CC 06-17-74 . ~ ',~, ';" ;¡;'; , ,.. ·'''.{,-,v' - >~.~j~ ,~ . . e e Ctn' OF ......uxIRO. . fP'N '01' CALIJOIIIIA ' 10300 1bu.. A._".rø. J.:~.~."UDø. Califonia 95014 .,.h,1 .....; 252-4i ," 'I. " ,~;~.:::/t «-41~ ....1 ~ ", ""ilaUJ1I401'ÍU citr œøaçn. :"ÏI;,ms" comien. .ftt&tIÌnrÍI em ø.w. ..... 110 ~1A · . , . ~ii4~'··..·\(:· .,~.' ULU1'I TO till JtAØ." " .~~:; llaJor Spam cal1eð tJUa ..tin I to oreler at 7:30 p... vith the Salute to the nq lOLL CALL Counc. present: CoUIIC. absent: Frol1ch. Jackson, Meyers, Nellis (7:37), Mayor Sparks lIone Staff present: City Kanager Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Director of Planning and Development Sislt Director of Public Works Viskovich Director of Pam and Recreation Butler Assistant City Attorney Kilian IlIh1JTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS l. Klnutes of adjourned regular meeting of JlØ\e 4, 1974 not available at this time. 2. Minutes of regular meeting of JlØ\e 3, 1974 not available at this tiae. C(Øt1 NlCAtIONS 3. a. Letter fr_ c.;unty of Santa Clara that the City's appoint....nt of a repreal!Qtative to the Transportation COlIIDission would expire OQ JuDe 30, 1974. b. Letter f~ SUIII11vaìe reco_,nding the support of the County Hanagen' Group to the ABAG GrOlltt. Study Projzct. c. 1.et;teø for and against reaional shoppina ce:ter. t ¡ p cc-%J.S t--2 ~ ; '. : IUIIVlA 0' 'III' J"-', 1974 CIn COUNCIL MlErIlG . d. A,".iC ,díac te_ 15 (CupertiDo UdCID Scbool Distdct) !Ie I" -~Ji4::'''' dae .... "..-. . . , , ,. tiIIIIIe.C1a1Þ of ~~,to 1Io1d __ n.1II.ðI"C. , '~::LÌ np___~wa1ð be 't"Iì't~ '. ,...,... ......t.øt..'. coald DOC'" , '~~ '. ". .' ."."~' ' cOåIi&~,~".~1IkI1...·:tétj;ftA1IPotDt CouaC. frol1c1a .. the Cit1'. npneiarad_ to .",c:iiaot1"of.sauClaft!s TrasportadOD o..ûa1OD. S.cCTf-t" c.. II~.· Jacka.. ' " . , , ;'-{.,~~~ ,,'-~;.II ~; Jfød01l card". 4-0 CouaC. lfa1eta .,.,.. that the Counc:1l ao 011 øcor4 .. eupportin. the p.-telOD I of the County Kmtapø' Group with reference to the AB&G GrOIIth StllllJ Project. Seconded by Counc. Jackson. ifotiOD carried, 4-0 Counc. Meyers aoved to ;remove item 15 (Cupertino thion School District) froa alenda. Seconded by Counc. Jøc:kaon. Mot~,on carried, 4-0 Counc. Meyers moved to file letters pertaining to) regional shoPpinl cent.r. Seconded by Counc. Jac:kson. Motion carried, 4-0 Counc. Meyers moved to authorize warrants be drawn to Bank of America for $239,S69.l9, to the Santa Clara Valley Water District for $ll.2S0.8S, to Ada1ll8, Ball & Wenzel for $790.9l and to the Bank of America in an amount yet to be submitted by invoice for park and City Hall debt service requirelllllnts. Seconded by Counc. 'rolich. Motion carried. 4-0 Council alrced to hear residents card usage under item 19, report of Parks and Recreatioa. PUBLIC BEAlIINGS 4. Pœlic Bearinl on Ordinance No. 627. Uniform Buiidinl Code: (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 627: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Chapter l6.~~ of the Municipal _Code by Adoptinl the 'Uniform Build- tn. Code'. 1973 Edition and Appropriate Exceptions thftreto. .. ", -, .:'" 'i~'~,'f,l,,' ..'.. .' , e . .u.unwo 01' DIE .... 17.' U~,C1'I't,CÞlllCIL IŒETDG ClC-21S r... 3 .~ ' ":i ~. ~~. UIIlJrdtM ( ';~~þ:I::;'~-- '0;". ;,~; '," 1.... fnIt' tIíi , tp:";~:: "~~~ . "~7,~' "~';'~ .' ''I::' ' . :'i'.·,'.-'" l11ryec11ty Coac. _en. Mrnîr"'ti1 Couac:. Jac:bCID. to haw OEM..-.... 110. 627 nad by title oaly, ... ,.. Clem's naMII' shall _tt.cuta the SecODd leacl1nl. ' JacbCID. to c10M ...11c 1Iead.Dp. IIott.CID carded,. 5-0 lfotiCID carrie.. 5-0 Moved by Counc. Jac:kson. secaulecl1ty Counc. Heyen. to eaact Orð1Q.."1Ice Bo. 627. !lotion carried. 5-0 5. Public hearina on Ord1naDCe No. 628, Vnifora 'ire Code: (a) Second reacl1ø. of Ordinance No. 628: "An Ordinance of the Ci~y of Cupertino Adding Chapter 16.100 to the Municipal Code by Adapting the 'Uni form Fire Code', 1973 Edition and Appropriate E:A:ceptiona There~o.'· Since there vere no COllllll!Dts froa tbe audience, it vas Dved by Counc. Jac:ks on , seconded by COUllC. !feyen, to close the Public Heafing. Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by COUIIC. Jac:kson, sec:cx1ded by CoUIIC. Meyen, to have Ordinance No. 628 read by title only, and the Clerk's reading &ball constitute the Second Reading. Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by CoUIIC. Meyen, seconded by Coun~. Nellis, to enact Ordinance No. 628. Motion carried, 5-0 6. Item 17. No. 3492, ''Resolution of the City Council cf the City of Cupertill<í, State of California, Adopting Hazardous Fin Area Maps." CoUIIC. Nellis IIIOved that ~his itea be continued as per "taff'. request. Seconded by CoUllC. 'rolic:h. Motion carried, 5-0 - . . C:C-21S .... 4 ,~ .R:;US or 'l1li J1III 17. 1'74 cør alUlCIL IlUUJlG ''-'-: .] t. MUc 1aead.1a1 CID orM . '- 110. 634, lIatioaal BJacCdcal ewei ,~ ' , , ~ " ê~ >Secâicl'iI~' :,¡ ,H,,_~J.tT_ 10. 634: "AD,¡r1f ""'"v ,l .,' ,," ~~,:~J~'i~..'..~'.,"~ :r't.~~!t~.!!~~~:: .' .... Hl1ilt' ~i ., . .".' ,. !;Ç\i~*{r. .' .... ,,;{;j.<r,'·' . þf."i/3:;~:t)I~me DO ~. '''''~;lì~<dIe ....,...ee. it ~"'w..·~ r..AlIt. : ..Ut.",.aacœdeel by CoiiIè,.~I-~."~ c1_ hbUc JIe..t..... ,"" .¡)- <'( Hot1OD c:arr1eel. S-O IIøftd by Coœe. ,J~1tIOD, lie-'ll by Counc. Nellis, to háve 0rM"-~ So. 634 read b-¡ titl~ 0011., sacJ the Clerk's readinl shall caaatt.C1ICa die SeconcJ reacI1nl. Motion c:arrieel, S-O IIoftd by Counc. Jac:kson. sec:oaded by Comc. Nellia, to enact Ord"n.n... JIo. 634: Motion carried, S-O 8. Public h'!aring on ApplicaUon No. l-EIR-74 of the Westfield Company to consider Draft Environmental Impact Report reprd- ing CODSt r'.Jctton of two (2) 32,340 square feet !~dust rial buildings located at the southeast comer of the 1ntersect1C11 of Prune ridge and Tantau Avenues. (continued fro... meeting of June 3, 1974) the Director of Planning and Development noted the use perait had been denied by the Planning CoDØ1.ssion and would be heard by the City Council on July l. It was supested it Jdght be appropriate to continua. Counc. Nellis IIIOved to continue to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Counc. Keyers. Motion carried. S-O 9. Public hearinl on Applic:ation No. 3-EIR-73, to consider Draft Environmental Impact Report regarding the proposed constructiOD of Vallco Park Regional Shopping Center located southerly of and adjacent to 're_ay Route 280 at its intersection vida Wolfe Road, extending s_therly on the westerly side of Volfe Road froa s&d 'r_ay ~ Stevens Creek Boulevard aad ezÞDCl- inl southerly frOll saiel 're_ay on the easterly side._of Volf. Road to Vallco Park \lay. Said proposal 1& tl) construct a regional shopping c:eøter vith ,a total of 765,000 square feet t.n addition to the ezistiDg Sears facility. (Continued froa _eting of June 3, 19n) ...-;-" . - . III.IIlIId 0' TBB J1IJIB 17. 1974 cur COURCIL MEETING , . . - -'!;...,,~""'...... -- ...... .. .... : also I;h' _~ t_ on whare it .boaU h. 1Ibat ,øn ~ clìs~.: , ,,>,.¡j¡t. d,Í8~',' . > > :,~'ta1 IIIpact ~'f, tt .... facto f." ~~~tbis ftPOrt~~". ,,<~'" ' " ~e;'... of the 0piId.- ~t the '" z ~_ anel ~,~~:æ:.C1I8.eel, but the... pelll1t bacI '., ~> ,: :.~t b_ ia.úcI~ :~-~!Q1A ~4~tbi. vas correct. .. &c:.aion .{ Y",..WbUld be held at .._____ ffnf tbiI usa pandt, not toIdlfat. . ,>, ' . ,- ~ ,¡.: " A '. , >, 111. Director of tl'-i"l aJ!!I Deft10paent referred to the a......·_t ,,:. ftn preparadon of.. Døfl: ..........vuMðt.l lIIpact Report by DaDlel, ..., JoImson I11III _"-".11 (IIIJH) for the City of Cupertt.øø. c&. ....cations had be_ øcet.ged froa persons who did øøt apee with thia report. 