CC 07-16-74 ,f - . . CIft OF c::!'EII1'ßO, S'U'tt OF CAI.I!'OICfIA l0300 Torre Avenu" Cupert1Do, California 95014 Telephoae: 252-4505 IWiVU~ 0' tHE ADJOOUED IIEGULa !lŒrßG OF THE CITY COUNCIL JIIU) OS JULY 16, 1974 III TIlE œmlCR C1!A."JIER, CITY HALL wrz.u~, CALIFOIL'UA SAtDTE TO THE FLAG Kayar Sparks called the _tt.nJJ; to order at 7:32 P.M. with tbe Salute to the flal. KOU. CALL Counc. present: (;.)un<:. absen t : Prolich, Jackson, Meyers, ¡¡ellis, Mayor sparks None Staff present: City ~Anager Quinlan Director of Ad:inlstrative Services Ryder Assistant City Attorney ~ilian Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Pu~lic Works Viskcrvich Assoc~ate Planner Cowan POSTPO~-nT:tS Attorney Sam Anderson, Konta Vista, stated he understood there was to be postponement of agenda it~ 11 and, if the Council vished, there ~ere people present who vculd speak to this ~atter at this _eting. After discussion. t!>e City Council dec ided they 'WOuld prefer to hear all arguments at the- same publtc hearing: Ifoved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Jackson to cont inue agenda iten 11 to 7:30 P.~.. July 30, 1974, in the Council C~,ber of City Hall. Motion carried, 5-0 !Œ1IDTES OF P!ŒVIOCS ~ETc;CS 1. Appt"val of !UlUt,as of adjourned regulat !:!eetin!,: of June 27. 19 4. Moved by C.:Junc. ~ey.rs. sec~ed by Counc. ~ellis to approve the HiDUtes .:J! June 27. 1974, as subaitted. ~tion carried. 5-0 CC-22l Page 1 Valley noor Infilling publ1 hearinl! July 30 June 27th !'inut approved as submitted ,2n 2 '- ,. Y 1 !t1m4_ prcneo! as rrecteo! .. .. OF THE J1JL'f 16, 1974 ADJOtm."ED REGULAll CITY COII!'iCD. MEETING 2. AfprOYAl of !Uøa~es of adjourned regular _etms of .July 2. 1974. .12. parqraph S. 4th line: Should be "!f.r. Glenn Gdll"· e 22, paragraph 1, lioe 1: Should be ''!!r. Stan ltaDats"· 4: Strike "Attrition" and replace vith -. eo! by CoUftC. Kellis, seconded by Counc. Jackson to approve the t.. of July 2, 1974, as aaended. Motion carried, s-o 3. Approval of IUmates of regular ..eeUng of July 1. 1974. Page 6, 4th paragraph frOlll the bottom, between "depend on" and "far traffic". uord "like" before "l/2". second line: Insert the word "how" Paragraph 2. line 2: Insert the i.:e 12, last paragraph. line 2: Delete "adverse" and replace with "laver.e". Page 13, first paragraph, line 3: Delete "square feet" and replace with ..... .. . Pale 16, third paragraph from tha bottom, first sentence should read: "Counc:. Nellis u;t¿ she felt the fillll pointed out the pro!>ll!!l\ that the Coun<:il has when it does decide on a one-to-one basis..........itole." Pase 17, paragraph (2). add "Mr. Rill Lester" before ·'Hewlett-Packard". Pale 22, first paragrsph, line l: Should be ·~r. Jia LeDeit". Moved bv Counc. ~ellis. secc:nded by Counc. Meyers to approve the Minutes of .July 1, 1974, as corrected. Motion csrried, 5-0 CCItHUICICATIO~S 4. Written A. An appeal apinu decision on 18-U-74. B. An appeal to Plannir~ Commission's decision on l2-TM-74. - . ~LWTES OF TIŒ .Jlï.Y 16, 1974 ADJOI:R::ED R£GUL.\Jl CIn COt.-SCIL MIG. C. Request from Hr. Robert A. Cavallero for City Council approval of his develo~ent plans for property at Boaestead & Stelling P.Dads or, in the alternative. for reiDbursement for the loss suffered. D. A c:opy of a letter addressed to the Direc:tor of Public: Works stating the c:urrent planning aut... of the proposed Route 85 fre_y. E. Copy of City Council Resolution !fo. 3705, a statøent of understanding between the City and tbe operating engineer Local Union So. 3 of the I.U.O.E. r. Plaoning Cor.Ir1iss1oo ~Unutes of June 19. 20, 24. July S. G. Public: Safety Cocm1ssion mnutes of June 27. Moved by Counc. ~:e1l1s. seconded by Counc:. Jackson to receive .'nd file the written coomunications. Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Coune. ~ellis, seconded by Councilca~ Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3705, effective July I, 1974. ~tion carried. 5-0 ORAL CO!'!MU:llCATlœ;S There followed a discussion of the conditions of approval for application 6-U-73, the Vallco Park Regional Shopping Center. Mayor Sparks wanted to discuss hours of operatinn. He would like them not to open ~efore 10 A.~. on weekends a~ to close early on week nights.' The P~~i~g Director asked t~e Council to think sbout restaurants, skating rinks, etco, when ~iscussin~ hours of ,-'perat:ion. ~Ir. t;altrr- .ard a~reed with the basic thinking of the Coqncil on this r~tter. Counc. .!eyers ....5 anso..eree! that It"" f does no: 1"clude a pork chop for the codification of sign31 phasing a~ addition of free right turn lane for eastbcund Stevens Creek Blvd. at Wolfe Road. The ,,'Ord IIconstruct~on·' shall be added to :!te= k. Ite:'!\ m shall be reworded by the Dlrectcr of Public ~orks. At the end of the closing paragraph, Counc. Jackson would like ~o add that the occupancy pe~lt ..~uld not be issueù until the Tantau overcrossing is """'pleted. CC-221 Page 3 1lritten C~. rec. , filed Res. 3705 adoptee! . .. -221 I. 4 ES OF TIŒ J1ILY 16, 1974 ADJOUL~ JU:CCUIt CITY CO'!:!:CIL MEEtI~.c . Valter Vard, Valleo Park Central !IaIIapr, ..id ltailoclLt plan opølnl iD the fall of 1975, .. Pea.,.. would open the faU of 1976. Mr. Ward ..U h. vtll try hard to ..t thoP. Taacaa wercrossSø, Sø before the l10cka openl., ~ cOllW DOC .._. it at this t1ae because of the red tape. It will be ~ befor. cc.pletlOG of the .hoppin~ c:enter. . Xelli. alr.ed vlû CouDc:. Jac~·. .tat_lIIt.. Counc. FroUch ... with !'!r. Ward; be -Xci be .......l. to havinl negotiation. ith the Stat. reaar4iac the Ta~ea. oyercro..ial prograa at the t~e the "llKu proJec:t ia ~let", !fro ¥lord .aid it vould be a sh_ to hold up the City'. ..lea tax r.._ fl'Oll "Uoc:ks until the ",oney is available to pat in the _cros.s.,. CouIIc:. Mayen su~l!eated the oceapaacy .....it DOt be IIr..