CC 08-05-74
!0300 Torre Avenue, Cuperti.oo. California 95014
T.lephoae: 252-4505
hge 1
~;,Y:u.uø at DB~,íÍ-',~~.OJ' DB C1Tt CQOlfCD. ,
),aJÞ ~~ 5. 1~~1~' C1T'f BAU.
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MaJor Pro '1'l!IIpOre .)ac~ _n"'IJ the _tlnl to order at 7:38 J'~
with the Saluto to the n.a.
c-ac:. present: Frolich. Meyers, Rellis (7:46). Mayor Pro Tea
Counc. absent: Mayor Sparks
Staff present: City J!aDaBer QuißÙD
Director of Adainistrative Services Rr.!er
Ass1st8At City Artorney Wenzel
Director of Ptaeniag and n""elopt"ent ShÕt
Director of Public YorKs Vi~kov1ch
1. H1nutes of adjourned recular _tiag of July 30, 1974
DO~ available at this tt.e.
2. Approval of Hi_tea of adjourned regular ..."et1ng July 16, 1974
Pace 11, just above it_ B, "bu.ioeS!' p~rtner" "nd replace
vid, '"Iousine.. ASsociate".
Pale 12, last par31raph, Sch l~ froc the bottoa: Delete "-s"
allll replace vith "'I¡ht be dsterJa1ned to be".
Pace 13. 4th paracraph fr_ the hottoa, next to the lut Una:
ðe1eta ~ea1ty ~y" aD4replAc:e with "property In quest1.on".
hae l4, paragraph 5, first debte "mnager" and replace
vith "occ:upant".
hIe 15, end of paraaraph 4. add: "Counc. Jadu:on 1oiOuld li~ to
hear the prefrrenee of those pet80nS residinG 3~ these apar~nts
vbo had not already c~ted.n
œr "lIŒ AIJI,'OSr 5. 1974 crn COURCIL hu;x!JIG
., CowIe. *1--. IIC "..., Counc. lro11cb to .,pro... the
_of Ja1116, 1974~~ect"'. '
H .." ,'.:
'h', , ,. ,¡ :/'''_-,_ "-0 '.~..
.i.'! . , ~ '. ~:,{,.;~,,/,,\, aus;ioa carI'.IAIIa.' ~ . t
,<,.:, ';'" "...' ..'. .. ,~7;~;~~:¿; .' . '. . '
~'~4JAMof bt"#Jf:= _et1q of Jû1y,1S. 1974.
',13. Øcénì4........~"~> 'tile 1Iottaa. liDe al ·....2 ___ to:":~("'~{
~. fe. ., ,. ..
17. CowIe. lIe11is woe..( 1IØ 'on the last t1IO ~1oM.
., Counc. ØeJu., _aaded ., Co1mc. lroUch to approve the
_ of July 15. 1974 .. corrected. .
Motion carried, 4-0
4Ii," "'f',' ,~,
<,/ .f:t.:
~"';;." ',; ','-7
. Written
. _s a pet1ticm f~ re.ldents of the Tula Lane neighborbood urgtna
;rejection of applications 17-%-74 11114! 9-TK-n.
In.. Dinctor of Adalnbtrative Servic:es !lAid the lanter of flood
l_alll:e vUl be on the qaDlla for the nest regular .etina·
. CitY Cau1Icll c:onf1nleol ~he Plannlna Director'. aa.-ption that the
bcueai_ OD the flood plain at the recent .eUna _e in reprd to
ten_ Creek _th of --.:. 280.
., CowIe. ø.,ers, .~_ by Cou1Ic. lroUch to recei..e aad fU.
the witt" c tutions.
Motion carrieå, 4-0
4.5 Cka1
e. ItarceUo Sac. 551 ~t C-rt, Suanyvale. _nted to thallk tbose people
who ape...... CODCern about IIdahborina Jur1sdic:tioøs. She said SullllJftl·
raldeots ;an so1D& to be tJIe 1Dnoc:ent v1ct1lu of the 9.Uco Ie¡lou1
5hopP1D& CeDter. She va. toU this utter vill be on the AOluct 19th
,_Cilia, if 8b. cared to reatster a c..-ent at that t....
.J . .. .
JfI'.. c. A~~. 10364 l'and1a. Ddve, Cupertino, stated that
alae 1. clb'IIict1;, "''h...... the aev~lá1ph'., ..rut 1*1Dà doc:ks. .
n., an~"1 ....t all ~.ofthe lli&ht by delivery truc:ks and
.....~~~otst.'TbU.'1s,.·lOt of-!_ froa the trucks
~..u..tlif.Ii1·· , ..i1'e"vùtlra& their tura at the loading doc:ks.
, ,>.·~?~~~~,,'7 t '. - .' . . ' .'
......~ci ~~~J:t"licJt. _ê;dá.... 111 Coaœ.' Bellis to refer ~hia
..tCet- td"~',Staff, parcJcalarly the City Attorney's office and
tbe Dkee~ of~lUblic Works' office.
CouDc. Ifsyers wu1d also lib the owners of the øbopping c:enter
apprbed of tht.a ..tter.
Kotton carried. 4-0
lIoYed by Copnc. Meyers. ~onded by Counr.. ,Frolic:h to c:ombine the
public: heario~s for Resolutions no. 365~.12. 3656.13, 3656.14 and
Kotion c:arried. 4-0
5. aesoluti_ Bo. 3656.12: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Cupertioo of Deteraination, Under Divi~ion 4
of the Streets and Hilhuays Code. to proc:eed with Proc:eedin¡s
for Acquisil:i(1D8 and Iaprov_ts. De ~. Caapus Offstreet
Parkioa and Traffic FacUlties Assessment Distric:t.··
6. __luU_ Ro. 3656.13: "A Re80lut1on of the City Council
of the City of Cupertino of Avardiog of Contract, De Anza
c..pus Offstreet Parking and Traffic: Fac:ilities Assessment
D1strict. "
24. bllOlution Ro. 3656.14: "A b801udon of the City Council
of the City of Cupertino Orderins Changes and Reduc:tions of
As...--til, De Anaa c..pus Off.treet Parking and Traffic
P8Ci1itiea Asae_t Di~trict."
25. ..solution Ro. )656.15: "A Ra801ution of the City Council
of the tit,. of Cupertino Adopting Enlioeer's Report Confirains
As...---t and Ord"ring WClrk for Acqu!,5itions, De Anza
es.pus Offstreet Parkiog and Traffic 'sc:ilities Assessment
Distric:t. ..
Page 3
I \::..-,~
doc:ks probl_~
Res. 3656.12,1:'
l4 " 15 com'>ine<
publi.: heari:1ßs
e 4
D1nctor of 1'11b11c 1IoI'U referred to his _ of Aupst 5. 1974
this ~t.. U tbeCODtl'~t Is awarded at this _tiDS, he
'lie ~1C 10, to~-"'iDS CoItpany, the 1011 b1llder.
. S.~.~C1vt1:~_r.tat.ned by the Footb1ll'Collele District.
. ..1_.r~;:..pect.'~t"'¡project, whic:h included construction of the
n1atCat.~~1dDå1ol:.;fature'freevay dlht-of_1. _ workar0aa4
tllee(Ò11..,coi;œ.uøa.."'. içroveaent of parkiås loc for the h4ødl-
cappea.._"ied6...,.k;:õfJalpa1. at Stevens Creek 11.... aoa Mary
Aveaue, h~lIAl of _ øt.et1a1 parking lot at site of future bu11diDS
which v111 be converted to a laDdac:aped area for the present. .-
restripiDa alq McC1e11aD aoa installation of røps for wheelchairs
and _ alDur pathiq. There will be a nU1Dber of chan&es in the sips.
There v11l be a net reduct10D of 6 parking stalls, and the net increase
t.n open space ia 1.8 acre, whic:h will be landac:aped.
Mr. Dick Brova. of Vf1bur Smith a:ad Associates, said they are traffic
engineeI!J hired by the College Distric:t. He said the problss rdate
to distribut'..n. There are about 3 parallel roads ..round the
c:ol1:!ge without enougR storage. They are trying to discourage through
traffic c:utting across the c:alllpus to avoid congested intersections.
They have tried to c:reate an attr'lctive :I>...R entrance to ~he C.Jll'pus on
Stelling Road and have tried to iIIIprove the Mary Avenue entrance.
M~. Kangas vent thrc:ugh the ite:u in the addendua to the proposal.
~. Ita: .,\I:e1", of !>Dyston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey Landa;;ap" Architects,
¡explained the c:hanges to the landscaping. Every effort "ill be made
to save tbose trees that I"Ust be I!KIved. The c:onc:e¥'t of the la."<!scaptna
will be to screen the parking lots frO!!l Stevens Creek Blvt. and to
shade the c:aes. Portions of tlte abando"ed interior road v111 be turfed
and lao.lscsped. At the Stelling Road entran<:e the lrDunds will be
pulled back and the entra:ICe will be opE:ned up.
