CC 07-02-74 , -- ,..- Cl..... O!' CUPU'lllfO. StATZ 0' CAL!FORNIA JO;,oo Torre AwlWe. Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone: 25~''''505 lCDIr.lSS or 'ID ~ IIGULAI ftUluG or TIll CIt'I ÐDII'C"- BILD (II JùL'f 2. ~'" D 18 ODUlCIL QlAllllEI. CIn JW.L. ' CUPIIUIO. ~ :' '; "f~ f SALU1'I '10 '1'IŒ. FlAG KaJar SpuD ("...n.., Cbe ~1A1 to orcler at ;:36 p... ~tb the Salute to tile r~l. . lOLL CALL Counc:. present: Counc:. absent: Prol1cb. JacDoo. Heyen. Nellis. Hayor Sparks None Staff present: City Hanaler Quinlan Director of Adainistrat1ve Serdr:ea Ryder Director of Planning and Developsent Sisk Direct~'r of Public Works Viskovic:h Assistant City Attorney Kilian Director of Parks md Rec:reation Butler ClHfUNlCATIONS 1. Written A. A letter froa the League of Womf.'n Voters expressinl apprec:iatioo for the City's regular and informative l'eports of City business. B. The sub.isø1on of the Fourtlt Interim Opinion and Order of the Public: Utilities Commission on the energy and fuel requirements, and a notic:e from PG&E relative to the perc:ent reduction to he achieved in energy con- SU3Ptton by tbe various segmentG of thr c:~i'y. C. An advic:e fro. the Mid-Peninsul~ Regional Parl District. of their deve] "ping a final master plan, and the i reqlledt for ir.put from tbe CHi.·s within the Distric:t. D. A Res~lutico &d~pted by the City of Auburn urging tÞe L~aguc of California Cities to endeavor to devise and prc ;ent to) the I.cgi¡¡latu,'e a program designed to pre- vent or minimize the impact on r.ecessary public: vorks prograas of ta,tics designed to deliberately delay the prompt resoluti~n of envi~onm~ntcl suits. CC-219 Page 1 , .. .,., HlNtJ"1ES OF 'DIE JULY 2, 1974 AWOURNED CITY COUIICIL HEE'l'IJIG . . ,~. ;)~=iasion of c-isston Htnutes There are sub1dtt" to the City Couac:11 the fol1ovinS IliDatu fEO. tflle vari_ City-«.---.to. "",c~tt".1 \ PIMminll ('.-f·.ioø (1) (2) (3) (4) 18¡u1ar .-_ 0; J(q 28,1974 " A!Uoûned "pIar 1fM'1qOf Hay 29. 1974. .....- Adj.ø-h ".. "tinS of J_ 5; 1974 "pl_ Ift,..f... af '.JüIae. 10. 1974 . ',",' . Architectural" sue c--rtt.. (1) lap1ar MeetiDa of J_ 5, 1974 (2) lap1ar Meet1nS of June 19. 1974 Public Safety C:. .....i_ (1) . A4Joumecl lagular Meeting of Hay 30, 1974 Pam and Recreation ~ø1on (1) Regular Heetins of June l2, 1974 Library r~".sion (1) Reaular HeeUnl of Hay 21, 1974 Water Coaaiss1on (l) Relular Heetinl of June 26, J974 r. Á request from a group of residents ..kinl that a portion of Boany Drive between Schofield and Peppertree Lane be c:losecl fro. 4:00 p... to 9:00 p.lII. on July 4 for a neigbbor- hoocl party. c. Bids for Avar-! of T1ae Deposits, ite.10 of Agenda. H. Correc:ted c:opy of Cash Balanc:es as June 30, 1974. !. Resolution No. 3682, ite. 17 on Agenda, the last pale has been corrected to reflect warrants that had previously been approved. J. Renolutioo No. 3492, itelll 18, c:orrectinl langu3ge and b~dy of :uoluticm and to inc:lude some fire area mapa. . K. Water Utilities proposed budget for 1974-75. ,;ë#",. ',',.,;~ fl~ " .,'" ~il -" t~~~'~;,c;~ '-'¡}:~:, :'..>,. "";"-""",' , .,".,....,. "'·::j~r :'-.. , .. - 'IIÙlUl'r;S OF "BE JULY 2. Ø14 AJUOURNED CITY COUNCIL ltI!IrlDG . L, Sa_ resolut~:affect1n8 De Anza Off-ecreetl'ast1øa and rraff1cF.rt:~~Aaseø81lltnt Dhtrlc:C; Sp~ ti_ aad Co4ì:~t~Do--"t8; Engheer's 1ep~~;,"'Ol't of Dtv1aiDII:, f~~._cl'Hiabv _,'s Code;.Cc. .....C".U_ fn.1teq'JODeI*"~ for the Distric:t. . .';. . , -.,,::.":,~t:;'~<'_',,' ,'~ " SWlat8DCe o~ c' 1"~"" ChaDge Order ~o. 2 for He~dal Puk Ph...1F~"j":". it8llt 21. .. \' '.;,<,~:t Correc:tion to·......-nt B of Resolution No. 3684. it.. 19. H. B. O. &~tted report aDl proposal of Public Safety ~ IAsion 00 1'ike J,anea for Jl1an~ Avenue and for BUDb Road. it8llt 8. P. Rep'Jrt from Director of Parks and Rec:reation on De_lop- ment of School Fad. 11 ties. Mayor Spañs sdd there vas no vay of looking at half of these items. He would like to see all material on Friday, or at least Monday before lD2etinl. 1he City M&1ager noted bulk was from outside consultant and had been rec:eived approximately two bours before i:!eeting. The Director of Public Works explained there is a deadline for taxinl abLlity of Assessment District; the public hearing CU5~ be before ADgust 5. After further disc:ussi~. COunc:. Nellis noted resoluticns are A~tions that require tbougÞt and study, and Council will have to take the position thû if the deadlines arE: not met, they viiI not ~ heard. This vas the conc:ensus of the Counc:il aembers. COWl:. Jaclson moved, seconded by Counc. He}'ers, to authorize the c:losur~ of a portioa of Bonny Drive on July 4 as requested by the residents for tile holding of a neighborhood party. Motion c:arried, 5-0 Counc:. Kellis noted she vould like to extend her thanks to the League of Women Voters -for their c:01DDlunicátion. With regard to Mid-Pen1Dsula Regional Park District, Counc. Nellis did not "ant to respond ~ it tonight, bu~ felt the City should be involved in what th~y vt.l.l be doing and she would like to aake a formal response to this letter. The City ¡'¡,mager revievèd the City's plans to date oø Chis aatter. . . CC-219 Pep 3 . !oIlllY :h: he closure approved CC-219 p... 4 ~,. I.::- Recess ;!C-5l,500 Old West 5tealt ~ Appea 1 c;f sign deaJ.al "uS OF THE _ 2, 1974 ADJœmœD CITY CotJNèñ. -MEETING ~ . . ~r: a discussion on vb.tller or not to 8UppOll: the City of Auburn'. f olUtt.oa, the City "-.-r vas ..ked to obtain fTOIiI the Leasue of ',' ~"fo~a Cities the øature"~ -...ftude of pro bias involvins 0' .........rat. .U....· s to dela, tIa4t prompt resolution of envirOßll8l1ta1 ......... 4'", . ., 2. Oral (a) Report IJy Mr. Sa1t Marc:hea~ on visit to stater City Copertino, Ital, 1Ir. Harc:hese said the people had been very friendly. They had sent . letter and _ to the Hayor. ,Mayor Sparks read the letter and "pr¡w! the gifts. Mr. Marchese sat.d two young c:ounc:ilmen from ~rtino vere hoping to be in Cupertino this month and he hoped eatertainment c:ould be provided. Counc:. 'rolich noted some arrange- _ts have been made vith the OIaaber of Commerc:e to greet them when dIey c:ome. In .'nsver to Counc. ~llis, Mr. Marchese said the Mayor of Copertino vas a 51-year old woman. ~ 7:50 p... at the request of the Direc:tor of Administrative Services. C~c. Jackson moved to adjourn to Personnel Session. Scc:onded by Cocmc:. Meye rs. Motion c:arried. 5-0 ]be meeting reconvened at 8:l7 p.m. (b) lIequest by Counc1lDen for removal of items from the CJnsent Calendar. 1:bere vere none. alFIHISHED BUSINESS Coomc:. Meyers noted ite. 18 had been c:arried over from ,July 1, 1974 _tins· Ap~lic:ation HC-5l,500 of Cal-Coast Sign Company (Old W~~t Steak House) requesting chanle of copy of an existi~; sign loc:ated at l004l H. Saratola-Sunnyvale Road. Recommended for denial. Appealed by Cal-Coast Sign Company. TbL Planning D1rec:to~ noted applic:ation is appeal of H-Control denial for change of copy on Old Wes t StcM House. He referred to plan that had been submitted. There "'ere several meetings on this application , -.... -- IlIMUTES OF IBB JULY 2, 1974 ADJOOIUtED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~'", which resulted 1ft Ø-contlOl '.