CC 09-30-74
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Cl1', ür .:t;>,,:,m¡O, STJ.iEOF C,\L1FO"Jllh
lO:1t!l. T('~~c Avenu~. Cupertino, C¡;lif"rnia
T~l~!,h~,::e: 252-4505
H1KU1'ES or TBR ,ADJUI'-'--lI."JI;JLI.R !1EE1':mC 0' THl' em aJCï:fCIL
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The lICetiq vas uDell Þ mer at 7:37 p... by Hayor s,.~.
Co'.JOc. present:
Couoc:. absent:
Frol1da. .Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, !hyor Sparks
Stdff pres:ent:
City ~ft~ger Quinlan
Director of Administrative Scrvices R~der
Director of Planning :md [I~v"lop..('nt 5u;~
Director of Public: 1:"Ü,s Viskovic:h
Director of Parks & RecrEation Butler
Till! ~:::.p. -:: 3dvised thosi! present th3~ th~ pt1rpcs:-~ v~ ::;,i-:.. ~.... i?tÜ.(~ ,
~a;;. r.QO: ~-:..:'Sonutl)-persc~ ðls~'.1ssio·l~ bc~~:~eI1 tl~c '¡''''~.'('r'.~ c<,,'"':':- I
"'.i~d ic· .~~::.:, mcmoerF of City COCL,iti.:?(.S: i.u....d r..·~~i)'~r::-: Q C ~:..:: ,- ¡'~J' ,
':'t~~lm"1l 'l"'\ m..'1ttel":i of ~t:uA~_ CO":1C¿:('il. ~:'Ç: ~:1.trl th.::\t -::~:''': ~>...~.T.l': I
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police c:overasa_ - ,oases vere aade that the
City vill .üw~~e this proble. i2mecJiately
and will do 4..._J'~ it c.m to alleviate the
3. that the City needs
'.T",.. .
. "crt. rate vas lnordiDate17
"~ia. and that the low..
"'COftrage was re,¡poø8D1e
t. Several c<. ' --...
. "";ÍÎ. response. The City v.: .IIV"'
"'JIÍid now been obtained for' tIIa
'-" on foot patrol 1D páTlt
area8 and that'; .. :,êôâ1d have 8 bearins cni prob~
L'..,,'· ,,"',':
in these ar_ÍIIIIÌI!Ia"tJds vaa içl_ted.
yor Sparks invited the ~ of eac:h of the c:oaDtssi0ø8 and
ommittees preseat to p,. " auy c:ol!IDents they wish to _b.
hairman (I'Keefe of the pw f..S l",_iss1oD stated that probleas
co-crdù>at1on betweell die COL.oisRion and the Counc:il which bad
en in existenc:e in the ~ have now been ironed out. Be said
hac the newly instituted, procedure of prior review öf applic:a-
ions by :!:e Architectura1 and Site Approval Committee has been
enefida:. :Ie thought ~ this kind of inpat at this "tage of
,eadross ~-:.> helpful to all conc:erned including the developer.
m:nis~i;o::e~ !loodward offered the opinion that some diffic:ult
icc~ci0::õ ~ight be overooae aore easily if there could be Detter
Fommuni~aci~n between the Counc:il and the ?lanning Cooœlsslan.
~e gave s~e~ific refereaces to presentatio~s before one Oody by a
de'~elop",~ :;,at might be different before th.. second body a:l-i that
~bers :: :h~ first body could benefit fro~ a more in dcp:Þ per-
,5vn~l cc~~cary by meœbers o~ that first ~oJy if it were zAde
uailaël" ;:-i"r co the 3e3ring before the s¿~olld body.
IIn..:ll",-,_:: :rollc felt chat all referrals sr.ould be fully dvcu-
ented as :0 the issue bu= ~ not in fav~r of providing full
ran5C~lr:5 33 Co~mis5~ .oodward had s~~;csted. BocÞ Co~cil-
n F¡o¡i~~ and Counc~l~ Nellis voic¿d ç~inions t~1at the
-- a designee frQS che Planning C~~ission c:ould atte~d
__ the City Coaacil 80 as to giv£ ~ny furthe~ in!~r--atiøn
:~~ission migÞ~ want to pass on.
n rcsFo~~~ to a comment ~ tommissioner C0C?er, Councilman
Jackson .::::-ed that comRtssioners could r¿q~~st the recording
ecret::try ¿i~her to Jnser: ÿ2rs¡o;nal CO:ï'tlC:1:S in thE' wi:1.utes en
ertain oc~:roversial items O~ possibly s~"~it a ~rittcn C~4ni-
atioa t~ ~~ 3ttar.hed as 2D ~dcndum to th¿ ~¡nutes.
