CC 09-19-74 , CITY OF CIJP~. grATE OF CALIFOR1UA 10300 Torre Avenue. Cupert.ino, California Telephone: 252-4505 , U ((N CC-2Jl Page 1 KIW'f!S or TIll SPECIAL MEETING OF 'l1IE CITY COUJICIL RILD 01 &aYlb.do.A 19.1974 1N THE œUJICIL CHAMBEIl,' CITY BALL , UII"_ul'Ið, CALlFORNIA TbeaeèU.1II..;...11~;~ cn:der at 7:38 p... in tbe Council CIuiIIber of tbe City Bd1~Hay<n'Sparks. lOLL CAIJ. Counc. present: Coune:. absent: Prollch, Jac:kson, Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparb RoDe Staff present: City MSnaler Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant City Attorney Kilian Director of Public tlorks Viskovich The Mayor advised thoge present that the special meeting was c:alled at the rec:ommendatit>o t>f the City Attocn~1 f~r the purpose of determining what ac:tion rhe City Cou~cil might ~ish to take I i" vi..,., of the court d"cisioll cn the refcrc:nd"", question. This deciaion prohibited the City Council froD rlac!t.g th~s <:uoOst:!on I on the b~l1ot at the General Ele.,t i,o hI ~:over.>1>er. "h~ C !.t" Attorney rec01Dn.endec tMt th~ CIty Couneil af.~jol1rn t::J nn ..?~.;~a- tive 5!-"810n for d:;,sc'Jssioll of this :natte:. I , I I i I I Tn W~& the conLensus of the Council r.embers t~~t prior ~o 8P- journinë to an executive sesLior. tt~t repres~~~~~ives both for end agair.st this question be pe"",itt"ð a ler. ",inute ;>eriod ir ~h:!c:Þ to makè c:omments should they so destre. Mr. RAlph Townsend ntated tha' .natters of t~ls nature usually, involv~ fine points of law and ~h3t such rer.erally are de~id~d at appell:>te heari..!:s. It was ;tis contçl1tioi1 that the City Council should honor ti".e petitior.s of such a lar~e se¡>"deat of the cGß1II\unity vanting to e.xpreð.: them!Þ;?]vcs C.1 this issue. It WkS his positIon ~!"'t the City should disrcg~rd coy potencial !:I,ability as this should not hI' cons1ð"r."¡ as ~ pri.::e tar. on de::.ocr3cy, He also exp~es"ed the vie" t~t a ",,,st COIi1?e1',in~ argument W3S tr.at people generally \tere un3'Jar2 th:>t prior ~o the gr.tnting ot the use pernit they would "I)t h3Vf' :>n t>pportunity to be heard. ~ir. Keith Irwin spoke it. op¡>nKit1on to the points ~ad.. by Mr. Townsend refuting the .::ontention tt~t l:>ck of information w:>S prevalent prior to the i&,.\U....ce of th(' u.... Ve....it ,..1<1 d ted tht: many hours ar.d times of meetin¿s of the ~ity Counc:il and the ~lannitlg COlDlllisaion. lie pre....ntcd the vipwp.'int th3t th!' City ,--....,. ;"''- JI1NtlTE$ O~' srJ::CL\L JtŒTlt!C lIEU) Oil :;U'TJ:lmJ:k 19, 1914 r.ouncil has 1<crv,4kll of it.} c:Hlz(,l1!1 \:..11 thrm6,arl(l"u foraM nnd through lhc involve.cnt. of il:. ~llizl';tB (\n 1:130" tO~¡ttC(!s. IIc com.."ndcd the S!'ACE or",allfZ:lt1on {or helnl~ in:.t~nt..l In h.'1Vinr. the c:entcr red"ccd by one-third of it.. previou.. ..be and for the inc:re:lscd quality c.f t..... final plans. \ll' tboupt the course and cause of justice 11M Þeen served to both sU... On _tion o,f1tr. ~haD!lì:bc second of Hrs. "'11t.; vh1eb va. adopted una,,1';¡;'¡;tÌtl:;_ tt.i~r"djourned the C:oaadl...ciD& at ,¡Slp.m. to aftj,,,:~ l[-~1,1;å._ion.'·;' , . : ,_>" '~ ~~~t"'>:~:::i',:·:',~ '::':';,'.,'~~f~~~',~, '.:" " , ' ,:' ',t... .;.;,~; . TheCity:CóuQcl1·... ~.,1D open'sessionby16t",r Sparks ~t 8:28 p..~ ' '. ' . &-231 'ase 2 ~, ,f. ':;';' The Mayor requeste4 tbat the 'City Attorney ~rize the position of the City Coulld1 which position then was placed in resolution form and given Resolutiou 1'10. 3748. On motion of Mr. Frol1ch and the sec:ond of Hr. Meyers it vas adopted unanimously. The resolu- tion c:alled for the resc:inding of the previous ac:tion by the City Counc:il for the calling of an election and the retraction of it3 request to the Board of Supervisors that this be plac:ed on the ballot. The referendua petition, :IS submitted, vas rejec:ted and the City Clerk instruc:ted to return it to its proponents and that Application 6-ll-13, as i5sucd, was valid and is out~tanding, Prior tl' the taki:>g of the vote on the foregoing rpst'll\tton, ench member of th~ City Couhc:il gave a short eypJ~~~tion of opinion land p05ition stat~enc or. the issue with th~ rea~cns for casting I the vote as was r~orrled for the foregoing resolution. 1·'X_!OURNìŒNT I I'¡~l~ mc(~.ting w~s a¿'5ourn~d a.t 8:45 r.m. to n:.c:~t agnL, at 7:~O ~.I1\. . "'I Scpter"up.r 30, í97!. at tl.:! Uortlwest \tICA .Iuilding. -r:.h adjourned rr.cctir:g is fot" the purpose of di.sct.1!=tsin~ ~ith i:le~:1DCrS of the various Ci:.:.¡' s co-z.issionR and committc:c:s subje~ts c.t r.mtunl interest. APPROVED: I ATTEST: Isl Reed :;parks Mayor, City (If Cupertino Is! tho. E. Ryder City Clerk ,¡ , , ! J