CC 09-16-74 "'1~:<;~J('t:~C ,"'.' "/ ' , ' "1' "", "', e e CITY (Jf crnnL'o, STArE '" CAt.lfORNIA ,;: '; 10300 rom AftDUe. eu......u..o. California 93011. "~;;cÏ~;Telepbœe; 2S2-4S0S '.~~~ '-" , CC-230 Pale 1 , ,J'"p:; .,.~ " ".' '~;':";""':'" ,;__~:, L;)': , ,', C- ~ ".~--^;";' ...." r,.· , ~...... ~&M ,~,.,:,:" '\"l'o'~'" ,0, , ;m COURCIL c:à; .' , 'i(;;" 'JWi,? ,," '~'i~ ", "'~,".;' ,.... .........IA',':~~~ .·;/.:1'~·;.~,~~'.;r ,::',' >,'.',~. ",-; ~..... ",." e¿,"."" '".; ." ";:,:",,,";> " ¥' ~. ~'~ ';i~~'~fi: 'f ,',i.' P .H. by HaJor Sparks vith PJ)IJ. CAlJ. Counc:. p:-n~t: Counc. a!- $è.r..: : 'roUch, .Jackson, Keyers, !lellis. Hayor Spark Ii None Staff prese:1t: City Kanaier Quinlan Directo~ of Adðinistrative Services Ryder Director of Plannin~ and D~v£l~pment Sisk Assi3tant City Attorney Kilian Director of Public ~ork~ Vi.kovich Direc:tor of Parks and Rpc(~ation Butler HIN'JTES ~, ??.£VIOUS i-æEl'L'OC 1. App~~~~: ~f Minutes of reau1ar Meeting of August 19, 1974. P36~ 2, :~~:d paragraph: Strike the first sentence. The second £entence .:...."'1.1 read: "Counc. Nell is asked the As9ilOtant City At~orney ~: t~P. Council vas aisleading to the public at the time of the r"':~;':1~." The sentence start in!; on the fourth line fre'lIl the bottC':1 .;: :'3Iagraph ~ sóould read: "C"ur.e. Nellis saW it '.Ias t.",.. u~d"~$~ .xing that at use: permit stag". net zonin!; tl",." was ~h~:t [hi." :.:.!~'" decision vas ~o be made. Pa&c 2, :i::~ ~ragra?Þ: ~crike the fi~st sentence. The 6econd ..~nter.c.. s!>......ld read: 'The Assi6tanl City ;.It<'rncy said the %ou!nr. .'\3 ~!::,¡> ..Juption of .. general pIa" ,ue legislative acts." fage 3, '-l:,;r.l",1t 3, thit~ line: Add ti,e words "any of" between "1mpos~;' &.~ '"the condltl.afts". ra~e J, Eft!l paragraph; first line should r"ad: "Attorney Ja:lles Sccvard t l¡: "~st !:t. John..:;.an Jose, said hè docs not concur totally vi:~ . . . . . . .... Pago 3. ~~.::~ t>.lragt'aph IrC1a tbebc,ttCf'_.. ~':¡';,ì:.-.l line: Delet-= the ~"Ord ns~·...in~1I and rt:'pL:.ce with "clw.)s in~"! arttOng". I .:f.,' It:-' .~. \ Ja~k 10 The Box on 10/7 agenda J . i , , KUIUTES OF TIlE sM'Í£zGn l6, 1974 CITY COUBCIL JŒEIØG Page 4, sec:0D4 ~.ph, fir.t line: worel "would". IDMrt.., tile' word "not" after tbe ~ :,;.1:" " . ,. .'A·J,·. ' Moved by CouIIè .,1.elr-, seconded by Coàiì:. ..,.. co Hinutea of Aupac 19. 1974 .. correct_.; J' c'"" Motion cUrW~ ~ approve the COI1KIINlCATIORS 2. Tbe City Clerk acknowledged the Septeøaber 12, 1974 letter of appeal from Foodmaker, Inc., regarding the Jack 10 The Box use permit. Moved by CooDc. HelUs, seconded by ComIC. Jac:kson to put the Jsc:k In The Box appe4l on the October 7, 1974 agenda. Motion carried, s-o 3. 0,a1 (~) ~. Jerry Puetz read the letter submitted to the Council in regard ta t".e American Youth SOLc_r Qrgan tzation, ap,p.31ing f .....c sponsors and asking that the 9-i.aek of Scpt~~tl>er 15ch ~c proclz.bed A:..e'!'ican Youth Soccer ~eek. He Jntroduced ~~nagars of the Sün Jose Earthquakes ~~ were present in th~ ,,"dience, as well as p2op1c connected with the AYSO. Hovt.:'d by Coune. !ieyers, second~d by Coune. Jackson to r¿~o\"e il~:" '5 _ r,:';-,: l ~':.~ CC'ltlSenc Ca lendar and to adopt a ReS01'lti~!\ pr0C l.aim:':'n~ the ,..""k ~f SCÍ'temher 15, 1974 as American "louth Soccer OrganLzation \:eek. ~otion carr P1, S-O "'r. Dona\·1n Dressler. 11289 Terra !Sella, Cupert il~O, staL~.:! ne j:3 st ill try ing to get the name S3r:Jtoga-S1Jnr,~"¡ale Road changed. ::ounr.. rro! ieh rep"rted è.is d is<:II'''' iO:1" "it, ~",..bers of the Saratoga and Sunnyvale Cit.y Co~n=ils aù"ut thi;; M:tttcr. It '.fas d~~iè.cl! that a. conmittee c,o-npr1se¿ of th,,~ Cit.v ~·."