CC 07-01-74
lO3OO Torre A~nue, Cupe1't1DO" Cû1fornia 950]4
Tdaphone: 2S2-4SOS
'Þ' ".~U::i or Tim BE
; i~_!"CII JULY 1, 19,7 "
.: ',Y~'~'::'~.~' JJ;~{'<:'?< . '
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saurrB TO TR& fLAG
--.,01' Spaño¡ ~alled the .i.¡-¿.to orcIÐr at 7:33 p.lII. with the
Salate to the Flal.
mu. CALt
Ccn:nc. p:esent:
Counc. absE:T1t:
Frol1C'h, .ladson, Me}'ers, NclliR, }l3yor Spada
Staff prese,.::
City Hatla¡er Quinlan
Direc~or of AdDin1strativ¿ S~rviccs P.y~e!
Director of ?lannine and Development Sis:'
A~sistant City Attorney Kili~o
Director of Public Works Viskovich
Oirector cf pzrks and Recreation Bul]~r
}!Thè'TZS OF p.:':rOJ3 YiE¡;rn;C
1. AF;>r.'\,31 of Minute3 of adjourned reg,.]ar meeting' of
Ju::.: 24, 1974.
Y~rd by Cou~" Xcllis, &econded by Counc. Jackson, to 3pþT~~e
~nutcs of !~¿ 24, l~74, as søbz1tted.
Motion carried, 5-Q
Arr'!'.:'\":11 oÍ I'iinutes of adjo:.lrnad t'e£l~lar mpetir.t. r·r
J\I"~ lq, 1974.
Y.~ged by CrL~c. Nel1iR, seccndrd by Counc. Jacks~n, to appTú\~
r."nlJtes of hi1" 19, 1974. as subaitted.
Mot!o," carried, 5-0
3. Ar;;:,,',al of Minutes of ro?&ular "",,,ling of Jun" Ii, 1974.
Pê!ge 6, pa:'a~raph 6, last .ect.el!c~, COline. }I('yers would like d,P
v:.;rl!!o "und<-r ~"nditicns pre.CD~ .t that time" inserted between
~11e"csn '-lid IIth~y".
Page 1
Pap 2 ...
,- .
,1J1tb1htS or lIE mIl, 1974 em cœlCIL MEETING
. .
., 7. paDlrJlph 4, UIe~"" lMt sentence should nad. "De
.!l01fe lull would lIit ....&~ uadêr the two proposa!8 (f.w.erlal ~
".!- . oppiq cater). . 'idi: r .:.." 'peak hour situation would. b. -EY
" "~I "" ':' ':": ' "
;~!6. the n~t l~~~~i'j~. . "with Lyon . Cordo¡;~',~,~~J¡~ '.
'.:......., . :: ~...>:.:: ,~~, ," ,<
,,~øpen. ,,:';';~!~". ~', ':., :', ,
",' " ,,'.....,,", . ,.,'
I" . '. '*
'6. paraCUPh 5. ~,-,..... '11ae should read, ''mIJH bacI ¥oct.... '
, ,. :,~lìer sboppin& center t.ÖW1....... L1011 & Cordon. Kr. "
',' ,:;I/,;/t' ," . ' ~' <" > ,
.jaf:~. 14, the first 1.1øe. iF "['II~d be LEQ.
. 'f~. pap 14, paragraph 4, the t:Jdrd should read, "take would .. a
';'øafOl1111 center then.......·
011 pap 14, paragraph 5, U_ 4, -iDcorporated" should be "c:banpcl-.
011 pale 'l4, last paragraph, .t~8 vith line ." should read, "seoteDCe
_ the top of page 217 should accurately read "Trip related t..pacts
iacluding air a:ld noise iapacts VOGld not necl!s:larily be less in
¡ ;o>coport1on vith furl!-'!r reduction 1D floqr area. Ms. Peterson a¡reed.
j !k. Heald note·J.....".
011 page 15, F~r"gr3ph 5, li:J8 4, insert the wor-i.. '·of Cupertino I,;ross-
~.. bct.~ea "st'ðce" and "1.-.
,. page 21, p"~.1graph 3, line 2 shoul-l read.... .should be done."
01:1 page 27, ~it;:r item l8, the first line :jhould read, "Counc. Jacuon
~tioned wether there w_ v..~ition from DeAnza. Mayo"!: Sparks"
011 pale 16, puagraph 3, tI:e word "open" in line 2 should be changed to
·closed" .
1!Iere being no further correcd._, Counc. Meyers moved, seconded by
C-c. Jackson, to approve lUn~es of June 17, 1974, as _uded.
Motion canied, 5-0
4. Approve of H1nutes of special meeting of June 13, 1974.
"__4 by COUIIC. !lellis, secOP"-f by Counc. Meyers, to approve HiDutes
of JUDe 13, 1976., a.~ 8ubat.t:ecl.
Motion carried, 5-0
:,::-, ~!'~:7
" '*-
,'. ' :-,:§5..
?, -.i
,- Io'...¡~ 1.._
j ,
, '
" ~
Plae 3
's. jppruoral of Mi~,'of' adjourned regular aeetiul of
'''-e 4, 1974..
,'." 13, 1, the ~,~ sbou1å read, "take cICM1 thei~
,~ sip.-
~ paae 2, paraaraph S. û(Oft;",;zeM.".. .sul&estion, to the en_t
..dat they -W be adv1sóQ.'-'- IIOt llelllbers. II
Om pqe 9. the _tion should tIhow 3-1-1. Cc,unc. Nellie absta1Ded.
1kwed by ~. Bellis. see -P~-'f by Counc. Jac:k¡¡on. to approve
lOøutes of .1_ ,4, 1974 as .......d.
Motion carried, 5-0
6. A?pr" of Minutes of regular mE'cnn¡; of Jlme 3, 1974
On page :. ::~ ll-A, it shO'1ld be clarified rhi5 wa!l a 7 ft.
redwood :è:.:~i~g wall.
Haved by ::.:--,,,. Ja~kson, see<>:1ded by Counc. Fr,,] iCh, to aPl'rov<;
Xinutes .:: .- ~e 3, 1974 as ;mended.
Motion ~arriE'd, 5-0
cœlMUNl~:.: _.:-~:>
7. ¡;~tten
a. 1 r~uest froa the applicant of Applicatio!l No. l7-Z-74
~at that aPFlic:ation, which is Agenda Itea No. 15, ~e
coatinu(.d until tile City CouncJ J """,,,~lng of Augu,'Jt 3,
:<;74. in that the property owners :IC.V€ nùt bren ahl<: to
t:t'!t tt'gether and discuss further lit" proposed ¡:onL~¡;.
~e City C~uncl1 IIiIY also wish to c"nti.nue Application
s,. 9-TK-74. Itea lìia) until Augas~ 5, in that this is
~ ;:OGpanion applic:aticu to 17-Z74.
Coun::. )i~:lis IIOved to c:01I~iDue Applications ¡¡o. 17-Z-74 and
9-TM-74, :~ the August 5. 19ï4, City Council meeting. SecondeJ
by Counc. ~~}'ers.
Motion carried, 5-0
!ostcards, letters and petitions relating to the prop~sed
iegional Shopp1oS Center < Some of th.:ose have been
adnovledged at die prior meeting, but this is the first
C!9portunity to .... the ..terial duplicated for aeneral
d1s tribution.
Pap 4
WI' --
. .
c. A late c01llllunicatioa received pertaining to an alenda
ite. for the _ètinS of July 1 is one fro. Vallco PaEk
asking tbat tbe at'pea1 on Ap¡il1c:at101Ì 20-U-73 be deni.ecI
and tbat Westfield CoIIpaay be requested to re-apply for
a Use Permit.
.. C'_~. Nellis questioned wbether this petition was in addition to that
cariyinl 800 MES. The Director of Administrative Services sdd be
bad not rece! ved sucb a petition~
Public bearing on Appli 4tion No. 3-EIR-73, to consider
Draft Environmental Imp3ct Report relarJinl 'the proposed
construction of Vallco Park Regional ShoPpinl Center
located southerly of and adjacent to Freeway Route 280 at
its intersection with Wolfe Road, extending southerly on
the ~csterly side of Wolfe Road from said Freeway to
Ste~ns Creek Boulevard and extending southerly from said
Frce'ò'ay on the easterly side of Wol fe Road to Vallco Park
Way. Said ploposal is to constru~t a re~lo"al shopping
center wIth a total of 755,000 square feet in addition to
the existing Sears facility. (continued frow meeting of
Ju..." 17, 1974)
~r. Gene Ga~ett. nMJM, said he had responded to app~oxi~~tety thirty
i leeters fro,- cc~unlty and Planning Commission and City Council. They
j ficmly belie...e they have addressed pertinent iso;ues tc> Vallco Pack
and those that arc pertinent to the intent of the ElR process. lie
I said the ~thod used now of bringing full project team to each meeting
I is a very cost If ~nd inefficient way to handle questions coming u?
Hr. Garnett said they had answered all questions as accurately and as
ad2quately as the questions can be answered. At this point of time,
not all questions can be answered to the completc satisfaction of all
interested parties.
Hr. Garnett noted the Council members, had asked for additional work ili
air and noise quality areas. They have concluded the work and
representatives of ESL present to answer 'llJestions. The other
expertise is in area of traffic. Be asked to have questions in
writing in advance of the meeting so they couid be prepared to respond.
Counc. Jackson noted that when the Jll8terial is handed to them at the
~eting it is difficult to have questions in wrlting.
A aember of tile audience asked to have any additional copies of
the Additional Air and Noise Quality H~a8,ureme.'ts for Vallco Park
circulated ..0 they .:culd follow aloUI.
