CC 12-17-74 :, .\,1 . , ,-, . CITY Ot' (:Ij!'EIrrISO, STATE OF CALlFOm¡'¡A 10300 Torre tvcnue. Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone: 2J2-4505 MINUTES OF THE ADJaœ.-m IŒGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD 011 DECI:JŒEIt 17, 1974 1111 THE COUNCIL CIlAHBEIl, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO Till! FLAC Karor Pro T.... Jackson c:alled the meeting lo order "t 7 :35 p.!'!. with tl", S.¡.1ute to the Fla¡;. ROLL CALL Count. rrt·~.cnt: Frc!:cL. ~'!(·::(;rs. !¡(!llj~; (8:22). r~;¡y:)r Pro "[(:1 Jac~,s(":1 Counc. 2!'....ent: }tayor SF2rk~ St.d [ rr~"~':';H: City ~~-:;;'-::b'-'r Q~I inlan Ð;rf--:::::r {::. /,_'r:in:istral ~\,'(> S(~r....jc('·-.; ;:::tl..·r Lir~ct(r c· l'~:,lIl.,jni: i:aJ I~~v(>l(!V;;,:¡.t Si~k D1rrC:0r of J'LLlic Wor~~ Visko....icl, Dire.:t,::,r 0: ¡'arb; .:mù j~"l~ri..'atio.l Ellllu:' AS'sistønt :Þ';':m;1cr CN':!:! Plar.·lir.~ T(:';L:1i'.;iut. !~r:t:.~:-'l· PJan:tlr:g 1t:.c.L.,ici.:m Pias:'ci·.i rUBI.! C IiEARII;c; 1. I'uhI ic ""aring to c..nslder the Hom,ln,J and COffi",unJty Dcvclopa~nl Act program of 1974. l The PI~:;a¡ng Director staled this was the first of three puhlic hearinp,s that will be held in regard to diopersmcnt of the Housing and Comr.1unity Dc\'elopme:lt Act funds. lie discussed details of th(·1 December 13, 1974 staff memo on this maLt~r, On December 17th (this date) the !lousing a:,d COlllr.lUnity Developmenl Pol1c'y Te= Was sch~duled to give a presentation on the ground rules and to pres.'ut the citizen participation pi~n. .:In January 13, 1975, .. joint meeting is scheduled for the City Council with the Planning Commission. The sta{f intends to come in at that time with altern3le programs to atte~pt to determinp. the needs of the community. On February 3, 1975 the final public hearing wBl be held for final approval of the plan before submIssion to the County. Public input is encouraged from all faclimls, within the City limits and with in the sphere of influence. " ,1 ¡ .1 CC-2',', Pagt> 1 ;C-~~4 ",¡:¡, 2 . . KDarTES OF :r¡¡E DECEHBEIt 17. 1971< ".DJOUIU,ED CITY COl'NCIL MEETnlG " , c:a-c:. Jackson stated be, -:14 like plenty of advance publicity prior to the January l3th and,'FeIorw!%Y 3rd meetings so as to reach as auch oftbe populace as possiltle': ~ing'Technician St~ .iasec:ki summarized the Housing and eo..auuity ....lopment Act and higlaUaJlted the objectives set by the Federal Qlwmment in reviewing the çplic:aUons. Copies or the questionnaire -.re distributed. He tIleD offered to anSWer any questions. '~ . r: . < , CDanc. ~Ieyers said he _ eM Housing Assistance Plan as being more 41fficult to administer. Counc. J~ckso" asked if there 15 some type or sharing of ideas with other cor,~I:\~:1iti('s on this. P!.é:'i:1i:1g Technician Pic1secki said the c..ounty an":: A5AG will be so~-rces of infori.1ation. :11e: Socio/r.c':-~~"'mic charact.E:-:f-::C5 of the lìousJng i'nd C0:::.:::unity Develcp- 1DeD.t Act ·..:ere Uf'xt rcv:'e"''''~ ::,. ?la::1:1ing 1CC}¡:1ici¡~!'I Tob} Kró;.:.