Counc. Meyers asked if the ¡.rojec:t c:ould be programmed in such a way
as to all"" the shrubbery chat :'.. moved, to be used
Mr. Ahey said they vill try to do this, but it could !>ecnme 'uite
expensive and those shrubs beiDg r~ved won't nec:essarily (ie iDto
other ar....
Hr. Eaasas reviewed tha details of the bids, totaling S810,~J7.23.
Coune. Frol1c:h asked if the elemeDts of the proposal could be br?ken
out beee. Hr. lCaugas stated It ,,111 be $104,000 to IIIOve the Trianon,
and ODee it has been 1IOV_, the c:ost of the handic:apped park1~ lot
will run $3000 to $4000. He said 35: o( the total project C09t is
for Fl1:1t Center. Tlte !".ary Ave!1ue Interdtdnge will run $35,000 to
$40,000. The Stelling Road 1mpro~eMer.ts r..present about 25% o( tne
peoject. The lighting of the project is arQund $94,000 and
,œod;fl~~~ions ior Mary ~venu~ and Stelli~ oü~1 r~n ..bout $14,000.
'The :Ji¡ni"s portion .)f the I'=cject ",Ui r..:n $:!".OO/).
_.d OF T1Œ _~ST S. 197. CUT .o:JUXCIL I<ŒETIS¡;
f ~
~.1I1llialll. Cutler, Direct« of lusiness Services for tbe Colle
.:,..4,;.z:ti-~t. saW they vill tryCO...,~asIl8DY of the s~rubs as
.?!iif~. ~ . J.:le and vUl find places' céJjIat them. On t1:e whole, . tile"
j',.;,.:'......~... .'. . , r; ~es the Job of pr01!~,~IIIir. ' ~I! on site and Úlproves
,. "... '. ha~l'- -.. f t ~ '~"'JIí'.;. .
"'.'~",' " ... _.... sa e y. ....-i;:.~ '
:;i/~.'r,,t,', ,",' , ,:".'~'f,l'·'
"H?'i:~:' . . ¡,";Jac:~ asked what lid :Jir-:,!'1'he long-ee1'll plan of the . '
':s..r;.,~. . .... "Jêt in npnI to Pl1Dt:. ~œ:.ung. Mr. Cutler satd, tbis
,'-8aU ..stili' plamIed. Vi~'.L-m. it would have beeD -
~"êtIíB 1I.efore th1a c:ould have heeìí'iffoided. He said students are
" . & their cars less. ' Enro~t1s greater at their niaht
__ DOV. Slmttle'busseS 1IÍÜ.'noc c:onsidereci here. 'Tbéÿ\rue
_. ,._:: __c:c:essf~ly at '!Jo~ ~l~e8e_!=-pu:,. '
~.P'. Pro Tea Jackson asked for c~ts fro" the audience.
1Ir'. Chris D. Ot~, l0484 Byrne AYezwe. llonta Vhta. said he dis-
~ees with the tearing out of che orchard for parlting becausE:
.. feels that aua won't be in use exc:ept for Flir:t Center. wbic:)¡ I
is ODly on Yew:>.!s. ßest:ggested that ..hen flint Ccnter is goirog
CD have a sha;;. they should ~ent SOWle varas or sooethin!\ to trans-
~ the peo~le fr"", the parking lots to Flint Center. Hc: bel1evel.J
~ would be ~~h less costly_
Br. Jaime Aria. F~othill College student, orro~eQ this proJ2ct.
.. said the pr~s~l present~ at ~his meeti~~ ¡~ very JiffE:rent
~ that pr"~.,,teJ to the Sc:hoc1 30ard the ¡:reviC'us week. i!e
a:oSeratood t~':e "'3S no EIIl re,.uired for this I'r~1ect. He ask..d
for aD econo:>i.:: report a."Id vas liven a partidl or:e. He ask,,:! fo':
a traffic: npon in ftna1hed fora. He asked ;01' a 3o-day èeby
.. action on t~s matter in ~der to study t~e fin2l traffic
report. He sai.i there is t!1e possibility of <:3inin!,: federal fued;;
før this proj"ct. He notMn¥ is heinF: done for our senior
c.Uizens or fer the students. 1!e said we do:. 't knCoIl the u,>dcr- I
Fømd vater c.:o::J1tion of the parltiDg lot. !!.. uld the te,."',ers I
... tl:e stude:lu !lave voted qainst this proje~t. He saie! he haJ ¡
calked to ca=rus police about this and they sõid that all "e need ;
CD do is discnorage the th~«h traffic. I
JIa7c'r Pro T.... stated the City welcom.:!s this interest by the
__ents. but .s>:y delay at ttois point would mean an entire year's
~ on this project, and then it _uld cost ~"nsiderably mer...
~ . Rellis uid that a rec -"'9tion vas a:ade by the tnviron-
-1 Review "'-it tee that aø EDt was not rec¡aired, based on ~be
t:.ct tbat the rraff1c is already there. Sh.. what tbe major
_ern vas here. She had a hard tillle und..rsl3ndlng how these
SÐl4ents feel :hat r..arrang....g tœ parki11& wuu:d increase pol-
J..e ion.
Page !o
CI¡Jì:~ ~,
, ~:r ~
ES Of n! jjÇtST S, 1914 ern CO':.'NCIL KEnnlG
I. IIa1lcaa, 325 "_in. ea.t. HountaLt iLev. Student Body Pre.ident.
.. ..ta _414 .. eIIa,,"·.- ·{tare of $1 ailUon to puU perk1Da
of _ _ ... patC1ll& ~;_tber. $be vas also coGctne!. about
he .~. '~.illÍtbe7~. .~...' -i~ed. Sbe asked the City c:-acil
oIeJay ..... a _~. " . ' .. . ,1Iecauae the -report.s are IIDC, ~l1y
~ ~ ",~lfe.. .{;),:"'.;' , ' , ,.,' ,
. &. -s. .,Jalall t" '.'~;"".~,' ~ Counc:il wuld have to' r...~ ø:'A,' ,
.. '_ ",:;.,> '
3'1- ~:.~'
. freUð,..., tJIei'd..-bars on the reports doa·c - a
cJdIIa aatU * W. - ~'
.. Mar.. - -a. Aasoc£ace ..... of Students, said they appreciate
1M two ~.- spesku.; htll ._, they do not speak for the .tudents
_ De Aua at are DOt f_f1f_ tr1ch the pro!:le:u cn the c:aspos.
. Carol iit::.r, .tudellt u De AIIza, objectÑ to removal of the orc:hard.
. ~0Ar.:. .L-x..r, &tudent,
.:-1aDOD 1:. :.:.
~Ced saving t~e erchard and placfl:.3 the
I%:'. hv1:: !:.ê, represeøt1a& ~ Cal1fo::nia ~,~5tC'" C1!IIter of Dt: Anza
c.:.Ues". !<L..: ~~~ if chis projecc does no: ~: t'1r"ugh. he u:oderstands
Itt.e ¡rb:.:-: '.-.:: per1s!1. If t1.,. project is ;?~r.:-ve<:, re8tora~loD
,cf tit.. ::J--':-: "UI bet1ø ~~. It ~'1.:: ,.e th.. headquarter.
I!:'f :J¡e ._.....:~ ::~1 !Ustorical C-car.
!fro ~,,~~, resL!lIDt of L-,s Cato. ar: ;~:-tillle De AnD stuc!ent,
S&!.:J t1-... ::~::: rarter1a has _er appear.., :: '.n::rk "roFerl}". i'urthenaon'.
he ua:è ~: J!r. Lou18 St-"'-lr 1. v"r~' =".. it' Cav<Jr of this projec:t.
Dr. Varn.:.. :"'-s ;;;'tOS, stated cUc DOt aU c~ ~"e faculty --..bel'S were
apl:aar :~ ~....ject. Be.14 IC 18 IlØr tn.~ ::tat a _jor1ty voted
apinsr ~~o =xre 113. ~ _ stadant "etin_ en the project. ItA! Kded
that tM S: ~ to purchase ~ T:taD£'1'I fre::'. :~ tr!aniln Asaoo:utloa.
!Oz.. rr~,"".. ~u.Ier, Copen1Do, spoke a';.1i::s: :Ilts ;>ropow. TbJa
park1øg ::: ~ to be IISed by _u:tøu, dsy ~ :light. It vill be
closer :c :~ :ibrary and che oc.ber buUdir.p. SlIe C¡Ue!otfOlU wbetZ,er
eM. pn"~ :~ will really JIC'~ri4e p3rki::¡; :~r Flint Center, or If
:It will 'Of ~ ¡,,. the at._~. '4ho wish to ,o'=1r ir.. St.e doe.
_~ bd::.... ~ problea of die c.zarflc: lea..:::s ~an[ Cft'ter aDi tr,.!r:&
J....:i :: freewy 85 ~ beae resolve.!.