çressing the~r distress for the color proposed. They felt n4 and black vere not in keeping with tnt.ria guidelines 1nteøt. "~cb va for VUII earth tones. }~ , In aøsver to ColIne. He11.Sa. Hr. Sist pointed out that the c~tte iD J:ecent acti0a8 ba 8Ctellpted to lessen intensity of c:olors. .Co c:. ~11. ..c:ertaineèl there azi JIG restric:tions in ordinanc:e as it n stands. She noted since èJe,.f-ion vas 'based on antic:i~ated luLde- lines, she would like, the City Attorney to c:omment on what discre- tion the City has 1D settiDl colors. 1Ir. 7.Uiän said there has DeVer been a Court c:ase that has decided thi~ issue. There is notht.ng in ordinanc:e that authorizes H- Coatrol to rejec:t or accept basic c:olors. Even if the ordinanc:e were amended, it lIight not be upheld in Court. The farthest the c:ourts have been villiøg to go is if sign is related to ec:onOlllic or traffic: c:oncern. That is, if the sign would have soae effect on safety of traffi- c:irc:ulation. There is a 1909 law which says you c:annot reaulate on aesthetics along. This still pre vails. Counc:. Jac:kson said he felt this could be related to the econoaic~ of the land. Counc:, Mey~rs no~eð the Resolution adopted said only that the signs should be the muted tones, and if the flashier colors were used, the intensity of illuminatlon should be reduced. He tho~ght it would be ~-ery difficult to restrict u". of bright colors. lie also rommented it was thr intensity, rather than color, that m~de Bob's ail Bo)" llign so graUng. After further discU8~ian, the hezring was o?ened to ccmments íro~ the audi.mce. The applicant was not in the audienc:e. M4Yor Sparks asked if sign would be a conforming sign, noting c:opy _uld not be c:hanled, onl: the plastic:. The rli!nning Director said the applic:ant halo a riaht to chanle co~')' on existing sign by law, but ASAC does have review of that change of c:opy. Mr. Carl Re~, Jr., Sian Users Counc:il of California, said he would like to brinl up question, "Docs R-Control have authority to rule on color of sian?". The City Attorney had answered tlte question - "Not UDder present ordinanre". Hr. Si "k c:1ariiie.i that under present ordinance th~y do have rpspo~sibiiity to review c:olor of signs end buildinp. This was difJCIISSCÒ further. . . CC-2l9 Page S .. -- .. CC-219. . liDIuttS OF mE JULY 2, 1974 AP~JllfED CITY œuBCIL HIŒ1'I. .Pa.. 6'11þ:'1 :-i . . ¡'J -: 1Ir. BeYMB said there ü~""'" written iD ordinance foâa"tUC ,j': ;~¥ ?:. ~ClrtftS UIJ .P(lObl"~ ctI this City to rule OA .....L, rt.,. , :}¡f.: .. '+1'þrtaiDilll to color 'CJ>; '~j' . þ;;: ,-?~"J l~·' . " ·.i:~:~,:~;. " ·l" "'~¡> '.f~~ ,ffalllK. Jdlis DOted ''''*Ii''''' ,..... .. is ..y1q is they are;.~·up ..:,~.,. (>\....,1:· '»~::'.'" œqa1nMDt8th..Ci·.'¡:..'.'·....'..·'..~'.. to.ip color., the quèI,~~.', .~'~ '~;" ..! . .....'iJítièn do tMy start?~: . . said this is stiU IØIdér' """a1 " t. ":,D hasn"t heeD rutecl'0It,4rf......iDI CoIaiasioo and City C . ,4'1.. 1'.< .!~ ::1Iìèy are ,h_tlll to' iii,~iílt'~thilll that iaD't officia1 ~. '. !Ir. B~ said B-con~ÎOt."'" been act1nl1l1e18Uy vbèIì. tIIeJi·. have been ru1.ùIC 00 color..·'IIIÎJ',~ ¡one into subjec:tive .. peøoaa1 feelings with nothiul .,.11"'" out in ordinance. . Counc:, F~Uc:h said color t.s oae of thinp to be c:onsidered t.a look- tnl at ai!Sthetic:s of owø1'~ proposal. He is unc:omfortable 111 sayiDI one color is acceptable and another is not. He doesn't think it vill solve the ap1llicant's probIe.s. but he is inc:lil\ed to disagree with B~ontrol. HC-5l.SOO c:ontiøuecJ 1/16/14 i I I I I I I I · Counc. M¿~¿rs said he agrees you can't say a color is nat acceptable. But he d.x~:! 't think he has enou¡h understanding of this application to say h¿ i3 for it. He referred to int~nsity of Bob's Blg Boy sian and was 4fr3:d this mt¡ht be the ~ame situ3tion, sinc:e the Inte.sity of this ;¡:.~ ation isn't mOllD. Counc. J..d.s"n said there has to be some ki:1d of c:ontrol. the people of Cupertino have to 11?" vittI .mat'.. in this community. He doesn't like to ~.. in a positiou oi te1.1in" someone vhat they can or can't do, but if a= application vould 'end to depress the value of the cOII'!:'.mity ~en he feels they have that riFt. After furt~er disc:~sion. Hr. Sisk shoved slides of existing sign and restaura~t. He said the c..avr 1.s .exactly t.'\e same, only tbe color is being cha:>.ged. I · · , t Counc:. ~~yers moved to continue Applicaticn HC-5l,500 to the ...tinl of July 16 and the staff advised to ~otify the arplicant he .ust be in att~!Ance or the ..tter viiI be taken off agenda. Seconded by Counc:. r""li'~. Motion carried, 5-0 3. !)is=ussio.~ c.n proposal for granting ::eelle"",, of the ctry Cc=d1 a cost-9f-livtng inc:rease as ~ra:itted by State st.~ute . The Assis.",,-. City Attorney said there ",as no question of the Counc:il enactin& ¿ ~~~t-of-li.~qg increase pursuant to,etatute. Tber~ .. - ',", CC-219 Page 7 Jiìa.u~i:o OF 11Œ JULY 2, 1974 ADJuu_J:.II CITY COU!iCIL MEETING " .;¡: ~~:'.}"'qaesti.a of what tile ,¡., ..,. aacI if it 1s still in effect . '~c:;i.<.~~1n1 to t!te Leaaue of,~ C1ties no inc:rease c:an, t8b ;~~~~t until mue is a CO'~r"-'::' IIbo is entitled to n_ co.,.. ; ",; .: ",J.e. elected, re-e1ec:Uj.tIIe ,¡topulatiOD of Cuputino. . "',,:: peater [!wi 35,ÒOO't1!P-~tonIey General's opinion 8_ ¡,,~:,~ic:ate to the c:ot'trary. " ','';::., ,~c, .,..."',, , 'i'- ,.+i,<,: ~;~ ,~......., ,': ' ;:,~",,: ~'. further i1scussion, eo.---. lfeJeø IDOved to request staff B; l' ... c:œtac:t Assabl}'1lBn Haycleø _ die possibility oi obtainiDI the "ktomey Genenl's opinion ~j,_ to the le..lity of grantiDI _u of liTin¡ 1ocleas.. to e1ec:U_ officials during their anTent tel'll5 ,)f offic:e. S-rv.l'-.a 1ry Counc. Jtlcßoo. Jtotion c:arried, 5-0 4. Repon:-} City Attoroey _ to ilbat ramifiCAtic"s, if any, there a~~ :" meetings betvee& atObcrs ~f the City Counc:il and i":e=",,,,:~d persons prior to puòlic h..arir.,;s. Counc:. Meye:'$ 0;.,:".1 he hoped th~re were none a!' h.' ~.~d talked with a gto.r,- ~: :ieir request c:=cerning shcppi:1~ ,,,~t"r. Counc:. Jíellis saie! s:¿ :,QJ also, but &be had checkt'd be i.-,,, $1> doing. 1!ayor Spark.> ,,~:~: he had an ar-poi::!tz::.ent tc ôo H;,.'\'Js£' l'n tÞc 10t1· the City At: ,,:-:.¿ " sai done thi'¡K be ~ight add; ti'. !at.' was always è>anging. ¡;¿ f.l'.'£ 3n exatnple of a ch"n&~ that hzj ",cur red within, 'the last tr."" =~ys. 5. Adoi't~:":: 1974-75 OJ)erat1:1g and Com;tru,rL,n Budget. The Dhe('tC''' :: A':':'inistrative ~rvices said in t~;~ r.>spec:t he had preser.t<: :,~ ;roro"c'¡ Buð¡;.et c! 1ò..ter l!tlhty l'i'.'!r.1tion~ which the)" ~,~=': had a chance t:) 1001< at. Jl~ \.'c",J like thC:1L to do so, r..'-''''.'.''. so it could ue a.dopted :ot th.. """t CNmcil ~eting. Counc:. Me)"c"$ ,,,',:¿d to adopt 1974-75 Cpe:raUn¡; a::¿ Ù'ustl'Uction Aadget as ~¿~.~¿ at publie: bearings. ~econdeL cv Cùun.. Nel]is. The City ~..".;;=, s:>td one thIng b.:d been lcft hano,jn~; the œvelopmer.: :: ,,"or school sites or n"i¡;hbod)"c,j .,..k "Hes in lieu of ....'n:d >_': f,,,, I.ind,,. Vista facilities. :h<' iJi..ector of Par'.c.s and Rè:-.!':.l'n had pre¡.aled 1: """i.O whld) ".:,' Jistri:'ul "ô. This WIIS He:: ,:.,,:iC'ned to C"'UQc~l dur'ng stuùy ::.