~r~ She. :"'E-,\"1.e'lo:('d t!:~ tables sh,= ha¿ ;:,:-e-;a:-€è frc"r¡ tl~e Ct;1-\:!~ :rJ,(ts. ;';he next . :-evic-;.¡ed t;-'~, "Correlê1ti,:t!:. c: ::::'c"':E: 3nd Housing C(1~"':"s f-:'f p('¡,-,:"'i1S I~~lo" I'^\"---' I....'·~lll ....,; ~'-·---··l'!1J'I" ","t!, M~...," -11--~ (~""e ..,-....'-.;,~- r-,r -- ," "I.~".' ,..",1,; ....._ ......-'___..J~ ," ..J'. 01_., ... ._..~.... L; 1~.':t(.r.!I.... Eu~:~':-t'-= of P(:rs::-JS :..:: :-=-€..:,.c t:nit~:"_ :-;he nC:'i:t ;(,,'.:ic..-r:(; :~c· L",=óp ~~.-,', ~ IIr,,~·~ .". ~ _.__..' 1.""" "'"'~,.., 1(",-'" ~,',.l"- -:"'7 _~J~"'.1.1g _~........,CljJ~11na.. E..... :_~ _d.:;.:.Jary thr"u~,,1 J\l.ll. ~~/·~ . :,._l__':U:_..é, I"-~f:re die t.·..c::.:s occur:-e.¿.. ...~-::=£: ""zs ..11~.,-' a. mJp lL'L C'~pi-7"':-'-_1.,J :ÙJ\.hlèu;.. s-'hO\dnl~ ~,i~~':t: asslst2!l-:e O;'~.:.: ¿50 :ood st;¡..-:ps an,' r(~çl!o-:'::;tl:::cL CcW)=~ Frol:..:;: (071lin~nté:¿ ::".:.:, ".;::-E. of mê,-l-ï.:m num~cT:; (i:a'~ tc ç·Ji.u. 1:.i.sl ctid in:;. ?1anning TC''::l':lÎt-ian Piase-ci:.: ¡,;ext \o.~cnt over the: cirizt"t:.s resr<::'n5~ questionnairt:~ He noted :::s.: t.:-.e first yea.r, the Act can furnish .J.;"'out 590,000. \"'ith a total of $;~C,I)='0 over ¿] period o( three yearto'. CongrcsFo intends to reevaluate the fr'iY'GI: at thC' end of thesC" tbrE:t: y,:;ac~. !byor Pro Te", Jackson caUed a recess at 8:45 P.M. The ",eeting reconven"d at 9:00 P.~. Audience part:ci~ation w~" invited at this ti~e. BUda Ernest. 20339 Clifè.eö> liay. Cupert ino. said she was speak ing for 103 ..",,,,bers of the Live Loag and Like It Group. She asked the City to l_k into the possihility of using some of these runds for a larger pJ ac.. for them to ce~t and the possibility of providing a kitchen so hot meals c-. be provided to the less fortunat". They would also] ike to have a ~ding constructed behiDd Lbeir present meeting p]a~e. c. Meyers asked if we Deed sore housing for senior citizens or whether doe need was greater for ~ú1 functions. Mrs. Ern"st said nobody in doe Club has complained abod; ....t beinr. able to find housing. Helen Panchan;"n. 20374 CHiden "ay, Cu~rtiJ». ~id two couples sh,' knows IDOved away to Leclerally funded housiJal bat: gill come hack to this club. {;" ""-,,"-., -.., . "'....._'"'..,...."."...,~" .....'-.,--'---, ..J . }l ""0 ,;l':"·~' '",.'{'ô, ;,<¡. j} . . HThvrKS OF THE D¡';CEHBER.1.7. 1974 ADJOURNED CIT'i COUNCIL MEETING CC-244 Page 3 Jfr. Louis Stoc:k1meir. represeà:i:li1g the Cupertino Historical Societ , " spoke in favorì,of expÞ""f.,z ~ for the retention of the Parris , Bouse. >' "- .~>::,<.~~'J''''' , -. -' , f;~"'":fi~i":.'",,,,~.,.,',' IIrs. Marilyn Christiœ, l~..;:;j:i.aney Avenue, Cupertino. stated that the Cupertino Roundup De". 