-" _11 the Tanea. oy.rcrossing il under _Yo . Bellia _lcl like to _ _ths., po.ltiv. as to an aRreenent on the oyercrol.inl b.for. 1II11ocks I. occupl" aDd It !:Uat b. cOll lleted prior to occupeac:y by P~.. !fro Ward ..U that al .oon a. the buildinl perait il is.ued thay vill b. ready to liJn. The Director of PubUc Works said the City and the Stat. now vill be work1r.1 on the oyercro.sin, aad tbe d..eloper i. out 01 the pictur.. As to con~·t1on 22. Coune. ".,.er. _ld Uk. to H' the exht1nl 6' vall at Sears incr~a.ed to a .i~ of S'. Counc. Jackson vculd like the opinion of the Attor~~· Ce~eral as to the matter of air rights as it relates to the cro..l~~ ever ~olfe Road. Counc. Nell1& \IOuld like to iac:lude a "hold unale.... clau.e. A~ter further discussion. the City Attorn..y·s Oefic. ~as re~~e<ted to re~lev the leasl ramifications for acquisition of air rights ana to obtain the Attorney Ceneral's opinion as soon as rossible. The staff vas requested to develop information on the possibility of obtaining revenue bonds or other neans of financln~ ~lth ~~ortization of $67,000 per year. Coune. Frolic:h would like the staff to establish a priority list of environ=ental probl~s relating to the VaJlco Park Regional Shopping Center that vould be considered for a~elior&tion by the $67,000 per year cOCDit1:lent. Counc. Jackson \IOuld like condition '35 to include co~ercial, industrial and financial centors. He vould liko to see a per:or~~ce stanå~rd for Vallco Park. This could be added to applications as they coce before the City. Couoc:. Frol~ch said the County feels it is extrecely optimistic to f.el ve will get 30% to use for transit; therefore, he feels that condition 35 ~~uld b~ very difficult to achieve. After furt~e~discussion. it was decided a study shall be c:ade in rogard to condition ;'35. ~Ir. :."ard sUlge.ted DeLeuv Cather supplement their study they ate doing for Santa Clara Count; with a study for Vallco Park. Valleo Park's 5~7.000 and other monies could fund this study. Counc. ~:ell1s ,..""l¿ lil:e the \':tllcC" people to come to the City vith a proposal which includes a stat~~nt to the eifect that this is a s:lared rro.1~..:t b~t·,:t.~:¡ \'a~!c.c Far'. and t!lC City of Cupertino, and that the cost of the study shall not exceed $67,000. Mayor Sparks vould also like Vallco Park to look into a day care center for vorking mothers. - - 221 . OF tHE JULY 16. 1914 ADJoua.,-m REGULAR CITY COU1£U HEErIlI'G 117 Coanc:. -.Ute. 8eC:ØJlded 117 Counc. Jackson to close the public: Up. Motion c:arrieel, 5~ 117 Couac. 1el11s, Kcoaded 117 COUN:. Meyers to ap¡.n-we application 3-11-74 1D acc..... w1da daa c:oødit1ons rec:_nded by the P1aan1Dg sin. !Iocion carried. 5-0 . eel by Counc. ..uta, .-coødecl by Counc. !feyen to c:o:bine the publi~ U'iap on appUc:aU01I8 13-C-74 and l6-Z-74. Motion carried, 5~ S. ApplieatiOD 13-V-74 of v.ay Lnvestment Company: Use Pemit to allow construction of 27 cluster units with one lot to be held in coomon awners~ip, and ODe lot to be utilized by an existing si~gle-f~ily reaidenee. Said property is locsted adjacent to and easterly of FiD<:h A'"enue betvee11 Calle de Sarcelona and Greenwood Drive. Rec:œ::ended for a~oval. (Continued from July IS. 1974) 9. Application 16-%-74 of May Investment Company: Rezoning 3.64 acres from Rl-lO (Res1d~tial, single-fanily, lO.OOO sq. ft. per d~elling unit) zooe to P (P1.ft..... Development with single-f....ily, residential, cluster intent) zoae. Said property is located adjacent to and easterly of Finch Aveaue between Calle de Barcelena a~d Greenwood Drive. Rec....endecl for approval. (continued fr= July l5, 1974.) The A8soc1ate Planner c:alled attention to the conditions reco=ended by the Planning CoIDDission in Resolution No. 1289 and to the request for the developer to ncdify the boundary. He then ~~nt over the aerial photo¡rapb and desc:r~ed the PlannL~ Coaœission's positicn cn this matter, in relationsbip of this project to the adjoinin~ residential developaents in teras of privacy intrusion and character of the develop- ment, to make a aore orderly transition. This plan is for 2~ units. þ Couac:. Xeliis said ahe be11aves there is need for access, for the students to get to Cupertino RiCh Scbool. Counc. Jackson said the students are now going through either Fountainbleu or slong Stevens Cree~ BI.d. He would like tr. consider aD alternate. The Associate Planner said the Planning COICtIission's feel1Dg was to avoid allowin¡\ the students to go through this developce:1t and perha¡>s eat their lunches on the green, open space, etc:. There could be soce type of break-a~3Y fence to serve as a barrier, but one that a fire truck could knoc~ do~~ in the event of an mergency. . . IlISUTES OF I1!E JULY l6, 1974 AD.JOU!l"ŒD CITY COl'XCIL !-lEEJ'INC lløved by Cotmc:. !feyers, seconded by Coune:. Frolich that 35 condi- 'Ci.ons of a""roval for the Vallco ParI Regional Shopping Center ....11 be approved for applic:al:t.on 6-U··73 as modified at thu _tinl, aDd coatained 1D "'olut ion If,.. 1288. Høticu c:arried, S-o Jlayor Sparks called a rec_s at 9 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 P.M. !'D1ILIC BEAJœICS S. To consider an amendaent to the adopted plan line for the CrossrcaèsfCore Area 1ø701ving the following streets: Ca) To~~e Avenue; (b) VisLa Drive; Cc) Bandley Drive ~ed by Cc:u~. ~ellis, sec:ac~ed by Counc. Jackson to postpone the Flan line r-~=lic hearing for rorre Avenue, Vista Drive and Bandley Drive to Au~~st S, 1974, per t~e staff's request. Moti~ carried, 5-0 ~. Applica:i~D 21-U-74 of Vista Constructi0~ C0~rany (Radin & }~cD~~:~): U~e Pera1~ c~ al:ow constructi~n of IS-unit clust r project ~~thin a P (Pl~ Developcent Z00e with single-f~~il, res1de=:ial. cluster 1n=~~) zone en 3?prcxi~ately 2.58 acres located ~~sterly of and adjacent to Vista Drive approximately 260 feet ~rth of Steve=s Creek Blvd. Re_c~en¿ed for appro va (Contir.ued from meeting of July IS, 1974; staff recuest for further continuance to ceeting of August 3, 1974) So moved by :;""oc:. Jac:kson, seconded by Coune:. Yeyers, to continue applicatioc :roU-74 to August 5. 