CC 09-03-74 , , CITY OF CUPEKrmO, stArE OP CALIFOR1'iIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino. California 95014 Telephone:, 252-4505 KlHUTES OF TIlE REGULAR MErrIHC OF '!!Œ cm COOlen. lIEU) 011 SEPTEHBEIl 3. 1974. IR THE COUlfCIL CBA.'lBD, em BALL UlrdtIRO, CALUœNIA SALUtE. TO THE PLAG Hayor Sparks called the _eting to order at 7 :35 P.K. with the Salute to the nag. !lOLL CALL Counc. present: 'rolich, Jac:kson, Keyers~ Nellis (7:55), Mayor Sparks Coune. absent: ~one Staff present: City Y~nager Quinlan Director of Adoinistrative Services Ryder Director of Planning and Developoent Sisk Assistant City Attorney Kilian Ass~stant City Engineer ~itten Upon request of t~e Assistant City Attorney, it ~~s :~.ed by Counc. Jackson, secc~~e¿ by Counc:. Meyers to adjourn to an executive session at 7:40 P.~. for the purpose of discus~lng litigation filed against the City. Motior. c:arried, 4-0 The aeeting reccnvened in open session at 7:45 P.M. since Counc. Xellis ~as ~t yet present. KlNUl'ES OF PREVIOCS ~i:TL"G 1. Minutes of Re~lar ~et1ng of August 19, 1974, not available at this t 1.~. Cœt!I1:SI CATlO:;S . 2. There were r.one. CC-227 Page 1 .. r, , , . ~ þz~ ... 13::5. 1329 ccepted . :~is . put ~ ::>ext a..... u. '06 aDc:tt01Md I t t , I mITES OF SEPTEMBEIl 3, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEE'!ING IC 1JR'.I1fG' . . Public: 1Ieariøl to cOIUIidu the proposed Amendaent to Sip OrdinaDc:e 110. 353. ,lann1n& Director .tated that the Sign Review CoIIDitt_ vill be etin¡ in Sept..œr. Be tha save . revi_ of the proposed revisions o Sections 5.Ul. 5.112. 7.0210 and 7.0211. 'lanninl Co_iss1on 8Olutiona Ro. 1328 eD4 1329 state their vi_s, and Architectural and ite Approval CoIaitt_ "'olutians no. 405 and 406 live theirs. . yor Sparks asked for c_ts fro. the audienc:e. ber of eo--~ce President Prank Mulkern stated that the Challlber pposes _y tnteriD chaDaes to the Sign Ordinanc:e. They are in favor f the 9-"er subc:_ittee. He asked that the City Council reJec:t this proposed a=enclaent and refer it to the subcommittee for their immediate revi_ and rec:oœundation. . ved by Couoc:. Jac:kson, sec:onded by Counc. 'rolich to close the public hearinl. Motion carried, 4-0 DVed by Coone. hLyers, sec:onded by Counc. Jacks.Jn to acce;:: the concept as shown in Planning ~ission Resolutions No. 1328 a~ 13:9 3~d that the matter be plac:ed on the agenda for the next regular :ee:ing. ~tion carried, 5-0 ved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc:. Jackson that t!-,e C~ty Counc:il sanctions Resolution So. 406 for sign guidelines for th~ A:c~ótectural ad Site Approval Cocaittee. Motion c:srried, 5-0 pon request of the As.ista.~t City Attorney, it was r.oved òy Cê~~C. Jackson, ec:on.ied by Counc. !!eyers to adjourn to an executive sessi~" "t a P.M. for the purpoae of discus.ing litigation filed against the City. Møtion carried, 5-0 he aeeting rec:anvened i~ open session at 8,50 F.M. , , 1!1JIUTt;S OF S~ER J, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEErL~G AP1'LlCAtlO~ 4. 