CC 11-18-74
10300 Torre AveøGe, Cupertino. California 950l'
Telephone: 252-450S
\ litalnd;()), 'IRE REGULAR MEETING or TilZ"rrY OO1IØCIL
üt¥J'œNOVØD18. 1974, IN THE rouøCIL àwmEa, CITY BALL
Hayor Sparks called the meetinl to order at 7:32 P.M. with the
Salute to the nag.
Co¡mc:. present:
Counc:. absent:
'rolich, Jac:kson, Meyers. Nellis, Hayor Sparks
Staff present:
City Manager Quinlan
City Atto~ey Adams
Director of Administrative Services Ryder
Direc:tor of Planning and Development Sisk
Director of Public Works Viskovic:h
Direc:tor of Parks and Recreation But1er
Hrs. Ann Anger. Monta Vista, said thac on page 8 of the Oc:tober 7,
1974 minutes, she would like it corrLc:ted to say that everything
is going into Vallc:~ Park rather than that she urled all commerc:ia
to go into Vallco Park.
Moved by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc:. Nellis to amend the
Oc:tober 7, 1914 .inu:es to reflect Mrs. Anger's statement.
Motion carried, 5-0
l. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting of November 4, 1974.
Page 2, last paragraph, first line: Change "N. Wynn Square, San
Jose" to ''Northwind Square, Cupertino".
Page 1
... 2
MIRUTES 01' TIlE ........~ 18, 1974 ern aJUIICIL ~
.... 7. ......" ,f 5. fint _t_ce sboa1d r"': "aNac. JackaoD not-"CI
thaC _ au... Sa CapeniDo ~. ooe _t the vanaae iD~~ ev.
e..... eM'''' ""ia "11'''~ cnÞjq t.... IICnite'.;, ,
r... 15. .L ....'... ". put ~aft_ ~-"'1'a1""""'-"'I, ....ttql'.
.db dill ~ '. r' of cbe IMtIUI. W'"'Cø, <:.. .J.eIr~ daain.l
tile '..... hUa ~..
...... ., c...... r ~ l1li. II c;>q r- t ., c:o.c. .",.1'8 to .,..IOft tbe
1I1aC_ of..... - u 4. 1974. _ cønectecl.
ø.,Uoo carrlad. s-o
2. Awrøval of JIiDut"s of acljourøed replar .etins of October 29, 1974.
Pase 4, p8r..r.... ., c:orrect .,.ll1n1 of the _. 18 "Pull1".
Pace 8, bst parap'spb, secon" line up: dele-:e "other residential"
and replac:e with "industrial and c:_rcial".
Pa~ l~, paraara'" 9, strike the second line &r.d replac:e with: "that a
literal inCerpnotation <>f the Sign OrdiDU1c:e would lead to "esults
inconsistent with the intent of the Ordt.nU1c:e."
Pap 15, first line, add: "D1ssentin¡ voteswcr\ Counc. Frolic:h and
Meyers. ..
Page la, fourth paracraph: Correc:t spelling of name is "'ink".
Psp l8, last parap'aph, third line: delete "on one side only of" and
replace with "with parkinl on".
MoveJ by Counc. Sell is , seconded by Counc. Jackson to approve the
Minutes of Oc:tober 29, 1974 as corrected.
Motion carried, S-o
3. Written
A. Letter froa Vallc:o Park requesting a variance from provisions
of Munic:ipal Code 1~.04.060, which relates to asphaltic paving
materials in areas where motor vehic:1es are stored or operated.
_.I.... or 'rill ..,~~ 18"1974 ern COUIICIL lIUl'øG
. .. c.
It. t.&ter f_ ear! S. StoQ' ..kinl for contt.nuøce of
II of. It_ , A since IN will be out of tOVD OD wsine...
IIowcI by Counc:. Bellis. seconded by Counc:. Jack8O"'l to continue
.,plication U-v-74.
Møti.on carried, ;;-0
Counc. Frolic:h SUlaested that when tbe petitioners c:all City Hall
they should be told when these leneral discussions are sc:heduled
to be held and they should be urged to attend those _ut.ngs.
The City Manaler felt it vas logic:al for the Publ',c: Safety COllI-
aission to study these problems relardinl street closures and
special traffic: problems and make recommendation to the Counc:il.
There followed a disc:ussion of whether tbe Public: Safety Collllllissio
should study enlineerinl problems as well as enforc:_nt problelll8.
There vas also the open queatioc of vhether they are b~inl over-
burdened lit this tme.
Møved by Counc:. Nellu. seconded by Counc:. Jackaon to forvard the
two petitions to t:.e Public Safety COllllllisst¡,¡: for informational
Møtion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc:. Nellis, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to rec:eive
and file the vritten ..~nic:ations.
Møtion c:arried, S-o
Faa- 3
Petit ~s sent
to Public: Safe
Comm. for info
Orù C
fC:ltf -.;... ~
(a) r JIIfe." ~)'~"t~GD to OffiC8l':P4IIitt&.
Dill. Y. .,;.;y¡¡;;¡"¡"'~1"1'. løIIU. ., ,,'
>',;~; "".' '::"".',.' ',' , .., " , ",",~',:,:' (:'-\",:' , '#
City - <l~r iiü~~-:~'~~fjî'Ø'~l! v. RelSOll _'~~;r,~~~
.:~:-:~,~ ir:~""r!::~~~t~~:::r~(~t:ì~:'
I:be ~ -v. for t -~·..ti_ to'tbese twO '...ene Depa&fø",
lIøvad by CcnIDc. ltaJen. ..:7iIM by Counc. Frollc:h to ecIopC aII.,...-
_tt.oned Juo1utiOD.lIo. 3713.'
lI:tti_ carried, 5-0
rersonal conaratnlati0n8 _ also offered by the JfeIIbers of tbe
(11) lequut by Council for r_ù of ite. froa the eon-t
Caleødar. - There _re none.
