CC 06-04-74
. ... ." ,''''~
~ ~ Cf1PErt' ftJaE Œ c:&J.UœHIA
10300 Torre Avenue, ~i_. Cal1foroia
Ye1ephone: 252-4505
IUIIUUS or TRB -...,....,111".... JŒ!TIIG or TRB CIft ~u.
- .:....&110. CA:.IJœ1ŒA
",or Pro T_ Jack8œ ...11.... the ..tina to orcl..r at 7:37 P.IL
with the Salute to the
..... CALL
Counc. Presen~:
Frolich. Jackson, Heyers, Nellis,
ltayor Sparks (8 :50)
Counc. Absent:
Staff pres..nt:
City ~ger Quinlan
Director of Administrative Services Ryder
Director of Public Works Viskovich
Director of Parks' Recreation llutler
Director of Planning , Development Sial<
Assistant City Attorney Kilian
1. Written
A. Request from Marsha Sato. Swmyvale, that tbe Council endorse
a prt'sram for CupertiDo s1aUar to San Jose's "Project 75".
B. A IIOtice from the Director of Public Works ngarding De ADza
Campus Off-street ParkiD& aDd Traffic 'acilities ".e....nt
c. A suggestion froa the CUFlrtino Chaaber of C_rce that the
City add an architect or a landsc:ape arc~i:..ct and a ~r
of the business c icy to the Architectural a~ Site
Approval COIIIIIIitt_.
D. Copy of ordinance .~. 74-1 of the Santa Clara Valley Vater
District defining l1aits of flood control responsibility. etc.
It. Letter from the City of BoaDtain View regarding the revised
listing of CouncU. "-era aDd officers.
tile City Clark also _11'" attês1tioD to the HillUtu of tIIa IIIJ 15 . 23,
.1.....t. 1'-''-'08 ~o..a:_ .".1.... Heeting and the Illy 22, 1974,
HiDat.. of the. ~1IIICÞiìiI:..J. and Site ApprOYal eo-1tt... t_t wera
1IIICl0se4 10' t'*~ri~r?K~ '
.,: "
Ifayor Pro 1_ J~,t-"'Ntë4 tbe 8taff aet adc11t1oDa1 iDfool."..tioD
fr_ the City of sâ\To.. reprding their ''Project 75·.
CoImcil_ ..n... .'W-eecl that this ataht be the ~ to diacu8. tbe
role of the ArchitecÞml1 and Site Approval COIBtitte.'. She su&lested
. c~tt.. be forllell for this purpose. Mayor Fro ~_ Jac:uon suaaested
the Cbaaber of ç~..ce solicit people to apply ~or appolotBeDt to tbf.
ec-ittee. The é&.,utúe would be very helpful.
The Assistant City Attorney said he discussed with the planning staff
the guidelines and aD --'-_t has been prepared to the existing Sisn
Ordinance. '
CouncU"",n Meyers endorsed the Chamber of Commerce's suggestion. to the
extœt that tlley would be advisory. but not members. '
Councilman Frolic:h sullested the Chamber take on the project of providing
the H-Control materials for study as an on-going project.
Councilwoman Kellis suggested the Ad Hoc Committee be coaprised of one
member of the City Council, one person from the Chamber of ,Commerce,
Assistant Planner CowaD, and one member of the H-Control CoaDittee to
s~··iy the matter.
Hr. Frank Mulkern, 2800 Homestead Rc " President of the Chamber of
CODIIIerce, said he wondered whether someone' s personal feelings enter
into the decisions on soae of these H-Control applications. At times
their decisions present an undue burden on the contractors. He would
like the City Council to give more direction as to their parameters for
reviewing an application. It was his feeling that their hearings are
becoming too suggestive and are not objective enough. Criteria is
needed., The R-Control Committee needs a definition of their limitations.
Mayor Pro Tem Jackson su&lested Kr. ~lkern 6ppoint sOl!lebody from the
Chamber and Mayor Sparks appoint sO"Aebody from the City Council to this
Ad Roc: Committee for the purpose of detting these standards.
