CC 07-30-74 f ¡. . . . _.-~ œ ......uó.I!IO. srATB _ c.v..IlOI1fIA 10300 Tone Av_. c..,.A:~S-, Cal1fDrD1a 9S014 Y8JiaJhoDl: 252-4505 ~~ ,. !11ft .~_~_._/......a:.. ImA&dG cø 'ID ~ ur.....Ør -.D. JUl.'! so~ut'IR""U1U"'U. CIIAY.... c:ør uu. , : "Ji£-.. CALIIOIIIU ' . . I8IID to DlIUØ ..,. Sf .. ~..n... tile ~1_. to tbe nq. -'"-I to cmIer at 7:35 P.M. vtth tile ..... CALL ~. ,resent: c-. abHl1t: rrol1ch. Jack.o:!III, Meyeu. 11&1118, Kayor Sparu lIae Staff preH1lt: Director of Adainistrative Services Ryder Aaa1a~ City Engi~eer Kilian Director of Public ~'orks V1skovich (8:45) A6soc:1ate Planner C~wan OLD JlVSlxt5~ !toYed by C"""". 'leyers. s.,conded by C"un". Jackson to adopt bsolut i,,~ ';0. 3706, aa r~~e1ICIed ~)" the Director of Ad:,tnistrat Service. . MDt10ft carried. 5-0 i'UJ:LIC III ·~'!.l"G pubnc ¡¡..><i:1g to consider fl~od pIai:> z<,ning and infi1¡;"f, of tt.e vall"Y f l:,'r. T~.e ^!:f:.='..~ :'U6: r¡~¡nn.cr E"xpla1ned th.:lt t!.., Pl.1nntnt: r.(l~issio!1 f i r~t t~ok ;'0 .:",:.,!','"li.',,;' of tr.~ 1;\' -! use~ in tIlt' SCCVCII5 Crct~k floc--! pla.~:1 ¿-':1'.:' ~h.'~i~:~:-l,.''':H·.~':! c:";~.t:'r'.::i:\l :'lnd r('sift.~rlt ial 13n.-1 u~p:; in thc .:est- erl)" r...:-: _,"!". (\f Lt¡,c Cil'.'O After th.1l'O lI.L'j' h·.·"',an 10 lGo:~ élt toe i:.d1\'i":;,.-.: ;,:-,,!..~!"tl..s. ~;.~ Lit\" f!; prt·~.t.·l!t}\" i1ì.·lü~"C'! jp ~ ~.-'nér3- ;..1:111 !t'"I!"" :~·,-'t."r: ;'.,..~ $r"tl'_~:-e (,f 111fh!:':h·'-.. d,;tl'h il!c1clec; 5o""le 3::100 .1<C;'", C:C-222 .... 1 1'...". 311)6 e adopted ! I !mNUT~ I . . nr' ....!E JULY 30, 1974 ADJOUI'-'IF.D CI'rY C()L~ICIL rEF.TIKC the A8s""i.~l" Planner saiel the Corl! Are.'1 Pla.'1 was adopted last year. The dec:iøioo on ~h. f100cl plaiA ..s~ be ude by July of 1975.· The Santa Clara Vaney Vater Distr1c~ is hu1ding a _etins at AIralt High School in JIountata Vi_ _ Aa&ast 7. 1974 on tbe entira sce.ens Creek nood Plain. T1Io islll'::" that ~ up at tile 'lanninl C~ission l"'/el were relisbility .... leplity of the flood plaiD. The P1_tag c-is.iOD ,tated that they _ld be incer..te4 1D -Jaad uses in tba flood plain, aDd they are also interested in Jaad _ that are CDIIp8tible with the area. 'They uœ1d be inter_tell in reaUatW ....e of the Stoc:u.eir portiOD. TI. e- c:_rc:fsl/rKuattOD areas (lIlac:kberry 'ani aad Deep Cliffe Golf Course) ."""ld r_ta 1a tlle1r pr._t u.... TM rock-1~ channel "ad vater retenUoD ba.iD were rejec:ted, due ..t.n1y to ec~ reAsons. A IIis of ""¡ified/utural f100cl plain va. also rejec:ted. A ~1fied flood plaiD vas approved by tile PlaDninl Coadasion. TIle City Attorn'!y advisoed that all properties should be treated. the ..