>,sien lh"t waS submitted t.: :'--:-;:: î"ad,:s and Re<.:re::a",lo:1 Commir;si~'l~ \o":i..:-h at 1"'.hn.t tilDe reco:;.-L:< _ ¿.;ainst the expen<L'ture O'·('"U5(> ti;"y felt priorit)" va~ ..-~:" :!"mo.ial Park. Th~s is IIPt iT' ,;".,tradiction .tJ:ce you a~( :; L,in~ about r~aptu:-in¡,; mon,,)' ..hi .-", ":IS in Capital 1I<,1:',-:"",,[S and Five Year Fro¡;ram. I "Xè~u.:o OF 'I'IŒ .MLY 2, 1974 An".'UKlCIW CITY COUNCn. MEETUlC ~ :A;ì. "~" ':"~:.i"~:;:":~ .¡;;'''1'';l:b1np DHtI to be added: (1) '$30,000.00 Civic CantereboaU be , . ,111 caaj_ct1oo with tb1e. . It ~ diffic:ult to co.,.ø. e1Dc:e :I:alkb& moat a.ttí'Ac ,.lue ._ well as use forp~:'''_. " . ïalaD ~ Wilson sdúío1_.. site beiDa considereél.';"C L1Dcoln. .. ' ., Ìlewral :.c:bool eites"1iêtøa considered for the pl... "'''c. of ...... ,;Þ'f3,OOO.OO is est:l.il8~;_t' of, "1ntenaace OQ Hontâ,Yt.6a.aad ¥f¡,. .. ".00, for Civic: ceater'''',d'!t¿ Ut.s ø larpr area. (2) ,~r4t~.1r.. ..... ;, ..;. . 'up sIIort froa lIOn.,. ',. ~int. Be noted the Ci~,~,'" pttina ii'. '!óO'Federal a:mies uadu Opiæ Space Grant whic:h had nof'';¡ili-" placed in ft.,...·......'. ........ ~ç.-.... source. SiøI:e State Park Bond iSSUfJ paøêcJ,$47.342.oo . " ' . .'be reœiftCt frolll thea iD tbi.s fiscal year. P'COIII staDdpoint of . .. ····'iolU. CCGld c:over a<!~i£ioaa1 amount sø!..ly. Œ-2l9 Pa8' p. ", ~ · , :974-75 . ~perating & I l.on3tructioò 3adget " adopted I . .. Ja,aaewer to c..~. Jackson. the ~rec:to;: of Pam and Recreation said Uds had bee2 ..resented at the .June 11 Parks and Recreation c-1ssion _tinl. They fe1.t Uemorial Park was top priority, but if IIIOney was awailable tb~ .'\!r~ alreeable to c:onc:ept. I ¡ · · [ ¡ I · ¡ A brief dis~s:'.:n was held 011 sites, maintenan;:e and usage scheduling. CouDc. Meyers "",·;.ed for approval of rec:ommend.1tion to be incorporated ~ budget .::~ conditions as enumerated. Seconded by Counc. Nellis. Counc. Jacks:~ !;~~1 if ~~ere had been any disagreement on Parks and &ecreation C:-=:'Hlon about locations. Hr. Sutler said no. The!:e had been oixe': ¿:-otions aboUl: usage for young or o1.der ages. The ~ of spr<'!=_c~ through Cily "'as acceptabl:!. !lr. George \;..>.: ::ot, Parks and Recreation Co",,,,Lssion, said the c:ocr.tission .as not aV~:¿ :: plæ\ pr~sented here. TI\ey had talked about spredding .-oD1 sc:ho~: ;::03. but wanted to review tut'ding avai1.able for !iemorial Park Site ,;,::': ="$3lbiUty of creating other sites within the City. At last meetin~. :~¿y had agreed they did not vant to take PQsition on ðevelopment :: z=:,er park sites until they cO'l1.d revie·... overall budget. I f f I , · Counc. Jac~:c !~reed there vas not sufficient in¡>ct to design sites. Be suggeste': ~¿¿?ing in budget but b~fore c~ntracts are let, additional tnfonnati"" 3::Úd be rec:eived regarding sites. The City Manager said if they agrè¿': ,.:th concept they could 'lpprO\'e, No money would be spent with~_: :"...:1dl approv81. Counc. Frollch also felt it shou1.d be consider.': =: Parks and Recreation Co~lssion and input received froa thelll. I ~ ~ Kayor SP,H'k,S :~::"d (Ol' question on adoptiol~ of 1974-75 budlet. AYES: Couo-:, :::"L~h, Jackson, Meyers, Ne1.Lis, Mayor Sparks !IOES: None Motioa carried, 5-0 ... - ~u:;s OF tHE .JULY 2, 1974 AD.JOUmiED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ;;th ~,':'~ Rellis __ bsolutiODJlo,. 3699 be adopted after hmo. , "¿:"',~..t,~ c:GGtelita,0(aJCÍ1,.2.1974 III!IIOranduirJ:eþrcU,ol tluà ",:, ~},~ ,:'~ ,cáfilil of prope~...t' to school sitU,1>ut vitti th. :: ,~>~_." C DUIe8 of ~ lit...;. .,subjec:t to c:hanse at a later, , 'f:. '~6, ,":> i SecaDCIecl 'by ,COOÍtc~ ;~¡ij, , ". ' ' '0 '.~: Counc. lrol1ch. ;J.:~.. 'Heyera, Nelli;, Mayor Sparks ' " t~: NODe ·,tJ; "<;"," .. Motion carried, S~ l '11M! _et1na vas disrupted by a representative of Operating ~p:neers Local Union No.3, Mr. Robert Langston, wantinl to know ~ this would affec:t the ;;""1Ile in the Public: Works Department. 1he Direc:tor of Administrative Servic:es said that would depend OD whether or not and wilen it received ratification. "r. Langston ascertained this was the final operating bud6et. Counc:. Frolicb assured him this did not mean there would not be changes to arNmodate results of neßotiatie>us. ~Ir. Langston said be was ccnce~,ed about conflic:t cf 3505 Government Code. He gave a c:opy to the City Attorney. CC-2l9 P.. 9 Ite8.Bo. adopted - ,~.. 3699, ~ , :; "~~;I '''''1 ..'. Mayor Sparks ~~ted this was not a public hCdTlng and this would bave to ~e discusspd under item 39 of the Rgc~13. Mr. L3ng~ton insisted it aHected the budget, so il :<¡'ould be discussed now. The City Att"r.,..y said,there was no question that anyone had d right to sp~ak '>efore the City Council, but th.. law says the City I can regulate waen and where the appropriate place would be under Item 39. Counc. Heycrs suggested continuing wil:. a¡;cnda 3nd giving the City Attorney tiQe to digest the Government ~ode he had just rec:ei ved. XEW BUSINESS hold a I August :\1- I Coune. H('\'e~< noted it hag been a ¡",)icy of II,,' C; Iy no' tn 3110« ! rides. lie "'''\lld nol b<> against the "kl rru",,'t!on. bu( r<,lt ride,; ! vere unne,":t'ss.:::.ry. Coune. Jsrk$or:. abl~\.-'d. Ih't i1\g numlh."r o( accl- I dents rclateJ t~ tr.c ridc&. } 6. REqUC~t by Any Mountain Ltd., for r<'lmlssion te> maj£'r sid promolion at 20630 V,,1Jl')' í.n·"n Dr! ".' September 1, ]974. Coune. Jack5~n :t!.\1Vl;.Ù ta grant pern~s~'il':) "f :\11] :-:our.l¡¡in Ltd. tu l101d ski pr",.,;¡ti"n with the "xceptlntl tint 1:..\' be notlfi,'d this does not alL..lw aoy ,ides. SeconJt.·d hy (\.HI:';':. ~:t.·llis. H.'t i"n c ..rrl ,,j, ),0 MINUTES or TRIe 2, 1974 ADJOURNED CITY cooP MEETING . . 7. Iac~, y"~ticJli,b1 Koøta Vista Paint "aúdlrare.. for favorable 'f _ ~oa,!t~~~ ~f.co_unity action ill b~:4',i111 the foner "è . ~ o~iJ;e. - Saaior Citi~~døa-'1ace; , .~,<~.:: ')~;'\1:'~:';«:' '>__:"~~Ao ", " " ',,' ~'i¡:'j;~' ' ;. ';~.. ~.,lII1Ìf.·.~~t..e;ct-f~J:,"1~.;r-1 the. for ~~.:..~~,_l.t th_ "i'bœbolr 8JCfì;,t¡t1...,~dated., Thl~ VIllI' ..' by all th... - . èoaidr.....;~. . ,.' ' " ~: , ~"M 'Counc'. tfe,eø',J~ted thê~:~~ another bu1lcl1~~)t ~at loeatiola '~d he VODderec1 :I.f,~tlìia.' ....kind of approach could'be used at least to the extent of PUtt1DI.& eöat of paint on it. ' . After a briefd1sc:ussion. Counc. Nelli. mved to ac:eept offer and thank Mr. Bett1øworth,very much. Sec:onded by Counc. Jac:1r.son. \ . Counc:. 