'DIe ~a1taDts for the City had filed vrl.tten statements on tht.a parti.ca1ar nport. There are anbers of the firla present to answer ay qaeatt.oaa. Counc. Nellis asked for a œ ftt froa the City Attorney _ to 1Ibether they would be deddinl whether to accept the report or vas it complete enousÞ? !fro ~i_ said the City of Cupertino ¡uidelines which are a RYaÇ of the State lav provide that before my lovemmental action .., he tåen on a project vhich lligh~ have a sianificant impact on the environae1t, a public hearinl vill be held on the EIR on the project. Alasically, he said, what they auat find if they approve the EIR is that the report contains adequate description about the project as proposed a4d then aske a decision as to whether to approve or disapprove the project. The _ting tonig 1t is to decide whether they have received enough input fro. the EIR to make a decisioa. They _t decide whether the environ- _tal impact as been aitipted sufficiently, or whether the project h_ a significant illpact at all. Mr. ltiUan said if the couac:1lmen felt there was insufficient data, they could send back to the con- sultants for IIIOre infomation or could have a new c:onat.ltant provide vith a new report. Couac. Nellis asked bow the fee would be paid on so_thine like this. Will it be held until ElR is found complete? At vhat point is the fee paid! Mr. ltilim said he did not have the contract before him, but it vas his opinion that if the proper services vere not per- fOrMd properly under the contract they vould not be obl1.ated to pay the fee. C,m:c. Nellis ascertained the fee had nor. been paid yet. She felt it vas better to clear the air. She ref&rred to ~ts about DM.ßI and possible conflict of interest. '.::cuac. Nelli lAve background of EIR c...tttee and their duties. Mr. Sisk reported there vere 50 cOlll;ultants considered whic:h vere aarrowed to three. Counc. Bellis asked the basis on which muM vas chosen. Hr. Sisk said it vou a committee decision. Counc. Bellis aslted th. coasultaøts to c_nt on ,their qualifications md the question of conflict of interest; i.e. prior contact vith OC-215 Paae 5 - J > ì í t ~ ¡, HIRUTES OF THE ~ 17, . 19',; CITY COIIIICIL HEErIlG vith LJt'D" Gordoo.'~ it ·they ver.:deve1opeie,fôr'VallèoL'.ark, ¡ Mr. aaarl.. T. B1at.~. DÞiaI011 Hauler, saicJ Hr. pantuso vould spa_of , tbair qaa11ftea~1... . Vith respect to c:GGfUct of 1nurest. he alenecl to a latur vnthD ia'¡)_"I7, 1974, which Co.IDUcI on their coatnct: With GorcloD .... 'LJ:Gt ....1IId,ch atated there'" no c:GGfl1ct of 1Dte~t~ ~. Ie repeatad tllat ØÞK ...·not and is not f.Dte_ted iD ..s1 p1MDta wilen there is cadUct:. . ~,~ i " :' ,; , ,:." Mr. Uair nlenacJ to,utic:1aa vh1ch ap¡)earecl1D the nevapspeø. Be .aid th81 an Dot cIne1open. have Dot been dewlopen and have no' intel1tion of becomøl .....!open. In _r to Co~. Re111s, Hr. Blair said the)' vere professional cleslpeØ. Counc. laWs ..ked if IIf.JH vas involved in 8ff1 vay vith a project in SSDta Clara CoUßty. Mr. Blair saicJ the)' vere srchitects, enlineers aacJ plamaers f-,x a redewlop-œ project ~4 Santa Clara, but this is the only ODe. All other projects are professional ..st pUII8Du. :ranaportation projects, etc. They vere selected as architects for sports areoa. Hr. J. Pantuso, 3250 Vilshire Blvd., Los AIIples, said their qualUications are quite diversified. involvin3 tea. of assorted professional skills. Clients r3nge froa gownment agenc:1es to private sector. He nllMd :several of their preseat undartakings. Be said the Vallc:o study vas oøe of relatively ~rate signifig.¡nce in teras of environmental scope. Hr. Blair gaw several other areas for which they are doinl lIb. Counc. Jac:kaon said then had see_d to ~e ..... conflict of interest betveen fira OOil1l work _d also doing evaluation work. He asked if DKJK had warÙl!i on' say other shopping center'1mroldng Lyon" Cordon. Kr. Blair said no. Hr. Blair said the y had brouFt tbis out before the contract vas siped. cd opportunity given to vithdr.... Coœc. ~n aaid be vas Dot a Mlllber of the El. C.,..ittee. He c:1ted n~ndati_ that ~ out of co..1\.:_. DK.J!1 was far abedd of other conceras. DKJM vas ch_ fer exp;lrthe. DKJM Invol_t with Gordœ Ly_ vas lass than 1%. Be beUe_ under conditions pres_t at that tå8 ü.y chose r1cbtly 1D dec:Uir4 there vas no conflict of blterest. Counc:. 'rolic:h ...conded by Counc. Keyen .aiel. Be regreted difficulties that had been ca.-ed. but felt the dec:1sion vas right. He .aid it should be ell lbasized that the _n this .ort of thing is done the _n difficult it is lOia. to be' to finel soaeoae who is COllpletely re_vecI f~ the projec~. Counc. Jac:k.œ .aia for the rec:ord it should be pointed out that wh_ Hx. Blair cffered to vithdrav. they vere half-vay throuF report. Counc. Nellis said he,: intent in raisinl question vas to brinl up what vas being printed in the papers and written to the Council and give the consultants an opportunity to clear the air. ~ . e e I . CC-215 Pale 7 ,¿, t ': ^ IWIIT,n~S 0' mE JUNE 17. 1974 CIn~UNCIL MEETING ~ , \':. t"'- \¡: ¡^ _or Spaxts said he vas on the c~tt,..e that picked tIM firm. Expertise vas needed in diverse areas ~.r a larp project and tDOlt a consulting ftra of this "anitu.-!,1 to provide such needed expertise. "". ~' t, --'" > 'die Planning Director sUlaested the project manaler for DKJH could respond to questions. ·Hr.Pantuso said he would speak on behalf of the tec:bnical teaa. Be noted there were representatives of each teaa vorltinl on diiteren aspects of ErR present who could answer additional questions. He referred to a S9-pa¡,;e addendum which had been .ubaitted, entitled, "l!esponses to Comment.,". He noted the major issues raised by the c:itlzens were traffic impact, noise and air pollution. and general cDq)atibiUty of shopPt.n1 center with adjacent residential areas. Counc. Hel Us re-emphasized this was not a use permit hearing but a discussion of whether inf...rmation contained in El1l is cDq)lete and correct. Counc. Mo!yers asked to have new info:1llation explaine~. Hr. Ken Heald, traffic engineer. said change in figure. on traffic not associat..d wit.. shoppinl cenU~ ',.. Wolfe Road and south bound \-olume at peak hour on 1-'-110 is .ub.'tantially a directior.al change, vith little volume change. He said t~." "",.t h.porta:tt information to c~ cut of this chanae was the .i~ificant increase in traffic on Wolfe ¡¡"'ad north. The ADV on Wolfe Road wo·.ld be differe!Cot unde.. ' the two i'r~pollals (:iJ1dustrial versus S]ICII'!>ing center),' ""t under I peak hour situation ¥ovId be very s:bailer. r".r. l!e:lld referred to , ~~:; ,Jµ:-., ~.4,,1974¡eap0D5e to.C~. .'ad:son'. letter of May 29. COunc. Ja~~.~ referred to a difference in figures for traffic .outhbound on w"lfe load cros.ing freev3Y. Mr. HeAld said this di.cl..pancy i. yet to be resolved. ~ the b""is of a count at Volfe ~oad they .howed 2436 and at e..ent!~11y the .a.. place, the Ih vision t'! Hi""way. .h_d 221'.. Be could not explain it !Other than that they were taken on different day.. He explained how they had arrh-ed at the 2070 figure. Cour.c. Jac:kson asked if this .... type of difference in totals applied to other street assignaents of I traffic. ~r. Beald pointed out they had not chanaed the total .-unt of traffic. but directional distribution during peak hours. "¡'" In answer to Counc. Jac:kson, Hr. Heald said the total volume is the sianificant thing reprding air pollution. Th~ important thing in design is the directional .plit and they have revised their d.ta to take this into consideration. Counc. Jackson referred to State Division ,;! !fi¡hway. report that off-ramp for cars coming off Volfe Road southbound toward shoPpinl center versus tbose coming off freeway auat be siø;nalized, and that would be the critical point for intersection capacity. } . , . . 1ß]I1JTES 0' DIE J1JNE 17. D14 ern COUNCIL IlEETIJIG Ccnmc. Jaå:sœ asked if . r-I-o;'~JS1s had l.~en aacIe of illPact and'inter- section atiliaatiœ crosalDa 1blfa Road and off rup at Volf. load lI...d œ new chaps aade. Hr. Ileal. said they bad not takèn a DeW analyeb, but he p/.co II the Divis:lal of BiaJ1ways had and that they _n satis- fied the}' !Law a WOddD& ~ II. In answer to Cowc. Heyen. 1Ir. 1Ieå1d said all free rlg)¡t turns would be eliminated. 1:IIe metotins vas opened to the p1bllc for c:o_nts. Ms. Alma ~pe1, l0402 ~rset Court, Cupertino, said sT1e had read the ErR. S¡,,, ""....nted on st~_t _de by \lalter Ward and Keith Irvin that Cou::.=. ~e1lis and Prolic:h had been elected to the Coœc:il ~ecaU8e they vo:"j :or the regiooa1 shopping center. They were elected in spite of ....:t". r.ot because of it. She then referred to answers she had rec,,:''''.;! from MJH, c:&11ing them ",.nanswers", noting £ilures are easy:: juggle around. She referred to changes that had been made in'.:.:" "f shoppinl center since its ?r.:>pc:;;al seven years a;:o. Ka. Dirr~' 'o"1::1dered for vbom does Cupertin" "xi:;;t? Is the City's £unctic:: 7::':arlly to serric:e the people who live in it or is it a vehicle ~~ ·.