Moved by Council_ Rellis, aeconded by Counc:l1maD Heyers to accept and
file the written c~1c:ations.
Motion carried, 4-0
, .
m1IJ'RS 0' 'I'IŒ JIIIK 4. 1974 ADJODIUIi.D em wudCtL MEErmc
2. Oral C~:'......--
A. .ireworks COc1e ÞøpDcJ OrdiDàDc:.
Upon rec.· T...."t~ of tbe Assistant City Ateoney. it was
_ell by CouøcU- __s. aeccmded by CoaD"'f1_ Rel1t.& to
enact -leIICY cìrd1uace m8ber 632.
CouDc. Ple1f,.h. Jteyers, 1Ie11ia. Mayor Pro T_
IJlSEIIt : Mayor Spuu
3. Review aDd possible adoption of City of Cupertfno Code of
Ethics. (contiDued froa meetinl of Kay 20, 1974)
4. D1scusaion on the staff report on survey of Youth Commissions.
(continued froa aeeting of Kay 20, 1974)
Since the Kayor _s DOt yet present the above two aatters were
s. Rec:œœendation for the change in name of the Horse Ranch to
Kc:Clellan Ranch Park.
The Director of Parks anò Recreation stated the Parks and
Recreation C~i..ion has lecorDended the nmae "McClellan Ranch"
to replace "Horse Ranch". Although the Parks aDd Recreation
staff feels the _ should be ''Kc:Clellan Ranch Park", the
COIIIIIIission felt this would live. private connotation to the
Moved by Counc:u.a" Meyers, seconded by Nellis to
rename ''Horse llanchD to ''Kc:Clellan Ranch Park".
Motion carried. 4-0
The Parks aDd llec:r_tion Director sdded that there are direct
desc:endants of !fr. Vi1ltaa T. Hc:Clelland in San Francisc:o and in
Saratola. The Couacil instructed the staff to research this with
the possibility of inviting tbea to the dedication.
r..e 3
IWIUIU or !U ~ 4. 1m ADJOORNED em ~.JŒE!DC
. .
6. Sn.....,toa of a· p11"t''''I aiped by residents 1Ia tile VUliston Psrk
sr_, nprdiD&. --.fa traffic cODditioDS.
.~ DUec:tol' of MUc 1Iøûa Introduced the petit10D vbteh rec .1IIl.
c1oa1Da off of CÖY'~r Av_e. Be said the staff 18 collllacting a
aarvq of the tràt~· CIIIIIIft1cm. here 'a: the present tiM. CouncU..n
J*ebon sua..teel· ~""":Iøa a traffic diverter sfaUar to that on
Pappu Tree LaM.
IIrs. Pat Saith,l0317 CoY Bar,',cr Avenue, Cupertino, said she lives
tbree bousas down fro. this c,"./e. She subattted pictures of the
sres in question. TbeJ interviewed 30 hOllleowners, all of "hoa were
1Ia favor ¡)f her' propoul. There have been numerous accidents, and Dear
accidents, allll they would like some corrective action taken before a
child is lost. Of 120 hOllIes contacted, four were DOt at home, 2 were
negative, and all the rest were in favor of this proposal. The volume
of cars is DOt the problem; it is the speed of some of the cars with
predOllinately youna drivers. She is concerned that when the shopping
center is developed this will increase the traffic along these
residential streets.
Mr. John Carlson. l0203 Portal - at the corner of Price Avenue, said
he agreed with Mrs. Saith. He refused to sign the petition, however,
and came to state his point of view. He is not in favor of closing
down streets to curb traffic. He feels it is up to the Sheriff's
Depart~ent to correct the situation. If you close off a street then
fire engines and everyone else would have to go around the block.
He described I!<everal of the accidents that have happened here and a;srees
that speed is excessi-re. However, he believes Cupertino has enoulh
problecs with too few cross streets.
