CC 08-19-74
l03CO T,).r~ Avenue, O~pert ino, California 951)14
Telephone .52-4505
AlJCUST 19, 1974
5ALtrrE ro TP.E rLAG
Hayor Sratks called the Aeeting to order at Monta Vista High Schoo
Auditoriu= at 7:50 P.M. with the Salute to the Flag.
CoOõ1C'. ~:'I?"f-..t:
C.OU:1C.. a:-5..;::::,
Fr~ljch, Jackson, Meyers, :iellis, Hayor Sparks
Sca!f rr¿$~-:'::
Ci~y ~hna?er Quinlan
~$i~ta~~ City Attorn~v ~ili~n
¡,eput? Gi.y Attorney Hj,,.,.e1
Deputy City Clerk Pa~l\ini
Directo~ of Plannin~ ~~d Dev~lop~~nt
Director of Public ~~T~S Visko~ic~
Recre2rioa Superviser Val
, I
Coun<. ~"'"' ~anted to ~~ke a .tate~ent as a toint of cl~T.flca- i
t1or. 1:: :.;,:! te) his position on the V"llco Park Regional S",'?:'i~"i
Ce.:!··. -:....1:J he t.a5:1 't changed his ~ind as to the nct'd or t~h.. I
.¡:p:~~':-: .~:t'...'.:':; cf this t!"C'~c~al. out since th~!'e bas bee-n :I \'0;:-
siJt::'.1:-:.. .',- J~...t oi ~blic ccnccrn ht' ff'lt th~re should b.. t~·~~ I
...... t 1 ",,! ; ,:: ¡ i~ ; in;;. ¡¡" sa id t hat none d us ar", :t!,O'I., the I
The ....S~~5:.'": City Attor~£)' introduc~.J the petirion fer r"¡eT"',j",, I
that b.." :""" fI1æ ..,.ti. the City Council.
The !)"pu:y '::t:' Clerk s~ated that of the ~568 signarures or, the
pet1tio~. :5jl were reg~5tcrL~ voters and 617 signatur~s w~re act
valid. S~" :~"n read the petition into the record.
The ;'ss';.:~c.t C~ty Attor:'.c)' :tdvise:1 that it is the opinion cof t",-
City Att~"~":; that the u"" Per.r.!t is not st:!>jc~r to ref ,r(,l\,j.1m, and
sUR&psr,,'; :: th" City COt.ncil titat they 8hou1<.1 deny the p"lition for
Page 1
Peg. 2
JIIJIUTJ'.5 úF ~ Al'C1jST 19. 1974 u:ctJLU CHI c.x1'CIL K£E'i1]lÇ
Cotmc:. 1:.11-1.. asked on \IhaC baat.s the City Attorney'. Office feels this
S. DOt "ject to refer-' . tile Deputy City Attorney stated it· is
die diff_e betIIMD a 1..,.1ative at:d a". act, it is
_t a _tta of wbetbar 01' IIOC t.t is ~ruat. &".trstive ac:ta
en equally as t.portaD~ _ ~lative acta. It is his opiDiou that
dIere an .....t. pIA.U---,
Coaac. ..11.... ..u that ac . ~1Da last J_, when the aoø1Dl v..
_ted', 1Ioth C-C:. Hayen ..... 1fe1l18 asked th. City AttonQ' if this
foreclosed CI)'tbiaa. $be u1d hia 8D8VU vas at that tøe that there
_ still Uaibility. tile De..,.ty City Attomey said this is true.
within the ¡_al plan <I....pU'tion of one aillion square feet.
Counc. ::ellis asked the Asa1.uut City Attc=r.ey if the Council Vall
mslcadiJ:¡ ~: ths public at the em. of the rezoning. The Assistant
City Attor.:ey uid a refereDdlft vas not in the offing at that tille.
Be does ne: think the City Coœcll oves: t;,e ¡:UÌ>lic the duty to tell
dle y,,"li: ...~t is the difference betwee:> ~=i:~ative and referendum.
CoUIIC. l:ell~s said that: it vas her unders:r..:iir.¡t lhat at the use pu",it
stage, nc: :cn!ng time, 'oras vi><!m the lllaj~r ::e:i3iolo v"s to be made.
. n:e Assis:a=: City Atto~ey said there =.."d:::um public input at
both the !l~ir~ C~ssion level and l~e ;i:y C~uncil deliberations
en this s:"':':e..:t.
Counc. S.::~.i ;¡sked for cl.r1fic:tion .J: ::',;. :c:-::: "ad.:qua:e tuldel!ncs".
The Ass~s:c: nty Atton:ey uid that ~:: :-,~S ',oiL"', ·..e Ü... Sarle
plan at ;:..::e:..1 ;llan ti::e and at .sse I"'r::~: :i.':e. r..e general plar.
. vas ...cto ~:. S¡;ec1fJ.c: tU: aost ceneral ;:~:'5. lie said it ,:<,u1d b..
wery ~o::~c.~ to put the ,..a pera!t alc~ ".~t;' all tne conditior.s on
the bal:::.
Tbe Ass~.:&::t City Attoraey said tt-A Z~::~~ ~~~ tlA adoption ~~
a la:eral ~:&:: .ue lea1alative acts. I:.. :::~: that the cere area
of tbs se::e:a: ,Ian c:_lC! !-.&ve ~e_ s~;e:: :~ re!erc.nduc. ar.d t~e
&OD11't& c.:'~·:~ :..ave }.eea ~ject to r.ferc.'::=.
