CC 10-07-74
10300 Torre Avenue, CuperUaø. ~1fomia 95014
Telephone: 252-4505 '
Ulruu.... CALI'ORNIA
llayor Sparks called the _tng to order at 7 :31 P oM. with the
Salute to the Flag.
Counc. present:
Counc. absent:
Jackson, ~ers, Nell is, ~.ayor Sparks
Staff present:
City ~.anager Quinlan
City Attcrney Adams
Director of Adainistrative Services Ryder
Director of Planning and Development Si~~
Director of Public Works Viskovich
1. Approval of Minutes of Adjourned Fegular ~eeting of
August 13, 1974.
Page 2, fourth paragraph. line 3: Change the word "draina~e" to
"drain" ..
MOved by Counc. Meyers. secoaded by Counc. Nellis to approve the
~utes of August 13, 1~74, as c:orrected.
Motion c:arried, 3-0-\
Coone. .1"""'"<'11 abstained
2. Arproval of ~inutes of Adjourned Regular ~eeting of
September 30, 1974.
)loved by Coune. Heyers. secoaded by Counc. Jacl,son to approve the
~lnutes of Sepcember 30, 1974, as wricton.
Motio~ c.arr1ed, 4-0
Pale 1
Ie 2
. Approval of JUøutes of Special Heetins of Septeaber 19. 1974.
ed by Counc. .Jackson, seconded by Coune. ReUb to approve the
illUtes of !eptr ~ IIr 19, 1974, as written.
, Motion c:arried, 4~
4. Approval of øtnates of Regular Meeting of September .Ii, 1974.
Page 2, second paragraph from the bottOlll, l:1st line: Chanle tlw word
"will" to "mi¡htn.
Page 3, second paragraph, second line: Change the word "would" to
''might'' .
Page 5, U.·st paragraph under agenda i~em 8 (a): Md the follow1nl sentence
to the end of the par3graph: "Deliveries would not be made early in the
Moved by Counc:. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Jackson ,to approv~ thp.
Minutes of Septecber l6, 1974, as amended.
Motion carried, 4-0
5. Approval of Minutes of Adjourned Regular Heeting of
September 10, 1974.
Page 10, fifth paragraph, first line should read:
that as a Planninl Cocmissioner, she had . . . . .
"Counc:. Nellis said
. .
Moved by Counc. Jac:kson, seconded by Counc:. !Iellis, to approve the
Minutes of Septeaber lO, 1974, as correc:ted.
~otion c:arried, 4-0
6. Approval of Minutes of Adjourned Regular ~:e..ting of
September 4, 1974.
Moved by Counc:. Jac:kson, seconded by Counc. Nellis, to approve the
Minutes of Septe2ber 4, 1974 as written.
Motion carried, 4-0
7. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meetinl of September 3, 1974.
.... by Counc. Nenis, seconded by Counc. Jac:kson ';0 approve the
1IIIIat.. of Septeaber 3, 1974. as written.
Kotiøn c:arried, 4-0
'lllere were no requests for removal of items from the Consent
Calendar .
Prior to the Public: Bearinls. Coonc:. Meyers wished to discuss the
early Sunday morning fire at l0380 Castine Drive. An investigatio
c£ the performance of the Central 'ire District was requ~sted.
" !":,. City Manager submitted his report of the inc:ident.
Mr. Billie Crew, l039l Castine Drive, gave his version of the time
frame of events, and stated he was c:oncerned about the efficienc:y
of the fi.~,,'-fightir,g operation.
Central 'ire District Chief Curtis Kirby reported information he
rec:eived directly fr~ the tapes. He noted there was an unusually
high fuel load in the garage of the residence in question: two
c:ars 24 tires, three c:ar engines, three ~~nesium transmissions,
five gallons of motor oil, new lumber and ~crap lumber. There
were also unprotected openings between the garage and living
!fro Bob Yandow, l0480 Castine Avenue, said he was quite impressed
about the nunber of belongings that were salvaged. But he also
noted that his wife said she learned from one of the firemen that
they were dispatched to the wrong address. Mr. Yandow said it
took 5 to 10 minutes to get the water to start coming out of the
hJdrant. }'r. Yandow requested that the report to be made of this
aatter include positive action that will be taken so this sort of
thing does not happen agat.n.