Page 7
,:JIr"Loais StK"'-ir, 22101 Stevena Creel<. Blvd.. Cupertino, said
~~,,~,"'ac""ent. of »eMza and Pooth1l1 Celleaes heve proyeø .th_lv
,,,:?",~~lY iD the past OD the _uer of 88Ving the Tr:la1lon.. ,It
~:~"r-"- w11 for oor educatioDalayst_. . Be _red Counc. ProUc:
Ì;'i'¡iì;.... tile ortberd, 111' quutt.oa..,.. plaDted about 1898. 1'r1or to that
.~1:,~dIaê'JNŒCel" used for viDea. Thoee trees,have lon¡ passed the!
o:~·.n.sactive ,ears. J'or IIIIDY "ears they have not received the
~tiolt~ particularly the water. that is aeeded. !fr. CuUer . .
"~I;"- _ed that there are aboat 200 orc:hard trees, SO of which are '
,- juC .t..,..
1Ir. Br:ND _ered Counc:. Heyers that the proposal is the best th".
caD offer.
ID regard to the c:onflict of parking by the studente and the FUnt
Center patrons, Hr. Cutler it is not their polic:y to sc:hedule
1ec:ttirea, etc., nc:ept on 'riday and Saturday nights and Sundays.
The c:onsultant says tlte parkiog rill satisfy 80% of the perforuanc
F~ said this project rill c:ost the taxpayers Sc per $100 for one
year only.
!Iovad by C."IInc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. MeYI!TS to close the
puhlic heaTi!1~.
Motion carried, 4-0
Counc:. Nellis stated t~t with a proj£ct of this size there is a
tremendous aaount of information and it is not easy to disseminate
all this inf"nI3tion to the public. The Sandpiper Restaurant as
well as Flint Center has heavy traffic: on Friday and Saturday
atahts. H...\/y student traffic: is Monday through Thursday nights.
Caunc:. Heyen noted that !IIOst people speaking at this meeting Sl'0
for preservation of the orc:hard and not against better parking
circ:ulation and safety. Placing the Trianon in the orchard v~~ld
.. a· c:capr.'I>tso: and he would be in favor of it.
CouzIc:. Frolich believes. froø: the co_nts by Mrs. Dreslller, that
the parking lot rill be quite advantageous. Flint Center provides
....thing that people would otherwise probably have to go to San
Praaciac:o for. Be would like to see 'lint Center utilized. He
said the ent ire caapus was an orc:hard at one t isle.
. 3556.12
.... )I;~6.!3
post?,,"1~ :"
Ie.. 3656.1.
.... ~656.lS
Pro T_ Jack80D .... vithCounc:. Frolich's stat_t.. Ther.
bee _ aoo4 ~ ~ed at this ..atiDS. Be is pleasecl with
qaality of tlMl;f1¥' lIrou¡ht to nintCentar. lie ~d llks
CD ... raIoced raU8'for.-1or cttiaea. and student.. Be vou1d Uke
, CO ... on:harcIa pun.:.IIII'- perhapa at oar' parks, æ1d urae4 the students
to tIOrk t.-.I tJaü,_..> .
. Prolic:h aUi.1:IIát: .......aDI! if tM ,fr_y is atllDlled to Saratop-
........Je load t1MtPidiqàa1ity· vill"be such tht the Orchard probably
nit sun!ve. lie -U like to ... orc:hard. eneouraled in our park
Moved by Counc. !feyers, sec:onded by Counc. Nallia to adopt
&esolution ~. 3656.12.
Motion carried,. 4-0
¡Upon r£c~en6ation of the Direc:tor of Pu~lic Works, it was ~~ed by
ro.)....:. !'.e::al"s. sec:onded by Counc:. 'ro1ic:h to postpone Rc:soluti,m
~. 365~.13 to August 6, 1974.
Jiotion carried, 4-0
~v"J ~7 Cva~. Kellis, seconded by Counc. Meyers to adop:
ke,;olu.i"" So. 3656.14.
Kotion carried, 4-0
K,)v61 :'y Co!:nc. NelU. I sec:ouded by Counc:. Meyers to adopt
Re60i~li~n No. 3656.15.
Motion ca,:r1ed, 4-0
aèCess vas called at 9:58 P.M. The meeting rec:onvened at 10:15 P.K.
7. Rescolut fon Co. 3709: "A lI.esoluticl' of the C1t:· Council "r the
C:t1 c£ Ordering Vocation of a Portion of s Public
Utility Easeaent Within the City of Cupettino ~ursuant to S~ction
5~~O ;;t seq. of the C<T/erJl:'\ent Code of the State of Calff.>mia,
Ft~ICl Time and Place for Hearinb aDd Pruvidlng Cotice Thereof:
Let 3 'ract 52:0. Xortl\vest Comer of Torre Avenue and Pac:ifica Drive."
.... '" Caomc:. Nellis~ SècOD!led by Coune. FroUch to refer
~11lU. 110. 3709 to die rt-nbl Coaødssion. per rec
Of't1le City Attorney~ ' ~
,t' . , !'
'1fotlon c:arried, 4-0
. ,
"",'<' '
.f: ....1__ No. 37Ul' ~Â!iÌteìDlution of the City CoImeU of ~
City of Oapert1Do OrWjØå Vacation of a Public: lI.oadvay b- '
t "'''I Frca the Eztåd"ÎÌ Vesterly End of Voss Av_ Ifortherl
~-ah the Property co tile Southern Sounclary of De Anza Oaks
SaWbisi01l as Prori.cIed 1D Section 8~20 et se:¡. of the Streets
.... Bi¡hvays Code of the State of CalHornia, Fixing Tlæe and
Place for Public: Reariøg and Providing for Notice Thereof."
The Director of Public: Works stated this abandon:ncnt of 3 portion ,f
Voss Avez:;.¡e is reC:OIIIIIende.i because it i!' no 10nl\"r nee1ed,
Since the=e wre no CØllEl£rots frcm the audience, It "'.0.5 ="0:1 bl
Caunc. ~e~e=s, seconded by Cct>DC. 'rollch to do!'e the public
MOtion carried, 4-0
Ko·,ed 1::<- C.:'U:t.:. ~eyers. seconded by C<>unc. I'rollri> to adc¡:t
Resol~ti:~ 5~. 37il.
Hotion carried, 4-0
Moved by c..'Ua.:. Meyers, seconded 1>y C"ur.c. Nellis tu conUr,ue the
public ~iDg on Resolution So. 3709.
Motion carried, 4-;)
Moved by c..-""c. Nellis. seconded by Ccune. Frol1ch tu cOQbine
the public bearings on aseDda iteos 9 :10': 10.
Motion carried, 4-0
9. Public huring on application no. 2-EIR-74 to consider
Draft Environmental bIpa::: Report for the proposed amendment
to the Crossroads/Core Area Plan Li~c.
Page 9
lea. 3709
referred to
't¡_n'''1 eo.:a~
I R.... ~711
¡ adopted
R~s. 37:>9
public lKar~re
COflt inuei!
r-a'" to
or TIŒ AiJQiS1' S. 1974 cu:r CIOII.:IL HEEtI1lC
ccmaider aa ~ to dia ..,tell plan UDe for the C, II roab/
Ar_ ~vfDa tlla ,..,." --.anet.z
:l"-::-, ¡lied
Torre A_.
Vista Did..
BaDlle7 Ort_
')~ Dt1nae=l f~_U.. ~,~ 16-. 1974.)
". lIDil:l DL.-ec::or revt.N4 .s. aIopted plaö1 line for tile ~ rv--.bI/
,......., Area an! $'.J!sequeatly r~ . tile ~'!Ieftt to the plaa 1Jae, as
in the ~t 2, 197. scaff --. on this IUttU. Two &1cer:utives
proposed, >rith tIN p1......... It1rector rec:o=end1D1 Alt.raaee 1.
prod<Ìu I:'t~ Torre Av_ ~_ion becOtling the IIOrth L_ 'h
and \'15:.& Drive to 11& _. ..... to Lozaneo. Greenleaf Drive vou1d
þ¡. cal-de-s3~': .at t;he point 1Iá1ð øpara:es tne ruidential USA! froa
ò:M 1Ddustrbl r.±'o. C'o=erc:ùl _. 3andley Av£nt:e would be ~ended
~.... Creer.1e..:: :~ "aUey Creea £ki.....
~ Dl~ectur 0:: ;'-l~l:<: Worb r~:eQ that, fro," ~n E:ngineeri:1& "i~int.
~ rvo "s" '::;':-õ-i4J .art: wit:,1n C-2 uIety st¡¡'I"\..-13rds. The 200' "ff~~
..:;Æ ~<>rre le \:5~' b rca!Kt<l&ble.
4~~. Mp.v~r: .t3 :~~cerned a~: ~~ cl~sln~ vi ~Jr~st AveDU~. ~e have
· .