It was C:;::. !ac~'3 o¡ini~n that th. ..~~~3l plan i. v~ry broad
,lannin¡ ~ :åe use pe~t contained bc:~ :.~islativ~ and ad:inistrat¡ve
_tten, ~e Assistant City Attorne" sa~: :""t a new pol1CY at the
use pe~: :ev&l voulc! prot&~ly be cons!:..:." legislative. ~ut cõrryiag
out of :~& ;ollcy would pr~~~ly be :O~i~':èë a~nJ.nlstr.tiY".
Counc. ~?£:s ~id t~~t s1Dc:e ~~ have pla:'¿ a creat portion of the City
in the ¡e.::~:..l plan ..e are now saying t""-: .e are taking avs) the
referen¿~ 7r::ess as a legltiaate aven~e :,r the city. The Assistanl
City Att~~ey said the peo~le have a ri~~t :c el~ction on alDOst
everythi:-... c:1 it State le7el, but net 011 .. :1:: level. A use permit
in a pl~~: ¿evelopøent Z~~e is not suè~e:: :0 referc~dua.
JUllU'nlS i>F 1-- A:JGUST 19, 1974 JŒCUI.AR. Cln COl.'Ji·:IL M<."E'ID\G
CoaDc. Heyers as answered 117 the Assistant City Attorney that if
SI: wr. pat oa the ballot ic ~d have to be a verhatia test of
~ act. ......I.diD& all the r r "If-ions of the use penait.
CøaDc. ø..Us asked if it _ tÖ SO to referendua. whether this
_ thue cooWI be no sJIøpptF.a center for one year at any
1Gcaeion. n.. Assistant Auorney said ve still have the
eea.a1 P1_. It would be f... .1..ut upon the developer to c~ in
wUh a ncv}tÙlt. If the ref--'·- passed, only the use perait
~ he dnied. In order to revoke the use I'erait the City
CoaDcil wa14 !lave to have palJlic hearings.
c-nc. Frol~:t vas ansvered by the Assistant City Attorney that
10 tbe event :his use perJait vent on the ballot and vas subseqent-
ly revoked. \õ1! >.-ould then nøC be allowed to itlpo5e any of the
couditions ::r one year.
Counc:. Rel¡~. asked by vhat authority the Council can revoke the
...e perait. :ò." Assistant City Attorney stated the Counc 11 would
have to na~ :i~din~s that i: would be detri~ental to the health,
welfare, sa:i:~ or morals of :ne ~eorle.
A%torney J~~:5 5tevart, 111 ~es: St. John, 5a~ JDse, he does not
conc:ur tou:::- with the opi~= "f the City !.:torney's Office that
~be refere~i~ ~~o~ess does ~~ ð?ply to th~ use permit. The use
peralt has ~~~t=ally been a :~~=::on oi the ?lanninr. Co==is:iûn,
~ only ic ::i ~ase of a~ a~;~¡ does it ~e~e to the City Cour-cil
Be stated :0. ~.~ pe~it is a= a¿=inistrati~e act, not a legisla-
t.lve act, =_: :::lI!re is no ¿~:.a t.:tat says a '.15e permit in a
Planned D~',i~_~~~:tt Zone c~--~~ :::e tested by referendu:. He
~lleyes t-l: :~ people s~~l~ ~e allo~eJ t~ s~eak to this. He
answered C:.-:. ~yers that ~ ~~ld be ~re than willing to su~-
.it this t~ I ,~~el of judges to ~etermine .~eth£r or not this
particular _;~ ~r:it could ~ tested by re:erer4um.
Attorney !':....i:t answered ,..£,.~ Sparks that ~e has not seen the
EøYlr_r.:~: :"....ct lteport. :out he has heard the people say that
it is 1Daé.:....:...
The As.lst<~: :~:y Attor~ey ansvtred Counc. ~eyers that the latest
tbis could :.. ",t on the So~esober ballot ~ould be August 22. 1974.
Counc. ReI::! .anted to knov if there were a~y other options open.
Counc. rro:::~ stated that :!:.1s is not a carter of choosing a=ng
alternath... The City Cou:x:il !:lUst make the decision on whether
or DOt the r.:u.,nd.... petitio: is to be accepted.
The :ity Attorney sa14 that personally, he would like to
see an el£::::~ :n the Vallco Park Shopping Ce~ter but in his
opinion there is no other opl:ion that ~n eleotion is via~le. In
General La~' :::ie.. this is a punning matter.
Pag" 3
.... 4
7 ~ .... '
CouIlC. Jack_ felt that, at this point, this is not a dear area of Law.
Ve are in a UDif1D8 area because we are doing _thins quite - in a
pJ --' devW. p. If va have precluded the rtsht of referendum in
oar General n_. _ u. takina away a ver1 _luab1e rilht of the citizens.
OIsr ordÚIaIIC.. .. DOt that clear .. to vbat 18 leai8lative and what is
aða1nutrative. Ia the iDterest of those c:itiaens vbo have asked for the
I'i&ht'to vote. eo..c. .J..:uon would be 1D f_ of PUtt1D1 thia issue on
tile ballot. If Yal1eo Park wants to a.1t for a Judicial rutinl, it c:ould
he taken off tIIa ballot, later.
Counc. !'rolic:h iDd1cated that he would not be villiDa to have this put on
the ballot C'ID the basi. of the City Attorney·s persuasive arauments. .