'roUch asked about impleaentation. K!I _nded mtlon to refer to :Jtaff to work out details with Chamber of Co_ 'Cce. Motion c:arried, S-o 8. Report and proposal of Public Safety COISiss1on on B1ke Lanes for Blaney Avenue and for Bubb Road. The Direc:tor of Public Works said the Public Safety Commission had reviewed bike lanes proposed for Stevena Cr~ek Boulevard, Blaney Avenue, and Bubb and Wolfe Roads, and were presenting their rec:ommenda- tion. This report indic:atei me~hod of implementation allowing parking on one side of road and bike lanes on the "ther Cd time basis. This would inc:lude only Blaney Avenue anù Bubb Road at present time. In answer to Co~.c:. NeJlis, Mr. Viskovlch said an alternate method of implementation for Stevens Cre~k Boulevard was being considered using various residential dreas. Counc. ~ellis said she would like to provide one side of street for parking and have free bike lane on the other. She asked if they had a~alyzed need for psrking on Bt:bb Road and Blaney Avenue. The Director of Public Works said it had been indic:ated in public hearings that r~sidential homes would want parking. They hAd indicated they would like bike lar.es to "meander". Counc. Nellis questioned whether this was func:tionally &Dod. In answer to Counc:. Nellis, Mr. Viskovieh said where this involved other ~ities, they would have t~ ccordinate with other juri~dic:tion. In answer Lo Coune. Meyers, h.. said th"y had not been in contact with oli,er jurisdictions, but San Jose hall this type of technique. Counc. Jackson noted while meaad"ring was an innovdtive id~a. it mig~t create traffic: hazard. .. .. MINUTES OF THE JULY 2, 1974 ADJOUlUŒD CITY COUNCIL HEETlHG CC-2l9 Page 11 Hr. Job Coal&lea" ,Public Safety eoJllllliss ie-n, said proposal for Bubb load 18 Uotbel:.juriad1ctions do not agree, the bike laues will be .held in abeY.ace because there are IIIUlt!-Jurlel.ictiOlUl and they do 1IO':,_ÍlD': LD ioereaae on, and off bike 1-.. For Bl"ey Avenuet.r!~the other jurisdic:tions do uotaarec, the proposal!s to"piìt io bike lanes arr¡vsy makina it loøpat cODt1nu- ous. Mr. Gonzalea said theveaviDl co¡,ld be such that it voWel Dot be abrupt. He Doted there 18 a kio..i of prec:edent for it. Dudnl the public hearings there wasn't .,,·~h o?i'ositioo to bikeways per se. The proposal is that 1.n tryi"'l to ..ddress nead for bikeway and provide some parkinø: break to residl'nrs on their aueet, weaving vas one way t~ aC:C:OQpliøh this. It was left to fttaff to ac:c:omodate the weaving to mInimize the ncrnher of people affected within good design c:riteri~. Coune. Jacks~n questIone¿ time 3pan of 7:00 a.a. to 8:00 p.". suggesting the 7:00 p.m. hrur. Mr. '~nzal~s said time s~an ~d~ biased fron. daylight savin~s and to be CODs ~tent cith other parking time lin.its lhroug'>"ut th", (:! ly. Counc. Nellis not~'d dashr.<l ]fn'''5 at intf.~TS4,:.:rjor. of S:e-.rens Creek Bou]e.·ard and 5l;:,111ng Ro"d v....r" a r"ol .;;,f· ry fe!ltll'<'. She q..estion"d shortening Lh,. c.f DO p3rkine a~ lhe ev(>n!n.; hours are whi'D families r¡.D .ide t,,>gelher. 5b' "''''lld prefer side of street that has no parking be; nu pa..ki ",:" ~ny t itlC. I Mr. G""za1es said the v..st majority uf <'oc,u"n is fro::l resident~ 011 Blaney Avenue. On]y one fror.¡ Bubb R01r!. 'Ir. Vi5kovich ¡¡aid I notice~ "'ere sent to all (Yw,"er" on stn,,'t. :Ir. Gonzal(>s saId I the existing traffic situ: tiell se£ln"d 10 b., ....'in r<.ncern with I bike lanes of seconJ2~' conslJeration. Counc. Nellis said fJhe ~ou]d like to "...n uut ..ith no pa!"klng I 2~ hours a day 2-Dd if it turns into a I'roh1''"r. it can L>e recom!i.h>r, ed. ~Ir, GOllzalu5 r..oted nn adJition tr, pr.'"""al that closswalks ! be added to soften b]",,' and ],>r peop].' ,:r,'s" "treer "afe1y \.Iith""r: going to inteltle,'rion. ¡ Coune. Jackson felt ti.ere ¡.,i¡,:,t be dn . ,('<,sd\'(> am1unt of crOS5I"';! of 5tH.'CtS under these cn;~.1~l if)ns. 1ft: :}1:._,.) ~p()ke to r'-"c(.Jf!'Jnen(~ati('ri , , of narro",in ; width of 1"",_,,; l'n Bl.1n(·\' :\':(:1\1\' ,",;de!> ,",('uld 510... dow" 'Taffie, iI'.d he fell furlh.'r in,'r.',"..' longp,;tion. The Din'etùr nf Puhll" W"r~:" ....Id IIl.I',ey h;" k'.'n ,'ritJzed a3 being hi~h sp;~·d. Thj$ ,,",cuJd ,1.·,'rl'':~:~~'' hí~;JÙ':,J\",-; iJ,"-·l\.:i"l~n vt..'hic](·s so sa!U~" v('luiUe \r:ol'ld go thrû¡lt:h but L1t :-.I¡t.,'I..'r ~-qH:.:"d \.Ihi<h i~ w~"}t tl&l' re&id~r.rs "'anl. This could 31:;0 di~c()ut.1f,'· IO;IOJt.c-rs. IUlIUUo:O OFmBte 2. 1974 ADJUUIIIIIIW CITY cl...u.r. ,..-~, ~ , . '.. IIa,ønH 1.0 CouDc:.l7zo11da. 1Ir. Viakovicb .dvise. __ ....,... :W~ to iìtüci~1~;ï'" Jøe 1IIt1cbi. .tW ......~..k-- i;'l.âäl 8' IIIb8 tt;<.~tt*t1. to becœe . .ec."'" ·.';.{~':i¡ ~'f .¡~~&~è!:' ho1Ícb·'~k/(~+Z 'iÍ\;'t~/~a:. that- ~;~~'î~~~ ....~ ¡'¡¡Z.it. ''c.' {{ 'ri IIOcbøê"t ···îcY~·';·ltJ~"'t1 '. c:1ear to " .~. (.'. ". ., ''''''''t' "I'. '.' ~ .r~t·'·,e-,,_...........t~...'" ....d~f"th'1 , ·t· ....'"*""'.. .'..... .' .,.... > "\{,., .,¡..';.... ".~ ....-.~VU1rJ5:;;:· , '" :0 -, . .tree . '~ar, ".> "y ,'f,.''',~ ;:t, :tnoid IaøiD8 p' "i~lr."Dt.t1OD .tart&dadttïeD.....1a;-..Ject- .X'tH:1q. . ,if .'. . '. ?i·<'~ ";'.-'~{ After further cI1.C1ÌSd~. cOàac,o. Keye;:s IDOwd to .p,~ btt..,.. .. proposed by the Pu1Il1c Safet7 eo.ts8ion. S«ccmcSed .,,'ÇOaIK". ..nt.. ., , There v. a further cU.scassioD 011 the c:OIIbiDiDa of paxldD.'1..-- aDd bike laœs. The City HaDapr .dd sinc:e there see8ed to b. . CoaDcl1 concern that people who res'.de on streets mi¡¡þt ha_ be_ UDiat_tionaUy aided, the City c:ould put in runners and then cmtact ra1d8lta shov1Da them what would be takina place. Mr. Gonzales l>nswereJ Counc. Jacltson's c:oncern that the Cupertino Traffic: Enlineer was present durinl their disc:ussions aDd there are quite a f_ standards as to how this should be done. Mr. Viskovich noted !Ii-. Glenn:Grigl has attended many bic:)'cle safety seatn.rs and is well informed _ on What has been done. The Mayor then c:alled for the wte on the motim. Motion carried, S-O Mr. Gonzales informed the Council there would be other rec_ndat1ons regardinl bike lanes at nest meeting. A rec:ess was called at 9:50 p.m. vith the meetinl rec:onveaina at 10:05 p.m. In answer to Mayor Spadts, the City Attorney said after readina Govemaent Code, 1t vas his opinion that the adoption of budlet was proper and lepl. 9. Submission of claia for damales for Personal Injuries OIl behalf of Holly noc:k. After a brief disc:ussion, Counc:. Meyers moved that clai. for cIa_ges on behalf of Bolly Doc:k be referred to City Attorney tor re"referral to the City's insurance c:arrier. Sec:onded by Counc:. Jac:kson. Moti~~ c:arried. S-O ;, :>. , " t: ~. "$ ~,;. "\ .};'i!-,~, :t :"!,¡" ' ;:"'.+ ~~. -t ,If! , .... ~ auojI&U or 'tIlE JIIØ"J. 1974 ADJOUUID CITf CODICIL HØ'>"DG . 10. -.d of ~Depoaita , ," "';"'~> . ': .... '" Coue.' .,~, ,NCaaoW' b1'~". þ1Jf_. tbat C:CCif1ca of !De ~ita!l~~" rec ~H '" the City "lln _u. ~.,t~~~':J--;;:" ',i, . "", . ", A1II: c:oâøc~ ìijp~.:.Jåtboa. _.~, ..1118. 1IaJO~ _palko:¡ II1II: RoDe . , .~ .'j Ifoti.. carriacl, s-o u. ..co ""~OU fo~ the City COUQCll to çpoint a spedal SiF IIeriåw c-1tte.. Counc. Nellis saiel that tn addition to two citizens-at-lar.., two tedmic:al representatives, two busine.s ~ty aeaben mcI two Ø~trol aeaben, she would like to see one c:ounc:il aelllber as a part of this c~ttee. Counr.. Jac:kson alreed this was a good way to provide continuity and would be an odd vote. In answer to Counc:. J"ckson, the Planning Direc:tor said no format had been dec:ided on yet. A discussion ensued as 0:0 bow the members would be designated. It was agreed that the Chamber of COlIIDerc:e would designate two .....ers, tt:e Mayor 1/Ould designate two c:itizens at luge from recoaaendatiùns froe other members of the Council, and the Profe.'lsional Association of Sign Contrac:tors ",oould provide assistance in naaing two technic:al members. ø-Control would designate two .embers of tbeir cOIIIDittee. CDUDC:. Meyers rec_nded approval for the City Council to appoint a spec:lal Sign Review COlIIDittee with Counc. ~ellis to be tbe City Council representative. Seconded by Counc. Jackson. Motion c:arried, S-o 12. Architectural and Site Approval ColIIDittee rec:ommendatlon for an _dlHnt to the S¡:andard Conditions of Approv&l. Counc. Jackson ascertained from the Planninl Director that the controlling of intensity would be dooe by reacvin& bulbs and dec:reasiog wattale. . . CC-219 ... 