,~~sed tc z·:.'';o," ~'ariar:l Ay.~. SO'" 311 t!-e," rc<'ple vill u
'=ei t:hr.:>u::. :: ';tev"ns c:~ú :S~Td. 'rhe Ci"e.::·,r of P"bl1c .x'...
;;.sa.:.d. tht. tC'.;::':!:"'.:s 1n ~hél.t. á.rc.a. ·.....a7e stressr.d. t:':!t they do xt :1u to
~~ C01llD"t~ ::..:.:::.: ¡;ofr.¡ tQ:~ t.heir rC$ld~ntial streets to ¡ec
;:.0 Us.tley A"~_. ~. ~c· Ro'\d.
~. 'rol1:~ :-"tt t:hat: Alter-...a:e 2 \K'uJ,d dl> 3 ~"tt"r ~ob of ~"rati"g
;ó.oe :-es1dcr.L:"~. r'te Direc:~= =~ ?ui>lic Werks Sd~J hh ~ =~ b¡;ust: 2nd
i~. the rUE:::õ To~y tolteraa.~e : i.s ¡'ettt'r lhar, altertú1te 2.
~?=J1'! rec¡u~s:: :: ::~ê: ~:;':)r Pro;) ':t!II. d1.e DircctcT í)f r~bl 1-: '-'or'<.s re,"':'awed
i::.k ¡::':'n&"~ :c ::,c. :,air<>=er.u.!. ::,...c:t Repvrt.
¡-"J<'r Pre != :...:$....'" 8slc.,¿ for ¡: "t:s froll' t:he auJience. Tbcre vere
~ 'by C"'l..'':., $;!c0c.4e1 êy Counc. N~1l1s :0 d"se the pGt-lie
¡ !1íKiaa carried. .-0
...... by Co_-:..: "~tl is. sec~« ", Counc. M..~· t" <:crtHy tbea;
i2~-74 V", :,'C;>:et:",.
· ~::,....." Cd:.-r I E'd. 4-0
,,., .
-/" ,\-...1IIa vest .1IIe of Saraeos,a S .Jwd. Road vas di8c:.ussed _to
~, ,';<,-)tj~, .
~,,'l;r: ._" ,';;>'i'~'~1'f\, . <,
:'):-'~'>:M...(.....,,:,~. "::"'_/.~~..\'...'...'1Isrry Fan, 754 JfDra Dd.' _..1.0. s Altos, stated ,he -- repr_
~;''''~ .~~~ IIa1Ic:bo De ~;~tá11e1 Creen Drive. ~e said, they ha!e
r,',!;.~' ..',' ..... 1250.000 putt1D&1Dfane7 Creen Drive. and received their
>., ".... tal zoning. ThqpD: up 1100,000 buildings on the basis, of
....;confipration oftbe sue:~. "Be then save the history of ,his
, ,., (~~t. He ':lid aÒt ...b.....' be could be apëc:ted to bear tT1e
);",.;(±ACIHt ,of tile street 1D .cmIU'.· to allow all the people b that area
CO &at out onto the hil'-1- Be,does not believe that street need
CO p through.
The Director of Public War" reviewed the c:onditions of the Garner
... perait for the 1fayor Pro rell.
!Ir. Jia LeDeit. 1960 'the A1aseda, San Jose, said it has alwaya bee
plaDned that Greenleaf Drive w~ld be a through street. All the
utilitiea are in.
Hn. l':It ¡;eb<!r. 10420 South Stelling Road, said she lived for 7.5
years at the ~orner of !e&rd~ and Valley Green Drive. Sre urged
they take i~t' consideration the students ''''0 CIO~S the street to
CO to ac:~c~l there.
Kayar Pro !~'" Jackson said the extension of Bandley Drive ap-
peared to ~;¡.. sen~e. Perha?s an LID would be more logical.
Cotmc. Fr..~i=h in favor "f the original prop"sal. Si"ce the
City ia tal~i~g about industrial use here it does not see~ logical
to ~ut u? th.. propert¡.
Counc. !fevers v;¡s of the oo:>inion that when vou have several
c:b:»ices. then you Jon't overl>urdon one particular strf:et.
The extens1=t: of BandIey Drive t'lade sense to Coonc. Nellis.
The diac:ussi~n then turned to the east side of Sarato~a-Sunn}~ale
aoaò .
!fr. Lionel All"", 11163 Wilkerson, stated that his client owns 5
acres on Vista Drive at Stewens Creek Blvd. They favor Alternate
Hr. Marty R~ss. of Dick F1Degan's Offi~e, stated that the Vista
Coastructi"... Conpany al~ favors Alternate 1. With Alternate 2
they would ~ faced with d~ble frontage lots. It would destroy
the open s!,-,ce they have plõö=ed near the school.
Counc. Ne!lis favors the estension of Vista Driv... She would pre-
fer to keep the traffic off residential S'Ieet~.
Page 11
. 12
. Meyers .. ,.,.. the extension of Vista Drive. Perhaps it
.. ha _re lo&kal.Þf êlo8e forest Avenue at the easterly eød,
'T LaDe. ','" "
, " '''-' ~ '
'r~ \~:", '
Pro T_ JacbíôlÌ¡.r f with the Vista Drive altenate.
Aaaiatant CitY Atr~ said the plan line bas to be approved or
rejected in toto. U....¿Øged. it !lUst 10 back to the I'
, don for redø.
Coaac. Heyers 1IOU1d"lJJre to aar- with the rec-mstion that the
Plaaniua Camaaiasion r- L'''tion be divided into the east sUe and .
the west side of Suatop-sunnyvale Road.
Kayar Pro Tea Jac:uoa úyored Counc. Frolich's suggestion to pass this
proposal at this aeettna aud initiate a motion that the Planning
Co.aission r~conaider the vest side of Highway 9 as a separate item.
The Assistant City Attorney said either the Pla~~ing Commission or
City Council may init~e a plan line.
Moved by Counc. Nellis. seco:>ded by C.:Iu:tc:. Meyers tc close the
public h..aring.
~ntion c:arried, 4-0
Àlt. 1 &?.-r.....ed Haled by Counc. NelliJi, seconded by C"unc. Meyers to adopt Alternate 1.
Motion carried. 4-0
ct'lg1t:~'~ ..lan
f:-r "e~c:
~¡>p:"o...."'" ,
C'tI!tc¡,·:«d ~:"
?lr~:1"~~ Calla.
Moved by Coune. Frolic:Il, seconded by Cc>unc. Meyers to initiate a
prop3s~ changs in the plan line, changing the west side of Saratoga-
Sunn"al~ Read of altermate 1 back to that shown en the original
plAn line. and to ref.... it back to) the Plannin¿ C~....,issicn for ,,"eview.
Mot ~on carried, 4-0
Moved ,by Counc. ~ll1s. S6c:or.ded 117 Counc. Mej'ers t" col!lbine the hearing
On acen:la it.".. 11 aDd 19 I.
~t i"D carr ied, 4-0
11. AppUc:;¡tion 2l~-14 of Vhta C.:I"strhct'.on Co:apa:.1 (;bain & ~cDonald):
__ ____ Us.. t'enail: to all..... construction of l".....nitel::st..r pcoject ·dth!" a
P (Planned Develo~t z~na vith ~!n~1~-ia~1Iy, rasidential. cluster intI
zone ~n approx. 1.53 ac:res )o~a'Þì ~estc~Ly of and ada~ent to Vista
Drivl.' approx. 2£0' cor~h ot S¡:"v"us Cre,,~ Bl/d. R..,co=""d..d for
approvaL. !Co,,~ir.tJ¿;i fros r.><;et i!\it ~f JuLy ló. 191..)
B. Applic:atiola 11H n of Viata Construction CoIIpaDy (WiD "Mac:
';. . 'Donald): Teota,,~e Hap to subdivide ·2.S8 aqes into e1&hteen
."',;:. 'lots aød a.lë,&,co be held in c~n. Said propeny is pr- .
!~~;:<, senti, SlIÙ!II ~'cr~ecJ Development with s1n&le-faaily, resi-
!f,~:f.'. '.,,;,.<.clential, c1øaC"",:iDteot) zone, and is located _ted,: and "
;;~;;;.:;' adjacent to Yista Drive belinning 260 feet œrth of Stevena
,~~5;\ì~,,, Creek Blvd.·'....., T .decJ for approval. . "
,!,". ,
_,' ,..!be Planning Director adcI the PD BoninI vas amoved and,the plan
'l'eflec:t8 this. Be referred to details in the Auaust 2, 1974. staf
The Mayor ~~o Tea ~_for comments frOlD tl!e ..audience!
Mr. Martin Hess said chis is the second alternate. They are plan-
ning l6 units of single-story cluster homes. They have worked
closely with the staff on this. They are in full agreement with
the ~onditions proposed by the Planning Commissicn.