!luriD¡ that rezoning. we had a better handle on the matter than
on any other rezoni:1ls because of the voluminous input. The intent for
the use of that property was made very c:lear as to the size, the layout
and the coapositioa of the shopping center. He would have much pref erred
to have t~e referendum at the time of the rezoning. Counc:. Nellis stated
she ,"",5 in f&vor of the referendu!:1 at that tiJlle but it was her opinion
that the attitude was that in this case it was not the proper tiJlle to do
May~r S?arks refl¿cted on the goals or Cupertino ini..iated some four and
a half year~ ago, for a bala~ced coomunity.
Resolution number 3722 died for lack of a motion.
Move.! by Counc:. Jac1t!!on. seconded by Coun:. Meyers to accept the
referendum petition regarding the Vallco Park Regional Shop?inr, Center.
not t~ rescind the use permit but rather to advise th~ City Clerk to
put it on the ballot for election.
Counc:. Jac:kson, Meyers, Yellis
Couac. !'roUch, Mayor Spuks
Mot ion carried. 3-2
At this point, Counc:. !'roUch stated the staff should begin lor
the significance this IIIOtion has on the Core Area.
Counc. ~yers _nted to know whether or not Council meaberr
their feelings on this matter. The Assistant City Attcrn'
since the Counc:il has decided this is a legislative matt
to pursue their feelings on the matter.
Moved by Counc. P'rolich, seconded by Counc:. Ke:,ers t
at Monta Vista Bleh Sc:hool Au1itorium st 9:25 P.M.
Co~~il meeting in the Council Chamber of the Cit'
~tion c:arried, ·
. .
,:,. ,
. -' .~.
Mayor Sparks reconvened the meeting at 10:00 P.M. in the Co'Jncil
""-"-. City Ball.
Ifr. Walter War", Vallc:o Park General Manager. vas advised by the
Assistant City Attorney that pendinl applic:ations in regard to
the Vallc:o Shoppina Center may be ac:ted upon by the Arc:hitectural
snd Site Approval ec-ittee. The developer can work with the
staff vitlr the understanding that the referendum may revoke the
use perait. The developer may file a new application for use
penit based upon a n_ plan.
!loved by ~. Nellis, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to direct the
Arc:hitec:tural and Site Approval Committee to proc:eed with their
deliberations on the Regional Shopping Center.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
HoV'd by Counc. Frolich, seconded by Counc. Jackson to re~ove
the Vall:o Park RegionRl Shopping Center ~~tters from the Council
Motion carried, 5-0
Mr. Ja:ie Aria. Foothill Jr. College student, referr~¿ letters to
the City Council fr~ Citizens for ~re Public ?art!è¡pat!0~ !n
the Dc An:a Parking Project. They feel t'e dccisi~n t~ 'rend
public monies to build a parking lot fo- Flint Center 1n order
to leep people fra2 parking at the Sand,!per Restaurant l~t Is
really the Sandpiper's problem. rather than the citizens',
Kayor S,arks in!oraed the group that the decision was ~de at a
previous _eting and it 1& IIDW out of the b200s of the C1-::
Counci 1.
3. Minutes of Adjourned Regular Keetin¡t of August 13, . 974 not
available at this tiae.
4. Approval of Minutes of Adjourned Rel\ular Meeting of August 6,
Page 12, iteD 26, sec:ond paragraph afte:- "bill 2040" add the .
words: "was passed, subject to City a~tion." Also, remove the
parenthesis sround "S1IIOking ordinance".
Pale 12, it.. 27, first paragraph should read as follows: '~e
staff vas requested to prepare an ordinance requiring either the
u!l8&e of or reaov.:1l of exiating gasoline pricing signs."
Page 5
1'.._ 6
Pace 13, itea 30. nc:oud paragraph should re3Cl: "h~.als for c:haDRe
_ loiDa before tile Board of Supervisors vill not be on the Hovl!lllber
1føwed by C-. ,Keyers, seconded by Counc. Jac:kson to approve the
lUøat.. of ~1: 6, 1974 a. c:orrected.
Motion carded, 5-0
5. Approval of Mimltes of telular Meeting of Auaust 5, 1974.
Page 11, paragraph 6: change Greenleaf Drive to Baadl"y Drive.
Moved by Counc:. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to approve the Minutes
of August 5, 1974 as amended.
Motion carried, 4-0
Kayor Sparks ab..tained
6. Approval of ~jnutes of Adjourned Regular ~ecting of July 30, 1974.
~veë by Counc. Sell is. seconded by Coun~. Jackson to approve the
H!nutes uf July 30, 1974 as submitted.
Motion carr!ed, 5-0
7. Yritten
The Deputy City Cler£ stated there were a nusber of communic~tlons
expresslnl individual positions relative to the Regional Shopping Center
and rommunic:ations relating to ordiD3nce number 641.
Moved by Counc:. ~ellis, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to rec:eive and file
the written c:o..unicatlons.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
8. Consideration of pr¡)posed aaendment to the 1964 General Plan con-
cernins the land use element {or the Valley Floor Infilling.
(continued fros Deeting of Auaust 13, 1974)
1Jpoo rec_ DIlation of the staff, it vas IDOVed by Counc:. Jac:ksoD,
aecouded by Counc:.NeUia to C:OIIUnue the public: heariDl on the
Williaa of the Valley noor to Septeaber lO, ~974 at 7:30 P.II.