PUBLIC .... nT1tl!Cl
5. Public hurina to coasiòer an _daÐat to OrdiuDce 220 (e) ,
Clus:u Ord1naDca. I.ISwlishinl new relulattona affec:tina
res1.iential clll8ter develøs-eDt..
d. 220(.)
tin.... C8
Upon rec~dation of tt, r~ina Direc~or, it was 1IO~ 'by
CoUIIC:. !'-yen. sec:oadad by CoaDc:. Jac:ksoa to c:out1.nue púolic ~dna
on Ordincce 220 (e) until Deceù8r 16, 1974.
lI:ttiou carried, 5-0
6. Publ1~ helUina to coasidar _ _claent to ConditioD 15 of
Pla:=1q c-tss~ Jasolutil\D 1212 appro,,"i!\g us. perait
application ll-Ð-73, Bevlett-rac:kard Coapany.
1''.ae i'lan:in& Direc:tor referred to details of the mat ter iD the
Noveaber 13, 1974. SUMtIAU, re~rding c:onstruction phasina for the
Hewlett-Pawrd facility within Vù1co Puk. After review øcJ
disc:usa1OD. the P1a1Ulina C i.don reC:OIR8Dded appr.."al of the requen
to extend the expiration date to Noveaber 5, 1975, of the usa pendt.
It was detera1ned this does not involve the "unco_itted property".
. ~... or 1BI IIÚ¥~""''' 11. 1t74 ern c:oor.CIL IIUIUG
Paa. 5
-'_.: SI..Ll. uUd,fft C'" "'f- boa tile audieac:a. 'Ibeø wue
"~>,'~' ,
ì, "'Z<~~;;~ ". ',,' 0, > __>'" " "",¡~----:,T4~:~'~"/."
'...¡t9ï.\f...i4....'r.. a-. ~ei..:""ri~')~,tbJ. Counc. Wlis to c:1oa cbe
~<~,.'~I_~"A _ .~. ..... .' :./~~,¡.
't\<¥ . . . t . .r'~';'C~1ed. 5-0
ì"j" 1;;'
.... bJ ~. __e. ..~c7"'~;:.1I bJ Counc. Jac:~ to dopt
"'laUOD 110. 1356.
les. 1356
Øodoa anted. 5-0
7. Applic:aUOD 29-1-74 of Mu-crane. lezonina 0.210 acre fr,..
S.U Clara CoaDty 11-10 (l.aaidential, eiaale-f.ily. 10,001>
-.. ft. per åelltna aDfc) aODe to City of Cupertino U-? 5
(Jai_Ual, 7,500 sq. ft. per dvellinl unit)
_. Said property is located easterly of and adjacent to
Foothill Blvd.. app~tely 130 feet northerly of the
1nt~rseetion of Rancho Veatura Street and 'oothill Blvd.
hc: fed for approval.
(a) First resdiDl of OrcIIh'-c:e Ro. 665: "An Ordinanc:e of
the City of Cupert1Do -'-ding Sec:tion 1 of Ordinanc:e
110. 2 by baoD1D& Approxmate~,y .210 Acre fro. Santa Clar
CoUDty U-10 ("'icleacial, Single-FIIIIIHy, 10,000 Sq. ft.
Per Dnllina hit) ZoDe tf) City of Cupertino Rl-7.5
(Juicleatial, St.nale-F..tly, 7,500 Sq. 't. Per Dwelling
hit) Zone; LocUM easterly of and Adjac:ent to 'oothill
11ft., Approzt.ate1y 130 Feet Northerly of the Intersec:ti n
of Janc:ho Veatura Streec and 'oothill Blvd." - read by
tile City Clerk.
The PlanniDa Director rev~d the November la, 1974 staff
SD!IIARY on this applit''ttiøD for rezoning. This was anne:<ed to the
City along with the actjac:eac Diu-Crane development, as required
bJ LAFCO. this rezoning is c:oas1stent with the General Plan.
llayor Sparks asked for ~ - u froa the audience. There were
!loved by Counc Nellis. ..coaded by Counc:. Frolic:h to c:10se the
public: hear1r.a.
JIot1Do carried, 5-0
~:c. " ;;t;J CoaDc. tfe11ia~"CO<T..·tI by CoUDC. Jack80D to """'..'29-1-74.
Þ lIOe~caniM. 5-0,,, ,:.
i '
, . 665';..>; : ,'-.~~ CoaDc. ProliCh., ~ by Co\ìBc. Jackson to.... of,I.,,-_
.... ..,_~. . ,a...... by dolo """. ... ... CU, _0" "..........
~ , Côäiat1tUte the lirat ..-"."'S.
Hotiou carried, 5-0
I. Applic:ttion 3l-Z-74 of Mate SablC:1 Prezoninl 1.11 ac:ru fø.
Santa Clara County At (1 ac:re) Zone to City of Cupertino B-7.5
(lI8sidential, Sinal_Fatly, 7,500 Sq. Ft. Per ])vellinl Unit) ZoIte.
S,id property is located adj~ent to _d southerly of HcC1e1la
JlDad and approxt.ate1y 350 feet westerly of Linds Vista Drive.
!tec· aded for approval.
