CC 10-15-74
10300 Torre Avemae, Cupertino. California
Telephone: 252-4505
'>~,' "
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1ßIU'1'!:> o'DB AD.MI....,.L;œua _u~ 0' DB ClT'ì COUICIL
TIle _e~:lnl ... ....n... to cn:der at 7:30 p... fCi'11 _d by tbe
, salute to the flq.
Coune. present:
COICC. absent:
Fro~ J~. Kayars, Bellis, Mayor Sparta
Staff present:
Dt.rector of Adain1strative Services Ilyder
Dt.rector of Parks , Recreation Butler
Jtecr_tion S..pervi80r Roler Val
lecreation Supervi80r Brita Oklevik
c-tsstODer George R. Gabriel, Parka .
aecreation COI8ission
On behalf of the eoun-.:1.l, Counc:ilwolll8l1 Nellis presented the
purpose of this particular meeting as being an effort to obtain
a broad overview of the Rec:reat.oD program, the statu, of park
developments, the deterJat.ning of an inventory of park availa-
bility partic:ularly as it relates to the c:ount1ng of school site
all of whic:h would fora the basis for future polic:y decisions.
, .
Pale 1
At the invitation of Mayor Sparkn, Direc:tor Butler presented a
review of the Recreation prol!rams and polic:ies as they are at :
present time with c:o.part.80ns to previous programs and what oPtil'
ana loals would be in the :"uture. He noted that a: tb~ preseilt
tt.e there was a lac:k of adeq~te fac:ilities. The previous use
of sc:hools has been curta1.led to S01M e:.ttent throulh the nec:es-
sity now of having to pay c:ustodial c:osts at time al~ ~ne-h41f
after 10 p.m. at night and on SAturdays. Hr. Butler responded
to Councilwoman Nellis' question as to the type of facilities
available by stating that no indoor pr~gramming was possible ex-
c:ept for the small c:~ity buildings at Portal and Wilson
Parks and for the public schools.
Counc:ilman Jackson asked whether any attempt had been made to /' ~
use c:hurches and the ntCA. The reply was that the ("harges at ,'
the nI:A were exc:essive and that no c:ontact had been made witb
the !.oc:al c:hurc:hes.
A general disc:usaiOD took place as to the philosophy an~ poli-
cies of t~e spec:ial interest ~roups. These we,e defir.ed 3~
beiDI self-supporting aDd alt~ugu a lÙ% adlllinistuí:ive overhead
Page 2
. .
_ charged, it ~oJ1c1 JIØt ~t in a' p!:ofit for the City ctue to .d...n....trat!v. c:osts' -... in esc:ess of that lI&'Uut.
U- "'IS c;b..rftIII ~ wldle oae interpretati.oD coaU
.. that a ....11n 10.. ................ tIIa City was prorid1øl a ~
..,k tile 4: Ity.
; I>-
;j,,::¡" wenia iDIpd.íIjÍI' -'-''IIr. Val .. to tbe ~".. of '..ñ
'f;,~ l' nil vitia each of tIIa'~f 'r' . "..criptions contaiDe4 - tIIa
:-~~. ."_1 chart pnseatecl by the larb ...
'''.11 tioD DlpartMAt". daft.' .. aoted that the staff .. ~
_to d1~ .~ p.II_ ~ r ..... been mana wUe drop :ID
..,-,__ oa the van- ,L.J>_..;...da. Re stated - tho ,~
1IdD8 119_ cœaiderati.oll .. _ ~.ion of' the C:uU"C -
cap Ji'o"5'o- into _ch :a.rpr activity to be f1naBc:ed froa ....t
...naas there were of hevtJIa _ Ie.. leader per pls)p........
Coancil_ ~s offered that iDstruc:tionsl such.. bad
1IeeD liven at De ADza aDd otller loc:ations had been quite IIGCC_
fDl. ~ also suted that the _re prevalent use of bustn& of
students to Collins School cøal4 be a reason for less usale of
the teen beiliUe. at that location. This vas in response to a
stat_t by!fr. Val that the teen pro¡ram at ::ennedy Jr. Rip
ISchool attracted three the partic:ipants than at Coll~
J Jr. High Schcol.