,;f .
~..t. Ban:y Seiàm, ESL, they bad taUn the _Ue ftD 0Ià aDd
J;.~ .apl.. nary five IliDutu 0_1' a 24 hour per10éa at 4
(UtenDI; e1tes. they also ran .t.JlUDilO" oow t..U. 1M
~Cl!t1ew1s vere .. antic:1pated. ,'!bey feel their nø.n. an
,C!ilPenative. 1l1th reprd to ool8e dIen __ little .crpdH -
;.,.. '!'lay 280. A_d 2:00 o' c:1ock u peak hoar 10 oo18e. OD otber
i .... peak hour ooise c:oiDcidect ritb tl'aff1c peak. 11M)'_ø
, Þl'Pnsed at Wolfe load bitttDI 80 dba .. .....t.. it Id¡bt
.. clue to speeders.
"-I.:. Rellis saU it vas difficult to _lyze Mterial &1- tJaea
at _tinl and to ~ up vic" 1D depth and iDcelUpnt ca_tioaa
at this poinc. She .aslted Co have .xplained what tt-.e di'ternt
levels aean as far as EPA st.-darela .. Chey are nC* aad 1ft the
fature, and the ~~ysic.l effects on che body. She v.~ted Che
ficørea interp~l.:ed.
Counc. Keyers .u,~~ted they rLf.r co c~ar' 10 the [II itself and
ø.. Patao:"". EL '.11d she would ~ke to lak.. t!,... th1"Oucb one oJf
the Tableø. h~ :~~~ ~ot ft and w;,at ¡púd II i.. r~iu~ Sit" A.
FrefNay 2óJ, s:,. S,':oJ tc.e ...."¡...,,. C~ ¡'e.':~'.¡. l:"';¡ G'" \:¡,.s 3.:\.
The standar.i :,':": ~'ur CO is'.o IV-'. Iñe ."'·US" 8 hour count
vas 2.0; the .:,-,¿~·d to coarp.1ttr . itb is 10.(\.
Ms. PatJllOre t'x;,!':!"'" how .he ..rrf·ed at "¡'I't'r .cnditlona.
Condition:,: w~"'¿ :,_ 2~ H",t's .'''r.... in winter.
She felt ti\O'lr :,'(kl and atar.ðard of ;»r"!df(,ti.." Is r,,"'~e"ath,e.
Hayor Spðrk~ ~~~~d the Federal ~t8Dd3ld~ r~1at~d. ~~. Pataorp
.aid thpre is c~tti"s in 81) area that ex~t'cd~d thp one hour
40 ..,.¡.3 stané.ué. The eight hour stud.rd il' 10 ..toi~h is
c~ly exceed.d .od is in ~ao Jose and Sunnyval~. Also on 280.
Counc. Nellis WA; 3~wered by Ms. Pat~re that l~ c~¡m3 wua]d be
reached in the n~ar future, build or no build.
With regard to ~~)$lcal effects on body, Ms. Pstmore said it will
DOt aean lI\lch. ~ost h"mes are at least 7~' from "re~....ay and the
standards will not bc exceeded at that ran~e t" her knowledgc.
She said the ErA has set standard of 10 at' safety factor; warning
DOt given until 5 hour standard of 17 is rcached. as. Pataore
.aid the sltOg dert is oxidant alert and has 110thiub to do with
CO. Counc. ~cllis ascertained it does have Lo do \:lth auto
a.d.sions and ~$ked hew this would relate to project like this.
Hs. Patm(Jre said there would be 22% !bOre poUut ants In:'_ediate
area of project ~ith build a~ compared to no build, Will live
.... S
, CC-218
:,.... 6
0;. :')0- "
:¡'L,.S OF mE Ja.t 1, 1974 em aJUIICIL 1ŒEtIIC
. .
';:1,':",',:" ,,~', ~
'fjéî[ady an !Deruse in oXt...... J.ne1s 10-15 ailes f~ plOjll:t.1Iá '
.' ,,> ~of health effèct. 22% iÌld'ù8e in CO le¥!ls will DOt J.ejÏ-, to
'j~~lth effects. '
:,.Jj,(~:~<::!;~", ".. 'C::{t,,~' "
}'. ___r to ~.~Jacksoá. x.. Pat.òre said 2 .gI.3 baek~~ ,.......
fJli..a. 16-17 15 hip b..eeI ... -uuraents. Would se.. to-" ..n It.b. 1/2,
~ .'
j, '~ ,r. Heyen questioned"hcJw ef pt hour CO count œasured at ~ WIleD
~ __ hour sho...eoi 6.7. Ms. Pat:*JTe explained how Supple_tal ail' hi
.urements vere taken at busiest intersection nearest to ~.
... 'I!tmore s1i! if "ffr.., 1.s sipaUzed and shopping c_tel' ba11c.
lllere will be ¿r.roximately 3 times CO level than if traffic flGlrt.ol
dIrouah ~~±:~< as it i~ now. the level near ra"'p would be a uont
c:ase mad!:= ;:0= 9.5 ma/- due to offralDp alone. Only 15% ~d be ..
I U shoppin~ :~=':H traffic. If signalized, t~e area will be io exc_S
of 'ederal s:.:':ards with shcpping center built or not. Th~ Dtr.ctor
of Publi: ':~~õ ~certained this would be for free ;low altosether.
Couac. J'1.<":" H.:~rtained if present free r:g:'t tu.n without stpaUza-
~1QQ ar.d S':-~C::~ anter built. the project i"" i~ b..t we"n ~.O &:1d 8.0
_.r off~,..-c:>, c".l: is due to traffic on oUt."'.... They are pMjectina
~t 3 =;, "'''' the traffic on offra"'iI "it;'i., j.)' "i the Q(fraep.
õlit.h3.¡r.r...~. :,~~;i"'lIICteorological W'or5t ,',:s,' ,,:,,1d be 11 ?r 12.>
...1. wit:" ~.;. ;,dn¡; due to t.raffic on oiio::¡>. The CO 1.' .re
6øa1natc~ ~:.- ::-J.
Coaac. .1"::"'>0:: ,~~stioned hov far condit1ooQ \Could be felt
ares. Ms. ;.i=::'~ said it would depend on """ hr traffic
-runl; !'..:>H:::" ~ cars or 160'.
f~ ~r.ff1c
uould tend to be
-.yor Spo1tU ,..odtioned noise levels. Mr. S~icmal1 said rederal standards
...e higher :::',¡,:: my you would like to pemit: 70 db. Bullocks are sboot-
ÚoI for 60. ~ Stevens Creek Boulevard NaJs 70 and 280 H~__ 7S-80.
1IIere were :>.> ,,-,:ise œa&ur_ts taken atop Volfe Road overp....
1Ir. SeidU!l Hi.! he would question speed on high count DO - roads.
.&lso thesc are sidevallt readings. Th~ faster a car pes the
_re noise i t ~~s. He at.o co.aented the ro1qt noise would be 88Ùed
tI7 aoiae off Z!O.
Counc. Nellis asked what factors deterœine what shopping c:eatel' voqtd
... to noise, !fr. Seidman said there would be an imperceptible differ-
_ but t!1e ;>uk :Ioise would probably be earLie~ in the af~er1lOOO.
~ Volfe Ie..: it would acid about: 2 or 3 db, 1 do at Steve... Creek
~evard Ut<Ì ~ at 280. CowIe. Rellis ascertained the increase ...
ZIO would ;..¡. s?:ead over a lODaer period of tilll".
JIlJIUr£S OF nŒ JULY 1, 1914 CDY COORCl1. H£ET'1õC
Pa¡e 7
1IaitJ tlVald be true on all ...~
prabål1 ~dIa't .ffect ftt_-:T
, ';1\"
eU ~.:. holich questi0øe4,.~èf? of wllDll! on 11:)15. lewla. ID
AlW6poœe, JIr. Se1daan .dA' '_~., ,ou hit capacitr. :101...", lewls
w1.l1 F .. vitia collDll!. Be'" ..._d capacities we£8 .ppro.........
at pea boar.
t,: høve_r. !U. :!eidlaan
'u.. øoise levels.
, -
..aid it
1Ir. set__ a.pla1ned LlO 11< -rrled about 10% of the t1ae and is
~r _t associated vida - 1.uu:e, L50 is a""rage lewl aDd
L90 is residÐù, the l_esc ~. ever soes.
ID &nsver tQ !:.xmc. "IUs, 1Ir. Seic!aan said th~re is no doc:uamted
åta on loss ,! hearinl f~ lIOiae levels. Occupational standards
say 80 db 5i:~.."d not be ~ce-"-d 1IIOre than.8 h::urs a day. Sleep
~nterfe:Tn~~ .:arts at 4S db aDd speech in.erfcrence at 60 db.
Each ti:ae ~:.; :.-ub1e the dlstaD(;2 fr= the 5~U"C\>. you lose 3 o!' 4
~. He 5&i: * ~JW of houses could ca~se an ,~1itional 5% decr~~e.
In ~n!L:..:r _.
..'.... "F~olicr Tt-J;a!"ding l::'::\' ..-: ;<.~·.~:s\~a.i':fng ?~ nC¡F-~ ~
¥ ~~....Jn ß:ti¿ ~!~;s :lnu plan,"-t": ,~ 0, ~~st of 2CI:" .:.¿th.
_:- r..Jise \1(,·.,,¡.1~ -=...e .in¡~d.