1974. ~A~io~ ~arr1ed. 5-0 7. Application 3-U-74 of Vallco Park, Ltd.: rse Permit to allow construction of apprOX~tery 100,000 s~uare fee~ of Industria f ptot-essi~...... of"lce '"U6...··_... ..:.."; , ~ '~~~.... ~,' ~ .._~ --- ....~-- .. oJ ....._..!:- ..., ....1..n .3. .. l.. ...~...'"!t.:J. ...t:~ë"'.)?'_·':dC: with pro:essional office/light industrial use) zone. Said property is lOC'ðted at t~e s::-·..·J,t:¡:~·:~st cOr!:er cf S::.111c·..: Dri":e and H~e5tead Road and co=:ains arrr~xi:ately 5 acres.. Reco~- mended :_= approval. (c.:-,,~i:1ued fro""! Jul:' :5, 197.. :::eeting) !ayor Spar~ asked for c~ts fr~ the audie~ce. There ~ere ....ne. CC-22l Page S 6-U-73 conditions approved Plan lines postponed 2l-U-74 ~ont 'd to Aug. 5th . . lICIUlr.S OF = JULY U, 1974 AD.JOURNED 'cm COUNCIL MEETDlG . . CGaDc. Nellis wDdered what the possibility ""uld be of letting the nood C<oI>trol District to provide a pathway along the flcod ~01. The City !lanager said that if they were to all_ this ~o~eœent, it wuld have to be "'¡e and then somebody else would line to asSlmle the liability. «"ANDc:'. Nellis would like to conaide dds for a bike rath because it is isolated from the traffic. Cacac. lrolich rdlected on the wa11aray along the flood c:ontrol CD WUson School bet",re the Blaney sidewalks were put in, and ther were social pro!lless. Bikes were Dot to be allowed there; only pedestrians. Counc. Heyer.. ,,-ould like further c:larification of ·~e shifted property lines on the asp at the tillle of the second readinl of the occlinance. !layor Sparks as«ed for comDents fron: the audience. !!r. H2rti.l P..i1'" of Kay Im.-est1llent Company, said they feal chey have a uniqu~ :~ncept here in that these are all individual hcmes even though ;~~y are condoainiuas. ~_ Poger Gr:õ:in, of Bob Flr.egan's Office, 5~id rhe prcperty ~er ha':' t:::;-:-:·:t.-.d on the ?!.a:l:ling Co~i$sil"."'r..·s con:lltions i!1 that ,:~~:... ho:..:i! ::':::7¿.1[,€d the size nf :.he garag~s fot' unit,;, 1. and 2.. ~. fI...all Sol-=-_ :~c'sc UCiC3 ar-peal to the young couples and ti> ~he y~~~g ~~ccut~.~ ~\U C3U aff~rd to purchas~ one of these units.. ~'..~J by (~~::.:. :-[e¡ers, s~c..:~ed by Coenc. ~elli5 to close th~ 7..:11-: h~~r .:u~. ~~tion ca~ricù. 5-0 ~ed by C.'<::,c_ :1"yer5, seccnded by Counc. ::e11i" to approve -7?) icatio:. :i ";,~-74. in aC(""'H·d~nce with Planning Ccmmission ù.s.::h:tion :;c. :290. ~t1on carr Led, 5-0 ~ed by C..:·...:..: _ :f"!ycrs. scc..c::Jc:! by '=cu:!.c. ::"r;Jl!.ch to :1pprove ai-plicat}.&).., ::-.:-7~ Ja accc['."'&:I.ce vith P13:1n!.r.g C(JJ,[].i.3~lon ?-e~~lutior. ~~. ~2S9. ~.otl(·n c.Jr.:-~eJ. 't 5-0 CC-22l Page 7 , 13-U-74 I a;>pro\"!!d :J/Lcud:'t-lon-: 116-;:-710 ;lrr¡·o\ocd I \0,1 ,;ond 1 t lOlls (~è'~ hP.~'= pasp J :.;..221 \.::~e 8 .eta 2 & 3 in.; ludal .ats .: , 3 lDcluded )-r~. 6':'~ ;'rst Re.1dir.g , - .. JIIJ'i1r.E5 OF TolE J,'U l6, 1974 \DJO".!1iNEO t;¡n (.GUr;CII. HEEtING JIo9ed by Caul¥', Jac:ksoø, lftC.,,:dec1 h7 CoutU:. ~cllis, to mrclify coa41tion 32 of 13-Ð-74 t.. inelt:de loLs 2 "nd 3. 3otion c:arrted, 5-0 Jfø9ed by Coomc. Jae~, eeconded -by ('~"~n;:, Nellis to rcc:oøsider .",Uc:atioa 13~-74 to iDc:l\:.J.e It>tB 2 and 3. Hotion carried, 5-0 A. First rð3dins of Ordi~Qce ~o. ~3: "~n Ordi~nce ~f the ,City of Cl1pert!J:c Alwndins 5e.::ion 1 c' O:dir.anc~ ~:o. 2 l>y RezoJning 3.64 A~res f~oJQ &1-10 (Reaf¿ential, Sin~le-~~~jly. JO,~OG Sq, Ft. Per ))\.",11 hI:; Unit) Z(':le to f (Plò1uued nevele>PIll..nt with .H.ngle-7am!ly Resi.ii'Dt~l, Cluster Inte.'t) ?"ne; !.oc3t..d adja~ent to and ""stedy 01 Fin~h ,;'·er.ue Apþrox!19&tely 150 f.",: northerly of In.. lr.ter- secti:m o~ =,,11~ de. S3rcE:.lona and t"'in.::~ Avp-nuz. II (f;('ntinucå from July 15, :(1)4 "",eting) - lead by L:'" City Gler!,. I I IMoved by Ccu:.c, :feyers, £43 rC3d ~y title only, I ~he First R.~a;iihg. , I 110. I seconded by Cou~c. Frolfer to have Ordin~nce and t~e City ('le~k'!> re~ding shall rcr.stltute Motion cnr~i£d. 5-0 ArpliCJt;~n 20-0-73 of T~~ Westfiel¿ Co~pøny: U;.c Permit to pllo~ \:onstn..:ticn of two 32,,340 sq. ¡r.:_ t~r.ht industrjal buil(Ur.~s. a tolnl e>' ',,~80 sq. ft. Sai~ ?ror~lty is within a P (Pldr.n~3 D~vclor~ent _ith light industrial i~tent) zone an1 is located at the southea£~ corner of t~e interse:tion of Prunpridge and Tanl?U ~vcnc~$. R~port J~I reierr~l to City Council. The Plalm¡::~ Director "tated that tho Cit)· Council T~~crrc:J Lt.¡" b:tck [0 the Plan~.ir~ C0IUi11S60;.;:t for r~~rt i õ.etai~ S 01 tht"ir rc"ieW' are contai",,'! i" Banlling CoaI!1ission Re!'Olutie>" :io. 1317. He intto<luced the July 5, 197.. 1.'tter from Vallco rark, I.t3" rC(l"cst!.np, th.' 25' landscar" h.:fcr be 1II8intai:led. The fla""ing Comm;s;.ioJn woul!! lH.e the 2>' ,,! Þr.dsc~¡>ing plus the wall. Counr. K~ll!s fa~ored Alterna:e 1 proposal f~r con~tru~~ion r~asfn~. COUDC. Jad...;"n noted this would per.õJ.l i z'-~ tÌ1~ ,one "'h0 dCVtoloped lar.t.. Counc. N~lli~ rcjt"cted }.1ternat~ 3. which is thi: flrst-corne. first-serve:! approarh. Tbe Dl,,:,cct:t:- oJf r'ubl1c \:'OJ:lts stat£."t.~ th:\l L!:e tr:tffic gt,ancf3tion frem tlti;; rle\'ric¡.c,,,ut is being ,'educed b)' 157., . . !U5IM'ES or THE JUI.Y 16, 197' AD.JOOR!Œ ) CITY cotmCIT. HEErIØC CC-221 Psge 9 Couac. !lr)'ers saø.sted that if applicants applying far atsge 3 can !DUcate a 1S1 trip eød reduction, the Counc:il _ld be more __hle to tbeir proposal. !be Auistallt cuy Attoney _viaed the Coun..tl that they VDuld bave to dedè.e vbethaT or not this 1& a change or ..