'l.onnfnc Coaaisø10D c.> A¡>plication 2G-m-74 of Hayc:o Construc:tion. Inc.: Tentative Map to ...wivide 3.64 acres into 26 sinale- f;mil)' lots vith _ lot to be held in C:OIIIIIIOD ownership. Sail! property is located adjac:ent to aDd weaterly of Fine: . Avr.me betwe'ln Calle de BarC:elona and Greenwood Drive. Rec:OICIIIended for appr_al. The Planning Direc:tor an~ed Counc. Jac:kson that the private street has ~ee:1 widened _gb to acc:ollllllDdate some on-street parkinl' ~ed by c~::~. ~yers, secO<>ded by Counc:. 'roUc:h to approve applicatio~ ::-:M-74 with the ccnditions enumerated in Planning Comcissio~ ~.~lution No. l337. Mot ion carr ied. 5-0 C~unc. Meye:. expressed the bcpe that every consideration be given to the exi.::~~ trees. 5. Archite=:::ral and Site Ap;:rcval Co=ittee (a) A,,::zation HC-Sl.25;.8 of Edwin J. ~yers (Portal Plaza Sh:,;i~g Center) re,~esting approval of a la'~scaping pIa f~r ?~se I of the :ødific:ation to thL existing shopping ce~:er located at t:& northeast corner of Portal Avenue a=~ ;;:evens Creek 3lvd. RecOCC1eudcd for approval. '~e Plann:~; ~irector ans~ere¿ YAyor Sparks that the condition of 15-ga::o: size trees vas specified because the plan has n~t be ~?graded t: reflect this. Ee answered Cour.c. Frolich that the :Dunding ,< :: ~e 2 feet hi~. Counc. Frolioh noted that if the parking 10: :. screened too t~=rDughly froe Stevens Cree~ Slvd.. this will o:<~te a policing iroble~. He requested arranse~ents to ~ aade for "-':eone froo tèe Sheriff's DeFartnent to go to an a-Control reeting to explain their point of view. Y~ved by c:_==. ~yers, sec:o--ded oy Counc. Jackson to approve appl¡cati:~ :~-51,259.8 in ~cordance with H-Control Rc:s~luti~n So. 440. Motion carried. 5-0 CC-227 Page J 20-TM-74 approved w¡c:onditions HC-Sl,259.8 approved , ~ :..-':':7 ! A&e 4 OF Sr.:-. :.".3ER. 3, 19710 CIT't' COUNCIL :'ŒEn:;C a.> AP?liution HC-.51.075.40 of Vallco Park, Ltd., rèquestiDl!; al"""w of site, lØda1£ec:tlae. conceptual landscap1DS and Ira4iII& for the ,,..11_ ~k legional Shopping Center loc:at" _~her1y of .. adjacent to Freeway Route 280 at its ~ersec:ti_ vUIa .1fe Road, extending southerly on tbs _erly .ide of .lfe Road froe said Freewa~ to Stevens CreK Shll. .nd.xr ·4~ southerly from said Fr_y on the easterly side of .Ue Road to Vallco Park Way. ... ~ed for .'1'£__1. ¡ AsatstUlt City Attorney 8IIYt.sed that it was within the disc:retion die City Camcu to act upoa this application with the condition it shall ~ based upon application 6-U-73 being a valid Use Permit. o Park '. l.ttorney Robert Tbasp.on stated he had no objection to condition ,"posed by the ....s1.tart City Attorney. Assistant City Attorney far~her stated that this is a ape~ial ident and 5~'Uld not be c:onstdered as setti:l~ a precedent. consensus :: the City Couøcil vas to prcceed with the matter at hand. Plannfes ~:=ector said th15 appHcation in\'olved the conce;ltual scaping. i=£~:ng. siee and a~cLitec:ture cf the entire center with excepti:~ :: the Penney store. It was t~e er.tire site plan, grading ,,:£:: ::r the east ~ west sid". ,,! :'¡olfe R"ae!, and the s:>nry w:\J' ,o. :;,,, ','est side. R"solution ~ 3~ concerns the scuc'¡ ".all; f 3! conccr::.i :-:':::.:k5 locatia=. and ~;.