(a) lirat readin¡ of Ordinanc:e No. 666: "An Ordinac:s of the
City of Cupertino ~ding Sec:tion 1 of Ordinac:e Ro. 2 by
?rezoniDI l.ll Acres from Santa Clara County Al (l Acre) Zone
to City of Cupertino 1U-7.5 (Residential, Sinale-'_lly 7,500
Sq. 't. Per Dwelling Unit) ZODe: Located Southerly of ancI
Adjacent to Hc:Clellan Road at :he Northern Teratuua of
Rae Lane. ", - read by the City Clerk.
!føved by Counc:. Jackson, sec:onded by COUIIC:. Nellis to consider ..ends
it.. 9 C at this tiae, also.
9. (c:) Application 23-TM-74 of Kate Sabic: TentaU/e Map to .ubdivide
1.11 acre parc:el into five lots. Said propErty i. locate.
adjac:ent to and southerly of Mc:Clellan JlDad and approdutely
350 feet westerly of Linda Vista Drive. "(.4 Dde. for
.AD aerial pbC'tograph of the area was displayed. The P1IIIIDinl Director
icleatified the property on the map. The zoniDI is c:on.istent with tha
c:..neral Plan. The P1IIIIDinl eo.ús&ton reC:OJDends approval.
COunc:. Jac:k.on said experien~ has shown hi. that these private e..eaent.
caD create a Ireat aaoUllt of trouble in the future.
The City Attorney .aid the tt.e to set the condition. is tentative ...
ct.e or at the tiaa tha final _p ia filed.
The City Manaler .aid the c:oødition has to be added whic:h fixes the
responsibility of ..int_ce.
" !lie D1nctor' of PuIIl1c Vorb acatecl that the aUsr--t of IfcCleUa
.... ... lbiftecl 8OUtbøl1 aloaI here tD orcler topruene ..ture
t(åIiiIs. !Ids took .. 1DIae a.öcstion froa the JitOrÍ*rty oner.
,,:.:';:1.-"', ,'"
';;or '
".~' 'í" ~ . '
, ;I"'~'''' by QMac. Rallis. secœ4W by Counc. Jac:ksOG to clo.. the
.~~',¡;. ......lic bearfDa.' "
"w;j;r' -.tioDcmie:!, 5-0
~,,-: :~~/',.'!(:'~'
, "~'
JIImId by CouDc:. Jac:ksca, ..coaded by Coun.:. Nellis to approve
applic:atton 31-Z-74.
Ifotion csrried, 5-0
Ifoved by Counc. Jac:kson, sec:onded by Counc:. Nellis to approve
application 23-TH-74, subject to c:onditions in Planninl Comaission
Iesolution So. l3S9, and subjec:t to an agreement to be worked out
by the City Attorney and City Engineer in regard to c:onstruc:tion
.-d future maintenanc:e of utility easements and parking arrange-
Motion c:arried, 5-0
JIø".d by Counc. 'roUch, seconded by Counc. Nellis to have
Ordinance SQ. 666 read by title only, and the City Clerk'a
reading shall constitute the 'irst Reading.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
PSle 7
wI conditions
Ord. 666
'irst Reading
, \:,;::,:~!.t·:ç;o·>"~~..:t~',<:
,'~l"",it,¡¡f","", '
',~~::f,""'>'" ·'ð~;"f!.·
:''¡;;~*''': ,I(~\f'/'
(b) .... "·t
1a: -e4 au'
(a.. ....
r. ..... '
1JpaD tile ,Mia! of ~!:,
,c:>o a.. 111 ea.c. J "'
(4) AIPlicacioa 24 11114 of .,. r"'al Sav1Dp .11 Lo_
..---....tiOO of Sa....' T_:ative!lap for lot Uae
a11a1n:atioD co c - ,~ t1IIO properti.. into oae parcel.
cœsistiDI of 1..G1.aM. Said property is locatell at
t» aort"'sc _-'-r of the intersection of Scof1e1cl
Dri.,. aDd Sa...up L-.I'~ale 1ø8d. 11«~ -nded for
!foved by c.._<:. . " : . f.;;. .. a f-' by Counc. FroUc:h to apprOVll
sppl1c:at 10:: :~-t1I-74 in ~ with PlamaiDI eo-hsioo
la80lut1Dc 50. 1360.
Jtøt10n c:arrled, s-o
lO. Archi:~~~ural aDd 51e. Approval eo..1tteo
(a> .;'I':lcatioa IIC-Sl.G61.1 of Bill EI1e (Ho Ho lastauraDt)
r~.tinl apprøral of a sil\1 plaa for a re.tauraDt f.cility
l:.:ated oa the DOrCIIIIat c:orner of BoUiDln Road _II
.leey Avenue 111 tile .All "dc:an Sboppin¡ Center.
":.-n<Jed for
Jtøved by G..--=<:. FroUcb, ..= r~H by Counc:. lIeU18 to approv.
applic:atlø:: :C-Sl,068.l 111 accorelaDce with Arcbitectural aDd Site
Approval c....-ltte. "aoluU._ 110. 4n.
ISotloa c:arried, S-o
11. Suba1uloc of reports on 1101.. u.es_nt study of
KcClellm Squar..
The City ~r requested ch8t this aatter b. put on the Dec:.-ber l6th
alanda for ~Uc hearloa. .. to pullltc interest 10 the .ner.
_R:I OF DE _~ 18. 1t74 ern COtJICIL IlEETD!G
, . .
1:+: ....A.,~. ..nf_. " -T- by C-C. Jleyers to CODtfDae
~; , ;".... __ I , .~,~ a:eI.~1- Sqaare to Decaller 16.
. ?~t ~ 1fM .' .~&,;.:: .
""". . J ,,1" . r
'~'_" < \:i' iT! ~.ot;'¡ . .
"'.~ ~.::. ,~ :#.~ ' ....