--'~t to the CeDersl Plan. Be be11ev.. it ia aerùy an iaplemeotation 6f the G..eral PlaD. Couuc:. Jackson beU..... it should be pinned dovn in vritillJ, just bow Hevlett-P3ckard, Vatkins...Johnson and Will Lester are willing to aSSURe Vestfield's ~tiOD of undeveloped lands. Hr. Gordon Bennet, Hevlett-Packard representative, re1rerated what he stateJ at the Planning Commission Qect~K; that they do n~t believe ~estfie]d should be held up because it is not a lArge enough è~:~lopment to be significant in co~putati~n cf trip end~ I fer th~ ar.develoaed properties. He su~gpst~d Exhibit D be updAted) The Dir...:t,): uf PuI,Uc: Works statPd th,,: !:x!tibit !) is \!!Cant to be I 8checat:~ in nature. Coune. !¿~:.s,,", noted that at tbe present tt'l1". lIewlett -Packard :,s¿! basi~a.l:~ no res~rictlons as to 1nte'1!';ity of de' elcpn:ent. He 1t~"e.~ spe~lfl:ally it P.ewlett-P"ckarà i. Yflling to reduce thpir devel~rJ ..cnt "l.1::'5 by n%. !'.r. Be......ett said h" has the authority to t:.,k~ ! thi3 ¿""~sir,n. dlnd he a,reed to this 15: reduction. J Hr. Je" Erl~ch. architec:t for both H"vlett-Paekard and Wat~ins- Johns"". stated he waS representin~ ;:atklns-John""n at rids ....et in' . He said :~~ crdinan<:c allO\ls ~O% co\"erage. Their develop",....t ¡>lan calls f~r 35~, and now he is being as~ed to reduce this by 15%. He q~e!ti~ns the equity of t3is request. He '~uld like to see an spprea.o to this problem based on traftic genera:ion. Counc. Xell!s believes tbis is an i~plcmentation of the Ceneral Plan r.tt~..r ~""n an ....endment. She .:ould 1 ike to have "H..rr~.t.· 3 r~\""¿. Al.err~:e 1 o~ 2 should be t~e approach the Cil~ Conrril should t~:'e in regard to the probl..~ of the 17 acres. Shp ~ould bP vil:~n. to go along vith Counc. ~eyers' suggostiun of using ølter'Ute 3. Cour.c:.. J.1~k!'".,r:. believes there has be.?n 3 $ub!.t:tntlal cha!'!c~ t:.aTer St~ it .~;>uld be done carefully and in an orderly ~~nner. I Couno:. !-"r"lic~ n"ted we are only 3!Jl)""'f':d thre~ ænendmmts pCI" Y~.1.r this 15 ¡ PD :une. aL~ there is ~~ ~ssuranc~ t~3t use pprmits 3(C goiug t~ ~e a¡>proved. Perh"ps elle C.pneral Pl"n i:; beco~in!; t.'o .pre if i:. }'. -13 prc;,\r'~ Icc~~.:i_~ . - IIIRITES OF tIlE JULY 16...JS14 ØJUUKnW CITY COONCIL """dOC; . . ed by Q:QDt. Bellis. . = .... by Couuc:. Meyers, to 8IIopt the tACtioD 'baaias f~~~ Park, Revised _ of Jl&ly IS, 1974 fr_ the l'irec:tor of ....J:f'.íò',1Ift1<s vith tbe folloving "'¡U1cstion: t_te 3, as sUteol.'~~ lie elisiaated and substituted by the JlRViaiOG for tba dev-l1"j :""of techniques to achieve _all red'.IC- ti.on of ¡oeak hour traff~.a ·átion. , . . ~. Pro11c:la.llaJ'Ks, Kellis, Mayor Sparks Ccuoc:. J.c:~ mzs: Kotion ~arrleù. 4-1 Coun~. ......:: a said she ~ lie in fav03r of approving 2G-U-13 if the 25' la:>d~A~Ñ buffer ~ _intaL1ed. Me. '!er~: !:se, W'estfieIJI CooIIpany, S3ld it ""'9 the consenS'AS of the City C""",:: that tite 10' af land9c;1pi:tg ph ' ~b~ wall ",,:: the b..tter appro:!c'. :-,'" the 25' lazIdxaped setb,,~k. ;, saId they h'Õve spent a lot of :~-~ A"d ~oney ou these planq sinoI.' tee ember of 1973, and thIs ;25' 153'0< :::ly came up rece:1I;~Y. lie eC:1te"dcd th.lt Vallee ParI< h"d " ;usc pc-:-=:: i~?LÚVed earlier d.urihg this :.:~~lil'g wltÞ vøry little I, 'ii'Jcuss::' -. He re",inded ~he Connci 1 co ~ ~ i~ t iill'l shc''::"! ?-:","~v1~la!11y of .to\! ":::-:::.":::' ·~f Valleo ?arL·~ 25' lar~~.~,¡?h"g. The wal.i is r:..:Jt"~ !urrè'n~:"-E ....;.:. [he 25' ré.~'.:ireJ!.ent gr.;at ~:; ,\~f~cts t1!': : .\~"ou~. lIe 1s~id hi: t(.'! do ever:-:.Ž1ilJg he can :: :':'I;'l~:' th~ p~r~~n~ ()n 51.te. I !~':" :.~;.k..::: ..::. ~20 ~padC'"W' )..ve:lu'!, Sa:\::.:. ':L.r.,. '!'t."[ rt."s~·~":. i:1~~ ~~~~lWl)L)~i :Ja}..s F~~-:-:". ":è~S Ass~cla:ic~. ;:al!l"J ;¡trt:-~t:i\'~ tu ~!1etr :-~.~\I':iXI.':'i "'~plJrt ¡re':o~~::' _-~~ ~he 25' be 1:.ai::t.a!ne:!, a:d .:!~:::l' ,.:hC' protl¿::s vith the IIOòh.!ii'&~ _.=...~. The h~,:,,:,~=!I; ",·ou.ìd b~ '..itli:\~ tco .-tCf·~Ç;:' th~ 10' ,")uffer :: :'c: .:iC'ck:i "~t!re ..x,.r£:è [0 th¿ si':~ of the bui!d::ng. 11~.oVl.'J :... . --:'~.. Me:-ers. !:Z:.-:'-C":1.jed by Cc'.;;..:. Fr.....lfcr. t.:o ::¡~~rc.¡c :}~)i·!!.c;'ti.)a ¡')-t:.7;" '_ :':':l'r..!anc~ Vi:!:. tt..e condlt:..,..~..: 0: f'lanniuli!: r:.::~.is,;icn IR~~"':\lU:':.: ",'. 1..\1/, s....~je£::: [0 Cc.r.ditl..~~ ~:,,). L6 b~iC"!t -:-:...-!:~!~d to ;n",," ~~:. ~ ..~ ~ ,:.~~. thr~e cr ~u~:r.~... bpac('s ("~. ..~~~ l\0~the~iS~ -: (.:':1t.>! 'J.~ ~ 1 ir.1Ìn:tt t!d ¡"l1d ,e, ,_ ,'_ ,ttn lan,L:.a,=g ~r.d the ~ ____O.1<leo1 '" C.ü:::ii:ìon ¡Io. B. I..\YES: . h.\' & !rolich. t'A:-¡e<:s. ~t.'1)·~r $?-lr!~~ SOP.5: ,,_,,-. Jackson, !'ell i S f Mati::' ~~(~led. 3-2 ~,_mc. ::.._ __ . 1 ~xplained :~: h~ "Jct:::." .J.~..t tr~;a-. ::hl.¡ :n::c I ~~ :~':Ccl:':i;'! h..:': elJ{.:\·e~ . :-'~at·1. h::!: cOG.Si~e..ed "tn a:,',-:'~~~'':-:~~ tCl the ..;...,:el·-.1 i'J....... 'idï"r ~ ·.J.~i€.·J a ret:es; at :il:UJ ?" .;!~(' f:1f'f"tlhg r~co.."/ê'n~"¡ 'it J::...: t ¡ , ì t . . . \ r.c- 221 rage 11 - JIIØUT£S í:!F ,:c. JULY 16, 1f74 ADJOURIIED CITY CO'JllCIL """,u.JIG .. IIUIUIE OI:)D.: ';.i,~. ,A' . R-P . \I-J' Lester letters not required awed b)' (:o.mc. &.181'-.' - hcJ by Counc:. Nellis to 1'~ the requJr-..: for letcei. &wIía,lIeir1ett-Pac\.ard, Watkins.JallDsOft aud 1fi1l Lester for 20-u-73;' - .' JlaCiøD carried. 4-l 11. Cons1dera:icm of pr.:I,ønll _ndIImt to the 1964 Gelleral Plan c:onc:er~ the land _ eløaent for the Valley Floor Infilling (Contùuod froa July IS. 1974) CONTINUE:! ~C JHLY 20. 1974. APPLICAI!:T;ò 12. P18~c.:~; rO~i5sion A. A,,:ic3tlon 20-TM-73 of F. E. ~:;lLS (Juanita Willi&Qs): :ë::3tive Map to lœ¡alizc an ~x:.:in~ .305-ac=e patlc1 in .::~:èancc with en.:, pr<,vishr..' :: Oròinence 'io. S~8. Sai. ,::,...ny fa witMn a !l1-10 (',">,"o,,~i:.i. Sin¡Ü<>-f..."liy. ~:..':J0 sq. ft. ¡:-rr dve!llr.t: ..;~...._:' ::C~lC and is lo-<:.ÿ.L~d. ~':;.l.:.?'nt to Hou:J~ CY'..~ Dri"L' ~..;,::,:,,:,:in.:1.lely JCGo :~i.t fru~ ::-:..: :ntersectl~ o~ Linda \'.:.