\:1:1get'S and o~e C->uncilr.ai\n From the jUl'isdlc:tions :'_nv()l',¡~d wO'.Jl(¡ bold él. mreti!:õ£ [0 Si~C i~ ti1ey could CÙ~~ to scm¿ ;¡~~rccmcl1t. If not. Clli'"rtino might p::occr>J on its own. " I ., (~, . .i , I I ',¡ ~j 1'.: f.! t: ¡ " '0 , ~I .," ,!,I ¡ , .\ Counc. F::,olich sug¡;"st"J tl1is I'\.'ltter ¡,,, tiLoJ 1n \lith the L976 i1ic..antcnni:11. r,.'t' Inst...l:1':~' if the f13r.~ D~ An.?::t l:.lvd. is chosen it \.'culd ~avz extra '3i~ni f ic.1~ce 'u!ll!!n th~ F.n("11"Ipm!.'.nt mo"!/cs dO'ID t\)·.....ard C~·?r.rt ino fr,-r.- ~:lratf)~ti.. ~. e MINUTES OJ!' THE SEPTœm 16, '1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETIKG Hr. Dressler was oppOSed to this matter being sent to another cODIIIittee because he fee],s it vill only result in stalling the issue again. Counc:. Xellia DOted that there are four c:ities involved here and feèls the matter should be handled expeditiously since there are 80 _y othe'r vital matters to be resolved. She was in favor of a letter being written, outUning Cupertino's thoughts on the lllatter. It was the consensus of the Counc:il that the City of Cupertino would be willing to go ahead and chan@e the name of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road within this City's Umits whether or not the other jurisdictions KO along with it, recognizing the fact that it might c:reate some problems. PUBLIC IIEA.'lING5 4. Application 24-Z-74 of Robert G. Herrick; 'lezon;np: 0.22 acre from ~-2.2 (Residential, MUltiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per dwellin~ unit) to BQ (Quasi-Public Buildin~). Said property is localcd at 10346 Alpine Drive, adjacent to and easterly of Alpine·Driv( and Foothill Blvd. Reco~ended for dcnial. The Planning Director stated he'd receivcd a telcpi,one call frC'''' the applicant asking that this applicatIon he dro?ped since there was opposition from his neighbors, 50 movcd " y Cout,e. Ja.,kson, seconded by Counc. Frolich. Motion carried, 5-0 5. Application 26-Z-74 of Edwin J. ~Iyet!' (Bethel Lutheran Church) 1 Rezoning 2.8 acres from FI-IO (Residential, sin;le-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per è"ellin~ unit) to BQ (quasi-Pu¡'lic !\ui;¡lia> . Said propcrty is located at thc southllcst corner of the inter- section of ~inch and Sorenson Avenues. 'lp.comncndcd for approval. Since there wcre no cOll'lllents from the audience, it was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc, ~e~lls to close the public hearing. Motlc~ carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Coone. Jackson to approvc application 26-Z-14. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-230 Page 3 Co_ittee to be formed for changing øaIIIe o~ S-SV RO;ld. 24-7.- i 4 dTO!)p.;~1 26-7.-74 approved ¡ PCRes.l336 pproved . .,.........--.......;;..,..-., . - ,RUTES' OF TII! IittflJllD. 16, 1974 CITY COUNCIL JlEl'lIIIG , <a> Firat 1ø41ø¡ of Ordinance No. 655: ' "An Ordjn....... of the " City of Capartiøo Aeea.ding Section 1, of ODiiøaDCe 10. 2 by luoniDg ApprœdJlately 2.8, Acres froa n-l0 (R.esideøtial, S1ngle-l'_Uy, 10.000 Sq. Pt. Per Dwelling VDit)Zo_ to BQ (quasi-Public: Bailclt.nl) Zone; Loc:ated at 'the s-ébwst Corner of the Intersec:tion of Pinc:h and Sor_n Aveøues." - read by the City Clerk. ç ved by Counc:. .Jackson", HC:onded by Coun.::. ~elUs to haYa Ordinal1Co . 6SS read by title only, and the Clerk's readt.ng shall c:onstitute he lint Read1n&.' ~.otion carried, S-o 6. Public Hearing to c:onsider an amendMent to the 1973 Core Area Plan relative to the northwest quadrant of Stelling PQad and Stevens Creek Blvd. h~ Plaqning Direc:tor stated that in the Planninr Co~ission's deliherations n this yrcperty it was decided to give it a la~ use desi~nation of resid~ntial with 12 to 16 dvellin~ units per gross acre. This ~rQ?o~al L5 tQ rezone it to residential/recreational uith incident3l commercial a~tivit ie", sul-j"ct to policy st:\l('rnenl Get fort!! en Exhii>it A-I of It.