CC 07-15-74
CITY ur ~l'EinJ!iO. !o'TAn: O!' (AT,trO!'~:1}.
lOlO!) Tcrr~ Avenue, CupertIno. CaJ i(or"la 95014
TelefÞc~e: 2~2-~SO}
Major 5j)arks c:alled the aceting to ,",,,<'cr At 7:50 P.M. vith the
Salute to the Flag.
I!O~.L r...;:',L
....~..I!·:. :r\,"~('ftt: Fro!l...!t, jaC~!.¡('~1J ".~y-ro;, \ro'!1!!., "~'\cr S~:.rL..:;
~;:u.·...~. :,.-'scnt: :\.").,~
~t;.I' "'::-sert:; ~~-:"'.:':;'.': Quinl'",
:Jirect'/r o~ ;..dn'!ni:;:......· !.·f> S(;:-\'iC~h Ry¿:.:·r
,'c;!"ls~·lrl (it? Att'f,. , ~:il<f_1:'
lHr..:ctf):- -.:-i !·I.aI~nJt.··, .'. '- 1){,':t-<,-;::, r:t Si~k
Di"c.:t~r ." P"t:l:. ',' '.. Vi :~l.'. j\:.
Dlrectl,. p~ f':1Th.~,- .1~ t,ere.I;.." ~1~lp!-
/.~sor:.iat.~ ! I:t:m(·r (..,.. j'1
~x ·r.;_:::I~"f,
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'fL~' j;~: '..:r..'í (.f I·Ú.:J,jstr:lth·~ St·rv;....'~, JIl::it:lt((~ II·~ '..'!'itt(::
CO:~:":::-,·:,l~ ione; "~!"'i! IIi "·t"~:tTd to th\.' t\:... it,"1 ~ ('n th~ a~(·r.J.. :~!1(:
"KI!l,'" ~~ :ntrc\(iu...:c(~ durh.f ~h" pu, ~ ~.",.,t jr-:}:f..
2. C<,: I
TniL"'rí' L..lltJwct! 3 dffõCUSSI..:.n on ho-.' l\;'~~ ;-1."......, top ·..,~uJrl or. c('nù·.J.....t,d
in ;'lGrI to g~t :tl~ the rC!t inent :'1rn"":'wtio:-. Old CXp(!~lticiu~~l:1 as
IlligI'! t
.... 2
. .
3. Public: Hearins on Application Ro. 3-EIR-73. to c:onsider Draft
Emrir01llental Ja?8Ct !teport regarding the proposed c:onstructinn
of Vallco Park ResiGnsl Shoppin¡ Center located southerly of and
adjac:ent to Freeway Røutè 280 at its intersection with Volfe Road.
extending southerly on the westerly side of Wolfe Road from said
Freeway to Stevens Creek Boulevard !lOO exteødinl southerly hora
said Frc~~ay Oft the easterly side of Volfe load to Vallc:o Park Wey.
Said proposal is to construct a regional shopping cent~r with a
total of 765,000 square f~t in adJition to the existing Sears
facility. (Continued from meeting of July 1, 1974.)
- and -
Arplicatiol\ 6-11-73 of Vallco !':1rk, Ltd.: f:se ?er",H to allow C('I\-
Folruclion of a rcgior~'l shoppirlg center containin? .) tOl.,l "f ,,!)-
rr("~t='~ltrly ]'),j,ÜOO sq. ft. of c0r.-.r!1~rcL11 floCiT arC''1 in ,-d.tit jf"n
tc\ th~ t..:'x¡s~in& Scars f.'\ctllty ;..rithin a P (?laf'lncd i',~vcl~..,~,,~..,.'nt 'lith
,1 rc[..i..r~31 shcr;>i'1f~ center CL'n-,~rr:ial uo:;e ~,1:t?nt) Z'-'P.t..'.. ~~!~;. pco-
~"'t"'rty ts ~o.:::ated. S2'ut~l'~rly 0: ~\nJ adja,:,-:!":.t t':> ?;':t>1,':':: ?:lI':'--' l~r' .,t
:t,~ int\.'l:;cc":í.:::n ·.:i~h :'!olfp ~·:''''.iJ.. ..:::lè:1,l~¡:.~ S:';:"..1t ,·.>rl:: :~~ :~:" '.: ;:u:!r-
1y ,,;:..:.._ of \-"~o1 f~ ?c.Jj irC'r:1 <;.d\.1 FrC'e\,'a',. t::> ';tt..·..c:t... C:",:'l':' ~,'~dl"."'rd
.::~i ,>xtt.',,:lng s'.:ot.:-:lcrly fr..11'"t ~ìitl Fr·_'t!',·.a/ (:l lLt... t·I·;~·.':·l:, ;-.;.:,1.· ~,f .
.:.,1 ['.? ~~...");1·i to :.:~l t:.:.' P.1.rk \·'a\'. v.('c\.'rr.f"!._·t'lh:~ :·..,r T)prt'v,-l.
":'f,.", ,'\!....".~..., ..f P~l'rf":~"" ".,d Dc"" ,.......',..,. '·..l·""·.····" ¡>1Il1";"" ,.:'".-_,.,..\ .
.... ~... _.~ OJ. _ .~,.,_..~ , .1,..""..... _ .. I,. ..f!'.:-. ,. . ...' .....' ,,- .,~
í'-;'_':,J'~l:\.).1 ~:.). t2E.3, ··:~CO~I"1(,I.¿tn:,~ t:l~ A~'pr;-\';d ¡J .1. U'H~ ;'~f!'i: to :.lio.....
r;ln:~~:ll.:\..t I..m n( a P.....:-~lon..1.1 5t."l'r:a? Ct:nter Cl1P.~·>1.'-I'r. .1 f."\tl: [
.'.¡,~'r'..'~i~.utl'!~' 765,000 5q.Ft. :')f (\,);-,;-:t?rct:11 :l,'c...r ,....'...a 1:1 ·\.!Jit;\.'... '.0 th~
:_'\:i£t:':t; ~";'r-:J Fé1< ',lithh'!:t i' (Pl:Jnn...·.J ~t··::~lot·"'T1.¡ '.r~\1 1 ::.';.~i'H'!al
::;~:'-,¡,i'~:--.~~ Ct'nl~r C(>.~.r.~-r.:i.11 Use IlItt':1t~ Znn'~. i.t-: st;1.'-L:,1 '_:1\..' :-'i.-.nfdllg
r.úr.r.:i ;.:;;..'r'I ',1:15 :t~"-ac~(.! ..1 hl1r1b~r ,")f ...·\.:'I1·iilfon:; to <,:;tjJ ';'H' Pt~1."!1it.
Th~ ;i~l,,''''::'(1r [ j;.:r,.'¿uc~d tht: ~~'\)' lJ, 197:' :.-·ttcr ~ ;l~ï' t~~c St:1t~
D...'p.."1rt'"':(':".t <).:,.' TTa.'~;..~rt.:\ti()n~ St:1tL1~'" t:It.'Y ;"1I'l.' 1o.,:'!"~·i,~~· i.Lh t:~t' Cii..:"·s
1'-:'T<~in'"'':'''.::lg ~:t.-:.(f :n ~o:)rdlnatin~;:·:'t¡tlg nf t~~c ;-..~.;p:1:;i.~ ::h1~ ".Ut
.11£t.',,'t t:h.' interch.ll¡?;'? a: iA'o.lft! Rl.":1,~; th,~ r-'.Ij' lC. 1':Jì4 ~,'ltt.'l.· frcrl the
(:h;;,<2:-tÏ1:C" Sa:tlt:try J':'strict whh:h "·:'.1t.:~s :;e~..¡~r~ ..:.r,~ ;1'/~il'lb!,' t...) ~,.·rV~
l:1fS p'!"ûpvs~ de"clot-;1~nl; the ~.-4:' 1;. i97.'~ l(.'t'.::~ ;t"..I!.~ tik '...::\'1 of S~\n
J...'Sè t'!.1O'1ir~t~ !)cp:)t[.I-'·~nt il'k'i~at in.., ..:he ~r":~'1t;_'ctl:r(' dn·j ~;itt." tl>l',1t~0n
(.f :'~li5 t,r"j'"'~r: ;tee a..:..:ept:\b~~ a~1':'! tl-.('v r,,"-'("(. ·~\.nf! ap~r'·\·1J.: ... ;~\'til'.::.iti:')n
frn~ :hc ":t."1\.:"31 Fire L>islrict, datctl :-'.J). :!3~ 19]~, L.1~,·:lti!1;'. tÍll'Y
ha\'~ .\() .:hj.. :t:ic~s =:> ~hi! µrt1O<1~.1.1: th.... JCll": 10. t~ï4 ("t'::t'r :r'~:'1 tht~
S.r1t~! CL.1!"'.~ V'iJ]c1 !)istrict i:~l!iC'at i~.~ (hp. Jot':'.) ~~ :-nl sahj..:-cl
::0 !-¡,~."Jh..~ ~.~ ...,111 ~..:'t inhibil r,,",;,-,'"t.uticft IJf f'..1":"·~:" ~r"I'~~_ .~j i....;1r;t·~.t
':H~(i !':..~tI~~.,¿ ('I~ l'!10!"O"L:¡~Î.C. [1~Ji'-:':\lil'I1')~ ó!u e;' ~..i·.~e:.i!~~ ·;\.r;: ,..~ jtlu:'?~r')-
S(~rr.,' Ch..ld':.éi "ili ....:-: ,:",~<tuiCl.d.