Council:oan Meyers alreed that we have too few cross streets. Councilman
Jackson would like to see if there are other remedies before any streets
are closed off. Councilaan 'rolich ~~uld like to see if there are other
solutions but on a trial basis for a short time. .he Director of
Public Works said the staff is willing to try stop signs to see if they
will be effective. Councilaan Frolich would like the staff to discuss
this matter with the Sheriff's Office and perhaps report back within
30 days.
Moved by Councilman Heyer., seconded by Councilman Frolich to authorize
the staff to erect teaporary stop signs at the proposed intersections
and report back to the City Council the first Tuesday in August.
Motion carried, 4-0
~JIS OF IE It'IE 4, 1974 ~pt.___m em aŒIL HEETIBG
Jlldf.tioaal ' .
..030.00 .
fär Bubb Rd.'
ÎI..: ~t f~ 3dditioaal 4.-1.' Jacion for Inhb Road cross1lla
jlnteetiar. projeet. ,
" .. .Tee. ~-inu of t1ìeD1..-ÞK of Public ¥orks, it vas ..eet 1Þy
l::'':¡tlaan !I..:--~, seconded by Jackson to appro~1sU -
'JrV"1onal $!.inO.OO for the ",Þad crossiDg protection projecC.
.- '~t';
_: Cœ:Dc:. haUch, J"... . 1feyers, Nellis, Kayor Spartc8
!lIB: IIoœ
JlDetnD carried, s-o
12. Ifo. 3670: aA Resolution of the City Counci! of the City of
CupertiIk .t:. :o;;,ing Certain ClaJ:as and Det:U::Us Payable in the
Amounts ~ :r"'''' the 'ullds as Hereinafter D~sc:ribed for Salaries
and :lag"~ ::: the Payroll Period Ending ~.ay 28, 1974."
lesolution 3670
!loved by Cm:~::''''.l:1 Meyers, second": by Jackson to ack;'_
resolution ~~¿= 3670.
]j!)ES :
" 3
I"\' ...
Cot::::. :rclich, Jack.soa. Meyers, Nellis, ~layor Sparks
~~~ion carried, 5-0
t~so lut ion 3672
þ!Ioved by Co=:,::."Oman Nellis,
¡resolution r.:=:¿= j,;72.
50. 367:: "",solution 0: :he City Counc:: ",f the City of
Cuperti:>: :,::,'<ing Certain C::'an.s and De=::i~ Payable in the
~ounts ~~ :::n the 'unds as Eereinafter ~¿scribed for General
and Mis.c:,,::.1.::¿('us Expendit=es Period EnH~ ~!.~Y 31, 1974."
sec:oIIded by Coun.::ilman Meyers to adopt
CO""". :rolich, Jac:ksOD. Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks
2!otion carried, 5-0
__u.s. 0' TIŒ Jtn 4,
1974 ADJOu-...., CIty COUNCIL !ŒETI!lG
/',~. Mlitional appropdatioa off1.m:øo to fund the cost of tIIa
,r:~i:/~ '.tna c:l_p proar""',q¡... ~toa Garba¡e Cœpany.
,r...'~, .~:þ.!.",:->#", ":",:,,;::,,~,,.:Ø:"',j,~:, .
';;'~.:.';..&'lUrector Ñ ~~e øp.:'I~".'~.'.:~~!tiOnal aptlIopr1atiOD of
. ";'~~":.;~7 is 100.1 to pay ~øt:·,~,,~-;. of the spring clean.....
...' '.' ' "
So 8ØYed by C .ellii. n .....Í!cI by eov....n..n Meyers.
Cotmc. !'roUch, ~. ~11t.. Kayor hv Tea
Kayor Sparks
... .&.:
8. Staff r~?,,~: as to the feasibility of an in-house pri,.~ing
of the Cu?æ~ino Scene.