~ Daniel Gallagher, l0402 Chisholm, gave his version of what
happened .
The staff was asked to prepare a full report on the #ire at
10380 Castine Avenue.
Page 3
'ull report
requested on
fire at
l0380 Castine
.... 4
I. Mlic leadlll 08 0nJ4
. .. '53.
(a) ,1r......1II8 of _4 U Ro~ 653: -An C)rdf"'r . of ~...
City of CUpen_ . u4~ Chapter 10.45 to cbe- J r rtl80
!œic: ipel Code to IInU1tlt the Yehic:ulsr Dell..., ,. ftcbp
of Good. to ør &. r J'cW EstabUs'-U Y1a I'rlwte
laid. MjollWla · -.....t.a1 Ar... Darial tile .tpt y.....
- real by the C1q a-k.
!Ir. ~. !«dstna, 10384 ~.... Driv., said be has 11". ~ for
four ,..., aød was happy 11 . f_ ~ba ap. ,lrst the oreharll
-. I'_.Ñ. and theø aU tbecaspha1t _. laid, and the tNiU:tap
_r. cOUtructed. Ralph's "-Ut'. loùiol pl.tfora is 40 feet fr_
hh n.UÞo:e. lie _a IIDt oaly complainillft about tile IIDi.., tNt at
time. his ctire boua. ---, .. a result cf actiYity takio, plac. at
t!\o c~r~i.1l :lev.lop.aat. .. felt that the hour. .hou14 b. restric:ted
to 8 A_'!. :.: S P.M.
!fro Barry ~it~had, with klph'. Crocery C""'pany, said that r.ur1cted
hours ux. :: ~onc:entrat. the _is.. It also creat.. traffic probl_.
I!e waul': : ~,e tc wait to do aaythinl untll ..fter they receive the
I r.....:lts :: :=:oO engioeerina st1llli... He .."svereJ Counc:. :;_lU. that
there is '" ,r:blem on SuDdays. He felt the bread truck. created the
!!lOst prc:-:<cs. He said be hail no control over the _ch~nical _e.per.
This woc:~ ~'~e to he takeD up with th2 landlord.
At this ~i~t, C~unc. and Jac:kson vere i~,favor of 7 A.M. rather
than 6 A.~_ as t~e startina tiDe, with no restriction on the w.ekenda.
Mr. Rice, a resident in an spsrtaent coaplex on Hoaestead Road, .aid
he is ad:~è""t to a 7-ll .tore. As he reads this ordinanc., it will
c:lose d~~ soOvoOral of these 7-ll stores. Ke sugaested a c:oaaitte. be
formed t~ l;?r~a=h these to ask for suggestions of ways to
mint2tze :~..s.. problems.
Mea. Ge"'Y O'!;ara, 10404 Paradise Drive, agreed with Hr. IUc.'s
suggesti:~. However, sh. said th.y have tried to do this since last
Aulust, "'::::<>ut succ:es.. She said the noise and tbe fumes fro. these
trucks aroO ~~tually comiag tnto the homes. Sh, asked the City to
consider as~i~ Ralph's Market to put their loading doc:k on the side.
Mrs. O'~ara said this ordf~ft~. discrtMinates against women, who are ho.e
all day ~ ~st c:ontend with the noise and fumes so that- it is relatively'
peac:eful at ,-ight, when the buabands are bOllle.