tUMltd CW TIlE .'ULY 15, 1974 .u:ot.AIl CITY CùU!lCrL MEETIKG
Page 3
AI.. lIItroc;t:ccd ,.. the Jiwe 28. 1974 loatter frCIII URS ¡research
I". ,.111:' to Mr. Ilalter Vad, Ya1!co Park General Man¡,; the
.Italy 12, 1974 letter fr_ DIIII1e1, Mann, Johnson ( Me....enhllll to
tile Cupertillt' City Jtuacer; . ~i!e petition objec:tinl to the
~o.nat .lze of the r~~~-1 poppina c:enter; tbe July 12. 1974
_ frea tbfo PI_illS D1r~ relardinlt application 6--U-74. and
. CllCftpts fl'Vll PlanniJIg C&.. ...tots and H-COntrol Minutes regarding
_ appl1cation; the "''''Y 24. 1974 __ fr01a tbe Planninl Dinc:tor
c~.rnial .P? 6-V-74. aød Exhibit A-rirst Reviuion of the
Site Plan -Up~r Level'" Lever Level, dated 6/l3/74.
The D!r~:'~r ~f Adolnistr.tlwe Servi~en stated the Citf ba£
r.:-<:cbed ~ett~T8. pro and co:!, frOll 2> ..itl~""s.
I!:,. \1..11.., '·.H¿. V<llco Part. Cencr,,) !bn,1~H slated thisi.. tl:c
112t Ì' "":: c: .·..-la! Va) l~:) Park has at t e:I'·.,d sir.~c Novl'I:1he~ 13. ~
197;. r; t ~... , (:o.nta"~Oft f(,I. ~",. l?Rß \,;;]!; adoplf'~~,~i::
a ',"ot:~ 0; ::. }. :Ie t~c t~:l' ..-1L:1pnt:-; or the rrofJoSrl.
Tr á~ ¡:-rt'j " : ',,~ t,'~,"n cu: d'7VD In cd,.., :-~-r::: ~.:pn !';·s prr..- I
1'.,jf'a1. ;J...~.., '.l':. j the "'JI:-,~ .,.prlnr,! ~:,:~ 1,;\"..( h.::ld in Cu;.~rtir::",
,,:"~ ¡t~ ~,-.' I.. (.1",..
t.' d!s!""'t('J! ~ ~e'./ f',y':L<-- ?,·...~(>'tt :'1~ t'is pri~po:-:sal. I
:Õ-'~J \.. ':'t=-~' ;r, ~I-:::f'-J.m('¿. Irlj~~, "r. ~...r!"\."l t.eonard <ln~ I
';:J1 :.- !'-~i"f :hL'i t:'c! fou;·t~~ r..ti~·,\·.,:i,'n Cur:..~rtiT1ia:.5.
Eo.. 11..'( ,.I~" . ....'..i'n-.' """'1'1",·1 n,· ,.- lL~ -rf",,¡"a....· .r. th' I
. ..,. t .... ":. # .. ~ .. '_ t ~ \. :¡~, ,.: .', ; .I... .... 1._
V"¡¡!C'" ".1:' -!':.l,'::z..'1tiOI1. r.£- !).:)t~'.J tt-.1t \'ù :'.:.rl: pu[c:¡ased tht:¡
C!'"1.!t l-'rC";"t,:\ in J9E'3 for t1'Klu:;jor. j;1 !:It' P.Jr~-. They ca::'l4?:-(\
tre C!,:.\· 1:" ::'. ) "ft¡' tncir ::Jr1~i~1 lar.'; 'l:-~i' r·...'f Dnd have tl~\1 3
~if~{..:u. ._.~ ';l:tce the~. T1wre h:1v,' h.....T. $1.r) ~tlli{Jn i" in:provE'
~m:t¡ tr",,·:~_.,,~ \\("lf~ Fwac!. traffIC ·..!{',:,.11s .1n.! ,1280 overcrof-.sin~,
51'1'£ 1~¡'-. J!l their dra..ln,s NlV£ ¡':J~.-.It.'d .. shoppll1~ c.:'ntcr
l.Arg..r t~..t-. ~h" pre.s(~,,',l~· :rrop..,..sed pr,,'t-=\t. ~!r. t!ard then ·..a~nt
thr(,,\l~;' t~)è ........~C.:iS of the propos~) -- h..---.,: it f!;r4,·W -- and hû\l it
..L!"¿r}'. A t!":f:.tif':\ren<:y (f the propo'ial \.',0.: rn)ipct..~ r,n th{' screel,
for 4111 to ';'(A.~.
}:¡ .
T:,fo ';"3rs , ""ted Au!;'...t 1968. ..hO\:< " ,,('r.leT with thrl'e
.to~c~ 0.8;,,(1):) "q. rt.). 3 .to~1l'S hiþ:I, with pa:'ÿ'lng cn the
roof ..
At rb.. Ju,...,. ):)73, genE'ral ran publ!.· 1:"3r~nþS they sbowl'G a ~13n
for 4 &t;:>rcs iocludinl Sears and the cI'e.."il1l' (I"cr Wolfe Ro,li.
there "'''err 1,(\00,000 sq. ft. .bopp1nx c('ntcrs prOr,.,sed for !·(.'l.tia:ti
llaU ard f,,~ \'.111<;0 Park, a~ the slz" "...."",,,,el1'!"': by Hessrs. Ar""lc
and T.evy, t~'~ F.coo(Uists.. n.ey th~'\ &~al.~,,~ do·....n by re1JWJving I
dep...rtDcnt st~r" 15. the!! 14 .111 th., wid,· ",all shqls extend ir.g "ve~
Volfe /W3d "'-'5 reduced to . ~£strj,.i1 t:.l11 311.' rc,"t3urant. Fo:.r I
pt-.ase has :...''':11: built on the ~rL"i'f?rly tc ti~I." :,·~~b.t. TheY rep1.1ced
the bridg.. ~ith a tunnel io~the rIght tar~' 'flu. Pcrm'!y :-oA an-
<1'''.,. '.''''.-. .... b_ .-.... .... ",., ,'" 0"' 'ov. ,., p~pr
or TBB~~
~ ø.œr.AR crrr·· ~~n_ 1lihJ:5..,. /!j:(
,\!~,> .' , . ", ~i"-:" ',. :<';<:.-'~":'~"
. - ,... ,.. ."
":;'-;,i';, i/
": ~ "1'/
. .
leek. !be 1Rd1cIiDllldaJ:t .... "'redaced
....;~' l~tbey.....·;the~9"~~(t"
·'lJc¡,~·' '- ....,.' .,,,,~...,
,S{'; ,,' .... ...... .' .':' '. ..... . ':";1;'i~~i,\
,~, ...·ot~tu. ...i'fI'6~tti~"ibø.
-ìmì,mt¡., . -,,', '~/~,~I"-1,
.. ; , " . ": ~t;,"': ~
, .~.." ~, "
I '", '1':'
c Coals eoa.itt.. r....· ~!... a nltoaal center in Aprll of 1973, for
table eI!1r1")'IIeUt aDII the tax revenue ""leh vill enable Cupertino to
c:co.pllsn ~ of 1~ IDAls.
he Ceneral Plan of the Core Area vas adopCe.: 13 1913, :lIrl an EI!t
ndoptN at tlldt t1ae. This vas ChaUCdlted fn tlte COUU'l. ~r. Ward ,-ead
thp. Judge'., stateaents. The Plannfn; C~f.."ion held 54 "~ar ;n115 ~n the Plan for the Core Ar....., and the City ,....ncH h,,1.J 31) heari.,~.. on
the S1~C ¡c,u~. On Juoe 3, 1974 the Coun:fl a~prov~ t~e ~~~in~ for thp
::-egion.ll ;L1i'P!ng r.enter.
':Ir. War.:! ,.t.ltN " Sio!rra Cl..b"...ll.ttf... _:vls·- Ü, It 1 r~,tf"
<;h"I'r111~ '-,:Ul'r should !>e ~u1H a" ncar a r,'rIJ' ·.tIO!! C:°.,t·-r ,,~ po,,·¡"l..,
~nd tu ~I,,-~.':-porate b~clcle 1:l-'t."!IJ .1.ud ...--nc('lura~t.· transit..
~Ir. ,"'acd ",-'led that alt'wur.h 800 pC(>f'It:' shIned the p..<1<!O:1 o!>lect(n;~ to
the re~¡,''':11 center, only 3) peopl.. attendt'.! tÌ1£ Dxm :'I."'t1=1: 2t Collins
ISd.a.)l ...xpl.1i:\inR the propoHI.