~on carried, 5-0
9. Re80lution No. 3709: -A -.solution of the City Counc:i1 of
the City of Cupertino Order1D¡ Vacation of a :'ortion of a
1'IIblic: Utility Eas_t. vitbtn the City of Cupertino Pursuant
to Section 50430 et seq. of the Governmen~ Code of the State
of California, Fixing Tiae and Place of Hearing and Providing
Notic:e Thereof; Lot 3 Tract 5220, North..-est Corner of Torre
Avenue and Pacific:a Drive." (continued f~om meeting of
Au¡ust 5, 1974) - read by the Deputy City Clerk.
Sinc:e there were no c:oDlllents fro:> the audience, it was moved by
Cou~c. Jackson, s~conded by Counc. ~e1lis to close the public
Motion c:arried, 5-0
Y~ved by Counc. Jackson, sec:o~ed by Counc. Meyers to adopt
resolution number 3709.
Kotion c:arried, 5-0
10. Application lS-U-74 of My Eou,se (SOJO¡¡Jù~): Uae Permit to
allow conversion of 2 residential structure to a c~er=ial
use and to allow outdoor activities in a commercial zo~e.
Said property is within a CG (General Couunerc:ial) zone and i..
located at lOO4l Pasadena Avenue in Monta Vista. Reco=ended
for approval. (continue¿ fr~ meeting of August 5, 1974)
The Planning Direc:tor explained that the property in question is
an older home in the Monta Vista area. Although the Plapnin~
ec.aisa1on has reviewed aOO approved this application, it has
been appealed by a resident in the area. He placed a drawing of
the proposal on the bullett.n board.
!frs. J. Arlie Gilaore, 10521 !fadera Drive, Cupertino, stated that
due to a sore throat anet s!ml. t.nfec:tion she was unable to speak
but rather subaitted her objections to this proposal in vriti:1g.
It vas noted the Counc:il ba<! received and read this document.
Counc:. Meyers stated that one of the c:onditions of the use per1Út
is that if it bee_s a nu1aaDc:e it is subject to review by the
Pale 7
.... .
. ,
Couoc:. Jac:kson woo4ered vhecher or not the City had aøy ~ol over
the _ other than if it He . a nuisance. The De~y CiCy Att"rney
_red that he ~d have 4Uficulty defendilll that c0a41U.oo in c:ourt.
The PlanniDl Dir~tor ..u tIIa applic:ant we tha stat_t that they did
not conte.plat:.ontdoor acct.vity after dark. øOlleYer, thi.a ~ øøt one
of the c:oDditions.
c:o..-. Frolic:h DOted that the zoning already exists on the pEOPerty.
The PiaDOing Coømission tried to speak to the po..ible prob~ that
could he enc:ountered. Be saggested a condition relating co _ise
at certain boundaries. as has been done in Ught industrial ordinance.
If tbe use here t'.Dc:ourages a lot of activity in the parkins lot perhapf>
this use does not halonl on ~i8 site.
Counc. Nellis suggested addiug a c:ondition r~st~ic:ting outd~r .,tivities
after certain hours. Counc. Meyers felt that !~s. Gilmore's letcer
speaks::!'Jre to the attraction of "undesirable persons" oar- so, chan to
th~ noise factor.
it was noted the applicant ~s notified of this appeal at t~is haarfng
and the previous one and no: present at either.
Mrs. Anll Anger» Monta Vista.. said the I'esid~nts are rot ê\gA~::st the
restat:rant. per se. They are c:onc:erned abcllt certain thi~;;s tn.t she
did not vish to say in pt:~l~ and hopts that this is take~ "~to con-
sideration. She believes ~hat this proposal sounds oore l~Le ~ ÇC~wcnc
than a restaurant. This is too ~lose to Dc Anza. If thev .culd dcrve
a family type dinner it .~¡¿ attract an entirely difiere;~ ~yp. of
custOiDer. At this loc:a~i= they could attract the after t;,ea:"r crcy~':!s.
with the right menu. She o~~ec:ted to the Planning C~i3S~~ acting
øn this over the request free the audience for a c:ontinuance.
There followed a discussion on why the applic:ant was net present at any
of these hearings. It was noted that he lives in Ben LcD:><>d.
Mrs. Judith La Fontaine, 10353 lJr.perial Avenue, Monta Vista. said that
when the applicant doesn't COQe to a meeting like this. it is probably
a reflection on their habits. She said she would rather see an auto
parts store here.
Hrs. BarbRra Trubell, l0354 IlIperiAl Avenue, Manta Vista. said .lIe
distributed broc:hures to people living in her area a."\d all thoulht that
this was a unique idea but wondered what it could tUr1 into. The people
living on Byrne Avenue are bavi~S a p~oblem with the ?8Dple spending the,
day at Blaclcberry Far=. Pasadena Avenue is a sub-&taødard str..t and
c:an not accOllllllOdate eac:h off_treet She pleaded for any
restric:tions that can be ~ed on this use permit to ~re that this
won't end up a8 a delr JJ:aeni: to the area.
lløved by Cour.c:. Rellis. seconded by Counc. 'rolic:h to close tile
paIIl;ic headDI·
Hot1oD carried, S-"
Jllwecl by Coønc:. Prolich. n e D oded by Counc:. Mayen to deny
application '.8-0-74 on ~he basis that it appears that there is
DO real vay to c:ondition the use perait to protect against the
1dDds of probl_ anticipated.
Discussion follcved. CouDc. .Jackson was very c:onc:erned thÅt the
applic:ant did not. c:oae to _plain his p]ans.
The IIIOtion vas amended by Counc. Frolicb, seconded by Ccunc.
Meyers th..t application l8-U-74 is denied without prejudice.