~ich developers may make a lOL "f ="ney, She said a lot of peoF:' .Jnt"d no shopping cente= at all ,ut realized that possibility was 1",,;; ;:::e. so they were willing to c,,::;>,.,,:::.1se. She said they have had a ~:: ::' "rong info~lon and lack "f ::1:"""",tion all slanting the c,':::~ ....:.:<~ of the Ellt in favor of de·:e:"<,,,-,nt. How can this EIR then b" : iJ.:id tool Oft which to malte a .:!r.::.Ü"n; Cupertino :Dust live vith tè.:. :e·:etopment for a lOCI time and j,t i~ going to change living cond1ti:-.>, She asked the Council to pIe...." .......1' asOtinl questions and challe.";::: :'ipr'l!S. I I Mayor 5;_~ ~k.d for docu=entation of fi&ur"~ contained in her letter and Ms. :",el said o~.r 7SO aicnatures CJ.~ .out of the core area. Counc. ~~~:i5 ~uestioned state=ent that pe:,le ~~o signed petition were people ~-~": :'ad voted for 5ellis SlId Froli.:h; ~.... Dippel said most ...r the. hac!. Hr. Hal :;&=?'!r, l043S lIorvicb Avenue, t:u¡>"rttno. said the people seemed to be q:.><:>:ioaing the inte¡r1ty of DH.JM. Ii" was a member of a Board of Directors "ita had employed DM..'H. The most d.1:!aging thing they had had to overe.... w' th Pla~D& eø-1ssion was mU~'s report on their project. they had ="uoÜ DM.»!'¡; iDte¡rity to be beyonc! :eproach. Ms. Je~ Cusb.an, lOi40 K. B~Y. Cupertino. referred to the questionable veracity:: \.tUH and Vo)11co c!evelopers. Petitions of 800 people had been received, aIs" .letters aDd phone calls. She commended questions that had been raise<! by the Coœdl -.bers. She said it was time for the Ccw\cil- IM!D to mÜ.e good a.~ c:~a1p proa1ses, She rderred to pen<!ing legislature AB4064 ..":'.:h vould hsve ... [ØJK ineligibl" because of conflict of interest. the only "table vay to .-J.øu,in public confidence is ',0 direct staff to . . . . -P.,3 0' .J'13! 17, 1974 CIT'f 'V''''- "". JŒETING CC-21S Pale 9 '. " thta In _ speak t~,"_1or . center no laraer th.. , lIqaue fee::. liÐ.y otbe~,~ will dest1'OJ Cupertiaø .:1.tace to lift ad assUft,;tIf'pn1-10D111eDt vith elected IIIId ôffichls ~f Cqlert1no. CIJ;y baff1c studies indicate that . ~ of 10.(.'(0 can pas!! iD ~ of hu house every day. For .,~ ~ resi~ts th. center II.- DO posittV'! assets. She askeel W ð. Co=:il ~j'.ct t~e IKJIf report and start thinking in teas 4 .uc:h SU::U l'nneyarel tJpe ceDte'.c. Ms. Cushman then distri- - ,:¡aoI copiu :: œr statement to "'.4 press. __ ~rcy Ba=. :092\ Pepper Tree Lane, Cupertino, said she _ .Jy res=:~¿ conf.1.: ct of ~t &be sees here, when Walter ~ aDd I!L~ ::S~ a Qst IlUltitœe of words to p~' the wool over 1M citizens' :7<$. She noted I:he averag:!! citizen cannot take the d.e to rea¿ r~ $:~dy every iss_ that comes before the Councilor n-tng Cc=""::::. That is the very rel'.son f)r having appointed ...aJor elec:..: =":=,,,sentatives. She referred to all article in the _.._per i:: '.-::::': ';31lco Park ainiaized DMJM as a developer, but aile said the' ,:: :cew IM.Df and Jlilson Constructicn Company are jo!Jltly cons: :-...:::::; the vacant central core area of Santa Clara. SIIe referre;; ,>: ::oe develop;:e:tt in Hawaii in ~·:1ich mUM and :'yon ~~rdOD are :: .:: ;"" She vas _zed at shoddy report, considering dolo exp~rtÜí :::; :inn is su;oposed to have. [w" though this ~ort i~ i: .,. :~::::on biased. it says there ~:ll be an increase of pollut.1!",:. ,: ~~; ;lnd tuffic ,,::'11 increase :,:' 55: in the area of 280 a:,J '.'::." '1:"-vay. ~se fi¡;-ùres which s:,e believes to be ~ tell he: :, ,: "" builders are o:.llvious tC' ::,e ecological well- beá& of t;,< :-,.:c:<. This is a significant i::'8Ct. ~I'I. Bauer a*ied that s·, .:,..' ::re<' of hear'.-:>& Mr. Ward c,,' a~C'ut all the ~inga h. ':. 1: :o:d..d and the cost of delay. He earn!' his salary ~ the c1 t ::'..> .: Cu¡>ert ino h....e: tù.en time irè:: thei r jobs, thei r f..tlies. t;-".: :..::.s for the ¡:...t 13 months ..'i:¡'.out pay to repeat- ..uy tell t::. ~:=::: and the ';&ll= developers t;,,,t they do not ~ a cent~: .,: :·~~rtino. JIr. E.eith I....·::, :::<':'3 Bayvood. C~rtino, note¿ t;,at the reporter tn. Mereu"'-'",.,, 0.l3 been notable in reportin~ ...hat he thinks is _ and fs~:, :: :<?~rt many of the things that are very important. .. clsrifie;; ::, 5:3:ement with regard to the election of Counc. .11is and r:.:: ':. !fr. IrviA said he must tak~ the credit or ¡,:a- for !u'C:' 1.5;':ed :he CotmCil to continue ...ith the contract altar they ::l~ i =".:in:; of Executive Session 0:1 F..bruary 19. 1974 ~ vb1c:h tin< :: '~$ voted 4-l ~t there ~as no significant conflict of 1Dterest ,-_:: :'ès;>ect to n..~"!I. Be then px¡>lained what va" c:on- ....red si¡;::~ :::~-.: .md how this decislo:! ¡.ad been arrived at. He .... further :z'::";r:und for the selection of D~ after considert.ng daet.r invoh"¿",,:::,: ::: other studi.es and dev..lo¡>ments, Mr. Irvin _tad the E:;' :¿::;.:ts some City figures and that an EIf :annot be WEt.Cten to s:oy :: ~s good or 1t&4. !here was approximately 1% conflict ! ~ I ;"'/ ,¡,¡ "'~', ~', ,~~; 'f '. . .....,.(25 OF m _ 17, 1974 em áIIIIm MEldjG fit iDtexeat Hlaced ap1nat aw.vdd-w:l.de reputation. .. said q...ti_ ~ ~Dffic, IIOlse, noxious "....:.cc..re all thb.. wbich are .....tial . "." CO" ccmsidencl. Tbae had .......'1M.d at last ._r. 'IlL: c:oaacil had >f~, ,¥cJed by \est jadae-ut: that: '~ would be aD !.pact. but these _ra -,to' iìiíiÇ." s.art_ as have beeu .....-:~ 'ton1a1U:, _4 tbers _re .tti..tiDl èí~tanc:es 80 these i~cta '~d bè lhed vith. Hr. IrvtD sua tba IiJpe of c8ll(la1p vbich is bdnl aD to discredit the developer, IIIJH. ~ builder as a v.., to babe the _tar oJr destroy the c8llter entirel, & _I. as 1m I 1 as they would be to ignors tM fiaures .bovn in the ED report. í \ I I , I i I 1Ir. Don Lauritsoa. 228 Greendale Way, '2, San Jose , d1strl),uted copies of bf:; remarks. 'Ie referred to a docUlllellt sublll1tt1!d to the Planning Department entitlo!d, "Vall co PaEk ..atonal Shopping Center-Draft Zlrdrrnme:1tal Impact Report: A Critique & Suggested Revisions" which outlined in detail the many areas which are incomplete in the Vallco c1raft ErR. (be was the Mitigation Measures and Altern3t1ves to the project whiò. are left incomplete. Such consequenc.es should be determined i:1 do!tail before construction and these mitigation .....asures written int<- t.'1e use permits as conditions. Another "as the many effects, b<,th l<,ag and short-term, of the project on sur(~unding cities whi~'1 ~øs nat discussed in any detail. None of the flannt~~ Departments ~: surrounding citie~ were consulted. A third was the environmental :=racts being insufficiently addressed, such as floodinr. ch~~~:~~rtstiC8 of the site. How much addltional surface run:::' -.;ill be created by paving the area? Can the existing storm draj~> ::1 ~he area handle this increase? ~~at ~ill the loss in Z;roundwatcr :~ ~ith the reduction of rnlnfall percolatioa? ¡'~ere is the nearest ;,~::Lttion pond with respect to the proj"ct? Another vas the n0i~t! ~=ra.:.:s of this project. Noise ~asur~:'!lcnts 1I:tr;'!re not taken duril1~ :-~>i h~ur and therefore do not represent the highest levels of ":'$~ .~lch exist around the sire. The specific routes, frequencies JC,j : i:\i! schedules of delivery t rucks should be accounted for in tht! :::;.. It ...;an be seen from two .lolse cont\"lur maps chat the build opti",,, ;;iE have an acoustic effect on the nearby residential neighborhc"'~. ~ "",ise buffer wall. e3rth berms and landscaplrg should be written :~:~ :::e final EIR, and into the use pcn:tlts tn order tt.at these r..~id,,~:"s be protected from the increased noise. lite most blatant voi~ :~ the noise sections of the EIR is the absence of any aeøtion cf :~" ';¿neral Plan Noise Elements which are required September 1 by the Stat~. ~ill the shopping center satisfy these and fu~ure g~als of these Nois" El"aents? Mr. Lauritson asked how the $67,OOO/yr. for 1Iitigatioo "",øsures would be distributed; what are the mechanisms con- trolling its ¿i~tribution and use? ~. Margaret :. Harame, 19735 Drake Dr., Cup~rtino, said 280 is just ~ind her bO'JSe oII1d the Wolfe Road exit begins three houses down from hers. Future signalization from that exit and aUO'oIing no right hand turns will cause cars to back up; what about carbon monoxide fumes and further noise iroo cars sitting on this freeway? She &aid she did not , t , I JlDti'l'ES OF 111! .JUNE 17, 1974 CITY COONCIL KEETmC CC-21S Page 11 -- - :,....