler at 7:30 p... iD tile
eaar~:. '- of tIIa City Ball.
CoaIIe. PnaeDt:
Pml1ch. JacboD. Heyers, Rel11a, Mayor
CoaIIe. AhHDt:
Staff pruent:
ct.ty lfaDaler Quinlan
Director of AdaiDistrative Services Ryder
The City Kanaler requested that tbe City Counc1.l reconsider its
acti.on of the previous eveni.og in the matter of a aon- stOrla sever inlet on ßcoJaestead Road to the City At-
torney for deterll1Dation of liability. He said that he vas ad-
vbed by the Director of Public Works that potential increases
t.n construction costs to correct tbis malfunc:tion would not be
iD the best iDterest of the City if there vas to be undue delay
t.n havt.n& the work done. The City Manager reeo -.led that the
City Counc:il reconsider their action and authorized the staff to
proceed vith the necessary work and then subsequently attempt to
collect suc:h costs froa the County at a later date. Tlds then
was 80 _ved by!fr. Frolic:h. sec:onded by !fro Meyers and passed
The City lfaDager also brought up another utter of unfinished
business relating to the previous evenings ...tinl. A revi_
of the proc:eedings iDdic:ated that the reading by title of
Ord1Danc:e No. 633 as its first readinl received a 4-1 vote. In
that tbis was not ..........-us. the first readinl by title only
did not occur and neither vas it read in full. It theD vas
_ved by!frs. Nellis. seconded by Mr. Jac:kson and passed unani-
~y that the City Council rec:onsider its previous vote on thi
reading _d hay. the reading by the City Clerk constitute the
first readinl. Tht.s _tiou vas adopted .m.n"-usly.
Mayor Sparks theD f",H,...ted he had appointed Mrs. Bellis. Mr.
Prolic:h. Mr. Qu1DUn and Mr. Ryder to an ad hoc c:~ttee for
the purpoae of r.vieYiD& the City's prac:tices and policies
.... 1
StOrla S_r
Inlet on
Boaestead Road
Ordinance 633
'Imc:tion A4 Hoc:
" _AU OF 111 JI&Y 7.
, H ~"
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Pu.... 1
AppoiDt ..
to C 1-&·_
S...:a- IIIó
Other ......11_
Jurt..h,' -
1114 ......~--.. 1tftIII-A. CIft ~,,".L ....J1
/. It " 1<'-8. 'fila fonat" of __...
, .. ..t forth fa 1ft. .íí~..
, ~_3. Jfr~~~
~ cIeftlo....t at _' ....
I1.Ia .. CD ,;~.~. ne -"·U.OD for ~'I~ " -
J _ tIIa r -JÆt..j ".-..ton _ . 1. f'-
tu. e-.... 1'" fna tIIa".a..s-.1d&ht'. aeetiDa. Tr. .--'"0
of tJda 41KaaaiøD ... ~ .-.JA one indil1dua1 !dIG......
.... ~ p1acad iato .'" .-..- DOt ac:c:ept this ---.
the _tter ehoald.. - ~--- to the City of Cupertúo 1.Öa.¿)'
c--r..tøe with a rei¡ C daC t.t Kbm.t one or t1KJ ø for
_icleratioa by tIIa ~ 1:' n.
OD _tiOll of !fr.. _11t_. aecoaded by!fr. Frolic:h, vfdc:h_
passed ........f_ly. the Øk,TVs adjourned to a PerB-J. Se8sfaa
at 7:48 p... for the 1"'6..-- of iDtervi~ applic:aDte for to ~s- vacaDc:i...
Mayor Sparks recomreøel dae City Counc:il into open sea.1oD at
10:10 p.a.
It vas ..,.,ed by !frs. _11"... seconded by !fro Jac:kson aDd pa.-' that the fo11.o.1Da appointaents be ude:
1. !fr. Geoffrey S"f. .e to a four year terla on the
water C~"..1oD ending April 1978.