""«, ,". .' ~ 5-0
<'~t~t~-:'~c~, ". T~~~' . . ..... > ,.
;i''+¡:,':;....A ., c:-.,~;;..... .. -~'Wc:oäDc. !layers to set tile
... _ .'JIoûe .aT t StaìI1r.cif- -.11_ Square for Public BeariDa·
acsøa cøriecl. 5-0
12. Staff report OD tile f...a.Uity for an adult school
pard at OraD" A. r.... McClellön Road. (Continued froa
_tilll of .0. "l6r 4. 1974.)
TIle City !Imager said it __ deterained that Konta Vista Bigh
School vas a closed ~.
Mayor Sparks would like to _ high school students as c:rossing
auards. lie feels it is _re effec:tive vhen students polic:e
the_1Yes and their peers.
The Principal of Linc:oln E-6 Sc:hool said they are sharing an
easement vith Manta Vista Bish Sc:hool and have had some problems
with it. lie is not too opt~stic: about using high sc:hool student
for c:r~ssing guards.
Counc:. Jacksoo said Þe had 111 8ind a detailed report from either
tbe Princi...l or sOlDl!one in the PTA about the probleos encountered
here to subait to the Board of Supervisors. He also suggested the
E-6 sc:hool build up a file OG the kinds of incidents that are
Counc:. Nellis also felt there vas a need for additional informa-
tion in cr¿er to set up crt.teria. She said she would be willing
to try the ~gh school stadents. She said she liked the idea
that the City pay SOlDl! servic:e-type c:lub at the high school in
return for this servic:e.
Mayor Sparks also asked for input from the Sheriff I s Department
and he would like the City to furnish new stop signs for the
crossing guards.
p... 9
DOlse ....
8IDt .tuIIy
16th . Cc
PubW sea .
set for
McClellan sq
or t1IE .,.uoa£1t 18, 1974 CITY COUNCIL HF.ErIIIC
. .
'd',·., ",,:,~
"n~ ..t OD t1rà".sUQÌlfOf _qtlOCY MÖcs1 ..mea "!~.:'.tJIe
Safety ("~fiì4, (Coøtinued fr_ -tIoa of .. -- 4.
",'~~'i~ . ¡, ;
, sa1cI tt~ltia not ready ,.c. altboaP the'rlal
',' report baa "..,:', ed. By 1_. .. _t ..... p1âo f.
. ,I' "f....1 sen1.c:es~',· ry 31st. . '. , ' '.
. ~r¡"us sagested t~:~'~ phones avaUable DO''' where yoa CD
, 'cnAllltrs; perhaps thia could be inc:orporate-J into thu 9U
Sparks c:a11ed a rec:ess ac 8:30. The meetilll rec:onveoed at 8:4'.
15. l.eport f"",. the Conmittee of the Parrish House.
~inl Comaission Chairman O'Keef~ read his prepared statements
resardinl savi::¡ of the Parrish Hous" by means of density transfer.
CoIDc:. Jac¡'soo's :u.emo of Noveaber l8, 1974, subject: "Ad Hoc: Co_ittee
~ Parrish", was entered t.nto the record.
!IE'. O'lteefe sho....d colored slides of how other co_unities have handled
d:1. ~ype situation. He stressed the philosophy that the old c:an blend
1a with the nev.
Prof..sor Robe~t ~ddlestall, of Stanford University, stated that
~ servation 0: the Parrish House will provide a very positive effect
aröI the co_unity. It will help to give Cupertino the imale of a c:ity
~h roots. ct will provide.. place for cOllllllunity-related ac:tivities.
~ arc:hitec:taral feasibility of the structure is such that it c:an be
~. He feels that to keep the building intac~ would provide the
p"_es~ ecoooaic realization. To move it to the civic: c:enter would not
'- as desirable. He does not rec:ommend plac:ing the buildinl in a
__tal pc's1:ion because it ia not a monument to anythinl, but
zacher is an ex.aple and a saaple of things of the past.
!ks. Marti Gualtierrie, appearinl as a private citizen who is very
...cb in favor ~: preservation of old structures, said California is
1" ~ ind in saving things froa the past for those in the future to enjoy.
~1.stic:tions 1:1 t'.e County are DOW enscting ordinances for historic:
.......-d 01' TIlE ....máO 11, 1974 cm COIIICIL IlElTDC
. t~~i;;· . -. ...::-;:¿ ';'i:· :,~..::æ: :E4:~
.:.!&'~,~"¡¡.!, '<~tilll I'f I .... ~ 8t.tu. þ.deI lie 18p1~"'"
~fl~~:~ ~=-.=~ CdUolllJa Sa IT I. '.. SllCereateð 1D pr"-~Wr
,'!J'::";'f~ .,. , Ki:t& atahIJ t-.c ... 4IU tile fleU wrk oa the riaaal
"é .' of S_ Jo8e Id8Þtdc 8t.te8. .. ,...eð out broc:hures
.øft1le;c:o.cil. It Sa Id8 fee1i111 that pnaervat10a of tile
. $ft1ab B_ v1U &1_ c . ut1llo a 1atlllark. Be _led the
~far of dSY.1opMIit npc.. .. tile Counc:1.l check
... Yreka rreservat10a ~d~ca aDd eac:onraled the City to
fCaride funds. Be said t'" "Oaic:qo Plan- provides for develop-
_t in tens of air riahcs.
Ik. Dale Cavan said it vas hSa opinion that f:his building c:an be
~ored. However, he vould like to make a closer examination
1oefore he made any stat_t about lDOVina it to another loc:ation.