~, ,';, ....,if this hael beea~,..~.teclin, the EU but it should be. l:Þ8Jr;hour traffic r11kt't~'.Ís'badted up. She said sbe woulel .11Ir.tÍ. the lIboppinl c:eatei;~1]u. ,.."";..-,',.', - >."'., ~ ,.~' -' "" .-"'r,...... ,>:' 111'...111111" Post. 1:.0. 54. .%:at;\~.~~. Tree Ct., Cupertino, said his COllllleDts _re pœ11sbed and'cI!ft act. anel he did no~ feel he needed to upend further on tha. '>co.IIIII!Dded the City Council for doinl lID excellent job of repretteatiDI public IIDd askinl good questions. Q1e co_t with reprel to BIIt, in early deliberations on the shopping center, d1sc:ua.ion of dial-a-rlde came up and there was a ..mer of 'ord Motor Company who made a considerable presentation. Bow it seelllS that as of Septeaber of this year we will have it. It will be a little different and a little better. This concept should reduce the traffic flow. He asked DKJM to what extent they hav.. used th.. County planning figures, if there are some, to work in with the traCfic es~imate. At 9:l2 p.c. a break was announced with the meeting reconvening at 9:30 p.m. A discussicn waS held on when to continue hearings, Counc. Frolich said the things being said are significant things that should be acd have nor been included in report. Proble"",, br,'ur,ht Corth tonight ca.-, be responded to by July 1. Counc. Jad<sC'n noted th"rc was a pn',"~eèural probl~m in that Plar..:1ing C,-",n:::J.is~ion will he ('00- !"1nuing t.t.",1.-jnS on use pemit on Wedn(.·~day e\'cninr: and .ans\.,'("rs to q~;tions }('in~ raised ~houlcf be avöiL..Lbl~ to th..·::-; then. Coune. t\ellis .a'.; ~h~ \:ould like to get ,,11 <¡,,,'sri "as ,"I tl,at C"'J"-¡ 1 has so C0~~;Jlt3't5 can repl)- to them. Shl..~ "·.1:1tl~t! to gí\"t.~ pt~:)lj ': eve ry opp,'rtt:n1ty to be heard. Since th~r~ ,",'ere no more CC1:l-Oeots from th~ .Iutllt'nce. the Coun~11 then di recteJ thei r questions to the cOl1suILmt... Counc. Nellis referred to page 15, parar.raph 1. in t:lR "hich said concentrati"n of new vehicle activity just south of WC'lfe Road inter- change creates a potentially daogerous 5i tu:!t i on, asking what the dang..rous situatior was. ~r. Heald s3id this h,ld b..en d....U \lith in document dnd was concerned \lith ped,,!<trian tratiic crossing WolCe Road. )i¡ot enough attention had been gi""n to pedestrian facilities ~~d this had been passed on to Vallc<,. On page 24, four inte:qections were reCerred to and Counc, Nellis asked them to be identified. Mr. Heald said this reCerred back to a previo", study City has on file. It was ascertained by Coune. 'rolich that the intersections referred to were Stevens Cr..ek access to Inte~state 280 and Lawrence Expressway, and \Jolfe Road with Homestead and Stevens Creek. ic-21S 12 r. . ¡ 1 ; . - . lI1.uuS or tilE m.1I 17, 1974 CITY COUHCIL IŒI'flH": '~ ,-¢ :;-;CIIII~ of ,... 164, tile atate*t 'I" ... that c aiditioaa1 aCl'Ílitb1HlllDd :--:{'.'~.111', '.Vo~=Jt -:"'~."...tf.é. '.' J.,:'~, ~::::':-= =-.~. ' ~~.~.,.:::!::~ "', ',.l1ia ...tt~h~1't""~ then VIN1cI lie bip ',.'lt1Gäi. . ", d said tbù _ÔÜ; _cts_ baa bea _..tael by tIIe'}.'", ' iIIr}of . ".' · reñaal to,~'''' ript t1In. .' '" , ~",:;',' .1~r:, " :',,;:'~j:"J,~,,,, , ',. : ~.~~.cdre1l1s theD af~ to ,.ae 177. rable 52, perta:Ö!f.q to. ' "O;ffr61t. CøDtribllti._'.t V.11eo Puke She qœsti_ð C1t-;r'of capeE-' ~.; eœtdbllti.aa, ..1<iil',1Ibeø the infonatiaa c_ fzaa: aDCI if Cafertino vas ..tinl c:aQtrlbution due to t.prowaeata neededfo~ .hgpp1ø1 center.' Counc. Heyers said he thought this vas'm ezpruaaiOD of _It has taken place up to tbis data. The Director of Public Works .aiel this vas correct. This vas whAt: was put in on Ho_toù aa:c1 Stevens Creek when it was widened sevenl years back. Counc. NelUs said two areas of concern to her were air and noise pollution. She had brought these two questions up over o:nd over again aå e Plar.ning CODlmissioner. She had been told it would be covered by Elit. She asked where the air and noise tests were conducted. Hr. Heald referred to sub<:ontract with ESt, Incorpor~~ed, Sunnyvale, CaUfornia for Air Quality ~d Meteorological assessment of report. No air samples were taken. Counc, Nellis said on-site air studies snðuld have been made. This i~ a critical area and samples should b~ taken in residential areas. Counc, Nellis then asked why only CO measure:Di!nts were taken. ' Hr. Heald said most impact of center is traffic related and the best ind1cator of traffic pollution is carbon DOnoxide - 90% comes from automobilo!s. Most auto related impact COCleS from carbon lIIOuox1de. Counc. Nellis then referred to page 37, paragraph 4. no~inl this indicated .11r standards are being exceeded In area right now. Hr. Heald said t!\ls was correct. Comc. Nellis asked how EPA £it in 'ederal standards snd Mr. Heald said Cupertino wculd have to decide whether Impact was severe enough to stop project or whether economic and socl0 factors override it. There are new guideline.. that will take effect on a voluntary basin in July of 1974 al,,1 permanent basis in January, 1975 when all projects will hsve to comply with the.. Counc. Nellis noted there were Federal standards and Bsked tÞe effect on human bei:1gs if standards are ,nolated. Mr. Heald "aid there was dat3 available on the actual physical effects but he did not have it with hi.. Counc. Nellis questioned if there was a reporc on effects of lead aDd other air pollutants. Mr. Hedld said lead Is ingested Into system and it is hard to determine how much lead came from autos or breathlnl fro. roadway. Counc. Nellis referred to a report that more children ,.,. ,~Y - e . JII,IIUU.:o OF mE J1JR!: 17. D74 ern OOUNCIL HEETIRG '1i.~ !'·.offed f_,Ji.::l}~f~:~ fi.a ..'o"~_..dd "'¡" aoc. ~Üfi.i.t(.fl·,~. tÞe. '/ ,':""'Í," ," " ~i\;',"~ ~:'. .' 11-' ~f. ,,<~>,{~'i";t<~,;t:il,:::,: "I!O:::- ,':~'"~ .,~. ~"::f!;' , ,. ~,," '" ''rF:''~~ t;,,,.te-,tb.' itadarcls said the ~,~ N ,~;!~i.~~~:~fi>~'¡Á~H. ~ , ' .' """':- ',\","':",. , ,~:3:~,: '7 ,~ :,i.QlUlac. Rellis ..ked in ':;''1..-4GÎi to.øoi8:. how rc.ùáb~~'. 15- ,.11;.. '" ' ' ,'~ ' ,''7 '." 'ldnut. readinl at each, .tad.oa. 'She determined tbae;".ø all hken on week days. ~.. &:a1cI said the critical thtlÍÎ is you are lookinl for abatement q-.l1ty. Counc. Nellis noted· that ac:c:ord1nl to Table 7 on page 45. an readings were taken prior to the peak hour. Hr. Heald said the peak noise hour does not alWays correlate to the peak traffic hour. eo-. Nellis said it seeaed to her that . _re reliable :œtbod would be to take samplings at various times of tbe day on several days a week. Counc. Nellis reIerred to Warren Elementary School report on page 86 which said this scheul nOlI has current noise and activity levels which are extremely undesir3ble. and yet report says tbere viII be no serlol:S E'Hects on !>chools. Mr. Heald said traffic going north from 280 ~~uld not raise noise levels at Warren. Counc. Nellis asked if t~e length of noise period vould not be extended because of the sheer volume of cars. Mr. lIeald said the hours vould not be extended. In answer to Counc. ~ellis. Mr. Heald explained Table 48, page 138. Counc. Nellis aske~ what the situation would be viLq regard to noise lE'vel in residential area to the west. Mr. Heald said that would de?e~d on whether a vall vas built. If the vall is built there viII be no accous:ical impact on the residences. If tbere ia no w.ll. the first COlI ,~f homes will be subjected to a small cøise in noise level. In ansver to Counc. Nellis, Hr. Heald said Bullock's uses gas truc:ks with exhaust under tr.lck and only tvo deliveries a day. ::Ounc. ~e¡ers questioned why their tables did nut coincide witb BUD standards. Hr. Heald said their tables were based on criteria of 'edel.al Highway AcIrrlnistration. He explained EPA and HUD .tandards. In answer to Mayor Sparks. Hr. Hesld said a l2' vall would abate ... fumes from autoaobiles ad trucks with 13' stac:ks. The l2' well vould also help abau freeway noise fro", residences. CC-2lS Pap 13 , I - e .guu:! OF till Jal17. 