Allleodment carr ied, 5-0
Kction c:arried, 5-0
11. Application 16-U-74 (A;:1e"cl'lent) of Sobrato·Berg Pro?erties:
Use Pernit to allow constr~cticn of a light industrial/off~re
c:omplex in a P (Planned ~evelopment yich come.rcial/industria
intent) zone. Said yCoF~rty ~onsists of 8.5 acr~s and is
located in the sccthvest ~uadrant of Saratoga-Sann~/~le Roacl
and 'reaway Route 2&0. P.ecocmended for approval.
The site plan on the bulleci~ board was revieyed and the ?roposal
1I'3S exl'lai:1ed by the Pla=1Dß Dh'ector.
(;(tunc. ifeyer" was concerned about wbether those two small Fall:
properties w~ld be develo?&ble. He would prefer to see them
iDelude<! in this applicatio:. and landscaped even though t:'1i.:;
applicant ~~s not able to purchase che property.
Mr. Jt'hn Sobrato, 2775 Xid4lefield Road, Palo Alto, said he was
not a,,~re there vas a p::.rc:el left over on the east side. He.."
told it WSd to the west cí the existing service stalion. He
further stated that the:' have offered to purchase that ;>r,')perty
at $90,000 but was refwIK. ur.less he ws villing to l'urcha3£
the !NIlance of the prope.'t.y. If he did this, he would run into
probleas ...ith trip eod g(..lerations. At this poin~, the Direct..r
of Public Vcrka reviewed ..he trip end formula.
Mr. Sobrat~ said the7 feel ~~eir tenants will stagger their bours
in order to get out of the park1n~ lot in a reasonable lengto of
tt.e. Coucc:. Meyers DOted that public: transit. should aLso !>e
c:onsider~ here.
Page q
'ace 10
. .
MIt:uTE~ 01' 1\1E AIICtlST 19, 1974 1Œ.CL,AR C!T'i COUNCIl. MEETING
In regard to the Ausust l4, 1974 staff mellO. reearding condil:iol1 20,
Counc. Jackson vnold like to include the opticn thaI: the appl;cant
.MU .eet the aip ead gent!rat1on by _ .....:osure. acceptable to the
Jløved by Couae. &fer., aec:cnded by COU11C;. Jackson to clø8e the public
Motion carried. s-o
Hoved by Counc. Meyer.. aec:ondl!d by Couor.. 7rolich to approve
application 1~~4 in ac:cordanc:e with the Plan!li~g Ccmmi88iou's
re<:OIIIIIendatioc in re801uLion nU"'ber l324 and the Augu:;': I!', 197.. staf(
,...., 35 _nded this date.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
It was ~yed by Counc. '~olich, sccon¿ed by Counc. Meyers t~ comb~Þe
the ~>u¡'lic nearing:; on AgenoJa items 12, 12(..). 13, and 14(1.).
Hotio~ ca~riedt ~-C
Ap!,Ucati"n 23,.z-74 of Alk.. 51<.,:;1"5sr: Reze,,;ng .r,) acre fren CG
(General COCIIIercial) to l' (Pla:t.,ed Dr.'·elcf'::er,t ..:rh ce=ecci¡;i
tent) zone. Said p.ope~ty i.. l", at l02l 5 ~ou:¡' S..rato~"-
Stonn}"/alc: R'>8d. Rec:œ:nended for approv¿l.
fir"t reac!!:>g <,f Ordil\2n,"c Xù. 65:: "An GrèinahCC (1£ :hI'
Ci':y of Cu,>erUno ADendilog Secticn ¡ :>i Ordir.;tn..... ~o. 2 b:'
Rezoning .9) Acre frOlll CG (~...neral C"""",,t"C iai) t.. ? (Pl..,..mcJ
De\"elopmet&t w:!.th Coœmerc1a.l Inten;') Zcne; 1.ocatE'd at tC21S
Sout.h Saxatog.¡-Sunnyvale R"a~."
13. Application 23-U-74 oC I~ic:e Siegrist: rse Per~it t.~ sllow for
expansion of the ~istinf sl~pp~ng cr.cter. inprovement of oark~ng
.od plaut inK arl:a£~ é!.r.d the rcuI)dcling oÍ e:<t2rl."r arc:hitc~t·..1t'31
style. S31d property is locat..d at 10215 Scutn $ar.toga-Sunr.y·....l..
Road. !tce_oded Cor appro-/al.
14. (b) Application 19-TM-74 of Alice Siegrist: Tentat!v~ ~~p to eras~
a property 11:>e between t~~ parc:els t~ makc OJe parccl. 5&iJ
pro¡>erty is "ithin Ii CG (G.:neral Coz:crc:ial) ZC,1£ "lid is lo"3:~
vl,¡:hiu the norl~est ~uadran~ of the intersection of Rodrigues
Ave;oue a:;d Saratoga-Sunr.)""/ale Road. Rec:c=ended fo~ approval.
The ?lannin¡ Dire~tor reviewed
I the elevation for the r£4~Hign
aDre in keeping with rhe area.
the three applications, the site plan. a:trl
of Lhe exi!:tL'g c"....r.xc'-"l build'...g tv ¡..,
~cLe will be a reducr10n of 16 Fa=klft~
Page 11
There were DO c_nts fr:Ia die audience.
.cI!itect Hkhael Stosr.... 39 last Main Street, tos Gatoe,
be _ APr_tin¡ Alice S~18t. Be explained the faac:ade v111
': be at_ed fr_ the c- -It-I building to coac:ea1 the air c__
i1tion1Da eqaipent on tile øof.
