CC 08-13-74
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em or (;Ul'r;¡uIJIo. $rATE or CALIFORNIA
10300 Tone Aveøue..Qapertino. California 95014
TelephDae: 2S~~~ ~ .
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.,1ŒØii~_~13.1974.IHTHE CooøCII. CØAMB!1l, CITY BALL
. .,."" '·.;~;¡:~r~'!,:~7iY\t' CUl'I.RTIHO, CALIPORIU,:,· ....., .
The -tina VII'~ called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Counc:. Meyers
vJ~h the Salute to the Flag. Sinc:e neither !'.ayor Sparks nor Vic:e
Mayor Jackson _re present, this meeting was c:haired by Co"nc:.
Coone. present:
Counc:. absent:
Frolich. Nellis, Meyers
Jackson, Mayor Sparks
S:aff p...esent:
City Manager Qoinlan
D~ertor cf Planning and De~eløp~~nt Sisk
D1r~tor of Public Works Vis~ovich
Deputy City Attorney ~enzel
ne....ty City Clerk r'agl1ini
As~iate Planner CJwa4
1. Review of S'Inca Clara County Water Dis;rict Plan "
Stevens C~eck, n~rth of 5:evcns Creek ~lvã.
Letters frolll the .scer Distric:t and the Oal:. Dell Homeowners As>,c"
were introduced.
~. Nicholas Szabo, ?resident of the Creston 1.,rove~ent Assoc.,
stated that they are geDer3l1y in iaver of the plan for leaviD~
the creek in its =a~ur3l state and ~rrovin~ the c:ulvert under
I're..way 280. Th"y 00 :wt \/4nt loo-year prot«tion. They :Iave
ROme disagreements which arc currently bei~~ 3ir~ with the
District. They are afraid that opening of the c:ulvert, unUêr
Freeway 280. _7 lead to cl')g~ing and possible !.ertous floods.
They are trying to convince the lJistrlr.t thzt the "ne culvert
should be enlarged rather than c,-e:tte :tddicional opening.;. They
are also suggeSt1~ a different eethed of o~e...atin£ the reservoir
Pa~e 1
Santa Cl,.ra
("our.ty ~ater
Dir.trict ?l¡¡.n
. .
)fr. Szabo saW theJ'.& 'IrJting the District _iDe Alternate 12
to 80lve their ptò,b1ea. fte7 40 want the vatar cOQIIUYatloø and flotXI
:~l _e. ~'IIo'.åee4" acIcIlt1olll1 aatlet vitboat tba re.ervoir.
~y....... _ ~!~,_""~__ions recarcU.q ..... -t- in un1ncor-
tel areu.'/~~ ,~,;" " - ,
. . lroUdt ....i't;~C~ted vi~b Mi. IL1cbucl_. of tha District.
:W vas told ther.t.';a'ipnltl- of CApacity of tba Eesenoir. !fro 5aabo
'cba11enged thia .Ut - . Diaeu..'on followcl.
1Ir. Su,", bas coafen" with tbs Weather Iar_. Aa)'tJa1as l88S than a
lo-fUr UO?d is not Ubly to c:ause appreciable d_ce, a SO-year flood
c:oa1d .
Ccyn::. Jr..llis stated tbat _ c:ould @ftd up vith _ probl... with our
_tu co:tServation prosr- if we _¡>cy tite OÙ!!I a:Id ~he¡¡ DOt gl't lOufCiclent
Cmr.c. M,\""~s said he vculd b:! in favolr of enc!orslDf; the Distric:t's
propoS31 far the area oorth ~f Stevens Creek Blvt., b~t vould ~ncoue3ge
the iJbc: 1.:t to furrher rlw ¡><o¡>.'ula c.,.lR3 fn,!:> the ;i"....owners<:. 'I~e c.>st of !fr, Su!>o·s propo531 .¡¡>pear~ to be ."rohlbit!v,), but
cht:y S¡IC';l:! I:e exllored.
Coun~. ',lil~ ~ald she voul~ appcecLat~ f~rlhec stady ~q the aCCd so~th
of Ste\'~~' Creek r.l~d. for Cupertln?'s a~aluation.