~3~lut ion No. ~336. The applicani: l~ nuw proposih~ to retain 6±. .zcres at ~hc re.1'::' fer :1 residential de\'C!ûrM~nt a:1d the ba.i.a!!.:~ of tÞC! front ,¡portiO,. °Jo:Jld c~ntai~ a pri~..-ate tcouLs club Hlth 21) te!!c.is CI')1J1-tS, an Olyr:pir. -size svi=in¡; pool, pro S~IO:)s, rest3t:rant fac ¡ lHy aoo in,\oor f.).l'dba 1 \ court. he A,sist3nt City Attorney qnswercd Coun~" Nrllis that the restri~tton to 3 ~enJrncnts to the Ge~er~l P133 per year, ia his opinion, refer~ed Ito ¡ a~cr.L!mcnts f"r 3 gi"J'I!n pi2Ct! (1f pt"0p<,':."ty £00 dces n()t apr>l:' to the Cit)' 3G a ",mole" " ICou~c. Nclli~ <1sked about the t!'i!ffi.c ~cl\eratic.n €valu.a.tioa for this ·pc,,"pc::J31. The Direc:'o~ uf ?ubl!c ~lot"ks sté!.te-.1 that ti.io; pr'Jp:Jsal would senerata a 'tIUch lower a:"'ICu:tt. of traffic t1,aR the or!.g!na! tlcsiRnatioa W"L:.lt' have done. ~byor Sparks asked for co",,"ents rrolO the ":udience. T1-,e.e "'ere nonc. ~Oy~.d by Counc. Nellis, se"ondrù by Ct'lIlI~" Jnckscn to dose the Public Hear ing. ~tot lÜ~l ctì.rried, S-O }!o'/ed by Coune. .Jackson, ~.."':cQndc,l by Counc. Ne 11 15 to a:œ,..;~d th.e 1973 G~neral Pian in :\ccord..nce with \'l.lIminr Conni"sion P.eso lutiol1 1336. Hot ion carr 1ad, 5-0 ...,__......-../-._ "7"",1" ..,:r~..:" ~L~' ~,~" ,'-'-'"',,,.'1 t' 1"':' . ¡'.. e e HINUTES OF THE SEPTEHBEIt 16, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETllIG Al'PLICATIOtIS 7. Planning ctwoi -¡dOlI, ,- ~) Boa. ,';¡':·t: ',-. -.,\ ..' '.,..,," " 8. ' Arc:hitecturAi aÞ4.St.te Approval Committee (a) Application HC-.51,340.l of Al 'irenzi requesting approval of site, uchitect:ure, landsc:aping, grading, lighting and signing for a Drexel Furniture Store located southerly of and adjac:eat: t:o Stevens Creek ,Blvd., approximately 400 fc easterly of the intersec:tion 'of Stevens Cre2Y, Blvd. and Blaney Avenue. Bec:ocaended for approval. Counc:. Nellis was c:onc~ about ~ether the lighting of the sign and the loading doc:!<, :1g!lt bo.her the adjacent neighborhood. Hr. Al Firenzi, 2147 Junipero Serra, Santa Clara, stat~1 that part of the loadin~ doc:~ i& ~eeesscd. There will be h£avy land- scaping between this and the adjacent residential prop~rt7' He sai¿ his operat!n? ~Jrs are beginning at 10 A.V. and they wUI start load in,. sI.:>rtly :hereafter. The furniture wIll b" brou~ht to th:!.s lClc.ation fro.JT", comJ"I'Ierc':'al \varch~uses, a~'~ "Iill be distributed to the purc.~a~e!'s· homes fo:-C'm here. DelivE:.rie$ woul¿ 110 be made early in mor.,i-.:. Coun~. ~~cycrs was CC:1ce::-.:4.ê-G. a\.Jcut the air ccnåitioning units cn the rC'C'f bcin¡: visi!;!;:. 7!>e P1anr.in?; Director s,,'.rl ·,his is CO'1"'"" in o~r $tandard con¿í:i~~5. Counc. Jackson as~e<! ;;.:-out the r.'ieanaer fng sidc\..'al k and th~ landsca:" plans relating to t~e Ci~y's o·.~erall pl::n!; for Stevens ~reek Blvd. The Pl2nnlng Director said th" public sidl!113lk is th" "t2nrlard lO' wid~. The meanrleri~~ side~3lk is on the property and leads to the front door. Hoved by enunc. Frolich, sec.onded by COline. !:pllis to aD?rCT1E' application IiC-5l,3!.O.¡. ~otion carried, )-0 (b) Application EC-51,33~.2 of John A. Schratc (Valley Gr"~n Busln(!~~ Park) rf:çuest i!1p' .:tp!,r('v~l of !;ite, arcLitcctur:>, l::ndRcapin&. gr~i:'ih ~nd 1 ightir.~ for 3r: jn,lustrÎ.11 off h: complex loc:lt.ed :sdj:tC"ent to nod 1\0::.thcrly of Vnllé~: Green Drive apprc::!D:1r~ly )1)')1 ,,:ester!'] of f.¡;,:"atc.~a-SHnj1T'!!ilp. Road. R£c~~~ for approval. CC-230 Page 5 11('-51 .3~',-'" app-r0ve~ CC-230 hge 6 i \ !IIC-Sl,333.2 ,1 ~pprovecf, :¡: i 1(: _j! .2~6.. ':-.t:"()H2'i . . UTES lIF ŒE SEP'IEKBEa 16, 1974 eln cot:NCIL 1"u;¡1I'IG ed by CoUDC. lIell is, ser-'_ by CoU1lC. Heyers to appro.. appl1ca- 1011 ac-5l,3:J3.2. J.: . .