Moved by Counc:. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to close the
public hearing.
}wtion carried, 4~
Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to approve
application 21-c-74 in accordance with Resolution No. l297.
Motion carried, 4-0
Hoved by Counc:. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Frolic:h to approve
application 8-TK-74 in accordance with Resolution Kc. l250.
Motion carried, 4-0
The Planning Director stated that agenda item 19 F is concerning
the sæLe are~, so the Planning Commission elec:ted to consider it
at this time.
r. Application 19-TM-13 of James H. Thomas & Maurice K. navis',
Tentative ~p to divide 5.007 acres into eighteen lots. f~id
property is within a R2-4.5 ,Residential, duplex, 4,250 aq. ft
per dwelling unit) zone & is located adjacent to & west"rly of
Vista Drive southerly of the intersection of Forest Ave~ue and
Vista Drive. Kecomaended for approval.
Page 13
ve4 b7 Counc:. Kell1a.. '~nðed by Counc. frolicb co approve
fp1ttaCtoD 19...:rK-l3 iâ; '"'í: . Aaøce with l'lanDf lIS C.-.·.....
< latiOD Ro. 1297.;,,¡}',t;f'!' ,
'::':~;.'Q~~ .. ;"', ' , ' ":': '.
,.+, ,,)lotion carried. 4..0
':'!'r .. ',:,': :~,,:;' \;,,'
: 12. 'Appl1c4tion ls-z.;.....- H. , Helena. Wt¡lae.
l'rezoniDI .15 ~Î!';"^~t-Clara Couat1~ML~~ lllåatrial)
_ to City ó.f, oyÎ4L (Light Incluatr:la1)i_."'· SaY
property i'1 l"e-~~ ,.'~rì023O Imperial AvlDU8 in'lfoata V1a~.
lee -nded for a....-_ Wo.
Sinc:e there were no c A~. from the audienc:e. It -- lICNed by
Counc. Meyers, sec:ou4eI 'by CoaDc. Frolic:h to close the pabUc
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by COU!1C. ~:eyers, seconded by Counc:. Frolic:h to approve
laFPUcation 15-Z-74. ,
l'.otion carried, 4-0
A. First R~aJing of Ordinance Ro. 64l: "An Ordi1\.1n<:e cf the City
of Cupertino A:nenc!!n¡ Section 1 of Ordinance S(I. 2 !>y Rez"ninp:
App:oxbately .15 A..:-re from Santa Clara County n. (Light Industrial)
Zono! t" City of Cupertino Y.L (I.ight Industrial) Zone; Located at
lC:!30 !:npi!rial Avecue t.n Honta Vista.o, - read by the City Clerk.
d. ó41
first "'
Moved by Counc:. Frolicb. seconded by Counc. Nellis to have Ordinanc:e
No. 641 r~aJ by title only, and the Clerk's reading shall constitute
the First Reading.
Motion carried. 4-0
13. Application 17~-74 of Lohr-Turgeon Developnent Corporation:
1I.ezo:1ing appro:d_uly 4 acres from Rl-lO (ReSidentu.l, single.:f....ily.
10,000 Sq. Ft. per choelling unit) zone to Rl-7.5 (Resid..ntial,
single-fami1y, 7,300 sq. ft. per ève1ling unit) zone. Said
property is located at the westerly terminus of Sola Drive and
Eas:er1y and Westerly of Tula Lane, a i'rivate Street. RecolllUended
for denial. (c:cnt1Dued from meeting of July l, 1974)
The City Council elected to c:onsider agenda item 19 C alC't:.g with
17-Z-74, Tre Planni:>g Director revie"ed the application.
__u.5 OF TH£ .u:GUST 5, 1974 cm COUNCIL MFET:!\G
Page 15
Applic:ation 9-tH-14 of Lobr~ur&eon Developae~t (".orporatioø:
Tatative !I.ap to subdivide property into l6 s:ln51e-faaily lots
iSa1d property is loc:ated 8& tile _seedy terainus of Sola Orb .
'aec_-...d for denW. (~1nued frOl!l1Seetinl of July 1, 19 .)
" i:',{"
-'~è¡E';"',J'1aImin& Direc:tor stated dIU' I:he Planøing Comaa1ssion bas
_?;:¢',~, ,.,,",...ted tlds area as 0 to 4 aD1ta per ac:re. This takes t.Dto
í~:~ ." l~èrat1olt the inter-re1ar4 lIip to the character of Tula
;i:'!ff':~" well as traffic: ';iJIICUDS 1D the area.
"'~:~".i ':'~;'<¡ , .
.ll~*";Jeiry Lo1Ir. of J.oUr-Tura--DøelopMDt Corporation, displayed
...'""., ....·:'uwpanac:y of the area. Be'said that ac:tually, three areas
" ~'_erned bere: the 7500 sq. ft. lots Pepper tree Subdivision.
~ relatively large uodeve1oped property, and the homes alonl Tul
S-vhic:h vere buUt prior to 1Dcorporation of the City of
- _ rrtino, n,e property is zooed 10.000 sq. ft. lots. The key
amsideratiou pointed out at the Planning COIImission meeting
relates to the street pat~ern. The street pattern he proposes
eKtends to H~:i~n. If they dedicate a 30' half street, then
doey would pa"e it, including curb and gutter. ile said he c:on-
r-.::ted Messrs. ~ller, Hoff an<! Lind. Mr. Hoff accepted, but
~srs. Miller and Lind declined to go along with this. He said
~s developc=~t ~~uld ~~~le the large cabi~et shop. It would
~avide SeWer> ~nto the õrea; hcäever, the people would not be
!orced to h~~ u? to ~he sewers. There would ~e better access f~r
:ire and pol~_e Frotection. 1r~ overall ecology of the area ~uld
:.e iJ:1proved.
~8. Pat Weber. 10420 South Stelling Road, said there are very few I
p1a=es left i= tri", area where a person can layout a tractor and
~. The Ii:" style is unique. There are "cry yew places left
D Cupertino ,,-;,ere you can live like this. She asked the City
c-nc:il to all",,' them to live the way they want, just as they
a110v those ~ple who vant to live in condominiwns.
~.. Margaret Fl iclo, tfc:Clel1an JlDad, pleaded fo!: retention of thei
"'1&~orhood. including the chickens, goats. ete. She said the
peD£le propo$~:g this developcent do not live iú this area.
Xr. James HO::T~", 10260 South Stelling, snid he was in favor of
tl>is proposal. He does not have access t" a public street. They
laTe lived in t!!.is neighborhood for two years, having moved here
fDII> Los Altos !iUls. He said he vants to build a home on his
property withi= one year bec_ his Mother is going to move in
~ them. Ii&! can't add to :.oae because he does not have acce s
E.o a public street.
Br. Yernon Miller, resident 1ø the area, said tho police proter;tio
_ DOt reduc;:d by the prune orchard. He was shot at recently.
~ cULprit escaped over a feate into the roppprtree Subdivision.
De said Mr. f.:ffaan has a<.cess to Tul:l". Also, he qu"
-.rher Mr. E:ff:un needs to build a new house because of his
Paae 16
_thar mria& in clue to tile fact that he is re:lttal Gae . hoae on the
proptrcy. Ie ~d C. 4Iw'lInd of thil .pplie.Un..w .. aøa1oaoua
co pattbia. "rula r-'" .... 111 reppertree. ':'
, ..Jt. AnD14 saiIÍ be -,. with Hr, Boffun. Be:WÔdal111ta to)....
tIIa u_ li&llt"'~t'_. .. af4 he took the trOubl"~'lOaød look
U,,_ of the ....'tIIis 4eftlO¡iuDt C:Ollpany bas 1IdU~'" they sre
", :,',' ,~::",'",y--,
ftry pICIII .-Ht7. ",¡J!,,:ê;<
_, ,;-f#:"" '",'
. Cathie Vilkie af4.... reøta a house fr_ Mr.; "1!íÎ?'t..~ She said she
Is a rea1stered 'VOtu ... t.a very interested in due ...èì'....The
petition is siped by all hac ~ people in the netahll«hoocI. This
land is 1IDique in that 11: 18 surrounded by these larp lots, She said
tbe Cit)" bas said they vane a variety of lifestyles ia Cupertino, The
residents all support develos-ent. but on half-ac:re lot.. She pointed
oat tbe problea of addins 16 ~e cars to this Uaited accees. She
said there have not beeD any robberies here. .
Ifr. John ranessa. 3230 Creentree Way, said he owns property on Tula Lane.
Be c:ace t~ the City with a set of plans to build his boae but was told
he would ;:.a·,e to put in 5e"ers, etc:.