MD,,£d ":; C.-Uti". Frol1-:!!, .«ended by <:'>..n.:. Nelli" to ~end a lett.·,. t(> the
)istr~c¡; f"noardlll& t!:e rec:CC'!I..ndat1.ons ot the Cresl<>n I::I',.ove...".,t A.,.soc.
and to 3>~ th~: they be lDcluded tc tne e~t.nt th't this area i~ ~Irectly
af!cct~¿ ;, this plan.
It va., n~te.! that: these plaDa a~e Q¡)t S&t in c:Ot1Cr~te; th Is b a
lener.ll=ðd plan o( the Distric:t. It ~houlà also be r~cbn!zed that the
CIty oi C~~rtino wou14 llTA to bave the dam c:onslder~ for flooù cuntrol
as veIl ..s "..lee c"llser,..rlcD.
Hotion cnri.eJ, 3~
Coux. ~":;ers stated this c:ertainJy will be 1nc:lu.drd 10 the eartb~\!a!te
Movcl ~y C~ur.c. 7roli;b, ~~nded ~y Coax. Kellis t~;t the letter tw the
Distr!", ~bauld ask the District t~ held up .. long as po~3ible their
pro'U....1 £"r St""e"" Creek, "p=cr..,,,'I. tr.,. StaYoms Cn,ek alv~.
Mbt!on L3rrfed. 3-0
.. ..
The, sta:f \1:IS asked to c:oøtact: the property "wners to cl1tIc1I8s
the flood control probl_. ,~,',
i/'}' ,~ " ., ~,.','1~,,:~\~,,';:~~i, '".
In'reprd tc: ,the fcdera1,'Oao.iéontrol insurance. Jk'~~SsaIìØ'· aiel
, hb graup ~d like to __ .œe specific lIIea8\lr...-f."~:Uh '
they caD _bUt to the fedeno1 sover_nt. C'¡',\
~~·',~l~ !.
2. Red5 of the PlanniD8 ec-ission rec:ollllDendation on the In-
filling p.=tion :.f the <:'11.....1 Plan (continued frOll the _sting
of .July l~. 1974).
The D1r...=o>= of Planoing and Developl'lent said the individual
propert:es ·.=e studied by the Planning C"ru!ss~oa. They vere
then addC'-õ tCi\ether to cœ>e up ",itb the relat ionship of the ls"¿
use to :::~ =etal neighborhood. He then r~...i..w"d the up 0<1 tl.e
bullet i:: ;,': 3r:i :
Area 1 - ~.>id"nttal. 1 to 10 units per acre
Area 2 - ...:. to 711 duplex re..idential (tl:~H hay", beea So:'''
<,==orcial plans on the ~~rt of property ~~er~ Ch~ck
.;:-2. : orre)
Area 3 - :';E:¿ential. o to 4 units per acre
Area 4 - ":'.:.!si public use co::plimentary to the residenthl
Area 5 - R. ¡¡ ident tal . 0 to 4 units per acr..
Area 6 - :!.uidential, 4 to 10 units per acre
Area 7 , S "ere bypassed
Area 9 - ~.sidenttal. 0 to 4 units per acre
(cune. Nellis and Frolich belie..." this is the ri~ht
c,-erall dansity, depending on the drc:1aion of the floed
t!>l- Planoing Director said there is an 011 e_rcW
z.;,ni:1g on a portioc of the Stoc:klmeir property. n.e
i'Lnning COlIDissiDn detemined that 0 to 4 residential
is IOCre in keeping with the neighbor!., ad.
Page 3
Portion of the
CeDer.1 I'l:m
. Pace ..
-- "
øu.:TIL5 ;;¡ I!i¡ AUGUST 13, 1974 AnJOUR.IED ern COCM:IL ME£r1JlG
'!be repreaentatt.ves for Head'N ¡>ro¡>erties asked for clarific:.ation
of the property :ID Area 9, I;bat lie is intereated:ID. Counc. Meyers
sa1II the City c:-n would look at c:luster deft10pMDts for area.
w..n port 1_ of pEOpe1ty ., be in the flOClll plaia.