Mr. Dale S:i~son, 10374 Paradis. Drive, said that prior to issuance of the
building ~~lt 3 meeting was held in regard to deliv~ries. etc. The trucks
start arrivi::g 15-20 micutes befor.. they caa 5tart unloading, and the noise
and coni~~i_a actually be&tn at that time. He recommended a starting ~ime
of 7 :30 4.1(.
;' :.
Mtorney O'Do-U. ØPftsentillJ the property ~. statecl
tllat the fact fiDðinS ,...... the City has nabarked upoD is a ...ry
aood idea. Ie quutioaetl ~-""r or not there actuall)" is _ echo
ä.ber here. Be asid be ... serious reservations as to tbe -
£orc:_t of the ordiR--~. _ prelleDtly vritton. Be ~ like
tile property _r ( c.O-..... the _ conaideraUOD _ other,
property ClllllUS in the ~ ., Cupertino.
118. AIm ADpr, Kanta Viae.. said she haa previously voiced her
opt.niou a&aÚlst this son ., tkvelos-ent $0 close to r..UeDtial.
Her nev r>~ters have stated mat \hey.",.,:I away fro. tbelr
Sonnyva:e residenc:e be~ of the large trucks at the Alpha Beta
store close òy. As lona _ _ allow tho... long slleyways between
~rci&1 and residential, !Is. Anger ielt that we vould always
have the ~ probl....
CoWlC. .;.:: is $aid the City ia ¡oing to ¿~ all it c:an to alleviate
the pro~:e:_
Mrs. ~.::~::. 20606 Paradise Drive, said ~~. starts to ~~ar the
Ralph's :~..: trucks at 10 cinutes to 6 i~ the morning.
Hr. Dale ;::~~son said the setback is to: ::.'S" to th.. residential.
Moved by ~: ~:::. Meyers. sec=d"'¡ by CC\~~:. :;c 11 is to close the
public :.ëä:-:::'è;";a
Motion carr:,,¿, 4-0
Counc. Ja.':;;'$..:'n said he Va1:t:5 to make sc:"~ :f~~ ordinancE' covers
time of ¿rr~~al, not JUSt ~elivery ti~._
Hr. Prit':::.l:J wants to aaU sure the sc.1';,;::';'-: trucks are also
c:overed ~y :~is ordinanc:e.
It was ~:ed that Sunday deliveries conS:::~le the drop~ing off
of trailers oy big trucks.
Moved by (:~~c. Nellis, second~d by Cou~;, J3c~son to have
Ordinance ""'_ 653 reaù by title only, an.:! the City Clerk's reading
shall co~s:i:ute the 'irst ~ading.
Hotion carried, 4-0
Mayor Spar~ called a recess at 9:10 P.~. The meeting reconvened
at 9:23 P_~.
Pap S
Ord, 653
First Read!nr.
'> <",,' ",'
^ li '
':¡ ,:""p<':"f'.
"¡'iI'" K'
.,~;¡':' -
.~>'.~.. "~,,:. ~
... ,:;.
Jro'ŒS OF TIlE OC'ICØ1!It 7, 1974 cm COOIICIL -~
.. t. eoaaUarat1cl1'1 of ~GIIØlIII IR -. -t to the 1'" :IDeral Pl_
c:oDternioa the ..... OM Il_t for the '81_'ftoor Infilling.
(CoDtinued fza. -ma of Sept-.r 10. lt74)
(a) IIuolutiOD 110. D47 t -A D of tile City CouDc11 of
the City of Q¡perCjDo Mopt1aa aD JIIUD' II & to the 1964
General .laD C~n~ ...Jaa the ...... u.. a....t for the Vall.,
noor Iaf1U~.·
There _re 00 c:_ta the ....1~.
The PlanniD& Direc:tor reported the Plannina C~i'sion's reco.mendatioD,
c:ontained ill the .lanniDa c-i..IOD 1e80lution 110. 1347.
He called attention to the fact th;&t the Flood Plain baa been deleted
frca this .-endMnt. .