Councilman J..;:Ucn inquired as to the type of feedbac:k the depart-
_t r£.ceh"K :roa tbe pu!l1ic: aftd how this was elicited. Direc:tur
Þ-ader sd.! :~t for play&rOuDds and teen activities it vas by
personal obse~.1tion aDd ...aluations of the leaders. The re¡¡ultll
of the specLa:i~ts' ac:tivities were by personal observatiCft of a
st~ent inte~ plus the Recr..t1on Superviso£. T~e depar~aent
a1ao had II ?articipant fora to be coapleted at the end of eac:h
!layor Sp3lks a~ked about the cutbac:k in pla~"ground hours. Direc:-
~r Butler sai~ tMt the reduction vaS due to personnel require-
=ents to bet ~h... within the :&%1== per.::itted for intenaiu,ent
e.ployees ,,:t.,,:, the retir_t BY.tea. The maximum hours of work
bad been rKu,;ed frOl!1 40 to 35 hpurs per week this year as it vas
_cessal"Jo" :', ;:ay t1!De and _Mlf for aU oours over 700. The
operating ~"¿~o!t for 1972 !wd Ken reduced from a lo-week to an
s-ek pro¡;u:t !lut a 9-_ek progra1ll vas bdng planned for next
!fr. Val ;ld__i...,.! Mayor Sparks that the educational level for
1ec:reatioll LeAjers required t~ to be college students. The A:'~es ca... froa Jr. and Seni"r lIigh Schools. Tbe
&eftl'ral age ~=.."kct over the recent years has been reduced froa
che 24-25 ~·U~ group to 18-20 year group but haJ no expla....tion
for this.
Direc:tor Butlo!~ volunteered that the low pay sc:ale the City now
off~red was n.>t attracting the older person in that these people
were vor~i~ in ir.Justry for $3.50 to $4.00 per hour.
.....__ Sparks offued t:.&t pJ.asosrotmd usage vas down due to the
~of CCIIIu.aity of 1..... wldc:h resulted froa the laør
Ji . ' . ofwñ plus the 1øw.1107 Kale. Be said tbs COIIDct.l_14
... to 10ak at these cnc.øpn. at tile DUt budget hearlq.
;'-".' ;''', ,,'
.' " :~i: -1:;
-;: "'f1 !leyers atat'" ,¥!!=JIool enroU-t ('''-I''- .... al80
;~l"- within a ne:l~·>;uoct chanle aDd these also coaU be
, ,'. - ~ 11Iu~ factors to tIIit' ~ V~ usale of plaYAco.DIa.
- n :r....,,_ aa1cI tIIa CU7 needed aD :lD-depth _ fty
--J. Ie preferred a ...4_..Uic aampliDa vith 1nd:lridue1
T---tf-...... a po..ibWl:)'. Be would 1:1_ to see ~ ~"ty iD-
..t_t f~ auc:h AI~ _ the Jaycee.. ChaIIber of C rce,
-.tee c:llllls aDd bi&h school dabs. Be c:ontended, lxNeYer. that
dill dedp of the qauth. t... -wd have to be done with care.
Te th:Is MaJor Sparta be favored paid c:onsul tants for this
- ....-.
c-:llMD Fro1:lch presented his views that if an in-depth c:o.-
~ty &Urny ..~. i-:aortaat dIeD a professional approach vould be I
toe:ter. Be compared this to the designing of parks where the
C1~ obta1Ded profe.sional help rather than what the neighborhood
residats -roi have done .... they dea1gned thea. He said that
pollbll vas a scienc:e and the use of cuw.mity groups vas a good
:Idea but tM questions to he ..ked and the sampling to be taken
sbøald be ~=e by profeasioaa1.. E:' said that onc:e this vas ac:-
CGIIpli.hed. :~ use "f CoQ "ty Ir<>ups for leg work would be
appropriate. Counc:Uman J..-"__ conc:urred with the c~t chat
sac:h aD uX~::aking had caay ~lexities 311.:1 one of the basic:
"hi"C_ naKed vas to elic:it ideas fro. the co_unity.
