CC 06-27-74 ¡ ?: t~ !', ';". .~<.tc";~<:,~~; ..', ,'II: .N '.:~.~ ;;~t ::i~f: ., tI . CITY OF ~utdTINO, ST~TE 07 CALIFORNIA 10300 Tcrre Avenue, CupertfDo, California Telephone: 252-4505 IwIUIQ OJ' THE ADJu()1III&II IEGULAll MEETING OF THE. em wûltClL IIEIJ) œ J1JRB, 21~ "1!J1~~~ JlTRB CCIU'DENCE BOOM em BALL ~muu. CAt.IPOlIlIIA TIle lleetiD& vas called ~'~rder by Mayor Sparks at 7:30 p... in the Conference Room of t:Iíe'City Ball. lOLL CALL Council Present: Froltcb. .Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks Council Absent: None Staff Present: City Manager Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder After the presentation and explanation as to the status of cur- rent labo~ negotiations, it was moved by Councilwoman Nellis, secondej ~y Councilman Meyers, that the teres and conditions a~ set for~h in the Tentative Basis for ¥.~r3n~um of Understanding dated Ju~e 18, 1974 and signed by Robert P. Langston for the Operati:-:~ Engineers Local Union No. 3 and Robert W. Quinlan, \{r.I. E. Ryder a:-:d John Vaughn for the City of (',-,pertino is hereby approve'; 5:1bject to ratification by a r-.ajcrity of the employ~es in the ~~lic Works Unit. At the re;uest of the City Council, authorization was granted for a varian:e in the normal work schedules i0T selected positions on a trial ~asis to effect a four day ~~rk week of forty hours on th motion of Councilwoman Nellis and the se.ond of Councilman MeyelF and the u~animous approval of the Council. On the re<;:1est of Mr. Ryder it was moved by C"unci1m,m Jackson, seconded ~y Councilman Frolich, and ur.anicJOusly approved by eðch member of the City Council, to issue ~arrant No. 3553 for $51,633.30 to }Iunkdale Bros. Inc. forPr"fress Payment No.4 on the tlerorial Park Phage I Development. Pursuant to the several requests received from residents in each of the srecified areas, it was moved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilwoman Nellis, a~d passed unanimously, that the closure of specific sections of streets be permitted on July 4 for neighborhood block parties. Authorization contained in the """tion included Ruaford Ddve, Chisholm Avenue and Dexter Drive and Lindy Place with such closures to be from 2:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.:. CC-217-A Pale 1 Labor Negotiatipnr, Four Day ì··'Jr WE'ck I War~ant 1:'~1 CloO'lIrE' of Streets CC-217-A rl.e Z Public Jf .. ins. _ 1'7.... 75 I ~ - Pel.. -1 Se..:IøD . !uBUl~ or m J1JtŒ 1.7, . 1974 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL nut!!G 1Iayor Sparb then .- -ecS 'that the public hesriDp on tbe 1974- 75 0perat1D& UldCollaUllCUoD IudceC _ld be heLl at tM. CDe~ FolllJIdD& further d1scvnt_ OD the various line 1t_ act1ñti.. aDd faactiøla. it vas _..e4 111 Couøc:ilMD Heyers. aec:oadecl 111 Councn.. l!ol1ch. _pílØêð ...._4_~1J. that the pllb11c bear- IDaa be ,. ,.... i. At the reqaeaCöf tM -Ittâff .It .. .",ed by CouDcU~ R.llis. lecoacled by ~(1""''' J."".Mä'~ìÜId 80 orelerecl by tbe lllyor. that the City CoaIIeU adjoarA at 9:45 p.a. to a PerllODDel S...lon for the purpose of disc:uuflla certaiD aspects of the Meet and Confer Pt:oc:ess. Mayor Sparks recouveneð the _ting in open seas10D at 10:00 p.a. and baediate1y adjournecl thereafter. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~ ~m. E. der, City Clerk -.