Ifr. Henry ¡.ouno, 853 Hollenheck, Sunnyvale, said he is in the service
statien :.~.bess; be is =~ a developer. He said he helped Garc:ia
build h15 "o>;:e and helped "':>rk in his c:!.binet shop. He has pi.:ked
fruit tb~~.. He brought ,he severs in frc~ ~Clellan. If h2 could
afford it. be would give these people the property for a park, but ~e
said he ~L~'t do tbis. Be offered to sell the people t~~ ~roFerty for
their use .It a reasowùle ;:ric:e, but they say they are =!: interested.
!fro F"nt~:: :tUI. 20919 Stelling Road, said he owns the property at
the cc~.: ~f McCleUan aX Tula Lane -- opposite tl:e Flick residence.
He said :~ey want to do ðW?y with this s~bdivisicn for:ed aùc~t 1947.
This il!\'~:'\"s Bonny Drive, Hc:Clel13n !lo.1d, Stt:lUng load and Peppertree
Lane - net just the few on lula Lane.
Hr. Eric :':'nd, 10417 Tula Lar:e. ques:icno?d the validity of the
integrity ~: ~~t Hr. L~:a~: stated at this meeting. ~l". Lind was told
':ula Lane ....uld never b<! "-¿dened when he teok ~ut his buildi:tg permit.
Be feels :~t tbe half-ac:re lots are ideal for that area. He believes
Mr. Loza::: \IOuld DOt lose <me penny if he resubmitted a plan for larger
&ealtor 5:11 Coo~er. 20310 Mic:hael Court, saId he s~es 30thing vcong
ith 7,50: s~. ft. lots. This is zoned 10,000 sq. ft. lctø novo
re W<'\..lJ be IDproved !ttreets. lights, etc.
Nellis. seccnded by COO"". l'roI1c:h to close tlõ:.' o,.blic
Motion .:arr it"'tl. 4-Q
,:;.,~. lroUc:1~ said the thina tl!at bothers hia about the Planning
':" c:-tssion's decision. vith the exception of the hill areas, is tha
,,:e> fc jut hasn't been feasible for _ tiae now to build on larler
"'~"$-thaA 7500 sq. ft. ~ot;s. He ~ ~,d1:'ov,e thriJulh~his area and
,;"",,~t~~,':~OIald appreciate tihst the people' have there. He doea not see any
'~",' effect to the properties front1ng OD McC1el1 an. thereia no rea
\.\Ii,,~~COateDd Tula Lane to JfcCle11an;, Sola Lane is the ,acc:ea.,,, Vbether
:)~r"'ft1NlJ:e are lO or 16 ~ in thare does not uke that aJc:h dUferenc
~":!Ja i:e1"1DS of traffic. '
Counc:. Meyers thinks that 7,500 sq. ft. lots would present _e
'.. 41fferenc~ to the ne1gbborhood. Two extstinß homes are on lO,OOO
sq. ft. lots. He would be in ~avor of keeping the c:harac:ter of
the neigh~rhood.
Counc:. XeIlis said she hates to see neighborhoods pulled apart, as
bas hap?ened here. She appreciates a ieeling of rural living, but
What c~~s to her mind is reasonableness.
Mayor P~~ Ten Jackson said he prefers the more rural approach ~~re.
He sees thi5 application :.s a continuing encroachment of dc\'el,,?-
..:!nt. Rut he does not see vhere the difference between 7,500 sq.
ft. lots ar.¿ 10,000 sq. ft. lots will ¡-.ake that "'-IC'> -IHference.
On~e the se~ers and lights go in; that cakes the difference,
!'.oved by Cou:tc. Fr<>llch, seconded by CC'unc. Nellis to approv~
appU<:at i...." 1 ì -Z-74.
Motion carried, 3-1
Counc:. Meyers dissented
I.. 1'irst Reading of Ordinance No. 641: "An Ordinance of th"
Clry of Cupprtioo Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Re:oning Approximately 4 Acres fr~ &1-10 (Resid(nti~l,
.sinsle-Fandly, lO,OOO Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Zone lO I
Rl-7.S (Residential. Single-Family, 7,500 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling
Unit) Zo:t~; ~~t~ at the Westerly T~rminus of Sola Drlv~
and ~r.terly aDd Vesterly of Tula Lane, s Privaee Sereel." i
(continued fr_ aeeting of July l, 1974) - ceo1d by tbe Mayor I
Pro Teat.
Haved by Counc. Frolicn, seconJed by Counc. Nellis to have
Ordinallc", Xo. 641 read by title only, and thp Mayor Pro Tem's
reading shall constitute the Fi:st Reading.
Hation carried, 4-0
Page 17
Ord. 641
Ff.rst ReadHI~
JIIwed by Coa:x:. NeUis, sec:ooded by Counc:. Frol1ch to approve
applic:atioa 9-nl-73 1a acc:ordaDce with the conditions rec· _.1M
ia the !by 19. 1974 PlaDD1ø& Director's _.
Ifotton c:arried, 3-l
Cou1Ic. He, dissented
Pro T_ hckson called. recess at 1:30 A.H.
r.¡ r_eD8i at 1:38 A.H.
Agenda ite<:s 14, 19 D and 19G were C:OIIblnd 1n the following
d1sc:ussi :".
~4. AF.~::~:i': 18-Z-14 of Carl E. Franklin: Rezoning 1.04 acres
frea 1:-:: (Res Ide:\Ha 1 , single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per
d~~::é'~ c~it) zone to 21-7.5 (Reside~tial. single-family,
7 .::~ ';, ::. per dwelli:g unit) zon£. $aid rropeny is
; lDC~:~: ;~ :h~ north sLde of Bollinger ~~J between Clifden
I 3~ ''¿:: ,~..",od Way. Recor=ended for 3?~r~\"al.
... D. :,:::;~:ion 10-TM-7~ of Carl E. Fr~~<:in: Tentative ~ap
to ~:y::. :.C4 aer£s into five pørc~:., Said property is lcca~ed
on :~. c:::h side of !a~l~g~r Road ~·t~<e~ Clifden and ~:tinvcoQ
;;..y. '<""",,,nde.1 for aFproval.
~. _1_:",':'~:..:at:ion 6-V-7&of Carl E. Fr.i:1it: ;:1: VarIance to t"t.~dtJce
I Lhr :.:.::ed lot widtn ~o i6 fee~ f~r ~~r,c 10~3. Said prop~T~Y
a 1... ~-.....l:~'l .~n the nort!". 61de of B"l~!;1¡ter :t..:ad b~t·..:p.en (lifder..
I .,,'~ :.~.:: :="oQod Way. Jtec:osaended for "r?ro>v.ll.
!The ~l~~::~; ~;rec:tor referred to the July :9, 19;4 staff report
I a!:d ba~~,~ ~':~ io'!l 011 aU three of the abO\'" "I'pl1c'1tion.:. Approval
1ù rec~~:"'_Ñ.
¡Isince t¡'~:. ..,.re no c:oaaentr¡ frnu too audim~e. it was ::..oved by
Counc. V~7=:'. 3cconded by Cwunc. Nellis t~ ;:~"e the public
i Motton carried, 4-0
, ¡,," .:: o-~:;"
"-yers, se.cÇf.ded by C')U:l~. l'r~lich to aprr"v~ ;:p¡>l1c.1lbn
Jlotion carr~.!d. I.-I)
t --.&.5 OF T!II ...--œST 5, 1974 c:n"l CO'JNCIL KE~I}1G
Page 19
J&,i'" by Coa=c. !leye%s. s~V .~'1IIY Counc. Frol1ch to approve
~'~-'- ',' tion 6-\'-14 in aceor' " r with Planning. Camltisaion ,
'.', tt.on Ib 1308 ' , '-
~ ~ - ,," ~~' .. +
~', , '';' '"..... .
,.'<$:tF ' Hot'1øD~, 4-0
'.', .7 .' ."
,~, t~i: r by Coœ.c. !leyars. ~-.,. Counc. Fro~ic:h that the reason
." t: ",approval of 6-V-74 vas the __1 depth of the property.
\'" ~'; ''- ',.. -1'
Hatton cud.ed. 4-0
(1) Jleaoluti":l s~. 3712: "A KemlDtion of the City Counc:il of
the City :: C'.:~ertino GraD~iø& a Variance t~ Carl E. Franklin
to Redu:e :~~ ~equired Lot V1dt~ to 66 Fe~: for Three Lots
Located ~~ :~e Xorth Sid~ of Bollinger R~a¿ B~t~~en Clifden
and Har::::'-:t"':-'.i ~ay. tt
Jkored by Co""o. :r~lieh, secoaded by Coune. X.':is to adopt
~luticn X:. "-12.
Res. 37]2
Mot ion c.arrh<i. :'-0
110- r:'¡-7 ~
!!:.-ved by C.:-:;::...:. ~:~y~cs. 5ec.o-Å~ õy Ccunc. F:-::"i..:h to approve.
~lic2ticr. :=-~1-:~ in accQr~e with the F:J~~in~ Conmissi~
rec:c.m:.endat :::,õ.
