CC 10-29-74 . . . CIT1r OF CUPu:u..o, STArE OF CALll'OllllIA 11_ Torre A\'8Due, CupertiDO, California þ1lV-lIe: 252-4505 1URU'Ir;:, OF 1'IŒ JIEGULAJlIlEErDC OF 1'IŒ CITY muJlCIL -.D 011 0Ct'0JEI. 29, 1974, U tHE COUNCIL awtBER. crn BALL wrlUUtIfC. CALUOJIRU s.u.utE TO THE nAG Jlllyor Sparks called the ..etinl to order at 7:33 P.K. with the Salute to the Flag. mu. CALL Counc. pres~:: Frolic:h. Jackson. Meyers, Nellis, Kayor Sparks Counc. abse:l:: Sone Staff prese:::: City HaIU.ger ,~in:a" City Attorney Ad..- Director of AdIIl:ustrative Serd.e. Ryd,¡o~ Director of P:a::::i~1 ar.d Develerment Sis' Director of P~~lic Works Viskevi.h Director cf Par«s L~d Recreat!..n Butler 1!DiUTii:S OF PF..:.':OUS IŒETlSCS 1. Approv..: of Minutes of adjourn..d regular ....eting of Oc:tobe~ 15, 1974. Page 3. paragraph 4, line 6: Change "pooling" to "polling". Page 3, next t" the last paragraph, first line. Change "findings" 1:0 "feelings". ~ed by Co~c. Jackson, seconded by Cnunc. Neilis to approve the ~utes of October l5, 1974, as corrected. Motion c:arried, S-o 2. Approval of Minutes of adjourned reg~lar meetinl of Oc:tober 8. 1974. Pap 4. secood paragraph, secoad line: Change "$57,00" to "$57,000'. CC-Z36 Pap 1 -". .. ~ ,: - ,~~ . . !lDlU'IES OF THE ocroBn 29. 1974 CITY 'COUNCIL HEETINC Page 6, the wotion just .III ... aaenda it.. 11, third liDe: MIl "'half of· after "froa tile ~ ral Fund," ,. Pase 11, second paragrapta.....: "Counc:. Jac:kson questf--' pap 3 of the Agr_t providma fOr the AgreeMDt of Vallco's co_el aøcI page 6 providinl for cenific:atton by the City thâ the Aar_nt is valid. It vss agreed dIat the Vallc:o c:onsent portion vou1cI be delated, as ..-auld the vorcls ·valid and' frea p.¡;;e 6." Moved by Counc:. Jac:ksOD, "-C)o ðed by Counc:. Keye~s to approve the K!nutes of October 8, 1974. .. corrected. IfotloD c:arried, 5-0 3. Apl'r~v..l of Minutes of regular meeting of Oc:tober 7, 1974. Page 3. ~¿:<:: to the bot COlI paragraph, c:hange: "David" to "Daniel". Page b. ~èxt to the bott""" ¡>aragraph, cha..ge : "Attorney" to "Hr.". ~~ved ~, ::~~C. Meyers, seconded by COUDC. Jackson to approve the ~inute!t :: 0,:t·.)ber 7, 1~7!.. ,áS corrected. ~~~ion carried, 4-0-1 Co~c. Frolich abstained COMML":\: ,:,.\rro~s to. Wr1tt"n The City Cl"rk read into ~ record the following written communic:ations: A. .\ notice by the Los Altos Garbage Company of a _eting between ~e?resentatives of the company and affected cities to be held ~~veNber 21, 1974. They c:ite an emergenc:y expenditure of $1,400,000 for required iJDprovemenu at the duap site. This ~ould reflec:t a 15% inc:rease in the garbale rate. B. .\ ~equest by Hr. ~ard E. Mallett for a hearing on his sppeal fr~. the Planntna eo..dssion denial of ap;lic:ation lo-V-74. C. A request fr~ Vallc:o Park for an insrttion of an addt'.nd.. to the ~ity Co~l a1nutè!S uf August 19. 1974. .' ::;', "~~<~~ ".... ',,,J.'~'" ~Ei~~/"'" 1$ .. ,: ~,,'" . . "~- . . JØJlUrES Œ tHE ()I;r()BEa 29. In4 ern CXlUMCIL HEEtIRG >I, " D. Letter of reair-4- froa Susan ~. Espinosa froa the Pub cd 1lacøC:t'- c-iasion. E. S-roua 1ettan,~ dosure of Vic:ksburl Drive at Cold Harbor. F. Lett.r froa Val1co Park's Walter Ward askinl that the !I1Dutes of Auaac 19. 1974, includi! remarks frOll their Utorney BobeR ~son that he made at this _etinl· !loved by c..-u1c. Jackson, seconded by CoWlC. Ne'lis to correct the JUnutes :: August 19, 1974, to include Attorney Robert Thompson's stateae=.:s. Hotion carried, 5-0 Koved ~: :~~e. Nellis, seconded by Coune. Frolich to sccept the appeal :: š,?lication lo-V-74. Kotion carried, 5-0 Moved ~, ::~:. Nellis, sec:onde~ by Counc. Frolich to ac:cept the resigr.¿:::~ :r K~. Espinosa irom the Parks and Recreatio~ CO~~¡5- *ion. Hation calried, 5-0 It wa~ =:::~ ~y the Kayor tbat the letters concerning Vic:ksburg Drive .~:: :è introduced at the time of that public healing. s. Or..: :=""ications A. S:<:". B. :-""r" were no requests by Councilpersons for removal of :.:....s frt'm the Ccx1&ent Calendar. PUB..lC '--: !3:SGS 6. Pub::': Eearing to c:ons1der the closing of the street on VicL<,."'crg Drive at Cold Harbor. The Dire:::: of Public: ~orks acknowledged the petitions received by the C:'::< a....d subsequent studies made on this matter. .. CC-236 P31e 3 Correction to Aug. 19th Minutes lo-V-74 appeal accepted i 1 Espinosa resil fr P & R Camm. · e -236 ... 4 , IIlNUTES OF THE OcrOBEIl 29. 