~-:_ ::-h'(' and :",o'.1:1t. (':ç~..t :: ::,',,'. Rec:maet:.åed :or :1prr,,·:.1~. Haved by ::'-:,.. MeJ"!rs. sec.or.adcd by C('t,;::..:. Fr~lich tc ~C7J:'¡nt! discuss;.--, 0: 20-TK-73 u:id 7-V-7" f'in;:c ::-'Y conccrn t~,e ",pc propl'rty. f)ts':US!;!t>r.~ ("In 2o-T~'-7 3 an~ 7-\'-7r. cl'",¡'lncd CDUt~. J.l: ~ :,,"':'!: at.stained since his busi:,è'5S associat'e 1 So t.cfucet'r.(è witb 11':1.ç -=--;::'et. Møt.1on carr!œ. ~-."-l . B. ~,,:icatlon 1~-74 of r. E. R~~l:s (Judnita ~ill:a~5): 'Ã"i3~C fr~ SecticÞ 10.4 of 0r~i~ance No. 220(n) to "<~~.e the afnt.us rear setbd:, :~ 10 feet for Parccl R. ... ~:; property is vltDin a ::1-1- iRt'siJential. sing1e-f31'1 ·.' :;: ."~ sq. ft. per d_l1ing ,,,,':' ,,'ne and is 1ccated a:j3~ent to ~~t ~re.t Drlv~ ~~~~~ximatêly 10~ feet fr~ t~< Ir.tersec:rica of Linda Vlsto ~~ivt' and Kouftt :rest :":,;:'Io·~. kec~ .4t1i1! for di:'prC":.11. . "7' ... S. .' '.'~ 'H'It(,,~ . - OF THE JULY 16, 1974 AÐJ()IJ1UIED CITY COUIIclL l1U.uJlC . . r 1.... by Counc, .IU. to ~_ ap,Ucation - _ratP.d f" 't_1n& c-t..1.on . JIoctøD carried, 4-ð.L C-. .Jackson abst'l4IM. by Counc. Meyers, II oøoIed by Counc. "IUs to apprcwe applic:ation 7.J1-74 vith conditions ~_..ted i!\ P."."lI1U"" No. l302. IløtJøa carried, 4-0..1 c-:.c. .Jac:kson abstal4l~. (1) Resolution 110. 3700: -A !resolution of If,. City Council of the City ~f Curertino Grantt31 a Variance to r. r.. Robles (Juanita Williams) from S..,-tion lC.4 o{ (}e,HøancI! No. 210(n\ r'f :leduc", the Mini""J'" '!.<,ar Set¡';'c<' to TC:1 Feet for !'arcel B. 5.114 property contain4 .30S Acreo; dnd \s "ithin a lU-lO (ks d£nt ial. ~ 1I'.le-Fñnlly. 10 ,OOC S~. Fe. Per o-o",,:1i='1; !!not) Zotu! I.o<'z~ed Adjacent 1./ rl-'unt I;r';,: Drhe "I'!>roximatl!ly ~(,J Fe:.t !¡~s;erl)" of t:te Inters~ct1·'r. I" 1.1n<.4"1 ':~'1ta Dr!'J,! a~d ?o'(¡u.:~ ":ro.?st Dri"ltl'." - r~~ by th\! Ct',; ~ )f'rk. I i !:'i.'.t......: b:· ...~c:..:;..~. Y.:!'lllo¡. ~~:-.1':t'd ~y Cl"'urt.°. t",Jlch t} .l...:.~~'t :~:~. 3iCÇ. I ~':·:¡;;."I~~Jt iQn. M..Jti~'!': ~u::.::. carri~d.. !..-·J...t Jackson :::):;L,t'f.f. C. .\pplio1tion 12 .~-ïi. of first (:,1:1.., !tea)~:: ':vrpor,'~¡'_n: 7"nta:1ve }'41' tr c.:>:1ve:rt exi~l( *~ "'p"rtr;,.¡.n.~ bu11Jf.1~ t.:J "nJ"''1ilt!l>!J c!ev...!o-;rent in a t'{~"",,1 (fteø:,¡ ....¡...1 .... ..I'-l^ ....... .., T. .".....t....., ..... .'..., , t~ ~, ~.:')tJ ~q. ft. J>6 ~....cllln~ U~~l' 1.11".. S.1~ti tJr')'C.?r::,- cü:':.!"iscs "': 7 ,,·.:rcs an.! l~ ~~':1too 4,dJ,,1,.·~r¡~ 1ft <lnll viit<:.r:l·: ~;: :-ti!Jer .\;\.·I\Uc npprC'J::b.r\t.e!.:' 201) flet i,t.P"rly of th:! in~cr.;e.;tion oi ~! lL·r ft'#'!'cue SId \,iC"k:.:buTV ')~. i '.. Rf:C ~e['.A.!£J fc:.r .!¡:'~Lcv.ll. I I I ~7(>~ :":..~...n.:'¡1-; ~fr~~tc(' s~ld t!1crc hi. d ~, .t.,' ~"'tu:'t that pr'...·/1¿. '3 th,!l 1':~:1Í'~ ;::",!'õ ool '.H:o:.tnp.ro\ie a c;·.,1bt.f¡"!.S{\' 1 '-t1 fI, ~cl' .air ~p:a...>!, t~.1.S~ uno:a I · ,. , :.I'...:'C("!1t,,':r...!.t:: tt'. :i sJ.£cl£1~ z.on.n@: l.lsr: I,"~ '1'Ie:r:L.:nc; ,-,f .¡ ",:"..::al 1::':':'lr..~ p.J.';c: ~...er. r:tl:¡edc.cct:~r!1~.\7. ~,~"i.,; ·.,'·"ht. I)f ~!'o.:Sf;!':.\.. ,.r:·..t ,~(!i at t~ i.,)ur.:.a~n~l,~c .'~r~r::¡e:J,t. co-:¡,~_~x .....d ., Lf~.")jl~,_' to ['::1 c;...r.-:p.lrablt" r...nL..11 >,,J_SL.-.~ in tla£" 3r..... "[~~ (~!,.y :,~"It'f"°/ " ~!"t::~i:7'tJ"d; t'".ll tho¡! ';"-..:"f"IJ..(': Ö:_~:1".~~" iv~ 1l:1¡::.t. le ":ct..~I'T't..n(\ '" p .lr.I:(J::;;i~tc:'l: .':It:~ t.hc a~h)plc": :c~.,·n:..\j f:¿!: ":'L,:,.t>r:.r: in r-:~rJ to hOl'~d" .! t:::lt J:'\r~c ~t~.:.('r!: of p~,,·:Jcn'; ;"".,..·:'d l·e di~p¡..Ic'..x! ;J~ ur.3.b!f; try fin..! ,".. ~" 'it,lt- hCl.;..ir..; wit~i~ ¡;:h~ :¡,'rC.J.i ,t.h(.-re~,,·r:!, t:tC City l-..a:. t.:le .ability t~, :'!;. ''.Jpro',~e t~l~ r:nnve':'f;!OI\ ....l the . . f'G ¡atar;:J\~"t ot:~k" tf i~ sc. <.e".r . . . JlDltlTES Of mE JULY 16, 197:' .WJo1UR1 ¡¡:j CITY COm<CIL H!ŒIUlG CC-221 rage 13 71Ie Plana1ag C~iøsioD. aftUP: public hearing, deter.toed that t.f diSplac_t of 1I14ividuals-- the prittary fsllue, thai: aDY ~rty ovner could take ac:~I0D8 beyond the control of the City,_ RCh as raia1ng renu, ... dlcrefore, displacement \IOuld bEo ~_lbed. Bence, the ('--s1PD rec:O\DIended the tentative ...p be .ppr:oved with c:ouditions 1D doe!r Resolution No. 1303. CowIe. Frol1c:h eaid be has _ reservations about c:ondoa1nI...... ltecauae they are oft_ K' . _ied by "ocial probJøs. ThIs will úfec:t perhaps 1% of ~iao·. popoJlation. C~nc. ".eyers added that it will affect a larpr perc:entage of C'Jpertino's older populStiOD. Counc. Jackson would like tn have a confider.tial questio~~ire sent around to find out the people's age~. riaees of eo~loym~t, iDcO\lle bracitH~, if they ha...... _de any :1~t<£'¡>t to ::love, etc. lie would l!ke to knOY if tber~ a~" st'roir, availablr with inform3tion froa othu cities regercli:1l; ~;:ec:ial ~r~'"_''''' ...ith ccn¿c',inium.. Counc. F~llist n:~jOl· c~e!": ~. tt.e cC'C'f'J i.l"1Cr w'!th t:te a¿cpted h:-us1r.& elroent. Ccanc. 5~3!"t.·!=ò rooted t}1;¡: z.!,a.rt:"~t btdl;.!!:1~:':; ¿!r~' not ';cilt to lé}!::t as lc~; -:$ ~C¡JS~S or co..¿:r-:.~::~~~s ~ ~(,:11,.'~ .,! ly. Hii' .....o~lJ like thè C1tylf, L.srt?ctors to ir.st:,~<:, :.t~'? ~!tt't t(· ~;,-"~ \oôh:lt, ~ne cC.îrdir iOi1 of the a;;3:"t..-C'n!:. ccüple.."( i~_ The City At~orncy st3t-!d t\ a': th~ 1..1\0.- OJ .y~ lh.Jt if :h~ ::ity C{,unci c!oes n=,r ~ct on d tP~.t.at1'\"f: !'.-1.p within t\.~n d~ys it bc-.::o-.e!': If";;j21. Mr. Jos~;h r. Throbl~, Prt.~~:-:'nlt o! Firrot l"niteJ R."alty Corp:natlO1.. stated t~.:!t many of t.'b.e co:"'...:t:r::.s eXr'Ti"~"\.·..! and t.hc èeíe.:ts in the apart.,..,,: 5 uill be tsken car" of. H.. $' '.! thrre i$ a 20-30% d1ffcrcr.~~ in valu~ bet~ecn a~art.rnt5 ~nd ~onð~ml~iuCs. He wo~ldl like to .:,.,~tlnue this ap;I~&t1on. !>ut il~ c::n't b~..:ausc thC~/,are J in the pr""..ss oC purchas1:':& thi" rroP<"'~J" in <:",eòtioD :mJ he has . 