The Planning Director noted that the City Council bad asked the
Planning Commission to restudy and aake anottar re~ndation for the
north~~st corner of Steven. Creek Blvd. and Foothill Blvd. The Polic:y
Statea~:t for this property is: "the subjec:t area is partially
desigr.ated by a residential bnd u.. iIItensity ranle of 4.4-7.7 dwelling
units P'~ gross ac:re vith remainina area designated Planned Development
with ?r::~~9ional offlce/com8Crr.ial intent and/or residential use with
an int~~>i~y ranle of 4.4-7.7 clwellina uni:s per gross acre. The
p'oC~3si.'~..t offic:e/c.,...,rcial land uses shall be lo>ò intensity in
natur~ 3n~ access to Silver Oak .ay shall b. ltaited."
The Pla~ning Director said there was some discussion about the a~e~dment
as it r~i3tes to the ccamercial designation to the Mangano and 3djacent
proper:ie$ along Peninsula Avenue. ..
Ms. An~ ~~ger, KDnta Vista, said ~he does not like to see the commercial
go as f3r 3S the Planninl CDmaission recommends in this case. In the
future. if 3 developer has a plan including .ore land, it could be then
consider~J for rezoning.
Counc. Sellis said she could not justify expansion of the existing
coamer~i3l here.
Counc. Jackson said he would be willing to give soae leewsy here
because the lots are,so ...11. and also to give soœe i~petus to
improveQe~t of the property.
Hr. George Hanaano, 10204 Portal Avenue, Cupertino, read his
letter 0: August l3, 1974, stating his financial loss he w~uld experience
if his Froperty is down-zoned.
P13nni~g Commissioner Don Woodvard stated that one point brought out at
the PI~~ning Commission meeti~& was that in order to encourage up~rading
of the ~usiness they felt a larger ccmmercial lot made sense.
. '.rile cœceIIS1ISof the Cit} ,Council vas that they would 10 alonl
. wt.tb the staff's rK· uI_1on on the Old Monta Vtata Geaaral
I'1a SectiOll of Jbddb1t: ~1_ .odified.
1IID. Lucien Bertert, SaD ,J..... 1Dsd, 1Ìiiö:!d 'to =-r:-.t to ths nortbve t
comer of St....... Creek·.hII. aDd rooûi11 i.lvd_ Shs DOted that
: _ ODly tbe noi.Hbut AlSo, tile traffic hasard of that corner aake
t.t Nd for c SIae said sbe _1d !.ate to see a sub-
auntW 1nc:re_ in tile traffic at thai; intersectio.
CouDc:. Jac:kson poi1lt" ~ tile -low i1Itensity u..- c:1_ in the
Policy State.eDt.
1tr. Barry Cappel, 7603 U~ Lane, SaD Jose. .as in fftOr of the
Polic:y StateBeDt.
Hoved by C<>:mc.Keyers, secouded by Cowc.Xellis to dose the
Public I!earin¡.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by c;~~;. Xellis. seconded by Counc. Jackson to adopt 1
Resoluti~~, :;~. 3747 witb the exception of the Planning CotDi3sien'
recoœaer.~a~ :.:0-:1 as to 'ea.1Dsala Avenue. .
Motion carried, 4-0
lO. Planni~b Commission
(a) Arrlication l-U-74: Food.aker, Inc. (Jack-in-the-Box):
!:se '.omit to allow construction of 1891 sq. ft. restaur.. t
in a CC (General ConBerc:1aI) %"n(' upon remov,tl of an
existing gas and service stati,,". Said property is
l:>.:ated at tbe northwest corner :>f the intersection of
Ste~ens Creek Blvd. and North BI~ney Avenue. RecoomendcJ
f"r denial. Appealed by Foodcakcr, Inc.