1974 CITY' rouwClL JllŒflllG Cdteria vas eatab11alled for the perunent c1Ol1lre of a public IItreet. He then reviewed tbe October 25, 1974 traffic stl'idy report. Counc:. ReUb asked if .a1temativea had been explored such as traffic bcaps to disc:ourage the speedina. The Direc:tor of Public Works said the City Attorney haBsá!d they are considered a liability. Counc:. Meyers sugaened considednl box dots. The City Attorney said little bumps are less objec:tionable than larle buaps. The Direc:tor of Public: Works said those used on 185, whic:h serve to vam lIotorists of the end of the street, c:reate a noise fac:tor. which would not be desirable in a residential neighborhood. Counc. Jackson suggested consideration be given to a diversion screen such 3S u~èd at Peppertree Lane. Counc. Froli~h felt the solution might be in selective enforcement. The first attempt at that was less than satisfactory, and he wO'lld like to have some fairly heavy selecti~e enforcement tried once agsin. Mrs, Carol Baker, 10327 Cold Harbor, ~~v~ a rundown of the speeding along these streets for the past SiX years. Her prime concern is for the children in the area. The stop signs and other types of slowing dc~n the traffic are not as effective as closure of the street. Mr. Carl Flock, 102ry8 Vicksbur~ ~rive, said his son was hit by a car on this street. lie would i1ke to see the barricade taken down and selective enforcement iœpleœented. Mr. John Pulli 19736 Vicksburg Drive, gave his observation of Wilson school and park usage and the proximity to the traveled ways. He would like to see a safety patrol {nstituted. The Hay 2, 1974 letter from Wil$ca Principal Vic Norton to the Traffic: Engineer, urging some soluti,,:'! u the traffic problem be found, and the Hay 13, 1974 letter from the ~\lson School PIA Executive Board expressing concern for the safety of the children were introduced. Mr. Ty Short, 10200 Vicksburg Drive, said he represented l44+ c:itizens ~ho had signed the petition. They share the conc:ern of the people in Williston Park. They feel th~ permanent or temporary closure of thoroughfares is not the answer to problems like these. This penalizes 85% of the drivers in addition to the 15% reckless drivers. He said they endorse selective enforcement. · ., IUJIU'l'IIS or t1Œ ocrOHJl 29, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Ik. Jk»b 11cIaevaJ', 10234 Soatb Portal Drive, laiel be vaa 10 favor of üe barricade. Be fa ¡ Øt qainlt selec:tive enfor_t, bow- _. It ~d be . .Utaka to tear down I_thing that works, '-I: this barricade on COU IIarIIor isolates two ..ctions of -.1&J.horlloclU . ... Del8Do Delaryshe, 10265 East Estates Drive, said the traffic: øport shClW$ that ebe ..tire City of CupertillO hall a tr_cIoua traffic: probl_. S- preeaut10ns are nec:essary. This is a .,.,t_ of a aeøeral probte. with which we aust COII8 to ¡rips. IIrs. Chic:o VatU1abe, 10338 Cold Harbor Avenue, said she lives at the comer of V1c:ksburl Drive. She spoke ou behalf of the c:losur of suc:h streeu. She pointed out that this is a unique situation Where there is a coabination of a sc:hool and full park fac:ilities aDd a series of 90- c:urves in the street. 1Ir. John Carlson, l0203 Portal Avenue, lives at the corner of !'ric:e Avenue. H~ was opposed to this closure of a street. He aerees this is s danleroua corner but is convinced this is not th solution to the problem. The purpose of the streets is to carry traffic; per~aps a agtorcycle policeman could enfor~e the laws. IIrs. Miriam Idle, 10640 East Estates Drive, said the stop signs are :tot bei:>, honored. She would like to see the barricade made penoanent. e,'en though it will inconvenience some people. She also suggested bumps right at the stop signs. She informed the Council that another petition is forthcoming. Hrs. Pat Smith, I03l7 Cold Harbor, said she was in favor of the closure for the safety of the children. She quoted itC1llS > and 6 of the opposing petition. She contended that the closure would DOt cause that much inconvenience. Hr. Do~ald Anderson, l0337 Cold Harbor, said he wholeheartedly IVpport~ the oriJinal petition and believes the inconvenience is .inimaI in <oaparison to the safety of the children. He then critiqued the traffic study. The proposal merely diverts the problem froc one corner to another. liE< supported the second alternathe. IIrs. Mary Nelson, La Mar Drive, said Principal Norton had told he he did not endorse the barric:ade. This is a community problem. She wss not in favor of the barricade as a solution. 1Ir. David Habttula, 10228 Cold Harbor, said he was in favor of the closing and urged the City Counc:il not to base their decision on the Director of Public: Works' study. CC-":;6 !'age S .... - :C-236 ?aae 6 MINUTES 0' THE ocrOIlMt 29, 1974 CITY COUNèIL MEETIIG Mr. Deonis Paboojian, 10328 ColeS Harbor Avenue, saieS he has DOt yet beareS that the bardc:scle has Dot been effec:tive ill stoppiJl& the errant clriver. they are coacerneeS v1thtbe safety probl.. TIle" 18 DOt a heavy traffic: pattern throuala Villiston Park; therefore. the c:1osure does not iIIc:onveniàee amy people. The c:_nity wel~ any proposal that will effec:tively 80lve this problea of tbe arrat driver. There are still cars that 10 up OD the lawn around tlva barr1c:acle. He supports selected enforc:e.ent. He said $l7,OOO does pot rei.te to that Bingle closing and V8Dted the c:itizens to know that. Øe ",.,uld like the people to know just what it would cost. Counc:. Mellis quoted froa the staff report the