Br. Louis Stocklmeir stated that any area that forgets its
_ritale "oon has none. He noted that on July l2, 1973 the home
of a very significant person in the City of Cupertino vas bull-
dozed in one day. This gentleman had made a significant contri-
bucion to both the State of California and to the Country. We
lost our opportunity in that instance. It is high time we took
iDventory of our historic:al heritage that is left. He asked the
City Council to lend a hand to the Society since it seems this
t.s the only way ve c:an save the Parrish House.
GouDc:. Jackson asked Mr. Stoc:klmeir if he had in mind other sites
aDd/or loc:ations with historical significanc:e. He said he vould
_ willing to cooperate in researchinl this.
Ik. Chsrlie Baer, 2045l Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, said he
_ born some 80 years ago at Cupertino Crossroads. He has looked
vith dispare on the houses that have been destroyed. He said the
Catholic: Church on Highvay 9 has a lOO-year-old house on it.
Ik. Baer's house is 72 yeðrs old. He has some furniture and arti-
fac:ts in his home from 1884 and 1885, from his wife's family.
Be has 4 wagons, plows, a blac:ksmith shop, and a guest book vith
~ 200 Dames of sc:hool children and scouts who have toured his
.1ac:ksmith shop. He said he lived at the Parrish House for a
_tb or so, some 50 years ago.
Ra. Juanita McLaren, Lindy Lane. said she has been involv~d in thi
siDce 1964. She has a sc:rap book, which she offered to let the
Counc:il Members borrow, that she has put together over the years
shoving Cupertino as i, vas and how it has changed.
Page 11
, '
~';<;~:'~ ~;\Z
..".I:~r'1ì" 0
~. '
. Kc:LareD ..U slla fJ ~-":'for five yeara to eave tile llaDta Vista
Vinery, to tie itil(,~'~ "jacent park alt.ÍI'ó~~,aot nc:ceaaful.
S1nc:e July 13, 1966i\t, , " . Society Ua Weà.'~ to praaene
tbe Parrish 1IoIúì(.',....' t~dIq hacllocatecl a·... -.1Iø7 A..... OD
Which to ttlac:etb!a..:' 't.:~,~a of Artiat 'etll ada'. dforts to
create interest: 1D tW, .... .' . 'm Cupertino,_ 'ot Ids pr.ature paaaiDI·
She said the cÞ-"'"' ft" -'~ baa offered to .et tit tile ParrUb '
Mayor Sparks aeked t'" csq --"11ft' to aelld a letter to tbe City of
I Q1icalo, ..."i"l for a copy'Of their d."elo~t trsaafer riabts
ordinanc:e. '
Chamber of Co_rc:e Pr--' "-. .rank Multem the ðeaaity transfer
; is a unique proposal. U t.t protects the taxpapers he t.a in favor
¡Of it.
I Counc:. J ac:bon su_r1ze4 where - stood on this ..tter:
I} Do nothinl.
! 2) Let the house 10.
o 3) Preserve the liog.."....eaII.
4) Restore the existSøc 1»aUdinl on its present aite.
5) Move the buildinl .md restore it on a different site.
6) Construct a replica of the structure, either on its present site
or another site, us!2ta the gingerbread that is to be saved.
Counc. Jackson said he bad DOt made up his .ind at this point. He
had some questions abont the density transfer c:onc:ept, whether it would
fit into the trip end fac:cr. If the Parrish House is to be saved, he
would ¡-refer to keep it OD its present site.
Counc. Frolich said he is DOC nec:essarily opposed to the density
transfer concept, if the details can be worked out. He wondered if
the trade unions have f~ with whic:h to pay their people to
c:ome and vork on projects soch as thu.e. Cowc:. Jackson said there
are SeaBees who c:ould at.o work on this. Counc. 'rollc:11 said there
is a history teac:her who ¡t.".. credit to students who work on these
kinds of projec:ts; hoveftrr, chis would ..robably be unskilled labor.
Counc. Frolich would prefer to see the ParriSh House on another site.
At its present locatiDD t.t is dvarfed by FUnt Center.
Mayor Sparks \IOuld like to think about savinI the llaer, Parri.h and
Trianon bul1diols and co _rk out the fundlnl over a lo-year period.
Counc. Nellis said that as a General Plan proc:e.., the historical sites
should be Identified. Me ~ an ordinanc:e ragardina this. Her f1~.t
choice would be to leave ~ Parrish House on it. present .ite and
preserve it in its orlci._1 eettiog. Her sec:ond c:holce would be to
_ve the bul1dinl, altw ~'" chis doe. not sppear to be prac:tic:al. She
va. somevhat pes.ia1sc1c 11 t the density tran.fer approach.
'..i~.;.".'. 'i...i~"'.'.· .. . .,JacbGD DOted tIIat..'...^~... "."~~ .baa... . it would c:or~"""
j';"~{~""'" of -.Jty If iCt~}H~. .?~~ 8Oc:1a1 need.
. ·û.,.... eaið ..jW~' . , -_~àt apencJing $70.000 _ 7.GOO·:;
:!. ...f ..n.t.....:j!11,· : . ."cter to pre..rve IIIr ......
. ..... "fte Purhb dîuiìÎ . Øi"åD1y historical 1.'...·1L. iD t1Ié
",.,.t¡dai. . ,{!;.t \,..'f> , '
~.,~ . ·.....;ff~~;.fPi,f
",,1> l' . .lWn wald 1tb¡¡¡\-L~·J..tory of those propertietl thaC
1.1 co.e _er coaaicl......~'~fór preservation. He woaU IDe
_ 100k iDto tile pøs1biUii' óf 1aaviDg the Parrish House aøoc:c:api
.. .-theDtically farallL .,... taars available. The City lfallager
_ _emecI about .aiDt -.