CouOl'. rr";~:', Bked about :!:.e effect "f .." ,,' \l,.11. Mr. Sc!.dœ:m
said as"'''''',: ~.cer" vas LO liDe of sight, :"er,: could be about a
H' to l~ ~:- -.~ ,oUon. ~it!a f:'ee"Way, no;'", "..u~è l-e reduc~d a~oul
~ ci"t'I.
ou!fC"r. "~-a "
tn^ rp~:.· ::..~
::1 :,n.~'~":,' :.
¡¡ :"..'
In.."". Ne11 :5. !!r. Seid~"\:ì $';:": '~',.r~ 19 of t~IR ..:s~
~J v'll!.
I n rr!Þr..:"~:"
de ('ACt> 0:':.
":,,:.un(.;.. írol~d. !'tr. Sei¿:","c: 1\,...: ~,iined the prCt~l~Sf: of
C,"unt.:. ~,:--."(: ",~~_('d 3bou: ~/fe:.t. on WC'l:(' :-...! .,..- havint;. ir.'~û~:'ri3j
en ei!st .;.... ~-_~ 3h('lppir~i. c-.e%it~r ?n \:~~~.:- :'>,:I i,,'~¡'cr lv~ -.:. a:1':''''O
uncl~r("rl:"5. h\" a5;c.c¿ \ vo\.~ld h:-\~i'''''~ ... l:~:in" 2j../ a.:rl"~ of
1'u1'I~tr~<'i:' :-.... ~ fed vi"h lett h~~H! "'.J~:":. ~tr. ifc..1~ri sa¡J :l
vculd '1....1. ~:. _,..;:1'fl~ca:1!.;e 11'1 \":~\..-.'. l)v~rCr()s:. cll2siL;~,
b~sid~s ..:'-_"'. "ill~ tv.,) lCáeg:ae.!'..ts of Cf.·nt~!. ~._~-- fl.... eljp.:n.~!(> lê"tt
tutn I!"'_n·~::..··:. In indus!.r'!,aJ citUdtiG" t:.t ,;.. iy twneraticn is
.tb1}ifi(.,¡:-~':~· :""JCr but peak h:)ur is 5~ci:.,¡r :'<' \"~lat you cc.ulc.
""pecl .¡,,:::.: :i.e !taliif' F~rtod of shorr!::.-. ...~:,',. lndllstrial u,'"
woul.1 sUi'P:',",,'l bllr c~rcul would ,-"",;,,;,::-':!', pcak. Il1èl",~t.-I¡¡l
traffic ~, ,.. :ulat..d tc be 86: Clutbound :¡:< ';"'pplng cenrer to he
><I-SO Ic "c.': .'~t. but talU.~ _out san" ".':c..:~'.
Left tUr.1 "" ',"" ""nt!: of t raffLc vere di,,,u~>c.'. The Dir".:lor of
Public 'Å:,: " ,,~ted t ra ff Ie 5octbb(\un¿ led.' :_ ,;',' lefl turn J:'ovclJcnl
under ,'''''r::..~,;in¡;. Hr. liedel p<>int.:d cut :1'">[,, ,",o\lld be left turn
sianal at '·.\ll.:o Park Way.
~~ ,'.,J;:",~;:¡';":;":
~~~, ',' "~,:~'; ;~', :',';:,
;~ '~~>'
"" ~
. .
Ccnmc. !!eyers ..cert..t..... Vall co Park Way exit froa p-.y's si4e
of, ull_ Dot to haw . left turn. Be questiaaeëJ!Ib1 a::y0De _lei
SO arolDl peÖMt.r. ""If. and two signal l1¡bu. Hi. Heald pointed
out dais woulel be... 11% &reen light; the sipalwoulel have to favor
traffic CIII Volfe'load.
C_c. Jackson nfeønce to item 11 in his _. ntatifta to
certain levels of aeni.ce iD other shoppinl c:eaten iD the Bay Ana.
This was to have beea forthcDllinl, but to date he has Dot received
it. Kr. Heald said he cI1e1 not have any hard data to back it; it
_t have been an intuitive observation by ODe of their Los Aaleles
Counc. J;¡ckson asked if the double left tur.l north bound at Homestead
vas still to be included. The Director of Public Works said it was in
and is one of tl¡e cocditiOO8 f"r a use perœit.
Mr. H~,lJ pointed ~ut that DCO report ~hould be folloved in terms of
long rònGe needs. Counc. Jackscn noted this was specifically for center.
At 9:05 p... a reCedS vas taken with the "eetinl reccnvening at 9:25
1:,e ;'''':''"r then opene,j the hearing for comments frO!l\ t"e audience.
ar. ~i~¿ ~cD~ell. 797~ P'~pkin Drive, Cupcrti~~, said he wa9 chairman
of the Slnta Clar~ Valley Coalition, Taskforce o~ Growth & Development,
SAn Jc;e. He distribu~ed copies of hi~ lctter to the City Couv~il He ..aid his cOl!lØlCnt:< ...ere based on DCO tra!fic Impat:t s~udy
or ~!¡:y ~'-, 1973. !Ie excerpted from hls I('Her relatl'1g to sii>,niflcant
error" .13d ol'lissions v..lch hi,. Rroup felt to be misl'!ading or, at best,
In 'lnS1õer to COUllC. Meyers, Hr. McDowell explained the origin and
purp~~e of the Santa Clara Valley Coalition. He said this gro~p is
prlml"i~~' concerned "Jith all human con::-erns in the Santa Clara
Vall~r. They have a Taskforce for employment of persons, and ancther
on eo,,:gy, and transportation.
In answer to Counc. Jadtson, Mr. McDowell explained what was expected
froD ~ dlalramatic _po
In answer to Co1ll1c. J'1cksoo, Hr. McDowell said silllal synchronizatton
would a.ttedally help, but the problem he foresees is the State is going
to insist they ¡et that traffic off 280. This will mean additional m.>menU
of red for traffic coain& south on overcrossinl and .here are only two lanel
southbound. This will be the bottleneck for entire Wolf" Ruad problem.
mUIIIS OF 'IBI .-r :1. 1974 C1n COOMClL HIE'rING
Œ-l1& '
P... 9
'lb. Direetorof,,WOzb.aid tbe lIideDtlll of Wolfe RoacI would
oécur at sta" 3.i'åiêtD this deve1i:.1I.'I.t. 'lbe overcrosS videutn¡
would be ctoaeài: tlaát'U_ 81so.
111 respOllSe toJlØ,<Ì?I'·'IIp8rks, Hr. McDOwell .aid tbe only doc:uMDt. be
had worked vitb1i_·tbe DeLeuv Cather report. and a letter froa tbe
State dated Kay -22. 1974. He had not spoken witb staff.
,~;,~' .
Mr. John Dippe1.10402 SOØIerset Court, Cupertino. asked for clarifi-
cation of pollut1OD mDbers. He referred to EIR chart that said CO
concentration due to shopping center alone was 8 mg/m3 over Wolfe
Road and a note that this did not include background. He asked if
measurements just taken made 4.6 background with 8.0 for shopping
center Itotalir~ 12.6 which is 2.6 over Pederal standards. Ms.
Patmore said predictions in EIR were for all traffic on Stevens
Creek Boulevard. Volfe Road. Vallco Park Vay :::Dd 280. There were
two cases, with and without shopping center. Background levels
ar\! !>ources other than these.
Hr. Dippel then que5~ioned two statements. onc wniDt said that CO
conc~ntratil)n is sace for build or no build, and t:te traffic report
which says there will be more traffic,. He a5kcd :Lf this could be
tn'e. Hs. Pat!l:.O!"E: said w:lth 20¡' increase in traffic, you can stay
at 8 or 9 mg/",3.
Hr. Pat Rogers, 19764 Auburn Driv~, Cupertino, s?-id one thin~ ~bout
the ElR disturbed him. lie said he was afni¿ anyone's calculstion5
are subject to ~~allenge. Ther~ have been nany experts and even
people of highest qualifications can disagree. Thè report se~M~
to say there is a trade-off. YI)\I can have 'H22,OOa.Oo revenue
per year in exchange fcr which y.'" will sufi.::>' cert~i" d"",:.¡;e,
some of which can be mitigated Dnd some of "hicit can't b~ ;,.i~il!at..d. ,
There _ill be an increase in traffie congestion, aiL and noise I
pollution. The EIR assumes a certain set of conditions will prevail ï
What happens if t."ese nssumptioas arc incorrect? Or.c~ ve an~ ;
committed to the center, it "ill be out of the C.t)"s h'1nds. lie I'
su~~ested the Council shoulå consider that thl.,!;,; could hI: \lor!!e
than assumed. i
Mr. Hans Korve, DeLeuw Cather o~~~nization. said he would like to
spe-,k to questioos rai~ed by Hr. McDowell. Fi rs', his E<ourcp of
iniormation \las based on different set of figures than one being
considered tonigbt. Secondly, calculations for numbers on page
34 were based on 1965 manual published by Highway Research Board.
'11. 15 shows iaproveaent of Ste~ens Crpek !oulevard and W~lfe Road.
He explained how "approach phasing" wo)~ld exp..dlte traffic. Mr.
Korve said with reaard to jam \Irs at Wolfe P.oad, the sign"ls the
State has there now are intercor.nected and approaches to that
CC-218 ."
- 'aplO
dldut£S. 0' mE JULY 1, 1974 ern COORClL MEErIBC
. .
stpal at soutb side of interc:h4øp will be vicle&utð<_ t.c ....~ache'
: L\t.pa1 80 vill set. 2!slaDeø insteacl of 2 lanes. TIle tU...øt- of
: traffic to Tantauoverc:roøø1D~.lch should be In place.,. the tiM
, the shopping cent.r is opeae4vø not considered; a1ao,åøly Dot
, considered in air pollution _lysis at, that interaec:t1óa toD1&ht.