c:osts of the proposal. Hr. Bob Channey, 19766 Vic:ksburl Drive, said the c:oncern for the safety frc~ the errant driver is not loins to &0 away. Better polic:e coverage is one solution. He asked the City Counc:il to consider the c:ost of the ~arricade against the c:ost of the increased police coverage. Mr. Nick Garcia, 1932l La Mar Drive, said he has lived there II years and has watched cars speeding at 50-60 mph. lie is not definitely against the barricade but it only solves the problem for a few people. The real problem is the err1nt driv~r who will be driving somewhere else if not here. Mr. Ralph Capling, 10298 Cold Harbor Drive, said he has lived there for 6 years. With the temporary barrier in place the auto/child conflic:t is remo"ed. lie asked what the City's liability will be when a child is hit after the barricade is removed. He said the residents in the area are fed up with the reckless drivers and he supports Counc. 'rolich's proposal. Since it appears that all had been heard, Mayor Sparks called a recess at 9:22 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:35 P.M. Moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Jackson to close the pub lic hear ing. Hotion carried, 5-0 Counc. Meyers observed that the c:ommon, recurrent theee here Is the lack of traffic enforcement in the City of Cupertino. Without enforce- ment the errant driver is goinl to c:ontinue to break the law. General I" be is not in favor of closing an access. He is very euc~ c:onc:erned about the safety of the children throughout the City. He believ.. enforceeent is th~ way to address the overall problea here, with expanded traffic: law enforc:~t. He also does not believe the park entrance should be c:lo.ed. . . KDI\TrES 01' THE ocrOBEll 29. 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEErIXC CC-236 Pase 7 Counc:. Jac:kson said be ~ with IIOst of Counc. Heyen' state- _u. Be vas not r--'7 at thia ti_ to say he vas in favor of perunent c:losinl of tile sneet. This is a unique area. and safet is a probla. Be __ ill favor of keepinl the te.porary barric:ade for the present, and be vas in favor of selec:tive enfor~t. Be vould like to c:ont~ to try to solve SOlll! of these otber problas also. Counc. Nellis said tile City Counc:il did respond to the petition frOll what appeared to be 90% of the citizens in that area. Bowever, a subsequent petition was not in favor of the barricade. The traffic problea is throughout the cOllllDunity. The City must decide if this is a uaique situation, with the park and school. She was not satisfied vith alternati"tes suggested. She felt ther should be some discussion about crosbing guards at the school crossing. She was not in a position !~ make a dec:i~ion on the entire issue at this tiJle. Counc. Frolich said he vas not surpri~cd that the tecporary barri cade had been successful for the present. He was disappoi~ted in the support from t~e Sheriff's Office on this. The area he lives in now is experiencing very similar problems. He believes it is important to nai~ the offender, lie urged that the approach to the problem be wor~ed out in conjunction with the Sher,ff's Off ice. Mayor Sparks was in fa'lOr of closing off the intersection. lie said that perhaps ve need our own police department and fire dcpart'=1ent because we don't seem to be getting the service we uee Maybe radar at LaMar Drive would be effectlve, He said w~ want to get lhe offenders off the street and we want to have as cany ss possible use transit. Counc. Frolich said this may be a unique conler in tome respects but it is not unique in terms of safety. Counc. Sellis noted that requests for ~losure of other streets are forthcoming, according to a statement made at this ceetin~, She doubted that the Council had the full, scope of the problem at this time. She vas t.n favor of continuing the matter and asking Engineering and Planning to put together a report of the streets vhere there might be this kind of request, and discussions should take place with the Sheriff's Office. Mayor Sparks asked that th staff reports be ready by the first part of January. Counc. Jackson would like to knov how the temporary c:losure has sffected the shopping patterns, commute patterns, etc. I,' t . t ~. 236 ~8 , , , Public 5a:"~7 Cocmiss io.. referral . e , KlNUTES OF iHE OCTOBER 29, 1914 CITY COUNCIL HEETIJIG Hoved by Counc:. Meyers. IMcoadecl, by Counc:. JacksoD to reapeD the public: hearin&. MOtion c:arried. 