-. After & nuaber of Planninl Coaaission øeetings on thfs issue, tho ~ssoc:iate Pl....ner old it vas de~.raiDed that DO development should ~e allowed within the bounda!:)' of the ~if1ed flood plain. However, density trad£offs ñll be consieler.... Counc. Jac:kson saU he would like to hear frOlll the Water Disrric:t people as to the .e~hod ~.ed in G~terRlniDS the flood plain. ~.r. John RichArdson, Eø&1aeer with the Santa Clõra Valley \later !)1stric:t, stated tbat the 10G-year flood is the standard most fr"qutaltly used. The 36OG1cre-foo~ S~evena Creek haervolr is used for vater c:oß!!er- vat1.3n purp.>.... There is a 9000-ac:re-foot runoff per 7=r. He stated th.y use h1storic:al recom. that. .statistiC:lIlly extead ~hese figures to raach tbe 1~ floo4. This is a flood produced by rainfall "lid does DOt take IAto ~__1deration a l.....Ude or en earthquake. The m.UU_ flood plaIA is a p1_ to utili:e, to a c:ertain extent. the natural flow. It i. a _tter of ec:onoaic:. abo. Levees .ore than 6 feet hiSh bee.-.... _ _11 .... do not blend IA v1th the natural area. Tbe Aa80Ciat. p'.n_ said that if this ""¡ified flood ?lain i. adopted, the City will 1a the fut_. be discus.ing a flood p1al!> _iDS ordinaøe.. Counc. Bellis ask_ Yby tile r.teation basin va. abaødoneJ. J!r. Kichardson aiel it did not -.,1v. the flood probl_ farther .J_'streaa and the coet to buy the flooding ripes apstr_ wre substantisll, h1&her then the ~iU_ flood plaiD plaD. Be further .tated thao: all owers of d_ have to 8UlDit ~o the Stat. Ú!'.øødation ..ps to the Faer:eacy Pr.paration Crav. Stevens Creek, be~ the daa and lrL_vay 280, keep. a b1ah vol_ of _tar fairly veIl coafined ir:. the natur.al flood plata. Thi3 18 due to the tOpoa1:apby of eM u.. . I . . !!Isms f1F THE J1 LY 30, 1974 A!UO[:!<.,",w CITY coc:;cu. ~r:;G C-222 rase 3 ~. Utharclson a1ISVfted CoU1Ic. trolic:ñ that they høe esplorccl tbe possibility of utl11dø1 the Stevens Creek De both for vatu c:on- Hn'aUon allll for flood protection. !!ayor Spar~ cfl1~ c rec:... at 8:30 P .11. The ._tinS rec:onvened at 8:40 ._'t. Hr. Louis StOC1r1I1.ip. 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., stated that he Ius lived with this c:reek for 3/4 of a c:entury and kDovs it vall. Be is very føiliar vt.th the runoff area. Be said he is spalled b~ the h)7othes~s 0: :~e 1~o-ye3r flo~¿ proposed ~: the Santa Clara Valley Vater Distric:t. 1rne first right of the.e vaters is for doceat1c use. lie said that if we raise .he hig.'1way ~e 5 f Nt at St....en. Creek it would take 3-l/2 hours to f!11 the fIe-od plain in that area. In 1876 there vere 9 ho:>es alonR Steven~ Cre..1o: allll non~ of the::l "'·ere r..-er destroyed ~y !lc~¿. S~e c! ::.e :reí:S ~longl tbP banks are 200 to 300 Tears o!d. The cha~nel has ~:!~ c~.nre¿ in t~~ are3S: t~ac~~errv·Fa~ s:rai~~tened out the ~~-i:. a~ lar3 I' ~o w- th:,,~S; O~1'~~~4:~: ~!J~~~:..trn~ç t.~sh~~_ ava:: ...1:1 ; ~98 _ ;h~re ~ ..£"..C' .._,'.... _5 __.....__._:;._ .... t..e _::1_..~S ....