~r. \lard st.tted that Valleo Park II! conc:ern"" ax.uL the ::~th~.. of the
c~nity. Th3yarraa«ed to h4'1<> a poll t.k"n. 300 ha ,"'cb::jeted COl'i<:1>
.,f the r.~uit8 of the liiQCVey. TI.e ,)oU va. co!1ducted ~¡ :""":8 1''''':''0
under the S'.1per\l1ai01l of "c. llarold Rushton.
('.ounc:. Jackson said I:e ma41'''õòtood the shop!'1"_ center ·.....ul:l provide
~600' act 1300 jobs. Aløo. he tJ31d he WO)Uld like to dec :1 jcstHt..-,tton
for the $1 ..HUon rev_ an.ucip'1ted. He. W.ud ";at,,j tbC:7 "ill exceed
the $1 :IIil~ i~D figure within 5 :J&4rs. ne "ho DOted rt-at in addition to
ireet c:"plo)'1l!ent at the shoppIng center, thNe ..111 be dil=i! 1..r}' jobs,
such as garb.Jse collection, etc.
Coune. Jachion recalled the survey Jon" the r;reyio~ s="r !or ~rianl
Mall. and Sr3teaents aade that it was biase.!.
COIlI1C. ~,,¡¡is vC!:\t ov~r the ";c1c.,:ftl... :;ttJdy ..: the ...,,,,,,11' of the
cOill'Junity" '..¡hlc:h sh~ 25% prefer:cd no g(L·~'th, ':)7% þr¿fcrred !!lO'
I;rowth, a~ 27% preferred r-eseat !)tan,.. H-",t..f the fl'O!>le vt.., have
lived In tile cOIIDUDlty . !.øager t 1me 'ICe opposed to the .:enter. S!>e
quoted questions an.! ansvers t..l<ell in t"~ poll.
, ,
':'~~')I~~:,,.~:;t '
';1~~~"!'¡ ~'~::,':
,,,,,,...~,, t.' (:,'.i, ' ':i
.' .:;;¡'\r'
Page 5
';",,\ "i,'" ,.', ~ ".c . :"'~ ~
',CW~ ,~øwaa...!~·aµ.¡;.~~.C!t;:
C:OUOC'. ' ,,µ~,'tat","~~~~'JÌ!lµ,J!.
.,e s:~~"...~.;,..._.
"'''''' ...... "~ . -. ",,' ..'".' --.
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.,.......'. .' .' ".Ii.ill: '... ",,<1,,' .,~.~~.' ..~.,m,':i·...~..,·.
~;ar.·~"" ,,'iC '~( ",1~';'
"''''110'''', -.íi:¡,;o.;',:ain' r . ~ :á.ó'r(.....;~~"t
.. " .~.J-(~" ,...'_ ....:', ":;'-'./1
tì. ."Iíà.¿.Qt1~ . '~í{';
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~''i', . .
dÒD ü the na1 üsue bere.
Vallc:o Park is known all cwer the vorld for its quality in
The c:umul~tive effect of Yallc:o Park on the community is a Rood
otle. ~fr. J. Garnett. of Daniel, ,,;ann, Johnson & !teô1der:.hall. ...,£nt
over Table 64 on page 195 of th~ Environm~ot3J I~ÿ8ct Pr.port
c:onc:erniop. number of enployees.
Architect !!.~lph Butterfield, of Wurster, B<,rn.~r¿ 1 ar.d ~on", I
~ave a pr~sentp.tion of the model of the pro~os~l. They have m,de I
sever~l generations of C:hanges, all rcflectL~ io the ~odel pre- I
sented. One of the major changes was the inclusir;n of the tunnel I
to h3ndle the interc:hanges on Wolfe Read. Another was the e11.1I1- r
Ik'ltion of the third scory of the department stor..s. They have
simplified the c:ross~g ~er Wolfe Road with the glassad-in brt~~e
They h3ve addæ a series of 8111811, interMl pad's. They haoTe
broken up the parking lot with groups of plantin~9. There is now
a 36' vide, landsc:aped strip along either side of Wolfe Road. He
designed routes of trærel to mitigate anticipated prob1~s.
There will be no truc:k _neuvering behind Bullocks. p"r.r.eys' TM
bas been eliminated. like paths have been incorporated jo~c ~
Citywide bike route, aloa& Merritt Drive, under the tunnel, fut
Vallc:o Park Way, and _er Tantau overcrossinc·
Mr. Tma Branch, Architect: for Bulloc:ks Dep.utment Store, discassed
the loading doc:k. It bas heen moved to the lower level and a
roof was add<'!d to mitlpte noise. There will be acousti::al
aaterial on the roof. There will be a 12' high wall betweM' the
loading dock and adjaceDt residential. Their design criteria was
60 dba. Bullocks lets about one gas-powered truck delivery pe~
. .
'~?- ,',~~."
. ,,~
Couuc. Kellis stated thatVestgate's figures shOll they are doing better
!lOW, and they have only _ departtôlent store.
Mayor S~rks called a recess at 9:11 P.~I. The meeting reconvened at
9:25 P.M.
Mr. John Dippel. l0402 SC'!Ierset Court, Cupertino, s~id he would like the
decision .ad~ at this seeting to be bnse¿ 03 the facts. He proceeded
to his pr~pnred state:nents. He said this de'lelcprlent, 'is proposed,
'Jill have a dctric"utal effect on all our lives. He f"lt tt." anticip"tcd
revenue to the Coity ""s overstated. You can' t weigh t'le dd'J"rl'e effects
3gai~qt econc~ic effects. He charged the majority of the ëeopJc of the
City of Cupertino do aot \l3nt the retdonal shopping ce"ter as p'cf)¡Jc""d.
i!e :>aid the pL'Ol,le cpp~oo to this prop<3sal are ,,:oC ··cct to get Valleo"
!rot rather they want ·.mat is best for the citize<1s. ;¡C st~teó th<lt there a lto!rllAtivcs to this proposal, but ..e hallc not s"..n th",,,,. i'" urgcd
tbe City Council to turn down this request for Use Pa~it.
Hr. Maurice O'Shea, 2a~67 Clay Street, Cupertino, said that in relating
to tbe lI'Odel of the center, 4 salient points came to 3IiOO: 10% Q[ tile
hC\'"cboIJ!' in Cu!'ertir.o \I'Ould fit inside it; "vecythin;> fr"", Key Chevrolp.t
to iligÌ1'-"'JY 9 would fit into it ¡ !mH of all the garag2s in Cu¡>erUac
,"",uld fit inside it, and the entire Stevens Creek !'.escrvolr ",mid iit
Uiside its bounJ"ries. He 1t:Oted an article il> :crt"..... ~a?;u: ir,e rcgard¡n~
deveJopaent In 5.'1"U, Clara Count,. lioê said trnn;'ic v111 t'lKe care of
lOZ of the trip ends to this center, if it is a success. Within 3 year~
we can expect the average hom~ers co rc:paint their hones every 2 years.
lie tben quoted portioos of the Payne Report rc.gardi:'.g pollution as it
r~lates to Cllr-rtino.
~fr. Joseph'. l'icker!r.g, 3931 Crove Avenue, Palo Alto, sa td be 1.. Prc5it1ent
1of the Santa Clara Valley Coalition, formed for the ¡>U:::p05C: of inc.reasing
communication among organizatiuns within Santa CI~ra Valt~y i~ r~~ard tv
,uality of lHe. He -sta:ed chat a "hopping center c!c..s 11.)[ cre"te new
10bG hut Itcrcly syphons t.hem:. fr~ ('ItLt'L C~·1tcrs. H~ ~uglestc~ that ~:h~
im-u-...&o¡t OF 'ftŒ JuLy
"f " ,~
,.~\" ' :' >; "
<~;~~ ,~';;
: tb1a .u.i àr:''- ¥Oic.. of the ainørity. 1Iat rather
,îp:,'!t,:.",'~bèqM " iJíj' centllr is approvecl a. proposed it
'Ü~t.1.:(~ ~ ~'ètli1en. in the c-. ..ft.,. All OV
!m~~..__·, 'ar. faced witb cheU.". The
',:~ .. ' . abwe the val_ of the "SO's
~~,r;!;·T:~·)itif"L.~r~'3t,v;;~.:~tbe citizens. '
~.1ÛIêé"~~1520Jt+.iI',. ""·'1.Sallta Clara, stateS t1lat the.'
~~tf;~~ÌÕD~~~~~.éooc:ern to tb., ..pecisUy ,
'\' .. iuìa boW4y_¡;\,,'tl/iiWcdâl use would only cause c:_sutton
...., ,,"C' '. q ,..' ',', ',> "~""" ,<" ":,,, ~",,, .. ,", ''- '.
?..rore'and after','ÍIOrk'OD'ÌI .:......,,¡ya. '
" '~,. ~"'~" " '. 'f .':,'.'- '-": ",', .
)a. Charles Vlc:et, 201n F':..t Avenue, Cupertino, c~tecl on tb
,.' ",'. . ' ' ',' ,,', ' .