, 11Ie. diversion plu8 '111Íf~ta 4Ø sufficient to hsDdle tafflc
at Wolfe Road overc:ros8Ìng and is one reason for not nullq 6 lanes
at this time. '
,Ii 0; ~
With regard to trip generation. IIr. Iorve said the rat.. they used
were conservative. They have given a range of 3.2 to 4.4 per thousand
at peak hour. Counc. Jackson said he had s..>en so.. in S- O1elo show-
iDI 6.0/1000.
With regard to cUagramatic map. Hr. ICorve sr,id all calc:ula~i:ms are
made on these maps in that aanDer. Prepar~tlon and presentations ?f
these calculations were dhcussed. Hr. Korve said they had all
necessary data with the exception of minute détailed report ~n each
I Counc. Nellis referred tc GU8stion Counc. ~evers ~ad asked Mr, G3rnett
I about a statement that ther.. ",cuI" be no ëfi~"t on "Jestpte. but the
" chart shcM.,d lS~ of ~raffic -.¡ould be cominl:' fr<,m that area. She a"ked
how they detcrmined where the traffic wotlJd CODe fres. Mr. K,rve saId
I they usu"l1y consid"red the marke.~ area of 20 œ~nutes travel lilOO from
center. lie explained how this was .,alcul..ted.
Counc. Meyer asked what effect the rAmp m~teri~g on 280 goin~ south
would have on Wolfe Road. Mr. Korve said ~heu people ¡pt used to it
it would reduce congestion, reduce delay and incr~ase capacity to
highway system. You will substitute short delay at r~D9 for lenglhy
delay on freeway.
Hr. Carl Flock, lOl9S Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, said he had been a
resident of Cupertino for 20 years. He had thought he was movinl
next to an industrial park. Sear's doesn't fit in industrial category.
The Bhopring center does not meet the social needs of the community.
The City needs place for ¡lrofessional and industrial workers to llve
and work instead of places to speød their money. Industrial parks
cßn be controlled. Cupertino should utilize little space left to
provide jobs.
The City þ,ttomey pointed out one of requirements on SUideUne is
for EIR hearinl in conjunction with project itself. Be would SUlgest
they continue public hearinl and procedure for certification of EIR
until July IS meetinl10lben use pemit will be before City Council.
... WI'
Com¡t:" !'.cyers .oved to ~~' Application No. 3-EI.-73 co
_tinS of July 15, 1974. 'I'lfua...d by Counc. t!ellis.
Motion c:arricd, s-o
At 10: 17 p... a recea. ... -n-d with the meetiDI reconvaiD& at
10:35 p...
'l'be PlanDing Director _ae-ced iDc:orporatinl Items 9 and 10 in
that tbey are related.
Public: bcadu¡ CD Application No. l-EIR-74 of the
Westfield Coepany to c:onsider Dr2{t Environocntal
Impac:t Report regarding c:vnstruction of tvo (2)
32,340 square £eet iDdustrial buildings ]ocated at
the southea~~ ~rDeT of the intcr~ection of
Pruneridge and Tantilu Avenues. (cont fr~''''
meeting of June 17, 197..)
I\pplicaton 20-U-73 of ,roe ~:eHficJd Coml,aI1Y= Us..
Pcrd1!t to allow CGt:.:;t:, or t,..c 32.3r'.O ~çuóre:
feet light !nc!u&tri..l ~uiidin¡;s. " lo~"J ci ó~,6E.:'
squ,lrc fl~~t. Sa!.c! ;-r!'jp~t'ly 1;-; \o"th;;'\ ~~ P (PlaJ'l~?'"
De\'clopt~t'nt w1tt¡ li~lt industrial ~ntc¡1t) 7.C:"'€- a.'::1cÃ
~s locateð 8C tÏ:e s.~:.h£.ast C,"!T1e:- ",,r the int(:¡--
sectiol1 of Pru:1eri¿¡;e and Tantau ,\\'''''1<''.'S.
Recommel1ded for de1:.~al. Appeal('å by The ~cstfield
nc:tec! nearing!; be!,,¡; hcld are re~ie'" ,)1
R.eport ó:1d a~peéd fn.."m I' J:1l1nJng Cc~ist;i,,~·:.;
peruit cf two ]1ght il'du5lri:,) h,,:'ldlr'¡¡~, h:
use perrJ.: and appl':ll bdore the... lcn~g."t.
,ne Pl"nnin¡; Director
Envi.\'onm.'ntal Impact
decision c.!enying use
su~~arizcd actlon on
Mr. Si<òk noted under I;.e".,ral plan revi!'.., this pl'opert:,' was ..~!e¡;at..<1
to an uncon~itted status. rne other non-Vpllc0 Park lirnlt~è
propt'rtie3 (lIewlet!.-Packard. 1òatkins-JollIl~'''1 and Will Lester)
have IIgreed to absorb the Wes::fielc! Co:r.p;:ny':; share of ::ra:fi;:
produdng potent,:!l ie their fuLure dev,'lq>mcnts. and thE:reforc
have re]eòsed West field for development at this titRe.
nle denial W3S based pri.arily upon the continuation of 25-foot
landseap,>d buffering strip adjacent to the rcsidential property
located easterly of tbe project. The appJicant proposed to con-
struct an 8-foot masODry vall with lO ft. {. inches of l'Jlu!scaping
, as opposed to 25 reet of 1.nAcc:aping that is common Vallco P~rk.
It wa~ the feeling of the P~iDg Commissi~n that this waS
inconsistent with remaiDde1 of Valleo Park and thus denied ase
permiL applic:ation. .
hse 11
to 7/15/7.
West: .!.(.] d
<:<-..\' ,0°7
:J."":c }·(:r""!"'.i:
w~s 1 ~ 'i \. 1 cl
COM1! i'l~.'
Page 12
. .
CoaDc. lIe1lis said she _lei UJœ to,c:onsider the wbol~qaesdoa of
-.c~tted property in Yallc:o Pam, on what basis !lais ... bdaa
1IIÜeaaed, and how the, voía1cI proceed in the future.
the Director of Public: Vorlts apla1ned,bac:kground of certaiD
..reels being designated as ~tted. there were 69 .ucb
acres that could not be developed until streets and i.p.ove
8eI1ts to handle traffic: lenerated installed. These parce1a
vere pointed out on conceptual plan. lie described the different
altematiVE'.8 discussed with the property owners. The landovDen
had alreed to let Westfield develop, and they would absorb this.
At a later date they would work c·..t a solution that would be
RUtually agreed upon on hoW to treat this l7 acres.
The ques:iQn Qf It"" a condition could be made on \~estfield for
i Bew]ett-Pa~ard and Watkins-Júhnson was discussed.
~r. Ter~ Rose, 2131l Milf~rd Drive, Cupertino, said the ~rector
of Public ~Qrk's evaluation was based on 33~ buildine to land ratio.
?resent zoning ordinance allO'oIs for 40%. Hl>'1åard and \latitlns-
J~tnson v~r2 amenable tQ this ~-oPQsal bcc3c~e their plans are ajr~ady
see. He1òlett-i'al.kard is planning 31.5% coverage! ",'J Ih:kins-Jd.n;;ÖTI,
),".4~. T"o,? an:"unt that would ~e built ,",ould be consi.ler¡¡bly 1ess
elt&n the figures c3lculated 00.
L~ ans~cr to CouDe. Jackson, the ?lanning Dlrector said it had
> geue!'ally bCèn determined that as 101'g as t;te intent Wd'; lil8ictai:1ed
· (the inter.t being there is ..n area ehat ,..ill be !1('ld} the pr?pertie.'1
; vould be adjusted. Counc. Jackson ~ald it ~~s ~ne ~f the cost
j unusual conditions in the General Flan study of the Ifallco Pari:
area, tlt:!t there would be 69 acres that could not be ':!P.velope:l.
At some poi~t, somebody will be stuck with 17 acres tha- can't
be developed. He <laid he would feel more coo.fortab!e if there
· vas some indication from landu..ners that they rcaliz~ the situatira
· and its ramifications.
· The Assistant City Attorney said he did not k:tow hew they could
t require a binding sgreeaent not to file Inverse condemnation 10
! years fro. now. Th2 minute order was a reminder to the PlanninS
; COIIIII1øsion and City that when parcels come into City for develop-
¡ !llent .8 acre is going to be required along with 17 additional
t acres that will not be able to develop. The City would be applic:aat
I for Planned Development Zone for whole area and bring eveT70.:t0e iD.
7, ,~\~
:-'~,¡~' ..'.;
In øœver to COUDC. .Jlidtaon. Hr. Vlskovich said asstapt10n for
traffic generat1øa v.. ..suaed on typical bulldingin Va~lco Park
which turned ou1: to .. 'n.s )erelÎlltage: to laDd. The City Haftager
clarified this _ .. øwerall average. There are Imr.a zonca where
it vas higher _..-zone_ when it vas lOller. The Planidul
Director noted to be coasistent vith General Pl~ in vallco Park
they would be talJduI about 3l.S%.
Cowc. Ilell1ø saiel she understood the essence of denial vas setback.
There b EIIt to get out of the vay. She referred to a letter froa
City of Santa Clara which noted several iteas they felt should be
spoken to, and asked the Planninl Dir~ctor if these ite~ were
corrected in use penait. The Planning Director said as a result
of discussion during use permit 8t~ge, the Commission did not find
the loading doors as having significant impact on residential area.
Thprefore, they did ~ot propose to change site plan in that regard.