Ifoved by CoaDc:. Frolkb. .. E -led by Counc. lIeUi. to close tbe
public: burinl.
JlDt10n c:arried, 5-0
Counc:. Frolich said he -U _c:h prefer to liep. fever parking
.taUs t1\a:: to ~e1'1l1t ~e, narrower ('Ines. He added that we :may
in thp. f"ture be requiring fever parking spaces, due to tran!llt.
Hove<! by e::u"c:., seconded by Counc. Jackson to approve
applicati~ 23..z-74 with the concliti('lDS in resolution 1.325,
elilll1::ati"g condition l6, aD:! the parking stalb shall be ~-l/2'
Motion carried, 5-0
The first reading of Ordinance No. 651: "An Ordin3nc:e of the eit!
of Cuperti:!o: Ar:lending Section 1 of Ordinance "0. 2 by Rez'ming
.93 Acre fr~ eG (G2neral Cacsercial) to r (r¡~nned Develoy=ent
with Coc=~r~ial Intent) ~; L~cated at lC115 South Saratoga-
Sunnyvale R~a.!." - read 1:1;- the Deputy City Clerk.
Moved by c"unc. Jac:kson, seconded by Counc. Froli::h that Ordinanc:e
DUlllber ESl !)e read by title only and th.. Deputy City Clerk's
reading s~ll constitute the first reading.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
Moved by C,u"c, Nellis, secø:lded by Coun.:. Jackson to appro'~e
appli<:ati.>!1 23-U-74 in acccrdanc:e with r"solution l326, el:iIu.r.at1n
c:ondit10:: 16 and the parktllC staUs shall be 9-1/2' wide.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
Moved by c.:,unc:. Nellis, sec:ouded by J..cksor. to ap;>rove
19-TM-74 1:: ac:cordanc:.. vith re801ution l3J1.
Mot 10'1 ca =r led, 5-0
. ~,
KlJRru.s c:;r ..:1:. AtCUST 19. 1974 REQJLAIt. ':ITY COOlf.::tL MEETDG
.&rrLICAr1 a::s
14. '1-"" c-isdon
Ca) ~ic:at1on 1~4 of Brunswick Division, Bruusv1ck Corpora-
t1œ; Tentative.... co redivide 3.669 ac:res fr_ three rec:orded
Jl&ttels to tvo pareeb. Said propertf is withiD a CG (General
~c:ial) _ CIII t.s located at the southeast corner of
Sc.estead Road IUI4 Scellin& Rc:.od. Rec:OIIIIIIended for approval.
lløved bv c..-=<:. Meyers, lIeCODded l.y Counc. Frol1<:h to approve applic:ation
Motion cð!Tied, 5-0
IS. Arc;'::::-::"ral and Site Approval COlIDittee
(a) .t.;~:_"a:ion !lC-5l,)39 of Merritt Shr (Terranomic Corporation)
~.~.,ting approval of site, ]ands"apin~ and grading for a
::==.:::al develo~t located at the east side of Saratoga-
3~=:.-"31c Read. 50.::n of Silvera.jc A\" Recomr..·~im¿ed £::>r
¡:~: :·..a1.
There ~..:::-;;,,:: a discussion of the treatt:e:1t oi the site. Counc. Jackscn
wanted :: c~~:e that we do:'t run into t~e 5~e problem here as W~ have
vith t':. ::.l:·C· s ~\"'rket løa.:lng docks, et".
There ~.¿:: :,:, :omments froc the audience.
Moved by =_--=.:. HeyerI', sec:o:>ded by Counc:. Fr"lich to approve applicat ien
Be-51,;;; c~ ,,,cordance witb ArchitecturaL and Site Approval Committee
re£olut::..~ ~~er 435.
Motion carrie~, 5-0
(b) A;~::"ation HC-5l,075.40 of Vallco Park, Ltd. requestin~ approval
:: s:te and arc:hitec:ture for a scu::J ~...ll on the western boundary
c: t~ property. approval of ¡radi~s on the western side of
öe::e Road and approyal of site and architecture for the Bullock's
.::r¿ ~or the rellcøal shopping ce~ter located southerlï of and
L::¿"ent to Freeway &oute 280 at 1:5 intersection with Wolfe Road,
n:~.ùill& southerly CD the westerl:' side of Wolfe !Wad from said
FrN>laJ' on the east..dy side of \l"Ue Road to Vallco Park Way.
IL-:""","ecded for apprøval.
Taken ...:: :~< Agenda earlier in the evening.
~ 0' TIii .~.."c;,:: :9, 1974 IEœLI& CITY COL'Xl!. ~.i::!ISC
.p'·ti~ ~ 3.u:.ara lDaere. -~1nued to tho! ead of the
'a. .'
ø:. 'Staff repor. m ~id wed ~ t
. c:harges.
t.) 1e801~~ So. 3723: -" - ·-ton of t!>.! City Council
of tœ ~: ~f Cupert1Dø ~1ug for Lie:! Assessments
aDd f~ ::... Collect1ola. oE S- &esultin¡ free the Abate-
aent 1>= !'r:ic Nuisauces.-
a. ... by C~UD~. :=~,., sec:oDded by c-øc. Meyers to .!dopt
~1ation 37:3.