'DIe City MalUr~~ a strong feeling that i: vill continue to be I
less expensi~~ :~ have the printing done on the outs~de.
9. &equest òy 5a~ta Clara County HuNan Relati~~s Commission for
a Cupert:"'- ~erresentative to a county wide council of Equal
Opportun::y ~fficers and A!firsative Action Officers.
S~e the Ci:y ~~u~cil feels that we should be ~etting into this
__ea, it was UI..-o"" by Councilvoaan ~ellis, secon,:!ed by Counci11C8n
~ers to in$:~"~: the City ~nager to appoint a representative
~ a county ~:~~ c~u~cil of Equal Opportunity Off:cer~ and
Affinoat:!ve A;::~~ Officers.
Kotiou carried, 4-0
10. Request ~y 5anta Clara County Charter Revie~ COrnBittee for
comaents :~ ~ proposed section relating to inter-governmental
relat ions .
C -Hun Mey",~s .....s in favor of expanding the P?C to include
_ of these ~?le. It has done a load job of gathering input
... it does ~e operating subc:o.aittees.
(' -il..n Me!,<~s feels that a 25 member co...ission would be quite
IIaJor Sparks L-rived at the aeeting at this point.
Pale 5
$2,132.l7 for
sprinl c:1ean-
Påge 8
Resoluti_ 3677
31131-59 adopted
aLII\Jlr.:i OF mtu 4. 1914 ADJOURNED CrT'! coul HEETDIG
18. Ro. 3677: "A ResolaciOD of the City Council of the City of
CupertiDD latifytøa tile 1'rov1.aions of a Memorandua of Uaderstandin¡
BetweJa the City &1111 Þp1Dyea of the MiscE<llaneous Eap107eea Unit."
,j(.Wéd by c-n_ ,,1fh. øecoaded by eounc:1lMD JacUoa ~ adopt
resolution .-her 3677.
Motion carried, 5-0
19. Bo. 3lOl-59: "A Ieaolution of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino Approviug Chan&e Order No. 8 for Crossroads AsseslI1IU!nt
District Project Bo. 71-2."
Hoved by Cotmc:ilwoun Rellis, scc:onded by Mayor Sparks to adopt
resolution ~er 3101-59.
Motion carriect, 5-0
3. Revie~ 3~d possible adoption of City of Cupertino Code of Ethics.
(conti~~¿.j from meeting of ;!ay 20, 1974)
There follo_<J 3 discussion of Council~an Jackson's ~brch 15, 1974
memo regar~:~ the conflict of interest ordinance antl his draft "Code
of Ethics".
Councilaan r:~lich questinnPd section 6 - Private Meeti~Rs in the
draft Code ,': Ethics. He ",It that this propo""l wO',ld prohibit
Planning C.o=:'ssion-:rs from ..ttending Hùl!'.eowners Associatiolls where
applicatio~$ 3re '0 be discu~sed. He also que5tioned whether a person
would ceas~ ~~ing some of these things sioply hecause he "igned a
statement 5.:l"i:tg he would not do these things.
CouncilwoUla:1 ~el1is said she agrees with the essence of wbat Council_n
Jackson is trying to do here, that 1~, to come up with a set of
standards but, she said, either you ha"c ethics ¡¡nd integrity or you
don't. This document does provide sor.:e !\uidelilles.
Councilman J3~kson said the purpose of this is not to close off those
telephone ca:ls to the Councilmen or Co,"",issioaers. Councilwoman Nellis
said it also .ioes not cut off letters that people want to wrfte to the
Councilmen .1:>.1/ or CODlDissioners.