COU!'Ic. Nellis then referred to letter from Santa Clara Valley water
DJ~I riet, d3t'_d :1ay 7. 1974, which indicated lhis slt.. -,,,,, .."bject
to no".!i"g and this problem should he meoti or.eè Ilnd disc,nsed in
FIR. Sr.e relt that in effect Calòbazas Crz~k is not bein~ cnn-
s:'dl~n:d in Elt: ~f' a:'ld ~he runoíf is not beit'!g p.ddrcss~d. rhe
Pl.:,"::i.'g ;)ireet'H agreed. H<.> said Vallco Pari< a:1d Flood C"ntrol
Þlstri~t a~e wQr~¡ng ~~ efforts to improve ~reek apd this prohlem
will !,.? rc"ol'¡"d by p~operty owners and thL Watér District,
tlr. ~~i)lo,.i Stauckmann, ¡¡itS Research Company, sald the <jlJl>sli',n "'as I
diseus~~d t~ th2 ~Ate~t they felt it was called for in the study
..n 1'.1£" 6.4 of EIR in which they disc'lssed voluoe of st,ûn. '~ater I
r...1 olf. lie roiI'ted :>ut that stom water collection cyst,,,n d('s,:?,ed'
for \'311c~ Pa~k jo; b&sed on 5-year ¡¡torm cond',tion. Dueirt more I
severe 3torm ílo"di~g co..1d occur in Vallcú P~rk area. It i~ a
maIler "f coordination belyeen Flood Control District and encire
agency ..h"lher this C:L'estion should be given mor.. attention,
In "n£"e1 to Hayor Sparks, Mr. Stauckm:iOn eyplain2d what "'''f> ,'''''ønl
by ~-}'e"r s~o=.
A dlSCt:ò>sion c-ns'.Jed on capacity of storm drains and ch"""C'ls. It I
~as noted thal stora drains in area are able to handle 5-year stor~ ¡
which will elllpty into Calabazas Creek. Wit.h flooding, the streets I
an<l gutters lIIigl:t flood for a short period úf time. Mr. Stau('kmann I
said twe things were being talked ahout, With increasing of amount
of paving, area vater viII run off Guicker. System for collecting I
water is sized for certain level so will not flow any faster to
Calabazas Creek. Another point \/as in thE: case of a severe storm, I
the unpaved land would quickly re~ch point of saturat.ion and in I
that ever.t, it doetin't catter whC'ther or not the land is developed.
. . I
Pase 13
, 'tc-218
:.háe ä
~ ;1
IUIIUn$ or 'DIE JOL1 '.1. lt74 crn COUNCIL MEF.TIHC
. .
ca. Stà~"""'" ,.aieli.. resarel to really severe stoø. the project haa
,iIo i!çact with' ré8Peét,;,to~looding potential. t;OIlDC. 'Kellis said if
'7ou:ieep incRaafDr. 'aine1øpMUt you are increasing the aount of lanel
l' ~at is covered .bY,. !nJild1øgs and pavement; t.l¡erefore JOII are increasing
the Dount of runoff' sad' increaain8 the &IIOIIDt of vater that loes into
créeli. '"
Counc. 'rolich said all that was beinl changed was aollDt of tiae it
takes during rain stona to get to the point where all water tbat hits
the Iround immediately runs to creek. If it is paved. it happens
immediately. If it is unpaved it takes a certaiR amount of time.
The ultimate maximum flow that creek should have to handle is no
different under those circumstances.
Counc. Nellis repeated her feeling that the cumulative negative impact
of development on Calabazas Creek had not been addressed.
The Hayor then asked for Council Members to speak to a1equacj' of EIR.
Counc. Heyer" said he thought the EIR was ,~de1uate, noting it d.,es ask
for inclusion of wall along property Hne. AIt area has 25' of
landsc.aping but that docs not saj it is doing th.. j"b of Clitigating
I :1Oise problems. lIe think" the 8' wall is lIecè5sary.
Coun~. Jackson said hè agreed wIth C\mll':. ~'~yers. The 25' :Jere fairly
densely laads caped J but. nois e-wi,;e, th.:: 8' wall is r.e.:e&s,~ ry.
Counc. Frolich said he vas not sure wall addresses all ?roblems. It
will affect noise generated by loading docks but will not a£f~c~ air
conditioning or elevators. What sh"uld bè looked at ClOre -oarefully
are points of noise generation.
In answer to Counc. Jackson, the Planning Dicector said dudog Plannt!'lg
Commission discussions the only points of noise considered were parkinl
lots aad loading doors tUJard residential area. He noted the appllcant
is buildins n~ spec and at this time does not knew what type of uses
will be in there. Counc. Jackson ascêrtained that just landscaplnl
would not make that IllUch difference anyW3Y·
Counc. Ndlis ascertained the building coverage was 33-1/3% total.
She noted her point in questioning EIR was not to say we should go
back and ask EIR to be done further. But iÏ letters are to be sent
out. then we should pay attention to what is co~ing back to us. It
vas very clear in General Plan there was a situation in Vallco Park'
that would not functioo traffic-wise¡ therefore, 69 acres vould have
to be withheld. She thought it was fair to lUl1lp thiø area together
and share the problea accordingly, but not on a first-co~e, first-
served basis. She felt tbe only equitable way of sharing this problem
was by reducinl intensity of all properties at this point.
Pl'ge 15
the D1 Tector of Public:_~ said that during, the d1sc:ussions
with the llll1dOl/l1en, .tIIoI!i.n indicated they would not be 1n
favor of this s01utiÓII:Aìì: it: wuld not be economically feasible.
',1j,"Ii"';' '
The Planntnl Direct:òìI' ." . :0118 of the results of disc:a8sions was
the realization thed';' ~.f~lea in Vallco Park and the CeDeral
, "12" ,)4 '...~ ", ,- '
Plan has to befurthílr..tieftDed. A detailed map of Vallcoperk
, will !la'"e to be'Vó~~'ì(~I,~ ,1bis vas one of the reasons for,
Hewlett-Packard and......-:.Jobnson saying let Westfield build
and we will tIy to vod 1r1th the City to solve th1:J situation.
" .",
Counc:. Meyers said be ... Doted how many parkinl lots in that area
were "'rty. These bni1di..¡þS were not generatinR traffic: that was
beiD& preJic:te¿.
Hr. Ji= Blair, 20622 Dobbin Lane, Cupertino, said he had thought
after all those meetings with the landowners that a resolution had
been r~ac~d. As for these properti ~T.ers comin~ in later and
say;~~ r~èY wer~n't part of agree~cnt to let Westfield build,
tbey :.;¡¿ r.oe beea II part of General P1;¡n. They had receive!! no
nO~;~lca:l~~ at the tize lbe Gener~l Plan waB adopted. At the
tiICC' ~:-~) subl.itted ap?licatio". they ..~re told to get an EIR.
Ihpy ,'; 2C.t $4000,00 for report an.! n;)nc _;aid they '"c re aT. !
Ut1c(':-.-:-:r:¿.'i ;",:,operty and could n"t :::<:?y~lop. He noted !"E'?r~sE"ntat:i\'~1~
fn,'ï., ·...·..;~~:.:"5-John~o:1 ~·k~!r~ "greed in o;>cn puhljc hear-¡
inr ~.... ~~~'Jrh t!1~1.r t.-:.p ¡ener¡;tion. I
Coù.-::. :? :~S0J\ r..otcl) t!--ere vas a di f ¡ en~nc.e in c:}~inb stat..:>roenr
end "".:>:-; 3" enforceable agrl'cII'c.t't .",,"" it calt.l' d<T-~. tt' net I
clevc: ~'?: ::.r. later. I
Attort'f:)' ¡;ug¿1í'S"'C r,,,kin¡; it a cO;1èition "f I
è~¡o:"p pemtt i~ ~r"Hlted, app!.ic.:aIJt S1~d1) ob!é1u'
1bc A~;i~t3nt Gity
the- '.)s~ r¿IT;i.f.t th,at
thc~:e' .3 f:.!'c?cm('nt 5 .
Mr. 1crp' Rose said he had not ant;c:;'JteG d;s~n"siû:" ;)it Elf,. lie
poir,:e': ,,::t a prC'ject !n V2llco ra:-" .,,-,'lInd lhe c",.""r that i"
hñlf as large and þrovidcf; h.1.:~· <'16.2.111 as Tr.3rtj.' C'3r~ en TVdr.
21hi \,".\.:-- ;,av~ not bec:1 rCG\.:ircd to r,.~\·~ ,i Elll.. I~c a¿.ire~~ec1 }'};n"!.\-
i:"lg \"·.:::.~i :;2 I,,-'n state~w:ts on 25' of L:nJ:3C"aping ._'('T'~1:5 b' mi.lS~..,nl')·
\<0'311. T.le 8' wall ~igbt Ot' better :~n~ if rcside:nts ...·ar.tpò :!.tt
they ,"'c.dd l)ui Id it. S~DCC prcccd,>:;t ¿3d ('on;islf:õ1:Y b Valleo
rar~, .-JS ~o strongly str£ôseJ hy tl1" l'bn:1ia¡; Co::-""issi,,!', he (,"It
tb,' ,,,,,:;~il sho.ùd b.. _are of in('(·,,~,..tell.,i..s wit.i,in \'a11,,0 far:<.
lie h3¿ a fUll' which was shOlo"l1 to th.> CouncU,
, .
