April 13, 1965• A 10321 So. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road Cupertino, Calif., 95011' C I T Y O F C U P E' R T i= N 0 rCa1; 1f o r n i a. 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE H-CONTROL COMMI-TTEE MEETING OF A PRIL 13, 1965 TIME: 8:00 P.M, PLACE: 10321 South Saratoga-Sunn„vale Road, Cupertino I ROLL CALL Committeemen present: Fitch, Nuzum, Rampy, Small, HorLan Committeemen absent: None Staff present: Chief Bldg, Insp., Bill Benevich Plannin, Director, Adde Laurin Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards II COMMUNICATIONS A. Written ---- None B. Verbal ------ None III MINUTES OF THE H-CONTROL MEETING OF.MARCH 23, 1965. Moved b- Mr. Small, seconded by Mr. Ramp,.,, to approve the Minutes of March 23rd, Mr. Fitch asked whether this vias the appropriate time to bring up something; in relation to the Minutes of the last meetin". He feels: 1. Nothing; should be released to the newspapers unless . the papers are personally represented at the meetings, 2. Minutes should not be released to the newspapers until the;.; have been approved by the Committee. Mr. Small reasoned that the Minutes are a matter of Public Record. From time to time, people serving in Public Office will be misquoted or their remarks will be misinterpreted. Since this Committee meets onl-- twice a month, the Minutes would only- contain "cold" news if the- were withheld from the Press until tile; were approved. Councilman Fitzgerald, who attended this meetin-, stated that.the Courier Lets copies of all Minutes of City Meet- ings.rirht after the;;'- are reproduced, as a matter of course. Specificall', Councilman Fitzgerald felt that the lot around and behindthe service station on Bubb Road wa;s the offender and man17 residents in that area think the service station operator is responsible-for..this. Mr. Small.said that if it would help "clear the air," he would be in favor 'of writin _ a letter of apolo-:- to the service station operator; Chairman Horan felt the Committee owes. nobody r an apolog ' 3 the newspaper misquoted the Minutes and evidentall,y neglect-- ed to `o out to the service station to see for themselves what degree of a problem was there. Councilman Fitzgerald said this was also the feeling.:, of the Council, at their last meeting. -1- IV Chairman Horgan vaanted it iri the Minutes , that the H.-Control Committee officially, backed Mr. Fitch in this issue. Mr. Fitch said ,'chat the thought was to bring to this per- son's attention the banner and tire racks, etc., and to have the Buildin(; Department discreetly check this out. Mr. Small withdrew his motion to approve the_Minutes,.and Mr:o..: Ramps seconded 'ehe rno iori{: Mr. Fitch said the intent Ilia ,s, to have the Chief Build±rig Inspector discuss the banner and tire racks that appear at the front of the station'iand seeif' thef could not be removed without undue hardship, This correction should 11 appear in the March 23rd Minutes, Moved by Mr. Small, seconded �� Mr. Rampy, to approve the Minutes of March* 23rd; as 'c8ri ected o Motion carried, 5--0 APPLICATIONS A. Application 176-HC-65, Shopping; Center) , 120 C requesting Architectura construct additional sh Center, Blaney and Boll The applicant was represent; Architectural Designer, 430 Francisco, and Mr. C. R. Al Los Altos. Mr, Small noted there will the masonry tall. It was n masonry- wall will be reduce for safetT. c sake. When asked about the possib present buildin.s at this 1 fascia has alread-, been pai is completed, it is the own shopping center look as -,ho same time -- nevi* paint,- etc .'A. Morein (Ail '"American nstitution Drive., Menlo Park, and Site Control approval to ps.at the All.American Shopping, nger. d i b-,, Mr. Rene Cardinaux, Hemlock Avenue, South San pach, 11L13 Alfred Avenue, aue to be a continuation of ted on the plans that the 6' to 3' at the 10' setback lit,;- of sprucing: up of the I ation, Mr. Alspach said the ted. When the new addition r l' s plan ''co have the whole g11-1 it was all built at the Mr. Small asked if the'appl''cant would be agreeable to participating in he tree p1ari'cin, program for Cupertino commercial centers at the t'me of this improvement. After it was explained, th&y Uiere agreeable to it. On the older portion, the applicant should provide the cutouts in'the sidewalk and the Cite: will'buy_and. plant the trees; . on. the new additi.op; he .should, provide, the cutouts and• -the trees. Chairman Horgan -advised the applicant to pay_particular attention to concealing- appur�Cenances on' the roof-: Mr. Cardineaux said a 41 fascia'will hid.e most of. the mech- anical facilities on the roof; including the`''backside of the addition..' When asked at'out-'the existing hui' dings, he said he would have to chE�clic waith�the ot�ane'r. to "see whether they can add a fascia' to the bacic side of,. the existing; buildin__;s. It t;i7.1 Lertalhi„ be considered in the future. -2- L� 0 Mr. Small asked w'.za. provis=ons have been made `L'or trash enclosures for these stores, Mr. Cardineaux said that when they have specific leases, the-. i,,ill then make these provisions. Different t;, pes of busi-zesses would have different reouire«,ents, Chairman Horgan ._requested the applicants to please note especially Items 1, 3 and 9 in the Ten Standard H-•Control Conditions, Mr. Fitch asked the rest of the Committee whether ,he;;- is should consider the- plantings as showwn on the artist's drawings as a,part.of the plan. It was agreed. Moved by Mr. Small, seconded by Mr. Fitch, that application 176-HC-65 be approved, subject to: 1-10 Standard Conditions, with particular attention to items 1-Appurtenances 3-Trees (As far as the new addition is concerned, the applicant will provide the cutouts on Blaney and on Bolling-.er so that we have a tree planting program as provided for b-% City Ordinance; on the new sec- tion the applicant is also to provide the trees.) 