5-0 Moved by Counc:. Meyers, sec:oaded by Counc:. Jac:kson to c:ontinue this matter to the third Monday in January and to leave the teaporary barricade up untU that tt8e. The City Attorney answered Counc:. Heyers that there is no ti_ limit for a temporary barricade. If we decide on a peraanent barric:ade we must then file a resolution of intent, etc. Motion carried, 5-0 The staii report should i~clude locations of other, antic:ipated requests f~r closings ~~d ~heir effects, as well as how each request is unique. ¡,hat about proposed costs. The Sheriff's Office should be askp¿ about select i"" enforcement techniques. ~uveù b, ~~unc, Frolich, seconded by Counc, Jackson to refer the enforc~æc~t problem to t~e Public Safety Commission. Motion carried, 5-0 7. Publ ic hearing to consider an amendment to the adopted plan line for t~" Cupertino Crossroads/Core Area, involving the extension of Ba~dley Drive from Greenleaf Drive northerly to Valley Green Drive. The Plar.r.i~g Director reviewed Plans A, B, C and D on the bulletin board. He said ~h" Planning ~ission restudied the alternatives and reaffirmed their original proposal contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1342. Plan B. Mayor Sparks asked for c~ents from the audience. Hr. Tom Harrington, Palo Alto, repre~enting Mr. Palko said their reasons for not wanting extension of Bandley Drive are based on previous com- mitments as well as the fact that the traffic solutions would be better because o~ly 6 houses are affected one part of the day only, and for bette- residential access. As to the economics, Alternate B offered no benefit to Mr, Falk and pa)~ent for it is unjustified. He was in favor of Alternate A. Counc. Sell is waS answered that the Planning ComD1ssioo's objec:tion to Alternate A and C was introduc:tion of industrial and c:~erc:ial traffic: onto resid~ntial streets. . . KINUTES 0' THE 0CT01IEa 29, 1974 CITY COmcCIL KEETl1IG CC-236 Page 9 The Direc:tor of Public Vorlta ..id one of the .-in resaons for Bandley Drive _ ütenate B is the perforaøce standards. Without Bandley Dd.... we vould have to iDtrodaca residential into no industrial balls. Mayor Sparks ...... for _eøta fr_ tha .ud1eDc:e. Ms. Bliaabeth 1UDtoD. c1t1zeø, said Carcleø eat. is a unique development. She boped the Counc:il vould adopt Alternate B. The residents do DOt believe it will be incoøvenieut, but that it would be with Altenates A or C. She urled that the traffic: be kept out of the residential area. Hoved by Counc:. Kellis, seconded by Counc:. 'rolic:h to c:lose the public hear1nl. Hotion carried, 5-0 Counc. Nellis said she vas in favor of Alternate C, modified. Valley Green Drive would go through but Beardon would not. Counc. Jackson said he prefers Alternate B, but Alternate C would be acceptable with a fev minor problema. Counc. Meyers favored Alternate B as proposed by the Planning Commission, even though he understands the problems involved. Counc. Frolich felt ~hat Alternate A made the m0st sense, althoug he would go along viLh .~tcrnate C as an alternate. Counc. Nellis said the priority is to protect the residential fr industri3l rather than to provide roads for the industrial at the expense of the residential. Moved by Counc. Meyer., seconded by Counc. Jackson to approve the alignment of the Core Area Plan as recommended in Planning Commission Resolution No. l232. PC Res. 1232 upheld AYES: NOES: Counc. Meyers, Jackson, Mayor Sparks Counc. Nellis, 'rolich ~!otion carried, 3-2 Recess was called at 11:27 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 11:33 P.M. . 4c1a . . MINUTES OF THE ocrOBEll 29, 1974 CITY COUNCIL HEETIlfC " 8. Applic:atioa 4-Z-74 of Bruce Edwards: lezon1n1 4.80 acres froa Rl-lO (ResUeatial. sJ.nsl_f.lly, 10,000 sq. ft. per d_lling unit) zone to P (PJ---' Developaent with s quaai-public/aiai-storage ... intended) aoae. Said property is located on the _tlNest c:omer of Mary Aveaue .... PI'MVa)' Route 280. Ie\:_ ~ for approval. t Moved by Counc. .JSckSCD, seconded by Counc:. Heyers to cønt1Due tø application 4-%-74 to the first _et1nl 1D Koveaber. Motion carried. s-o 9. Application 2o-U-74 of Bruc:e Edwards: Use P.n.it to allow c:onstructioa of a mini-stora.. facility on said 4.80 acres. Said property is located on the 80uthwest c:orner of Mary Avenue and 're_ay RDute 280. Recommended for approval. Moved by Counc:. Jac:kson. seconded by Counc:. Meyers to c:ontinue to application 2-U-74 to the first meeting in November. Motion carried, 5-0 10. Application 22-Z-74 of Louis Romano: Rezoning 0.80 acre froa OG (General Coamercial) to R2-4.25 (Residential, duplex, 4,250 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone. Said property Is located on the east side of Stevens Canyon Road betw~en McClellan Road and St. Andrews Road. Recommended for approval. (a) First Reading of Ordinance No. 661: "An Ordinance of the City of Cuperti~o Amendinl Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezoning 0.80 Acre from OG (General Commerc:ial) to R2-4.25 (Residential, Duplex, 4,250 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Zone; Located on the East Side of Stevens Canyon Road Between McClellan \!Dad and St. Andrews Road." - read by the City Clerk. Moved by Counc. Jac:kson, sec:onded by Couac:. Heyers to also consider agenda item 12 (c) at this time. Motion carried, 5-0 l2. (c:) Applic:ation l7-TH-74 of Louis Romano: Tentative Map to dividu 0.806 acre into four lots. Said property is located on the east side of Stevens Canyon Road between McClellan Road and St. Andr.... Road. Recolllllended for approval. Moved by Counc:. Frolich. sec:onded by Counc. Nellis to close the public hearinl. Motion carried, 5-0 ""04'_,,._...,, '._"'." ._~" .