Mr. Kent _:"¿ell, 22 Treetop. San Mateo, California, said he was
representi~£ the appUc:ant. He said they based their appeal 0:1 th
fact that ttey did not get notice of the Planning Conmissiùn
hearing o~ t~e applic:atioD b~cau5e they did not knov how to reJch
him. He said Shell Oil is trying to phase out their station at
this locat :"". He reviewed his chart that listed the positiv..s
and the negatives of the restaurant at this location. Colored
slides were .hown. He acknowledged th.-r.. was comp..tition in th..
area, and it was his feeling that this c~mpctition would serve as
an inccnt;,.. for the competition to upgrade.
Page 7
Res. 3747
ado¡>t..d 1óith
Peninsula AV~a
lIOdificn 10"' to
0' TIlE octOlB 7, 1914 CITY COUNCIL KEE'1'IRG
1IDodell vat over tile eøviro_tal iapact report theJ·. hllll
npared. u...14 tbdr ueffic: C:ODaultant et..teð ,t" -W lenerate
. ,.,,' '.' tripe per acre 110" ~ what a1lht be there. with tba PI'-~' 118e
... . .,." 'f the per....
,,:';;ìi' ,,/" pro .,.
~~{~< ~. Ifellis apl~ tile position of the EDv1r_tal Þv1ev
:1;.~j,/ ". ttee. She aa1d it _. eaphasb:ed that the proposod.... -u
l.~~},~t.·..sed the 16 trip .......
-} t: ,1c),) ttomey Dic:k Wht.t8Ore. 990 Vest Preaont, Sunnyvale, sat" be hall baeD
retained by 'oodaaksr. IDe.. and vent over several uatqae point. to be
c:_idered. He said this applic:ation is for a c:_rdal ue OD
_rdally zoned property. Thia use lIOuld replac:e a service station.
EIR was prepared aø4 ,he traffic: consultant states there vill be
an lodiscernable increaLe in traffic:. As to aesthetic:a. be felt there
vas no substantial evideøce on whic:h to base a denial. As to land use
and planning, he 3ubaiu this makes load p\anninl sellse. Shell is in
the process of disc:ardiD& this station. A,I to the \!latter of agllomeration,
Mr. Whitcore said it voo·t work here. The:'e are separate buildings
,in excellent condition on separate parcels to the vest and the north.
B_ does not believe this proposal would hurt the civic: iaage.
Ks. An~ Anger. Manta Vista. said the Citizens Coals Ccmðittee vas
fOrÞa' $c'Me five years aac. The purpose cf this Coamittee vas for the
citizens l~'ing in this area to be able to express their ideas on how
they ~~uld like the City to develop. She urged the Counc:il to put
the c~rcial in Vallc:o Park. She said that if Jack-in-the-3ax is
allowed here, then Kc:Do~ld' II wIll be back.
Counc. Sell is quoted the findings in Planning CoemissiDn Resolution
110. 1344.
Planning Commissioner Woodward reviewed the discussions at the Pla~ning
Commission level. He explained how traffic on these two heavily traveled
streets made this ~roposal inc:ompatible.
Counc. Meyers suggested tbe applicant look into the restaurant that is
loing out of business on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, ~s another possibility.
Moved by COunC. Nellis, ~econded by Counc. Meyers to deny application
Motioo carried, 4-0
- .
u. Architectural and Site Approval CoIaittee
<a) Application HC-5l.]39 of Merritt Sbør ('rerr...-4- c:orpor
tion) requestioa lIpProval of architecture for a _rc:i
developaent locst-ð at tbe èast dde of S.ratoaa-SaDDyVal
Road, sOllth of SU_rado Avenue. ÞC:œMllded for approva .
!loved by Counc:. Jac:kson. sec:onded by Counc:. Meyer. to approve
applic:ation HC-Sl,339 1a accordanc:e with U-Control Resolution
Ro. 449.
Motion carried, 4-0
(b) Applic:ation HC-5l,075.41 of The Westfield Company
requesting approval of site, architec:ture, landsc:aping,
srading, lighting and signinv. for two light industrial
buildings located at the south~ast corner of the inter-
section of Pruneridge Avenue and Tantsu Avenue.
