HC 2
10300 Torre A-,.Tenue9 Cupertino
Page 1
Telephone,: 252-4505
H-Control Members Present., Dressler, Koenitzery McEaren, Sallan
and Chairman Sargent
hControl Members absent o None
'Planning Commissioners Buthenuth, Gatto and O'Keefe
Staff Present: Director csf Planning and Development
James Sisk
Reeoxding SAeretary Ruth Cox
Also present: �ir� BQ Johnson, Hammarberg & Herman,
Mr, Gs Stokes, Stokes & Assoc.
10 Application 15-Um72, of Paul AMa.riabi, 3rs fog use permit:
to construct a shopping ce ter to i.rc.&u�n 9'�8080 s�� ftaraf
general re¢aiin space and an automotive car wash on
approximately i'i 5 ages s 'Said d; property is in a 'P (Planned
- -- --' -- Develc�pmen with cca nnercl a ii tent zoxap acid 3 .l c�catecl
adjacent to and 'westerly of Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road
ap.prox 150 feet south of- the intersection of
valley Green Drive and North Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road,
Chia Sargent opened by saying H—Control appreciated the oppor--
tunny for review and indpuL being afforded them, �e noted dis=
cussion would be restricted to areas for ire com-ni�tee had
- responsibility: site, architecture and landscapinge
Staff Report* Planning Director Sisk, using plot plans and maps,
showed the area under consideration, its relationship to other
planned clevelQpment� and discusszag zonings stated he was not
prepared to make a statement on zoning changes planned at this
time. He indicated planned signalization'at Greenleaf Drive dnd
-Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, He ;also reviewed suggestedL conditions
of approval received in other meetings between applicant and
City management.
Mr. Ba Johnson, 1430 Franklin, Oakland, Californian architect
with Hammarberg & Herma9 using schematic.sketches and site
pi.aa� -discussed the height and approximate character of shop paxig:
Center, accesses and planned shol'3so
HC-62 Joint Meeting of Architectural and Site Control Committee and Planning
Page 2 Commission, September 13, 1972
Criticisms With reference to a criticism regarding "sea of asphalt", Air. Johnson
answered pointed out how landscaping had been used to integrate 5 quadrants of
parking areas. There are to be benches and resting areas located in
the landscaped portions of parking lot area.
Another criticism of stereotyped or linear lines of buildings had
been averted by staggering roof height levels on the different
t .
Other ways used to break up the asphalt concept was usage of minor
pedways, a redwood grove planned for center of parking area and a
20' strip of mounding and landscapinn around peripheral of parking
area. Rather than a straight sideway, around shopping center,
meandering paths and berms have been indicated.
Parking '- In answer to a question about adequacy of parking by Chairman Sargent,
Adequacy Mr. Johnson said the requirement at this time is 434 spaces which
their experience has shown to be high. Their plan calls for 367
spaces. There was general agreemen= that a revision is needed in
the parking requirement.
Ingress Member Sallan was concerned about ingress total in -relation to frontage
along Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road. Mr. Jchnson said each ingress was
30'. There being 3 of they:, there :aas a total of 90 feet of ingress
--- ---- -_- - --- _for a total of 370+ foot frontage. - - -
Undeveloped Mr. Johnson said the area to the rear of the market was not planned
to property
north of
Traf f is
Bank relo-
for development at this time since the lot was long and narrow and
they felt by leaving this portion undeveloped, the site vould be
more pleasing. This undeleloped aria will remain planted with
trees and the applicant will t.:aintain it until it is developed.
This area provides a buffer between shopping center and residential
A concern regarding what happens on the north when the property across
the service road w-zs developed was raised. A suggestion was made that
the shops have two entrances, front and back. Mr. Johnson answered by
saying it was better business to get cars in one area, and because of
security reasons many businesses preferred just one entrance. He felt
making the architecture right,with offsets in buildings and proper
.Landscaping was better solution.
Another concern was potential problem of traffic congestion at north
entrance to bank .1rorn Sarato^a-Sunnyvale Road. It was stated that
by allowing 25' per car, 20 cars could be acc_omodated at one time
and the Traffic En,g,_neer felt this ,,as a generous allo;aance over
what would probably be needed at the i}usiest times.