13 n_ .JJ_111 .... r ¥ .~. , 5;>",,1..1 Si¡;r. Itevlev Co:m:ú t t... apprr "..ocd r ." a:-21t !.... ,lot - '.j, , Á .~ ) ~ - *-bII 01 "·:JaY 2, 1974 A.J)J(k1kØb CIn' OOURCIL HUr11fC . . . .... pi -.. 1Iì-. ]f" ..fène4 to lIaolatiOD Ro. 420 vlaic:h .aid tile ~dIII Sa .' ...... - at.rior l1p~.A.DI Jut. run, U1alli"'~" ..... IIId1 .. "to IÞ1ev .., .ðeArcbitectural aÞd Site ...~4.. '..1 .,'. . . ,..,·:t.ta~~. :.Be .agiSt" .tbem1ø , ., ..... .~ .,.cIÎtaff .J,ewl '" . '. , :S:~.¡;.'~:~~~6'1h,~~~· . - .-.- ~ïíen11 . -'!fto SI.., OrcI1D8Dce. 'lbe P' .~ DII -.... ....,ì.f--j tlaat _tall of attacb1111 this _ðit1_ to ... ..,u--. tbe AIM: VlDalel 1De it to bec:_ a .t.....rd ....ti.. c... PÞI1da .aiel Ida _m v.. that the revt_ ......... _ efte1r tbe appl1_t'. ~ is speat, rather tJa.I ... N. '10' ,." .... öff1cw1ty of ..r-t...... int_ity belore inøtallatioD -- .us J.... c:-. .JadlaOD said uat11 ._ .tandards of intensity _n .rd.... ac, nvtaw is the oaly ISOlutiôa.. Jk. Dick ø-. 10750 ... 1.&01., Cupertino, said the proposal i. una is he 411 ... to. It 1..... to .ubjec:tivity which i. one of the cœt'l.lats to .... ...iast U-Cuatrol. There should be objec:tive .t....~ Ii ....i__ caa _to Be referred to subjec:tive and cll.cr1....tory decisi_ beinl _de by ø-Control and said it is 1~.I~le for the business ~~ "'ity to exist under these condi- u_. r:".ry bus~_D vants to con~Orla to all the laws of the t_, but it Is dlff1cnlt to live to public: opinion. He was òppa.... to aøy lated. .c:tion until this can be studied. properly ...1.... by .U 1DoI1.,I.....ls and then IllaU an ordinanc:e all c:an live vith. ta _r to C-. !leilia, Mr. Bo... said he was a member of the 0- ~.r of c-rc:e. . buslnes_n .ad . resident of Cup..rtino. Sbe .uK_ted he m.pt be considered for appointaent to Sign Ravi.,., c-ttt.. . CcMmc. J.dtson refened to latenatty of Ralph 'a sign, noting people .. far.. Farral_ had had ~robl_ vith lilht shio1n& in their yards. C-c. Frol1c:h .a.-te4 hirtnl S_-JOIt to write :Jpec:s OQ ligþting aad put in ordia.mce. To say Ø-Control õ1Ul subjec:tively detemine tlhether the int_ity is t_ ¡reat or not too great is not s..tait:.- able. One of ths people he viti rec~d for c:.-ittee i. aD El.c:tric:.l En¡iJul.r vtth experienc:e iD ligþtinl and 11~tin8 incensity. If tbe probl_ is cr1t1c:al, he would prol'"se hldn. c:onsultant to vrite spec:ific:ations and setting the. into an ordin_c:e. - . IIDUrIS OF 'DØ .JULY 2, D74 AD.)w...J!b cln "",*IL -.&.1£.0 CC-21!1 Page 15 . Hr. CUI B. ..øD ..w dIIIC 1D reprel to t ..g 1Ie1Da ...se aDeI to .tnn&then Hr. JIa~... position. he hael .U-..... _t1ap with Jl.CaòtlOl. at theft' ,....t. 'lbe result ... tIwJ coa1e1 ~iøue tCL II011cit Input fnÌI all npresntatiws 1a oriu to lit the fall -,t of iIIofoW .1_. profe..ional ..'''''''- .. Øvic:e. .. .... n.1aelecl B-cáaaol of hi. offer of ~taAc:e bat to data haa DOt been CGDtaetM. Be is stillvaitina for . call. XL 18 . Ires of char. .en1ce ... ...ociatlon poY1cles to all citi.. in California. 1D response to c-. 1Ie11t.s, Hr. __ aa1cI be represeøts che California Electric St... AsaociatiGD aDd the Cali fomis Sip Users Co_dl. Both haw c...-ceat staffs .aut their GDly purpose is to ..aist dUes and _ties 1ft vrittØ& profesa100al algn ordinances, Be explained the ccapoaitioø of the ..aociat1a and the counc:il. It 18 Dot their parpos« L" push or ptC*»te sip but to aid and _tat. He &ße their ...aalii1coatløna ad extent of information available which ~ .....ald like to pr..nt. Counc. Meyers said 111'. BeyaaDn VU _ hearinl the c:all. they are asldng for representatiwa on study c:~ttee. He,.ann said he could not be Oft any co_Iuee btoc:aus.e of of tiae, but he would be very happy,:" help. noting Hr. lack I I I Counc:. Meyers noted if information on Intensity had been lnclud~d in applicoations, they wouldn't have to be po..t reviewing. He I rec:oaacnded :-n amencbeDt ai.Uar to one ASAC submitted but chang2d to say: Lighting t.ntelõSity for exterior lights and interior I illuaination ~f signs shall be specified on all applications aubaitted to the ASAC. Counc. Jackson s..id they should have ¡otIe standard t~at say!: ve are c:oocemed vith iøtenaity and vill ask staff to have c:o:>uoJ of intensity. Counc:. 'rolic:h said if there ~ere spedfications there wouldn't be a proble,". The Planninl Direc:tor said part of the problea is underate4inl what the intensity of illuni~ation vill aean. All this resolution 18 sugaesttr.¡ is that the City vill have the ability to review. After further diacasaioo, Counc:. Jackson _".d to table reco_da tion of the Architectural and Site Approval CotIIdttee for an ¡mend .ent to the Standard Coaditions of Approval and advise toea to continue their c:urreat _thods of operation peadi.." further possible action at an UD8pec:ified later date. Sec:onded by Counc:. Nellia. , Counc. FroJicoh c:larified this meant review after ingtallation. . . r,~ t . .... .; ftI!If ,ie.· '. hit~ ..' - - ituunS OF 1IØJ8LT 2. U74 ADJUUIIIUIIi CITY COUIIC1L lI&BuIIIO . '.,;,.-' . . A!IS: C~.~_"lfe7ed. leilia, Mayor Sparlta oaae...: '. , ;" \ 1œS: ~-,,, ~~',:~i¡':, ,KotiOQ carried, 4-1 ' .CoaDc. Fro1i~:'..':!-."" ' ldaut.. to show his oppositi_.. to the "afte _.""",. . ·'øriev ~f l1¡ht1n1 inteulty. " ,::~:. ~),~ ' ~ . .'~ solely 13. Req_t fIIIIia 1Ic. Cres del 'ierro for pendss1_ to operate a "".table,n· r- truck stU1d on Stevens Creek Boulevard opposite ...::.....,. ..... for the period July 14 to 1fOftllber 30. 1974. Counc:. NeUis _ved to approve request. Sec:onded by Counc:. Jac:kson. Motion c:arried, 5-0 14. Proposal of !k:Clellan Ranc:h Collllllittee on uses of park site. The Director of Parks and Rec:reation said there have been six ~~ers of the PaIlts and Becreat!on COIII!IIittee studying this. lie noted the c:hairvOlllal\ was in the _dience. Counc:. Nellis asked to have her briefly tell What the proposals are. Ms. Mary Conzales, 10461 Stokes, Cupertino, said the three uses c:ould be iomplemented iaM<Uately at almost no cost. One, shallow cia.. build- ing and creek play vith rocks fro. c:reek bed would also help perc:olation in that area. Their intent is to have a ''Dam Building Day". The second item would be a nature trail. She referrcd to Mr. Cheadle, head of sc:ienc:e deparc.ent at Konte Vista High School. and his students wbo have offered to help start development of a nature trail. They ho~e one result wiJl be a self-guiding pamphlet. The third thinl is pic:nidnl in orcbacd area. This cannot be used until lease with Water Distric:t .I.S siped. They would like the ground to be disced and rolled level,vi.th .."age c:ans and portable nstrooIU nearby. In answer to CoIØlC. Jlellis, Ms. Gonzales said the intent for thia s_r was not to b... picnic: tables. They had felt there wouldn't be tbe IaOney and this It_ c:ould be included later. Counc. Nellis noted the tables had ~ budgeted for. In answer to C<.'UØC. .J.