March 9, 1965a•
1.0321 So.. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, Calif.., 95014 Ph: 25 '--)-1F505
C I 't Y O F C U P E R T I N 0.
Ca lif ornia
South Saratoga --Sunnyvale Road
Comm. present: Fitch, Horgan, Nuzum, Rampy, Small
Comm. absent: None
Staff . present : Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
A Written. -..There were none.
B Verbal. -- `'here were none..
Moved by Comm.. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Nuziim, to approve
as read the Minutes of February 23, 1965.
Motion carried, 5-6
A Application 149-HC-64, (Simla Lands, Ltd.) South Bay Farms,
2355 E1 Camino, Santa Clara, requesting Architectural & Site
approval for detail of front landscaping of the .Simla Lands
industrial building at 22330 Homestead Road. (cozitin.ued)
Mr.�John Allen, 6301 Atherwood, San Jose, presented the
rendering of the proposed development. He said there is some
question of whose financial responsibility it is to -move the
utility pole, but he has been it :must .be moved.
There will be''extensive paving with lar�J.scaping and grass in
the front,` inside the''curved driveway, There .is:- one lot
.:.b:e.tween this 'arid the Chuck TYiomp.s,ori, Swim Club. They show the
._.,paving right up to the property line and junipers around the
edge of the sidewalk.
.:There will be' neon' light's underneath the canopy_ ana_one light
;on•each-corne'r of the front of the building. There will be a
reader chart on a free-standing pole i.n the center:::of the
grass area, out in front by the sidei�lalk.
Comm. Fitch commented that t: ji. presentation looks good„
It was brought out that they
a change of the roof line,
receipt of the final J.rispect
s a change in the elevations -
r es will '.)e pla:ated prior to
o ,
Moved by Comm, N;a_zum, seco.aded by Comma Horgan, 'to approve
application 149-HC--•64 (Sirr.IdL ,ads, Ltd., ), ub ject to the
ten standard condit:i_ons ac).d '�o the renderi1_-1.g as s-!,.bm.ittedm
AYES: Comm, Fitch, Horgan., r,'711 an, Raz,,,,py, Small
NOES o None
Motion car 0
Chairman Small in. ,tr. ucted
Council meeting on Monday,
B Application 172-HC-65, Humbl
Oakland, Calif. , requesting
to.construct.a service stati
corner of. Saratoga -Sunnyvale
Chairman Small recapped the
Oil for this location. He s
cost analysis on theapprove
it was financially unfeasibl
pn.l..ica.nt to come to the City
r h
il.Company, 1330 Broadway,
hitecturai and Site approval
to be located -on the northcwest
ad. and McClellan Road.
pr vious application l y. Humble
ai that when the company did a
4 station it was decided that
Mr. Bill Rogers, representing
some modifications to the or_
the Kaiser al-um.L.-I Um shake sh
the roof . Si.nce this proper. i
property, it was their plan t
planned to use Palos Verdes
of this build-_ng and to e1 .rr,
added cost, They .fe7..i; i.t al,:
The size of the planters was
around the Men's and Women's
The original plan w_ouid have
cost $.58,360. The . represents
go above.this limit.
There will be pumps on Sarat
and, at a later date;'they w
Mr. Rogers felt rear -entry b
illusion thata station°is c
to the front it is immediate
open. They -are willing to a
Mr. Don Bandley, Cupertino Fs
want the fence because of th
balance of this 8-acre parce
raised curb around the grope
to drive onto the adjoining
Comm. Fitch requested a hose
outside perimeter for easy it
Humble Oil Company, presented
g ' na l plan, He had , a sample of
n •le they proposed to use for
y is ,::-L;rrounded by commercial
o eli;minate the fence' They
t ne -c>>im on the front and sides
np.te the canopy because of the
C.I. detracted from the
r. duced. The decorative screen
.R ��II
a....�u.,Doxes was eliminated.
st $69,2309 this plan Will
tI_ves were not authorized to
gz.-Sunnyvale Road at this time
1 add pumps on McClellan' Road.
i dings -sometimes give the
o ed. When the bays are open
y apparent that the station is
ije by the tree ordinance.
ty, does not feel we would
future development of the
There will be a 6 t1 or 811
so czars will not be tempted
b in each planter on the
,ation of the shrubs.
Mr. Rogers said the trash area will be enclosed. The
outside ma te_I_i.als on the building will be metal veneer,
texture 111, grooved.
Mr. Keith Johnsc,:a, Humble, Oil District Engineer, advised the
Commission in detail about the b,,.il.ding tr,.ate,rials
Comm. Horgan asked if there would be any tire .racks out in
fron.t . He was told there would not . .
The question came up whether the F-Lue Mar.sha:il had approved
the roof materials.* This, must be -taI,,.E;n, care of..
Gomm. Fitch said, "Th.ere will be an extreme amount of competi-
tion on these corners so we are trying to get as much as
possible for the city, aesthetically, which, in turn, will
help.your business. This rendering is almost Spartan by
comparison to the original submission.''
Mr.. Rogers said the off --site improvements are going to rin.