9-The 6' masonry wall shall drop to 3' for the 10' setback on Bollinger onl;;. 11. Landscapinrr to be on the south end of the building, as shown on the site plan. 12. SprucinS up and cleanin , up of the baci: of the build - in,,;, with particular attention to be paid to the garba`;e receptacles, dependin`, on the t;,pes of stores. AYES: Messrs. Fitch, Nuzum, Rampy, Small, Hor ;an NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 ® Moved b7 Mr. Small, seconded b­- Mr. Ramp-.-,, to have the Committee write a letter to Mr. J. A. Morein,J, 120 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, (the owner) requesting; at the time of the buildinE of the addition to the shop- ping center that a parapet be placed on the roof of the existing; buildin-s to hide the appurtenances.. Motion carried, 5-0 B. Application 177-HC-65, H. A. Oldenburg', 22J30 Home- stead Road, requesting Architectural & Site Control approval to erect a 60 sq. ft. siC�,n, 24" Durapl7, cutout letters installed on a 30' area of building facer. Mr. Terry Hubbs, 2000 W. El Camino Real, Mountain View, represented the applicant. He said the sign does not get above the parapet. It is made of 5/8" durapl-y letters. The business is a slot car race traci.c,. Moved bl,% Mr. Small, seconded by Mr. Nuzum, to approve application 177-HC-65. Motion carried, 5=0 ® C. Application 178-HC-65, Mr. Robert Ma.rchan:c, 10100 Fleming Avenue, Sari Jose, request= Architectural & Site Control approval to construct a commercial building on south Saratoga -Senn -vale Road, adjoining the !,`ells -Fargo Bank on the south side. -3- El Mr. Robert Marchant present ® C. d�his plans to the Committee. Mr. Small explained to the had attended the Planning C night, and that the meetin- of a lack of a quorum. Thi to be reviewed at that meet duly published ,-neeting, the schedule the meeting for la Mr.. Small checked with the advised that this .Committee because' it 'was. not corit`ro'.ve approved,with the'condit. approval'. There was some discussion a these offices, Mr; Marchan oet'cin�, a photograph studio aid his travel service busi They 1.will all be profession will be compatible with the est of the Committee that he mmission meetinE., the --previous had to be adjourned because application was scheduled nfr,; Because it must be a Chairman was unable to re- el, in the week. i I Attorney and he -.-was mad? . review this application saa., and,that it could be of the Pla:nnin� Commission out the t- pes :of uses.. for said.he is interested in .for.one; because it would ess .for ,passports, etc !'Ior commercial offices which uses on the adjoining; property. Mr,: Mar.chant emphasized thau.every effort will be made to tie in compatibl- with the structures and landscaping; of Mr, Chrisman's Development Plan next door° He•is.planning a masonry--t vpe exterior and flat tile roof.,. --- Mr. Fitch commented that Cupertino is extremely 'fortunate 'co have such a development.) Moved b,,- Mr. Fitch, seconde 178-EC'65 be approved per t tions, the roof or roofint_; materials of a masonr:,7 natu to be compatible with the C (application 173-.HC-65); an plan. This approval is. `;iv commercial occupancv* and su bI the Planning Commission AYES: Messrs,. Fitch., Nuzum NOES: None Motion ca V UNFINISHED BUSINESS Copies of„the new H-Control with -the Minutes. Mr. Ramp;;,, that application e'l10 Standard.H-Control condi- of similar nature, exterior e both exterior walls and roof pertino Professional Center landscapin, as per the site n on the basis.of a. professional- ject to the Use Permit approval nd City Council. . RamMI, Small, Horr;an ried, 5-0 Ordinance are to be sent out The Plannin- Director explained the few revisions of the :. IOrdinanee. ' He said that one, aim of rewriting; of the City Ordinances is -to c-et tl�em in ],ogi.cal sequence of how things happen, to aid tle,citizens and the staff.who work with them. The"Committee requested the to "authority" in Section 3 The Committee requested'"Ch chant ed to read "Building 0 Moved b,, - Mr. Small, .'s.econdec Ordinance No. 306 be appro vE with the. above ==-mentioned 2 Motion cai word .."com.pet.ence" be changed of BuildinE Inspector" be facial" in,the: Ordiinahce. by Mr. Fitch, that Revised d b, the H-Control Committee c'nan-es A All _4 - • VI n- J BUSINESS 1. Mr. Jerry Fitzgerald, Realtor, said that when he served on the Plarin�Ln'-3; Ccmrnlss..,_z t,,..p with what he felt was a good Si-n Ordinance. V !_�tely, or. S,tinda-;'s, banners and pennants have been f 1-.- ins•; on homos for sale in Cupertino. He asked the H-Control Committee hot7 they felt about this practice, He said he is -;oinL; before the San Jose Realt-vBoard to ask them to please check to see if they arein compliance with Cupertino's Sign Ordinance. Chairman Horgan asl'-ed the Committeemen to keep an eye out for this sort of thing as the;,, go about their da-',--to--day .business. If non-compliance to the sign ordinance is noticed, it should be referred to the Building Department for investigation. Moved by Mr. Nuzum, seconded b-, Mr. Rampy, to have this Committee write letters to the Sunnvale and San Jose Real Estate Boards to the effect that we would like to notify the members of the Realty Board to please check to see that the-, are in compliance with the Cupertino Si"n Ordinance before advertising,. within this city. Motion carried, 5-0 VII ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. Small, seconded bs Mr. Fitch, to adjourn the meeting; at 9:55 P.M. ATTEST: Chief Build ir`; Inspector L APPROVED: /s/ James J. Horgan Chairman i