January 26, 1965riw i
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10321 S'o o Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road. (C itl;y Hall)
Cupertine, California, 97014 ph: 252-4505
T.IME : 8 :00 P`o M A: ,
PLACE: 10321 So. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road -
Committeemen present: Me'ssrso Fitch, Horgan, Nuzum, Small
Committeeman absent i Mr o , Rampy '
Staff present. City Manager, Phil Storm
City Clerk, Larry Ma.
Chief Bldg. Inspector, Bill Benevich
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
Messrs. Fitch, Horgan and Nuzum were officially sworn
into office by the City Clerk.
;..A Written - A letter from Philip W. Storm, City Manager,
Chairman Small read the letter to the Committee. Mr.
Fitch felt the original problem was stated very sue
cinctlyo The H-Control Chair�aan is now going to be on
the Council agenda, along with the Planning Commission
Chairman. This should help clear up the problem of
The City Manager said the reason the H-Coiitrol members
were selected was because they expressed ideas and in
tere.st in this phase of the City's development. From
past experience, the City Manager has learned that when
tL ,(3buncil starts attending Commi al-bion 'or Committee meet-
ings it sometimes affects and. even inhibits discussion
..and decisions for.:the applications,
The -City Manager said both he and the Council feel the
H-Control Committee is doing an excellent job. There
are bound to :be 'some,'differences of 'opinion From time to
time,,.but -this 'is 'healtYiyo It'•keeps everybody on their
toes, -
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Moved by Mr. Fitch, seconded by Mr. Nu.zum, that the City
Manager's letter of January 21, 1965, be received and
filed, with the corrections that wherever it says "Plan-
ning Commission" in the letter it should. say "H-Control."
Motion carried, 4-0
The Committee was also informed that the Council also
made a motion that if any Committee or Commission has a
problem he can,. through his Chairman, set up a joint
meeting through the Mayor, who will prepare an agenda for
that meeting.
B Letter from Mr, John Rintala, of Monta Vista Building
Materials Company. The July 9, 19639 H-Control Minutes
for application 92-HC-63 were read, to give the Committee
the history of this case. At that time, the applicant
had entrance to his business through the adjoining shop-
ping center's parking lot. He now has his entrance
directly onto Stevens Creek Blvd, This will be a V-
shaped road, with landscaping and possibly a fountain in
the center of the V.
Mr. Rintala contemplates placing 12' x 20' storage bins
for aggregate along the east side of his property, inside
a 6' fence.
After discussion, the Chairman said the Committee would
like to withhold any action until they have had a chance
to. go out and look at the site. Mr. Rintala had brought
in a small sketch, but the Committee felt it would be
wise to check the physical location.
The Chief Building Inspector was asked to take pictures
of the site, also. "
Mr, Fitch asked if this proposal conflicted in any way
with the City's ordinances. He was told the zoning is
correct. The reason Mr. Rintala was before this Committee
at this meeting is because he is contemplating doing
something other than the original application states
Mr. Fitch suggested asking interested -citizens to come
to the next meeting and be heard, Mrs. Ann Anger,
specifically, is to be invited to be present so she can
hear what is contemplated and can make any comments at
that time.
Moved by Mr. Fitch, seconded by Mr. Nuzum, that the request
for review of application 92*HC-63 by Mr, John Hintala,
reference' his letter of 1/26/65 and site plan, be continued
to the next H-Control meeting to enable the Committee
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It was noted the address of Mr. Roy L. Dorcich, under
application 168-HC-65, should read "Santa Clara" rather
than .".Cupertino a "
Moved by Mr.-Nuzum, seconded by Mr. Horgan, to approve
the Minutes of January 12, 1965, as corrected. ,
Motion carried, 4-0
A Chairman Small was concerned about the two service stations
that are supposed to have been built on the NW (Humble Oil)
and SW (Mobil Oil) corners of McClellan and Saratoga -
Sunnyvale Roado It was his understanding that the Use
Permits are only good for one year. If the Use Permits
have expired, Chairman Small feels the H-Control approval
should also be withdrawn. He feels the City Staff should
be made aware of this, and would like to know if his
thinking is correct.
B. Mr. Nuzum asked about the status of the rewriting of the
H-Control,-,Ordinance. He was told that, as it now stands,
this is still a recommending body and reports to the City
Council. The City Attorney is now writing a new Ordinance
and assigning a new number and getting rid of the amend -
mentsa When this is accomplished, it will come to the
H-Control for comments before it goes to the Council.
Moved by Mr. Fite.h,.seconded by Mr. Nuzum,.to recommend
:. to the City Council 'Eat the existing Ordinance 002(f) be
amended to include the ten standard H-Control conditions;
this motion is in reference to the motion made at the
January 12, 1965., meeting of the H-Control.
Motion carried, 4-0
C Mr. Nuzum next wanted to know what responses have resulted
from Mr. Horgan's recent communication. They are as follows:
1. The City Manager has read it.
20 The City.Council has read it,
3. As a result, the H-Control Chairman now will report
at the Council meetings.
4. The new committeemen were sworn in at this meeting.
5, The H-Control Chairman will now be the direct liaison
with the -Council,
6e Procedures are being reviewed.
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A Guest Speaker. - t,t». Delight Long, of the Saratoga Horti-
cultural Foundation.
In the unexplained absence of Mr. Long, the Chief
Building Inspector gave a resume of the hJ.s`tory and the_/
future plans of the City's tree planting program, Present
thinking is now to have the trees spaced about 100' apart.
We will be given a master list of trees for each quadrant
of the City so when an applicant comes before the Committee
he will know just what kind of tree he must plant.
Before any trees are'.planted, Mr. Long will evaluate
them to make sure they are healthy.
The City is going to pay for the cuts in the sidewalks
and the planting of Che trees. We are requesting the
owners of the commercial properties to purchase the trees.
B An Assessment District is being formed for Stevens Creek
Blvd. improvement. There will be 149 in the center of
the boulevard for landscaping (trees and shrubs, etc.).
The County has informed us that there must be 100% y'
participation by the property owners along Stevens Creek
Blvd., however, or the whole thing can fall through.
Paper work and engineering are being done now. Actual
roadwork will begin in 1966'.
C Arrangements are going to be made to have guest speakers
on nights when there is a weak agenda.
D Credit was given to Mr. Horgan for his interest and time
put into his recent communication. It,has motivated new
thinking in some areas where it was needed,
Moved by Mr. Horgan, seconded by Mr. Fitch, to adjourn
at 9:40 P.M.
/s/ Jim Small
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