!'age 16
ing c:1~
-:ecti fie<i
JlØUIES OF .~ ,.1.TLY I,
1974 em (X)UNCIL KEETDiG
..... 31air S.L..! tbo>y had tried _rous designs. Hc felt they had started
:;:...c,w1th p1:O~t well within die ordinanc:e. They had proposed bui1.d1ngs
t~ ... far froc re..ident:lal __ as possiblò!. There are DO 101tðfQI
,'j' ;~ was cc:ot dò!signed for~~.( . .. ..e operation. Door ope~t1oG1d11
1. ,'~"'"
~:i¡" .., i/t},· .'
;; Jacks_ ascert~d.7"~~i ~ last undewloped parcel ~ to
tlal. ' , -, '."'!'" "
t~'1( _' ~'.\ ~
:.' j'~,einl1K' further J:(.''''~ fØIÍ the audleace. Coune.
." by C:>mI'::. Jac:k901a'c:êr~~''''':''. public: hearings.
" , "~,'
,-, ~', .' '~,
. ~,-"'!:.
, ?"."
...111. .ned.
Motion carried, S-o
.c.. .JI:. Nellis darlfied re8SCIG Vestfidd was required to have ElK
z..s .AMI wa!> ::=: vas that Westff.eld fall into area th;¡t vas supposed to
Ite wmc:OIIIIritte.!. £RC vas hol~ to require an ElR from AMI UDtil it
_ proven t~"! ....ere coming iJI rith developme::t th.~t vas less 1nte~e
da.I ..mat ViS =_-nsidered in GeDeral Plan.
c.-øc:. Nell:: ,,,;v~d to c:ertify Applic:ation :-;::!t-ì:.. Seconded by
Coanc. 'r~l:,~·,
:1~tÌ\.·:1 .:.l:'rl~d, 5-0
Cotmc:. M"ye:-~ ò!::I he perscnaUy felt the <!,,:::,,: _'r this parr;icular
a;oplicatio:: ",:_'j be reexa:2.i~. The 8' ...,,:'. :::;; !'indscaping vould
~ an ace",,:':'':'' 5.:>lutlon and che appl1.::ati,·.1 '.':",:J then ..... a<:<:epta!>l...
~::. JaÚ",- c-::teJ that S01!.e .extent the ..::¿c: of reducing area en
..ourot of ::::",";'~,,!o'g could b.e <,ffset by d.''';::'", Counc. Frolic:h
~tXst'lono>¿ ::_; óince it ··)ul.! be behlnd ;.., 3' "¿ct. suggesting it
be der:sifi~':' .l: .:,ds of 8tree~s ¥hue it 'Ä~a:.ì '..¿ .h.~en.
~c:. ~L.; ; ,~J she felt tloe film p"lnt,·; ....:.It t:,e problem tÞat the Council
has wen i: ~:cs decide on or.e :0 one b.1sis j, :I-::CJ not look at the whole. If
Cc.oMcil t...'~~ :',,, position it iJI prop"r t" ;.: 3':'."\ with this deV'l!lop-
.-ot, they ~:~ :aklng steps tøuard eroding C~"..r~l Plan.
Aa far as ~=:.ióca:,ing is c:oaceraed, Counc. !\,,:lis felt they had _de
l.e&!tiatal.. =~". hut this is ~ the key ques: i.:::, I,eforc the Ccuac:il.
I Heye:-" ~Üd h" thought F[tinl agree::~t th::t develoj)er must
have." in wri:::.; ::efore buUdiøa permit is gr':;lt..d that UD'.:oa:aitted
!aDd will ~¿ ':S0rbed by other l~downers ~i:; ~ot be eroding; it
¥ill be fl..~:~:~, Counc. NelliJI asc:ertaineè :h~ r....quireœent for
ar,>roval 'ò~~': :è Westfield _t have an !!g~e¿::":1~ ..ita Watkins-
~'nQon an': ~,,~l~tt-Pac:kard. Counc. Meyers PCi::tèd out this has
U) ~o badt :; ?:.,nnÚlg Coaaiss:'o:1 with n·",,:~n':;~lon for awroval.
...,gs OF m J1IL): 1, 1974 em œmlClL ltEETUG
Pase 17
. . .
..., ..,,':
, ..... .~J¡å,~'er tD ~c. 'roUch. ~."'~t.tant City Attomey said this
,~.¡¡·4~!!tcatiDD _ up for sPP~'." proper action is either to upbol
,...;~!1. '~.=.' .fl\l ~&'iOÐ'S re,-,>-1f~' fur denial Df toreverH it.
;~ .~ .>t::,..tter -.1. then be ~ to Plann1n1 Com1s81oe for
è,f1'-.rt, ~ re¡uirinl a "~'iêartnl, within 40 days ;mcI ..-etume
'¥',)qi(è1t1 CouDc1l. If this ~ut!~.w action is decided up~. be vould
iè'~J wet s_ .tinc:tion for P1-~a eo-issiou for appropriate
<, ;¡'c< r.uti.OIIS üe Counc:il thoulÞt relevant; also a _tion to reopen
....Uc bearú:p ar:d c:ontinue UD&11 _tter c.'æs up agail\ so ~ey
....·t have to roe-ad·:ertise.
~c. Nellis ~Ted to deny a~·al. The motion died for lack of .a
second. as~er.å~:t..d that it vas appropriate> ôct:!O:'l to tak~, Counc. I
Frolich ¡¡¡",..,,~ :: dd\"Íse I'lanniOI Ct.nIIoIissior. ,,~ ~h~i r intent to I
zpprove A~p:.:l:i~-. ZO-U-73. It!= being r~fc~~d back for re~?Tt
and r~c:c:ce~~,è ~:~ditions for approval, c~¡l:r.b their atten(i~n to
c:be fol1cr.i~;.
( :,)
:';:-,':: ~.' ~ec~tved !r-:1: Hr. \Zil1 It·:,'::2r. U(..yl~tl-Pa~~..~;'¿ ¿
.,:<_:,,:~;;:;-_~,r.nsol1 aBr~ë=~ to ab:-;C".--:, ·~;t.:stficld's share (.)f ,
,-=,'.-:-=_:'-¿'d prop~r:!. $
c:,,:::" ':>::on c>f ,_O':',dit:on 21.
!(c: of 8' vall and lOt J;,;>è'","ping.
Af:.~r fu::-t::.£. ":~::::::;,¡~siont ~f""I:.m::. Me)a"n" o~,t~·,.: ,,·~....ìl ""a5 bfoing ;.~\.~(1
fer 'W~~ ~xt~~ .~. _~:". (jf #3 and S (rut:. CAtp).>'!:· .. i~ it'\'ision, :'1')
reldtc hC'\; : -__: '..;1:::: done \lit:' Ex?lanatory ;..:,. _: ~....;..tur.: ;:¡:u! :!s;r(;~~enl~
of p,,;liL$ ~:: .!:-¿ accepting t"ese into tÌ\. ¡ = l::"·,,,,:;.1it tcd parcels.
It va!' a¡;re~' __- ~t solotion had 1\,': !-"<',,
Js.evlet l-P ~c~,-:.:..: :.:~:: \1:štkin.3 -Jch:1Son; thi 5 C."\'·.~ :-,.~rl
absorb t-:e~,-:~:~,:,'E share uf u:"4co::aitted prl';'i~-t:·.
decided ui'~n by
only a~re~n~ to
Cc-unc. }!ey.:~~ ::-...'",1 :'Þ~conded the Z1Ol1on.
C,·C-'::':. ?rolich, Jackson, Meyer~. ~~"y: [ Sparks
c..-x:::.:. ~.~11i8
MO:lc~ carri"d, 4-l
Øoved by C~:. Frolich, sccunded by Counc. ~!":ers. to re:>pen pu¡'Uc
"'rinc ~nd ~~'~:nu¿ Application 20-U-74.
c,n\ti ¡,,:ucd
Hoti."·, ,:arried, 5-0
Cc-2.'.I '
t..... 18
~ :'. .
'" ~'
_ ,(¡¡II r",
tJ'" . . .',
r " '
. ... ~
Public Bear-
1D& doeecl
. .
11. AppUcatiou~74 of 'lb. Westfield Collpany: u.. ,e..U to
allCIII CODIItI~t:1oD of OM OIIe-story build.1DI conta11d.DS
19,400 sq..ø .feet. .Saiel property is within a P (Plened
De18lopMDt with. Upc IDc1uatrlal ,intent) zoaa and i. located
at tile aortbwillt comer of the intersec:tion of .runedelse and
,,~' , '
Tantau A".....~ L_ octed for approval.
Mayor Spua asked for c
at. froa the audience. There were nODe.
Counc:. 'rolich moved, secOI1ded by Counc:. Jackson, to close Public Hear-
Motion carried, 5-0
In answer to Counc. Nellis. the Planning Director said this was the same
si~uation of uncommitted pT~~~~ty being absorbe¿ by Watkins-j~h~son and
Counc, .!.Jä~on 1Iioved that Application lO-U·,74 be referred ba.:k to the
Plal'lÜ:og (,-=1ssion to be combined wit', 20-u-73 with sa:ne conditions
cx~ept [~r.ce condition. S~col1ded by Coun~, Nellis.
D,e rl,~~"ng Director said t~ts appltcatic~ rep~cs~nts 26X coverage,
,..clt bd;:OJ in~ensity even if th..y restdcted all rhe sile~ in Vallc:o
}Iayor S?a,its asked what type of document ,"ould Ìlvld up in Coù¡·t. Hr.
KiU:1~ ~aid ., simple letter from principah of ,::i,her d~velopers saying
they will ~bsorb Westfield's portion u( illlcommitt~d property in their
properÜ¡>s. That t<Juld hold in court as an esto¡>al of their tater
raising is~ue of inverse c:ondemnation.