Area 10- :)to 4 units per acre. rea1denU:ü
Area 20- ~s1 public; f.a theproc:eas of being purc:haaed b7 tbs Vater
91strlc:t for a percolation pond.
Ar.. 21A~rcia1 desfpatlon at the C3rner and 4.4 to 7..7. c!uplex zona
:cr the remaiJH!er.
':~ August 9, 1914 letter frOll~. Harry C3ppü. 7603 !(!ra Lane,
;":1 Jose, vas 1:stroduc:ed. Mr. .:a?pel said he is interested In
:ie 2.1 net ac:res at tbe corner. ge conte~ds that based upon
.-:".!."nmental c:onë1tions, tbis ?:'-vl'"rty ,:auld not ~ al'proprtate
:~r ~~gid~nt1al use.
~:',:>c. 'rolich said there is sxe "uestion about "oether or :IOt
:~:s ?:'-vperty ~~ lar~e enou~~ :~:.- a v~ablc: c~erctal ~se.
"...=. Cappel saw t.he ?roposa:'.. is ::~ leY intensi-cy n<:!5r~.:'J'Ch·;-,·i
--:;..: .:,,¡.cacr,:ial - $uch as ¿., t:¡_~:I:'= shop, dental ~!~~,~~S ):;" ~:.;:...,:'~;
.0::- :...:~s.
:~"·_:"'!:a Mcyct's S;¡i.å th")t be~a... i? ~: (he lr,YOlJt. th~ ~ei;~:b()!'!~~
~:-:;¿t't) 1,lould t'-..rn·e to <11$0 b~ .:-..-::=~rGt~l. D::'.-cLIs-;:on !oll,:¡·..·c.i.
.':' ~lani1tng ~;.¡o__is:ìion r.:~\.':: ::-,? there t-1(~S ::(¡'3i~t:r2:'1i! d i..;-
:..:.=3i....n about v!:,.ecr,cr all fo~~ :~·-:¡-..er5 .?t Ste-¡:,;.r.s Cr~ek "\1.,-",j.
"~¿ FOvthill Blv-.!. should h~ ~:-_-~rcial. Th~ ;>eo¡>le in ti."
~:¿~ 3DCke up ~ th~ majority :: the~ [~tl th~re sh~uld b~ r.~
":=erc:lal there. Mr. Cappel 5..<:'.1 hI! felt tbe !,r,<;)ple "He O'ayin¡z
:~~y did not wi3h a large cJ=~~:':'al develop~t~t ~ut ~id r.ot
~~ject to a smat¡ comcerclal v(~ru~e h~r~.
~_-.1:-.c. Frolich said this is rl~Cr .It to,e insid.. "'¡',,(,, Jlt
:C~Se lnrge trucks go. lie is r.~: S3ti5~etl with e::t:,,,.. r...s',I~:\t!31
=~ ;:C'3iI!l~rcial here. He Is nC'o:. :~ c"~pl~te¡t ...¡th lr.¿
:¡~C31ng Commission un.thta pr~~rt:. It V~3 n~~ed. n~ c~~~en~us
..a~ arrived at ~ regard to ttis ~~~a. Couac. ~7eT5 ~~3 ~~3~~rcJ
:"-It there is uUl an o;>('n dÜ'-,,~~on abvut an al::cr:\at" 'Chte
:.> rerill8nente, Dear the c:hurch ;r"~c:rty.
~:s. ~n Anger. Kon~ VistA. is :~:.-? ~uch In favo~ r.f tbe $t,ff'~
~:~ition on rete~ion of d~~1:~':> ~vnta V1s~a. She ·JCuld I<k~ .~
:.;!~ a mini TO\ß1 . C~ntr>, She:.; _: ~ ~t"ì1t~.r C!t Neb side~ ,,~ t .o.!
...-::.?~t "
Area 2U-5iag1£ faally 1:esWential
Mr. Noor Blllaw~1. stated he would like cØlaerc:1al
zoning on 1 acTe, donI Steve:1S Creek Blvd., for a small
T::-m " Country type c:_rc:ial developlDent.