Qaestions t::-e:t..ere raised 8':5 to the status of the Little Theater
activity. :'irector Butler stated tha~ this bad been dropped. It
... created as a spec:ialist prograa and as such was to 1::1' aelf-
....pporting. An operatioaal probl.. arose where the :ù>...trl1ctcr
did DOt va:: to use all those vbo regio;tèr~.i and had vanted 3<1-
dt.tional lIC:e~, to suppl_t the salary. He sai¿ he \o'Ould like
to .tart t¡":'s again but it ~d have to '* supplemented by City
fands. Jadtson offered that one question for the cont""'Plated
sarvey c:oulJ relate to the City funding of special intere~t
Director Butler inquired of the Council as to their feelings ()f
providing ~=vices for the physic:ally handica?ped as the City DOV
:I.s cIoing for the aentally retarded youth. Jackson
said that certainly this __ ODe area where lhe possibility ex-
t.sted for t» City to fill a _eel not being satisfied by other
Jlayor Spar4 received perwt...!on fro. the Cfty Counc:il to be' a
Pale 3
Page 4
oue IUD co..tttee to review in c:onjunction with Director of Ad-
a1n1strative Services Ryder the ex1ating salary structure for
Rec:reation Leaden and to develop a polic:y on how best to recruit
and retain the mst qualified leaden.
With respect to the Jtecreatiou proar-lnl questi0n08lna,
Counc:il_ Rellis said that sha _Iii listen to 1deaa !lot pre-
,ferred that the questionDaire it..lf not be prepared uatll after
the park developaent utter had been disc:ussed by tha City
Counc:il. Counc1luD Frolic:h 8UUUted a revt_ ô)f tha City's
pals :" this area before intervievinl finIS for the coaduc:t of
the survey.
Coaaissioner Gabriel offered a suuestion that educ:stors c:ould be
an invaluable sourc:e of· 1nforaation in that they work vith and
are aware of the needs of the I:hildren.
Councilman Meyers asked Councilwoaan Nellis as to what she hoped
would be ac:c:omplished by another meeting to disc:uss park develop-
ment. She said that she felt the plans for the exištibl park
sites should be revi-.d as well as the philosophy of park usale
to see if the park standards are being met and if no~ why they
weren't and to review the community's desires on the type of
development ad it related to costs. Councilman Meyers felt that
the defeat of the bond issue automatically changed the previous
concepts and commented tha~ preliminary plans for the ~alance of
the parks w\ re not finalized.
Mayor Sparks injected his belief that the City should have
Rec:reation Center Direc:tors in the parks such as Portal, Wilson
and Linda Vista as a deterrent to vandalism and wanted this to
be discussed at a lat~r date.
Councilwoman Nellis asked that it be made knmolll that c:o_ants
from both the staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission would
be welcomed as to the type of ques~ions to be included in any
survey adopted.
Director Butler requested permission of the City Counc:il to
c:hange the proposed assignment of a Senior Recreation Leader
yet to be employed from one of more or less a public relations
person to one of developing a nature museum in conjunction with
the day camp and naturalist programs. The rcquest for additional'
monies for this purpose was not acted upon in that administrative
transfers of appropriations could be œade, The concept of such
a project was considered t~ have merit and was so expressed by
the Council members;
It was the consensus of the Council that should the agenda for
the regular meeting of November 4, 1974 be of sufficient size to
permit the question of Council discussion on parks and park
developments, thpy would be agendized for that meeting.
The aeeting vas adjc..aDed by Mayor Sparks at 9:10 p... to 7:30 p. .
OQ October 29. 1974.
/s/ Reed Sparks
lfayor, City of Cuperit_
/sl :e. E. Ryder
City Clerk
rage 5