Moved by Ccunciloan Frolich to r~ove S~ction 6 and to adopt by
resolution t~is "Code of Ethics" with the understand in!! that if
Councllmar. J3ckson can coae in with a suitable substitute for Section 6
that it could be studied at that time. Th1s motion died for lack of a
- -
14. 10. 3673: -A løo1ation of the City CoUIICll of the City of
Cupertino »eclaiiDI it. Intention to Order Vacacioa of a
hrtion of Palo ylata Ioed Between Juice A...... aøI SteveD8
Creek Ioulevari. ~cious of Bellewe Av_e Eut.8DCI Veat of
Palo nata 1øa4. PorUon of aa.ona Ave. V..t of Palo Vista
load aDd a 'ortioo of Ventura Avenue Vest of Palo Viata load
as Provided ill SectioD 8320 et seq. of the Streets aDd Bilb-
,.ya Code of the State of California, Fixinl Tø. and Place
for Public Beartaa aDd ?rovidina f~r Notice Thereof."
Moved by Counc:1laan Jackson, seccmcled by CouDcil- Bellis to
adopt resolution uuaber 3673.
tfotion carried, 5-0
lS. No. 3674: "A Re80lution of ~he Ci~y Council of the City of
Cupertino Ratifying the Provisions of a MemorandU1D of Under-
standing Between the City and ~. Ken McKee, an Employee of
the City of Cupertino."
Moved by Councilman Meyers. seconded by Councilwocan Nellis
adopt resJlution number 3674.
Motion carried, 5-0
16. No. 3675: "A Res:>lution of the City CouncH of the City of
Cupertino Ratifying the Provisions of a Memorandum of Under-
stanJin~ Between the City and !~. Paul Krotts, an Employee
of the City of Cupertino."
Moved by CouncilVOUD Nellis, seconded by Councilman Frolich to
adopt resJlution nuaber 3675.
Motion carried, 5-0
17. No. 3676: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino Ratifying the Provisions of a Memorandum of Under-
standing Between the City and Mr. Fred Cler, an Employee of
the City of Cupertino."
Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to
adopt resolution number 3676.
Motion carried, 5-0
ra.e 7
Resolution 367
Resolution 367.
Resolution 367
Resolution 3671
" ~e1 teoaard. lOOSOIlorth Volfe 10M. stated that Walter Ward
~~i.'. J".:.,Jii.-.".,.,r. ea. at at this Me. dJIa. earUer but had to leave becan8e of
g¡.- "p :1, 11 fl1&ht the ~.rD1::&. that Hr. Ward ....
']¿~,~,~,:'.' . "this _tter ~~1~vb8reu; be ..... DOh 10 be Vas
-'r'~r' '.., auapc:an~7,r ...tated he has prol/a1)ly at.tded
\~,~r" .:;ll-.... Coa8a1s.tiia~:£.,C1ty COIiDCU. allll H-C~trol ..eei",..
'/.''',," 'a1Iy two Ccnmc1.l -I "lets c:nabined. He vent On to SUU..t
',:";:,:,,' ~ '" ,!' :,,' ".J,< ' , ,
,,'.. ,08ch1Jl& City Go9~I, -t attmes like thesa,,'or any other t~
. oD a partisan politics ,beais is not a 1* idea. He cbarled that
.. áéed a refresher c~" on what is due process. The Goals
c-ittee vas in1tisted to brina new ideas to liaJ1t. It,.. his
opinion that statemeots have been made reflecting advocate
positions. He said an A4 Hoc COIIIIIIittee is one that has authority
without responsibility. He takes issue with the way the City
seeks people for fillina vacancies on Commissions or Committees.
Xn the early ~ays the City of Cupertinp sought the people with
the capability and a professional ability. These people observed
due proc:e3s with full measure. He said the objectives presented
by Councilnan Jackson are essentially the same as those in due
process. He charged that the City would not have tt~ trouble it
is presently experiencing with the ¡¡-Control if two of the memoen
had paid any attention to the briefing they had three years ago
when they ~~re appointed. From a developers standpoint it is
extremely difficult to get the facts on the table in this City.
He ,feels professional expertise should be made available to the
staff. He bêlieves there is more political ploy than idealis~
in some 0: the decisions made by the !I-Control.