. citizens' ,~lty tbfn..... aDIl quality of life. His _in
eoac:ern is for the aàfetyof hill cbildren, with the traffic p.oln,¡
b: front of his home. Be _1<1 that when the Lraffic does not ",",v,>
you are dealing beyond the air quaiity ~nJ no!sc lcve1, on to the
sanity 0: the people and the quality of li[(,.
Jllastcr Chris Espino!<3, 21191 Gardena, Cupert ino, ~~\'C ; os 1ef ¡niti n
of a city &1$ a group of ïJeOple from aany Ltctjor.~ &ct.t i::¿: tor.ctherJ
The pcople cannot communiute ,,·ith the rOVe"'T!!',ent m tt\""t ¡:¡eet-
hr.s like this. Opinion pens are biase':. ~!r. ,hrd ¡;'....." !1i"1 a
c-opy of \'.·llco'ô Anst rlêce:nt poll to reCt.°r t!). He Cf=ê..~ ..!:~ r~,,(;
f.J\Jestions ar.d gaVé a It}'"€'s" õ.:'lS\o.~er to alt of. tI1p.m., E!; :~~: t!le I
1¡uestions \:ere biasEXl. and s."ould have be~n "xJ'an;le~, f oJ!' ir...tance 1
-";ould ~·cu ra~hcr have a large. 1 million square fo-:-: ~~:);.?ing
center ("1('1~ by. a10ng vit~ :'nrreaged trnffjc, ajr ar:-5 :1c:'~2. pol-
lution?" He r.sked the Council to not be ,"i:<lead by the fa:::ts.
!ladcleine !\&thanson, .lOl97 Cold It..ubor, Cupertino, said d." chll<Ir.ln
tDc!ay are very Bleh a" of wat is going Dn in th~s r.;orl-3.
There is n~ turning b3ck o~e we concr~tc over these acres of land
Z~ is hypocritical of us t.o teach our children one ti¡i::¡¡ Ã,..,d then
40 something else ourselves. She "ubmftted a map sho·...i">; ",here
the 4,832 children live vbo will be affected by this proposal.
!lost cbildren ride bUres to school. AecirltuLS wi11 in-:re.a¡;e. If
ODe occident can be avoided it is well worth it.
Bt. Ed Murcb, 21692 Coluabus. Cupertinó, ~sked whether we rea11y
aeed a shopt'ing center of this size in the immediate ..rca. It "as
bi.s ctmtcntion that none of ~he present stores are O"le.-crowded.
The need ior a large øhopping center has nat been pr~¡en ~o him.
Mr. Mike ~~Dowell, 7914 ru-pkin Drive. Cupertjno, spoke of the
iDc:onveniences to be ex¡>Kie:.cetJ by the people because of this
proposal. Once built. it is very difficult to backtrack.
Pale 7
01' TIlE .r.rLY 15. 1974 --".. C1TY COUNCIL HEE1'ING '
" ~',',: " ; H.:Æf~',~:'," ,,"\
,,,,C:adSDD. l0203.Pø,-::~~~. CupertiD(), l1VeS~i,!1'~:~,.
"'this center åØd;,1itt'*~;c#',favor of it~';Tha'~, , _ ,,,~1;':';;~
~this proPo'~!.i"'" ~~:e;"'~stand a.. year aao~iS; ""C¡y<
"an elec:tioltl'" Ie; bave .M'oken. HetM......
...' ,,~tet for'" .. ',' '¿'cÌ!Ìlter~'" ,: <:¡,';%ì:
¡:~J" _ t~ ,<~,;" ."; ". 'X:;i,~~
"->" """~i';~:'""~';> "'" " , , ,,(:,):,: : ",):
, .,' .. 103~f. ~t.i'Drivè. Sari.,Jose, vith:',o~,. ií'
,~terLane~L,.".~,a ,v~lItedinterest in thfji\J\"" .
ilraaLos Anle. ....ä80..He believes we have~~,." dve
~;rbere. He said air . ..'te use of the land woùld g1"ë~":"f'
, ., {~eåk loùs of traff~~(;~ftere would be ÌDore hazards tothe'i,
,eftCJu their way to aØíI ~'sc:hool. Shoppers are out later.;:'
,W;.t here, Were will the:sbøpping center go? We will all ~e t~
.t-w.:fÁrther to shop. Reåsl<ed if the m:1jor thoroughfares ar- not
IoetAg planned fo-: future grovth anyway. He understands, in calkin; with
::!Ie Cupert100 Chamber of Cor--:ce. that the Board voted 11 to 0 in
favor of this p-:oposal. I!e said he endor"es thc Coals Report.
tile said .that if \o'~ really want to stick with the prune C'rc!'.ards we
s'toouldn't buG¿ h<'Mes and live the people the opport.unity to ,,",'Ie he-:e.
_?~r !-lay"r ~!!:'~h In.,in, !9843 &t¡vood Dr'h·~, C..lpert-tno, asked: "-11at
i2:~t the ,<"Nt~"!I<; n.ise.;!. during 20 months of rub1 ie :,ea,.i"g..1" Tons
,0£ data h.,,", ,"ceo subnitted a"¿ assimilated. A lot of thicv,s ha~'" been
j<!.$j¡,Eo;i and a l,~ .:of things h.;.":e Deen ans"cred. The (:",,1:: C~.:::ittee
~ so;:.arted out' ....i:~ 1tO pccpl,~ ..r~:::t questicns. A l,,'t of thc'Jgt~:~ ~f d
j¡~~ of peopli.' ....:1 .:1 lot of t!-..!~lS :;0tlC into th~ Go:!1.c; ?~;::}rt. The
jl~6!,. Cencral :'~d::' nt::cded c!\ang~ng. In 13t(' 197~ the T'l:l!".nic.g c.:~=:;d3gion
l:"'-=!;3n r2-pw.::.:-.:..::.~ the Cit7. 1~:.-erc t,,:erc co'-LrnH'1isèS. ~'Ic M"l£. the
~Ca.pical Im?r::'Y.:'-'::-..:.r~ts CÚr.!:lltt.eE., t:he Park }jo'"'.å C('lr.:::!~i~tè.,~ 3:1'¿
;u said Vallee!.:: i.. the s.ey co the Core Ar.:'3. \l~th its fashion hub.
F,t will carr:· :l large share of t,,'! revene". Ail th~ City Couxil Hembers
~ted a 5hor~:3g center. s~~~ere, of so~c 51~e. The ~~v~u~ is needed
.:co provide t!IC ":::,,nities. They "anted a eC'u.xC'lled deve!o!,,,,,,,,t g"o'olth -
fF.allco Park, :~~~ ~':-o....n C~nt~!" ~ !!a~iant --1.1J.1 ,,"x?crts as 'H~il as the City's
~£'.11ta¡1ts. Y:-. IX\1i1" saic! ~~t ...e nfl'etl tc kno'/. is \-!hy ã':ûrê ?*:.c..ale
~2'::' cotle Cð t~¿sc .neeting.;; ÇE:rta&ps t~1C~l thiu!<. t:\(! City Cocn.c11 is
~!ng a goC'd j":'. /L..y¡'" they ¿='t ha"", ti",>. N.,:,.,dl h:is <>':~cQ1ly been
tEle t;u deter":.,~ I.::" th.. _jority of tho: p"cpl" t"e1. ':r. lro"in quoted
r.cilman rrc~ici\t£ 3::at~ts frem one of the M(".~tihg5 1:'1 }..ugu~t 1973,
frog the Cot:rt ¡t,c')l'd"r '5 reP'2rt..
~ .James Elde-:. 21082 Red l'i'l'" Coo~rt, Cupcni.\c stated he ....5 i:l iaver of
O?ping ':e!:t.'r. II" said the Planning CO;;ü:lSS1'Jn S~<Jclied t".is ~h')roughly
voted f 0: ¡,r.
, .. .
, ~~:,,':'-
Ann lI~nn..n. 751 Stenœhl La:>e, S"1l Jose. s.1id "he Ii"es 3 blocks
thi s pr(';:",:,<~..~d \"(·ntcr-. S~e sdid ~he I:; for \I.:at i~ ~coå for
... tJno. :;:~-.:. ~"1S au off !c,= :'n Valleo Pal·'~ ~ :-;Ì\è' r ~ "IT~ c,"'plo~cr:.t
It.,mt. F:-.",--: l1{or firs.t.-fo~.JÌ "tþzcrva':.îc;,,::;, 3ht.> .;!or~ß 111)': r~c:.!. that
nave i! tr~::~=: tn"'oble6:1 :'1.)"'.1. a.:~~ :h~t lI~e prt)blem ~.¡l11 eVE:r be .(!s
eat as has ::..~:¡ I'rl'"er.ted. She is ,^,'rkin~ l'n "E:<pL.:>siûn l",?a<:t", an(1
fcclä Cup:."':-t~nf.) rcside:1cs 3~ student3 h."1'b: ;1 'Cight to have E'LlploY".1er.t
-..d the::.