.about $10,o00, which cuts considerably into the overall expense„
Comm.. Horgan .felt there was no real imagination in this
offering. He.felt they had cut back to zero. Mr. Rogers said
that troughout the State, the average cost of their stations
runs $55,000,
Comm. Fitch said he is not overly impressed with the station
at Homestead and Stelling. Mr. Rogers said the color scheme
here would be different --• muted tones of brown, green, and
Mr. Bandley wants to have this station compatible with the
plans for the rest of 'the 8 acres. He felt a the roof here
would not be compatible.
Mr. Johnson. said the addition of a canopy would run the cost
up another $3000 to $5000. Comm. Fitch felt a canopy would
help remove some of the s ;,�.rkness of the station. Mr. Rogers
offered to increase the planting area to that on the original
drawings. Mr. Johnson added that perhaps some exposed aggre-
gate rock pots with shrubs would help in the front. Another
suggestion by them was planting around the :periphery of the
building, either on the inside.or outside" of the sidewalk;
preferrably on the outside of the sidewalk because then the
sidewalk would. still be protected by the overhang. and it would
be better for the plants to be outside.
Comm. Horgan asked the name of the man Messrs. Rogers and
Johnson report to. They said it was their District Manager,
Mr. Bill La c kr un .
Chairman Small suggested that if the applicants must go back
to their District Manager before 'they can OK any major changes
® here, perhaps the Commission could call a special meeting on
Friday night or Saturday morning in order that it could still
get to the Council meeting Monday night, either with the H-
Contro l approval, or to appeal the denial, and thereby meeting
their March 1.5th deadline. We would also have the Fire Marshall's
report on the roof t:aterials by that time.
-3 -
Moved by Comm. Horgan,
application 1.'72-HC-_65,
at City Hall_
There was none
moti o%1
Application. 173-HC-65, C11p
Sunnyvale Road, requesting
construct buildings in Pha
side of Saratoga. -Sunnyvale
of Rodrigues Avenue.
Mr. John Rodrigues, Jr o , a
the Development Plano The
of the three buildings
at this time. Each phase
entire Development Plan ha
There is extensive undergr
detail at this time so the
However, it was pointed ou
the future phases as .the n
need a Use Permit so the C
Mr. Rodrigues asked that t:
to Phase One at this time.
spread over 3 to 5 years.
Since it is impossible to
buildings in the whole ten
that an overall parking ra-
require more parking and s(
within these complexes wiL
and semi-professional, sucl
pharmacies, etc, Where wi:
supermarkets or all-purposE
Chairman Small said he thin
the City of Cupertino!
Mr. Chrisman went on to oa5
with the Wells -Fargo Bank t
decided definitely upon roc
perfected all the time, anc
to be able to use them, Tr
roof materials. Some of
and some will have hip "roof
will remain the same throuE
feels that ten acres of the
bit too much
T Comri. Fitch, to postpone
Mardi 12th. at 7 030 P.M.
1, 5_•0
Pown Center, 10235 Saratoga-
:ctural & Site approval. to
to be located on the east
approximately 300 feet south
;banning Chrisman presented.
-,hey are asking for approval
z Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road
n.e before the H.-Control. The
approved by the Planning
,k which .imust be laid out in
L11 be followed quite closely,
might be :some deviation in
)mes apparent. Each phase will
>rotected in this respect.
ill-rol appraisal be limited
itire development will be
the exact use of all.the
.t this tirrie, they are asking
.80.1 be set now. Some uses
Lire less The intended uses
.ical•-dental, professional,
)k stores, art shops,
large departments stores,
is a tremendous boost for
buildings will be compatible
although they. have not
ials. New materials are bei
ant. to, keep. th1.e _ door . open
use " Wells -Fargo '•' or. better
e.xe's will have . bathtub roofs
the, . style and materials
ch complex. Mr, .Chrisman
oof may tend to make. it a
Chairman S-n ll. told the oth�:r Comm.issIcners tha-i; '_t was John
Rodrigues who sparked the idea. of a �['owr- for Cupertino.
He was also the: instigattor of the street tree program. The
Planning Commis,-J.on -vTorked about a year coilstruct-ing the
PC-H Ordinance.
Mr. Chrisma.n said that Bakke--Cann--Page Assoc-I,at-es in Palo
Alto did El Ranc.o in Los Altos, and Town and. Country Village
in Palo Alto and San. Jose. They are now branched out from
Phoenix to Seattle o BeE:, s coi, u °-a1, 4-hey have done
quite a bit of medical..
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Conmo Rampy, that Phase One
of application 173--HC-0'5 be approved, subject to.
1-10 Standard Conditions
llo Per the rendering submitted
12. Roof mataria-ls to be asbestos the or better.
13. Masonry as per rendering
14. Landscaping as per rendering.
AYES: Comm, Fitch, Horgan, Nuzum, Rampy, Small
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5•-0
Mowed by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Ccmmo Nuzum, to adjourn
the meeting at 10:00 P.M. to Friday, March 12th, 7:30 P.M.
at City Hall Building
'Chief Building ,Inspector
/s / E o James Small
- Chairman
-5 -