äaon, Ms. Gonzales said the aaount of vater that 1& in c:reek ~ is _at is projec:ted to be there this s..-r. By c:hoosing spot aDd size of c:hildren can avoid pitfalla. ~ . '...' + .-r ~1e,~.·':. .~ >. ,~<í~1: t, {i fI; ,1&..!'- j,W"'" ~j< ,,~ í:~ ','~ ;; . >,. »' - ,,'~ " .:"' ~ . . a...-.&.S OF tIlE JULY 2, 1974 .&D.JOUR.'IED CITY CXlUNCIL 1IIuu.uoG . 2be Director of 'azb .. IiKreatioo noted the natural _terial8 w.a Bed voutd be 111 ~ .....,. by the vinter waters ad the ..... cwld be rebuilt the ... -.nnl and s_r. they would DOt want to.e -., forei... _.._.1. to be washed d_tr_. Ifa. eoa.ales said .ha 1J ~ rat ~ Ub to tell thea of other thiDgs they are dciD&. they an t-.. SJmmtory of plante, ani.a1s ad birds sad have people iD the 4ty who are lIn_ledpt4ble vorldng on thta. Tbare is a... vbo t.s bowledgeable about trees workiDg with tMli. She ..ked to bør vbat buUc!1nas are to be .aved and what their state is, so øpa1n c:an be made before vinter. The orpnic: I8rdens are then aDd vill probably expand. they are interested in native pl_ts. ~ aarsh is being c:oosidered. They are concerned abouc bridge and videning of HcClellan and the effect it will have 00 the area. She saià they would like to invite the interest of everyone and would welcome sug&estions frOll the co_unity. Counc. Jackson sUGgested perhaps Honte Vista High School voulà all"" the.. to post sillJ1S in the! r parking lot. Courc. ~~yers noted that Ms. Nancy Blnck on Holly Oak haa dene ö natere tra~l layout for Parks and Recr~a~ion De~artm~t. and suggested ~.s. Gonzales c:on~2ct her. The Dir~~t~r of Parks and Recreation rcr~rted on plans for the buil"~cgs as being cons.1dered at prcsect time. Counc. .Jacks"" noted pr2s......aUve _ueru; should b.. taken. COun.... X.-!lis thanJo:ed to.s. Gonzales for her explan"tion and the c:OtLor.'t:".. ="r all their war:". She th.", me\ed to a"prove th.. prorøs~l ~s suhmitted by the HcClellan Ranch Committee or. uses of the par.. !llte as rec:~nded by th~ Cit} ~lana8cr. Secor.ded by Counc. J,¡.:ksOl1. Motion c:arried, S-o RESOLL"TI~S J5. s". 3680: "A P.esolutiø" of ti:e City Counc:il of the City of Cupertino Al'owlng r<'I:ain Cl"lms and Demands Payable in the Aaounts and fr~c the Funds as Here!n"fter Described for Salaries and WabeS for the Payroll Period Ending June 11. 1974." Moved ~y Coun~. ¡ellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich, to adopt Resoluti"n Xo. 3680. ' . CC-219 Page 17 I I I I , I I I I I HcCle!.l.·~ Ran.:h Park II Site ~ropo5"lt aPI'roved ; Resolution No. 3680 sppro·,..d a:-219 ra. 18 "'olatt.a 110. 3687 adopted R"s"luti:xl ! SO. 3SS2 I ,00>'" I - .. IIIIIIJUS OF THE .JULY 2" .1974 ADJOURNED CITY COUlCCIL IØ!E1'IRC . . A1IS: .IŒS: CouDc:. Frolida, Jacboa. Keyers, Hellie. Hayor Spadca, Iooe " Motion carried, S-o . 16. Bo. 3687: "A, Jtei!olaticm of the City Counc:il of the City of Cupertiøo' ~. Certain Cla1as and .......nd. Payable in the AaouDts8Dd froa the Funds as Here1øafter Described for Salaries aDd Vases for the Payroll Period EDdinS JuDe 2S, 1974." !loved by Counc:. Nellis. tll'A:."IIdf'd by Counc:. 'roUch, to adopt Resolution No. 3687. AYES: NOES: Counc:. 'roUc:h. Jac:kson. Meyers, NelliS, Mayor Sparks !loae Motion c:arried. S-o 17. S.'. 3682: "A 1Iesolution of the City CouncL1 of the City cf Cupertino Allowing Certain Clain:s and Demacds Payable i~ the Amounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described =.'C Gen~ral and Misc:ellaneous Expenditures Period Endinl ];¡: " 30, 1974." Moved by Cvunc. Kellis, sec:onded by Counc. Frolich, to adopt Resolutic~ So. 3682. I I I I I AYES: NOES: Cvunc:. Frolic:h, Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks Sroe Motion c:arried, 5-0 18. Sn. 3492: "Resolution of the City Council of the City "f Cupertino. State of California, Adopting Hazardous Fire Area Maps." (c:ontinued from meeting of June 17, 1974) The PlQL~ing Director noted Council members had rec:eived an smende; c:opy of resolution with aap attached explaining hazardous fire area. In arur~e~ tn Counc. Nellis. he said there are special rpgulations attac:hed to fire area. such ss spark arresters for ~;iŒneys, fire retar~~t roof, etc:. .. _~_ or 'IBE .nn:r 2, - 1974 ADJOURNED CITY COCIICIL HBETIXG 'all City MmaJer _vend COWIe. Nellis the up haò or1&inally ~.II out vitia CGunty Fire Karaball's offic:e in tooperat1oD vitb ClDtra1 Pire DepartJlellt. 111. City had revia-ed thea and 8uaseated cIIa't.., and vere rec:o_ndiol approval. ....d by COUo&c. I'rolic:h, .econded by Counc:. Nellis, to adopt -..olatlon 110. 3492. Hotion carried, s-o 19. Ro. 3f>~: "A Reaolutioa of the City Counc:il of the City of <:up.rhno Adopting Salary Schedule and Sc:hedule of Pay Grades for Hanaleaent and Confidential I'.aployee..... Moved by Counc. S"Uis, pcconded !>y Counc. Jackson, to adopt ilesQlut100 He>. :J<'s:.. AYES: !(ŒS: CoUD~. ;rzlich, Jackson, .~y£r8, ¡¡"Jlis, Kayor Spar~s None hoti~ carricd, 5-0 20. 50. :;6;': "J, Reso,ution of the Cl.y Ç",:ncil of the City ,: ~ë?ertino Adopting Schedule ~f ray Grades tor ~: '':'': ta'1<"l'U" Unit .mploy('c5"· tbvo!d by (J.r.,. ;rol1ch, pcc.'ndeci by Coun.:. Jacks"n, to adopt &esolu:ioC' S". ~55. AYES: SOw: Coune. :.:<,lich, Jeckson, HeyerI', S~lli~, Mayor Sparks Nene Hotior. carried, 5-0 21. No. )Ó5~: "A Reo;o]ution of the City C..unell c>f the City cf Cupertino Approvin¡¡ Contra.:t Ch;...,gc Order No. 2 for He,,-,,:ial Park Pha..e 1 I'roj"ct." Moved by CDUne. Jd~kson, sec:onded by Coune. Meyers, to adopt aesolution No. 3ó88. Motion carried, 5-0 , . . CC-219 Pase 19 \ ~ , " ...olat1on 110. 3492 adopted i I I , i j j ,1 J l 1 " RelloJutiGn )¡o. 3684 adopted J\(::¡;olutf,," ~o. 36ô~ edûp:.l"(: ResoluUo" No. 3688 IIdoptt'd i-<. , ~ ¡ Q:-2D .... .20 . d f" , .. ¡~ ~:- . " . lesohatioa 110.3689 adopteol ResolutioD No. 3690 adopted !:esoluti_ No. 369S adopted RcsoluU_ No. 3696 adøpucl . .. KJ.BUU:' OF tilE .JULY 2, 1974 AJUOUItIIED CITY CœNCIL IlEBTIJIC . . 22. So. 3689: "A IMolat1oa of the City.Council of the City of Q pertillO DacdIJiD¡ PNCe8. to be used io Santa Clara C-ty to IIIpl_c,tbe Federal Aid Urban Prcaraa.· CouDc:. JadLsœ said he ... iD fa'VOr of c:oncept, but still VM DOt coovinc:ell they should IIOt e\ooa. .ost ill lOrtaut project.'1'he Direc:tor of Public: Works said 78% _ .till in for that big project. 50% goes to transportation and Stat. which vUl benafit 'Cupertino in lookinl at as ..II :)mer things of re&ional conc:em. - \ Counc. Jaå50u 1IOft(\, secouclecl b1 Counc. 'roUch, to adopt Resolution 110. 3689. MOtion carried, S-o 23. ":, 3&90: "A RP.solution of the Cit) Council of the City :: ~upertino Dec:laring its Intention to Order V3cation of ~ ,:=:ioo of a Public: Utility'Easement Within the City of -'o¿rtlno Pursuant to Section 50430 Et Seq. of th~ Covern- ~< '; Code of the State of California, Fixing Time and Pla~e ':0 Searln:; and Providing Notice Thereof; Lot 3 Tract S220, :':::';Ilest Corner of Torre Av..nue and Pacifica Drive." Coun~. :.,::i. !tOved, secocdo:d by Counc. Meyers, to) adopt Resolution No. 36:'0.. I Motion carr~eð, 5-0 24. ':':. ~69S: "" Resolution of the City Council of the City .c Cu~rt1no Amending Sections 10.1 and 10.11 of the Rules :=. C,)nditioß3 of Employaent." Moved b! ~:unc. Nellis, seconded by Counc:. Jackson, to adopt Resoluti:~ SO. 369S. Hotion carried, S-o 25. s.,. 