'¡", ~"~",' '~".'~~; ,;; . ,..~,~~,:J:~
:~~.~_ or m: JULY 1~~,1~/' :;.~ CITY ccmcIL JŒBTDG';!:~1#~~3
_' ';\; 41t:.",~:':' ."'-.. - I ,;' ,.,,; ,i"
1",c?iié,,' '. '. .~. .... .,., ;:~(
,( t....t 'oater.· 19841 Ba~..:b.. Cupertlu¡), wanted the Coa1EÙ tí.t.
,1f~ . that . _lei lne'_~ tIIis shopping center at ."n;o~::t:</
::¡~~}">,:':'"", ':;:,,~,"1'~,', ::",.' ,,', ','.' ,':':}:'<'",,:r,.~~,">'~i,~.
"~~,s,.rb called ar-;f, ¡~~10:27 P.M. The Jleet1nI'T~"~'
...."... .9...'0."'·......&.....40 P Z.. )~'.~t.~'.I.!.'.t.:~'·.I...·.:,~,:':·.'..~."~.'.....' .. .' v,.'¡~'
"';';,~~'::,',' ~,:::,t~~.,_!r ,..'";;-;;.~f:".·,~ , gt¡'~
:.if ".~AAi_, l0798 V "":Cfí-"- Way. said the questioD W \,., '
f..' '¡.eetJa& is notleft.~'~: ..three story buildinas., ,'V"tiit(!"
~~',~ practical point~#~'" _nUane<! global8'Jrrl<ra1;.;.'¿;;~¡,~\
..,. said .. <Iftd to c~ dainking and conS\II!e less. . .':'''f';
Sandy Hall. 1('564 Meteor P1a:e. Cupert~no, !laid Ehe opposes æ
shopping cca~ of ita pre..,-" size. Sbe \!h:)\"ed to Cuperti:11) fro:ll
Ckange c.-.o::~:!". vu SlID .Jose. aaJ saw thE' effect" of p,actic:aliy
WlContro1:<,~ ;rovth. She coø--"s it would be ('asy for t"¿,"st:rial
_ this iz:>:' :., stagger tbet.r working hours. She would ';><: villing
to pa>· bif':~= t1xes.
Page 9
\' ,
Judy Ter:.:-"'~~"". :'0791 Scof!el¿ !)rive, C:Jp"rUno. "poke ('f:. th~ need
for mor.t.!' :.::- ;-~trJ...s. She cU""....:.ends that. if \,.~ 3((~ c~Teft';: ~ Ç"t' ca.n our ;.::.> ...ithout V&ll~o -=-·~Y. by ~1"'::::;i~:,: anó by vt:'lur'.t.£'E'r
work.. 5'.....: ~.':: ¡:~ .1180 lco, C:it.:!ca] 1)· at ...·h~1: we put ir.t:c ~cr
parl-:s. F:7"'" :.,..; tht!re is Þ:2''t t.~ ~pc-': f,'1- .J.~l :.f.e cy.pc.ns':-..·e:-
d,;._elo~!::,: ::- ".rder to gE: f-=--=:i(\1'J~l .1.:i..k.:;. She fi.,i~ A._;! ;'~:l hay
<"Ur c3k. .t.t' ," t it. t..o.
!Ir. D. fu:~:: ~:enz, 19631 !te~t:t Dri,'c Cu:,crti:1O, said hI! ih-(os
vithin .. $:~~¿'s throw of dú.s center. He "'5 nc>t ir. £""or cf
:l:Jttcri:':f .;; :h~ resiåcut.1al streets w:jth bike paths. He.i__ Dot
in Cavør ~:- .l..:~ess to the Ce::.~e:I from re5iòe:¡,:' ¡;¡ 1 5tI'ee~s.. 'i:.,~!\
be purch:.õcl his home he u;u toU th:>t strc~t \.'('uld ne-o'er ;0 t:h::ou h.
!fr. Ricla=i :;,:!:u!03cher,l1331 'labb ;toad, C"!,,,rtin'>, safe! be- of-
poses the ::,,0 as described because. livin~ on lIubb Road. h~ }..,to'¿s
~be s1¡:n!!i~,¡~.::e o! be.wy u.affic. He said that one of tÍ:e prQ-
bl_ of iøt,~ !ù>3d is the -..ry _11 industri31 park at one eM.
Be agrees vi:', ~.r. Ward aIIII doe articlc in ~'!!.(' X:1I:azi:!(o; \"allc
hrk is a ~utiful iDdasc.r1aJ. park, so far. He is afraid t.he
patterllS ;,f Vallc:o Park aTe Wi"E sbarp1y ch~ur,ed. He VGUlc! like
toaee Co.""'1':';X!i!les betVeeD £lie "'green and th~ g.:>lden".
!Ir. Lar~ Scone. 511 Bel'" Sunn)'\'a1e, wondered if'S?ACE
... 1i<r1q the City CøuDcf.1 a "'IIUa rap". lie represented O!C!!AJIDS.
There is a: «......aic dec:~ to 108kc I\(,re; th~ City Cow>c:il a:ust
decide if t:"ô! r.q;"tives aTe ~h the rc\"enues to Þe realized from
t.his ahor:i::.$ center.
.. .
- ~~,~"",
?:,!i:'~~C.: ,"US
. '
, , ,or tIlE JULY 15,-1974 ø.c;m..\R CITY COUNCIL IIEETIIG
"~Ý~~0' .
;itP..;·!:~. ;
.",", ßnlelde, 1025 Cranbe.:ry Drive, San Jose, said he lives ,vl~hlD ¡
, ~_eof influence.- lIe.does not stand to realize any of.tbe,' ,,'
" ~ tá';CI(this propoaå1tiut.v111 have to contend with the tnf!1ê,~ r
, iod, aad noiae. He JIOPUthe City Council prO'les to tM Ci~y,..f T"
:;i~~t it truly,r~~"èGts its,c:itizens. ' ' "';;!";,,,i,:,,>';'
~~~':~":"" Vheat~~''J;i~e. S~id 'she lives ha1f,Q bloc,k ¡¥t~~rif:
¡¡~t tlaDt to l1vein,"suburhan Eastridge". The part1D8ilCìc;~':!¡¡;~
~1Hr, the resWeQCe.~; : ' ,+¡ ;'~',;¿:,:,,'t~( " ·~\~i~~:~,:"
.o"~ .;;,.,', ",c 'P":, ' ,',',", \" ~':.-,}-<',¡, " ""
;L':",:'::'-,:,',:~ .. ' ".. :",' .",
,', -X Í#pb TO¥lsend, 10349 ere.too Drive, Curert1no, presentee! a -p
.P*JMn'tinøor1th red pills p1ac:ed on it, pl3ced there just before this
"c:Iø& b, p~ople, indic:ating were they live. They £Ire £Ill op:,osed
CD;,thesllo""ing center. He read Policy 6 of the Coals "eport. He
.U he has 0<' quarrel with the design, but rather with the !J:!pact.
s Is .,.., :I<>113r v3lue that will trade off the impacts. Through
the Capit~l l:?ro~c..ents Cor.3ittee. it ~l~ þ~~ made ~lear that pp.ople
do want ir,pr~v~er.tB; 57% of the electorate i~lcated thlß. If tbiB
propoaal '·"r~ rut In half, he feel'l £I profit '.auld be in':olved a'Ui the
reside!1t5 0= chis at..... wO!lld be In f:.vur of It. He ,",id Vi! should
l~k at t"h ~~,:¡>os:tJ and the E1!( 35 if it ',~re within the bour.dar les
10_ the Ci~" c't 'I"ta r.li1r¡;, ,1r": 5C" how ',Ie ,:~dd fe..l about i:. !Ie
a,,1te4 if th~ City C,)I,cdl v\Y,ll~ accept th~ sab,Útted d3:a .,5 rC'1dily
if 1~ "ért.' ::-:~"';:,,-,.h."d withl:1 one of our u·~h~h·_~~rlr.~ cltie::i. He \tould
¡like co S~t ~ j~~~lo~en~ of t~is size jc~(:~i~d on the ba~¡5 of neEd
r.ther th:r. rr,~cted on the b~sis cf r,reoJ.
l!fro John !''1lI. lOSS!. ~~t~t Phc.., Cur0rti~~, 'laid he due~ noe live in
:.he core ~\t't,;.a. but Is o::'t"?£ed to t1.1:; rC,)r..~,s~l. He s:lJd SC!'l~ v,¡:,ry
res}»lUlb~e cO="':t5 \10(2 r.<A'lln>l O'lt at t:,¡~ ¡m~lic hear1"",. Poe felt
the ...,orl., ,"cre 4.1)'inll: they d~.,'r "£lnL ¡~r"'th of this siz... He
that th.. Cit'- Ccuacil shouLI rind \Jut Ju..." ':'t:lt it is the peo¡>le òo want.