!¡nin:",,",c. ~"''tcy Sallaa ,jf the Arc:h1tc~tur"l and Sit.. Ap¡>r.>val
ommittcr ~tøt~d that cnæ c~ the ~1j0r r.oai5 of the co~,itte~
·as bcinf .,¡:hicve-ò ani cba%: vas for thl· d~\·(i.op,"ent oi effective
'uideli,,<o i~ stich area~ _ landsc:tping, si';nln3, etc. It ,,",5
cr cO"l ':C~ t"" that the I:ity ....s not plad",.; ,1 :,Ü;h .,noogh priority
n acsr:a::.i..:S and felt there was ;¡ Jh.~N for pl':ilo~ûphi~al
etcrC!i:"'.~ :...):1 of what tæ Cft:y vants. ~:r..; .itso ~oC".a:enr:ed. ~n a
KI1fIJTES 0' !II smho-.- 30. 1974 CITY COUKc!IPHørDIC,
Pale 3
need for .:Ire .i~ _.ite inspection to t.n...n ....loper
COIIPl1ance with &pr~...... cOlUlittona attached 1:0 app1icati.ons.
Councilun Heyers aaIreII t.f tbe ¡uidelin.a r.ferre4 to would in-
clude apec:1Mn trees parctcularly on thorou¡hfar.. ... W.
aiven an affirutt._ r- are If vas "¡)IIDc:illlllD Jac:'-'.
op1D1on that tbare.. _ real Deed for attendance at Ci~y
Counc:il -tinS. by ·...n of the Arc:hitectural ... Site ~
proval Coaaitt.. IIr,-...... of tha thorough doc_tatt.OD which
ac:cOllpSDied the.. app11cati.ons.
eo-iasioner R. D. ID-tuer "neated that the City c:ould live
aorè serious p] _ins 1D relation to planned deve1DpMDt parc:el
as a vbole and leas with the individual applic:ati.ons. Be said
that SDaetimes it vas diffic:ult to co-ordinate treae.ent among
several owuers in the _ planned development parcel. Council-
woman Sellis felt that the first buildings and first development
c:ould set the tone and pattëro for the rest to follow. tounc:i1-
man Frolich offered that the arc:hitecture mayor ..y not be the
same for all struc:tures on the aame parc:el. lie said that plan-
ned de...elopment is a tool for land use Co',,\trol. Chairwoman
Lois koodruff of the Library Commission stated that the Library
Commission and c:ommissioners were very happy with the way things
were pr"~eeding. She said that the new County Librarian Ms.
Barbara Ca:t;>bell vas IIOst co-operative. She commented that the
opening "f the Library on Sunday on a trial basis had
an initi~l succ:ess. The one bad feature of the library's opera-
tions ~~s the potential problem of small chiJrlren or staff m~m-
bers bei~g accosted after the 9 p.m. closing. This vas disc:usse
at so~e l~gth and the staff was requested to investilate the
possibility of having a public telephone installed on the out-
side of the building.
Chairoan Robert 'ord of the Public safety Commission noted that
muc:h of the eveninl's disc:ussion indicated that futare issues
of public safety matters ~~uld be of high priority. Be then
asked C,,~issioner Goazalez to address the Council on some items
he had prepared. These involved the need for sec:retarial cover-
age of Public: Safety Coamission meetings. SeveraL of the com-
aissioners were concerned as to the correc:tness and promptness
of mi~utes. He also suggested that the Council might wish to
make ~re use of coma1ssions for doing the spade work for some
c:ontroversial matters. He offered that agendas of the City
Counc:il could be made .ore enlightening so that lay persons
would be as equally informed as others. He also requested that
there be a speed up of information between the City Counc:il and
the Public Ssfety eo-tssion or vice versa and requested what
the procedure was for the c:alling for special meetings.
In response to que.ttons put by Coomissioner Gonzalez, it was
stated that the staff would investigate the budgetary ability
to provide secretarial covera&e of Public Safety Commission
meetings ""en it vas kDovn that such meetings would entail con-
troversial items for whic:h more extensive minutP-s would be of
benefit. Counc:ilwoaan Sellis expressed her opinion that 80me
¡f,';; '.
~" "
¡*~r;:' ':,
t~~.'it '
.m:UTF-S O~' TII~KR 30, 1974 CITY COUNCIL.n:C
co_tssions already were being used in the nOr1ll3l course of t.'Ork
for aore tb.1n what noraally should be and that to request ad-
ditional wrk of thee .ight be asking too llUc:h. CouncÜlllÞt
'rolic:h commented that the conais.ion schedule tuo ~etinl~ each
IIIOnth rather tluln one at the present ti118 to forestall the need
for c:alling special _tinp.