~ t I, i Hottoa c:uried, 5-0 (c) Application BC-Sl"Z16.4 of DaviII I. Harper n4 Associstes requestfDa -rr--d of alte, arc:h1tectUl'e n4 sra4in& for a bc.wlinS clIDCØ' located at the sootheast caner of Øoaestead Road alld Stellilla...... Rec lIded Cor approval. Counc. NeUls va. coacerae4 that there.. no la1M!scapiDR .81ons the front of the buildfDa, ewaa thoulb there is to be laDdsc:aping in the fr~t of the property. Cc:unc:. ~te)'ers asked about tJ:e door at the reilr of the build inl, vich the light above It. Kr. David E. Harper. 9050 Tel.çaph Road. Downey, ~id thIs is 3n emergenc:y, legal exit. They will c:ontrol ~t in that yeu cannot open it froa the outside. 2".ayor Spar;,s asked for de~ils ..1:0\1t the !>:1r. ~r. I'.a"'p~r ~a 1" It is 13 ~or~i~c tar, catered tc cñiefly hy the buwlers. There Is no :a¿vert~si~s f~r It. o 1~';.:\ìCd by ;:~~:~~. Jac:"'s.J:1. ..-,¿cor.Jed by Counc. l'\!~·er~ to '1')pro·'(! !ap~li~ati~~ 1~(-3i.216.4. I I ~.í"'~ ion ("~t'!" led, 5-0 ~!~::: r~li SHi:~ ~t:s (~ESS 9. :tC<;CiOS: f.,r a<ljocrc."¿ ...,ett"l: :""g"r<Ji,'~ \'3.-1,1:10"" r~",,·,,:t :rom Val~~~'" ?3rk for C~:-~S:':"'':Ct. ¡en 0: an 8-foot W'3.11 :"1 ...:1(. ·.:~;;tcrly bOt;t'k~.Jry . Tr.e ASSLS':.l...t City ¡:nl:':.e!:~ 1o;atc,! he h.1J spoken ;,¡:t', :'~''': .1?¡>11C'dl~t .abc.ut l:"~$ .~:1J .i.S;~~!1d:~ :'t.- ~.:.. ~:(' r,"'¡;(':~-:c.::\d~d ":his !:).~ .:'o.,·~i(,!ulI:.:·d to SJ:pteItÜh;r 30, 19,,- èèc.a.'.l~e :~.:. r,",..~,'u."e :-~ the C,.tõ.r::. J-:c~;:;l~n ;Jll1 ?rob3bl:· :--..:.\ l'! ...11 In.tl'~,:;o.~.:e r:-, :he :'",atLct:. Vallee.. l'.:.r:':' Cl'nc!'J.l ~...r:~("c': ·';~l:cr ~:ard ¿\..;I~crl fur Cc.·l:-..-:::il action óS '30011 a~ r,-',.;siblt· r;m, ':~.c:";(. ~~':~(:;. ~ta).or S~.:<,,:: :~...lJe :he :-1:i:-, t~._,,: tr.c d' '."ail \..t)u~d he ê--ct:ro upon at t:11~ St.'~}~':;,~_,·r 30. 1 ~;:.... ~ë:~t :'~r. a.:u '::\~·~·'.:13 i:t'T": l~ w-,;·.:ld b~ act~,i la.pon a· ~;--~" I"....e:.f~u,. . . IIUnT.ŒS OF TIlE SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 an COUNCIL MEEtING 10. Pint Reading of Oi:cl1!18DCè 110.: 652: IAn Orclinance of the City of Cupertino Repeal:1øl Or:clinanc:e 002 (a), Revise«! 3M Ordinanc:e 002 (e-l) .and Introcl~ing Amended Regt\lations for Procedures in the Matters o!,,'Alliending the Genenl Plan, Amendiog the Zoning Ordinance, A:.ending the Offic:ial Zoning Map, Procedures in the Matter of Conditional Use Permits and Variances." (Continu.E:d frOlll -.u!tinl of September 3, 1974) - read by the City Cler~,. The Planntns Director reviewed the Ordinance, noting where the change~ have been made. Counc. Jacks~n would like sane wording added to let the general public know when the use peruit will c:aae hefore the City Council. The consensus of the Council was to increase the appeal tiMe fron 5 to 10 {lays. Y.oved by Counc. Frolich, seco"1.ded by COUI,C. Jackson to cha:1¡(f- the appeal time fr~ 5 to 10 days. Motion carried. 5-0 !~oved by c.oune. Frol ich, seccnded by Counc. Jackson to h3.Vf: Ord~nance x..~. 652 read by title only, and the Clerk's rea¿ih~ shall cons' it lite the First Reading. Motioll carried, 5-0 Y.ayor Sparks callcd a recess at 9 P.M. The I'\cetin!\ r"collvcned at 9 :10 P .:'1. II. Proposal for regulation of service after outlets adjacent to residential are~S. of Septcmher 4, 1974) hOl1rr. to cor.mcrr:: ial J (Continucd fr"", I"'.,cti" (a) First Reading of Ore! inan~e ~:o. 6~1: "An Ord inancc of th~ City oC Cupertino Regulat1cg the Times in Which Vchicular Deliveries ~ ay be Mðde to CúlLP..erc inl Estahl ish,",,,, t s A' - jacent to Residential Areas." (Continued from I'\b"ting of Sept~mber 4, 1974.) The City ~bnJf,er said this O~dina~c~ contrðls de]ivcries so there are none from 8 :00 P .H. to ó },.H. CC-230 Page 7 Api"le:; 1 t ;'II1C :.z l~ ú:t~f' Ord. 6~2 }o~jr~l Re;¡lH"'" ! ¡ I I i I I ~.