It was suggested that the car .ash and the bank be relocated with
each other, but the architect said the major tenant, QFI, while
willing to have green areas used as breaking of asphalt view, they
would be not willing to accept a building block. fir. Johnson
indicated this site plan was one of several where many arrangements
p _ z
Joint Meeting of Architectural and Site Control Com=nittee and
Planning Commission, September 13911972
had been tried, but for best: economics$ good architecture and
commercial use plus giving QF1 the identification anchor area
it needed, this plan was most
suitable, i
Mr. Stokes said he felt it ias better to have an area with. depth
since other plans call, for buildings close to the street in the
developments, and,. this. plan .Gaith .parkln.-lot_ made into __-----
segments with' the rear of property couldbea
Chairman Sargent recognizing H-mConbtrol Was not approving applica-
tion but giving in -put for use by other committees and providing
ideas for concepts since this committee does not issue use permits,
suggested: specific suggestions might be in order,_
Location of buildings. Concern was expressed regarding the
service road at rear and the bank traffic tieing potential.
problems® The car wash was also,regarde.d.with concern The
architect said it was 200' from the street and only trees and
roof would be Asib-le. it was again noted that consideration
should be taken of what will be developed :o .thy north in relation
to integrating the two commercial areas.
A major `complaint was .there was not integrationbetween this,
development and development to the north It was pointed out
there,--were'-2 pedways -and -one even cula-r -access planned from
perhaps there could be`a walkway through drugstore. He felt it
was this committee's responsibility to see .things weren°..t,. tied
Page 3
View in
Call for
Property to :.
up so there would be no wayof getting from one d:evelopmert to
the other®.
NIember.Sallan agreed on ;potential problem re -the northern area # Site changes
and felt it would be better to improve on existing basis.. She 4
qW felt it would be better to intersperse buildings and parking areas
more aesthetically, the traffic lanes into bank should he.reversed
: and there should be no warehouse or blank -wa1*1 look to rear ,of _
buildings facing north. She felt the buildings either should, be
moved .or -landscaping; be plabated so dense it would be attractive
She noted all service entrances are located. where future de:rel.op.ers'
to the north will have to look at theme z
Member McLaren felt the drawings of the site were goods noted red
ti e` roofs had been indicated and. also type of architecture planned
She stated she:had contacted owner of property to the,north,and y
he had no present plaits for any development now or in., the, near.
fut.ur"e. She pointed -out the one building on the northern lot was,;: y
already backing up to this center.
Joint Meeting of Architectural and Site Control Committee and Planning
Page 4
Commission, September 13, 1972
It was decided not to discuss architecture since this was mainly
Not discussed
discussion for the obtaining of a use permit. It was also noted that
the applicant was unable at this time to discuss specific kinds of
trees or coverings, Committee was Instructed to use a broad concept
of plan, finding; it either .agreeable or totally unagreeable.
With regard to view from Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road, :,ember Sallan suggested
taking redwood trove from center of narking area and move it along
Highway 9 frontage. Also eliminating five parking spaces on corner
of Highway 9 and Greenleaf Drive by car wash and adding more landscaping.
=:fir. Buthenuth noted that traffic flows quickly along Saratoga -Sunnyvale
Road and he felt nne islands of landscaping broke up the "sea of
asphalt" most aesthetically.
'Member ?'cLaren gave her opinion that there are tenants ready to go
in this shopping center and the ownpr of: property to north apparently
has no plans. Since applicant i:as done everything suggested with
regard to specifi.ation of size, height, etc.; since there is an
entrance open to the pror:ierty to north, and the trews to rear of
market provide a goad buffer, and the design and landscaping on
reG;r of property is o=od, the plan. t:; agreeable to her.
�.iii. icx�al
`ember oenitzer said the 25' of lai-dscaping alon^ Saratoga -Sunnyvale
Road " � � � � •, ' -rove i__ gree,'�I.e. fie snp., _steel
��+JciC. Wl...h tll•., m,_,;1..Q11'! "i>1d Ir...C'�r,'1i11� ���;a �.
an additional vehicular access to northern property could be left
until shop r-,r ea is ne,-dad. lie felt now is the tire to study integration
witil property to tha north.
lle7mber Dressler sugFe swecl -he. would be integrated more.
to the front of sl,.op - r:d -market bui :dings instead of in the middle of
the parkin; are,-, :fie ,"ait ,,ogre cus'_or.ers: „xuld use "them if they were
located closer to the shoo.- and thi. s also increase parking space
Car waslm are" Chairmaa Sar,ent said the S parking- sna_:-�_s in front of car wash could
be eliminated <!,nd this c :rnax section b c,e.veloped in similar
manner as Ln th- center, what ':lad been planned in the center.
Iz: it was fcu-nd these two sho-pping ,r2.a5 :seeded to be integrated,
it could be dcna at the and or: the �ec'.:4cod grove. landscaping
agreeable to him.
Comnmisi�i on
Members of the Planning Commission 1.,e, e [lien askcd to speak.