The Ditz-Crane development pla~$ have beeu oriented away
frOQ the Stevens Creek Bl....:.
Ann Anger 6Uggeaced a b,.ss ,;to;> at this 10C3t,ic;n includ-
ing b~mches, la:1dscaping, etc.
s~ deterlDination was made on hr~a 21B.
Recesò ~aõ called at 9:02 P.~., the n~etin~ reconveneå at 9:25 P.
Area :.:- ,esidC"ntial, noe. to acecd 7.7 dwelling units per' acre
along !!cClell an Road.
CC'~ac.. Nelli~ :--:Jhbê5tCc:! pn"cc.'..ii:-'::>,: \·, the tentalive
::;'1? here to s;.ec~ t~:nis tJi' ;~ ':~..'C' " dt.·"(..t,'?c.... is :L'!.ter-
¿sti!:d in t.his ?rO?é:'t.:r. C('lm:\~. ~~t~~,·!:>r": sa id he agI ;!cd
si:1ce this ~s a. '(>::'5 intense :·:,,,·?0~.1.1.
T'he qUt:~l:'O:1. of "thrcE: am(:nd::..'~ts p.:or ypar" has to he
resol vC'1.
'{,;. ~t"Ua Kes~er, lOS50 St.'\',':1S Canyon Road, stateJ she
is the O~~r of Lhe corner prcr~rty and is not in favor
of duplex zoning. She said th~ ar~' needs a little
~oack bal' which could g(' on th,' ;>rooen)'. She said tlce
residential ;K)rtio:l of her prl....pcrt~· will be de';~lop~~ [.:>
lock like t~.e Creekside Dev~10.~ent in L~s Alto,;.
Mr. Bill Cooper, 20310 ~Ech.1,·l Loan, Cupert ;:'!(>, stateå
that he was repres"'nt i'\g th" ~L'utheaSl corner of Foethil
Blvd. and Hc:Clellar. Road. Ii.,<! if thpre ''''ere sor.;<:
~~y to push ~he ~entatjve ~a, :~r this duplex developr.r~..
It was unani=ously approved by the Plannin~ Commis~ion.
It has been re~ned frar. co~er,ial to duplex lots.
They would like to proceed ,,::h the developnent befc;re
the rains c....... t:., vas told l L~ Coune il 1.. awail ing the
City Attorney'. opinion.
Page 5
?lg~ 6
~s OF tNi, AUCUST 13. 1914 ADJOU1l>;ro CITY COUIICIL PlEE!'DlG
!k. Lester ChaseD. of Hiller propenies. ..141 he vas repreaentiøs
tile Easter property. He questioned the appcopdateness of
&!apløea aloul buy Foothil1 Blvd. He wondere4 vbo would p1c:k the differential betwc:en the c_rc:ia1 worth aad the duplex
wot'th of this property. He said it is unfair to expect the
prope:ty owners to assume thi3 loss.
C-:C. Frollc:h aDd Meyers were in favor of deferring the opinion
0:> :bis property.
Area 23- RJ~.1 is the existing zoning.
~~,=h own this prcpe~ty. T~e
~ :~ ~.4 units për acre.
The Tenaka family a~ the ~athollc
land use desigr.ation is residential,
,.=;. ~:¡cten Hertert. San Juan Road. wanted to make (;Ur.L the
£:::~"113 caks a:: tÞ.€ pro;.'l:rty are pr~5erved. She su,~gcbted the
:L .\:':--1 Colle;;e 't;;"Jlogy clas~ c'Juld catalog the trp.e~ tn the aCCd.
"":s~ ~~(tet'1: .als0 stat,zd ;".:'Iases should not be: al1.o,~ed \{tthin
,~¿ ~~l? tine of ~h~ tre~q, T~~ City Coun~ll agcee¿ ~lth the
Ar£.\ .' , __0 I1rdts pE.r ?.crc
~.- -
1,r',a ,- , 10 ,.:1it .3 -.... " .~cre
.. )- - ~_.