Recommended for approvnl.
lwved by Ccunc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Meyers to approve
appUcaticn HC-5l,075 .4l in accordance with H_Control Resolutions
No. 44£. a::d 450.
Motion carried, 4-0
(c) Application HC-51.2l6.4 of Dav.d E. Harper and Ass~ciates
requesting approval of landscaping and light in", for a
bowl\ng center and coronercial!entertalmnent den,lo,
located at the southeast corner of lIomestc~d Poad and
Stelling &oa¿. Reco~cnded for approval.
Moved to:; LI."'unc. Jacksc:1. seco~dcd by Coune. Sellis :'0 a;:>;'~'-··:C
applica: '~.I 1IC-51.2l6.':' in accordance wi th !I-Control Res",,' Clt iC,1
No. 451.
Kotion carried, 4-0
(d) Application :1C-5l,2l6.4l of Dadd E. lIarper (Brunswick
Division, Bru,,~ick Corporati0n) requestinr. exc~?tlûn to
Section 6.131 of the Sign Ordinance to allow one shopping
center sign and one ground sign In lieu of l shoppinr.
center signs for a bowling cent~r and ccnuner~iai/ent(;r-
tainmcnt åc\.'elop-.;.ent located at the southeast c }rnct' of
Homestead P.oad and Stelling Road. RCCD=~nded :or
approva 1.
Page 9
BC-Sl.:' J :,.'t
~Paaa 10
51' "
~ ..,,"
&. .., ','--.'J.-,-
post po"" 'tØ
Oc:t. 29da
IIC- 51 , 07 ~..42
The Plana1nl Director said the exc:eption for the sign is no lonler
Moved by Counc. J..........., seconded by Counc. Hayers to approve
the H-Control re, ,.t1on per their'Resolution No. 452.
HDtion cauied, 4-0
(e> Application øc-Sl,3l8.2l of 'isherman's Villale requesting
exc:eption to Secticn 7.02l of the Siln Ordinanc:e to allow
an advertúiDl area in !!Xc:ess of the allotted s'!uare footage
for an existinl restaurant located on the south pide of
Stevens Creek Blvd., approximately 200 feet aasterly !'.f
Blaney Av_ue. ReC:OIIIIIIended for denial.
Upon recommendation of the staff, it was moved by Counc:. Jac:kson.
to postpone application BC-51,3l8.2l to October 29, 1974.
Motion carried, 4-0
(f) Applicatio~ aC-5l,227.2 of Measurex Corporation requesting
approval of landscaping for Parcel 3 of the Measurex C"rporation
locatcd adjac:ent to and northerly of XcClellan Road at the
inter~ection of Subb Road. Recomoended ior approval.
!'.ovcd by r.o'1ltc. lõell1s, seconded by Counc. Meyer!' to approve
HC-~1.22~.2 per the R-Control recommend3tion, and authorized the
starf t~ handle the details.
MotioD carried, 4-0
(&) Appl1c:aHo.. aC-51.075.42 of Ehrlich, aeft . Rominger (lIevlett-
Pa~kard Co.pany) ~equesting appruval of site, .rchit~ctur.,
Ia:td8caplne. ending £lid light'ng for a light industrial
building located at 11000 Wolfc Road. Reco~nded for approval.
Moved by Counc:. Nellis, ~c:oaded by Counc:. Jackson to approve applicatIon
HC-51,07S.42 ~er the H-Ccntrol recommendation.