1974 C1'lI œmrClL IIIIrIIG ~ ;'... "',"'"C, .~:' ;F!~::: ' :'~1~':t ,.,<: <. f~ :,¡L. ~ , -.:ounc. Nellis referred to Counc. Jackson's sUllestion for reduction. !fa. Petersoo again referred to alternates section. In ans"'I!r to Mayor Sparks. Ms. Peterson said if 200,000 sq. ft. were caken out they would have to start from scrc.tch. Counc. Nelli. noted that would be Ii regtoilal 'centertheD~ Sizes of shopping centers - vere discussed.": ···.-.u~.': ...,.. . ..0_' :.. Counc. Nellis referred to page 153 and the statement that there vas little difference in the total craffic generated by either the cOllllllerclal or industrial configuration. Mr. Heald said this had been ~, changed-" in the addendua, but still held true in 'Peak hour traffic. Counc. Nellis said the next series of questions would be on in_ to center. She asked vhat Sear's income to Cuper.tino was in te~ of tax revenue. Ms. Peterson said the information 00 a store to store basis is not disclosed. You can get a total figure on retilil sales at a site, but Dot by the inö.å.vidual stores. Hayor Sparks referred to a statement made at the June l4 _Unl regarding the mix of stores that make up a regional shoppins c:encer. Ms. Peterson said there was a series of studies being done on a survey of 28 major shoPPinl centers to determine key indicators of traffic generation. A disc:ussion was held on relationship of ~uare fo('tale and traffic illlpact. Çqunc. Jackson suggested the ~t~. at the top· of þa&e 217 .bÓuld moreacèüratelÿ·read'"rrip rel.tèd impacts iDclud1llS air sad DOise impacts would 'rIOt:nec....rlly tie less in proportion witb further reduction in floor area. !fa. hteraon alread. Hr. I!eaU noted a survey of 56 regional scud1. bad proved there vaa DO re1stiou between trip generation & floor ar... -- ;f' ~uS '. .t.'17. \, ;'i , ~'. . . ,1f"CM çdJIC1L pá..4IØì~ c:c-m .... IS ' :-i- 'tr :,:,~~"""' 't:~'''' ~;:1,: "j' , , - i~ t. . . );:·,a. ~ . , ' .' ~,. :.:. ,., "!,,~ " .'"," '/.~.:.; :,' .; " '/", ~,'" ,', ,':"",'(\' ~",'r;" Senic'",~~.tã~~~,. ~'~íof.' ' ,. ". . ' tu, 40... JIiOtí':r....t &' sad. '<..~:JD'rtIiê~1;tf'.a:lò~ . >1~.Úric:..b8joœtbat .._'11 by 1ãl~?;~~..¡.."ê:õ.Jì'¡¡.~Bel118 asked if. tb1s pl..... -f a ~adiàl1.:lë~ëdè..'.... ~e~U8OD said their intent vas to abov tIda:1a-.:zíðt.:~opeI!iIIa up'vtrah.1and; 1a:,td~'.bout Y14eD1Da &lid lIOIÜfication. On page 178, Counc. ]feJ.1t.s _ted the project 1Dc:OIIIe for the center vas $80 a square foot, which vas over and above the average of $63 per ltluare foot. She pointed out there had been a decline in _e centers, and this 18 vith inflation. She questioned the premise of 5% real arowtb. C'Ounc. Jacks'On asked if prem1se was based on fact that there would be n'O future competition put in trade area. !fs. Peterson said tbere are n'O indications they vill be a competitor to a r~gional shopping center 'Of this size. Counc. Jackson said this referred t~ his questi'On 25. The assump- tion vas made that there ,..'Ould be no drain off of existing c:)1:lpeti- tors and DO new rp.lional centers. Tables 37-38 show 72.6% of fl'Oor space 'Of Cupertino Crossroads i~ DSTM type of merchandise. He &avo other examples. Vallco Village has 43% of floor space devoted t'O DST!Î. Ms. Petersor said the real gro1Jth in total trade sales, i!xcluding DS1H. 'WOnld be adequate to meet "need. of. existing viable fl'OaT areas. Hs. Peterson said the types of merchanclise and price selections offerëd in c.-unity shopping centers and the types of _rchandlse and price seleCtions offered in regional shopping centers are basically dbttDc:tive consumer . appeals. Regionals compete most cornctly vith regional.. Counc. Nellis said sbe 'WOUld like a comment back to C'Ouncil on why tberewill be . 5% arowth when there hasn't been on other centers in .sp.1te,of ~lat:ion. Ccnmc:. Nellis aated about the $79,000 "8tilllated for yearly expendi- ture by the City for police. Hr. QulnJ.an said tbis vas based on interviews conducted by the ataff duri1lg the General Plan EIR witb repruentativ.. fr_ the sheriff'. office. .- HDlIITIS l)f TBI J1Im 17. 1174 crrr cœRCIL hutDIG, . , ", 'ti\;:· !IIa~A .;200. Côaac....UI4iJ. quntioae4 the l..t. puaarçb which st" . ,~;,: . .~~"~,J OC~.~f1c:at11.affect..~,~..·. tlutpte isiD . ,·'fi"j.,o ,",_,~_.;.tôw«...Jt",,:....çou14 not~...1iøt.' cillata~ wuld DOt affèc& ··.~."r,i ;~¡,.;:tft:t:·.tiÎâ:êM'ii'~"'to;Pap~198·:~·11IIItof' 1Iaopfta.~ ~~",r*",.'.,i. '......., . ,'",^~"" " ,_'i¡'::.,.'. ' L~:~f,,;,;ê'''''.'' ",,' " "'.~,'".>:,.,' , ' :.-' It,.~·;~.,;;·, ' Tfi ;; .¡~:..,~,~... .~;~..... s1Í~~,~âto'þiJd...:.i; &tribuUca of . iiïoPPiDI td"'; ·151 öf· tìi, "r.t1Ou'~u1d>·CÓIÍit' froa the V..tpte ana. 118. htenOl! Mié1;ibe VoulcI Ukè'éò....r tbat 1aur in o_r to 1upect"'i:t.fic·~n. CouDc. .1118 questt.oaecl Datfic:ations of -1'1)' shorta ¡e. ..kinA if _re energy would be needed at closed C:ype ùl1,:·..Hr';'~Gene,G.1'D8tt. JIII1M. said the draft BIll is a reault of hi¡hly inteaaive effort of several people. 'l'here are oaissions and errors in report. Process is to clarify certain points. They have responded to so.e 30 letters although only 13 c:aae in bafore legal deadline. Hr. Carnett said the estimated water demand for the project is 250,000 gallons per day. The l2" water tube system has adequate capacity. Estimated sanitary sewage flow is 200.000 gallons per day. The estimated electrical consumption is 4 to 6 thousand ltVA. PG&E states there is no problem in providing that amount of energy to the project. If necessary, this could be reinforced wi th under- ground cable. lie offered to submit calculations that went into these figarea. l Counc. Nellis questioned whether the center could fœction without air conditioning. Mr. Ralph Butterfield, arc:hitect for Vallco said they could not compete successfull¡ without air conditioninl· Air conditioning has to exist in the individual stores themselves. Count.:. Nellis said her question was what is energy required for closed mall as compared to open mall. Mr. Butterfield said he would like to answer that at a later date. Counc. Frolic:h asked for a "ballpark" opinion. } r. Butterfial¿ said the bulk of heat came from lights of the store itself. It would not appreciably increase load to have enclosed mall. With reference to page l25, Counc. Nellis asked why there was so little on leology impacts. Mr. Pantuso said for geology per se under this center there are no impacts whatever. There had been SOlIe questions raised on water run off and these were answered in' the addendum. There are previous geolo¡y investigations in area fro. whic:h they have extracted information. There vill be no leological i.pacts on the structure. ~. - 0; , e IuJIUTaS OF THE J1IIJS 17. 1974 CITY œœCIL MEETING CC-215 ra.. 17 " ;~ , ~.', ~;~~:" 17p. I.,~,~ , ~};600 II8V job. voulel be afkftecl. '''':''''^'' ". ..~",. ,.f".,' ",,,,,, " .M4,. as, far as presSIIØ ~ ' ' . .1i~8Þt ~o~, , '.. ,:~;..~!!t.cfe,I1-~I' Ks. retea.. esp1a1necl ridOdâ1eof'l·· .. '1Q;1.., Shërefeñecl to other .t". aascI. Of the 1~600n" ,;~SO%'_ul'cUecleriCal and sal. .. - uøtapt!èd ilourc~~ " ,tea.tm"óf profese1onal/lIIIDapr lnel ,'would involve ac'. . "1eve11n ~ation. '1bey c11cJ ÐOt'8Dtlc1pate ., "I,,· """,..~,' ,,', " ," any ,sip1f1c:antn~.ø aøv1n8 into area. ~ ;~ Counc. Nellis th8Ì1 asked if the c:1ties of Santa Clara and Sœuyvale and County of Santa Clara had beèn advised of center and asked to c~t on it. The Plannin8 Director said he bad a list of those to whom the report was sent and there had been no co_ts received from I1l1Y of tbe.. Counc. 