Kotfoa carried, 5-0
.Li. Ez:ac:tment :: :~.: :..:::::ce No. 5;2: "c Ordina:--...'r ~- ~ ::~ t:H.y of
Cw;>ercin.- ;'-0,' .=; Ordiruln.::e 002(a) , Revis.." ¿:,' :>::di:ta:1ce
002(,,-1) ¿::. :-:::';·~.:ing A::e~": ~Iatiu:,s ::: ::coeJa:cs
1:: t"e ~1.1:,,:, ,: A:!ending t":e ~ral Plan. .;::.:::,,~ tho>
%ø:¡ing e:-::::cc'" ,"'O~~lng :;,. Cf!icial z..'n!.:; '::;,~. :roc"dar"..
1:: the !'...:::: :' '::::.iitior.a:' L~ !,"=its and ':~. .,;¡,,,,,."
read by t:·,¡ :~',::: ':ity CIeri:.
!bY. by Cou!:;. :''''':-'. "econd~ ~ c:o.:nc.. ~¡elli5 ..
~ e:acttlert :.: .::.:. -=--~::~e nœ~~:- 6~.2 to S"ptet"'lb~: _.
.: ':~tinue
:;;- .+.
!Iotl= c:&rr1ed. 5-('
:.s. SecoDd rN;,-~ :: :'rdlnanc:e So. 641: "All Or¿::'.c .-f the City
fIÍ Curert::>.: ',',-; :ng Sect 10: .: :::f Ordinanc<, ~;:. .: :-y !!ez":tfn" I
.l.pJ:rOxi::.a:L' - '-'as frOC!l Rl-10 <....idential. ;;:::~:e-Fal!1iIv. "
1?OOO $" ;" ,':!t.'Clling ;:n~::: ~ne to RI--.: ,,"csider.Ual.
SÚlgle-F.1=:,' . .:;~ Sq. 't. ir.- DYellinl Uni:' ::::~; Locate":
U the I.'eò: ,:~, :ë=:1nus of SOU Drive and Ea",~=',y 3n:!
"'terl)·.:: ~-..,;. :"'¡:s.e. a Pr::'.,.at.e S~reet.1I -- t'i"à.":' ~y the
-.eputy r.~:, __::'.
.... ~ Coun.::, :":",.':>. sec:ondec! 1>y Cotmc. FroU,;" " have
~. e r.w:'.: =-. :......: by tir:'e Ct2ly. and the De;":y City Clerk'
rw.Ibt& shall :"3:,'~:e tbe .«oD<! rea:!ing.
Øot1.x1 ~rried, 5-0
rage 13
?age l4
KIRU'IES CF nŒ .\lJGUST Ie;. 1974 1Œc:tJLAR crT, cot~CIL MEETI~G
J!øyed by Coonc:. Jar.Îtson, 8ecooded by Counc. 1Iellis to enac:t
ordinance :auaber 64l.
JlDcion carried, 4-1
CouDc. Heyers voted No
20. Seéond readinl of Ord1naøce Jfo. 644: "An Ordinanc:e of the City or
'Cupertino Mending Ordinance 110. 533 and 533 (b) Reaulat1n& Stoppinr;,
Standiaa or Parking on Public: Streets, and Providinl for Sians IIoti-
fyinl the Public Thereof, and Further Providing for Penalties for
Violation Thereof." -- read by the Deputy City Clerk.
!loved by Counc:. Jackson. seconded by Counc. Frol1ch to have ordiDanc:e
nu:aber 644 read by title only, aM the Deputy Citl Cluk's reaclin¡ sball
c:onstitute the second re.Iding.
Motion carried, SOOO
!loved by c~~~c. ~eyers, seconded by Counc. ~ellis t~ enact ordinance
number 6 ~ ~ .
Motion c&r~icG. 5-0
21. SecctY- r£a~tng of Ordinar.ce ~;o. 54>: "An Ordinance of t~e City ..,f
Cupeni!l<' ""'"nding Section ~ o! Ord;'na".:e x~. 2 by Prezc.r.injl: Approx-
imately .1> Acre from Santa Clar.. C"..nlY ~:L (Li¡;ht Industrial) Zone
to C;'ty of CUFertino ML (Light Indu5~riJl) 7.on,,; Locatéd at ]0230
1IIIperi21 Avenue in Monta Vl~ra." -- <.,,,<1 by th" D"putl Ciry Clerk.
Jtoved b~ C~U:1C:. ~[t:yers, seconded b~· Coun·... X~111s to h3ve .Jrdir.ance nunb(!r
64S re.l.! !>~. ritle ønly and t!.e Deput) City Clerk's re".3¡"-& shall cor.stltut"
the aec:oud re3d Ing.
Motion ca~r¡cd. >-0
!loved by Cour.c. S..nh, sec:onded by Counc. ~e::crs to enact ordinance
_ber €H5.
Motion c:arrled. 5-0
22. Second reading of Ordinaoc:e ~o. 646: "A.\ Ordir.ance of t~.. City of
Cupertin~ Amending Sec:tion 1 of Ord¡n~,ce So. 2 by Rezoning Ap?rox-
t.ately 1.G4 Acres froa Rl-lO (Res1J"~lial, Single-Family. ]0,000
Sq. 't. Pe~ Dvellin& Unit) Zone to RJ-:.~ (Re31~ent!al, S1nø]&-F~mily,
7,500 Sq. Fr. Pe.. Dwelling Unit) Zon..; !.o<,,,red on the Norrh Side of
1Io1l1nge~ Road Between CUfden and Martin"r.'cd W3Y." - read by the
Dc:yaty City Cle~k.