'ust ~ Ä3ys.left. Attorn..y ;:ils~n Weoot. r"presenr inr. th." J.'vdoýer. pointed out that h.. "..eded " decider. at thl.. \OCtt':,r,. ,The Ass1s~3nt City Attorn.e~ <;uoted th,' ..t"..,!Mds for granting or d..nying " t",.tat~ve ""'¡>. ':e ansvere.j C"U:1<'. HrY"T~ that 1f the City CQun~i¡ tool.. no act~cn 0:'1 this, t~~..·:-. th.? Pi:-.n·.ing Coc:nissfon rDnd1!i~~s would app~y. . Coun,,". ~.?)"t?-rs '_'Vu]t! 11k~ to add the '-~~l1it iC'n thilt. the app] i('oant 1IIOuld h.svc :'c assist in reI O(.3t ion (Ie rLc occupants rhétt do nùt ,boosc t"" stay. . - -221 Ie l4 ES OF THE JULY 16, 1974 .aDJOUJl...tJJ CITY COUNCIL KEETDIG . . . lIeHis would be fa r-r of denial of this applic:atioa, based the housing e1~t. sa. _Sd '"' would be displacing people with chis approval. Thoo Cit7 .. spok.el1 to the need for housing for the l,. , . Jac:kson ac~ledl" ~_ta of &0_ of the resideDCs as to tile 1ac:k of COIIparable t ~~ in the area. .. HUl1c.mt Allen, F"",,,,~.-"'leu ApartlHnts, stated that quite a few of the resident!: have 11.... chare for ten years and have fOUDd it extreœely difficult to øøwœ ~~o.e there are no desirable, ~arable apartments available. Sbe -U &:1 investigation is being -.fe at the pr£,sent time about the very üútg that is taking place at t:be Fountainbleu ~. Sulivan Cettern, real es~t:e broker, said it is tbeir opinion that ¡JODst of th" ce,"versions r~ take ?lace are succc!lsful if they are set up 1$0 the monl~:ty payO!ent is 2.:':-"t ~h" same as tl~~t previcusly raid. ,,,,ly .no"", th~ ,01o.T.......... ",,,uld ~VE: ~ :::ice tax writ(>-øff. He stat~ f~rther that ;::'"1ny 11lV(CS'i:_~:5 ~1(~Ed:!r~g :z:c :~lte:- are bu)"ing Ol1e or ~",'"(i I)!' e·.~en tht'~e I::;,: t:,ese u;::t..; and vill ;:e-:": -::"e= o~::. 'rh~s is c.-ne w:].:: f.=r ¡,r.e occupant !:~ stay i~ ~i$ own ur.it. =Æ $t!'e$~cd that ncbody w~~t~ t~ di5pl~ce !.l:1ybody. l:~ ~\n~wcrc,-J C:,..;.::;.= ~ J.·';~-.3;n thnt tyrl,:tllf. ~bcl~t ::à are Investors, '~:1.:I 25 to 3\. ~ of th~ :.:.,:.:...;;ë.::.:.y 7.J.!"7:h.:tscs their uni.: in 3. ~J':'~'-·3.t:ivn !;uch :tS }t.:lls. I ; ':=. Lut.., l'~. -.......-..i; .1in l:c=,',,;,;z.=.:. :: :~-.e fculltalr.hlcu ^p~-.:t~¿;:':.~s. said ¡-,~ plaits l\." :,un:hasc. t....~ ,;.~~-:~~ ::t: :~n1)W'~ of v...hers \¡i~li;:6 :"0 yurch.1.se I..;:'~ t::ö 3nù '..'~:" t T.:.:.:¡t t,!, ~ -~ =-=é-Si':".:: =~l1t~=. [l is a 10·... ¿':....:-. ~:~en:: ar!d 117"; payt:l~~(.,; .1~.d. ·",it~ :~.::.~!·s ~~:'~~t, this i5 the only' ":~:: :oc YC1Jng ~;eo~tc: tc ;.. .:\~:-o t:-:.è: .:.~~=- :':~.<'''Jl pr.,hleM, he said t}-'~ré:: i~ t:::r¡f)ugh ;-=')(llil on t~:i»- ~i5hl ba:1'<:! :.'~ C::-ée!<. for an 8' wide bi~e: ?at~~ He docs l:rJt bcli~\·~ t:1C prc~(;:'lt ~.e.=.:'~~S _:'~1 have any probletJ. Ea '::ielit;."/es they ~;¡re 5JKoilt.'': 'JY the 1,.). :'é::':' ~,¡ :.:-:.:: goud .:::onJition of t:-.e ;:!.?a.rt':'!i.E:r.t!;. I I ~. Get(~r~ JI tt~j :h~ 1.~~~~£ ~~i' wtJl cost $24,000, ~:t~ a price r~n~c bi $17,1);(' :~.. :~'~~.f}':Ica. =-=:.~ ,.,a.c;:. t;1t~te 1"...13 b....e:n an a,;~.:..."'ô! yearly l~crnoVè!r ::~ .:,-,,:ul*"-'u~y oJ: ::;~. b!"s. l1!1br~=>::. 'Ccsider..c:: :::t"~::1tat:1bleu Apartment;.;, !£aiè 3.¡'~ ~;¡3 been f.... ~v1ng t~..:r\.· ~,'r (,).;(;:" e:.~~-:' ~rs. She is fl\nd of tt:e t':¿-:.z.gë:r. She is "iif)\,", ... _ :1.:'r SC:1 :".~ :.:5 ":ö.re t:.:lldrcn ¡'avl. ~eClt 11."J!:1~ =7Iere. :'low tb~y .--ïl t hav,,-" ::.'" .~ lit!, a;11 ':~i': ~3.r 11~ find anything, 5uit'1~Jle. . ..!!'~ J.lck C.-:-":' ~C· ~t.1:'::--! "-...E. "-.a..!' te.e!'! a re~jd;!nt thûr~ sl:1.:e 19ï!.~ He .loeR ~.....t n"'l..<~ :::: th01;~~:: ~: !",'=":~~. Ht~ I:; cor.·:idt~rft1~ pt.1I::-A5~~.g:t Il'lit~ ,~C 5..1.1.1 h: ',d ....~!q,..ci~cl:.~ ::':'t.y CutJn.ei!.. \.;a~ ul:a'.:;trf.. C": .1.?:;¡~t.:-ent ilv<1jlai)i!.ity ,.nth t"lI? ~':".:' .1~.'1"''",r"",''''::.t c::r:;::-:zx.e:; .:hJ;;~~ ""y. I . I I I , ¡ - . t!1M;ïrS '." ;¡¡r Jl'!.Y 1(,. 1S71. ~.m,¡¡ CITY COU;CIL :ŒL~ 1ta's. P. ïar:~s. ltanager, ..u .. is ¡;ci,,~ t:» l>e witboat a joI¡. as well aa ..'ithot!t a~. .... 1oJu,..t p1:or-l... has been the !dab - ~l. S-oo said aha ... _. . fCKIr yr:lu to build this". _t cœple< ~i. to vbat iC ....Þ· be. St'.e said &OIIe of tM .-ior c1túeD$' rateaare $25.00 . the loin,; rate. 2IIe atton>"1 for the II -.............. Apartsc:nts said they -- - tit v1th rrcrytbins r~ ~ the State and City ord:l"-., _ .. felt tx City CouDct.1 ... U -.ke tbe d"'ds1on, and he ~ DOt _ hew t:ÛS coulAl be I ~ ...... CoaDc. ~:ers said tha&. .~ t....itely. be !tad to agree v:I.:J. the attorney. I!e vaa DOt ia '- of this c:onversioD, but he .u¿ DOt tà1nk a f:~in& could ...... that this .::o~.versloD is a ->or change t;:- t:.c l:CuaiD& 11_ of the C..nC'ral PlaD. Cou1Ic:. ~::;"SOl1 said he ral.x.rantly agree>! .':'::, COllnc. ~ey~s. The Pla;:-',:'~", Director ........ré 1rl& that a""ul " year age. ~:. Cit:; had in!.:=-..:t:i~n on vacaø::y rat-es,. cent r':-.:-t'>. etc., Let ~~. Deedt..d ~o be ~:--,:..~¿-J. Coun..:1lr~ ~o::. woul(! ':~..:: to 1:1:0\.- t:'~ f~è~:1i of t1>e ref:~_~_:S I'ho luve xt .....:.:.... UFo Counc. :-,-:::s said she 1Þ"'" ~~:JI{. ~o v,,-,te :',:.:.i~t t1d3 -;~.=-.:.i,,''; 'D8P ar.¿ :...: :'t r~5·;('!:.~ s:,-e i.s ;::L'"1~ to :1G::. :....~:. õ'. !'eror~.. Counc. :-:,_::'.:~~ ~~id the ~;..:: ¿::~:-:: 110t c.r~·: '. ..U)" b.~-;e :,".'-5::=; :l.l:a of thi~ ::-:'': ..In ~l.1.;':.d. ~ &.1~ ¡-.e ~ulJ ::. ::::'1ni;.! ':C' .:';.: aga!n..o;l :'-,: tront:tt !ve :::a~ = :~ l:a.E>i:- c: ":-~ ::'Jl:'9.i:~;; r:.:=_t::::':. tie \IOu:''': :.;:,:,-: to have ~.fc.r=.z:~on oCa [hi:-: :.:,"':.-t. of t:_!.r.-=: :::. :.::'~ future. ::..~ ,,:Quld li;-e ~ S.eê- ií :It is .,~;.~:~·h· to ;¡:¡;t-~~ t:"':'!:": cr the or¿:':,:::,:=s to 1,i"\:'c :.:..:.s ~~.:!'·ersion-t:::·, :.;;.~tU:lt.~cr: r~"',:_-=' ii cr.angr. '"-. :-~-~iI'-3.. t1ayor ~7'::~.- of hour'~ _, . apart". , , . . nott.d t:-"~ t:.':aSi:c: Uer:Je11.t ::~::.,¡ 3bout a rL ~ t7¡;'~s It J.s 1r:pGr:..az::. f::Jr Cupert'::'. - ~..' 