March 12, 19650 Eli 10321 So. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Rd. Cupertino, Calif., 95014 ph: 252-4505 C I T Y O F C U_E R. P T I N 0 Cupertino, California MINUTES OF THE H-CONTROL CGi,11141TTEE� SPEC AL M1�FT.1.NG OF MARCH. 12, 1965 TIME: PLACE: 7:30 P.M. 10321 So. Saratoga -,Sunnyvale Rd. I ROLL CALL Comm. present: Fitch, Horgan, Nuzum, Rampy, Small Comm. absent: None Staff present: Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich II COMMUNICATIONS A Written - A letter from the :Fire Marsl.,al `s Office explaining that the aluminum roof covering was riot accepted for Fire Zone 2 Occupancy. B. Verbal - None III APPLICATION A. Application 172-HC-65, Humble Oil Company, 1330 Broadway, Oakland, Calif. resubmitting fcr Architectural & Site Approval to conotruct a service station to be located on the Northwest corner of Saratoga, -Sunnyvale Rcad & McClellan Road. (continued) Mr. Bill Rogers, representing the Humble Oil Company, resubmitted plans showing a change in roof elevation, which includes a canopy over the pump islands, also planters around the building. After a lengthy discussion Mr. James Horgan moved to approve Application 172-HC-65, seconded by Mr. James Nuzum, subject to the following conditions: 1. 10 Standard Conditions 2. Roofing material to be an assimilated aluminum shake of brown color. This material must be approved by the Fire Marshal of Santa Clara County. In the event the Fire Marshal declines approval, the representatives of the Humble Oil Company must; return for reconsideration. 3. Detached canopy as shown on rendering wil have the same roofing as shown on the building. 4. Landscaping will be on 3 sides of the building in raised planters as shown on the rendering. 5. Hose bibs will be put in place as shown on rendering. 6. Exterior walls will be Palos Verdes :None and steel to assimilate 111 siding. 7. Trasll collection will remain within building as shown on renderin5. 0 AYES: Messrs. Fitch, NOES: None Nazum, Rampy, Small I , VI Motion arried, 5-0 VI ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. Nuz.umy._-sc(.,c-ndcd ly Mr. Rampy to adjourn the meeting at'8:20 P.M.. . APPROVED: sl 11 E. James Small h a i r.-nan ATTEST: Chief Build'in g-,.T.fispector 0