(terl"r: :-..1terlals i l.!.l 1s the ~nt t: :~~ s~cr.j ~~ll; ~ ~~2 is r:c~~:¿:~g the a~~~itec:~r~ for remain¿~r :: :~e sit~. t~ :':'!:ce?tual des:;n for the eas~ side.. . Walter ~3:~. 7allco Park ~eral ~nager. said they have ~.d five ings ~i::' :-C:::r~l on t~is r~tter. -cl1itect Ra:;~ =:.tterfield. of _urster Ber"..rJi and t>:-.:ns, =evic:·...ed ~ issues :~.£: ~..:e up dur~1 t:,e process c: the ¡¡-Contr"l !1ear1:tgs the chat!f. ~de, Cne 1sr~e ~s àow to distribute the ~arki~~ ilferential .of :0: in order := ?rovide adJit::nal 12ndsca?~~g. It Decessary :; !e~elop a ra~~ of coapact ~ar ~nd sCdnd4~d ca~ ?arking s;ac:es. Gr..~~~ ~s another is$ue. ~hey firs. profoseJ a ~alanc~d ê. and fill :~r..ti"n. The ~: slope was :.1: :: be ex~èssive 5: it lowere..! t; 3:. The general design of t!:~ shops will ::e rO"_ r:"~file. ~1n& ~~:~=~:s ~~ll be var: tone con~r~ta. a soffett ~f S~:: resa~n e4w0od all :~e 'aay around, te~ra cotta bric~ .."d a sclór b~,,_~ ~ndo~ _.~_ that ..-::: :ffer a scale to the cent"r r.:t n"rT".all': .offe::-ed in ñ'1ng cC:Uts. The scale -«el showed he'.' ::'.e Idndows are articul..ted the c.:>l=s. Ti\er£ is . ::ajor event ,1t :,,, ::lair. entty a:>d at the ~uctic= .o: :=e oall at Sears. The pr"ó:sèe! ranthouse on the Penneys _f bas bee: =....,ved. , , KINtn'ES 0' SEPTE.'!BER 3, 1974 CITY C01JXCIL HEEl'ING Hr. Tho:'!as Branch, of Welton Becket , Associates, reviewed the tvo-atory Bullocks buildinl, with its north entranc:e, _tbveat _trance and two entrances frOlll the mall. There will ba _ vooð trutMDt of exterior c:edar and warm tone c:oncrete. Thue viii be br1c:1t pav1ng. . Laadsc:ape Architect Mic:hael Painter, of ~. Painter and AIIsoctates, ssU their conceptual landscaping dIscussion was regarding quantit and proper placement. It vas noted that l8% of the total site area ts landscaping, or 251: of the side is landsc:apiol when you deduc:t the building footprints. This means there will be 8.3 acres of oo-site landscaping and a total of 10 acres when you c:oun the row of red."Ood trees along tbe freeway, whic:h will help screen the parking lots fr~ the freeway. The parking lots will be brok up with t,,~llised, landscapEd pathways to carry the people fro::a the parki~~ lots to the buildings. Mr. Painter demonstrated how, with th" u,,, oi berms, shru~s and grðund cover, the parking lots will be s~ielded. Se~rs ~a~ discussed in detail. Final land~c3pe plans ~il: i~,lude additio~~I perineter Iandscapi~f at Sears. ~yor S?a"~, a5~~d about the bike paths. they will ;~ ,. wide, with landscaping ~n expected :~at the overc=ossi~& will be dt :-Ir. Butterfield both sides. It Tantau. said !..s Counc. Fr::i,~ vonde"ed ii ~e will háve ?clicing prob!