>Í; '". ;.: ,'\.. ~ ~~ ,. '"'- " f '1'1!'''.:· -., . ",.. :~/ .:1t~"(· -f!,:~ ( "'~' , ¡~ " , . e ~ IIIlIUTES or THE OC'IOIIEIt 29. 1974 CITY COUNCIL HEEl'IlIG IIoved by CouIIc~iJ,'e~"a,:,~ecI;b1 Counc. rl'ol1ch co."rOf" epp1ic:stion 2~7"~", u<' ",;; . '~'~~~"~.;'::::~~;""". ·.iì:~6.t . . '>-, ' , ' , "azz.:Ied 5-0 ',:"::;':(:', ':;/"'~;;(-~".;~~;<::;?',,:~,~,,: . . <'f'>~;'i'.I". ;¡¡:~".'" ' , . t',~;·~·,'t: ,A' ';',' .' ,,", " ',' ",""""",;,,' , ,",'"'1~;?;; '..;¡);,'~\ IIøftcI b1eou.Dì:'.1'I'o11ch.i-toìiW~by Counc. Bellis. tIIaC. orcJiMD .. 661 'Ihá11,k nacI b7 tt.t1e~ on11 and the Clerk'. I'...uø. sboa1 CGIIst1tute the rira ....,f... ' 1Io~ carried. 5-0 Moved by Counc. Ja('''''''''', seconded by Counc. Heyers to approve application 17-TM-74 1a accordanc:e with Planninl eo.aission Resolution No. l522. Motion c:srried, 5-0 11. Application 27-Z-74 of Elmano L. V. 1l0000em and Ete1vina A. Homem: Rezoning .25 acre from R3-2.2 (Residential, multiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) zone to 12-4.25 (Residential duplex, 4,250 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone. Said prope~ty is located at the southeast corner of the intersec:tion of Alpine Drive and Foothill Blvd. Recommended for approval. (a) 'irst Reading of Ordinance No. 662: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Section I of Ordir.ance Ho. 2 by Rezoning .25 Acre from R3-2.2 (Residen:ia], Multiple, 2,200 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Zone to 12-4.25 (Residential, Duplex, 4,250 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Zone; Located at the Southea~t Corner of the Inter section of Alpine Drive and 'oothill Blvd." - read by the City Clerk. Moved by Counc. Jac:kson, seconded by Counc. Nellis to close the public hearing. Motion c:arried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. Heyers, sec:onded by Counc. Ne]lis,to approve application 27-Z-74 in ac:cordance with Planning Commission Resolution No. 1346. Motion c:arried, 5-0 Hoved by Counc. Jac:kson, seconded by Counc. Meyers to have Ordina ce No. 662 read by title only and the Clerk's reading shall constitu the First Reading. Motion c:arried, 5-0 CC-236 rase 11 22-Z-74 approftd 17-TM-74 approved 27-Z -74 approved :l":;':" f' e t . IIIlWI'ES Of' THE ocroBm 29, 1974 CITY' COUIIClL HEETIlfC ,It';,:" , .'';1.1'1_. CallaiS.' :'~~;.(a) APPlic:att~>'¡~fíDitZ-cr8D~t Tent.dye" for: r:ff:>"'·, lot line'.J,·:. Lots 37 aDd 38.·',Hontebe~"'. Tract 5550... . ',.,,'tm.i'perty is located eastedy;of aað adjacent to'Nõ¡~rU::Blvd. approx1ll8tely l3Of.t. oortherly of the inter.)'~"";" ·of Ranc:ho Ventura Street aað Foothill Blvd. Rec. ,< ole.. for approval. Ko-..ed by ~unc:. Jac:ksoa. seconded by Counc:. Bellis to app- appl1catiz:t 22-TK-74 fa accordanc:e with Planninl eo.sisstoa Besolution 1Co. B48. Hotion C3rded, 5-0 {è\ A,plic3tion 21-TM-7~ of Edwin J. Myers (Bethel Lut~eran Church): :ontative Hap to eliminate a lot line c:reating one parc:el :~3te3d of two. Said property is within a RQ (Quasi-Public: :~ilding) zone, CDe e:ttire parcel consisting of 3.2 ac:res :o,ated at tr~ southwest CQrn~r of the intersec:tion of ::,,~h 3nd Sore'tso::> Avenues. Re,'Cllllllended for approval. -~74 roved Movcù ~, ::un~. J3cks~. &ec~ndcd by C~unc. Nellis to approve appli,a::'~ !1-TM-~4 ln ac~rdance with Plann1nl Com=ission Resolution No. 13";. Hotion carried, 5-0 {¿ì ~z?lication 1~-14 of Howard E. Kallett: Varianc:e froa ò~,tion 16.28.010 of the Fence Ordin~ce to alLow a 6 ft. ,cJge across the front property line. Said property is :::3ted at 20699 Iodrigues Avenue in a resid~ntial, sinale- :~11y zone. lac Anded for dcnial. Mr. Dav:~ ~,1mes, appear~ on behalf of the applic:ant, stated that they di¿ ~~; feel they received 3 fair hearinl. se::c Upon r~;~'st of the appl1caat, it was moved by Counc:. Jackson. seconded by Coun:. Fr~lich to refer lo-V-74 back to the Planning Coaaission. Motion carried, 5-0 Mrs. Jor~ ~ilqulst, 20685 aodrigues Avenue, said she vas the lady who had fil~ ;he complaint aDd she asked that she be notified of the hearing ~ this applic:atiø:l. 1;, . . IlIHUTES Of Till> ocroøu 29. 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,,; Arclùtec:tu"al 8DII $tt"'}PProva1 eo-it tee , '>;;>~f:'~": ", " :t~ ,/;';.,,' . _ .. "",' 'Ll Öt:'Alica P. ShFist ~~.~ì:t.nl .I!':: êldcrë'tute, landíiåpi~~n., 8Dd ,,' .". of,.. exi8tlna" " ;ccote , '''~~023S South Sar.op..Sunn),·a c ·f·········~al· ',' .,.".¡ "" 10_.",01' .~-n.v. '. . . ..":~ ""eeI by Counc. ",,;I&~¡~~f~1ëð ~ C-c. Ja(\;~oÍat~ spp~e "~ic:ati011 HC-Sl,34I~.l' 'fa accorelance with Relolutioø 10.' 