'a youth services bureau, low cost or free chUd c:are tor vorldní: aothers, and low or moderate incoee housing. ' Counc. Jac:kson asked about the possibility of using some of the school fac:ilities that ~re being c:losed down, being used for senio centers and c:hild care canters. The City ~~ager said they ~ould Dot be available until at least next March. , Mrs. Stephanie Dixon.l0576 Whitney Way, Cupertino, said she vas speaking as a private citizen who is also a County nurse. She believes th~ suggestion of youth service bureaus is a good cne. She would also like to see a counseling center for youths a,,¿ par,~nts. Sh" offered to get data from ¡'¡c!J:;ter Center i:'1 S,u,ta Clara if the Council so ¿esired. Mr. Joe Pdneharian, 20374 Clif~en Way, Cupertino, spoke or, b~~2:f c~ the !'!>nior citizens "'''0 are on a'1h,ited iucon,,,. He "~=e~~e:! the n€£'J for expanded services and facilities. Mayor Pro Te::! Jackson asked for COI"J:1ents from the Council a:::¿:cr ¿ir~ctions or suggestions for the staff. CoW1C. ~!eyers would like ~re background material on thi:c:;s s'.:ch DS youth service bureaus. He underf<tands sam,' of the fu:c':> car. be used for this type of thir.g. He would like a better def ir,~t i ":1 of how the funds can be expended. Mr. Piasecki said about 2G~ may be used for this type of thing. Counc. Nellis requested more staff input as to the social needs of the community. Mayor Pro Tern Jackson felt it would be important to have ~he lata from the questionnaire. lie then c:omplimented the staff cn the presen tat ion. The City Manager requested co_ents from the City Council on housing assistance. Mayor Pro Tem Jackson questioned whether anything meaningful could be done in regard to housing assistance with the limited funds availa!)le. lie said Some of the SUi'¡:cstion" like a tool library, were good. , ~ eD ciraUos: 'AJ"F'r~i >- :I1m;1'I:'; " ,;¡., ''¡;C~:1;''r.1!. 17, l!:it. :,íJJGm"''i1l) CITY cú!:::r.r;. !I':r.rmc i ,;, '. Tho Cit.y !: ,'¡:¡~cr !!Ur.r.eatßd h~I' '''f. 1nto tb" 1",,,:;lLility of sel::.t::~ up lOll intcr(";~ loaà:; ¡be botuc ¡!"..,·C'v('~J(mLS, ~tt:, Another poc,s.{hHit.y is land b~nLiI,i' f<rr løw,',~ IDcdil,;O: j"cu:l:e bOd:;1",". !Ie roaM ,",c ~ust b::vc - ~T;,' ~ "boWli..C :~:":!::ta:3lCÓ,,:,laß. ~c. :¡c1~ i.;:; ",oa1ct~åe to c~!,hl1'o lmld b-.,"ln3. In ¡¡,1ItH:f.çn to n~.r, JOv Inco:",- Í;')I1S1ng chert;: ~c t\-c 11r."d for 10'J fatcrc!:t 1I.('nry for 10...."1'9 to Daht"':" existing ho~s in lh,";.c area.o;. Hr. PÚSl.:ci<.1 c31d or.e cr tbo proa,Y""'J "f the staff is to ,woid the t),p.:. of i:::l,r:>v!n¡: of property 100 tbnt. l:,~ rt'r.t. wC"lle! be r:\i,,· J. ,f':,vod br ("'l':ÕC. K,,)('r5. ¡¡c:c01.,I.,<' I.)' Ccr,J11C. ;;..~] L.. LO ,,':,,:>t tlte elL i,¡;e,~ ~:nt:lcirJh::' ':Ú~l rl::.ø. . .:..t ion c."arr1.'C:, 4-0 ' I I ',I'I"'! "",'. .. , I,. ~,.\..\..,., i. I" " . ,"'"". ,','. r "'.' ., ..... ...; " .~ .'-- :.::ct]~~~:: ;..1..c~ !~el''',,:", r:P'c(,'a··' .' ~o COt::1~. ;.; ..1 ie:) tf" t····..:(;\:T~ ~ t··~ . !~\...t i(,¡;ì C:1.r.· _: .0:' ~ ~..I) JPrfJìvtD: /5/ Re..d !:.F_,,~ks , }~YQr, City of CupertiPQ , ATTF.~T: }sl ¡1m. f;. I:vdt'!r City' Clerk 9,