:Ir. Buthenuth said he felt Pills pro c� t reall-y had to be integrated with
property on the north. Greenleaf D bcil- the ^win access to FD zone,
tie felt there must be beY:ter access t,; roti7h to the area to the north„
Joint Meeting of the Architectural,and Size Approval. Committee
and Planning Commission, September 13, 1972
Mr. Buthenuth noted the big problem was in not knowing what mould
be done with the property to the north Ile stated that basic site"°
plan is good with exception of hank traffic and reversing"the
traffic flow 'might help that,.
Mr. O'Keefe was also concerned by property to north noting that
separation by service road and lack of access would riot encourage i
integration. He noted transitory buying, habits must be considered, z
Ileisalso 'con.cerned about the car wash and wondered if Cupertino
really needed another car wash and service station since it already
.has a high level of gas stations, His main concerns toward this
being proper p a ro er development are the car wash, -service road and
bunk- traffic., _
Mr. Gatto said he had several suggestions. One was a need for
service along back of market so trucks could unload.and .than
9 T)
proceed on oufi fio service road and Saratoga=�Sunr��vale'r.oadfr Ile
felt "'there should -be some way too. reduce the height of market
bui lding. , Gdi:th regard to bank and service drive, reversing:. traffic
f3 ova 't.�csiald work oars but would not Lao:-k for bank He would g
suggest enlarging-area.between shop and hank and eliminating rear
entry to banks '.. He also suggested using taller trees in ,:fr ont. to
break up linear line,of buildings � but considered redwood grove a
waste "of effort; that could be better spent; in developing opt ;i.d:a r
:p-,edist karb areas. He felt the sta°ggered entrance from Saratoga
S.tanny -
ale"Roaa:was .a good...iaoa sit'(f .it._s owes fitazz.ics-lI-e {.
auggeste d 'eliminating the five parking spares by the car wash aid
felt the west_ end of,the car wash..area should be closed soa cars
would have to go around to eater the car wash He does feel the .
center will: integrate manyservices" in one area
Chairman Sargent summarized by saying there zaere expressions of Summary
concern' by: a majority regarding site locations and integration
with property to the north. Normally this application would be..
continued for reworking. He rioted the applicant has indicated a
will ir Ness to chaise some lax2dsca zn to e' ir' irate' some arkin Te
g p gs P g
spaces "in -front of car wash, add bermin front of Sarataga� .
SunnyvalePoad, to take some area from center of plaza, t:vpe, g
corner but -how specific should H-Control be? The'primary conc;ern'. p
would.t.o. decide whether location of buildings should be; changed ;: I
or ifthis is agreeable as a recommendation from HPo.Control, .
Mr. Stokes" spoke to the point that this. center had been or±ent a,t.ed; Orientated
in terms of what has been approved in adjacent sates and should not
have to make radical changes for the sake of 6.5 acres that has no t
plans for`,devel'c pment; under Consideration and whose owner= Teri -riot
indicated any interest in surrounding 'devel.opmenta rHe rioted this
northern property has bad access for commercial development and
the street: should have been extended through or the area re -zoned. `
He reiterated his application has been orientated to surrounding 1
Page 6
Joint Meeting of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee and
Planning Commission, September 13, 1972
Lard Use
Mo tion
property with vehicular and pedestrian access having been taken
into consideration.
Chairman Sargent said that since land use is not an area of H-
Control's responsibility, he felt it was unfair of Council to
ask this committee to discuss lan3 use, but he also felt it
encumbent upon H-Control to make .a decision as to whether or
not this site plan is agreeable.
Member Sallan moved that applicatiox: 15-U-72 as shown at that time
be returned to the applicant for relocation of buildings as they
relate to the property to the nor,-h and to be reworked. The motion
died for lack of a second. Member Koenitzer moved to recommend the
site plan as shown with the follo�oino changes:
1. Vehicular access to the bank drive -up windows from
Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road be eliminated.
2. A second vehicular access to the north be provided either
to the west of the drug store or west row of shops.
3. Planting area (redwood park) be reduced with the area going
to the front of the shoes for added landscaping.
4. Planting and traffic pattern at west end of the car wash be
-- - revised to insure people do not enter at car wash exit.-
5. Parking spaces at east end of car_ wash be el�_minated and
converted to landscaping.
6. Move market loading ranp to north side of market.
The motion was seconded 1)y Member Dressler.
Member_ Sallan amended the notion to add That_ center portion of
landscaping on Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road frontage, between the
car wash driveway and th! main driveway in front of the bank,
be increased by an additional 20' by eliminating the row of
parking and replacing it with landscaping. Member McLaren
Vote on Imendment:
AYES: Dressler, McLarcn, Sallan and Chairman Sargent
NOES: Koenitzer
Amendment passed: 4•1
Vote on Motion:
AYES: Dressler, Koenitzer, ?ICLa ren
NOES: Sallan, Sargent
:lotion passed: 3-2