459. , (s) Appl1c:a~ . . '..x' ,. approval'.,' , l!PUnl!' located ai' IIoUOII carried, 5-0 (b) Application ØC-Sl,075.36l of The Westfield Coapany requesting exception to Section 6.042 of the Sign í'rJinance to allow two (2) ground signs to be located on C~e (1) parcel for an existing light industrial buildinr 10<'J.t~d at the soutb",est corner ot Prllncridge Avenue: and r~~t au Avenue. Reco....ended tor "pproval. Mov~d ~:: ~ applic.'.: :: ,.". .I~ck~c:>, Feco:'ldcd by Counc. Frolfch to Bpp':ove :,':-~l,075.361 in accoròllnce wirh R('solution No. 460, Hotion carried, 5-0 (d ,',?C~ ¡cat ion IIC-51.34 2.1 or Ad-Arr. Inc. (ßrenr",ood ~'ar\.:'.. r.~:le<ting 3;>proval of 3 wall si¡;n for an r.xi>;ting "O'J- ::.,:..i"l develo¡r.:ent located at 10075 East [state<; Drive. ~",èm~ended for approval. Kovr.ù !-:' :,",:"". NeJ1~s. secondt:d by Coune. Meyers to a¡>prove applic¿: :.,; ;:C-5l,342. \ in accordanc" wiLh Rcsolution No. 461. Hotion c:arried, 5-0 (d) A?,'¡ ication HC-Sl.027 .14 of Ja",es "'. Foug & Associ Potes ($o..urity r<1cific: N<1t fon:l1 ß:I"k) rcquesting approv:I of a sir.n plan for a ~::nk facility loeal,'d at lhc tlOrthca5t cur""r of rac:ifica Driv~ nnd Sarato¡;a'·Sunnyvale Road. R""""",,ended for <1pproval. Koved by (~u",. Jnckson. seco1\d..d by Counc. .'ryers to approve applie4tl"" 'iC-5l,027.l4 in ac:cordance with Resolution No. 462. Hot ion carried, 5-0 CC-236 Page 13 1 ~ , " ;;~ ,1 ...~ , HC-Sl,341.l approved .. IiC-~1-(l7:'.Y' "1'1,:o\"C'è IiC-~J ,]~2.J appro':c d IlC-51,027. ¡t, approv..d t ~ tii lì ~ ¡. !., I t.< i I, I ~, , k ~L. , . . MINIITt::; OF TIlE OcrOßER 29, 1974 CITY L'OUNClL MEF.TING " ;"(0) APpUtl1ti;'·:~S1'.318.2l of Fisherman's Village requestina C" J':' ,excepti,; ;,\' ' c.:: .,?~,021 of the Siln OrdiD3l1ce ,t.o allow an ,; ¡i$f *!VeJ:t..,,'¡\~d!L~e.s o.Lthe·allotted 8quar~footage . .,,~;:: . for ~.. . . 'j~~a¡¡~~~ lôc:ate4. on' the80uth side of 'r'J' .,~ ·'S~~,. '~"":'~i.n#ø.)dÌi3.ilY 200 feet'pstedy of ,rt~:',!r;'o --"'-;~i'''f: '''':'':~.:Ji:':'';'...I :;, ( cJ f " ,~y¡~ "" ..~!otdenia1. Continue' 1'011 "'" _tilli~".,,\ ,~~.1974.) , c:).?:t4l~ '>, ..",,"~'J",. ", . '} ~;:.'~ ;".'- :', :~>__ . Hr"Brian Duc:kwo,~~, ,jlJinl for the applicant. said the l1tiaation "'asahandoned.by tKia'.áppJ:1c!ant in hopes of ",orkinl s01:\ethinl 'Out. Theréitson they 'år~~ppeal~1 the a-Control ruHnl is they rec:eived a 2-2 vote, witb one'pèrson a1Ísent. His client c:ontends that tbe boat is not a sign. A~petition by s~e of the customers indicates they feel the boat is an aesthetic:al extension of th(', building structure. It has historical significanc:e. Ac:c:ording to tho Sign Ordinanc:e. if a c:ustomer ca~q out óf tbe, restaurant and lingered too long he would be considered a sign. Hr. Duckworth said Mr. Scardinla propose~ to take ort one of the smaller signs: "lunc:h" or "cocktalls" in nrder to be allol,cd t" kocp the boat. , .. .. .-, The City Atto\:ney answered Counc:. Nellis that: ",\ sign Is a "ign is it 81.&1.1.... .11 Mr. Ou":,'",,rth ~ai,1 the boat here is 3I",10f,ou5 tn ".)'7Ie nf th" statu:1ry "utside t::e Cabana In Palo Alto. He f"els that It Is ¡¡art of the la!1ds~"ì.pi ng. The rl.L,..ing DI rector answered Counc. ~h, I Us that thr. app",,',',1 land"c3l,e :>Ians rliJ not include tho boat. ç"unc. .';!ckson "oted tb"re has never b..en an atte"pt to ju,¡ti fl the size of the sign. Counc:. Ht!yers Sllggested the applicant cOtoe back \lith a realIstic ccmproaise. lie answered }Ir. Duck.·onh that the CIty is ,"ovlns more tow,ud the monument-type signs with a lower profile. Coune. :;011i8 said the sign -- without the b"al -- 15 alrca,:y too large. Counc. }·rolic" Øloved to approve ApplicatIon l!C··SI,3Iß.21 on the grounds that a literal interpretation of the ~i¡:a Ordil..~"ce t..ould lead to rc:sult" inc:onsistent with the intent of the OrJinance. ::otion die,1 for lac:k of a secoud. ~Ioved by Counc. Jackson, 5econded by Counc:. NellIs to deny application hC-Sl,31S .21 without prejudice. Diøc:usslon followed. .·.tIove mot1OC1 .:-anied, 3-2. D1saeDt1JlB votes vcrc Counc. .,'....t.ch and ~ ¡<ïríi.tf.¡¡1IJ Counc. ~...s, seconded by Coaac. Bellis to give the ,>' {! . , t, at lean ÞO weeks before eøfor~nt of the \lOtion. ¡it, . ,'. ,.~ ~' ',,' . . __~ 0' TII& OC7.:SEÀ 29, 1974 CIn COu:lCIL ~1EF.n:;c Hottøa carded- , ",. ~ ' 5-0 ~'¡ i>,:;: £{;i '~, '~~,~~:,~,~~~'r : .: ·J4..::~__USsiOD of ,;' ¡n¡lO_ed questiODS - 1975 Cent...", .' ~', 'fk',Cøanc:il su1ai::ed their preferences in writ!n¡; to the staff, lS_ Consideraticc ;: aœndmcnt to adopted Urban S"f\'icc Are", Tk !'lanning D:;::" 0: O~ stat('d tlaat the staff' s rec".,.-:,'"d~ t it':> was tk same as ]a~: 7<';::'S that WaS turnec! in too 1.,-,. C-c_ Jack"o= >:." :'..It if WI! are not prcp"t('d (. .;,:'05:\ urr:>" se:T~c:es to tt.c: ,":':.2. th..:.'r. \olê should not adopt t' ~ by COl",", ~.,' s("conòC'J b:: C':'H..l:-· ":. !·t(>~·t·:" --.., ~ ~:1.::h:w::.::. _ :::·':....:i11 SëfV.lCt:'" /.ro.:2" in a~(c" ~lt.:t ion :;~. ~:::, Motien c~rrirJ, 4-! Counc. J.1d:son di:~~ 16. (8) Rcq~~' : Unit :: .J ;:=-.:'p0nl~nts 0: Cr~s~,roê1ds A~; ;:':-CC('ù or t~rnirh::tc t!lc" pr..; (b) R('f('r:.,~ ::" $:;:::.:10115 served {;1 t<,'h.:l1f of ". proÿ:::.