. -
. Oti¡¡ :or,,~, 20691 """,e,¡,;;ead !!.:lad, Cur<'n ¡'no, hils l:I...ed her e for 73
V..~...~ hls ~te!"s Deg,"~e, aod is in :,Is third vocation, f~.rt\er.
k1ðs Jurtn~ the d3Y. aDd the adults at niVlt £Ire sviping his cherry
.. by tlWl ll¡;bt of the '''y1.s. p"rldn~ 1M" As to pol1l1tic.n. he asked
, if ever:OVRe in t'le £looletlCe b.X quit 'rn,,'~b!,. He !lai.d ".ht1 ml""-a~e
., so. :> )tars ago. v!ten ':he developer!! _('re £lllO'lI!<! to b.l1Jd all
, for 011 these pearlp-. These :,,,.1r"~ need pldces :<> shop now.
0..'10 )'ears he V3S Cbairun uf the Saait."y District, b·~t he. did not
.ofit b, It. lie l\>rchased laD<! in another cc>un:y. He bas purchased
older Mercedes car vitb diesel engine to h<'ip keep down the &!lOg.
said t:tc idea lIer.:, with tbls ~hL'p;>l;!1: c"ncer, is foõ: the
people to to'Ork. liv" and shop in (".opert'''''.
.....St.n lLuelb-.>z¡¿~~.I(cv.ber Driv2. Cupertino,øaid he would
~,1I01!IItp1aê ,.... ~,C.toshop. He is a na~iVe:)~f ~h1earea.
'. :~r.·.· ',,~' , " t~:·. ..Bay ¡..rea alllÎÓtlt'lt\·; . ..
,.,', 'k{""1i:i .¡, "'18.iÍlOae:expett.~i \'~ø;.re,j' /,
>{>, """'tp1an¡,U¿r '\t~ Counc11/'
",;,,': {Iii!' , ;':{~;'~'?~~':t
:vêiaue, Cu' .. ,ài'ea:th.·¿¡;~
;-the consW~eDtÌJ~;;ÎlÕt just·:~
, "·:~f~}!f>:i:f~~··,~)'{'~:. ,";
.',. " 'f;~".,.",
. '" ..'. ~ e5~,' " ~hat as a báStn.IJS1IØD; he has
spo1l:_ vi~b lIO~ò~tt'" IÍIIall,¡'l¡.uàiDeasmen in Cuper~tno and they
wlc:aa t....ýàtlêO~Park ,rOPÒM1~ Host busiDes8llell~'t:OIIIe co...
petit1oø; it.lae1ps::keep pricû"ctovn. In the future" t.ue aerchandf
he v1l1 be HlUII&,vill be aboilt 80 - 90% pollution-free compa.ed
to tbøse 8IItOllObUes on the urlcet today. The 1966 to 1975 1IIOdc~s
will hav" the ItDax equIplllCDt 01' thell. II.. ""id he 1/1 for what 1s
good f,'r the City of Cupertino; tñ"rcfore, he iø for the Vallc..
Park Rt:gic~l S~lppiDg Center witb threc dcpartnent stores.
Mr. Il. 11.uslttOD, Vallct> Park, stateù that hc wa9 in char~e of tltc
pol1&tt'fS. The>, were instructed to state who they I',ore r~fre-
scnt~~;. Of the 1340 c~ntacls mad~, 240 ~~rp 4ga! it.
Mr. Frar.k 1If'"le, 12074 C:mdy L:!.ne. Sar~logJ, saId one poi¡,t MI~>"'d
at this "cuing is ~he !,00r1e in Cllperl in" Hi 11 no" be- ah]", to &tc.:"
in CUyertino to shop. The point being Mir.sej is .h~t nolo' the
people j.. Palo Alto, SunnYV3le, San Jose, ete. , \Jill he ,,¡']e t" I
C:0t:IC LO this regioo.,l shoppIng eL'11ter to sl,op. It "ill he a tr~ffi;,'
draw. "e "sited the City Council te ,'oto "r.abst the IIse pcr:uiL, I
r.alOt..r EspIno... V4Dted to add to his r,t3tements that t\JO year.. f:-"J
IIOV 10 f,oint to be our Country's 2011~h birthday. If voted I" M I
thi& ~etbg, the Vallco Parle regional s¡'~"ping Ci!nter ...ill be" I
reality. lie 8180 noted thaL Kessrs. Jneksor., Meyers and Sp"r~"
vHI bi> cOiling up for reelection that sa,oc Yl,at,. Ill' said he lik..d I
this proposal - if it was in the Sahara Doset t. I
Hr. Pat Rogers. 19764 Auburn Drive, Cupertino, reflp-eted on h.1\'- I
penIngs durIng the last 201l'01'ths. lie ar, with Hr. Irvin that I
. _ber øf questions vere raised during that time. Rut hI! felt
that ~~ do nol at this time have the assurance that v" will be úbl~
t<' hand].. the traffic and pollution proble'ns~ lie said the EI~ I
stat".. cIl'"rly that Ole vHl h.'\\"c a signHkant increa.c in traff ie 1
1101s~ and air pollution. lie contend" thl' ..hoppIng center vl1: t;::x
the I""'pi.. livIng in the core area. If we b~lld a shopping e,,,,ter
of 1 milUon square feet wc are opting to pull iJ\ tr..ffic fro", 3
20 milt' radiu.., lie closed with th.. th"ug!\t that the interest!: of
thl' pc-or ¡., of the City of Cupcrt tno 3re not being 3cr"cd toy a
regienal sho~Fing center.
. .
" '.',.
'. "
by Oøaac. N.!ll1s'~"~; ~"..d by Counc. FroUc:1..
....111& 08 ap;l' kattOl1s 3-Ð&-'13 and 6-U-73.
to close tbepublic
JlDtion uHt,,'!. 5-0
'i:he ~",¡h~\~.: -:;!rv Attorøey 3d"lsed th~ ::"un~ll on the op!lons "pen
t~ ~:~cm .: :~_~ point.
J4.:.vt"WJ Ly ~c~,,:...·. J:."::'~~"Jn. seconded by (''--'t;,~l~ .
t""~ ·'Ii. '::,''-' .¡ r~gio""l Sr")fpin.; c""-'
51~lfi,·~~.: {,:'~t..:t 0:1 t:'e e-c.vf!'onnent.
~~11i, L~ ~a~~ the flndin,.
..:t '..,.~i._., P..1rk ...;11 have a
!"Dt 1~[ò c.trr ¡t.t. 5-0
~ðUø:- '~:'....!,.:":: 1.'r,~ed th~t ~Q aovlrClnrJcr.t"l lr.)p,:h~t r~¡:'I(Jrt Is a tool tit)
1::e. t\s...'CI; ,:'-: 1S ~,,'t ':onch.;.&1",·e. Ne !'tas r...1t d1'!t1ctp.ltcd th:-lt the EI~. alone,
V..uld td: ._ ,<.)., to vote. He 1:eli,,·""'\ ~t thl, roint that "e h3d
_fftci~,.; :.,: ,,-0,,\:101> OD tbe core ar..a ~:>1 "'01" re~dy to ""';c" a :1"c1s100.
~ t.s~h '. .,,, ¡~"ry Attorney asvered C~~'r. "roUe!! ',hat ..11 vr lr.l..ß and .
¡c-ral cc~c~ ~ ;-... "';..:1 4'rc. c.,.",,:~~ a rut cf t:~£ r,:\.
ICounc. ~~li:» 3..1id tho. evidence g3ther"l~ C\"~L· t~(' p:u;t 2 years 1~ s~.f-
{1clenc en ~~i~~ ,u base a ~ec:1s¡oo.
Coun". ~:,er~ ;Õ~:l.('<1 that: the DR is onl y c"'" ¡.'CC( cO be con,qid"red h..rt'.
He w".. te::.dy co :uk" a dec1$f.on.
... 'IU..Jt'!.T lS, 19~:7 ....C1TY COUNCIL fWd~:;
¿:'~{1'<\ "./~ '2
':¡;L>,;:'^r~,::,,\,¡~;;?':' :;~'>~?+',
'...... '. '...~.'."...... ..'., ...... .
:.:.,,It...~:..;sCbY c:o-.:. 5e11j5, .« r ,...... by
'd", ~ be 1Iad~ .:. ~rt of the ~-...~d.
~' .- '<,
<'~, '.
/" :,>".:::.'
CoU1IC. Jackson d1lÍ:. tbe fi.nd-
Findings !Lade
"art of the
1:<."",,_ !'rolich, .Jac~, Meyer.., :;£1 lis , Mayor Sp"rlts
JJo:1on carri£:"~. ~-(j
t.:'..I~r:. ~",,"lYt:-~ ~.:~; "'C' h·:...·¡;;> tzli:.<-! about ir__:-~·..:~eJ po}l~li(:::1 t.'h:'':)Jr;~.-.