~ ..t(..c;.:.5 c.._~... _.c s~...d the; problea we have toóay is not prec:ipitation. The reservoir is where the flood control people .hould co~cen:rate their e::ort5. lie questioned ....y his hcr.::e site vas put into the flo"¿ ,,!a In. The wood briège, at a lower elevation, 'laS built in 1873. He asked what "e are going to do about the protection of the ~:!~irorment. Hi. property has teen a baven for wild ~irds. etc. ~,~t a~out valldaliD? ""hat ab""t vater diver.ions? He asked if the lO(l-year flood contour line can be changed. He stated t':lat he has never seen Stevens Creek :.n a c:ondition that a 3' bar... ".JOul¿ not take c:are of. He said t!tis bem c:ould be coorc!inat...! with trails in the area. Attorney SaD Ander80n submitted a copy of his July 10, 1974 report. He stated that his client, Deep Cliffe Golf Course, ~as requesting they be left in Al-43 zoning classification. The Assistant City Attorney's report, dated ~Arch 19, 1974, was :aJe a part of the rec:ord of tbis public ~earl~g. Attorney John P. ~.arlies, 315 First ~ational !lank, Sa~ Jose, repre.enting the Cru:op =_Uy, said they had ..., application for 64 units approvr:d by tja City Counc:il, but due to the unfortunate death of !!r. Cr=;>, the de,·elop"ent of this property vas delayed. ~s. Crucp and P3Y Cru:op have had 5 o?portunities to sell this property and each t1=e the qUMStion of flood control bas C~ up. He said 8.5 of the ll.6 .c:res would be affected by the flood plain. . . ES ~:; TIŒ .lUL'! 30. 1974 AD.JOUltNm CITY COU:¡CIL ~I!fG . , _11.. ..14 c... ec...... have a $400,000 interest in this property. tw 1&_, .. he 1IDIIersund. thea. are reliability of the lOl)-year __ liDe ... the 1ep11ty of It. If the flood plain line is put it 18 pr.....d)' Jlftlposed, the Crump property is worthless. Be 1ae4 the Coaac:ll CO uka .b801utely sure it ia necesnry, othenrise Ie 1& coa.flKatllli propercy. Øe said he understood the flood c:ontrol eaecaclvs to ..,. cJIe District is prepared to purc:hase the property the ,laSsl. !Ir. !farU.s qrees with this. . C-. Jre11is ..141 ... aDderstood that once the CrulllP tentative map ,. 64 _it. .. .PI',.... _ ¡radSslR took plac:e. She asked if this t'" IDto c_W.ation by the Flood Control District. The Associate p1--... ..U the c.w., property is unique in that afteT" the grading, 1IIOre 181111 c-. vitlale ûe nood plaSsl. The ~1ate Pl.aser aareed v~th Counc. Nellis that the Si~s, Stock~eir .... er-p properti.. are n_ a1l~ 0 to 4 units per acre, based on their ØVII _its. Couac. ,.ll1s nated that the Water Distric:t C:allle to the Pl:1nnin l Coa- sission vith three alternatives at the tiaa the Plánnin~ Co~ission was study!q the l.nd ... e1_c of th,. Reneral !l1:,,,. The I'lal'ntn:>; c:.,.".i..ion, .fter _h study, decided upon :he n"tural flood plain. ftayor Sparks called . r~e.. at lO:!5 P.~. 