'rolir.h sugaested in interest of trying to speed up procedure,' he assumed aaything that clarified report and answered questions ' raised would be included in final EIR and become a part of it. I His one question was on traffic. Be was puzzled about the change made in Wolfe Road ramp from freeway; no right turn. He did not understand proposal and implications of this. Mr. Heald said the i Division of Highways is proposing southboW1d traffic off 2eo,now 1 two lanes, will be widened to 4-6 lanes becoming storage lanes for I, signals onto Wolfe Road. either left turn or right tu>n. The complete intersection would be reconstructed. He said he had not i seen design. The Director of Public Works suggested a diagram be presented at next meeting. He said the intersection was being ¡ lI'Od1fied to four approaching lanes, two left and two right, and ! extending back for stacking purposes. Mr. Heald said this particular problem is in exclusive domain of Division of Highways. Comc. i Frolich said he would want to exert whatever influence the City may: have in getting a satisfactory solution. The Director of Public ¡ Works said it was a mutual agreement between the State, the consult-' ants and the City that the design eliminati:1g right turn lane was I best solution to weaving problem. At 10:55 p.m. a break was declared, with the 1III"eting reconvening at ll:lO p.m. Counc:. Jackson said he "mùd like to go through the traffic related I I ..tters, starting with the letter from the State Department of " Transportation. The second paragrapb spoke of studying matter of I overpass at Tantau. The assumption all along bas been that it, would be done. Hr. Heald said it is still a foregone conclusion that it would be done, it is just a question of timing. CoUllC. Jackson said at any event their decision has been based upon the assu.ption tbat the overcrossing will bave to be required. ",~--, ¡,' ~U1A 0' m I. 17. 1t74 CIn OOUIIClL "tIuif'" :1;~:~ . '. Cowc. .Jackson said v1ÜI nprd to exiting situation at off ra.¡t. be would very auc:h want to ... detailed intersection _alyat.a .18ilar to De Leuv, Cather anà1yat.a for Vallco. Hr. Heald said he doubted if the Division of Hi""'" Plaøning had gotten to the point were they had done the det.."'.... analysis COWlC. Jackson would like to see. Be hesitated to do this _ the consultant. In answer to Coœc. Jackson. ~. Viskovic:h said this could be done and Mr. Heald said he would prepare a pac:kage of whatever analysis has been done. Caunc:. Jackson noted the State is estimating traffic on 1-280 as l20,OOO i:1 1978 and the CODSultants shew a figure of l02,OOO. Mr. Heald said he felt the Scate was being optimistic. Mr. Heald said the shc??ing center would probably ha..... less impact on peak hour traffic than any other development would. He pointed out alternates to freevay use. 1-280 traffic would be split between Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek. Counc. Jackson asked hOU' be could com;>are the DeLeuv, Cather report done f"r Vallco, the Stace's analysis and the consultant's. Hr. Heald said it was kind of a freeway gam.a they were playing. DeLe... Cather as Vallco represeDtative had worked with Cal. in terms of a General Plan EIR. The c:oasultants' mandate was to accept that work as a l":1g term analysis. Their charge .-as to look at short term and ide:1tify critical projects relative to short term. They did' virtually no new work 00 long term program. Counc. Jac:ltson said he hoped they were getc1n1 an analysis that takes into consideration what specific facts vent into General Plan assumption, bOIl these were assigned to the streecs and intersections, and capacities inc:luded in there. Be said at some point in time he would like to have a frame work that says "this is what we all agreed on" so wheh . certain level of clevelop1llellt is reac:hoi!d, it can be referred to. Counc. Jackson then referred to statement that there would be . _re substantial effect OG peak hour traffic on freeway if my ..e other than a shopping center _re developed. Mr. Heald said the traffic generation would be the s_, but the distribution is differast. . . . . . lIDIun;:¡ OF tHE JtIII 17. B74,aT!' COUNCIL KEETDlC CC-21S Pa. 19 '¡i";'!f~e.-_ nfl'; '~_'::·=:eV:-p·' ~_'~_r to COUDC. Ji.., ';".. ," .\ix a;aà1 shllies clone ", "·4.....£" .,~';'.. '~':. t>!i~.;:~~..&n.:e. Jacbon ft'ferr"of left hand turns. 111:. "<~:"f,;:r~'" ØQld ball said 901 vouiã,? .~'~~ turDS. lie questioned 111:. 4" .'" ..ld'a stataent thåt't' ;COI1trol would prohibit left taDIII. ':", J 1ÍIe Dinctor of Ptblic:' ','" t' d 'there would be left turns f~ Volfe load to Vallco Pa.i..4j~';a1though he did not know the latest change or nCOlllllEüdatiCID.Jfr. Ba118 Korve of DeLe"", Cather said lie thou¡ 1t they were gettiø&~ south and north bound left turns msed. Be said the IIOSt dt.reet route would be to 10 throulJl the loop to ~: to center paüiDg lot; this is the way the shopping center wccl¿ be signed. Be ezplatned further the proposed traffic routing. Counc. Ja~s~n said he conld see no specific CO counts on adjacent streets. ::~ asked what vculd be the difficulty in analysing the effect ~:! ,:'esent homes oc !'.iller Road south o>f Stevens Creek Boule\'ð:<¿, '"ICe Road no~" of Horoestead a::d ?runerldge east of Val:co. ,,¿ said at no poi"t does EJR point out CO count. There should :-~ ¡;:=e type of sr<'~ific counts gh'~~ for homes adja<:ent to thí'se ¡;::<~ets and shO'JIl how much effect t:.is or future develop=":::5 "ill have on this count. Counc. .'a::.t5""- questionéd air quality in r3";<Ì:1~ under the b:rlld- ing. ~!:<, :a:1tuso said the buildings wer.. !"l~~' ventilated. There were s~ ?:'Oblems with tmderlround parking. There are several _thods ¡;,;¿¿ to control air quality. Wheth~r cr not this is a hazard h5.5 ""t been decided. Counc. Ja~~on referred to statement in H8"lett-Packard EJR which showed 5~>=~ficant dba COa:1t5 CQ Homestead R.:aJ. He asked ..-here counts !:a;i ""en taken on ezistt.nl heavy trafÎic roads. Mr. Pantus said one "as taken on H111er and one on H~s!ead. A discussicc was held on the four page respo>nse done jointly between De:'euw Cat:her and.JJ!JC. The Direct"~ of Public Works pointed <,ut that when you are looking at 19ì8 line and 1995 you are INdng at differeat assumptions ",,¿er different CO:lC!ition]. You cann~t "ompare the tvo. Mr. Viskovich said DeLeuw Cather could st..,l~· the exact _1 assignments produced for this stage and per"e:>tage distributed to different routes. Counc. Jackson said t!1is was whst he wonld Uke. . . . CC-215 , p.. 20 JI1JIIJ!ES or THE .J1IŒ 17, 1974 CITY œUNCIL HEETIIG : ,an.c. Keyen said .ost.of·Jda queatlons haft been raised aDd __"IÑ. :".OIMI, ,ilü!!~t,QQ ~,' ,QQ,' "~!'~~!'~~~"',' ",=fomta atødards sho~d" ~" ,I: b. '.._' ", ",,'~.r.. tIaet&~.~-, ,!'AU ,ø1a. to ,teU"o.'to.topf~ .';. :. ':~¡.:;~~:1~~~~"', ~ ':0~f!~aa::'~"I/~:;: ~~~ . .t8llÌlãl:ll1D ----7"" ',1ò;;'.'"C" ' " " -..,':f~~':--' :, . ",-',AF'S("?~~~·t;~~~J}3;' , , ' "_,' ".'altervU1l.~era1:,'1t~E,..o"f{;.",r:l,~llC:O' noted the lise ,emit ... -teton Ph_il\l "--is1~~~,.....:, o~~~t:he thinp be1nl considered tODf.gbt aader BIR hne already beeaiajrilied ~to, There vill be no trucldn8 froa Sean on vest siele to BÚllÔêiS~ W'loadinl staps haw been r81lOved further frOll the residentiû: area, Penney's haa agreed not to sen aasoline per Plmning Co..u.ion request and have moved tba to east of facilities next to 'our Phase. He spoke on tunnel instead of bridp, proposed bike routes and bike lanes and are considerinl putting whatever height vall is required around subdivision. They have had l2 major plans to date and in realistic terms must come to a point were they say this is the plan. ,,;. ~, , Hr. Ward commented on reductions already agreed to, and that they are maintaining all landscapinl on Wolfe Road. He said when use permit and changes have been considered, it will be seen they have listened to the public and have done everything to mitigate problems from center. Mr. Vic Duana, Bullocks, referred to Table 36 on page 110. He said three depdrt~nt stores are not called super regionalg. Super regionals are 4, 5 and even 6 stores. They tend to ke~p super marketg out of regional type centers and into cOQmunity and service type centers. He noted they do not plan a super regional in Vallco. With reference to page lBO, Table 54, Mr. Duano noted these centers arp- older in quality, design, etc. and need up dating. Hr. Duano noted the market Bnalysis was based on three department store center. In an~wer to Counc. Nellis, Hr. Duano stated Bullock's has not said they would not come without Penney's. The store across the street could be any store. Entire presentation to officers and Board of Directors is based on three stores. They would have to reassess decision on two store baais. Counc. Meyer said one fact that complicates reduction is that Sear's is already in existence. Other stores are reduced inproportionately. Hr. Duana said Bullock's needs l70,OOO sq. ft. on three floors to do the job for the people in this area. It was pointed out this center would not ~ave three story store. Hayor Sparks asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak at this time. .,;, "'f' ~,. " fk"~: ~"' f.i;',·{:"" -" 'i "'1', ~r:tj\" , ,> I I MINUTES 0' THE JURE 17. 