.....- the c!'~.:.. __~!,::~lV~ tll~~ê: ,;p..r~ r:r.J~~L 1"., ", ::~,... County ar.·,-,;....:,..· I
-"2 ~~t' 1«.';"--" ': ::1'l;'tÜ'p :,r r-,-::'11t:tanl"<;. ·~·,.'t tre- alt(.'r~-·t:~~ to
¡:-:t:. &hC'lr'"> ."c ':.,'? \o:¡.:-:st L.a?;t-:-..... to c:f! (C'~~!.~ Ln the \Jerk ¡
a.l::oC'ad)· è..:, ,- ~:,..: Gt.:>.,(r:::!. ?:a::: i~ thi~ :..;. .,.~!. ~pprov("'d': \{;,:zt
&:'o~t {ail ~_,..~:.~ and ~cb c;'?O"!':''...:n~tlc;,:~ .; ~- ""(' pro"'J::ic h:..r.cs
1r~ the \'ai.~.::': .:.:: we al~o ~ve thE:- rcsrC'í:·~~:':,\·i.ty to p.-oviclc- t·~ac(:
~':' ..hor? .;~__ ~?ducir:r. the ce:t:",. b)'. 5,':" -".),000 sq_ fro ,,",,',~ i
~Da' nuch ~'~~:L¡: ^llcr~:Ls arc: r~~~(~¿ ~h~PFing center, L~
sLopping ere,.~ ~t all, ,,,,,;: 1.odustrin1. C:~·,~_ ¡.!t'!yers said ve
.".. to c,,"" :.=,~ the effects of dcclHlcns I"';¡ò" here on the f'ur-
rcandJng aH"_
COanc:. In=~,:~ .,ated thar one person rcallv in the middle of thi~
Yalter Ya~¿\ ~45 ~de all his prcs~ntati~~~ i~ ~ ~cntlCD~nly v~y.
Sr has don~ "", e~,ellcnt job for '"llco Far,. Air quality. DOi6~.
pol1utic~. ~..; -j ~I"'.J tra!(i.c are 50DC of th,- !:...:tors th&t hzve been
.ÚlCuss.:d. :t is .liff ieul t to illOlate a rr,'] cd's eff"cts in
re1a~ion t: ~~~lative eff~t.. ~i5e lev~ls at the site vlll ~e
smh.tantial. ~~t mitigat~: effects viII b~ ~f some help. Onc:£
_truct!"" " ovcr, the 1011& ten. noise dfe,'ts IllUst t.e _dured;
_kends, ~,....,.Ó.1.~S fond peak bc>Irrs. At lea$: industrIal traHic
is chiefly ,- ~~~ ~ornings aDd late afterr~~r.5, only. Counc:.
~~n be!:<. ~s Valko Park vtil h<lve sLb"o"t ¡al traffic problem,
t.a the futêc,', ~e is not ~r~ Df a so!uti_'" to the problea of
~fe/Ml11<c. ~~ sees increase in the tra,fi, on residerr.lal
~reet". ¡¡~ :<i""~ 8 to 10 1_ on Kllll-r ~A.J. His second concer.
is that th< ~ '¡-:e ~ant a s:sa1Jer rc:mnu'hlY. Cupertino'~ r
I:öõ.JaDCcJ <_"~~-,:t,, ar.,! ;. O!'.e Ion squ.:.r,' foct shcrplng center
_y take it """t .of balance.
JlIJIIITES at nut .m.1:'ß¡:';U74 '&EGULAR. CITY COUIICU.'~
,·,;~':117rl.,,~~' . :.;:;J¿~::\' " ,;
4E'~' $':
'!<'';7'~¡' . - h"
, ,,' .
.~: " , "
.."t';>,'i' .
, il!ii'~'
, r(¥:'A
...~~;, 'I
'that. one of t...;.ad~~taP!"WUld be:~4I~";' '
~t8a111 fair, t6 þ.¡. ..,tø on the, p 111\0,.,
" , all t" ,,' , ' f ,11M/it ~I:.' ,
.. þX) .oc:a _ " 'E' , C!R. "" .'
, city v1l aheJ', ~ ~,. .~
, beltè .... ced ,,,j.' , C I
""hen_Yo' 'dé.lanÆ'f'·)....~f. ,,'
'j' jod,t1'~llitllisJ~Q:'" \"!,r~~~
ar......Jaa.tld.. . ·~Ú DÔtbâ'" ¡' ,. . DOt;,,"'\Üj1¡.:t~. .' 'i
8a1 proof of ae..i- " .' ...' '> )!\orin t~fiî .. 'It ,:"fdslho~p~',i;,}~;),"~r
ceGter. As to alter_Ù"'~(CoUÌ\c. Jackso~..,~..iDCIustr1all'educ:es.·' '
traffic. lJr.tll he sed~;'trâlis1t sclutlon, CQGliê"l.Jsc:ksOO would.not be.,> ::;¡
in CaYor of tb~ centUoffth1a' size. Ite vóùlcÌ'ucept a liaited shoPP!nÌ !)i.
c~nt~ _ the vest' ride of ':Volfe Road if work is done toward getting
tr3nsit developed in the County.
Counc. ~~llis thanked all the people for their input. Sh~ said she w~s
on rhe Planning Comm1s~ion in Deceober of 1972. Last summer it w~s decided
3 re¡;ioú.'ll sh"rplng center was euitah1e for Cùpertino and Vallc" Park
W'~tS t~p p'.J.~l' for it.. P(W.k. hour trö\ffic W/1S tÞoroughly tone. over but
'olun~ v: :r.Jfflc wa~ only brought up the night befor~ a dcc!sion vas
ë"l1.;,:!~~. T';c J.",~i!'tnn last year' W3S a !1hop~1.:~g center W~1q a part of the
i '-IT1J. u~~ c: .."",~nt. In her cam?3i~n, slw was nrhcd not tu {'I\"~r-(:O:!!::1erc L11i2"e.
~·.l~ ~'í~1';"l'5 tt-e Incm.c ír01T1 th~ cC'ntel· h:\:; lH:*t."ft ov~rcsti~¡}t~~. S:u~ ::..¡id
j:b--. ~::.: ~; !~1 gcr:;d shap~. fln:\~o:i3111. Th~ c:uestion i.s \.+-.('~:\et" ':.1"', 1S
.t ~':":'~-¡:"::'.". w:lnt (0 :--......!:vc. any carital. ir."rr\.'·..·~":~·r:.nt5. \Ie -1:1' ¡-,~cot"'i:':.; :.10re
.a~H :"',:":'C :-~. t i ~¡nt on :.he '3ales tax ~t",'1 in r(S(;J1ue: "ih¡-,r 1;1\';.
C:,"uni:. ::.<::~ s3':d iC'(lT c.raffJc studies and three EHt's r.~,,- hr,en
...,t U..! 1;':. C\;!"..:'.t't 1':10 1s Gubject .to t ~·~:"'!!ndous d,!"'"O·lnt:¡ of :. hn"H~h t r:lf i le.
1'1 c;",.;: ...:t:'~ ErR,!t va" put JI\ th~ report t~t all f\lt.ut" '..lffic
..1~~'!""<:; 5'::'1~..H;;a-Su:\nyardlc Road 'lIlt remain the satre. The :.,·rr'atcr £orP.<'a!lt
.i.'\J"'~.i ¡":'.J.!" .itrcet1 dre becoming (1vcr-lo.1dMi. Sre quotiPd j1C"rti"r:¡ nf l',e
:'.:.L~u.',:nh~r "[r3ffJ..: 1tepo...t. She Is;1¿j. about :':~t!' s<..h(tC"ls. vtu!r.
~.~~es t~ th~g ia r¡gb~ through thiq cor.~~sted ~rea.
CO'U'-C. ::c~¡ is saiJ ve not 'tc';'1.11y .....v:.lIU3too 'What our C:f!1C:~: [::; t~.) lr.g
It" ,)th,,- ~,~"""n1ti"s. Tbfs 8' wall vill Mo"t likely !>c hl,bl In
.,¡t!~,1t::"!g the ",,:!.se. As she sees It. 41. (':hol~c iltUst h.~ n;'lJ~ bc-tOJ(:pn
1.) T~e c~ntt!r 38 proposed; 2) 50aller c~nter on ve~t ~t..I~, cl"oprt5t!d
~f t~~ ~to~ie9; 3) Industr1~l. She 1~ in f3ver of a snltl~~ center.
lHg.,~ss is n"t the 81\-_r. She wuld I ike the Jevelo,!,er to ccr.r.eatr,'te
n <¡u..Ü it~. ShE' does n?~ believe the co"",,,rc i"l des1rab nit'! oC t"i'1e"'1.)' ...i~l .Utr.inish if it is smalle:-. ThLs Is" rep:ional d"cJslvn,
, '.'
,.. " ..
, ..:"', ..
, "
'::"" ",.'J,,"},'.,.'";
JØ1RirsS~9i ':!d'i.tât.i:lS., 1974
, , '. :1~'~~ J¡!;~:f ~<~,: ,
Jt' " '
,',j:,,",' -.
,y .~
Counc. Frollch said the extension of Hi~h~ay 85 probably will ~evc
be huilt unless Cupertino puts up so~c of the money for it.
A" to limiting the stor"" to the west side of \/ol£e Road, CO"I\<:.