~s with all the ",:,,:>Ji,,~ and dense s~,.ubbery. ~!r. Butterfichl said there .ill b~ i~:e=r.31 security patrols. ~r. Blltt"r::,,::! answered Ccc,",c. Jackson that the air conditlonlnst units will 0" placed on the IBA. Coune. Ja,~...'n ""uld prefer to stay with the 9.S' wide ,arkin, stalls. ~. Painter said t~t in other areas the stalls are 8.3 t 8.6. S~rs' stalls are 9' ~ide. After furt:'.r discussion, it was mov..d ¡,~. C"unc. Frolich, secor-d..d by Coun,. '!"y,'rs [0 adopt I;-<:"ntrol R,',duticns Xo. 437, 435, 4~1 and 44:! ·..·::t:-. tt.~ ~roviso t:-~t Conditj~;: ¡I) .:of Resoìutlun 4t42 b~ codifit:'d t.... .1Jt:h'_>rize 9' 6ft -..:ide par:"i!1',,: st.1.11s and Cor all the wording 3í:~r 11.,.25% cCr.:1?act cars" to !'1¿ slric'<.cn. Furtheor. this arrr"val is made conditional upon th~ ~alldity of use pe~it 6-U-73. Motion carried, s-o , CC-227 Pale 5 :!C-SI.07S.40 ari'rC"vc-d wi cond it ions . , ~ 11:'1.'1:£3 O? S~:;:::JI:;R 3, 19:',. C!rï Cù~::¡;i:..:;:r¡:;G .'" INA1ICES . Seccad le3dinS of Ord1øal1c:e Ko. 651: "An Ordlr.anc:e of t1-.e City of Cupertino A::IeDdwS Section 1 of OrdiMnco ~:o. 2 by Rezo!\wtr .93 Acre fr~ CG (General Co=nercial) to P (Pi3~red D~:elo~ent with CoIcercial Intent) Zone; Located at 10215 South Szratoga-S..:tn}-.ale Road." - read by the City Clerk. 'ed by Counc. Jac:kson, seconded by Cou:,:c. Frolic:h to have Ordir.anc:e So. Hl read by title only, and the Clerk's reading shall constitute ~,:'e Second Readina. ~þtion carried, 5-0 ¡loved by Counc:. ~eyers. seconded by Counc. Jackson to enac:t Ordinance ~o. 65l. , MotIon c~rried. 5-0 7. En.::ct~~nt ,,! Ord1r.:anc~ ~:o. 652: "¡\rt Or¿i~.J.nce cof th¿ City ot Cu;-.~rt:::.:' ~~;>e31ing C:::'~;:-."'::1ce 002('d, ~e\"i~:~¿ c".r:.-: 0r¿jï.:J;,"~cc Cf\':~i::-l) .:r:d l:::.::-c-..i:;.=inZ I;'--::ê~~e':' ~t.;;ul.;t!,,):'.;;: :.::- ¡'J.~,,:c~{:UL·..:5 1:1 ~!I(: ~~.tI,.L .:--; uf A.;":;'~~.l:;:£ the GC:1c:-a: i'lan,. ,\.-:~n:~:;":ç; ::tt.! ZC~!.;.~ Or='i:1.1õ1C~. :\-:onJfng the C::i'::'..11 Zoni:1:; ::a.?, ?ro\:t:d~Jr(,F if', t:~e :~.:.~r;.~(;: :: C<)h·.::~i:::ll Use r~:-:::'ts :-!l1d V.:lr,:a~~e>:;." - (cð:¡ti~'j.:''': Îre:-. :-L..;tir.~ of Au"n~t :9. l?i4) There \:~r¿ ,;uê5tions raisE-! on ~a~~s 3, 5, 5-. a, 9, 10, :.", 1:; :.::d L.~. Counc.. J.",,::·::::ù:1 f~lt tLII! .a.;:;:ë.11 ti:-·.~ {;a~ '·~r:: ~hcr~. .1:t.-'( fO:"~¡~Cl· discus:"' J.O:~, :': ~,'":lS the c~::_.;cr.~us· t:--.·:1t t::~5 ~:1c.t:.L~ ~.,; :-:;: t:-è :;'..'; ,.':~'!."'1 for the r.~~:L~S on Septe~~ar 16, 1974. l~OUR:~'::~"I :-rov~d ~1· Cc~.:. ~~eycr9. sš!cc·~(~,,:,.i ~y C"''..:.~'=. F:'\J~t..::, t.c '::':~':~l~ t:'!.j :-:eetln:; 3: 100:.30 :'.:¡. to 1:30 ~.~:. 'S,,;~ :-,,:::.. 1~i··.. ~··"t!I.":: C~":.:"".í:-_. 5-0 APPROVC>: AnEST: /.1 R,,_cd Soark. Mayer, ~ity of Cup~rtino /s/ WIs. E. City Clerk ;!?der