"re" :6- ,_.ì": Ft~¡'~ ~c ';.¡::':!r.g zon~
:: ~ ra5t, thi~ ;,arcel t'35 ,~\.~l~d as a p':'ay area for tho?' .:.1~3Lt~C:'L:
..:-:;:!x .~ear by. ,,;\,;.il A..'!.~cr ":-,i.:J she i~ (JP?eE~ to n~ot"c. 2:'r.t .;.lre-
·'.-;..--o?S__ (t ',,"a~ c;;tf>:'-:J.lned t'..:s dt'ca Silould be <;p~l,;~rJc211.y
:ï.:'::-:;!"'if~ by th~ ?lanaing '..:......:-:..-:i$.-;jon th~ ':1P.xt tine arl.v.Jl\d.
Lr,~ .\_ -.'~.:.:) ,H~~.i is :!.e~:g~1at~.:l on t~:",- ~)td MOilta '''i3t=i Pla" a~ ¡'t,,,,i;':1 Jiõ!ft
_ .:'.--h.:l.
I.rCd)- ::~·~~.!2~\tl"11, 0 :... !..I. è\lcll:'."t, units ~r 3.:re
:::,.:-~ is a sr.ull ?;¡rcel at t ;ì.~ coJrllcr of Old CU~~í'ti!\o ~Vd.d :,nd
:~.......:..:.!!!. Slvd,. had c.,.'r.'':t'' aa<i'¡:i-ia=.ily '1........ T!1ts vas
.:.~ ~ ~~~a)te(l as a ¿:J;>lex ar,,"3"
A~Cd c- :: ',.i, .lw~lI !.:-.gJ'li..:~ pt:1' .!":L·(' e^c'~pt ll-itt D-")rt!,.)'1 ~;.r·.:-,un,! the
~~.::·."r L:.)~ ~P-C:~.::.a;1J Jhi.,~'" .3:1"111 C'."1fntaj!1 thJpl~x JI"!',i';:1'1ticlI.
Are::.. D- ":-. i~.J.d'~~alJ 0 (0 '. \',~r:i ::-."r ~C¡';L!
A-:ca ::-
:-_':t·:'":~1.~. Ú ::l: .. t.:.:':·, =,',~: .:1,~:'~
".e:a F- ~sidentW, 0 to 2 units per acre and tbe slopes are
to 1>e takr.. into consideration wben developing.
Area C(H: - 0 to 4.4 units per acre. The street width standards
ar.. to be considered here.
'he ~~irpin curve on McClellan R~d was considered by
the PJanning Cocaission as a special piece of property.
¡he designation vas determined to be some type of
specially oriented c:ommercial venture (antiques, resta~r
a~t) type use. Some policy statements were inclu~ed.
~~. Chdsen, of Xiller Pr0gerties, asked for clarificati~
~: what the Council would like to see on this property.
:~u~c. Meyers said he would like to see a planned
ièvelopment z~,. ~ere with general co~ercial i~tent. a good r,staurant ovedooking the natural cred..
7h,'Y decirleè to .:arry over this natter until tlle full
C:,U1:(" 11 is present..
~:"'nta \":.~:_; Ih.J!'therl": e,f ~tevenc: Crcf'k Bl\'d. 3!ld p.ast~!"ly of
:' ~:-I insular :\':(;:-:'';~ - some duri ex resident ia] a::'G ~,::':',~
.:.....-: ,-.cfrial fro:"'_tin~ en StC'\·ens Creek U1vc!.
Bubb ~,-.:: .:1:1'.1 Ste":cns Crc~k Blvd. zdjaccnt to Wes: \Oal:e-:...
:::;.~u~trial Par~: - origin:Jlly zon"d li~ht lndusLr:.î~
:O.'W desi¡;r....tej PD .. pr"fc>:sioT1"l offices >lith ,e: atp.!
~::'-nercial. This includes that small piece to t:-~e ·...·esl,
~~c quasi pu~lic use.
C~un~. Meyers ~as in favor of a small buffer arêa for
:h~ duplexes fr~ Stevens Creek Blvd.
~~0:"ge Mangano, lQ204 South ?orcal Avenue, C:.:re....t ir:o,
5ai,i he holds title to 1/3 acre, bet Wee" Pen'~suJar and
Santa Clara Avences, \lith >:trict collUtorciaJ ZO:lÌ"~.
a the property is downgradeJ, he will seek rest itu: i'.)1I
in the courts from the City o[ Cupertino.