Chairaan Conrad HcClos1cey of the Water Conaisston c:_ted that
for a while attendaøce at these lIeetings by c:itizens va? rather
sparse but that this had been c:hanged with the introduction of
thl! question of fluoridation. He said that after a f_ IIOre
facts had been obtained a report will go to the City Council
t,ith the commission's rec:o...endations.
Chair~n Allen Fisher of the Parks and Rec:reation Commission
eaid that neither he or the other comQissioners had any C:OD-
plaints of the relationship between the commission and the City
Counci~ and that c:ommunications between the CWO I~ been ex-
ceU"nc. !Ie commented on the citize" i"put beln3 recl!lved by
the ccc~ission and that suc:h wa~ both plentiful ~nd helpful.
Couc.c:l~an Frolic:h advised that a meeting would bp held on
Octob"r 9 at 7:30 p.CI. at the Board of Sup<,rvi:;ors' rOOD (01:' the
r(>~c'\'.'.lIg of a report by the consultaats doin3 ,1 study 011 1:','1,iJ
tr.1' .<it ,:"vclop,..cnt in the County. lie thought l~ls '"'0\111 b·! of
èX~:'·ë-:'12. i:'1.plJrtnnce :tnd walr.:o:t~ed all of those 1.-111c C"out,1 .,II"t:uJ.
i\ft'~r .sul$lÍssion of a replJrc by tht! Dir~ctor l.)f PlIO) Ie t-:orJt,:; on
t¡~~ L:-:=-t:l,:s of bids reCf ·ved for th~ purch¿HH~ of automotive
~'1C l;':''''~l:t, it \·1.1.3 r:.oved by Councilr.l;tn lo~rol ich, sccpuJ..:::ù bf
CCH,' , i b;:\.1 J<lckson and passed lJll<l"ir.:ously that all bid.. be r,,-
.~c.'- tt.~..!. .::nd be ~e."1d"¿rtized. The basis of reJe..:t h':-\ .1~ co"t~,incd
in t1~¿ l:irt~ctor's rnemt)randuM \,':1:'; th~ failure to rccc{v,,'" more
tj-..u.. cni-": ùue to the requircr.tcnts set forth In t!K sp~c tf ((':1': h'RS
~:r.d ~::¡,t the bid received ,,:as r.'orc tl...."1n th,," bl'd~,"'tCt¡ .17,ûunt.
{(' t:: ,:tcrk Note: A recom'!'emlat ion In the [J!r<'cl',r oi P'obll"
':.).:.....;.' '5' ;-.:":t~ol:.:lndur.1. of Se~);:E-nhcr JO, 197/., \lhh:h> .;)I;npt.:-d .--:nd
inc\1I".);)t'accd b:,' refcrence in the fO~-I.!;~oing r.:l}tlo'1, [¡}(~tudcd the
.~cl::r?t.1;.:C'C of Bid Itct!l t:o. J for .1 197/. V~:~~ Htall'lI \0,'..5 .n;Jr¡!cò
to ",'y Chc,vrolet. Bid Ttems Nos. 1, 2 and 4 !:"u[. be noJè[[cd
,lc,d ,;~::edulcd foc opening on FrIday. October 4. 1<J7'. at 2 1'.1,1."
At ch.:o su~gcstion of COm!i1i~siot1cr r:ooper, it \,,~S rr.o\".....:.i by C()u1\cl1-
\¡Û'Y\i} ~;~11i5. seconded by Coune 11m..,n Jackson and ras5~rl un 111 i-
'0'''131; that the :.ity of Cupcrti.lo lavite" the pub!!c .m,[ civk
~~r,)U~H: to ùonate their us~able lif;ht clothin~, c.:Jnnctl t~I)"Jo; .u,ü
r..o~"cL:1r'\' alii to the Honr!ura:; Rclie( FU11tJ to be coLleetl"') during
til" r-,',i·>d of Oc:tober )-12 in the h,bby of the I;ity Hall.
I,D.J ai¡ R:.:·a·:..'IT
Th" :-!":.,,r adjourned the :nc¡,U,,{; al lO.Ol p.RI.
i Hl1iO'tIS OF THE ¡¡ut__d 30. 1974 CITY COWICIL KEEtUC
Isl lb. t. Ryder
I City Clerk
/./ Reed Sparks _
Mayor, City of Cupertino