\ca'."il 1..:.-2.: ';; -~ ~ ttJ be i\::-~'¿ . . JaNUTES OF mE Sfu"TEKIIEIl 16, 19'74 CIn COII!iCIL tlEETmG !be City Ibnager rec· ~""... tJMt City ilUltitute a study by aD acoustical eD Jineer to4-è--tøe why these people livinl near J!lcCleUan Square are '-'rJDc proble1118 with the noise during the "ay. There! are 39' betweentbe'lNic:ks of the, buildings and t'n,~ soU4 wall at the property Uu;rIe added that the people are now also hearing the ooisès froåDe ADza College, whic:h they previously didn't. The City !tanager noted tbât this is an cperational and a physieal problem. There was a ..uscu:JGion on enforc:ement of the proposed Ordinaru:e. Counc. !feyers suggested the shopping center could have som.æ vay of shutting off that c:orridor behind the huildings during th~ ni¿ht hours. Counc. X~lèis agrecd with the City ~mnaKe~ that an acoustical enginee,'s c7inion is needed, ar4 this should be set for public hea'- ing. I lirs, :l,Jcr~, :0163 Paradise Drive, Cupertino, 5tated she c.bj ect:;s to the 16:00 A.~!, =~:i'let"Les. A year :lgc, she> sale. :1. letter sh..:! re~e!ved fro," Cit,' ':":1 and a co¡:>y of the lell!'r tr.'''", Los ,utos Garba"e Company I statr..:! t:: 1: .1~ J.gre£;tten~ 1'-..3d been r.:.ade not tc pick UÇ' .1:1~!1 7 :00 It..M. I T!1~ C1'::; :·'_1.::.;.;:.:!r ga f.d thf! VC1'lr.,tary agrcc:'"':~:1t d 11 not 3.?ýc.ar to work I!n;!r..~. :~<.: .:..:.:~,¿ ~h,1t this Ordin.ance .,t(..~;..:;..~ ,;.11 ùelh'cc!.es. .~t dot!s I h.)t ~.l~· :':~:'''ity 'TIUSC star-.:. at 6:00 A.~~., ~llt that. it i>J.nnot start I b"fo,'c ,:C,,: : i:.e , I The ,'.::0 ~.''':'''': City Attor::.ey ::c""I"",,,n1e<l :!\:,:: chis not be >,ar:dl,,¿.3,8 an Ur:~.-"''::,- :~lin..lal~et Dut tr.at it be ~('h\.'"'{h:lt?j for public hE:aril\~ i zo.:! ~'-' ':.:-:- ·...:b:' tl'c notT"'&31 ?rc,c2dure. I I~.i's" ..1'~:r:: ....'t·:~.lra, lO!.04 Paradise D!.""h"c, Cu;,crtiuoJ repe..-:.te¿ the !fr\)bl~:-,::: :--~:::S c..~pcrienced here. In .~dJi:-:\."n, noise 1s c0~i:1g fronl Ith~ ;\!t' .:,·:·;:-r:.~SO)~ an the !'o'Jf ('!~ th~ cf'-''':~':.·...·:al blJ;,ld~a'!.. ::he -·!('Iuld ,like :C' ..j,:': t..." the C16dln;J:lce. tb.-:.t g<1r1:-;i\~\..· ~-'-;uiF.,cnt ar~.j :-:.echa:1ic::tl I C(IU i :"::¿:.~:: ~;::h :1.S street 5\o"eE:O( r"S al~c ~l:('n~.:2. h1 restr ict.~ð _ IP3r~~<s~ ~-i~r appears t~ ~e ~ misnc.mcr. ,Ccunc. r".:i~t duted that the City is ver~ ~uèh a~are of the prçhJems ! n::)~/. .1!1i :5 t..1:·dng stC¡¡'::' to Lry t~ rec t i~'y ~he~H~ prohle~9. , ',Upon l"í'(,o--::,.:::d3tlon 1')[ tb:e City '~n;]r...->r, it \0:..15 "loved ay Ccunc. ~"ey('rs t ~ sec'JodeJ :'y Cvunc.. Frolic,", tú .1'Jt:hor lze ,_:!C Ctt:: to hire r.rlvard I.. Pack & Assoc IAcOII~t;;'l'.tl F.,,~~ineer to study the r:rohlt.'!"'! .1!~J tC' auth:Jrize ex?end!.ture of $40~.(\o: ire", the G"neral Fu,-.G fer t',I,s p'Jrpose. AYES: NOES: ".:"~,:r...:". Fr.')l.!ch» Jë..cks..,n t ).'.~JC1'3) ~~t·! l i:., !-·.."\yo~ $p:trks 5~!1-.! Motion ~arried, S-O e , .£1; OF 1'11. SME.'4JI£R 16. 1974 ~ COUNCIL MEErDIG " '~'" '...!§.'.'.".>0.'.:.';Ÿ.':.,..,.'.r. by C-. .1118, sec:' d:.~ ~~ Jackson to set for !,~'~:Z"f~T"'- bearba OrdiDanc:e Ro., m~,;.,~ lleetins of October 7, 1 ;" , 1~ I,;-(¡;: ,""':".., ' ',' , ' '.' . .:' ,'. .:: .."" J ' , carried. s-o ':~~ ~ ' ~~ ~ , ':"'>;~'~""" " ,', " ..';"co """,; '112. Diac:u..S- 011 Urban Develv: . It IíDd Open Space Action ~ " , Plan. - . Nellis 1Ie11eves the tabloS4 is not a ve~y good c:_nic:a- ItJøJ:a because it is too c:umber_. lIDvever, tbe ccntext is very ...... Coun::. ~yers said he .ade that: statemeat at the time it _ presenteé to the PPC. c~ -. Jacks:", s:at...~ tha: this tabloid c:overs a !treat deal. It is a ColT : '." '~ Jo.:u:-'~nt; to SO"I! coe vitally interested it may ~r t;, "'" ~:,' :r¡et, lkyor Sparks N:¿ !,.~ understands that IBH just p"rchased lOO "c'Ocs ~ near }!