Motion carried, 4-0
..... First R.....: ':.; of Ordinance So. 646: "An c"::J in3n~e of the
City of ;,-?¿:tiao Alnending Sution I of C':'J i:a:¡ce No. 2 by
Jlezonin~ A;;=oxj~tely 1.~ Acre. from R1-10 (Residential,
SiDgle-!~~:ly. 10,000 Sq. Ft. Per Dwe11i~, c~i:) Zon~ to
~-7.5 ('~>:Jential. Singl2-Faøily, 7,5~~ >,. Ft. Per Dwelling
Uuit) Z=~è: :o=ated on tce Korth SIde of ~'lljnber Road ~etweenl
Cl1fden ..~ ~rtinwood WaJ.· - ,..ead by tho! ~!.1y"r Pro Tem. i
.. ..d by C""o:..:. !rcl1ch, sec:ono!ed by Counc. ~"y<'~s to have
"U-r.ce ;:. ~ó re:!<! by title only and the v-'~'cr Pro Tem's
~ing sh..:: ==ust itute the First: Reading.
Ord. 64"
First Rcadin~
Motion carried, 4-0
t inued
OF "... .\I:œsT S, 1974 CJrf COU5CIL KEElINC
. Appliutie: 18~-74 of JIJ F (Sojourn): Use Perait to a11øv
COIIVersiCIR of a radd......1 .cracture to a cœaerc:isl - .... to
allow oat"""r activities Sa . _rcial zone. Said ~4 uty is
1dthia a c:; (GeI1eral C ,t.1) zone and is located at 10061
1'IIsad_ AT_ in KaDu Yt.sCa. Recexaeaded for apprcwa1.
t. it was D.Wed by Couuc. ~olt.c:h,
-.øn. application 18-U-74 to tbe
the appl1.::ant .. not ~ I
ad by c...-ca::. Meyers to
regular _sUng.
JlKi.on carried, 4-0
!'abBe: hear~ ~ applic:atioa.s It-Z-74 and 15-t-74 were ccabined.
A¡:plic.t:;;.:", :9..z-74 of ~ E. I!arper 3::d Asso.:iates: Kezoning
5.l a.:~.; ::~~ CG (General Coamerclal) t.: P (Planned D2V~l~nt
with r<.::ü: :,,:u.l/er.terui:m.eDt ~nd r21..ted c,,:mnerc1al ir.tent),
locat".ò ~: t,:" ""utheA~t ccrner of t:,e :'::t.r5cctio!1 of !Iocoeste3d
ar.d Ste:::.-~ !.JaJs. for ar¡:-:~·"31.
Appl i.:.1~:": ~ : ;-U-74 of Dé.T~ '£. H.3rp~r .1:-:': ';~:;o~iate9: r!;~ Permit
to a~:=~ ~~~~:ructior. of & b-~~ing ce~tç~ ~~J ~plated ~nte=~ainm~n~1
To?cr\?.;:::-..:.: :..1.:.11it1e~ :'z,-;a:~ at th..: .;....·~~:'.c:15L (;crne:- ;:: ~he
!nt(>r;~.:: ..-:. .":: :-1,J1""..est~ ~ S:':e¡Lin~ ....>... ..;;;.. R'!col%!t~:"...~t:d ÍClr
appt.....'.:.: .
:':""ne ?lal~n':'::'f -:- _-:¿.:t"r ir.trx--:...ce! :.he AuS\.:st :. ',9-"'4 sta.ff :'.!;.cC't dud
i~i'porti...,ç :.~;~'-"':.:atlon OC: ":~ apol!_c.1:'~::.:;. "n-.e staff r~o:c:ends
· '
¡approval .': : c, :~:tlng a..>d ..... per2it.
!Architect J~.__ ~rper, repre~tnl t~e l.~~.:~~ers of the entire
· projec:t. :;.¿,: :~... use 15 c=.!.A~lDt with t!-.e g.'oer..l plar. c!eli"o,rations
I.... t:'is ",:r:t:. :h.. p~oje.:t a !>cinll de"...:.,:",! 0:1 the ba.i. of
:~1p~era: :.l:-":'5:_?!.n¡. '>~f!e!"1:!J1 the netsí' .l~ llght elece.nt5.
~ "'1.1,11"" ~~; : -~ A a.1.1 Ii vtll be aovn in tw~. tc 1:>1n1nize c!t.8t '>ntH
i ~...y are c:=.:: ".:ted.
,!layor Pro :"" ;~~ks.Jn was ....-~red that fe..:': ~:"r for the t.owltng alley
¡w:>uW be ~ '" .~. In do,tlsely ~ted 3:e... '-1'~\ ~cl1nd-the-cloc:k worker..
¡t.1.ey ha'te =:;=.~":.t bowlers, ~~ this is :1';:-. ..1:,t!.;il·:¡ted bære. He said
låe wrtultl ~:!:c::::~~: :1 ccnt!it!cc. re.strict!;,,,!! :~i~.
I~_ Kayor !':: :~ asked '~r cOl88S1ts trOD the ,,,,lienee.
f.,... !tober: =.""::':0>, 481)() ~i_ Avrn·,e, P~'~',~~r.t of AlDcl:1c= Sowlln¡:
f&ec:r.atio!1. s;-,~"'¿ Against t:h1.s .eYel.:)rm~nt :)~ :h~ ~.i5is t~t t~1s area
~.c SU?;...::: ~"'"'3 ::~nte:'~ ci c.' cYf'le. T":..> ~:-ru....~tead SIJ.U3re Center in
FY\'Úl~:&~:_~:=~~JY..reCê'¡"'-ö:.: ..;-Fro...~al~ ~:~-.!...'~r:c letters::.: file ,.ith
~hl. al'j111~_. _ t!w.! ...r.. 3&" - _.5 ,,"'!'C'5al.
P&ge 2J.
Iea1tor Richard Kehrig, 326 1'helan Avenue. San Jose. õ!numerated
the negative fac:tor. broaIht to light at, tile l'hnning Coadssion
in regard to this proposal. It is across the street froa a churc:h
8Dd a ac:hool. He.... eM City Attorney to look into chis matter
There was _ queat1aD aIIoat the tentative map.
Mr. Harper said they have r~-evaluated the property linl:8 reprdia
I:raffic and lsnd use. The peak hours of the' bovlinl alley are at
9 P.H. Be stressed that _h time and effort have heen put t.nto
thia proposal.
Moved by Caunc. Nellis. seconded by Coonc:. Meyers to close the
public hearing.
Hotion carried, 4-0
Moved b:: C~unc. Nellis, sec:onded by Counc. Meyers to approve
applicati~n 19-Z-74 in acc:ordance with Resolution No. 1350.
Counc. S~llis stated that it is in tune with the recent ~eneral
plan des'~nation in this area.
1 a~?ro;¡-€~~1
A. 'irs: Reading of Ordinance No. 648: ",\0 Ordinance of the City!
of C,,;>ertino A::I.?nd!ng Sec:tion I "f Ordinance :;0. 2 hy Rezoning:
Appr.."in:.tely S.l Acres from CG (Ge.1eral C""""ere!al) t.' P I
(Planned Develo~t vith Recreat!onal/f.ntertain~ent and ~elat~U
ComQercial Intent); Located at the Southeast Corner of the I
Intersection of Hceestead and Stelling R:>ads." - read by the I
Hayor Pro Tem. I
Moved by Counc. Frolich, seconded by Counc:. MPjers to h~ve I Oed. 648
Ordinanc" );0. 648 read !)y title only, and the Mayor Pro T"""s I First £"6,"n(,
Reading shall constitute the First Reading.
Hotion carried, 4-0
Hoved by Ccunc. Nellis, sec:onded by Coune:. ~eyers to approve
applicaticn l5-U-74 with the c:onditions in Resolution );0. 1560.
Motion carried, 4-0
Hotion carried, 4-0
. 647
irat 1.-.a41ng
for diac:ussion.
Application 2l..z...14 of laiøer Aetna (l'cmclerosa Bellies Division):
Rezoning 4.96 acr..s froa lU-lOAG (Residential, single-fally,
10,000 sq. ft. ,. cJvelUnl unit) zone to 1U-7.5 (Þs1dential.
s1nale-faally, 7.500' sq. ft. per dwellinl unit) zone. Said
property is loeated at the northeast c:omer of the intersection
of Orallle Av__ Hc:Clellan Road. Rec:øallended for approval.
9 E. Application l6-«H-74 of ltaiser AetD& (Ponderosa HollIes Division):
Tentative Hap to subdivide 4.96 ac:res into twenty single-fatly
residential lots. Said property is located at the northeast
corner of the intersection of Orange Avenue & McClellan Road.
ReC:01IIIII8nded for approval.
e Planning Direc:tor reviewed the proposal and refer~ed to the
oacKground material in the August 1, 1914 staff m~o and attachments.
h~ Director of Public Works said there is a 40' right-of--c,ay here.