~_ .::ssroads '\sses~~t.::::' LJ~striC'~ T"_ City Au.'<"" Office. to f':,;:,.., ":_<rcd Ihe Ccuncl1 to M,. IIi", :.:~ t!etails. 1Iz'_ Bill rl!c='-:': :~,I! t1att er be ~ct r,,= publ i, f ..<II.. whC:th~:- ,': ":.:: ,:c ~'i5h to procect:.. c. -. Jacks"" ..,'.-, for an ad\'a..cl! re¡>,,,rt 011 a] t, " ....(, , , .: . ~ :: " ;': ,-: J"!.. t i .'1' - ,'. ~;:. .l(ln{'~' " .~':'s,"<I 11""1 '!lie Council aU::J ::..:.,~.J. the contfnU:t.tion of p'~\.H.,(,~ : ::....., í::::,}" lh« ... _ $Þd Cross:.'_.: :~:'sC's~mcnt Dislrict Cnit II ~.I~~ .::....t..:i-! !~.hl·d ., . C!r 2, ~9- - .u :3e date for public. ht.·iJJ:ing hy .-..! ¡--till,', the foU.øving Rcs"¡_:_:~s. CC-2Jft Pagc 15 , ~ î t:~r.;." õ "n'i,,~ ArC',"! "'_7'.'~~è....,::.. adl;r,te :: ~3. 3151-1 j.:pt~c1 t , I :::~ bh!'''~1 s· . f ~-=-'_:,,"';1''; ri':" "!'~!'.-"'4 ~ C it\" .~': ':;t ~"l~.y Kl41££ .i1.'':_-:.I.....ns se-:1.c t.ø -_nr3;1ce crier "unlY a;tpllca- :¡C"S ref.rr<Ñ Count)* ff: ntrol '1 ,Jo ~. .. - JfIØUTES Of , xrO:¡ER 29,.1974 CITi cOU:;Ctl. X,...lTING '0 "'eeI I-y Cøoo.;. :Sc 11 is, 1Ie(: .. by Counc:. Frolic:b to ndop£ ~þtIolutloD 5.J. 31;1-4. lføtt- carriecl, s-o , ,,", , ~,:/.~; -( " ""'~:(~'~-';' by c....ø '. ~ 11 is.' .~r: .,:"'"~." ution Ioo. )])1-5. ' >::',";ì' . 1IIctoG c:arried, 5~ . . ''Ø Counc:. Jac:bon to adopt ~ . .. !lcYC!d by c.-.:-:. ':dll'l.!Ie: .-. by Counc:. Jackson to adopt &e801utlo::~: 335t-6. Ka~fcn e.nrled, ;-0 ''bvc.j h:: P...· :j'~ t l't i.-,· .~ ¡ 1 i 5, secoo-:~ by COI':\C ~ Fr J ~ i..:h to adopt : i>·l. ~:.lon c:\rri.~J, 5-:) .!'.c';".1 I v .: il'h, 'i\::-:~'::-:'~ :')" I~C~I¡'tt~. ~~"':-'.;.;'-:i tJ ref.:, to the . :..t..... t\~ ...'~_.. ...-; -;.-'C'..... ,! ,...:; " <. :If of 1~'!1;)i.:ì'.:C:"S for '",~..; .\_)..:-õ",,:'l :;:·ll-:..~t ~.:._:, l.l f:Jr èlp¡ao¡;:-iate ': it y .\r:: ' :",t.: ;:~'T"- ;..:tiOI1. ~t.¡oo (",trrI.cJ, 5-J :. ì. Rc;" t': ~'_ ~ fro 1911.. ":"ns sør·;ej C:1 beh~11f ",i ::..-~ ~y Klock for dñ~ges _'.1 Stevens Crc~k Elvd. ~h.>'¡':' ~::'¿h·"'iay 85 oa A;Jr11 7. :MO'.°e,!,{ hr l~.," ~:':',-'lich, $CC,h¿~ b)· Coun~. '!"~'-;\.'n to refer the tioll)O I(!--,::-.. ~_.":::,~:;:; tl' the f~S~rZ:'JICè carrt4!r. ~.D~ion carried. 5-0 18. R"vic1õ :: ':"'""t}' app1iC:AtiorLs. 1Icvecl by (':'_CO. :r0li<-h, se=:><!..<! by Counc. J.1ckso)I1 to approve the rcëøl"Jr.1l':'htH:' _.: .~' the PIano ins Director in 3C~;.):..J3no:e with Plaonlng ~is$il':1 'L ,...,~::i,,)n No. 1352. )tot len eM ricd. >-0 ._.,h__'__....__ i~è~~\: ,~, 'f<~":.¡f ':$J: ,,' ~, 'f~r,~~~'" .~ ~¡¡, ". ~ . . KIRUTES c¿- .~~ OCTOBER 29. 1~4 CITY COONCIL .I£ETING 19. Requcs:: by lIevlett-l......... for temporòlry use )f an office trailer. '.,0 .,'~~ 'a..ed by C--....c. rroHc:h, SHe .-. by Couac:. Jac:lr.son to apprcwe ~ ~ ", , ' " ,-- .. ' ,Dè reqorst of Hevlett~J'~ for teapClral:r use of office t:Öller 12 ~<:ordanc:e 1Ildf·dÍ& stait's re_,end.'ltion. , " øoëJ.;carried. 5-0 . OJIDINAl\CI:S 20. Sec~" i,~ding of Ordi~ No. 653: "An Ordjnance of the City :: :~rcrtino Adding Chapter 10.45 to the Cupertino H"nic~~-:: Code to PrClbibl~ the Vehiculàr Den'very or Ficku!, of C«.:= :0 or from Coa:oercial [stabl1"h",,'nts via Private Roa~= ,":' i:'1ing Residential Areas Durin~ tI,e Night Tice." - reø¿: :~< City Clerk. Moved ry Ordjnao:~-~ sh:)] 1 C,', _.~ Jackson, se:-o-...sdcd b)· C~');,.:;1(. ~~('ycrs to r.;';~ ::;) r('ad by :.::.¡~ on]:t, a;1~ t:·.'; Clc·rk's n a.:!ir.:: the $cco'::~ ?22.dit¡ß,_ Mot ice, c"rricd, >-0 tWVt:d 1--, Ord j n~::' '. J.:~d·.!-.on, secC"_~cd by c(\:.::-:..::. ~~(·y","rs to r.r.¿,;'""t : 0 ,I. ":Otic: c.arripd, 5-0 ~l. See{: ~ ._~"" of Or¿i:1a.nc..t. :;0. 659: '\\:1 Ordin¡lac~' cf t~(: City" ,<,'-tino '\::1,,~.ëir.g Crdinanc( ::.'. ~33 R,,!:uL.t::¡; St,,;·~_--. ~:,.nùi }g or F.a.r~,i.:.b on ru',;~:..: ~ln,·ptr., .1f'--.¿ Pr-"·;~~~:'· rOl'~ ~ _ ':i..it if}-ing t:--è !':.;,~1 fc Th"::'r(~":, ~:'J rurthr·r PrD'" ~~: r¡:', for "'H::'" íor Viol..ti= '¡'borh'r." - rc..d by City CJ(·ri'. Moved hy ~--...:;::, Jackson. scco!'"r!{-d by C(,\~::l' _ ~ I'\'(>r:; to Ii?'..~ Ordiuar.,'o' : d 059 rend by tit!., on];,' ,,:,j th,' Cit), Clerk's r..:.~i,,;; shall c<'~,,;,' .:C th.:! Second !t£:¿¿in¡;. Hoti~n carried, 5-0 Koved by Co .':~. Jackson, secOC<:!..d by Cl'U:1C. }i"llis to endct Ordin.Jnc..:' ~':. ,..59. .~tiDn carried, ~-O CC-236 Page 17 H-P office trailer approved ('!'(:. (.,,": en;) (~! ' · ... , MINUTES OF Tilt: ocrosu 29, 1974 CITY COUNCIl. KEET1!IC 22. First Readl~ of Ocdfuance No. 657: "An Ordinanc:e of the City of CuperLino Jrrf....Ordill4nce No. 533 Regulating Stopping, Statal 0'1'" rarldøl.OII Public Strcets, and Providing for Siln. HotUYln& t...~....I,tê:r~reof, and Further Providing for Penalties for Yi~1atJ1Ma'~4~~/(Continucd froa _et1øg of September l6. 1!P.\) ;.. ,rè8d W"',·tïty Clerk. - ..; ) Hs. !brie C3UO.