Motion carried, 4-0
....uu.s OF THE ocroBD 7, 1974 CIn COUNCIL HEETIJIC
~' .---.III[IANCES
, H.. Second IudtQjl of Ck~i.......;,. .0. 652: -.AD orM"-~ of the
City of CUpertino Bet. --Unl Ckdin8Dce oo2(a). 'Jnúed ..a
Ordinance 002(...1) .... lDtroduc:inl Aaendedleplati0u8 for
Procedures in the lfåecers of Aaendin¡ tbe eeœrà1 PI... Aaend-
ing the Zonin¡ Orclin_~, Amending the Official ZQni"l Map,
Procedures in the !latter of Conditional Us. PeDl1ta 8IICI
Varianc:es." - read by die City Clerk. '
IIInred by Counc:. Meyers, seconded IlY Counc. Jac:kson to have
Ordinanc:e NG. 652 read by title o1\1y and tbe City Clerk's reading
sball constitute the Sec:ond Reading.
Motion c:arried, 4-0
Køved by Counc:. Meyers. sec:onded by Counc:. Nellis to enac:t
Ordinance ~o. 652.
Motion carried, 4-0
13. Secend Readi~g of Ordi~~ce ~o. 655: "An Ordinance of the
City of Cupertir.o };e=¿~=b Sccti~n I ofç ~o. 2 by
Rezening Approxinatel, 3.2 Acres from RI-IO (Residential.
Single-Family, IO.~è :;. Ft. Per Dwelling t~it) Zone to
BQ (~~Jsi-Public Butl¿~=g) Zenc; Located at t~c Southwest
Corner of the Intet~~~:~~~ of Finch and Sorc~so~ Avenues."
read by the City Cler~.
MOved by Counc. Jackso~, 5eco~ded by Counc. ~yers t~ have
Ordinance :;0. 655 read b:; ti:1c only and the City C1cr:"s readillg
.r~ll censt itute the Se:c.:::::~ P.eading.
Y~tion carried, 4-0
Moved by Counc. Jackson, seco~ùed by Counc. ~eyers to e:nact
Ordinance No. 655.
Kotion carried, 4-0
14. Second Reading of Ordi=nce :-10. 656: "An Ordinar.ce of the
City of Cupertino Aaer.,jing Sections 5.11 and 7.02 of Ordinance
No. 353 Pertaining to Sign Cor.trol IHthin the City." -- read
by the City Clerk.
Pap 11
Ord. 652
Sec:ond Readin,
Ord. 652
Ord. tS5
Se>cO!1è ~ca.:.·,ì.
Ord. 65~
Page 12
Ord. 656,>'''(
fec:OOd · ,:- (tjr'
¡1:;~ "
f ~ '::'
by CouDc. Jackson. n r'-~ by Counc. Meyers to haw OCðiDanc:e
. 656 read by title oa1y. ... the City Clerk's readlaa Fh·11
titute tile Second ~ -''''
Øotloa c:arried, 4-0
Ord. 656
by ~""". Jac:kson, SIf, ~_.. by Counc:. Meyers to _t
inaøc:e 50. 656.
Øotion c:arried 4-0
15. First ie..Iia& of Ord....-- 110. 659: "An Ordinance of the City of
Cuperti=o ~nding Ord"ftsn~e So. 533 Regulating Stopping, Standing
or Par~i=g on Public: Streets, and Providing for Signs Sotifying the
Public ~ereof, and Further Providing for Penalties for Violation
There,,: _" - read by the City Clerk.
~d. 65<,
ë<!"st ~e~-f,
Moved by c,-:;::~. ~eyers, sec:oaded by Counc. Jackson ..0 have Ordinanc:e
roo. 659 re~= :y title only, and the City Clerk's reading shall
C:?Dstitute :~. First Reading.
MotIon carried. 4-0
16. ~o. 3~'~: "A Kesolutio: of the City C"uncil of the City of
Cuper::c~ ~.lleving Ass~tant City Att~rney Charles T. Kilian
frOOl a:: ?~,.."cutorial t>tötiea."
Moved by (:,"=~. ~eyera, sec:ccdeè by Counc. Jackson to adopt
I&soluti,,:: :i.:. J751.