1:~t:p ::t~ :-~;'~''';'~ !Ioved 1-:- :::::..:. 1:..1115. aecCll:J<ed by Co,,:-:. J;ckson to d.,=" "pplic:a::::: :~-T:!-i4 "10 ~ :..&s:!5 that ;.:::, .,."tion on ¡-...~..::. ~~ contra.:,,' ':':: the provisi.:t'na =~ 't!-Ie lic u~il1,: :::do<.£nt uf t::'~ :1-...-:a1 PlaD. ~end.":!.c:: \"dS 1!U\dc 1#7 Coa:x.. .Julson. sC'..:=':..~'-~ .-J ":ourc. ~::ji. that a :::-,":iI:~ ,::15. 1:3.,de ~:. -:.t..e only rr:~.:~ic~"'!~ use of ::...e F:":JIi'~Tty. a5 pror~_~~, is contrary t~ .:~ents uf :'~ Cen~r~l fla&. VOTE P:; AYI:S: :IO¡;S : ::.: "~lrJ1):u::r: C('I:.\n.:_ rrclic::~ ~-,,:;uonJ l!cj.'cry, ;:~nc :~·..c:' ~T3r.:..s ~"1L,,. J ~Lt carri('..~ , 5-l1 CC-221 Peg.. 13 I I :3-1"1-14 ,¡";-n,,:vec:! é·· r,'t- i 4 ..' ',_!':~l·'~ . . ES OF Ti!E JULY 16. 1974 AD.J00IIH1'D crn COUNCIL MJ:EtIllC . , OR TBl !I)T1œc: : Cou:IC. Frolic:h, J-o..-. JCeyers, !leI lis , Mayor Sparu : Hone , , JIotion carried, s-o . ftoUc:h left the .-etas , at 12:30 A,K. . D. Application 13-01-14 of John llanahoe: Tentative Map to adjust lot lines betveeo ÞG esistine single-faPIi1y, residential lots. S~iJ ~orerty is vithin a &1-10 (Resi1cntial, single-faRily, 10.C~ sq. ft. per ~ll1ng unit) zone located ~?rtherly or and a~l3"":U to Steveoa Creek Bhd.. approximately 8(:0 feet "a~:,,=l7 of the iDrersec:tion of Ste.ens Creek 8lvd. aed Foothill S:\"':. !tec(1CI!I\!ended for ap¡>roval. !~ed by C.:u:-.:. J~"ck:lOn. £eCO':'ded by COIln.c. ~'eyers, tl) a;.;rove JaP?licariC~ :}-T~-74. , I , ¡ I · I · t... ... . . - . .. . ~;...oun_. ~:~::~.. ..1.<; Ji~t;.¡rPJe:: ~.,:..;t '.:....,!~ ~.c'I("'- 0f ~~'.'::-~;::-" ~)t. 1.0 t.e ':'1v:'deJ .:~::~...;: ["er:c!rl~g ::.....: i-:lr;)'·,e".:':1l" OIl thil;} !.i::.e-. r;ç;,;:.,-. I. L '1 - I I ' 'L '4.:t~~'!ton ::t,i.::.._ :'.'tt d C':~: ·..s~ ~':'~ t. .tr·~ ¡,;.... :1t~ 11.;::.,·;,",,-: ..,.:t:l :;a..s:JX"9}...·i:h--:~: ..-: 5tT"t:'.:t L~~':·.e-,è::'1t,5. 1 Y~tion cartlcJ, 4-0 E. .\;:_';:ltiGlt 6-~-~.!.. -;,! ~a~fc..rtt- r.o. .\pkcr: T"~"t:;:I,c.:'·,~ ~~~ to ,::"';.:2 i1.S .lcr~'J :'::'t:. ~.-'.:' ¡;.-tt''-'':'~~. ";.:1f~ l-r);-~=-:.. i'~ ·_·ithin ~1:-.. ;.:_., (.·,~rt.;~t.:';:-J:t:tEs1~e.1'-! :1. ~-.s..::t(' !.,')':,';} Z='':".p :i"it.l íg 1~~~..i:";': .J¡... u.?fe:"' ~.f"::~"::' ?3::;¡¿~ !'.<·~c"\I!"':.·ndul f0r" ~?:;.:'";:'·al. !~ounc. ~~o?:':.:"r:; ·..·.."u.1J l!.kc ~o eY.'~:"re t~.(! p,)~:'i!Ji.1lty of r'-;'l!r!!:g tS-Ollet~!r.G :!i:o ~:\.1n fa':'l :=="..'~er.t.... 1.1 ~'r.J.,""v~I')rC"! ar·:~'Jo. I 'Cou!1.e. !',"~\'(~'; ......-;.ld li~~ t:".l ~~ 't~c. ':"of'd~t:~"n L"at t~.f: ...,'\.~:- s'~-;:ply l-woulJ. hi: ~:':.. :..:..:.1 lo bt't.h. ;.cr:t::s ?rl'Jr tù ·'r?[O\f;-tl .)f t.'.,:, !in.al ..tap. ~c:e!' !u~t:·<: t{<cu,,"¡'>"\. 1t v'>s 00·,,-<1 bv ':'o~a~. ~(;:;(,". .,,_.o~~~d b'y lCour..c.. X~".::.~ :'..:- "'·..:'l1tim:e .?::-l:''':.àt!-:)u ~-f:·~-7¿ to ~.'ê ~1~~:' re~I~I.;¡r Jmeet';'l,g b"~.:__~~ L~',"' m..-:~ d.c~s !"..!.;t :w.. (- ~tll !.~·è ¡:e..~.~~s::.r1 :~.: r-:.t.L'!()r't or: I · i · I · I I · ; · 1r. ·'.......1...... .... - .'-.' ·:.'r.. i("{1 , It ·0 - . JlUI11"ES OF nœ -,u...y 16. 1974 ADJOt'llNEIJ C1;"ï c')œ,CIL ~U:~INC t-- F. Application S-V-74 of IUc:hard ~ Jill Conway: Variance fro. Section 86.2 of the Agricultural-Residenttal Ordi- _e No. 220(1) to reduce the acreage requir_t for _ of an on-eite _ ,.. disposal systea fr_ 4.9 acres to 4.3 acres. Sau "coparty is in an Al-43 ~icultural les14r-,d81. 1IÙIg1e-fa.ily, Ci..:-acre lots) _ and is Jøcated 8dJacent t~' aad vesterly of Regnftt Jt.o8ð. Þc--ended for awr-a1. lløwed by Coone:. Jac:kson, sec:øaded by COU'1C. Meyers to apprcnre application 8-V-74 and 8dopt Itesolution No. 3701 with Coad1tion 15 -.lUied to incl1cate that the _p is for the site plan for Parc:el A of Exhibit A. I- , ii<· ¡" " ,~ Motion carried, 4-0 13. Arch1te~tur31 and Site Appro7al Co~nittce A. AppHc..t iou "C-5~ ,500 of Cal--;o'lst Si¡:n Com", II}' (:)ld "'~st Ste:::k H(~.·sf') rcques!'i.'"\g c1-....·n:~(' cf cCtPy of an existin5!' ,-:,,'!.~ locat ,-d at 1001.1 :;. Sarat"g::.-~unn,","",l-, Ro..d. R('co=cr.c!cd fut J~nipl. A~~ealed by Ca]~:oa't Sir." Compar.y. (Ccn~i''''od erm t:eotir.¡: cf Ju]:.- 2, 1974) ~- Ver';",. Pi::.''''!. rer,"~e:lting th., or:>licallt. 3l"t...; that th!" I is II ~..jMplr !1CC cMnsa ('f an t"xistjng si~n, ",·ith r..o chan7t: iT) co;.:" It is ~. ,,3'. Abcut IGO yan:~ <,,,st of this is a ;¡ign vi~h a rf'd face L!'-...lt 1o>dS installed l. to (. m0nthb agC'l. The lith~ 1n' cn5ity of t" Is sign ·"t 11 be ~ecn"s('d. A discussion f"lJOW<'d. Th",re ....s so'"',, nu<,stion aÞout ,.'¡u,tha the new Sub's Bi~ E~y Restøura~t, rather t~~r. just the s:gn, Las ~ecn t.aking aV3)· .c;{I"":~ of tÞP Old We&t Sl e.-"1k Hou~c CUgtO:h..-,:r5. Coune. Jackl'Cr. noted th3: the :rend h~s h""n tovard earth te>ni: CDlors, whk', 11" agreed uith. A.!t.er further discussion, it VdS novcd by :!.:tyor Sr:1.rks. sfl'ctond~ by Counc. He)"'crs to approve appl1caticn HC-S,j .~OO \,·~th :he c:cndition tt~t the exterior light intensity vi]l not be increased. Arr.S : HOES: AlISE!\-r : Counc.. Meyers, Mayor Sp&Jks Counc. Jackson. Nellis Counc. Frolich , }'Dtio" tied. 2-2 The Assistant City Allorn",)' advis<.-d th.at wIth tÞc aboyp vote. the appeal has ~een dcni~d. CC'221 Pore 17 '? Res. 1301 adopteð as aaended and 8-V-74 approved IIC- Sl, !'OO den cJ -Sl.~13.: I'cov..-t _~I,H:;ol IIIPProv~ L .' - - IIUl'ES OF THE JULY 16, 1974 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL !!KEUNG . . I. Applic:atioa øc;.Sl.337.l of Adobe tnn request!ng appruval of a 80dificattøD of site and arc:hitecture for a restaurant facility located at 20128 Stevens Creek Blvd. lIec:_o1ded for approval. . lIy Cou1Ic. "1118. --'eel by Counc:. MeYers to approve application -51,337.1. Motion c:arried, 4-0 C. Application øc-Sl,333.3 of Steak and Ale Leasing Corporation request!11K approval of aite, architecture. landsc:aping, grading, lightJn~ and sigøiti~ to. a restaurant facility located at the Southwest c:o~ of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Freeway Route 280. Rec.x.eøded for approval. e As~~iate Planner answered Counc. ~ellis that a bicycle path Is Iwt i"ccr~rated in this plan at the present ti~. The 50' setback along ~ar,.t '1.I-Sunnyva1" Road vas not co!