2. !fr. Curtis ~ to a four year teraon the Vater
eo-isaton ....4~ April 1978.
3. !fr..J_ P_t to the Water C.-1ss1on for a
tera ending Apd1 1976.
4. !fr. Robert ç..-..1_ to the Public: Safety C ..-toa
for an ur. omdinl April 1977.
S. !Irs. Barbara ~.__ to the Architectural and Site
Approval c,. .~~ for an unexpired tera end1Jt&
April 1977.
1Ir. Jac:kson opened eft.. 10D on a proposal subdtted by Ida as
to the desirability aDd f-.t.bllity of being able to have fit- sessions vith . ,u. of other public jurisdic:t:a- iD
the area vbo have over1al9:bc responsibilities vith the Ct.ty.
The purpose of such sr' ~d be for better UDder." ·4~
of _tual probl_ aDd for the better c:oordination of reaolvilaa
diffic:nlties and c:onflicts. Be BUllested that this ."pr lie
achieved throulh l--dL _tings, possibly even on a _th1y
basis. These would lie .... to the public: but at vbic:h ""'1 f,.
___ or !II!IØ 7, 1174 jD-w--_u JD:UUlt crrr COURCIL ftuou1lG
- .-". Ie wa1d .. the iDt.c
IÌI ,. H.'1t CD the ~ 1Io<'f..
., ~¡,,;"v"- bfa-a 'thee...
", jWdIIUotSøDII. IGÙ ..
t dllfz 'Q"'-~-ü8 ...
,', ' J r-- far , . . " ...~.. Cif,J of ~.
" J.....,. . ,1y'.,fo.Uø1ri118 jurill-
. 0"" ,r _ , . I f\f 1cIIå~Œ'~~" 111' ta" IIcbool
~: ~. J\. nUah ",~,_ '¡, 411....&1110 SaU~1'
-·;~t. ... r ......1. ~.1IJ.~þ!t. hotlalL\ Jr. Colt..
~.iÌÞt. CItJ of QIpeRi8D, S w.....c:wt&a1 ft¥e Dlatdct.
1Ir. ~..,- off'" tile pa...IIId~.~ tkt I'.~UIL ut1øD coa14
lie ~ ODe alecbII off!cia1 ~ . 8taff ...- fna uc1a jaria-
~. JIr. .,..u felt &:Iat diS8.. too _L._tureII to
--.. .6 the ... reaaUa. 1fIr. 1"roJbfo __... 1D the .......
cs.. ~ the City Mauler, .. tile ..10. fait that the effort
to ~O.. ~ ...1cationll.. ...._~ aad tile proposal iD ...
&III .. pod.
n .. __ TIy~. Frol1ch. aua.,¡tec1 1iy Hr. Meyers. and passed
.~a1y that the ataff co::cact the naed qelldes vith ref...
__a to tha proposal fly Hr. J-~ and that this be put on
die hub of repruentatton by . 1IoarcI1II8Dhr plus a staff II18II-
1Ier aad to detUll1Da potat1a1 iDterut IIII01Ig tile other juris-
JIn. IIe1li. offered her op1Dto1a tlaat there al80 vas . need for
M£ur in-hoaH c:oorelinatton of c: mfcatioll 1IID01I8 the Counc1.l,
~ coaatn1ons aDd .taff. Sb Aid that a .:lJllilar approach
of 1lav1n& joblt _tiJIIs quarterly or .-.ianuually mtght help
iD anøiatiJII theM prob1_. ~. Jsc:bon suuuted utiliaing
tile Town Hall approach 1DvittDa the var10us c:œai.sions. staff
aad public. ~. rrolic:h thon¡hc the existed that a
.. - of one cœa1sa1on atabt IIava valuable input .a to the
_teers confrœtiJIg another c~"iou and suautad a .ectill8
~ provide the aeana of _J..... of these 1dDd. of idea..