Ann Anger. Manta Vista, stated she agrees with Mr. Leonard's
Mayor Sparks said he was in agreement with the Code of Ethics
drafted by Councilman Jackson with the exception of Section 6,
because it would be hard to enforce,
The Assistant City Attorney said there has to be a distinction
between the judicial and the legislative functions.
Moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Meyers to add
another sect inn to this Code of Ethics to the effect that public
officials are presumed to be doing their best to reflect the
opinions of the community. not just personal opinions.
Motion carried, 3-1-l
Abstained - Counc. l{eUis
Page 9
.... 10
. e
CoaøciJJwa Jac:UOlt.... _~ing vote because he _lei lilla
...{", .
"¡:" Þ retain Section 6..,;,
<,_ .~1.: , ¡:!::Jf~~,< 10:
L ~. ÎIØoI.. 111 c-~ tJ ','"it ", .',~ed by C-C1lll8D HejW. to cI1net
. .... 0,:' De.Cit,- AI:t~t4). . j ," .. to the City Couocil rqtmliDI the
{'\ ..tar of pr:ivate _c ~:!!.t;
"1; ,'.':-.. ~'~<.Jt..
ê;\'¡W'" .'
'i¢~'¡tifotion carried, 5-0
'" t·'
~, '.....-
'-" -,~'~"""
4. Discussion on the ~f'~ê;œt on survey of 'loud. Co8dssiœs.
(contiœed frQID _ed.. of May 20, 1974)
The City Manager stated ~ the staff felt some considerations should
be given to other C~issiolw aDd the Youth Commission should be ta!'en
up at the saae time. CoaDct.l-an Nellis said her impression vas that
it would ~t be in the best interest of the City to have an on-going
Youth Comission. Perhaps ODe member of the Parks ar.d Recreation
Commission could be called "tOl:,th".
, 20. Mayor 5~:irks:
I A. Inter-":it,' Council
I A meeting .:ts scheduled for the follolling Thursday.
'B. Le3f,u¿ ~f California Cities -- No RepC'rt
Ie. FIo"" :::1trol Advisory COI:ZIittee,
¡ Proposal f.'r the Stevens Creek Project is before the Board and they
, are aski~.g f:r commcnts froa the resiJents up therc.
121. ~Ir. F~.'lich:
I A. Trans;>-,rtation Commission
I The first t:'~~e buses have been reu:!lveJ and they are very quiet.
I Everyon" .1;,?ears to be happy with ther... 'the Commission has been
trying t<, ?ut togcther a bus pool arrangement. The first venture of
this typ'" runs from Cupertiao to Ames R"search Center. The peopl ð
uslng it se..., to be very happy with the arrangement. The City·
. Manager SolL! the staff is ioterested in ~...'rkinr. with a new industrial
project ~~~r~ they could persuade ß deveiop"r by ailowing reduced parking
acreage in conjunction with transit. One method for inducing employees
to use tra:lS it would be to charge for \15" of the packing lot in the
case where er'.ployees are living where tlwy could take advantage of
transit. rhe proceeds fro. this charge cùulJ go to transit.
; ;,i,
Counc:i1aan !Ie,us IIIJII.... tr8Dllit could be utilized fr_
II11pitas to ~ed. 'fIae,traff1C: on this route is
~uted.· .
a. Leaialative ..1_ l". .. -',..... ;.-. Ho Jtepott
22. Hr. 1......~:
A. Assoc:iatioa of lay Area Gover~ta
B. Urban DevelOJ8l!Dt , 0peÌD Space Subcoamaittee of PPC
c. Airport Land Use Suk
23. Hr. Heyers:
A. Planning Policy Cœa1ttee
The last
not have
?PC meeting was the night before election and they did
a quorum because there were too many people runnin~ for
I~~re was no opposition to the Hillside Plan.
B. HillsiJe Subcommittee of PPC
The Hill$iJe Subcommittee had its final meeting. The County
Assessor .~s there to tell how the assessment process works.