1974 cm COONCIL KEETIlfG CouDc. 1Iel11s salel she woulel like SlIM feel1n& fro. the CouDc11 ..co1ibat clf.rec:tioai-hcÎii1e1 be given to c_ultaDU. hwa1cl "~ a.clina Øiì~~'.Iiì!iìfa1r poUuU_ 1D ana aD4 bn'ilÎÞt bac:k-Julyl. 'IÌa.,DJ.~to'.C'of Public VatU said a ....ft1àaa11l1Þ ',t{¡.' ~I prepare41it;'J'BiàDd they should havelOMt1da'1 Sa' ahat . tWó !'INIÜs. - ',..." , " ' Ways of doc:1lMl1t1nll101øe levela at ~ak houn OQ certa1D Itreets vere clf.sc:uased. eoUl1è. Heyen noted noise levels an pnttJ w11 clefined. Be felt coÎll1tinl of <XI and pollutant levels to be of _re signifigance. Counc. Jac:ksan said they neeœd adclf.t1oaal information on ex1st1ul levels of noise on streets adjacent to site as well as projections for the future. After further clf.sc:uasion, Comc. Jackson said he did not consider EIR adequate in these areas. They should have been studied and facts presented. Counc. ~ellis said primary concerns are noise and air. The EIR is not adequate to make decisions in these arcas. She would like additional readings at different ti~es of day, different days of week and include the three streets mentioned by Counc. Jackson: Prune ridge, }!iller south of Stevens Creek, and Wol fe Road. T"sts should be taken of air quality in residential area as it is now. After discussion, it was decided the C('uncil felt the studies shou Id be doae. Counc, Jac'son suggested one area to be studied and that was the homes closest to the off ramp at 1-280, the existing levels and effects of start and stop traffic. lñe area of Drake Drive, 1-280 abuting Vall co Park, Lark Avellue, East Estates and residen- tial area surrounded by Vallco and Pr,n1eridge were discussed. ; I , I signalization on traffic in that configuration. Also more back- : . ground bet~cen State count and City count on freeway and off ramp.: He would like the kind of information which gives how much . traffic was assigned to each intersection and what is proposed. They must know traffic assumptions. Counc. Jackson said he would like an analysis of effect of new It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Frolich, to continue Application l-EIR-74 (Westfield Company) and Application 3-EIR-73 (Vallco Park Regional Shopping Center) to the meeting of July 1, 1974. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-21S Pap 21 l-EIR-74 3-EIR-73 continued to 7/ 1/74 i CC-Z15 l. .... 22 '. ~ I 4-V-74 approved Res. 3678 adopted lIDuu.$ or m4lt.. 17. 1974 CItt OO\1IC1L mr! Ie _ qnM to IwW . t. ~ 1:' baartDa OD V.......,. 111\11. J_ 19. 1174 u 7:30 ,.a. t. ) J~1:Ida left _t1.. at dWI paÞC. . ,··Itfl.:,;;,t~'· '! ,. . j.~'.....- ~WIoAU_ .;¡i' : 't' . ;.. :;,-.'\. ~"" ' ' , "':~,~~' ':'i, ~, 1. :f'iò P1 111\1 ' .." ;,;. . 't'" . 1, t',,~ (a) , '¡"""74 of .. - 'tOfUt1- (WSache11a DoData): n tin the nqu1nð ...r of off..tnet paddnl apacee ' 'die 1IcC1e111D Squan Shopphl Center. Said propeft7 .. ...... at the northwat comer of Hc:ClellaD Road ... --lfp--SuDDyYale Road, c:onatau of 6.9 acn. _d is wSllata . CC (General C_rc:ial)ZoM. Rec~ded for app~. The Pbnning Director ftf.nwd to staff report of May 24, 1974 which descr.~é!d applicat10a 1a <letaU. The US~ pemit resolution and acco..p",,:b~ exhibit. _r. attached i"-1s1IIuc:h as the 1.15. perait cannot be cpèu:i\'é! until the _dance is appNwd by this body. Move:! ,,~ ~,·unc:.s..llis, .ecOfIded by CC·In~. Meyers, to approve appllcation 4-V- -.. ~',·tion .:arried, 4-0 (1) R<?solutlcn )10. 3678: ".\ Resoluticn of the City C"""cil of tho! City" i Cupo!rtino Gra:1ting a \"ariance to Se'oman ?r0pert1es (:{inchells Donuts) to red'.1ce the Requt~~J :;umber of Off-str~et Parking Spaces wi thin tho! :¡rClellan Square Sh::¡pplng Co!nter. S.tlJ property contains 6.9 acres and is with1n a CG (G<!neral Commerclal) Zone located at the ::,'rthwest comer of ~lcClellan Road and Saratoga-S,.nnyvale Road." ~Ioved '~:: (ounc. Jackson. seconded by CO'lnC. Nellis, to adopt Resol~:i~n So. 3678. ~Iotion carried, 4~ ~) Application 5-V-74 of Vall co Park, Ltd.; Variance to cons truc:t 9-foot high modular prec:ast securi ty wall at northerly terminus of ~eaJc'" Avenue on Vallco Park proper~y. Said property is in a P (Planned Development with light industrial int~nt) zone and is located at the southerly property line of lntersil, Inc., 10900 North Tantau Avenue. Recounœnded for approval. " :,">..?,' ,;;!q;;i'~: , . . e ,:,i~~h;~, . '<~~L? , huluus OF J1I Œ 17, 1974 cnT OJIJRCIL HEErINGS ,,-,,'" "fi."f', "~,~~ ;,'" ;'J~P':¡:~;~t. l -'. , 'j~)."'( ,~~-.. .-I by CoUDC.':,..,.Ø. ..èODded by Counc. ,I'\'~~~ZOW Appl1c:at1OD S-V-74. . ' , ." ~ ~~ ;,~ f ,;0' ~ ;,. . .ir :i~,~:~ " ~-i;'I.~ . "~ - '" ..fl... ' ·:,/:4~:,,?,'·t,.t.' to '. Hatton card_. ,'4-0 (1) Besoluciaa ..3679: "A Besolutlar-of ,the City eounc11 of tIIe.City of Cupertino Gt:øtiDl a Variance to vaUco Park, Ltd. to c:oìuatruc:t 9-foot high Kodu1ar Precast Security Wall at Rortherly Tel'lllinus of lfeadow Avenue on Vallco Parlt property Said Property is in a P (Planned neftlop1ænt vith Light Industrial Intent) Zone and is located at the Southerly property lines of Intenil. Inc.. l0900 North Tantau Avenue." Moved by CoO:;!c. Meyers, seconded by Cou.'1':. Nellis, to adopt Resoluti,~ ~;~. 3679. Motion carried, 4-0 11. .;~~::it"ctural and Site Approval C,,=itt<,e \~ Application HC-51,075.361 "f 1 ,S,S. (Bern O'Cr~:1Cr) requesting approval of a sip I']an for 1:\;0 li¡;ht industrial b,,:l¿ings l"cat,,;: "t 10!,35 and 10:;:)1 ~ortè, ' Tantau Avenœ =1 19050 rr.=:,-rid¡;<' Ave:\ue. Reco",m":\,"~ f,'r approval. Moved t-y ~~"=...:. Jackson, see-ended by C0u:-'.~. :lcyers, to appTùve appli,a:::~ ~C-51,075.361,per the H-C0ntr01 r<,comm<,ndation. ""tion carried, 4-0 (~, Application HC-51,027.14 of Ja~es W. Foug and Assoc- iates (Security Pacific Natio:\jl Bank) requesting approval of ligbting and sib:,;,ng for a bank facility located at the natheast c,'tnt'r of Pacifica Drive and Saratoga-SUIIDyvale Road. ¡¡.,.:o::œtended for approval. Moved by C~u=c. Nellis, secoaded by Counc. Nellis, to .~rove appllcat::~ HC-51,027.l4, per the H-Contro1 rocommcodatloa. Kotion carried, 4-0 (d Application HC-5l,027.l41 o~ James W. 'oug and Associstes (Security Pacific N4tiona1 Bank) request- ing exception to the Sign Ordinance to allow a - CC-215. Page 23 S-V-74, approftd Res, 36 79 adopted IIC-51,075. 361 a¡)pr"...ed HC-51,027. app roved If:" .,~.,~' '~:'-:2:'~,:':~1': . - IUJIUUò> OF TIlE .J1 ß 17. U74 ern ~ JEErDG Mdit1aD Co cwo n11.l:j"" to .1. aD a lot v1t:1t~1f ~ Þro ) ft. of .1t....I'..fji!Iìi~1oc&t.. comu of rac1fl"~"" 1e.....~ ____. jlÔ"'i':fÒrdaial. ,',. , < dty Pac:1ft.c Ratt.aIÍâ1,{Id. ~,;~,.,~", ,,:0:" ""~ ~:J~.f,:~~',,~ " ,~:': :;, ¡i':1fr' ~...... Cl.4di..~.',.... .~, aftI:' Iadt. pw badL.-1III4 of how they '....loped tbe1r,a{jà:,~"f1re said they bad caJ;afa111 nvi_d the atp. ordillaDC.;1W cEAd\ to adcJres. w-elwe to Dew autdelin.. 011 uisting ordilL&llC8 aDIi ldeDtific:atica needs at _ .ite. He said the prtsary ident1ficat1oD .Ips are perpendicular to vehicular traffic an Saratoaa-S...., ".1.e lIDad. ¡; Hr. Clañ shoved slides of their sip cd other busin..... dose to them "i>" have been anaved a free sundinl sign. If they are not allClled the sip on Saratoga-Sunnyvale lIDad they w11l have to change whole C-'C1cept of signing. They have considered alternatives and it will be c!ifficult to put sian on building because of architecture of buildin~. He noted they have 150 linear feet instead of 120 shown by sta:: ..ad vith additional 25' ",hich they ",ill be required to landsca?" and curb cut, rill have the necessary 2l0'. ~: ~'...' In anS>."'''' to !layor Sparks. the Director of Planning and Development said t::"~,, Ùree parcels are zoned more for offices than f<.r ce-.ter. In ans""'" to Counc. Jac:ltson regarding recommendation that there be no free 5~a.."ding dans in this quadrant, ~r. Sisk explained this was a conGi:i~n ~f zoning of the conceptual plan. Counc. ~"Y"rs asked about directional signs and ascertained they were appro'~ 3t ¡>rior meeting. This is a variance for free standing sign only. Ha. !