Ko:ion carried, 4-0
CONSENT c.~;:x:,.u
17. Reso1~:::~ ~. 3754: -A &es~lution of the City Council of the
City ~: ;~pertlno Authorizing Exec:ution of Agreement berween the
City ~: è~pertino and DeYelo~r, Warren J. Dunn and EI~ira L. Dunn;
Relea~:::~ Developer fras Teras and Conditions Set Forth i: Agreement
Dateè û~::¡"'r 17, 1973; Corc!ova koad."
_~ '" THE o..'"roBER 7, 1974 em œmrCIL MEETING
. iL;1i .D.1~1OD 10. J755: "A Iaoludoo of the City Council of die
f'icøt.of Cupertino ApprovtD& I'hIal Hap of Trac:t No. 5561,
i "'... on the 1Iorth Side of Ji..... Vista Drive Between Col
... ", end J!yannisport Ddve¡ Developers, Carl R. Benson,
. a.. ..,. Benson, J:arl W. ~. JIary L. Kunz, Ben Baxley, KarIU' C
.. :aâ1ey, Harold Hornby. Valerie L Hornby; Ac:cepting Certai.o
MJf(' Servic:e Easements; ADtbørt.zt.n1 the City Enll.neer and
... City Clerk to Sign the I'Jaal llap; and Authorizinl' the
~J nt in Connec:tion Theredch."
D. ....lution 110. 3756: "A ~lld:ion of the City Counc:il of the
CICJ' of Cupertino Approving FiDa1 Hap of Tract 5586, Ponderosa
.. ADaa; Located at the Kortbeast Corner of }lcClellan Road and
OEaDae Avenue; Developer, lCaiser Aetna, Accepting Certain
,..11c: ~ervice Easements; Authorizing the City Engineer anè
cbe City Clerk to Sign the Final Hap; and Authorizing the
.eement in C.:>n:lection Therewith."
2a. from Santa Clara Valley Cocoittee for UNICEF to
CODduc:t its ~~:lual Trick or Tr~t Drive from October 23
chrough Nove:1:>er 1, 1974.
2:. Proc:lamati~:I :"-at October 31, 1974, be National UNICEF Day.
22. laquest fro: ~:. Jude Childre~'s Ae3earch Hospital for their
12ch Annual ~~~~y Thoo. ' Teena;ers Marc:h scheduled for
L. toer~,:'. 16 and 17, 197':'.
23_ &squest by :;,e p.wl1c Safety Cam::tiss1on that the month of
Ocu.ber, 19-;', ~e "Blc)Oc1e Sat Itt:; Month".
24. 0: C:ty project ~r:ormed under contract and
~thorizari::! :~r City Engineer to file a ~otice of Acc~?tdnce
of Coapiet:::! ~:th the County Äecorder:
(a) Cr~ssr~a¿s Assessoent District Unit I, Pro!ec:t 7l-2,
Sarato,a-Sunnyvale Road, Dorth of Stevens Creek and
Stevens Creek Boulevard; ~tractor - Zipse Paving.
2S. Acceptance ~i ~!unicipal I...proveaents; Tract 5440, Maxine
and Homestead Developer - Estate Homes.
... ..A by Counc. 5ellis, seconded by Counc. Ue,yprs to adopt the
r Fn't Calendu.
Motion c:arried, 4-0
Pap 13
. .:;<> 14
ES O. T,:: QI.'"1'OIlER 7, 1914 CIty COUNCIL ~!E~;TI;ro
26. Adjouru to 1:30 P.M., Oc~a"u 8, 1974.
by Cot::cc. Nellis, sec:rlr J by Counc:. Jackson to 3djourn this
ting at 1< :30 P .~I. to 1:30 P.K.. Oc:tober 8. 1914.
Botton c:arried, 4-0
/s/ Reed S~arks
Mayor, City of Cupertino
¡ Is/ ~m. F ~~der
~ Cit] Cl.1r"..;.