... Heyen I!'J!!II8daed the cou.--. of tT1e CouDcil and recoa-
.... thet m sffort be .... 1:0 d..-.alop this for the next Town
IIa11 .etiJII.
Jk. Prolic:h ..svauc:ed an idea for the awelOpaeDt of . .ister
dty proRr.. involviD8 the aUre c .....ty. Øe said the c:on-
alpt _s DOt to replac:e the city-to-City relationship now ill
effect vith Copertino, Italy. .. C 9Dtad that great BUc:ce..
was bed in 'Mic"""riD8 c: "'fties tbrotJRh their relatiOl1llhip
td.tb .1ailar c:iti.. in JapsD. n. COIICept would be for the City
of Capert1no to iJlit1ate the ~tiousbip and po..ibly pay the
ft.zat 1ear'. dues co join the Iat_tional Slater City l'1:ogr_
... to It_rata t.nterest -. tbe var~ou. c:ity group., orBanJ.-
_daDs and peoples.
.... 3
City Sister
'.....' .0<
1974 ø..uu_ JIIGIILAI cm COUICIL MAidlO
. +2c......., Ik. 1M....., In~-h' ., lira. 1e1118 ..,.nl"
¡," · 1, dIU tilt ~ i~~" Ik. Pro11cb t...l.~·"'''', dIi.· ,
" of....;I_ ~~ '",:" W. t fty'" CltUJv.1;t
'I~' _ ',to t~~^'. :;' <,'-, ' -'.
'" ....,¡<:
. ~ II . !If~..·f.~-t- 1asae nlatJDa ~~
" ~. w· ---':.,' . . \'èb8ter den1opIIDta. ......
Ced dIU tile City , .' .~. "fá.. npladoal at tile caut...A.
.dØa .tap fœ tile ~ of.U ,¿'. 'A-t. bat that ~.... ,for
..~ J: . tbeM ef~"'.fœ .....,..,. Be. W-'teII tIIat
'den coaU he a po",.1. _rot.. or'dIeM troabl_ throaIh .-n
CGIIIW--..t". ,1__"".. .n dt:~0'" to lI_iey, _r'-tf"'.
aM effecti..- --. of a1adq ordc-... 1Ie..u _ ,coposal
_ for a .....~ of three ~.. to .. declared vIdl. aD
aalyata _ ..... of all pert~ facton.
Ik. Q....nlan offered that ->' t'" t.... .¡ue.eion. ad.. froa
wlJat is the start of d.-crac:y iD acttoø by tile.. local re.1cIent
srou¡»s bat that suc:h groups have _ strong base froa whic:h to
!fro Jackson questioned vhetbu the City had the expertise or the
tiae to cODduc:t auc:h a study and tJlo¡¡ght that this area vaif Mire
appropriate for the State and the LeaSUe of California C:.:.ties
and with local .unic:ipalities just providing research as to
local situationa.
!frs. Nellis expreased her position of _t being in favor of a
_ratoriua for this purpose as heinl too oppressive for -
developIHDts whic:h have been delayed through other extenuating
c:irc:uastanc:es. Mr. Meyers afftr.ed these feelings and thoulht
that exc:essively hilh del18ity vas the cause of aost of the prob-
lems. Mrs. Nellis made a _tiou that the staff look into the
overall raaifications relattDl to c:ondoainiuas and c:luster de-
veloPl1lel1ts. This vas seconded by !fro Frolic:h after whic:h the
aotion vas alleDded to incorporate specific areas of inquiries,
vbich inc:lude density. c:ontrol of rilhts-of-way. publi.: dedica-
tion., standard CC . It'. vbic:h have not created probl_.
question of c:onvertinl existiDg structures into c:ondominiums,
iDquiries of attorneys who have represented dissident owners,
availability of hac:kgroUDd info~tion from the League of Cali-
fornia Cities, statu. of possible c:orrective legislation and
the sue or break even poiDt of such developments. The aotioD
vas passed 1I1'ft.ftf....uly.