ìia-..tìc", 'em behalf of her puents who own onc of the DC'" duplexes Gn WC1P". objected to tho proposed bic:ycle lanes along this res1deDt1a1 street. Nr. Martin L. Hall, døeloper, al!\O opposes the bike lanes 1Il,0ng Rodri¡!;lles. He said that here we \lould have $90,000 duplexes with no parking allow~ in fraat. IIr. G"ne Fink, repreae"ting Lake 311 tmore Apa.-tments, said they b.'1',e ,1;\.";U:l:" p:1l"k Ins for th...lr tenants but none for the &'1e"ts. Cm'sts "",,!J h.lve to pa.-k 1'...... "locks away. He 5ald the bike lanes herp. ólre pr.'",,,:,,~~ anJ don', b~ ":1yj>lace -- ju"t tn I!izhway 9. !Ie couldn't ,"'" ,,0:,=,,1 cillldre... usi'1g thIs stre"t. C"lIh,'. ':~lli5 s&1id Mr. Flick's d5~u.;:¡pti"n ch.lt t)!"11:' 5.:110,,1 chilJren J·!~I." ~~.:y\.'l~s Is In,:..;rrect. The t,.lffl~ at~·' ",,; R.çd--:;''';\l;¿~; ls very riill'..:':"-:,,t fron Pcpç~r:.ree L~n'!. Th~ Publi,: 53,feti' C\-.;'¡,1Ï:.:-;ion Is rl"Y::'.~ tc cS(.3bllsh .1:1. eagt/wc~t ¡'iA~ route!. c,,,,,,,,. h.,liclt wanted ~o refer thl~ back to ~he staff. :!I". ::ct- l~('n~~i,lez. of :hoõ!' Public Sclii!ty Cù-:::.1i'istt:'n, satl alt,-!rn,ttivl"9 .'.'r"-' ¿:_~,,:u~3cd. tht:: :'-.:ent of tr..! City is to tr:: to ?t.1~1 t'.\ther than CJ ;.\:....::1. As the tr:¡ffic gets h,.....\\'l,,( .\lè~~;: :-;r~':~~5 (:r\.·pk ÖJvd., .1 ;~"~':1'ì.tí' routes wi.ll t-~ !IIought. Titi3 ls d:1 .~ttL~.?t to :.;:·t the blcycle Cr. ::1,: L~ff St(!vens Cccó!k Blvd. rhl~rC' is an r.,,:':.¡ittf'd harJ~hip h~fC, just as ! ::"::l" "'·a~ì along Bla:~cy Avenue. Ht:! adc,kd t!a.at t;,c ~¡>,lrlC1~l\t co",~lex 1"\,, ~0~ ,,,!dltion~l park1:>& (or v¡~itors. C.1Uî1':. ~!~Yl~l.·S was in fat/or of pilrki:lg alo:'~ the- :¡oC"th 51-lIt"! r:ltht~r than tl:~ ~c~~h sid~ bec~lse ti1crc w~uLJ be les~ ingrc55¡eg(~"3 dl()~g the nOI.·ch siJe. Dr. ~¡..ns"l\. Cupect 100 r""dd'nt, said he is a h1~e rid"r a tOl\g Ro,tr Igu~s. lh.' ~t.'!~s n" t'~(,~on Cor :he bike: lan~. He ~u;;f,c.2.t(!'d t~~c bikes go along "" th.. sid"",alk hy the LAke Blltl:1or" apartr.,,,,ts. As an alt"",3tiv... h.! SU¡;!;"sl"d a ùik~ Ian... alone Pae if ie3. ~lo\'eJ b~' I:ounc. NellIs. seconded by C')UI\". :ackson to return Ordinal\ce No. 651 to th.. staff, wIth report b.,r.k scheduled for the next .."",tlng, on d.,,,nJmcnts to institute a blcyde lalle with parkin;; 01\ Rodrigues Ave. Motion carried, 5-0 . . MINITl'ES 0' TIlE OCTOBER 29, 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 23. Firat Reading of Ordinance No. 658: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino ~dinl Ordinanc:e No. 492 Reaul.ting the Operation. Jtea18tration, Lic:ensing, Purc:hasinl and Sellinl of lieyc1u VitbiD tile City of Cupertino. n 110_ by,Counc. lIe11is. ..conded by Coune. Jackson to c:ontinue th Firat ..adinl of OrdiDalc:e Ro. 658 to the next regular aeet1nl. IIotion c:arried, 5-0 CDiSENT CALENDoU 24. "solution No. 3765: "A Resolution of the City Council of th City of Cupertino Approvinl 'inal Map of Tract 1/0. 5611 Loca- ted on Bolltnler Road at Gillick Way, Developer Carl E. Frank lin, Builders, L~c.; Accepting Certain Easements; Authorizing the City Engineer and the City Clerk to Sign the Final Map; and Authorizing the Agreement in Connection Therewith." 25. Resolution No. 3766: "A Resolution of the City Counci! of th City of Cupertino Accepting Grant of Easement for RoaG~8Y Purposes from Harold C. ThoIDd& Consisting of Approximately 0.0575 Acre, Located on Foothill II vd. South of Stevens Creek Blvd." 26. Resolution ::0. 3101-60: "A Resolution of the City Counc:1 of the City of Cupertino Authorizing Execution of a ~eeG of Con- veyance Granting to Pacific Gas anù ~lectric Co~pany Substruc tures Installed Within Crossroads Assessment District Unit I, Project 71-2"· 27. Acceptance of municipal improvement~ - Northpoint, Tract 5070 Ditz-Crane, Southwest corner of Blaney and Hot:lestcac! !<Dad. 28. Solicitó1tion per.it request by Boy Scout Troop /1488 for 8"nUó1 Christmas Holly Caltlpaign. 29. Solicitation permit request by Epilepsy Society of Santa Clar. County for November 9-10, 1974. 30. Solicitation permit request by United Cerebral Palsy ASRocla- t~on for October I, 1974 to September 30, 1975. CC-236 Page 19 Ord. 651 contln.-d -236 "c 20 r , , . . . nnmn:s OF TilE oCrOßEIl 29. 1 '.17 4 CIT'! COU)¡C iL HEF.nNC 31. Solic:itatiun permit request by thrscular Dystropby Association of Americ:a, Inc., for month of ~ovember, 1974. 32. Solic:itation perait request by Santa Clara County Øear~ Association for February, 1975. , 33.. Solicitation penait request by Karc:b of Dimes for ~th of January, 1975. Moved by Counc:. Frollc:b. sec:onded by Counc:. Nellis to adopt tbe Cons~nt Caler-dar. Motion carried. 5-0 iŒPORT FROM OfFiCERS 31.. City Staff This "as I',Htponed to t:'c next nc",ting. ADJ OU R:\~u::~r ~~Vl,!,.t b}- Conne. rrol ich, s.!conded by CI~unc. Net t is to adj curn th is ,""ct !ng at 1 :05 A.M. ~otion carried, 5-0 APPROVED: 151 Reed Sparks Mayor, City of Cupertino ATrEST: . Isl Iå. E. Ryder City Clerk .