FroUcl1 sees thac as tl1C co:ntlerdal closest to : he
Cot!:". Froltch !>Cted thM d",'elopmenc of Satle o£ ..POI p"rl:~ ;" SC"'C1
ti:J£ in t.he future. even -though some 01 our people :1R\re been PlY in!
tOT t~r:. y~arB for this ý1.1rpcse.
r.("unc. Frolict. con¡:eoocd ti\dt the ccnter ~s prCfient] y prc"FCoSl"]
a cott'ro:.1ise o·.¡~r the or-ir.loal propogal. He felt it \o"U1J1d he
virt.cðlly 1npossi~;e for tho City to back :lnd r<,<1c thp tcc.'r~i
plw>, which is what vou]d have to bt' done if the shepp"";, c,r....·,
1.. voted down.
Mayor Sparks saId he has beell goIn\ ev"r all hIs netes and ,'n<r"3-
pan:!"n"e on this IiUttt"r fer the past [e" w(>(>ks, It,,,lu¿II,:: (Po>
CHy'" tIlt aad the (;oa]s R('port. II" £"¡t the declsio" 0" 1>';5
would have an effect 011 the entire \'all,·y. Tod3Y'!> tech"ol"Z)'
can",'t solve the pollutIon problem. lie fet"Js that this I'r":"~,,l J
is th" best alterllatlve. It puts 52 acrt"l Into abcyanc", IIn: j 1 t!1".
C:1n s,)l\'e their probl.....;;. :lcd It &1\'('= the City r..vcnue t" ! ;,J..,
caee of 110_ of the c::1pit"l iDlJ'rovcl1'ents. Extension of Hi~~l:I:..)" 85
is badly needed. as vell as boudn\ ioc senior c!thena, ':iò}' l'are
centers for work1ng mothers. etc.
Coun... ""yees would 11k" to have tl:e 5.88 aC'r<' p~rkin¡; lot ¡~s"c
l('~"l\'cd before a vote is t.a,",-en on th~~ n:'git.1nAl r.h0!,pinr. l:t"uter.
tit" "~lIld not be 1:1 favor of dcvelopinr, dny of thOSé U'1.COT.I.1 i l t ,-.J
proj'crtlcs in Vallco Fark untU tltc problems ar" rEsolv..d.
The Plannlnr. Di,,""l"tor said tl1t" 5-acrl' p"reel is located 0" th~
wuth sfde of Valle"," Park\.:ay .:H~d hep,an ..IS. a 5-dny-per-'Ji?t.'k ,':'ployC'
par;Üug ørc~. It 1s II !,Mt of the use '<'r:nit ille,' on the pro'pert
......- , ,~",,,'C<
,P~e: l~nl'
;,:?,,~~ ')"t:;~\:::"
, ,-,
, ...,;~..
~, '.'", ",.'~"",,-,:."'-\ " /.-.'it'::"
.\Jac .,' ,'. ,..d byCOUne~
:';;' ,','", . ,,¡:';;; (Iò, ':~j'+~''''';c ~""'i\"'-':
~ -:~' ::~~\" ",~~., ·"":~:',:,:,:'~.;~\~,~'>:,~Z;~:i~I~;';,,;;:·':~f~$':- ~~ïtt'· ,
Counc. Moyue>uked vbat si":'l:eoter they UÌÞiJl"Mf ititerested in.
Co'lIlC. .J!tcksoo Mid he YÒu1ci,like to see II aac:h fess intense shopping
center on only t10e _at sWe.
appÚc.dòo.¡. , "
Counc. Jllcluron, Kell1ø
Coone. frolich. Meyers, Mayo: Sparks
::.JiS :
I·",,, ,'" oy Ccu..c:.
¡'>-l-ïj. ~lIbj..ct
¡,'t Lh" .Juty 16,
I:~'\'"....t by '.;oonc. Nc.1!.:~ct !luonded by CC,1';:1'~. ~Ç9)-·ccs to ðj"t"f'od t.ik ¡:.'t!o-n
,n thr- '!'fiecl tb.~t "liJ.}!c-,:) Psck ~t.;Jll t.* into a:t. a.,~t"':-'-.:r,.("!'1t ·,·;t:\ th~
.Clcy uf CUj'c'UI'"O to ""ld the r......"inin¡¡ 52 uncV<'21tt<:~ ~cce'¡ ¡" V..ll"o
:?Ild' u"tll such t I,"~ ..s It i. clearly .¡........,"strat.' c"ere ar" ,;,.I,'clcns
¡t., ,hi. traffic by ~Ither &1S. trdllJJlt or other SUC~ sclutl"':\3.
¡·...,~.h,.r ..,eeoct-nC ...."' p:'ðpojMld!oy C"U!1C. S"U1& t!ult a 1::.1"1,:;,, :fl".'}:)O
r.::: Yt:,lr r;: s.a.le~ ,-t-.; re..·cl'!:\~'3. s'nll !,..~ ':'~r""t[lcJ {_')f t·~:·r~,.·.::..-·; 11 _f'
I~ ( j:lt [¡.:~ po1r!;.S or i'ur,;"~se of &ód1t 10'\::.1 p..rks or "pe'\ "pac ~. ,." ~'.'r." 1n~
r~,e" t\'" "òapplng cer.t..r opens.
1r."'JdC. FroUch was c:c,,,,erned "bout this ¡.1st 3IIIendm<'r.t t>eca'J~~ it 'is
d!fficuJt co knot' ..hat the cor.diti"n.,q ot th~ City v111 bt: in f.J:"''' years.
It ClI.;!.L t.e " tr3gedy, ror i!Uttanc". 1î ",' haye to "fu.d 1ô'ð':C¡ c., ,., park
SOt1t!\r.:;'-er~ Yllen we- d.t'e: ,=r'1ktng on theo t:-'1ftic. due t,) t).¡t; n'!c1 ll,'r- t.'xl(,ßs!on
,,£ lIi,;h'...1.f 85. lie is not "ure a £..tur" City Council ""uld O'ler-d,¡"
th,'1t lh~':~lU£C it 1.. in the 1nt~rcst cf t!\C pu'J;llc. Ccun~. ~.cll:s ,,·');¡tcnJed
th:i.t !f circUDIstanc~s char-ged. this cou~..: b~ ~t~need. Th2 ..-lC.-Hr: IC"l.!: dtCti
{or l~~~ of a seco~d.
""tlon died, 2-3
Feot i~:l. :i«~nd(',t by Cuum::. ~~cyers to t1.?pr'')"/è ...p:) ~ lcz t ion
to \if..~rki~£( out the fh\itl c<y.dit1ons of F...1d il~:~ p...~r"'it
l'Jl~ :("..ting.
,~:~j?':::~[:::"""":', :,:'i""" ',>',".,~ """, f,~:"!,<,:;,~
, 2. Frol1ch~,to:àdO!'t a
'12419 ,ooa p~i: ~r4( HIes laY.
, '~r.ntr- to .exillf;JD&:,<tZ!:><, 0':
..." ~ )n('n .....c' ~ ,,,,"ø '·~;n"
.:n,~().. . ,- ,l,..-Q.. -".....~..'. c
card'.,), 5-0
I icii:
Ilt'I':I'::~; ; ~;-'¡t,~
11f;;¡;Ii!~n dc.'.! .
I "ccl~:)!Ó:lcllll'l..H
,-,',:1\ "thel'l.·.,
ec.nnc. :-'t£)'t,-ru.. to :;m.!~e ::;:",
..~f,1¡ 6HioUF cnvir')m'.e:!tal
'..)u:Rel~~ r1.:lt in the alu;~e o( .1
'~~.lI¥lr(llm<>ntal ilalp;lctà o~ :1",
·t~. C1\>3bles Us to deal u.o:'.o-
._~t1d po'';lIib1j:for a net
the coo=.nlty.
, :,,'~ ..
. "'. ,
Counc:.. 7rÓUcb.,,;,.
C4unc: .,.J_bon.,
;,,,;"',,,: "...,
, ;~,: '
,;'~;(:>,:: ; "
,,'(~~~t; .
, ',~~~ ;tt
J ' \"'~ ~ ".
'7~f:>r11 .:;i,~{,~;
the :fotk~~of' ¡,:g,;;
Dot 'íl'lClt1~~
to) ~.(lJc.ì~~,
; , 'f;":;,},,, .' ::~~i,:
i';';, "",I,
,,' "\;y>,.,'
t ~, .;.<,~,/~q,:),:,;
'.' Ifoyed by Counc.j\.~~cIa.~, .,
.:~, City Cleric. to Ul.~a'Soctc '
J:~;",'-' ' '.' " " """:,"i;(o.",,·,:, "r"::~', '
:' J:OZionøl shopp1Dà~~..ter.:;,¡:r,
" '''¡:~''''':i~ '.' < -þ .' ''Ii..-'I i, .-,
. . ~.e1e"'.. liø ÍlUtbœ1ze
!Dation 00 the. ED .fl'-!, eM
AYES: Counc:. ~
IIOES : :lc:ll1l1i
ABS'lAINm: CoImC. ..1actsoa