~ -. Frolic:h sugested the IU.stodc:al Society people put: 1Dto
IIook fon &OM of the thiDp iA lis. Mc:Laren's sc:rap book. He
~d like to see .ore 1:_ Uy partic:ipation.
1Ir. StocUmeir said the PørúIb Bouse is eligible for National
repstration if left on Us øripnal site, but not if it is moved.
If we should need 'ederal faDðs, this could happen if it is
C-c:. Jackson said that if f.t is going to be used by De Anza
students it is in a good p~.
JIaftd by Counc. Nellis, sec.øaded by Coonc:. Frol1c:h that the City
Cotmcil take the position that the Parrish House shall be pre-
served .
MotiaD carried, 5-0
MØved by Counc. Nellis. sec:ooded by Counc:. J3ckson to direc:t the
staff to check with the Hiscoric:al Soc:iety and other source~ to
identify historic:al sites 1D Cupertino's sphere of influence and
_rc:es of grants. The costs of relocation of the structure and
prac:ticality of moving tbe struc:ture should also be chec:ked.
Farther, the possibility of crants or other financ:ing are to be
Hotfaa c:arried, 5-0
Pas. 13
Parrish House
to be
Staff to do
some researc:h
';'4',..'.- ,,,.
~~ - ,I,; ,
. 667
JIUIudS OF THE Nav....··· 18. 1974 CITY ~UNCIL tlEETDIG
"~. 'D1sc:nssion OD....:~..!...·.· -....--t and BrA raplatioaá.,
~, '"o!:.., ' "," '~A':',;,<i:'<:, .
.! 'C;;. n- Ke1U..'å.;,~~.~f. '..,. ·."to direc. t tblå'.ataff to ~r.k:;,dtliEtbe.·.
~ ia coord~~~. naii1at1OU.'l'o1le effec:d~'í...tbU
. " ..- "--t-';'~~'~';~" ,~\."., ' ' ;.""". '.'
InI '-UUU ~....:,~,....~.;~,.,,?~,;,,), '
'."""" " '_", "~'-l": _...¡ '':.
.;--,(,',~,t '. ;,,:;'''',,-:~'", '", :,,0\' )
ÓDaDc:1lua FroliCIì!~'!'ÍJbto see our efforts c:oorcliøaU4Jtdtb
the County Transit. DIsUicC- '
16. 1Ieviaion of, tblå -~('''pa1 Code to perait the use 111 Croup I
occ:upanc:ies of aspIaalUc Pavial aaterials in areas ¥beE" IIOtor
vehicles are stoxe4 or operated, and dec:laring the uraeDc:y
(a) Urgenc:y Ordfn-~ 110. 667: "An Ordinanc:e of tblå City of
Cupertino AlleD4ing Section 16.04.060 of Ordinance No. 627
so as to the Use in Group' Occ:upancies of Asphaltic
Pavinl Katert.a1s 1D Areas Where Motor Vehic:les ara Stored
or Oper...ted, and Declaring the Urgenc:y Thereof." - read
by the City Clerk. '
Moved by Counc. Frolic:la, seconded by Counc:. Jackson to have Ordinar:ce
No. 667 read by title only, and the Clerk's readinl shall c:onstitute
the reading.
Motion c:arrie~, 5-0
Moved by Counc:. Jac:ksoa, 5eCo:tded by Counc:. 'rolic:h to enac:t Urgenc:y
Ordinance No. 667.
Motion c:arried, S-o
17. Discussion relatiDC to the soc:ial conc:erns subcommittee of PPC.
Counc:. Meyers said the Soct.a1 Conc:erns Study Committee was rec:oameudina
to the Planning Polic:y C Ittee that a permanent Soc:ial Conc:erns
eo-ittee of the nc be established. They would ac:t as a c:1ear1nlhouae in
cooperation with various social and health agenc:ies and provide loc:al
&overnments with info~tioD on soc:ial conc:erns. They would also ac:t
as an ongoing sounding board to agenc:ies conc:erned with social and health
servic:es as they relate to local governments. They would ac:t as a fOrtD
in cooperation with varioas social and health agencies for c:omaunity
issues of social concern .. they relate to loc:al governments. Their
ODI ten goals would be to study the impac:t of traditional city plætnntnl
and its t.plications for the provision of soc:ial and health servic:eZprogrsas to .eet new dev~u. They would develop and rec:omaend
· .
MINUTES OF 1BE auyu.ea 18, 1974 CITY COUNCIL 1uJ11'IG
to the PPC an inter1a ~Lo~ planning metboclolosy Lor cities snd
the c:ounty for "-:baa social and health needs and social servic
eluents to the {"-'-td, n.n aDd perhaps the c-ittee lIe1IIbership
should be dlffeieDtt~;the P18llllUI Polic)' eo..1ttee. They could
-&in a aer1oua¡.~ô.f;'IIoc1al and health pt.-fa, efforts in
SlIDts Clara Couîi¢i ~_1ÑI prepared to rec:v PII the appropriate
_~h_"'_ for" .... < ":_tal and health, P'-IDI. And they
should bec.. iJWôï . "}tIIe illpl_tat1oa of;the Boasinl and
eo.unity . ..' "'," ....~. "" '/of 1974 .. all opportua1ty to coordinate
social and ph:fìtëa1f'. Counc. Bellis .ane.r that the .....e
ship c:ould be' '", ",hyoød the Councn Hellbersaad PlanDing
eo..tssioners tô':¡";¡;tf"Aâ. wider rllDle of ___raldp.