~"n Anger does not believe there should be duplexe~
along Stevens Creek Blvd.
r~e Plann!~g Director saiJ the corner o[ Foothill Blvd.
a~ McClell~n Road, with the existing Frank'$ Xarket,
h3s County coccercial zonillr, now. The two l"ts to the
scuth .ere r~1c.ed for co~n~rclal zoning. The r}anning
G""""i$sion is willing to r"c~gnize the existing :;tore
..".I the expansion of che c,,",nercial to [he sout¡' for
~tr~ing rcr~ze~ ~nly. The frontage vo~ld be i~?roved
.~èn the entire c?rner 15 reJ0~e.
Page 7
Hltmr.:; or TI"¿ AUCUSf 13, 1974 nlJOua.'ŒD CIT'C COll~"CfL HZ&'tJ#.¡
!¿ ",:,~}:'
< ~;,.
Cou:\cf.lo11t. saJd sbe we In favor of 4.4 to 7.4 clvdting units
ptta:,'.~ct ber_. to petllie.male f:J.ily or cI~ld uaits.
, . ,':~J~"'/'(:C:i"";""'>:" .\', ' ,~:'-: ,,",.¡' ,
.,"'~¡~..,'f; ",.',~.~,."'¥; "";'11#''', ,'J'..,';' . ,', ,
~:... ;:':~:,..;,' -"J' ,<,,,:,, };;,"''''::~:Jij,:<' .~:> ~f, ,: ' ,'"
1C¡aøc .' .1~"'~ vaìJJa favor of a -=aU .eore here but
tbcti' <:' ,..ô(;!i~i~ópl.1IÙho area vaS a;alase,cOI'!:IC::dal' ;,
..... ,.;^ .~)~.;~i'~~~~",~~"Stcvans Yootbl11'
BlVd.' ,~.~1e.,.,'~l1.Ctvltb the large uacks 'al. tho
_ebllêst,.c..lCdei thlnl',at tho notthvc..t cornera
(.-.<::·':ß:~~;,...;~' ' , ",:' , >.\, . '
The AllÔC1àre 'lanner said theta is A st.t~t In tho Plan
allow~'1Q aa41nstitutlonal ~ith regld~ntJal c:natactor type
usell ia r~.ia:Wnt1.'l zones without a!:!I!Mira the Cener:11 Plan.
!CI.'~L, lane. " of Saratt>!:a-SUN1)'Valð a.,...¡ - There are t~": !."t!õ pr~sently
. zon"'¡ fo:' _ltiplc far.ily use ':lth singl.! fa:ol1)' hc",,,;; on the:!.
The Plaonln~ Ca~!sslon r~~t 0 ~o 4.~ units ~~C a~rc ~ould
boa JIOCO 1:\ cb.;¡rac:t~r wIth the ndihb.>thK'....
~:. ~':-;,~:h'& 3~1··?U~lic: us~ - thê íiv~ ¡'crc:; h(·rt' :1r<! .!i.-':f'";:-.."1t.~'.i the
~.1~! as th.æ e~tl.r,~ øre.'1 (i¡~u··t!"i.l1/r,-,.iL.i'~:1:[a¡. 4 ;::JI Ii) units p~r
I 1,:-'. C']:l~'1"". !'r"!1cb,, !t,:c....r.·:L....j þ:: (...u~\c.. ::ctl ~.;. ':....: ~."'':!:'.:'
:..... ;,... : .:~~t r-:';t:.l:u,· r..:~t.f.,~. to :ì..(':" ~;.." :~rli.'."(" ~J~-": :~c~..: to:
t:-.! 7 .:'~tttc("
1 ·;:.·;.~tflc
}üt tcn ~.Hri~"t, )-0
I Tb "0«'''' w. .d'_.... " '0." ....
.uor ,{;)\"ED:
's' Rl.'ed Spacks
tlllyor. City oC Cu;>artlno
bL ".,.,. E. after
City C'eu