Length .,
Counc:U ...
Jlisc:ussion then vas opened on another item of unfinished business
by !fro Jac:kson who responded to !fro Frollc:h'. concern a. to
the length of Council _t1ngs. Be offered the possibility that
all business not cOJllleted at a reaular Monday night meeting of
the City Council be continued to aD adjourned meeting on the
, ~,<
. .
~ Tuesday niaht. Mr. Prolich Quested that t!wtre be an
..... or ll:30 p... effecti". cutoff tJM bat Stilted tbat·
.. an :lDba'1Dt clqer m the lack.of coatrol 1D keepfDa
; .. ta to tile suIIjectat i.uUe. , JJe stated that the .re-
'tJ for "-". that chU .. doDe tell upoD the 1Ia,or
5fÈ..1di.. officer. ,
. c: t'" tllat .at' fttiÌIIi are œt public: he.rill"
··'ttben _ _....duable ....---. input reaardl.... Mr.
"aU It _ ht.a f..ullldliaCaa4t._ .-hers abou1d be
, 'to Merna tile r-n 01117 clariDa pah11c heariDp -
. the 1ncIiviclaal W an 01w1.oa8 mtereet in the proceediDp.
!..::;'-orated oa this .. referdDa to the applicant or the po..1
. of the Fire 1far8ba1 ¥f_MIII to diac:uss _tte.-:s c:onta!Ded
fa tIIa Fire Code beiDa ÜOPted. Mrs. Bellis felt that there was
_ daþr in aaløt."nba tOD ttaht a rein by acluding part1ct.
,.-.1- selectively.
_ tJaIa point Mr. QaiDlall stated he had kept a roup sc:counting
01. u.. spent on eac:h it. of business during the preceding
...,."IS a~eting and save these t~ to the Council.
It .. tbe feeling of Mra. lIellb that the real problem,. vben
~y.ed"would c:~ fro. the vol_ of work c:onfronting the
-.If. c~ssions and Council. She suggested the possibility
of . diviaion of ageodas 80 that public hearings relating to
tile .,.......I\a eo-ission and the Arc:hitectural aad Site Approval
applJcations be ac:heduled for the first and thirel Mondays of
-.ell _tho then to have one additional aeeting during the _th
for the disc:ussion of staff reports. new business it... fro.
".&TS of the City Council. She al80 felt that the .-unt of
~ available to the staff vas too_ll and that too uny de-
........ _re being _de now Of> . _ staff" s tiae. !fro Frol1ch
offered that there c:ould be a uced for _ additional staffina·
tile City Hansger suggested that auch of the wrk now done
by ~s8ions, suc:h as the Architectural aad Site Appro,,'al C".oa-
dtt_. _re on ainute details vhich possibly c:ould be handled
by the staff. Mr. Jackson disagreed vith this proposal. Mrs.
_l1i. said there vas a liait to how aac:h c:ould be expec:ted froa
tile staff who IlUst atteDd aaltiple _etinas. AD exaaple of this
.. the Director of Planning aDd Developaent vh.> must attend
PI"'''ng Comaission IDeetings whic:h are now going to exc:eed two
fa a _th plus the meetings of the City Counc:il where it now
loW. as if tbere aight be _re than two in a _nth.
JIr. Frolic:h proposed the reaular __ 2tlngs on Hoadays be ~ontinued
to tile follov1ng Tuesdays if needed. He also said a possibility
~ld be the leaving to the staff of _re detail and not review-
taa Arc:hitec:tural and Site Approval applications unless they vere
~. led. If this were done the Counc1.l would have aore tiae for
Paa- 5
Pap 6
other it_ of ba.....-..
1frJ.' ...m. said tJlat it,_,' ., ,'~t:, J tift that tha Couad1 ....