3696: "A aesclu~ion of the City Council of the City :t Cupertino Approving the Application for 1974 State G..:>t Fwtds MellDr41 Park Project." In aM_=- to) Counc:. Meyers, the City Hal1ager ftoted action tonight put th..: i~ line for fund; applicatien had to be Made prior to July H. Moved ky ""\Dc. 'rolic:h, seconded by Counc:. ""yers, to adopt lesoluti:n !Co. 3696. . - ~.d Of Ti!E JULT 1. 1974 AD .."""...... CITY COl1lCIL KEEIJNG Á1IS: -: c-. frolick, Jacboa. IleJen, Jellis. Mayor Spaûa -.- lfot1on (Oarried. 5-0 26. 110. 3697: -" lesolatt." of the City Council of the City of CUpertino DeclsriD¡ it. Intention to Order Vacation of a Public ao.,o--ry Extending frJ.a the ExhUa¡ Ilester1y !114 of Vo.a Avenue Sort.'terly Thr~ the Property to the Southern Boundary of ~ .a::u "alt. Subdiv1.ioo as Providcå in Section 83~: t: Seq. of the Streets and "i~h~~~s Coùe of U:~ 5~.te of California, Fixing T1",e ,,,d Place f..~ :\blle Bearin, aod providing fer ~;(':iee Thereof." Ifoved b)' .: _co:. <roUch. ....OQded by Cuunc, .1a.Kson, to adopt ......lut i.::: \:, 3<-97. Hotio~ :~r~ied, 5-0 :!7. S', :;.,.': "A Re.<,luri,," of the C1t' "·"neil of the c:~ :~ "'u~rtino AutbC'r~.:ing EXC:T::."- vi L023S2 A,:~: :C': Betwt"en the C.i !). of Cu¡'l( 1-. -..' .inJ Santa C~.s:--, ,""dlc)" ....,..ter Dis:Iict fer tla :\:-i'.~ -\åjaccnt t~ . :.se ~1nch:" Moved 1-, ::.:,:. Jadl.son, seconded by Coune. ~;,,:l's. to ndopt lesolut i.-, '.:. 3á9S,. Hotfílr .. -.rr~ed, 5-0 28. ~ ~c:a (~mpus Off-atc~t Parking "p~ :~aff'c facilities A5$~.~~ent District: (Seven resolct!.:n. ~r~ to rO~ from t~.( A~t"m~y for U6e521eCDt district; '1'-':: 3\'ail;tDle vhen a~:>c!~ pre l3red) Hr. Ja_s ¡;~::ib, Wilson. Jones. Mortun an.! L~~"h, said the reaolut1<'C'..! b.!f,'ce the c:oun::il....n vere t;I":'~ t;\at ace ol'cessary to procc~~ ~:c~cùing to ~ MUnicipal lwþr~,:=~=t Act of 1913. Be .~ld ¡,., ,,':uld esplain nsol..tiC'n..., what t~":: 3rc, what they aean, and ,:..ce the. in tiBe fra.... .0 th" ,-,-,,:::11"':0 ::..>uld under.ta~ ,~"ceJ~rcs under this act. , CC:"219 Pap 21 . , Reeollltio:. I No. 3697 I adopted ¡ j I / , I i Rcs,,1l1t i "" I 1<0. 3698 ado¡>ted I ¡ ¡ , i I I cc-zø P... ZI, , ' .;. . ',: , .. IlUlUU" OF tIlE JULY 2. ~ 1974 ADJOUUED cm COUNCIL 'lIUIdG . . , 1Ir. Sualmcis, aataeer. "'cr1beel bouDclades of &tdct for die tolle8t property. .,.-",. c-6 of liel Set, he eI"cdllel prðPQle4 _I~. ts, 1D eletail. . : ,Coaac. 'reUch q_tiGMII ø J tton of parltinl spaca iD thia áxea. Be vas ~meCI that tile too f. spaces in Me_rial rañ _wd be _eI by _rflOll fro!ll De Àaù. 'Ihe Director of Public Vòdta said ,be thoaF the parkinl 10C _14 be the SaM distanc:e .. furtherest , tot 011 r i ...s. . Counc. kllis askeel if it vas the intent of COIDlc:il to ac:t ~ resoluti:>as taatgbt or CClltt.1Dae matter until they c:ould look over _ted&!. The Mayorssid the intent was to do it tonight. Hr. Viskovich ~id they haVe a tiae limit and all must be Ftten to public ~...ring and dead lines done before August 5. The City will be .:.1:ling for authorlzing of bids. Hr. Cutler will explain what Be...r! "'a~ c:alled for f~ College District. The tra!:i~ from freeway and exiting from parking lot were dis- c:ussed. Counc:. ~~::i.> said she felt like they wete having public hearing now. 7:." '.;:;.y she understood it, the resolut ic'n" are for the pur- pose 0: >'::::1~ public hearin¡, accepting preliminary e~gineering report>. ,-,i t~at this is DC way binds the", to t:,e out"CCI<! of the pu:.::: ::,aring. These are important questions being asked and dr.~"r"i, but is now the ti~e to do it? Caunc. 'r::i:~ left at ll:30 p... The D¡",,::r .>: Public Works said the public hearing calls for them ", :1;" !.nfonaation at hand, costs and what project consists of. T':,,~' ..r' trying to iofona them of projE'ct so it Cion be gotten out to :-:i. Counc. s..::is noted they are being asked to approve and c:onfira report> :-" h..ve not read. Since the reports were not gotten to thea o=:i: 7:30 tonigbt, she does not fcel in a position to act on t:!.<e... In a~~r :: Coune. Jackson, Mr. Walsh said if the hearinsa weren't held ~y _"',;use 5, they would have to wait another year to get the proje"t .::~¡. He explained why. He pointed out the City or the District :.1Il sake objec:ti0D8. can reduce amount of assessment without =-""t"..r action at ptblic hearing. It will go :>0 further than ~:~~ri.ation. Nothinc will proceed if these aasess..nt procedu:-<s are not confi~ on that hearing. . . IWIVU¡O or!B Jlll.Y 2. 1974 ADJOURNED CITY œœc1L JŒBTIIIC cc-n.. Pap 23 ¡,> , ..' ,',.',..'..':' t Mr. CUtler NId.'tbü,~,..\Coopent1ve _ture be~ Colle. Distric:t ... t1IIt Cit7<1i;.JII,If1c:ulty is the ,0011 vay they caD fwd ~::;~t':~~.~~::: =l:=-:.:t:":~:~ved iD .t., of tbe;'¡iII~*::l~>Hr. Cutler .aid it Û the Colleae Dis- trttt . paJina;, ~e.,IÞ1J1·· 1IIIjtt'" of Cupertino. they are even _re conceruecl allÒut tbe\4é1A1 thaD the City. 'Daey had expec:ted c:oat of about $400,000.00 ad fiDal ~tillate i. $890.000.00. They like the c:onc:ept ... the project In lenersl but .n askinl to writ vith City cui ......rs in n4ucing cost a' aipific:ant 8IIIOunt. They an a1ainl for ._th1q over 25%. He aslted thea to have faith in thea: &1- tac:1t .pptò1owol. recogaizi:'1 they will be coaing up with addencl_ that will... brought back for ratific:ation. I Coun.:. Nellis said her feeUnl was to let the resolutions go ahea9' but she wanted staff to øalte it very clear to applic:ants that ite vould not be heard unless they are brought in ~efor" d"adlines. She would approve resolutions this evening with the understanding I this is not spprovin¿ the project. I The Mayor asee1tained chang~ ~ould be worked out both with the Cup~rtino staff ano the DiFt~irt. T~e func:ticnal scop~ wil) no· change. 0, (a) No. 3656.5: "A Resulution Of the City Cow\cil of lhe City of CuperUno Pre).imlnarily Approving <:n:;1n"er':; Reporl and Fixi,~g Tl",e I\i,d rlaee of Hearing Thet'"ol1 Under Division 4 of the Streets and H ghvays Code, De Anza c..pus Off-street Parking and Trafiie F3c:tUtJes As......nt District." MOlion carried, 4-0 Resol..U or. Po. 365&.5 I adopt"d i Kov(d 1-y Coune. Jackson. sec:onded by Coune. Me)"crs, to adopt Resolution No. 3656.5. (b) No. 3656.6: ftA Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino of Preliminary Approv~l of Enßine~r's Report, De Anza Camrus Of(-str~et Parki~g and Traf(ie 'ac:iliUes Aaaes_nt Dist riet." Moved by Counc:. Mellis, .ecm,ded by Counc. JaeksQn, to adopt Resolution No. 36S6.6. Resol\.tl!on N,:>. 36~6.6 adopted Mot-on carried, 4-0 \ . . , "Œ-2lt . "sea .4,- ;;~~ . -'" ': .'..' ·Ro. aclopte.l· 'c R~"olutf_ So. 3656.8 Adopted Reaulut10a No. 3656.9 sdopt~ Reso liltS- ~o. ~S6.1O adopt" ..' W" 1lUU1U or _.2. 1974 ADJOUI1ŒD crn COOHCIL naaniØO . . . " (c) 10. 