Counc. Jac:kson _ 'CI ¡....<lee! that perhaps the PPC å¡bt be spread-
tnl itself too tlda. ø-ver, a subc:ollll1ttee åaJIt be bie vay to
,10. Counc:. Nellis acreed. if the membership c:ould be expanded
beyond coma1ssioners. etc.
18. Report of bids recúvEd and award of contract for Saratoga-
Suanyvale Road Star. Drain projec:t.
Hoved by Counc. Frol1ch, sec:onded by Counc:. Jac:kson to sward the
c:ontract to Apez Coastruction, based on the lowest bid and as
recoaoetlded by the staff.
Counc:. Frolic:b, Jac:k50n, Meyers. Rellis. Mayor Spark.
Ifotion carried. 5-0
Ifoved by Counc:. Frolic:h. seconded by Counc:. Jac:kson to appropriate
$57,800.00 from the General Fund for the Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Storm Drain project.
Counc:. Frnlic:h. Jac:kson, Meyers, Nellis, Kayor Sparks
Ifotion c:arried, 5-0
19. Report of bids rec:eived and award of c:ontrac:t for 1974-75
Sidewalk Replac:...ut.
Moved by Cour.c. Jackson. seconded by Counc:. Meyers to adopt the
staff's recommendatioo and award the ~ontract to WEBBCO. Alternate
1, based on the lowest bid for sidewelk repair.
Counc. Frolic:h. Jac:kson, Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks
Ifotion C:ârLied, 5-0
Pqe IS
s-sv .torza
drain œ'd
Sidewalk repail
,'~.. by C-c. lrol1c:b~ .~rO"lfed by Counc. Meyers to .,propdate
'''''000 frca the Gelaer4~"""¡for the purpose of .w.-lI',I:epa1r.
;" ':,.<,.:~,~', ~"., , ,'. . ;I." " :.":
'~ C-c. h'oî~~,,'~~.-OII, Heyers, Nellis. øàyœ 's~~
- ·,;1,:......· ~ ....
"',;å- .
,:1; App.j),I:1ation of CitTríìponsorship for 16 rials OVer Californis
, , 'project of B_stlia4;JUah Sc:hool students.
. by Caunc:. Frol1cb. 8eCOIIded by Counc:. Nellis to appropriste
_ _nt not to exc:eecI $200 for the 16 Flags Over California project,
bcladinl display stSllds. etc.
Couac. Frolic:h. .J_kson, Heyers. Nellis, Mayor Sparks
,lIotioD carried, 5-0
21. Secoad reading of Ordinanc:e No. 660: "An Ordinanc:e of the City
of Cu¡»ertino Aaending Sec:tion 1 of Ordinanc:e No.2 by Rezoninl
4.80 ~res fr_ &1-10 (Residential. Single-Family, 10.000 Sq.
n. Per DwelUnl Onit) Zone to P (Planned Developclent with a Quasi-
Publ1c/!Uni-Stor.le Use Intended) Zone; Located on the Southwest
Corner of Mary Avenue _d 'reevay Route 280." - read by the
City Clerk.
by Counc:. Heyers. seconded by Cowc. Jackson to have Ordinanc:e
So. 660 read by title only and the Clerk'a readinl shall c:onstitute
the Second re.dinl.
. 666
IIotioD c:arded, 5-0
lIo".d by Counc:. Heyers. .-ooaded by Counc:. Jac:kson to eJ1ac:t Ordinanc:e
lb. 660.
KøtioD c:arded, 5-0
22. Sec:ond reading of Ordinanc:e No. 663: "An Ordinance of the City
of Cupertino Amend1Ds Sec:tio~s 5.3(a), 6.2(a) and 7.5(a) of
Ordinance No. 652 Pertaininl to Proc:edures in the Hatters of
Amendinl the General Pl_. Amending the Zoning Ordinanc:e, Amendinl
the Official Zoning Øap, Proc:edur2s in the Hatter of Conditional
Use Pemits and V.rt.nce.... - read by the City Clerk.
....u.s Œ' DE 1IOVEKBEIl1l. 1974 em ~Cn. MElTIBG
, .;:~"'..a by CoaDc. Jac:ksoo.... _..~ by Coonc. Bellis to bav.
:)~,~~~4n,.".e ... 663 read ., e:lde oaly ød the Clerk'. reacl1ø&
'if.i,~tiiIà11 c:oastit1lte the ..~ r'" ro........
,;~~:l. Hot4- eaØw. s-o
5:¡:',"<MøwIð bJ CcaDc:. Jac:ksOD. Sf~-'-" by CoIIDC:. Heyen to enac:t
- . OrdiDanc:e 50. 663
IfodoD carr~ecI, s-o
23. Pint readinl of Ordt.n.øce 110. 657: "An Ordinanc:e of the
City of C:1pert1no ---'UIIS Ordinanc:e No. 533 Regulatinl
Stopping, Standing or Parking on Public Streets, and Pro-
viding for Signs Notifying the Public: Thereof. and 'urther
Providi:lg for Penalties for Violation Thereof."
(ConLi%:,;ed froa meeting of October 29, 1974) - read by the
City Clerlt.
!fD".,d by l:;:o-.:=:. Meyers. sec:oaded by Counc. Frolich to have
Ordinance ~:. 657 read by title only and Lhe Clerk'a reading
shall c:ons:::~te the first reading.
Kotion carried, 5-0
24. 'irst ~,,3ding of Ord{ft-..-p No. 658: "An Ordinance of the
City ~: Cupertino Amending Ordinance No. 492 Regulating the
Opera:::~. Re~istratiOD. Licensing, Purchasing and Selling of
Bic)'c~è5 'òithh: the City of Cupertino." (Continued frOlll
..eti=~ ~f Oc:tober 29. 1974) - read by the City Clerk.