...... wIiat 1a toA/íti" ~... cou1ateacy vitia tile
~"îj1 ø-. u tIØ("'.;¡¡.ì-', .if...... it -U be of ¡r.-&
f. ' I bk' ' ' .);',i,: "', , .", i ,~ "
~ì>:':~'~ -..\~ . . '>:~~î~'::~~~:j,~/,-, ,<-" ' -
'.~,~~ Â ·ta4 " B$>-- th1ri ~ be....
.fIf"· ..~ if. ·'w....' " ," ad tJlat tbe f0110ìfÞa .
t Of·'=,. be a 7 ..AI fft;' ~~ of 1Ia..~. Be a1tio ~
.. dliáëhe-.Y .....&~ti',' , "" ,in the fON of staff J:J;'J:t8
to pNriða da~ tile ftrit_'CíI'iicdD only the CO=11S8~ ...
.tIIa nc . . acticna. A11ôtber aubsUBti.ltinl Ü<lta -U be
"."'p __ att-'-' to tbeli"V1-t.on ad reI:< r-pd-t1oD. ftfa
-U prodM qúc:Jt ref..: -a wiled needed _ :0180 1n-4eptla
cleta1.l "'- aeeded. Be al80 requestel. that auo;ut1oD be al-
to providilla foU-P iDf_tion aad _ report as to the
status of fa ftts alii work iD progreas. !fro Frolic:h ......
paLed _ for. of vbus1 c:bert: nth a spac:e for ..ddDp to
denote staps of progr....
!fr. Meyers also requestecl that there be better plllDllina IIDII
disseaiDatica. of inforut1oD on c:apital improvement e1CpeDditurea
partic:ularly 1>y ..stiuted _ts of ac:tivity 80 as to relate
this better to ft.nanc:ial IIDII budgetary re:poru.
In the disc::ssion as to the br--8t day on which to c:onduct un-
finished basiness items. Hr. Frol1c:h's position vas that it
should Ülllleèiately follow the r-aular meetinc. In this way. the
lenlthy rerlN needed would st1.ll be fresh 1:1 tbe mInds of the
Counc:il ...-.en ø!!<t would _t Deed reviewing,
~,:'~.-:il KeetiAa
It vas';~t.ed by Mr. Jackson tb!lt the third Counc:il Meting
of eac:. .,,,:~ be scheduled for the first Tuesday after the
first \1oT.ë.a:<. It then vas .",ed by Hr. Frolich, sec:onded by
Mr. Key~r, ~-,J passed unan1.-ualy that this be referred to the
staff for, ?..-o¡..:.osal with the idea that implementation would ba
vith the first June .eetina.
Durinl a d1.scussion as to the availability of staff tiae aDcI
the deaands ude upon it by various people, Hr.. 'roUc:h thought
that this..u a judgmental aatter whic:h could not be re80lved
t.n any ODe policy stat_ent. Be suggested that eac:h staff -
ber be aade aore aware as to the ne~d for budgeting tt.e and
_ke :he bes: possible use of it even to the requirement that
all suc:h c<:ctacts be: on an appointaent basis with a liait to the
tiae invoh~.
The City ~~er coaaented that disc:ussi~ns h3d been held with
the Chaabe..- of eo-erc:e on thr possibility that that orga¡¡ization
create a :"U~p prograa ou lz..dscaping of City businesses. He
said that the City vas tou¡h OD developaents as to beautific:at~D
. ;~,
,;~.... ... OF ~ 7. 1974 I"·:
~~ , .
r. lllXliAl 6r c:omicu.
to 1IIf0Re tha at .
. ;coulð .. fusl1l1. w....
" effort a. iea ....
. CClDtfMe tbe.. .....
"::-~¡;~""~:4,)-- ::'
of all .....¡ ·i_~:'oi·tJae CoaIIell.
~t\S at 111$5 ....
the IfaJœ
/s/ Reed Sparks
Kayor. City of Cupertino
I_I Val. E. ~O~=
CUy Clerk
.... 7