C. Airr"~t Land Use CooaDission
The ALUC 3_ted on one matter for the City of Santa Clara, which
was nois~. An application for RI zoning was approved on the basis
that tht> .revious zoning was for planned dev("lop.ent conc!ominium
and with that typ~ of developcent more people would have been
affected ~y noise. He said construction techniques will he used
to lower the decibal rating to 60.
24. Mrs. )(el11s:
A. Drug Abuse Coordination Commission - No Report
B. Enviroraental Revi_ eo.aittee
The ERC checklist was presented to the C~1ttee.
The consultant for the Jack In The Box Restaurant has been hired
plus two others.
Pale 11
1'a... 12
IEl'OJrrS nœ om~
25. City Staff
, The City Kanaler repørte4 in addition 'to his _. a lettel' addressed
to Kaurs. ltil1aa ..... ~ler in relard to City Park Usal.' Th.
Assistant City Û~ said a card can be bsued to citizens of
Cupertino to allow ~ to use park facilitiu. This would require
a change in the cmli-e. After further discussions it was decided
the City KaMler -U gather 1IIOre information on this idea.
The Planning Director bad two brief items requiring Council action.
A. The Mobil Station at Stelli\1R and Stevens Creek Boulevard had
their modification for canopies and improved landscaping approved.
The proposal is to utilize a portion of the lO ft. sidewalks,
which is public right-of-way for landscaping, leaving 5 ft. in
sidewalks and 5 ft. in landscaping which includes a bench at the
bus stop. Furthe~. the street trees which can not be salvaged
will be replaced ~ith spec[men trees.
~lotioR carried. 5-0
B. The Goody~r Store. a. Home~lead and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road,
would like to ~¿ve a parkin~ lOl sale as a Jne-time event from
June 12 through June 15. Dl~cussion follo<led. It brouAht
out that Sears '" recently h.~d a p.'trking lot sale.
'loved by Counc il=n ':eyers, sec"nJ('d by :Iayor Spark,; to approve
the Goodyear request for a parklng lot sale, as a one-time event,
from June 12 through June 15.
Councilman Jackson said he is concerned with the ""ssibility of
proliferation of parking lot sales. The City !1.aMger said he sees
no harm in this p3r~icular one hut he docs in the precedent that
will be set. He stated he sees "othing wrong with it as long
as it is not used as a method of avoiding having the business within
a structure.
Hot ion carr ied, 5-0
26. General Audience Requests -- None
, ,
, .
27. lføbera oî the Cit~ 1::1 -U
,:,<;,. ~11IIaa FroUeh 't4M! . .'. '... tile 81aD ord1naIlC.1IIc~.tM
". ,J...;~!l"/tç ,~loa that 8erllee '"tVi.,. lie ,'tequir-: to po8t pdêM;ft
.',}f.^:'; ;~c:.bdown their tI't_ica dþ. '
" $, ; . I'
i~f%.,~.ÞOadltlan IfeJers br.~he 8P _ethillg to be inclUded ,Oft !Iae aat
:"~:~,~. Bad that is an iœreue in the City Coune11..... 1iIiiiUY.
'%}2Jlere shonld be a preøelltaUolI ill reprd to salary ina_ due
"eo the iac:rease in coac of Uvi... This vill be kought up the
, ..:oDd aeetq in Jul~.
28. Miscellaneous
htti Brisco, Orchard CoaTIt. Køuta Vista, asked if there is any
_h thinkiag as Rl-lO City lot. The Planning Director said the
City does have Rl-lO category. In fact, tlrs. Brisco's neighbor
... recentLy Iranted an 1.1-10. Hrs. Brisc:o was advised to speak
with the staff about this _tter.
!loved by Coundlman l!eyers, seconded by Counc Jackson to
adjourn this mecting at 10:40 P.M.
Motion carried, 5-0
/s/ Reed Sparks
III:yor, City of Cupertino
/./ Va. B. Ryder
City Clerk
rage 13