3656.7i teA løolut1oÏa of the C1.ty eo-M1. of tile City of Cu(I I~~,~"dal TiM aM Plsc:e of ....na. Fr:ot..u 111 Þ1JIdAIII;lò;;,fIopoaed Acqu1l1t1cm aM tllpr...r I~b_ D1recClàl""~1~.'.Da ADa Cøp1l8' Off-street ·'PadWI.ø4 rrafllc'~Ü- Assesneat District." ..' ., . , ~ J~ ' ~, '; ....... 111 CouDc. JìcowÒÍI. . Iøoll1t1OQ Ro. 3656.7. . ,: seconded by CouÍ1C. He1era. to· Mopt Hotion c:arried, 4-0 (d) No. 3656.8: "A Resolution of the City Counc:il of the City of Cupertiao Declaring PTnposed Boundaries of Assessment Distric:t, Direc:tinl 'ilinl of Boundary ~r and Aaøeøøaent D1agraa and the Recorcmtion of Notice of Assess\DImt, De Anza Caapua Off-street Parking and ~raffic: Fac:ilities Assessaent Distric:t." Uoved by Counc:. Meyers, sec:onded by Counc:. Jackson. to adopt ~qolution No. 3656.7. Hotion carried, 4~ <e) No. 3656.9: "A Rp.solutiGn of the City Counc:il or. the City of Cupertino Establishin& ?revailing Wage Scale, De Anza CempUS Off-street Parking and Traffic Fac:ilities Assessment Distric:t." Moved by Counc:. NelUs, sec:onded by Counc:. Jackson. to adopt 'P.esolution No. 3656.9. Motion carried, 4~ (f) No. 3656.l0: "A Resolution of the City Co~c:il of the City of Cupertino Calling for Sealed Proposals and 'ixinl Liquidated na.ages for Failure to Complete the Work Within Tiae Specified. De Anza CampUS off-street Parkinl and '&rafflc Fscilities AsseSllment Distric:t." Moved b1 Counc. Keyers. sec:onded by Counc:. Jac:kson. to adopt Røsolut1on No. 3656.10. Motion carried, 4~ . , .. .. - IUJlUu.S OF 'DIE .JULY 2, 1t74 AJ).JOURJII;D CITY COURCIL.....uJIC <a) Ro. 36S6.n: -A lesolution of the Cit:; Council ofdae City of t' . ..~t1DO Ca1lin~ for Bids on Sale of lJIp~u--eat Bonds, De __ Cøpu8 off-street ParkiDllIDd Traffic Facilities AM-I -nt Distdc:t." Moved by Cowc:. _11-1., lJeCoaded by Counc:. Jac:kson. to adopt lesolution No. 36S6.n. Motion carded. 4-0 CONSENT CALENDAR 29. Resolution No. 3691: "A Resolution of tb~ City Council of the City of Cupertino Accepting Quitc:laim Deed aDd Authorization for Underground Water Rights from May Investmc~' Coapany. Tract 5239, Fairway VII, Rae Lane." 30. Resolution !to. 3692: "A Resolution of the City Counc:il of the City of Cupertino Approving Final Plan for the Implo"""'ent of Frontage Located on Alcald.. Ro:>d, 'ract 5290, Lot II; De,..loper, Harianlst r:ovitiate; Authorizing tit.. City Engineer to Sign lhe final Plan, and Aûthorizing Execution of Agreement in Connection Therewith." 31. Resolution No. 3693: "A Resolution of the Ci ty Co\JI1cil of the City of Cupertino Accepting a ~rant of E3semcnt from James A. Frost and Ann B. Frost, Lot 3, Tracto 5220. Nortbwest Corner of Torre Avenue and Pacific:a tlri»e." 32. ResoluUœ 110. 36!o4: "A Resolution of tbe City Counc:il of the City of Cupertino Accepting a Grant of Easeccnt froa the Civic Center Profes~ional Group and the Town Center Associates, Lot 2, Tract 5220, Northwest Corner of Torre Avenue and Pac:ific:a Dr! ve." Moved ¡'y Counc. JleUis, seconded by Counc. Meyers, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried, 4-0 . . CC-219 Page 25 Resolution No. 3656.11 adopted ' COI\~ent Calendar Approy:>d Œ-219 rap 26 ,--',' - , '. , IUIIduiI or !III JIlL! 2. 1974 AlUuu_ em couøcD. IIH..aÌIÕ:,: . . '" ~,1iCH tuwlCD. JBrIISØUtIVIS , 33. Mayor Spalb: ~ty Counc:i * llãt _tinl July 18, 1974 ,......- of California Cit1ea * llezt øetinl July 18, 1974 Flood Coatrol Advisory c-1tue * Wo _tinl After discussion, it was deterained that the City Council _Unl of July l5 would have before it only the applic:ation for . U.. Pendt for the Regional ShoPpinl Center in Vallc:o Park aud the Enviromaental Impac:t Report relating to this projec:t. All other publiC: hearings and applications previously scheduled for July 15 will be continued to an adjourned meeting of 'the City Council to be held July l6, 1974. So moved by Counc:. Meyers, seconded by Co~mc. Jackson. Motion carried, 4-0 34. Counc:. 'rolic:h: Not present 35. Counc:. Jac1cøon: Assoc:iation of Bay Area Governseats * Ac _eting of month ago, disc:ussed c:onCp.pt8 of ABAtØ review of hotspots in regional pla=__ g. There would be a subC:<'IIIIIÚttee to screen any items considered controversial or that aigbt violate ABAC plans. Nó!xt _tinl vill be in August. ~ 36. Counc:. KII1ers: P1aaa1nl Policy Committee . beo -dation of Hillside Subc.-.ittee for hil'slde plan was approved by the PPC encI is being referred to CouIIty PC for he.riDl on July l8. * CouIIc:. Heyers was elec:ted one of the vice- cha1~ of PPC. 37. COUDC:. liellis: .. report REPORTS 'R<»I OFFICDS 38. City Staff The City !tanager reported eapL.J'_At has been pined for 93 in first' Step Prop'_. F IF . ' , ."" . ~ , - lit ..-n~ 01' mE JULY 2. 1974 ADJOUJUIED C1ft c:uuø.:n. .-aøG .....,,, ''''. Director ,~..",rt" _ ~T-dOD. COD- Bd~. to 1te nferracl to CouD~ Alddtac:tura1 aaSÞ:êwroval ca..1ttM repdÞa'ASA Appl1ca _J .2:', ....... 1 ~~~~.. ~ ,I, ,Æ '" < ;:', ., ' \__£dte 18 _,c:o'rritJ!'CJfSw.- Creek 1oa1....1'1I .. __to After ~wiOD. it w~"'¡~a.J ",Counc. JackaOD. .et'a --, '" CôaDc~ .. to apply.tø Q;OQ.ty Board of Scpeniaore for ..taltU--t of .....n of iaE1-. .,t.. .i- ':,"'1',1 ~' lIDt:1on card... 4-4 CC-219 p... 27 ;; '~""""I Director j 1 . 4 ¡ i t í . DIe City Attorney nported a aotice of appeal had City AttornC!1 bMa filed with reapect to auit padiD¡ on Genera Plan. riahe~'s Vi 11 ale hear1nl has been continued at request of petitioner to July 9. The Direc~or of Parks a~ Rec:reation referred to perc:olation pond above KcClella.",. The City did DOt vish to assume liability and maintenanc:e; vill have many of the S81118 feat.ures in He1IIorial Park. A1.I;u area will be wide ope.1. A pro&le2 has developed over laase agreement with 4-8. Are c:onsidering lic:ense type agreement. Rave received insurance c:o~erage. the Director of Public: Works reported a plan to set up a .u~-comœittee frca Felton subdivision to praDO~e asseSFment district and dete~~ne ways of letting 'elton residents involved. ItECOQIITION OF No(-AGDI"D.' ITEMS BY MAYOR 39. General Audienc:e ItÆquests There were none. 40. Kellbers of the City Counc:il CounC. Nellis requested the Direc:tor of Adainistrative Services to prepare and submit prior to July 15 a report on the implic:ations and ramific:ations of earmarking funds, if suc:h vas possible. . . Direc:tor of Parks ar,~ Rec:reatio:'! Director of PuI>li c Wort',. CC-Z19 .... %8 [:.: . ~, AdjOQrlU:lr.lt ·e fþ ,.1SUT£S OF 'IUS .fGLY 2, 1974 AI1Jo.JDEDrCl'rY .:omrClI. MEETING . . CouIu:. Jackl~,aØ*' the tentatively, 1cha4u1ed. Town Hall !tHtiRS for Jal1 29 hacl1Nfèn'. CIIiceµ'ed aI1dr"ch~ted for thèfifth Monday 111 ..,taber. œ.., ~c:lI1ar TaW.ØaU:;~t1D&,v111 be for aa inter- dt.. of c r,~~t~t_enthe ~.it,;ç..~..f1.,~d .-hers of· the ~ boa~&:, -r..iou aøcI,cåilil . ,¡ot the City. . ;.,~ ";~';',fî ,,~, ,).'~" ::;~,,~~',:' Counc. ~.rs,.áU',he had written af1'iítei't to the Courier, a copy of Wich had beeDpven to Hr. Ryclel'!ø4t'tiOuld also be liven :0 ..r.:. eounclllt "'et. ,', ·:.i \ AI1J~ there was a .ID....._ dec:ision to adjourn the meetinl at l2:l0 a.lI. to 7:30 p.m. on July l5. 1974. Motion carried, 4-0 APPROVED: /s/ Reed Sparks Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: Isl WII. R. Ryder City Clerk