!loved by (;co,,:::. Meyers, secocded by Counc. Jackson to have
Ordinance ~:. 658 read by title only and the Clerk's reading
shall const::ute the first reading.
Hatton carried, 5-0
25. 'irst reading of Ordt.nance No. 664: "An Ordin;¡nc:e of the
City ~: Cupertino Repealing Ordinance No. 220{e) and Amending
OrdiD.1::0e 110. 220 by AdctiJ1g the Zone RlC {Residential Single
Family Cluster Zone)." - read by the City Clerk.
Ordinanc:e S:. 664 first{~ vas continued to December l6,
Pale 17
Ord. 663
Ord. 657
'irst Reading
Ord. 658
'irst Reading
Ord. 664
continued to
Dec. l6th
. l8
. 3776
:1Sent Cal.
OF ~ .....-a 18. 191. ern cOUllléu )ŒETIXG
~'.." ,
J ' ~,'
Jlu IftQ carried. s-o
.......1Io"f't <:.AT nIU.
%1. Besolu:~.:n r:), 3777: "" ....-lotion of ~he City Counc:il of the
City 0: .:.:pertino Appr~..aa the 'inal Mail of Property Located
on U?P£:- 3egnart lIDad, Jleweloper, Cocdardi Corporatioa, and
Authori~~ the City ED&' flr'to Sign the Final Hap."
28. Rcsolu:i:=)Io. 3778: "" ksolution of ~he City Counc:il of ~he
City c: :..;ertino Appr~ the Final Mail of Property Loc:&ted on
Stev",,,! :.c.yon lIDad at Jk:C1_1lan lIDad; Developer, Louis 10-""";
and k;::>::-izing ~he Clo;y !'.a&t.neer to Sip the 'inal Hap."
M. "sol..:::::~. 37791 "" ksolution of t!w City Counc:il of the
City 0: :;¡;crtlDo Accepc1Bil Quitclaia Dud and AuthoriaatiOD
for r:>.:..=.rouncl Vater tiaKs f~ Kaiser AetM, a Panaer~ip,
Tract ; ;,h. POtIcIero.. De ..., Loc:ated at th~ )Iortheast Corner
of K.:.::.~_ 10. aDd 01'.... "vea_."
)0. "aol,,:~:~. 3782: "" -..olation of tM City Council of the
City 0: :;,;;Mrtino ~ tH Final Map of Property Loca~'" at
Sou~hus: ';"rner of a-r-.. aø. and Su:'ling Road; Drlreloper,
Bruns.<:a Jiv1sioa: and ~Mrizing the City Enlineer to Sip the
Final Mar.·
n. Solid-a::'::'" penait for s.._th-Day Adventist Church of S-,."ale
for .,,--~. proarø fr_.... ~r 27 through December II. 1974.
n. Proc:laJl&::O'" that the __ of .oveaber 24 through Dec:""r 1, 1974.
be "Sat i..-=1 Bible Week-.
"'_..4 by Cou:>:. FroUc:h, .. [ .. by Counc:. !lellis to adopt the eoasent
1IIK1oa carried. s-o
33. Cit)' Staff
The PlaøD!a& Director stated that the Flood Control &istrict h.s
c:ontinoed the decision DO tbe flood plain south from Stevens Creek
Blvd., in hopes of a joint ..eting with the Cuperti:1o City Council ¡
and interested property owners. This meeting was tentatively I
scheduled for an adjourned ..eting on December 10, 1974. I
The Dir~t~r of Parks and Recreation said be'd had a meeting with
the S:mta Clara County Parks and Recreation Cocm:ission. The
Indian e~o~ent was a good idea, but it was felt that it should
not be he:¿ at }kClellan Ranch Park because it would upseL the
e~olo&y c: the area . The staff vas reque~ted to ~ork toward the
.cqui~it:== cf a possible enc~pment ~ite to be used during the
Biccnt{':-:-.:..a.l. celebration.
Counc, r=::ic~ stated that
Tcferr~= :~¿ rapid transit
public è..=i~f..
the Tran~rcrt2ti::>n Co:::::-.ission h.'ì.S
issue to the cities for review and
Coune. .\:.::...5.:':1, asked the Cit)" ~:anag('r tC' ...:rite letters of
ackno",-lt...;.:::.:.t.'::t to the CE':1::ral Fire Di!-trict fC'r itc:. report ('(1
Castine .>.,.C:',:';¿ fire and to the Char.:.h..:'..: C': Cor'õ"J:#':rt'f': for it!!) ......,:-;.;.
in r~n~~~::~; the Senior Citizens' Ce;.t~r.
Coune. ~'::''-'::s ~("knowlcdGed the City of Cd~rbf>ll'~ !"'u&&t'stic·n ft"lr
ho~'s(' re:...:": '..'riar.. systea.
Counc. ~:c .::5 stated he is very plea~l·.:! ~·ith the \-:crk of the
Architt~'::_:-.l: .and Site Approval CC1:DI::t:('e .and a n'~;3rk he c.J.J..· at
thc l¿¡,s~ :.:~:":..:il meeting , blo",'n out cf prOp("lTt :0'1.
34. AèFc::: to 7:30 P,I\., December 2, 1974.
KovC"d l-~ ':-:-..;.!:.~. Frolic:h. seconded bl Coune. ~:ellis to adjourn this
_ctint ~; ~1:23 P.M. to 7:30 P.}I. December 2, 1974.
1.1 ilia. E. Ib'der
Ci t)' Clerk
Kotion carried, 5-0
1.1 Reed Sparks
Mqor, Cit)' of Cupertino
Pase 19
Flood plain
Dccc:ober lOt