':ounc:. Jac:kson
Counc:. Frolic:h. !teyers. Nellis, May"r Sparks
Motion failed, l-4
Coune. ~ellis moved for approval of Ap~~ieat!on lO-U-74, without any
Cutther c03ditiona than already enumerated in reports, based o. its
26% coverage that would be absorbed if there were 28% coverage on all
the undeveloped land.
~'e Pl~in& Direc:tor noted the 28% in order to be valid would have
to be agreed to by all property owners as opposed to just the fac:t
thst they ~~re willinl to cut their property.
After furtbe~ discus..1ôo, Counc:. Meyers said he would øeCODcl the
IIOtioD with the amenctÎleDt that the folloviDl ccmcJ1t10ft8 be aMed:
That the Public Vorlts aeIIorandUIII be revised tcì reflec:t
tnusfer of ~Ü pzoperty fro. IØIcC*aitted ciateao~·
Letters of agreeaeot aust be received fro. the principals
of Hewlett-Packard, WatJtins-Johnson and Lester properties
that they are absorbing his share of unC:01!IIIitted in their
awn parcels.
.\Dd that these conditions (20 and 21) must be satisfied
before buildinl permit is approved.
Ccua~. Frolic:h, Heyers, Mellis, hayor Spark5
:0:1:'". Jackson
Motion carried, 4-1
,;~;o; ¡.:~tion 14-Z-74 o! Ado]ph Fir~n2'i: Rezoning 1.9
a,T'~ ;'rn.. I:3-2.2 (1\',slde>ntiaJ. MuJt:i}'èc, 2,200 sq, {C.
pí: d·.:l~11inA unit} .;:0n(! to P (Fl,1n~H'd Develcp:!l~nt with
c.,'-+'":':,_'rcl..-ll il\tent) !.vnt-..". Said !"ropt'r'Y is loc~tf~d
s,'.:~:' uf :l"ld e¿j:,:cí..':ll to Stl'\'~n5 CrcC'k ßoulpvarð
3~;:0:;irnatcly 400 feel ea5l~rly of tI,e intPIsectiol1 of
s: ::':~ .~S Cr(-co( Eou:'..:'}':, rd ¿:nù J:.ì a~C'Y A".'(:.llU(>. RcCCl.1fil(.ndcJ
f.--: =-¡,plChlal.
Tn" I'!ar~::'; "I r"~tvr sllgh",;:~d hearing 14-Z-74, 14-1:'1-74 ,mol
IJ-O-I' tc~"~er as they are aJl r~lat~d.
It W3$ 51..... -:.~··.~·d 'I)' COU:1C. Frclich and sccor,dcd by Cour.,-. Ne]l~!-o.
Motio~ carried, 4-l
The hp;:,r'::':-.b \0:<]'; opened to corc~ents frOi!1 the ~uJlcr1c~. T\er.:.· \J~r~
In an~"'''r te' Loun". Jacks,,", the Planning Din',tor said the
infort:!3~i,,:: 00 trip gcner;.t~oI1S came frùt:! th" En¡;lneering D.:pt.
Moved by '""tI:1<' Jackson, ~econdeJ by COtcnc, Frollch, lo "I,;,se
Pub) ic 11<';. rin¡;S.
Motto» carried. S-O
, .
Pale 19
10-1)- 74
appr....·.·..!å w.'
con¿' ; t .:.. c:r\5
11f.-z. ]!¡
:.\0:1.)11''' Fi r<'n::l
I pul-lie lIe"rl,,^
?age 20
:-:-3. 642 ,
·~t ~~i1d~:1I:
: Jro;red
;:...u.adb OF mE J1JLY 1, 1974 em aJUlCD. HEE'rL'C
. .
þy Come. FroUch, eecGnh.t ., Cmmc:. Heyen, to app~ AppUca-
','i~-Z-7" ia ac:c:ordauee vitb,:P1-iOS CollDission's reCQ -.a_tt.0D8.,
~',,:';~~:,i~L:,>" .,
Couoc. Prolich, J¡"';¡;'~'4NJ.en, Kellis, Kayin' Spub "
lfotion c:arried, S-o
:~~f '..~~ ~,. Heyers ielt it would ~ 111_ if there was some way DOt
""iÌÎIt Gf the parting lot. A furoiblø store does not need that
"t..., ,..,
,-;¡¡/¡; could gift consideratioD to this point.
to pave
(a) 'tr3: rea-itng of Ordin-a Ro. 642: "An Ordln.1n.:e of the
City ~f Cupertino AlIII!1IdioS Sec:tion 1 of Odinanc:e No. 2
by ?éz~~i~g 1.9 ac:res f~ R3-2.2 (Residential, Multiple,
2,2':-J ~. F~. Per DIIelUng Unit) Zone to P (Planned
Doo,,-..: =,=~.t with C~rc:ial Intent) Zuoc; Located Southerly
of _,~.! A':jacent to Stevens Creek BOllknrd Api'roximately
_ 400 ':. ::a5t"rly of the tntersectlc>n "f ~tev"n9 Creeit
B",,:,-,-:=,: ,,:oJ Blaney Avenue."
!Iø-..ed 1>y Cc _~,. : .lå:;('n, seco:1ded by Co..n... f,-~ li.:h. to ha'..e
Or¿1nan~c ~:, 0.2 r03J by t1t:le ~<lly, and t:,~ C:"r"',, r"3dln~
s!1aU cunSLO c:~ :::e First '1,eadtn6'
l3. Ar::'c;:;'::1 It-U-74 cf A:!olph ~·ircn..i: ;;,;~ Pc('¡¡\it to ..110'...
t:¡C :,-:;,:\I"l1on of a fl..=!.turI' stOTi' ~,'~t.tlnlng api'rc>:i-....t(,l¡
~;.: '; ~,,',La~e feet. 5a11 property i:;"d sOl!lherlj' c: 3:1<1
adj :::f:::' ':J Stl:vens Cree.. Boulc·¡ard ,1:~?rJ:dL·M.\lely 400 fc:et
e~,:.~:~ ~[ the intersec:tion of St~,~~s Creek Boulev~rd an~
8Ia,o<:' d\,,,.,ue. RecOClJllended for appr,wal.
!!io..ed by CN':::. F~ollch, seconded by Counc. ~Ie)'ers, to approve A;>plica-
t;ion ll-li-7~. ~:'! .l~~ordanc:e with Planning Co=!.":;t,,n's reC:01IIOCn¿at:1ons.
Co,,:::, Fr_'licIt, Jackson, )I.eyers, NeH's, ~3YOt' Sp~ri<s
Hotion carric:d, 5-0
11{b} AppE:..cioQ 14-nl-74 of Adolph Firen1d: 'rentative?Up t;o
comb,,,e tW¡) parC'els cOEíSist1n:¡ of 1.9 actes. Salel property
is :~: ;t~j :;outherly of aad adjacent !o St"vens Creek
~U:<~3rj .lpproxiaately 400 feet: easterlJ of the inter6eCt1on
of ~a·."''',; Creek Boulevard _d Blaney A\'~'1\ue. Rcco....n&d
f,:>r .1;'¡>T"val.
_~ OF m JULY 1, 1974 CIII œulClL MEEtI¡¡C
.',' ~~.,,~
ß_t~~111 CoaDc. J.won.,.·.·:
'j...;/' .L.~i'<.'·~~:~nt-74. iDi: .'1:
, '/:t:' -,,: '1\- . .,' 'B:'~'~, ~\ ,~..-~j~..
'.~; " ',-' ,./ ',:,~' '<.' ,~ ,,> ,,;':'~
";;.~.. JIIR'!I':" c~. FxoUch, J
,.~~,"¿,'," ::~..~ N- :,',
''-'!l:-",~"oi --- ~,
, " n.
:IJ. '
'~.. ,,",.
.' 'l'.' "'~-"""<';
Nellis, Kayor SpaØs
!lotion carried, 5-0
Application l2-U-74 of .... Carner: {'se Perlite tø dlGV
the dndo.'lDent of . -.I:d-1ltorage fad 1 ity in a P (PUImed
Devdo~nt with _ 4alJlndustrial intent) Said
property consists of 3 -... anI} is !ocat~c! in the !Jo;4h- I
west c¡uadrant of 5araÞp4acnyv2Je P.r>ad ~nd Freevay ¡¡gute í
280. R;-coa::aendpd for ..._1. ¡
~ ?lanninf r:t~C'tot' said· tb~ t..aci finalJ)' ~~..1td i.r..,T. Flocd ~~-
t'r~: D15tl~C': a:-.,ì t:'t:Y were ~el....stfng 2. rt'quiT(r.\. r.:: of dn ðd¿i-
:'i::~a.l S· of ¿r;;.i:..:,:¡ti~)., adjÆcec.t" ~o ~x1St!;'h f.i~i1itj\.,~ the~ h...-..-c
~ ~.'.j¡;,t~ 2~...~ '~:". Si",~ 9UUf:St~ C1t: r.c.JÕH"i; r,~"':-~"~'~ ~r.(",.:i~ ~;':".:'..
.: s.lj¿f's ....: -:.,,·~.ii[it'5 and be.~ frc-ø. the ;';',I:·-,::.'t. "rh~ teL- .'; ,~
!"':,=:'':J t~::;:- :;",~" 10' ot f1~~ aru 1"/0 f("l~~' "..J: C'f i.~:-:~st::-,-&
c'::'a:-::-...=l a.f..! -:C';.~ ;': It.·a~t 1'>' !...:,.-r .. ;'fPCl '",t l"':',:'¡-":::n; tl:e-; :.:=".'1.:
!çr ¿r~¿~i~; : .~~~:1"
Cc;.x.::. f:-ol:'.::: :ï.s":l"r~¡.ioC'c! t.:'::'.J: ~C'!5ion \-'"l'~I!'¡ í'i~t'Lt tht, :':'-¡ :.~-:.; ..-
:,.:"r. S~, PI? ":'.:-, ~ !":.:ìt A!"t>llc.t.:...ø:. 11-1>:-7/, b·_' ..., :"si~(,ll'j ',-;.'-:
1~~:-11+_ ~¿::~-:~l¿' l'y CC'\1nc. !"~~rs.