~Ann Anger, Mont~ V1,sta said thal Orange Avenue is the "nly 40' stre..t
and the only one that goes through from Stevens Creek Blvd. to
, cClellan.
~oved by Ccunc. Nellis, seconded by Cou~. ~p.yer& to ~lose the çujlic
Hotion carried, 4-0
Nnved by Counc. Meyers, se~on~ed by Counc. ?rolich to approve
application 2l-Z-14.
Motion c:arri~, 4-0
A. First ReadIng of Ordinanc:e No. 641: "An OrdInance of the Cfty of
Cupertino ""'ending Section 1 of Ordinance !:o. :1 by Re..onIng
A?proximately 4.96 Acres from RI-lOAG (Residential, Single-FamIly,
10,000 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unil) Zone tu Rl-7.5 (Re~tdentiaL,
Single-F~~ily, 1,500 Sq. Ft. De. Dvelltng U~it) Zon~; ~ccated
at the Northeast Corner of the Int~rsecti03 of Or~3&e Avenue and
~IcClulll,u P.oad." - read 1>y Ma70r Pro Tea Ja¡:koon.
Mo>ved by Counc. H"yers, second...! 00' Caunc. F:.-·>1i"h to hav.. Orjinance
No. 641 read by tItle C'nly, and the :layor i'ro T,,"" s readlr.¡; sh..ll
constItute the 'irst Reading.
M11ttC~ ca~ried) 4-0
. "..
:'; ~
Page 23
Jlcrved by Counc. Heyers. 8Kor"'M by C(\unc. FroUc:b to approve
applic:ation l6-tH-14 m aceørclance with the Planninl C--....sion
rec: odatton.
Ifotion carried, 4-0
~, .
CouDc. Me)'er:l DOted that there are many nice, mature trees on this
property SlId tbe developer møu1d c:onsid¿r savinI thee.
19. Planning Coaaission
A. "prUc.uion 6-I'M-74 of Danforth E. Apker: Tentative Map to
divi~e ll.S Acres into two rarcels. Said property is within
sn Al-43 (A£r!cultu=al.~si¿ential, one-acre lots) zo~e and
is located on upper Regnart Road, Recommended for approval.
(continued frcv. meeting of July 16, 1974)
ThE.;. Plsnra!,ng Direct:or co~ed c~ls '\,;'ó1S cont inued r.ecacse thø 'Map was
ir~orrect~; drawn. This has been corrected.
f'Þ·.-ed b~ Counc. rrolid'. s«o:1d"d by Coen". Heyers tC' a::¡;rcve
appliC3tl"n 6-TH-71. ~" a:o.::orda!:"t< with thl" Planning Cc=issior-
Resolution S~. l3~5.
Moticn carried, 4-0
20. Architectural and Site Appro~al Committee
Ap¡>Hcation !It: -Sl,Z:!4.2 of Harold J, t:okke (F,,<:-rhill Printing) I
requesting .¡p~a-o·:al of r.odi!~c3tlon of architectu"'~ for ~~ ,
addition to ..n exiscing buildit.!; 10</lt<'<1 at 1(!'.)5\J ~ort" Bhney I
Avenue. JeC:Of....ended for aprro\-:ol.
Applic:ation IIC-5l.230.9l of .\<I-,\rl, Inc. (S Eo II Green St,,"'p
Store) request ing approval of a sign plan for the 5 & I: Greer.
Staal' Store located at th~ south\l<'f.t corner of Hot:lestead ROde!
and Sar3toga-SunnY-/ale Jøad in the IInrn<,stead Square 5Ì10l'ping
Center. Rec:CtIIClended for appro"al.
Application HC-5l,33:! of Ditz-Cranc requesting approval of
site, architect&re ¡. la!>dscaping f.'r a sc.und W/lU for the SlnP-Ir-
family dev<,lo~ent on St~ens Creek Blvd., ~,st of Foothill
Blvd. Rcc~~r.ded for app~ov..l.
rd_ £43
· Appl tution RC-51.07S..3I of Vallco Park, Ltd. (Na) requestiDl
apprønl of site, ........-t~e, landsc:apinl. 81'8011118. ltsh~iDl
, sip!DS for two ~...,.. (67 , 68) located vest of S--11ov
Drive between Forse ";:J. and Homestead Road. R.K 'ed for
approoral. '
· Application RC-Sl,07S;3i of the Westfield Company (Chrls Karc:bue)
requesting apprcwal o(.dce. arc:hitecture. landscaping. ~adinJ
aDd li&1ttin& for a .....M... located at the nortblreaterly corner
of Pruneridle and 'P_P_ Avenues. ReC:OIIIIIIeaded for approval.
· Application HC-5l,283.4 of ScO!\..son De"elop:nen~ Corporatico
(The Oaks Sho,ping r.-.~> reouestiag approval of 8OdificatioD of
architecture for a prOPC.~ theater facility located at the northwest
corner of ~!ary Avenue and Stevens Creek Blvd. ReCOCllleodec: for
-..ed by C=une. !(elli... aeco:>dad by Coune. Frolich to a¡>prove ·.he
~¡>pllcali~~s listed uode= agenda itecs 20 A through F. ~~r th~
rccocmenda:ions oi the Archi:ectural and Sit.e Approva~ Ç~i:tea.
Y..,tion carr led. 4-0
if:1 Se~~~.! !\.eadlng of Or~~~e So. (43: !IAn Ord!!'2t'.ce ~! -:~(! ~ j,~y of
Cupertino kne"'1ing 5ec:t1<m 1 of ùrd! )it). 2 '~y "~z.,~,i-:;: J.I,~ Acra..
I, frva R:-IC (R~s~e~tial. Si~le-Fc",ly, lO,OOC 5~. Ft. Fer ~.e~tln3
Unit) :cne LO P {Pl~-~~ DevelopaenL Wlth >!~~l~-'~il:. ~~~~Jenti'l.
~lus:e= Int~nt) Z~n~; Lc~ted }~jacent to ar4 ~es~~rly 0: fincn
I Aver.~c Approxfmat~-y ~SO Feet ~ortherly of the r~tersec~fo~ of
Calle ~e ilareeior... .a:;¿ Yinc:h Avenue." - re...J bv the 1''&-:0' i'r., TeIII_
~1tJ'..~ hj C':'\1nc. F~olich. .~C'1"'-d.ed by Ccunc. ~~elli,; tù r-a'Iè. Ctð!:o.1L''U.t.!
f!\o. 643 r~"J by title only, aød the Ma)"or Pro T..rt'~ IeaJfng sh"U
<.ot.3t 1tute the Second Rea41aa.
!lotion "ilrI 1...1. 4-1)
~~e3 ~y C~nc. Fcollch, ~ed by Co~~e. Nclliu to e:~c: ~rjinance
So. f~3.
~Ðtion c3rrled. 4-0
EUIIIIES OF 11:"; ...¡¡::U5T S. 1974 em counCIL MEETING
22. I'irst leadIng of Orcl1DsDce JIo. 644: "An Ordinanc:e of the City
of Cupertino Amencling CJrd4--:--e No. 533 & 533(b) Replacing
SCOPP1n&. Stanclinl or ~ on Public: Streets, aJJcl Prov1dinl
for Sips Notifying the'.....u.. Thereof. and Purther Providing
f. Paa1tit'. for ViD""4_'~reof." - rea!! by Hayer Pro Tell
.JacIt_. '
'.:., "~, :t
:,;.A_MI 11% Counc. Meyers, rHQt~.. ~ Counc:..FroUçh to. have OrdiAan
.... 644 read by title ouly. "'ftlla Hayor Pro tell'. readt.n¡ shall
--Itute the First Readfaa.
-.ciou carried. 4-0
23. First Reading of Ordfn-e 110. 649: "An Ordinance of the Ci~y
of Cupertino Orc1~e No. 492 Regulatinl; the
Operation, Registration. Licensing, Purchasing and Selling of
Bic:ycles I\ithin the Ci~y of Cupertino." - read by th!! Mayor
Pro Tem.
. T!oe Director of Pu!>Uc Yorks suted that this ordinance inc:1udes
t~ t:ary Ave=.ue Licycle Lanes.
!bved by Cou:-.;:. ~eyers, sec~ed by CoUJ1c. ~elli" to have Ordinanc
SC. 549 rea¿ :y title only, ~ the ¥~yor Pro Teo's reading s~all
eDOStitute t~e First Read~.
5otlon carried, 4-0
24. No. 3656.l~ and
25. 50. 3656.15 already c:overed. See paGe 3, these minutes.
!bved b)' Cou"'~. FroUch, sec:~ed by Coonc. Nellis to adjourn this
_ting tit 2:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M., August 6, 1974.
~ion c:arried, 4-0
ArrEST :
/s/ Reed Sparks
~yor, City of Cupertino
/./ Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk
Page 25
Ord. 644
First Readin¡
Od. 6¡9
First Reac';Y,