\siðered by the H-Control at t¡'i.s ti~e, ~~n~ing an Dverall study in S~p(~.~er. I 'io,,~ b,· ClJunc. :-:'elli.þ soi!'ccndcd h7," C"tln~. .J~ckS:·)1: tQ ;;;¡'prO'Tc ~t...pl:!.e.1tion 1Jr.->! ,133.3. Motlen oJrrled 4-' Ic~\.n.~.. J....:kson r)-:.~j t~.at t~f.s rtight h~ th.:! locar.:io:\ for D Cit.~' e:1tra.nce t··:'!u" , I ~. AP?11cat~o~ EC-5!.313..1 of Kct~h ~.. Car~er rcquesti~~ ar.rova~ of I si:e. 3rch'CE.~O:1~re, Ilt~dscapl~f.. qrading .1n.d li~"'tir.R fel. a nin!-stCl,·.1.íZ''1 f...cl1fty loc:1t~ in the 300~lr...~st qu;¡tlr~¡Jt of ;;ar3t('r.a-Sunny~ale jl"...J 3.d F"<''-''lav P.£>utc 2< C. Rcco;11 ".""ded ror l ~~pcûv~l. r,.av~i l-y wua..:. ;-!cye~~.. sc(:ond~ by Ccunc.. Jackso:\ to appro.....e ~L~)rlic:tt.lon rC-31,lHol. I MotloR c~" led. 4-0 ~.. .\p['tt!~ati'):l ~C-Sl.23J.4 llor St,)r:.~~scn P.ê·l~lo?""ent Cu!';,,·r,.tl·')f\ \fhc.: O'!;_5 S:l=>?p,in..~ C..-rttcr) r.-t¡;u..-".;;tir.g a~pr,,)·J'.:.11 of ~L';;tli,ii,:.lL!on of sitc. ....rc~i:r-::tu.c~ .,IOd :,"1n.~scaf'ing f<:>r a. ~r('lp():;c¿ t¡'¡~·'-lt~.:r facilit}· to"-:3t~1 at the n~rtruc~: ,'orner of r'!a~"'· !\::~:1U~ :thd St,-v,'n:; C,·cck [:1,""}. "t:c~r:~~...i: fot ap.-:.o'\".¡l. . . MINUTES OF it'LY 16, 1974 #J).JOUIUID> CIn C'::¡:::CI!. MEl'TING _._, :Koved 1!y Ccux. Jackson, see-.ded by COUI'C. ~~yers to app::ove appl~ cad..:> F.-51, 283.4. !lotion carried, 4-'1 .....,b..~ ICSINESS 14.lIone ftSl BUSINESS lS. Approv.1l C!f Proposed 1iatA.'"r UtUi~y Budge~. Moved by C~'':~. !'!eyers. 5ec~ed ~y Counc. Jacks,," t(l Ai'r"ove the Proposed .".r r~i1!ty Eudget. M~t!ðn ~~rr!~~. ~-O O".DU:.\XC::' 16. $ec('l:;,~ -,__:;::'~~ c[ (l:--11:,,j:-.":'~ ~~':'. 64~: '".'-: ,':-J:n:l:1cl;: 0: :'n.~ Ctty :: :".~l'r:'in" A"'t"~'¿::; ':>-:tlen t ":: ...·~ir:.1n{"c ~:..'. ? :'j' I Re':('Ir.:-,- :'.S \'.·rcas t:-.-;.... 73--2.2 (þt,~s¡~,,~~ _.:~. ..tulti~le, 2,LOO ¡ $" ¡:-. ":" ,_. ........,.. -.~ ,. _...', 7'· c ., r ... -, ..~ 'no >\"1"""'·'''-'' ·· 'tl' ",..._ _~_L"_"'J...( _...__ _.,_..~ ....l_J. '-·'-'t· .....-. ., COtt:'í':-': _.. ~~:ent) Z~.::. - _x::cl Sout1,fO: .: ('i .:1.f''; t.:j '!,:-r~:-:: tc Ste\,(":""·- ·:":..'t~ B~v:L ..\P?:-:-:'-':_'"U:'i:.ly .:.alJ ~:. ¡:.-:!"t '~"rlY'ii ~.re I Inter- ..; ,- ('If St '·Je..r- r___' "Iv' ~..;' ....~.'.,' .·"e~.····," - r("' ,~'~~ "', .. t:: _...~ _..c:~¡(. _ 0.. d.-.. _, :'Io....~ ·u.... by t).. ::~, U"rk. I (;1 c:-:.c.·:. r-=::ad !u¡.! I Y~ved b~ :.. _._.. ~1eyers. s'=.-c.~ec! by Counc. _~.,..···~~or. O:'dinanC'c ~. . 6"~ read b:: c. i :.le (;:11 y. anJ t:~ Ci ry shall c~~,:,:~:~ the Seco-~ ~e3d."l. t:o ~¡",. !"'.ct ien C'..rr i.'_. ~-f) Moved by c.~'_-:'..;. J.ackS.:Ja. se..:.~ùi!e-¿ by COUUI,:. ~:t'y~rs to í':1.:J.("~ Ord i:1.1ncí' ,. ,... ~':'.!. Mb~ion csrri~. 4-0 , CC-22\ Page 19 HC-51 ,283.4 approved Water Uliljt~· &udget ap¡>rnved O¡-<= i né\nc (' 6i,2 e:\"\ct(·d t:C-~:l !",,t,, :0 '::::", 1):1 ,i~a .it $'::'~-::'C-= . - '. ES OF TIi! .ITLY 16, 1974 ADJOURNW CIty COUNCIL MEp;TING . . IONS , . ~. 3702: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino ""thod.inl EsecuUon of Agreement for an Eavir_tal Iapac:t Report for San Carlos lIoIIes'and Develo¡øe:tt Project." by Couoc:. Meyers, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to adopt Jtesolution . 3702 with the aodific:ati_ of the schedule of fees to be indicated rates per hour instead of rates per day. !'->UOQ c:arded, 1.-0 staff \Æ.S ".>ked to study the possibility "f including in suc:h agreements ~ wording re~atù\g to c:onflicts of interest. IEi'ORTS r::c.:' C,~~~:ll¡, RF.PRESE::r",nVES ¡lS. M:.w.yoc ~:,.!6;.:,. 119. Mr. Fro'l~o': I ¡ ~::¡. ~r. J:lO;:òo'" i · : 2.1... !1r. .".t.--~~:; · Xo report. ~;o report. ~~() repC'rt. ~~o r(~port .. ! 12. ~i(s. ~;\..::i:: · i J ; liP'C?.TS 1- ~:..:. ~ .:- __ -: ~L~S I '3 Clt'· "l ' :.- r . ~ '~,-" , ,- , ¡lhe \oft.y ._.~..i.:=:~':' :;~~ntcd t~J G1.SCUSS a r0..-th~n .....r ha..s n-FQr-: r=:'~,-¡t""tng the 'Cl..···s ')~.....;-,. .... the "1e"'" '·-r-I,~l's 'r'I" I -.o.. ...:- -- -~ -. ..', .. O::;.--Ù "JI....... ,",,,' " \:c. i.f.,,¥ d'l...::·'··.;:'~·... ~" \ \s ....r.. ~ b,· C:c"oc ,-,'11" ......".....1,..1 \... ,-Co···· '!wers _._~... .. .~__ ...... ü ...~..è'_ .. u . .,Il :. ~"','.>...."I.4'~t..: .... ~ ~........ '-J' 1t" al..."n~ .... ,~: ..'o, ' ....~.~ . -.. . l,t, ., ,'. . ....··1..·' to" rt..,. [ C' <I _ .V" ~..... ~_. ....\r...lg_... 3 1~_..:m,_nL.:... ,','.. ..f 'j.I~...,:i."J:1 _.',", :1te-r- :ty !C:-cncil ti·.,~ :.:..' ~ïty's ~~":i:i=~ on ~!t..:" /.;r~~ì\~'3 ..;...r...ic.f~ \-,'ouid be to 'P!'C"id.C t::\:: :-....:..:.ir..'J. foC' J!'~'=;_ :.:,~y, anI! ;..i~~1 ..tl oth~r ::1~.tt:::.r.; to be ~r(.l,.,irl~:.l ."';:. .: _~:....tr¡,~~l'.Jal :;~S:..:;. :;'J r~port. ~-to:lJ~ ca.rrtú!) 3-U 1l!:COG~:TT:(,~: '.' .:.-::-¡'·,r.¡'ND.\ T:-=-"~~ BY '-!.\Yí.)~ I · f :4. Ge¡:,-"'r.i~ .::....1..·..· Reqnc':ots - 7hcn~ ·.'l';'·'~ l.û:1ç. , bs. · I ! fo'~I""'~~r,; .. ,:l\l~ City Cf..;;~=i':' . . IlIBUTES OF .dE JULY 16, 197fo /,:)J0\JJI1¡J:lJ CITY COur:CIL mxrmc 'CIIIDc. Kellis atat"ed that the letter fr<7.11 tbe Crescent ø.eCllll1en -,,')AilMcbtiaa should be ..-JlBed.Ii...., would like to be vitJldravII {fall tile Flood Plain. ' . ,i\'~ .JDJ(JIJIUIŒ.'a "':' '-.,or Sp;..rb MJouroed &l1li _t!D1 at 1 :36 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. on Tllesday, July 30, 1974. ~ APPROViJI : !!Ý-!__'.f:_"_ :ir,'ri,E.-_ _ _ _ _ ~t'1.YJ': ~ (it}' of (üp," r ':'1,';" :.:: !-.~ ~ f. ' .!......,- C.i:..',' , - . , --.--- CC-221 pagt: 21 . I I I , I I , , I ¡