..,ed by Couuc:. !lcllb, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to have
OKdiaaDc:e 646 read by title only and the Deputy City Clerk'. r"'-
_ aha11 coutitute the secOIIII reading.
!i)t1on carried. s-o
lIIII'red by Counc. BelUs, secODCled by Co1mc. JacbOll to _c
OKdiaaDc:e IhØlber 646.
Motion c:arried, s-o
23. SecoDd reading of Ordinanc:e No. 647: "An Or41aanc:e of the
City of CupertillO kIIendin¡ Section 1 of OrdlnaDCe 110. 2 by
Kezonln¡ 4.96 A:res fr~ .1-1CAC (a.sldentlal,
Slngle-Fa=ily. 10,000 Sq. Ft. fer ~.~llin~ Unit) ~De to
at-7.S lR~sidentlal. Slngle-F'-"ily, 7,300 S~. Ft. Per Dvellin~
Unit) Zo~e: Located at the Sorth~a5t C~rner of thé Intersectl
of Orange Avenue and ~'.cClell~n Ro;:d." - rpJW by the D.puty
City Cl~ri<..
Moved by Ceu~c. Jackson, seconded by Counc. ~eypr~ to Þ~ve
~rdlnancc nu=ò€: 6~7 read òy ~itle only and the De?Uly City Clerk·
re~u~iug sl";di: itute th~ seccnl reading.
Kotion cerried, 5-0
!bYe.! by C~u"e. ~!eyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to "nact
ordinance n~:er 647.
Motion carried, 5-0
24. Second reading of Ordinance Nn. 648: "An Ordinance of the
City of Curertino Amendl~ Section 1 of Ordinance So. 2 by
Ke~nir~ Aprtoxl.~tely 5.] A:res fr~ CC (Ce~eral C~mz"rci.!)
to P (Pl&~neJ Developoent with RccreationdI/Entertai~cn~
aDd aelated Co:&er:ial Intent); Lecated at the Southeqst
CornIPr .>1 the Intersect ion of IIo:::este...d and Stelling Rnads."
-- rIPad by the Deputy r.ity Clerk.
Jløved by Coone. Nellis, seconded by ComIC. Jackson tc have
ordinance nuober 648 r~4d by titl~ only and the Deputy City Clerk'
readlnl shall constitute the second reading.
Mot10r. carried, 5-0
Jløved by Coune. KelUs. ~onded by Counc:. !roUch to enact
ordwnce nu&bt: r 648.
Motion carriP.d, s-c
Page 15
I'''C- l'
If::"l':~$ Ot' Tlil: AtJCUST 19, 1974 II.EC:'i..lR CITY COl~CIL ":!:f.TI~G
2~. S":":-1 rc.:ad1nl of OI'tllaaJlCe 10. 6<09: "An Ckdln,'I{"c of tt", CHy of
c,.~~rt 1<'10:: A'\Iend!. ~1naøc:e !en. 492 Rp;"¡a~ing the Operation,
1e;;!.tr:U"D, Llc....lac, I'IIrch.1sinr. lDd S..llinR of BtC:1Cl~s Within
tM :it1 01 CupøtiDD.- - read by the Deputy City Clerk.
1IDv"li :':W- Counc:. NaJera. secOOlted by Cour.c:. Jacksøn to t:3ve ordiMnc:e
~b<, ~~j re~d by title only and the Dcputy City Clerk's readin~
shall c:~.~~tut3 the ~ reading.
Motion carrl~. 5-0
~I"V"p' '.. ':~.'.J:2C'. Mc:t'"".. aeconded by CC~1nc. Frolich ~o £''!'.~-=:. ordinancp-
r.un~ t;~: :.
!'.otton carr!('(\, 5-0
C¡'~~7" : ry£ t.:.e ~1t)- ~.rtnc"'!t;rr. :.: '.'=-,~ 7'~c\.·cd h~· :";'.':\c. ~;'c~~~~'r)
:~""'-.:__ .: ':1..'\;.:.:... Fr.,:¡ch t~ ptl:: tL.... (":nst!~'t Cdl(:~::.1.. c.:: t.;.':£.f .\i;~r..i~:","
. ¡'~.'I..'
Hot i"n ('.-'rl ÍL.! t 5··1)
~"", '
i'('~ c.
.. .-
''':~-:'C'. Fr~l':'c~. s~co!1dl?d by C('~r.c. J~c~.~-::" t:)
~~~sion a:. ll:~~ P.x.
;}~~::-~1·!". ~o ~.
Motion carried, 5-0
The rec. :C~ re,::o:1Ve"cl i:1 aD open 5I"So:0:\ at 11 :4£ P.~:.
'kn·t>,; ::: r :..l:l~. Frollc~.. s~conded b~· C~"":1r!.~. J3cksc.n tc: p,,~:'?o:1e
co:,,:O;.~1.:'::':''':1 ,-f :~s. Kog,e:-s' resi¡;nativn.
Hotion ~arried. 5-0
t:O\i~~ '>y ("anc. :.olicn, sec:ondeù l-y C"une. Jackson to adjc".:\ the ~,~ot :'"
at ll::~ ?Yo. to Tucsd3y, Septl'<Uber :¡. 1974 at 7:30 p,:':. ~" li:c Counc~;
Chz!:.~~':" ..
Motion carried, s-o
-' 5/._ '!"ej~.3>3r]<~_.__
:o!a~."'r. ""!l\.· -. Cll....-rt.l~(,
A1Î~~T ..
"..". ('~.r;"
. + -- + .---