~~p,:: :::':1 and he wo"<!ered how this ,",auld affcct tbe I !ð']oan Servi -" . -- - J !bred by CC:::~-::~:i<, Feco:-..:!ed by Counc. ~!c\""'rs tè.nt the Cuper:i.;"J Ci%y Council '~E ::: drr,umen: ~ith the contcnt ~~ ,he Urban Devel~Pi ~~ and Or;::, :,?..!:-c: Act ion Pla~, Nt. would likf' tí'l ~ee it 3b- . %eviated. Motion carried, 5-0 23. Establi<- :-,;: _ Lite for discussion of Rl'crcation Progra=:,::'; . c--(". Net:' is 1'Ioe Assis[a¡.~ ~ng on t"" coa1d issue ~ I I I I I I , i I I .:.~t:J Counsel if Lbe Council car. lef.a]ly do this. 1 :::" Atturn..y said t1>.e grad in¡~ w.:alù ~"rJply with the! ~.,....,..'r:y. It..as his opinion th,,: t',,· I:J[y Council I ;.,..lii,,~ permle "itbout a 'mU,lIng ì"-'T:r.it. !t:rved by C('I:;'x. Y~::i~, secoru:!e::! by Counc. J3("ks~):'\ (0 put the ~~'eation ::-~:2::1.:ng on the Octo~er 1St 1974 a~cI~JD.. ~tion carried, 5-0 14. Appeal ~.,. ~¿:::~: of gradi~g pe~it f~r Vnlloc ~~l-ional Shoppin£ ..::::,.,.. Jk.. ~a1t~r t.:.l;.';', ~<.'r:¿-r31 }'..ana.gt:!' of Vallcll Park stated that since EDe is of t~" "E5<::,'~, they are asking for ['i'rni5siC',\ to grade £_ Lhe paè :: ~':< Bullocks store, and the sItl' 1o'l'rk inlnediately -.crrounding :~¿ ~:~~~. C:C-230 Pas. 9 1 ~~ . hiliie:' ResriP~ . to be set fa 0rcI. 653 en & OS Aí':' j c:~ P Ian f~C'C'.:l, :',11 t should h,' ~ondens(:(~ . Pe:::. PYOrr :11~":'1 ~r: on Oct. ] 'i~h aA~ada , . . '-$-' ,¿~ ....' ...~~.' .... .~. .,,' '~"',~' ~ or ~ 1U\ø.A 16. I'" an COUNCIL tU.:.tI1lG ~ '-~ :~. 't "~ '~':f''''' .'[~\ ,', -..' ,- '~ ,1 .'. AsaisU1lt ~!' AttoraeJ ~1;;'·i":tIat the c:ondlttOlls ..It be eclhered ~~.. the .,..nHoc perait'~..4Þütual1), be issued. 10 tIIa _t . "ildiaJ JØSit vera Me ,.,. )i~ site would bave to be ret1Ø'lled '.'SCs ori&~ cøad1~ion.""" ." ÓIa tbe part of Vallc:o woul4 ~e ,. Mr. \!ci aU he wait ..8""~_*'1 t eo this pr"'POsal. n..n J-~ said "'~,:",,,""J_ here 10 tha~ the Cour.cll -U _ivin¡ _ .isdq plOt . ., ~'>_.\Coac. Nellis sal4 that if VaUco is vil~ ~o take the ~. .me wuld be in favor of 1sIlU1nS tndfn& JC2i: vith the. ,,~._. Kayor S~arks a l;reed. Coone. ~yer8 the ti~ is bpcrtant w.a.. wt:th the rains cOOIin!!. ne said we end ..; =~.. a large, .....,UIeoI nsvlmin~ \'.o:e". Mr. Ward ad the :..~U this wou1aI __ Mppen. . " ~ .:i!b'led by C",'=O:, ::"lich, secODdel by Counc:. ~"Y~:< t!ut the Coun.:i1 finds -~t harJsc,: - :.U :~"n created OCt the part of \"3.: ::~ ?3.rk with tho. ~ratot'h:~ :-: : -I'! ;-è::eral Pla:I z.:III :.be p~t("nti.l!. ~:~,,·tion on the 'r¿...réoJu", :; ,." ~:1<l. thus. will ~it the .~=.1": :.,,~ ,: a grad in!,! peruit !':>r the cc.:.":. ~.:< ¡;raJin! per1I<1t shall be :-:> i,'r ~h.. lIullr"c",. pcr~iont :1:-'...:. _.; ~··"~~..:t to the Ci~,.. l.~tl'rr.p.y'~ .\:-:-:-:,"'~l of con¿':tions ;"%'"':~r to t~.: '.~~..i::";t~ of thoe ~~t.. and suhjc\.'.: 3:':..~ to tbe a?Frc,~a.l .::: :.":t~ p~ :.,. :..:-.;.-:ssion of t.~ recuestcti v¿:-~--,:...~ :0r dn ß' f·::1.:.:e on I ' :~,-~~.':1~ F.'- ,;:.{~ !.'I!.~. < ï' -;.':'··iar. ::.h.E. ·,,'~st(:-:'· , '. -,_.. ...'-.1 ~ l . ~''''::1C, .I.,: :.:.,: tha~ t.~:'; is _4i-,¡:lng. i.,s~ _ -,~r::' ;n~(1(; (-=r ':,~li9 s"id ;.":,., 1õ::"'~lè abide ',:; ,-:;', _\ttorne]" coi-.icn. ~~e:"yjod:,' ,.' }~~5: .. ,- :.-.:. :~L:h, :-!t.:j"'ers. ~el1is, ~~l\'0r :-:-.::.,5 ~,:'':~"SO~1 -(:>~c: :. .. -.- ~~~1c11 c.al"ri¿d, ..-. :W.L!:;¡'XCIS ',-,!" 5-.;'.,::..): _ ':' ___...: ." Ordi=,~e ~". 650: ....." ,':' .:',"':0 ('f the '-it:; "f ._ :". ~:,~ th.e ~r-e~_ci:..c "funic ip:': ,~:_: :tl:viSit:2 l.~d ~. _ :",,¡r'! Tre3s~=-:;- LDd F:!.s(aJ r\~:-,,::. _.: ,~3. ' - r¿ad ~:: the ~ (;1:'Ç'~:" : C loll" (;'!.t·o' '- _ ~ ... ':1. £.50 . , : f~"·~~¡ o~.. ~ : :,:" re¡tJ _r~:"~t Rc.:'~_:-.:. I f *!!ove-j t-v ,,-' _ '. ..·.è":-~r:;., ;Jõc. 650. i I i " ....