Moti,,!> r," ~i('è, 5-0
~ P}anni,,;; :':r.'ct0r :>aid the a~y C;;>undl..",lè h;,¡Vl' te' ;0
....-=~"O!1 ~:'\ ~:,:_~ ':"'..1'l.' based co ~dliti~f: !\;r ~1~~ in ~'rca 2r1¿ it
a= ~dd! ti ('r~..11 :-' ~ ~ ~o1ng c.c x r.equ~ lé:d .i l':; t ~:--('.\VS('" t hey ~a)"
~J nccJ it f:r a t'icce of !.~ "f_EDt. "!1H_Y ::n~ travers!.n~ jQ'
&..c saintnb, !-:. ~'i'~"!":y í1OW.
1: "as 8,"c..rt.!i:,eJ lhere
for th¿ 5' rl~~ cn'rancc
I:ioe prop" rt)' .
is a ¡~ to Hi 0\1\<.1\' r, and FCi> i!> .1$:'i "b :
" . I
tbroeP "r1vate road that !),O('s thró:..g.'1 I
A11~r furt~er ~i5cuRsion, tha ~r1ng waS orcncd to au~ieace f~r
, .
Pap 21
Jteith C..rn~r
i· -J"!-í¿' (.
: 2-1)-]!.. t;·
b~ t..:l.:r.~.. j :"1':"1
j"i .1l !~'
cc- 218
Page 2Z
. .
Mr. Jia lADe1t,rep_t1nl Keith Gamer, et d. .aaicl If the Couacll
a¡reed to Flood CoDtrol C:OIId1tion they will haw to -4'l.te1t; ,
reme parcel .p,. chaap appl1t:4t1011 for Steak' Ale,· _ _01-
._, .... ...,....~. .... '¥-.dol ..... W'...
._ured the propetty. _ feD bas close to 12' of:. .. . la' .'
betvæu fellce aad c:b--l. He Doted tbe c:h8Alll!1ta . "..1:1a1da8
add there are nð,Cr..a.other thaD pines close toini: 'etioD. TheJ
feel it is aD arbltruy to require S·. OQe'of thi èODcerna of
the City vas openin8'betveen fenc:e to where aini-storap Would be
visible. Atloving a pte would in fact open that am up coapletel,.
In answer to Counc. FroUch, Hr. Sisk pointed out easesaeøt off Valley
Green Dr' WJ beinl requested by FeD.
P ub~~c Bear-·
'r,~ ~ .:!.:::-sed
With r(',! to landsc:apinl, Mr. Sisk noted the applicant is attempt1nl
to ne¡;"t .tte with the State for additional r1ght-of-vay la1\cbc:apinl·
In recent disc:ussions with State this appears to be øometbinl that
c:an bê d~coQplisbed. If this isn't accomplished. they may be required
to µr.Hide addit10nitl inseta within the fênce along the property line.
The plc,~ of equir£e~t needing the additional 5' snd frequenc:y of use
was Jis~tl::Jsed.
Coe:-.:. ~:"llis movcù tG close pu~lic hearing. S"conded by Counc.
Motl0n car:-~ed, 5-0
CO:J:1':. ~;"lli>l moved to apprnve Application 12-U-74.
Coun,· e ~It.~yers.
$eí"cnd"d by
Cour.c:. Frollch, Jack~on, Meyers, N"lllS, Mayor Sparls
M~tion c:arried, S-o
l7(c) A~plic:atioD Il-TM-74 of Keith E. G3raer, Et At.: Tenlative
Map to subdivide 14.75 acres i~to four parce15 witbin ~ P
(Planned Development with c~rcl~l/tnduAtrial intent)
zone. Said property is loc:ated 1r. rhe southwest quadrant
of Sara top-Sunnyvale Road snd frce'J:1Y Route 280. Rec:ommeft'¡ed
for approval.
Moved by Counc:. Nellis, seconoed by Counc. Meyers, to approve Applica-
tien Il-TM-74~ in accordance with PlannIng Co~ssion·s re~ommendation.
CounC. Vrolicú. Jackson. Meyers, Nellis. Mayor S~atks
MOtion c:arried. 5-0
Counc. Meyers voødenicl:vby there had Dot been any discussion Oft
7alk property. Hr. Sf.sksaldthls prt_rily related to applica-
tion of Sobrat~BerI. vbo have attempted to purchase it but hne
been UJlBucceeaful _ 'far.
Counc. HeYers also sugpsted making surface of Jdni-øtoraae that
facea higbwayl00k like precast fenc:es. Hr. Slsk said thiswaø
their proposal.
15. Application 17-Z-74 of tohr-Turgeon Development Corpora-
Continued to AUIU8t 5, 1974 as per applic:ant's request.
l5(a) First reading of Ordinanc:e No. ó41:
Continued to August 5, 1974
l6. ResoluUo"\ ~c'. 3683: "A Reso~urion of Ü." Cit:' CClIncil
of th.. C::, 0: Cupertino O~ccri:1g Vac:atJ·_,,, c'f ¡, !-onion
of Pðl0 ~i~ta Read Between .!,~jce A~~nu? ~~¿ Stevc~s
Creck E-:...t.3e';ú!'d. Porti\Jns of H~~11e':ui: A~·e:-}.1';c East dad
West of Palo ·,,'ista Rûad, Porl i(:o of P~r.;);·.a Ave.;~I¡,(! \:cst
of Pa!c ,i~ta Road and a Portio"! of V~ntura AVr~ue
West of P"lc. Vista Road."
There being nc r.c.::."",nts from t¡'<> dud:cn"", Counc, Froiich moved,
seconded by C~unc. Nellis, to close Pub!ic Hearin~.
Motion carri"d, 5-0
Moved by Cour-c. frclich to adopt Resolution No. 3683. Seconded
by Counc. Nellis.
Motion carried, 5-C·
Architectural and Site Approval Committe~
(a) Application IIC-5l,500 of Cal-Coast Sign Company
(Old ~est Steak House) rcqucRting change of copy of
an existing sign lo~a~ed at 10041 N. Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road. Rec~nded for denial. Appealed by Cal-Coast
Sign COIIIpany.
Pa¡e 23
c:ontinued to
Or¿. r:o. 6..1
cent f ~Iu<:d tu
t'~¡J ì': '. i.- .~;" !"
("~ 0 ;'\'~
Res. !;J. 3:;õ-,
,CG-l t8
Page '!4
\íÍ'~ '.
''7'' ,;< ,"
:'~ '
, "
1)r..1. - !:.J .
:mmTE3 ~ TIfE A'Ll 1. 1974 C!1'Y COL~CIL }ŒETIXG
. .
Since th. ~ppllc:ant vas not in the aud~ence, Counc:. Frollch moved to ,
continue ~pllc:a~~HC-5l,500 to July 2, ,l974. Co~nc. ~yers seconded'
the. a:ot!.QQ.
. '"Motion carded, 5-0
Cc¡:nc. requeated the PIanninl Director· to notify the applLc:ant
the hcad.q vas conC1nued to July 2. . '
19. Soc:ond reading of Ordinance No. 640: "An Ordinanc:e of the
ctty of CQ?ertino A~cndin~ Sec:tion 1 of Ordinanc:e No. Z by
t"nzonin J A;lproxtndtel:o- .20 Acre froill Santa Clara Coun¡;y .
~l-¡û (Residential, Slngle-Fa~ly, 10,000 Sq. 't. Per
~'elling ~cit) Zone to City of Cupertino Rl-7.5 (Residential
$tngl~-:~ily, 7,500 Sq. Ft. P~r Dwelling Volt) Zona; l)cated
'!.:C!s::erly .,f and Mjacent to ~lir3. Vista l.w::u" .\o?ro:Ü",,,tt:1y
~ Feet 30ctherly of the In:e-s"ction I)l S:t:1t::l P,luta .\..·mue
~nd ~ira '/is:a Avenue, lù535 Hir'1 \fL¡t" Awnue."
Mt."v(~d by CC':.;n.:.. Fr:Jlich, 3t:c,;nded b¡ CCtlnc. X\!11f39 to t'l,")VC ,~"..rlin;!n.~é!
No. h~O ("~,.¡¡~ ~:; ~':,=le only, .:'1::d th~ Clt·:l'~:'.1 ¡"~:J,:i:15 ;.>hall ":~~:'ìt~tctl'!
the S~~~~ 3~adia~.
Motion carried, 5-0
~!Ov.1..! by C.:Iunc:. F:olic:h, 8¿.~ond~d I:y C')unc. ::ellis, to adopt "'r.ii~ance
NIJ. 640,
Motion ~arried, 5-0
I MOVo1d by Counc. !;211is, seconded by Cou...c:. Frcli~h, to adjourn to
Pers"ltl'lel Session at 12:45 a.DI.
Motion carr1~d, 5-0
The :'Iay~~ rec:onvened the ¡::eeting in o?"n >lcssion at 1: 10 thereafter adjourned ta 7:)0 µ.o. on July Z,
a .:D. and
f!ll W!D. t. Ryder
r.ity Cle'C'k
,sl Rced Sparks
Mayoe, City af Cu?ertino