1he ~~ø~~~g reconvened at 10:30 P.!!. AttOrDeY te.ter Sachs, ~7~ ~rth First Street, S~ Jose. said he vas appear1:tt on bthal! of !:l.1=~~erry !""1.r:"1~. th~ 9-",(' :.! .!" 1 ~ c('ur5e and recreaUoa ar... At tiDe. tbey ..pl<>:or 4!1 people. :1bout 21) of whoa are students. TU)' t~y. &1"00)5 "",lncaind ¡¡:ood rel..: ions ,.ith the City and the C-ty. They .re very I!!UCh coneernP<! t~at there is an attenpt to taka priv.t. property for public us~ ~iCb~t c~-~~sation here. The flood pbin l1ne .!-.=..... t!-.at it will ta~e 55 to:> ~')~ of t~.eir PNpertV. If tt i. to be d..t,aatad o~ epace, the:or are h~¡n~ d.~f.J t~e u~e of their propert}-. !:e st.3tc..l that t~'è tr.1i13 l:;.":ic..1t\:J. on :igure 6 -W be inc:oapaUb1e vith his client's use of his property, ..'hic!! is c~pl.tely fenced. ~y would li£e t.:> k~o~ ~~t rules they 3re ~oin~ to be. subjected to. T1Iere eay be a tradeoff on so:o. of the other real properties but this would oot affect ~is c:lient's prorerty. He said that if the City direccly or iDd1rec:tly takas t""ir property they "Iant ..-.......Uon for it. 0 1Ir. 'Stanley ltul.kov, 1046 V.n Taylor, Sao Jose, !later Engineer w1th Cr.~an and D°AnEeJo. statæ tMt an'-thb" b"...""~ t!-" ..,bf-u.., cC'r.sidered for the flood p¡';in should be cO!'1'e"~~ted for·. If this lOO-year flood occurs it rill affecc Blackberry F:1r::l and the 163 ho;:¡es downstream. Counc. ~.111. a.~~et 1f chey w:uld ~1:.i.ll ~~ a~:'t:; to Op~r.1:'è :.h~ g.:>lf I:ouue. Mr. J:ulakolr aU that they would. ~ I ~ . . .' '. , cc.-222 l'qe5 _UIM>" tIB JUL'l 30. 1974 --"'_ ern COU1tCD. __dG c..:. &,era aa14 tile poú& of C I .....tift hall _ up _.-..1 ct.ø a& this _C_. 1ba a___, Cit1 Attorne1 aai4 tIIa& U ~ Ct.C1 ruo_ it to ~.1 f1oo4 plaiD. then tha v_v....tl øner ... u",b1cud _ of tile fL.. ,1&111. U tile Vator District - ..... 1IpoII a ..UW .. d ' 11ae11 floo4 ,1&111. tJ.D tile r"~ _ vill be ~. -~".!Ir. .....'-'11_ aa14 ~ 40 DOt have Ðoo4 plaiD IIOIIiIII .... "1Ir. ~ aa14 doe fr-.0a4- .... DOt yet been aade .. to 1IIaet eta Distr1ct vill IICcllt tile -.It.fW floo4 ,lain. 1Ir. "rrel 1Aonar4, 19600 ~.., Clapertbo. stated that he !lea _ nsUul 1ata'_t 1: the Pals Sprtass area. nare are a .-IIer of ,,,If cogr.s 1: t!lat ar... All of t'- are alcmc the flood chaDMl. The -.. lets r14 of the tases and the owner haa the ... of tM property. Counc. 'roUe!: felt he cee<!ed -.re bac1t¡round _tnial before _Ittlll a .!eelsloa on this. ¡¡e wanted to knov if the natural f!ood ¡:laln 110 .it t!>" n.pease of t!-.e ~roper'r """er. We h...e to ffM an ~itAhle ~;~:iJft to t~ls :::~:~. Re ~ld like th~ staff :0 ~rk vith :~~ t~,v!du&13 a~ :~ uF v!th an .ssess~ent of ~he5e proper: in. Cour.c. ~pll!s said tha Pl~~~~1 Cc~I~~fon SÞent a lot or ~~e _kl~ the ¿c.; 'sk.. on t~is. She: does ""l s.... channelizatl?n as . aoluticr. ~~ ~ny of the~~ ~r:~rt~es. CouDC:. .be....