<'5, seco;:;~~ ?). c.ctln~. J~h:'~:-:: - ..' ha\tc Ore! L-..::;"'.cp So. "Ü,;o. and t.=--f:' C!.erí:.'£ rc..di;.~~ ,>.,,'. \.·'..n'stitut=: ~~.~ ~~::ion carrJ("~i. )-~ secDCd.~ ~,. Counc. .T.:v",.::·. :.' c:\act On!i:-:a:H:'''! ~ ,:'1,' ~ t."'~ '-'..:;tioc. c~rr i.(.~!, :- < .. . ,..... ,; ~ , th~ O\o.Tcr of t;:t: .: n.....·...· duplexcc; alon~ Rodr i~u(~s :\v(\nth.~ sa id t~w'.. r.f:eG the str(·¿t ;-;.:<dn~ and this restriction \.¡C'uld )h:"'p"'r their re=.:.i:'.g of thi' ~::"::_<<.~Xl·5. liOl:C\''"!r, she ~id agrl"~ with (('unt'. ~;Ltli~ :¡....ë~ the dupl¿x ..·:~it...'rg could ?:lrk on th<: nnrth sid,' of th£ ~tr'l,.;i:G· I I I I I I lOre!. ,,',7 'rct·Jr~('~~ !& p"hlic fomn:. t I JIUIõIU~ OF THE SUI~ER l6, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MUTING 16. .I'irst Read1D& :)f Ordinance Ro. 6S6: "An Ordiaanc:e of the City , ,;\-fIIf Cupertino Meud1n1 SecU0Q8S.l1 and 7.02 of Ordinanc:e .. lID. 353 Perta1aing to SipCODtrol Within the City." - reAIII , " .,. the City Clerk. ......by Counc:. !!eyers, seconded by COUll<:. Jac:kson to have ~.--"e 656 rud by title only, and the Clerk's readinl shall c__U;ute the First Reading. Motion carded, 5-0 11. Pirst Readin¡; of Ordinance No. 657: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Ordinanc:e No. 533 Regulating Stopping, St~~ding or Parking on Public Stre~ts, ~nd Providiny. for Signs ~~tifying the Public Thereof, and Further Providing for Penalt i~3 fer Violation Thereof." - read by the City Clerk !!r. Harold Scot~, "f the Lake Biltmore CoclOlex r.t Blaney and Yoóri¡;ces Av,,"u.;, ,t::ted that he vas opposing the DC' parking re~ricticn 0;: ":~ri~ues A':enuc. He has 2 parkinp, sl';)~e" for E'ach ¡ c.n:'!:, and these .1:~~ ';1ccded by the occuþ..,ntr.. There \"rluld b(~ no vis:tor parki~f :: they couldn't park on the curb. !t,~ Planning :'ire:,'f answerc<! the City Ceuncil that this parkir.~ ra:ic meets t~c :~.:~ircnents without the ~lrcct parkfn!~. c..c--.:.~. !...elli~ ·..·3:::~,~ to ;on~i¿cr :10 fI~rkins.~ alt.Jn;~ tlh' ~"uth ;...~,It' a.:-¿ :i.ir.1Íled r.¡'l",·~:'-·':: along thE" north sidto (·f ~~~ri !,.tli'~ A'.'\.':1Ut'. Af:er further ~:~.."..5~ion, the Council dt~i(!(~J. they would be in fa.7cr of r..\...ì:i:-:~ ::.:-..: J,ikc lane on the north siùt' of the c;tr(,..'t 2~ a. ùib;~ 1.:"::( .J.:-": r-.:strictcd p.1.rkinR (\n thë south side of !.oè.:-igucs AVt::.t:..~ ::.-,,~. UL.\ocy Avcnu~ tiJ S.'r.lto~.l-SLJlIl1yvalt.-. Road. !'''''''<i''ed t..y Coun~. '~,,"'('rs, sec')t1dcd b~· Coune. Jackson to rctur-r Ortinancc ~:o.. é;- ::...... the stafr ;¡nd the Pu',lh' Sé1f~ty Commission far furlh¿r i"o,,:. Motion carri~è. 4-0 Counc. Frol!ch was ab~cnt CC-230 Page 11 OreS. 656 Pirst ....adinv, ~.. ~,t;!: { S;if ,·t y . 658 '1n~ Res. F41 lC!"rt~ . e "INUTES or THE SI1'T~ 16, 1974 CITY COU~CIL KF.E'IING 18. First ¡NCU" of ~1IIaDce Ro. (¡~8: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino JMIIII~ Ordf.nance No. 492 ReaulatInl the OperatIon, Rea1stratloa. Lf.. --t.. Purchasing and SeUin& of BIcycles Within the Cit1 of Qapeniao. II - read by the City Clerk. !løYed by Coaœ. Jact.oa. aecoaded by Counc:. Meyers to c:ontinue OrcIiNœe 110. 6S8 to tile _t regular meetinl· Motion carried, 4-0 RESOLUTIœlS 19. No. 374l: itA Ke~lution of the City Counc:il of the City of Cupertino Approvins Contract Char:~" Order No.6 for Memorial P:trk Fhase I ProJect." I ~<)\...>d >'y ':ounc:. !'.ei~r3. seconded by COlin". '",11is to ado;>t : Rí'",,1I1t to'1 )/0. 3741. L, I' -. i ~L I I' . ¡-' I... -).. ~!otion "..rd.·d, 4-0 '~!)\."~:\r .....'.f.;:'l':DA..1t ~Q. "{.,,'q '\'-';~ fC'r ?etT:is=io~ tt) ho~,1 .1 '·:,ll~·- '-t:h)~ t!1",,'U ~h Cu;',-'rl ~n.G ,~t' l.:t..'ryo!c 2\). 197:'. .. ~)r,",'" i~-:.1t!on of Se;>[~b~:- 17 thrtJ'J~'1 ~.-:)l,--·r!'bcr 2). 197.... ',.~ C'J . ~t i~ut ion ~ee".. ~ct:..'r':~ltj...':1 rt.'f--:tt Tvr Tht! LI,.