\a:..:! Salim, lOl4l B11ich Place, Cupertino, Chainaan of the Archiao:;¡ral and Site Approval Co=lt:ee, verified rationale of not pern:.::ing ground sign, referring to Planning Comaission condition of zo:1i:~ a:>J less than 210 linear feet. ØC-5l,027. 141 roe!......... badr. to __ eont rot After b~!t"r discussion, ,Counc. Meyers moved to refer application ØC-51.0~~.1¡1 back to ø-GoDtrol for modification of plans. Seconded by Co'.:-:. Jackson. Motion carried, 4-0 t'.. -t"". j~, ' . . . _.... fW till J1JI& 17. U74 C1Tf c:aDlCIL JlU:I1JIG , ~~ 1.,='" ~ ,í ,¡~~,,)(f'\';". "Ìí:" ,~,<::,"". , f. cs~' '~.--' '>~.':"'7: ,~c . '~. c'!;': (I) ~:, ; "';.,1.»1.3 of Jføda J.. Wl.QII.r . ", ) '-'¡JI"rtiq "'Fa ..·"01.... ~aptq .... .'''. ,for. 'located at die ..... ~of":' _. 140 ft. _& of "-,,,.í..I- . ~.fec "~.v..å1. ~ i1>~ J~" , ..~ .., eø.ac~ ~~ _1-'''' .., c:ë-C. J ..,ucaUœ 1C-5l.331.3. "1' Il-CaDttol nc ---.... CO -Haw" Iltt.œ. JlDttco canted. 4-0 .. 1:JS11ŒSS 12. A nqœst by Joseph c-rda for a teaporary fruit stand for a period not exc:eedinl thirty (30) days located at the northvest corner of Viau and Stevens Creek Boulevard (GeDeral eo-rc1al Zone) beginninl July 1, 1974, 10' x 10' in size. Moved by Counc. Meyers. secODded by Counc. Jackson, to ¡rant authorization to Mr. Joseph Camarda for a temporary fruit stand .. per request. Motion carried, 4"() 13. City Council authorizinl the Mayor to aian alreeaent vith Sage ..search Corporation concerning preparation of !nviromaental Iapact Report for Fooclaaker, Inc., (Jack in the Box) project. COunc. Jadtson ascertained there vould be no conflict of interest. Mr. Sbk said seven fi~ had bid. This particular concern had expertise for analysis food bœiness. Counc. Nellis noted of the three firms, thb vas lowest bid and there vas a substantial difference in bida. 1he eo-c1l _mers expressed their concern CD appraising fee sc:hMule. Mr. Quinlan said he shared their c:onc:l'!m, but did not Imow bCIV to answer it. The Director of AdIIinistrative Services said there vas a standard form of zesolution authorizin& such silDAtures. Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Meyen, aoved to authorize ...olution No. 3681. Motion carried, 4"() CC-215 .... 25 t. ,>, . 8C-51. 331. 3 ...._...J)4 Tellporary fruit stand "s. 368l authorized e e CC-215 , ..... . ~- ,t ,..; to ;' !lUU&i$ 01' till J1JII17. 1!74 em COORCIL _øc : :, 14. r..__ea~ "~_~1J75 Operat1q _1: . l' "t .......t.. ...~. of I~~~.V-o;~'~'. . . ''!'"'''' ' ",.: ?:·:t-:":;.,:.Æ<;J':<" .' ."" , ,"':,' Mrs.-..rK""i.;'~Þ'1 OR tile. . . ,. ..;~~ÍIÍa· '" ".t .~_.' . ;"~,.. ":1_ 7ï3lt:j'r "19.' Ø14 iD tÌIa'~--' .. . ,'c:1tJ 1a11..":~~;t"~;::J:"1 ' ; , ,7 't.'¡~t~' ",' ,,',;{, j,f,f; ':t'f' .' 15......t f_ .;'~!;':Îd1Do Ua1CID sd;~~-'~~"'.' ~dq pañ b.~-4"~24 throq:h July 26,:;;~7~¡~,"',UM tD901wc1 w111 be 45 .t,' ~ ',.r ûy for .n tIays.tlÜcIa)·eiþIåJ. 17's 1IouØ. Hr. 11c:hard AncleØOD, r ! uC1Do Ua10n School Ð1stdc:e S r Scbo;øl Dl.rector, had init1.~ die øqueat for an adtlitiOlll1 'croesinl pari. Be c:a11ed the City Ball tIIú _minI. June 17, to iDfonå that tIae sc:hool district would -,pnd1. this atter internally'" asked that his previous requeat be vitbclnllD. It vas r~ved froa tIae .poda per his requeat. ORDnu.1(CES 16. first reading of Ordinance No. 640: "An Ordin_c:e of the City of Cupertino -..dinS Section 1 of Ordinance Bo. 2 by Prezontnl Approxilll8tely .20 acre frOlll Santa Clara County al-lO (ltesiclen- tial, Single-Fa2ily 10,000 Sq. 't. Per Dwellin& Onit) Zone to City of Cupertino n-7.5 (lteaidential, Sinale-F..tly, 7,500 Sq. Ft. Per DveUiøl Unit) Zone; Located Ilesterly of md adjacent to !fira Vbta Avenue Approximately as feet Southerly of the intersectiOll of Santa Paula Avenue and !fin Vist. Avenue, l053S !fira Vista Avenue." (continued frosa _eting of June 3, 1974) 1be Director of Planøina _d Development referred to staff report dated JUDe l4. 1974. Hr. Roy Cook. 14440 lie aasiD Way. Saratop. stated hb opposition to OrdiDaftc:e 110. 640. Be stated title has not p...ed oø property nUlDbered 10525 !fira Vista AvclJi!. Be also que£tioned why both properties were not required to be Clœsed .t s_ ti..., since the two properties are contiguous. Hr. Cook s a.1d the City Engineer had said this vas required 111 the put. Hr. Cook referred to the April l. 1974 eo-c:il ainutes indicating there vas _ ouestaødinl IIOrtgage on that tu... Be felt this vas llisleadina since the mrtpge vas on both properties. Be feels this is a preaature ..mini.trative action. Hr. Cook said the v~."r _ter vas needed to ..11 ho.... He had 29 sipatuRS of adjoining property owners who are opposed to this dovnlradinl of the area. I ~ . . e e ...un.:. 0' tI!E JUNE 17.lt74 C1T'l CCJJlICIL MEETING ~"', t-~. { ~, ~:!:'0-~'C:: I~¿::J:.>';<;· J ;,:'=:1 Director '," ";,, Ralli. a1Ioat'wU f"·;~'.i "'i",l~;, 't(.~,.~:,',.~.""'. '. '~.. =~ .:: :-Z:~;.,'." , :~::ul:' c:~::,:~~ t1I'f":''¡þ:~' .~,., "., "", VI ,. . . !,~'" ...-:' ; r£'....'.¡~1;. >'t~,.. ,'-.....t1œ paperil". .,,'f~~ vas ,defilÍ.. - ~ " . tr;:' ''),', ;"""}jä',¡,''Dere vas no ,,'j k;t:be otÞer lot other that'- ,. t _r to sip both :Lou '~Ju ..., ....·....OD. . ;./~',;. ' ' " Aftar further disc:uss1oø. Ca.' . -. ..1l1a IIOftd to Iurfe ()rdf- -- 110.' 640 read by title oal7. ... the Cleñ '. readinl .hall coaaU- tate the First Beadinl. S. ......d by Counc. Jac:kson. Motion earnect. 4-0 It was no~ed tha~ L.A.P.Co bas ..ked the staff to 1nvesUpte the possibility of anne:dlal t:he second lot vbich vas beiDI doDe. IESOLUTI cr.-s 17. No. 3492: "A JIesoløncm of ~he City Council of the CitY of Cupertino. State of California, Adopting Hazardous Fire Area Haps." Resolution ~o. 3492 vas ~~.ed from the agenda at the staff'. request and vas continue4 to the meeting of July 1. 18. No. 3656.4: "A a-olution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Authodz1.Dg the Execution of an Agree:zent allOng the Ci~y. the 'oothill Community College Distr1c~. _d Brian, Kanps, Foulk and Associates, Engineer of Work - De ADza CampUS Off-SCree~ Parking and Traffic Fac:il1Ües Assessmen~ District.- Counc. Jaw"" questioned ~herthere was opposition frea De Mayor Sparks noted the CJT.IOS~ has diminished. Counc. Meyers moved, se~d by Counc. Jac:ksotl, ~o ad..>pt. 1e80lution ~o. 3656.4. Motion carried. 4-0 UPORTS FRet! om CEBS 19. City Staff - Nolle CC-21S Pap 27 Ord. 640 first Þad1DI Rea. 3492 continued Bes. 3656., adopted PultUc JIeMr-, ~ ins _ Solid' Vue. , Røit1eat . Car. ..... MJ-- ~ . ,.J'" ,..-;...,_......~-,.~. - . "nnm::s OF 'IHI J1II! U. 1f1. CITY (DWCIL IŒETIII: j%~h'" . "iiœ I!,w.toa ~~~<":~~,~;'\: - , ~'f! -ìoia "", "~~l:,' '.' ~èl1 'Ç."fJ"",':"^' !:·,U::í" ,''', " ' ~lü_t1gate . eo.pWat of!ttur ..1øIIlol , ,''',' F'quare Shoppins caUr oato properi;".:a .' ",' "',_C ,,</-' ':'" 1D tile Feltoo Saltðl: ' -;} . , t .'" 1M staff also _,~j~ to instigate surveilløce of speedial alCln& K..--c1ellaD .... ,. ':';'. . .... 1ECX~lYlClII or, 20. GtlÎeø11 " "~'iIt' .,':t.':;!'!::..., '.¡'i>¡' , "',:, , , .,:' ..>'"J'" ....ø~ô.f; , '~ . . u. CoUllC. Meyers ref~ to request by \Civanis C10Jb of Cupertino to hold a 'lea M:nltet aDd .",ru aø4 Crafts :.11011. He vas fn favor of flea market but wuld not be in :-__r of hav~g camival ri~... After a brief disc1&IIlca, Counc. Jackson moved to grant authorization to the' Kiwanis Club of Ca¡>ertino to hold a Fle.. Market and. Arts and Crafts Show on Satar4aT. September 7, 1974 in the C~?8rti~o Town Center. this authorizuion specifically excludes any per.rlssion for circus ridcs or ~val attractions of a siailar nature. Seconded by Counc. Keyeca. Motion ,arried, 4-0 Coune. ~~)"ers reporced there vould be a Public Hearing o:t,Sol1d Waste on 1ilU=Sda)', June 20 i:I t.'1e County Suilding, Board of Supervisors. the C<-undl IIICmbers agreed to continue the hearing .on Resident Card l'u¡;e to Ilednesday, .JUDe 19. AnJOUR:i~ It V35 .....ved by Counc. );ellis, seconded by Counc. Meyers, to adjourn to ...e:ing to Wednesday. JUDe 19, at 7:30 p.m. Tbe meecing W3S a':jo"¡'"eJ at 1:':'5 a.m. Motion carried~ 4·-0 APPR~: Isl Reed Sparks ~yor, City of CupertiDo ArrEST: /s/ 1è. E. Ryder C~.t)' Clerk -~-,-", ._-,-----