·., ",..Id h.. hor"s c~...:mel1zatio" is Nt. 'II.. ace lCCki"¡:;¡' at the tUt\~!'.I: tendencies -:..! t.he creeS·.. The:-c !=:hould be 5:'(;:1-i1:t~ of feder~l ~~~~s con.lde~e~ ~re. He ,~uld ~~lcnmc ar.y nrJ dat~. At this 1'_'1,,: In tillle. he !av::-red the Plllna1nr. COI'I!IIisdo" :,",C""'- I ..ndat ion. Counc. ~eyer$ said char.ne~i%&t1oc would net b.. on.. of hi, che.oes. I Be would ~ ~c",in~ st cor.:~~ use of nlac~bcrrv Ta<n a,,1 ne~t I Cliffe Coif Cc'urse. One t:;::::.~ thAt r",,("..rns hin iF the {"ot :hò1! I if ~~ wo~IJ ~rt {or the Ð'~~r.1 flovü plain 3r~~. t~a: t~e ßIZ~~t I 7t.b r.eeti:".i.'; .3t ,\.ait VOu.¡~ ~~~ 1ndlC'3l~"1: tt¡ct".:: ar,-' :1">' l"C:;:S ir-.-ú1v...; J. lie "'0,,1.1 1:;',,, ~o,~c idea Í":" t!>e ~'al"r l'istr'et .15 to their re:::.l feelin~s on t~is satter. Cou;JC. Frí\} i.:h S:i td hi. 'Sa,,,est ion th3t '::hc~ ~.J:1S irl"r th~ ::l".:t:"'1E::l- ú&tior. vas t.) l'5tabllsh ~ ~2.~! 1nl: fh": W~llC:l :'V \Work. As to t:àe use "f r-;..:-tiC' n.J:\(~.y tC' -::Ar.r thr. f':",,!,.:-rt~' usaÞI(!, thi.:; h:ts alread)- ~,,:~t;?;" ~~,"1C.. Mayor Sp..;!'~:s ,1:-~t"..~í'l1 vlt~~ c"...:-"':. M4..y(·...~! st:1t"'~·t-"'nl~~_ lite to kn.....·..· ·::1~·t !:1:t(1~ ~~ '::.d:"':O,E ?r~ 1.. i'l~ r:1id C1' COU:1:-.. ~eì!is \,{),.1t11i¡'~ :-_ :':':~:r.... t1:.: p:'''''-Hl L1~'O<; 1'3XC'S \1CulJ i-.... !:!! ·rrJ~¡c. ;~15C" l~,~.':,"_ I':-~;'èrl iC!.t .\-.t.! '.!ì.:~'" th.. I I ll(!,'O, ~,)...;~ I I ! 'W¡\lTES '" , I f !-=~'Jt~~.. ~::."'i. ",;. would lik.e t.o h:lye a l!1c~ttn(", , ' ¡"'Jh!i., ¡:,,;. . .:od the tater Control Ul:;tr1cr I ¡;!I!S 10(-,..'~ flood lII.'1ttec. , " . 13t!l acs ¡Move.! ty C",r.c. Nellh, 5CCooded by CC'un<::. Froitch to c:on~inuc lltr. 1111.-.;1; of :a! public. ~;:r :.¡::t to 7,j\i P .K. ~ust 13, 197'1, to consider che r~1:1;1 ~·"'"r JI!Y f:..øar ,:or the "'" ~llRg of the "alley floor. , i I !!ov",J by:",:";' Jacks.')n, seconded by COURC. !!"yers that ~I c Cuprn Ino : City Cc\:::.:::: go on record a3 endoLsing AB-2CI.O. !AYES: ...:0"':. ¡ t~;)::S : \_ ,: ~1C. ¡ .\3SrI.t!:: ::o"C:. 222 6 ~ ~1~r~Y JO, 1914 ^~OU~~ED Crrï . c,,'_;m~[L HE~:Tn:C " s('l up with t.ho! Dirp~lnr ,jf rcpf\~scnt.].t;'\j ~ to ~o l~li.::J Motion carried, 5-0 Jac:kson, Nellis ¡'roUc:h Y..eyf:rs, ~L'\yor Spark:! Hotion carried, 3-I-l c~,~. :,':c~~ asked the ~=er Dtstric:t r.ot to make a ¿ec.tsion until ~àe Cl~y :: Capertino has the opportunicy co dLscu~s their rcpûct. . '~~e lett<, :~~ a resident on P~3r Lap Drive regardi&g flood insurance >li11 DC :::=~J\:ced at r:he D2Xt regular aeetinl· ADJOt.'lL~ !foved by C<-unc:. ProUc:h, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to adjourn the :>aetin ¡ 3t 12:25 A.M. to 7:30 P.K. on August 13, 1914. MotioD c:srded, s-o .' .' .\Pl'!lOVED : /s/ Reed Sparb 2I!lyor, City of CupertiDo AnEST: - - " s u.. E. ~~t C!I:Y Clerc ,- . - ~. .' . .. , .-