·H:~I..'~i:\ :;"':\l'tv ('!' ).;;l·ric;l Jl;::lnf' ''::'_;'! I..,-b\-'r \ne.! OCl.:J~e-r) 1974. n.!~.~.;~ of clc\'t:-t s"1~~1tt....-d or. :lt~~1.~~f ¡)f J.1yr.e (;t:1';~'~) ", ' a :1~n"Jf, .1C),t r-"'ícrr:tl LO eit'! }tt0rnt'Y (l"lr f"-..l-·..'lrdi:1S! to City',:; {nsu~¡\I"~~ t.:,!r:- il~r.. D(>'I11.\l J£ cia!:!! su::-~¡t[e(i hy r.t·\'rf," S. ~t>ltp Con~..alclng Civil i::nf~i'\ct~rs, Inc.., 3rd referral (,,) City ;\ttorney for forw~\rdi!1g tv City's insur-anc~ c3rricr. :'r'-...·! :r..ll1'-'11 f..'r t~c w4!t~k of $f!'t,~:-:~,,"r í~, }97~.. a''; i'~ìn~ :'\1.., 1 i~';~(\ Youth ')oc':f:r ~èek.. -- .\~TED Cl',J~~ 1~\Sl.~ ':":. I:: T:::' ~{L:·:Tr~~G. ~·",':,i' .. ,+" ~;;:~i >,,::.~~.;¡~; ",:,:f,- , ~:'i,,"~·'Ji.:~ ,... ?1'~>';,:'~'>:"i:' f^ ,<, " ~~f~'~' '^ J . . ':~ ~~i¥: .:~~ ';t·'>'- ,,,,'; . . KTh1JTES ()F TIlE SEnDlBElt. 16, 1914 CITY COU~'Ct1. !Œ.'ETI:iG Moved by Ct>unc. Nellis. seconded by Counc. Heyen to approvlI the Conaellt Calendar. Motion c:arried, 4-0 IŒPORl'S FRœ-t OFFICEP.5 26. City s:afi Mayor S;'M~S statf'd that _ebody ''borrowed'' r,he Mayor's gavel and wou:~ :ike ro have it returned. The City ~~na~er referred to the Capita] SUr.:iI1an '::-:lude.! in tI',e Counc:il pack,,;;. updat~~ :-~...·thly. Improve~ent F.oj~ct He said this '.r¡ 11 be In rf:"~.~___': ':0 the Housing and CcmmunH.y D~\'("]o~)"',cnt Act o! 197:" I the Ci:. :'~-.n.l~er said ·~t is difficult 3L t~li~ : ~:H~' to èctc.:ï..inf' if, ;tr,: '.: ::.l1cl: "':e ~ight receive in fu!"'..;.!~. fr('~! t;'1i~ Pr,õç"'-,l;"1. He \'>·i1. ..t:nuc> t" re5~..arch thi.;. In rt.·~".-~ :..... ¡,:hc L"..rCO ;,d·:i50ry Con::1iti..t ~'. l~'i: c.:tj" ~1..· :' ,,:·_'i ""'~ é: lctl,; ':". ::L..:'f'tirJþ sc-.:ex:-:y frc:: tb..' ['c~h.r..1 :.it iz.:'.¡'~·" :-~( ~"'._1,1<~:, in rh'::-: -:ìiltt'P. ¡his ~..-1ttC( ....·jll I"t. furtl~cr Cy.rlt.....r'-,~. The D-:-~,-·:r of Ad..,~~lis:.:"ativc S,-'r,.jc\":; .,J\"i.<~d the' ~>'u.p",:il tC" adJou'·· :':.:'5 r.CCat;..lZ t~ 'kto!'('r :9. 11¡~':' sin(.(> th(> ()...." ~',e!"' 2:~ lQì~'. nl~cti:'t -',~.:--::- 1~~ pc:¡,::::-:-.c¿, J~I! ~o l.e.1i:th' ~,( C:tJifr,rní. r::tit.,~ -r.1CE'ti:1t, :':1 Los ,\ngl ¡( ~ :';-...a: \"·cc·k. Cour.ci:· ~-_!:\ ~;t"11i5 s:'.7s:(~¿ that the ~¡~'~ì (,'nnfttl.c ~1;tS ""':eA~, and it ",'as ":..:..-:"!:Iin(·d tr-;,tt sr-~. \-.-t~1 ch..dr l;1:-' (.):-:-.nittt'c.. '!~ì·~Y \Will meet t~:: ~t'('ond ;I!1d lOl.;rth :'~i:-'e~t.!':~ in t h¡;, l:;)l'fL·~·\.·IIC(· tt"\.....~ .\: 4 :30 r .~:, ADJOt:RX·'=.,·~ 27. A¿j ~ù:-u to Personr.tl Session. ~layor "~.;:;Cs ad journ,,::! this meet in¡: 11:00 F.". for a Per.."nn,,] S"S~iO". open s~::~i.."'n at 11:17 P.M. to the Conf~~ence Rû~ ~t 1'11(' cw('t ins, rcc("nver.~i In CC-230 Page 13 Consent r.alendar approved ;:-230 agc l4 s. 3742 do~"d ,'51. Jj4) , '("?ted - e ;':rT'~H)E!t 16, 1974 CiU (OU::CTI. '~F.En::C eel b~' Counc. ~!cycrs. .e<:'.,...e..s by e..·,nc:. Jac",Son to adopC: soluti"3 ::0. 3742. "A '___Lutton of the City Council of the . ' ity of Cu?ertino ApprovlaC Haøal~ent Compensation PolLey 1'rovidinS Cccrcnsation MjUlltr-ta ior Conff.¿ential PosltløM:." Jbtion c:arried, 4-0 Moved by C-1.",.:. Neyers, .econded by COline. Jackson to a,bpt Res"lut!,.~ ~:o. 3743, ",\ Resolution "f the eit)' Cour-eil of the ¡:i~y "f C",cdt i"" P~ "V Hin? a Polk:;' Qr l'e!'~cr...1J zed C",,";>e..s~t f"o a~ Part cí th~ :t4na~~~cDt C~~n9atio~ ¥ro~rrou. MJc!on ~arrie1. ~-O 1~8. ,'d~,',:-: r, ;;30 1'.::., Septc.ber 30, t9?4,:\t \'::CA fL'r ."''';,1 H.111 L"y.,:;~":~:~:: .L!j~·"r..d t:::,:; ...<,et~~?' at II :20 P,~·!. to 7 :30 ? ,:1. 0:1 f,·€,~,tv,;1;.:: ::. ~~7 . 1:: t~:~ ·:~rt::-:·;:!'t. Y~~~A r,,:i.l¿lna_ I I I , . AI'?ROV~.:> : I . ! ! ¡ I ì : Ai n$'~: I I I )' I~.! ~'m.:. R\.·J<:t' ------.--.------- j Citv ~tf'rk l~ L-R~('.LS..r¿I.l~_.;~_ -.--- -". :!';V0l. City ol Cup..:rt4..l~t' I I