June 22, 19650
10321 South Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, California, 95014.
PLANKING Mmmissioa
C -1 T Y 0 P .C U P': E:. R T J Y Q
TIME: 8.-00 P.M.
.PLACE: City.Hall , Building Department..
Committeemen present: Fitcb,.Nuzum,,Rampy,,S:mall:j Horgan
Committeemen absent: None
..Staff_-Oresent: City, Manager$ 'Phil, Storm
-Chief Bldg. Inspector,, pill Benevicb
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
A. Written
1. Letter from Mr. Bernard.,Sbay, Lucky Stores, regarding
clarification of. the.street tree divisi
on of
responsibility. Tbe,--property -owner is. to, purchase
the trees and the Citywill plant and maintain them.
B. ..'Verbal --.'None
..Moved by-Mr,..Rampy, 'seconded by Mr. Small, to approve -the
.'Minutes of May 25tb as submitted.
Motion carried_, 5-0
IV; GUEST SPEAKER - Mr. Philip Storm, City Manager,
Itwas.. -decided the discussion -would begin:witb a:question
and answer `session.
`Cb airrwAn- Horgan first asked if there. were. -any funds in the -
-H -:.-..,City..Manager. said this
budget'. earmarked. f61: -Cont:roll..
ot bebn 'don'6"in the past.,-- but-,perbap§,tbis- is a good
ide a'.- Tb'e r'e mill be*.: no doubt 'some,,.mee.tings or .functions'
tb at. would, be benef itial f or •H-Contr61 -,t-,.o, attend..". . The City
Manager said be will-recommend-the.Cbairman attend the
League of California Cities meeting in November. There is
a lot of information -relative to city functions that would
be of interest to this C.ommit-tee.,
'Cbai'rman,Horgan*:a-sked,,x4betber-money could be allocated'in the
budget for speakers for H-Contr6l meetings. Tb-'e,City Manager
felt that this would probably.be pre-empting the City Council.
If H-�Control knows:of a speaker .(or ;speakers)tbat would be
of some value to the operation;_a request.sbould be made to
tbe.City-Council and suggestion.of a joint meeting, perhaps
including tbe.Pianning Commissioni.
d u
Chairman Horgan asked if an H'I-Contro1'_,Map 'wotald be of some.
value here. The City Manager) felt that `'this''mght be useful
if the community'were larget, Our community is small enough
that the ChJi.L—f uil,d 'I "-Cforand 4be..Committeemen can
probably, in most cases orient themselves to the area involvod
with each, appllicationQ He.lsugge'sted that'> perhaps- a'��photograph
�f 1e •'m gbt-. e, h'el-pful; howe.ve f.
The City Manager went on to � say that, in the pas.t_, H�-Control .-.
had no legal respons -b li`ty ! wbAt'so'ever;` h.oidever;;` the trend
.is changing. H-Control,= as; long as the. Committee is not,
capricious or arbitrary, gain considerable`"Influ'ence. The
City Manager feels that., we tan work out a pr6g.ram t:o.•.a.mprove
the' stature .'and image of H 'I��ontro'1 i'n Cupertino.
Chairman Horgan was cone-erned about ways in. which Ii-control
can,:gai'n. publ-ic � support:.: H� Isis interested � n:'.H=Control's
image :and stature -in- tbe•-'c.omMunity. Should? -this be
accornp"l shdd.'�t-h'rougii'_agenci-es :such as, the Jr. Chamber of
Commerce? 'there was' no definite "yes" or t'no" to this. It
was not ruled out; howeverThe City-' Manila' the
Committee take the lead on .',thiis and invite 66e: or two' people
to come to the meetings and,iII6cuss different'..aspects or
objectives for oiL in the community: Perhaps
theCourier would. 'be''willin ,= to note bedates. of the
H-4Cpnttrol- meetings -'And 'even 1a ist the -applications to be reviewed,,
Since; this' is..a.='week'ly':',mews aper...:,we :'wi-1l. run~ into a time
Y element .problem,' though;.•' j
Chairman Horgan' next asked '%olw much-- police :power .we have.....
or want. He said that occasionally, the.Commi;ttee requests
the' -.Chief �,Bui1din'g;�I6s'pec'tor t11. o check on s:ometli'i'iig. HQW do
.we folI.Ow" tbrough to see .than H-Control standards and
conditions .'are. upheld? . -The ;.City ;Manager: said .any•:,deficiencies
should' be reported "-to -him.: If- the `;problem. is ..covered by
an Ordinance, he can take carlle of th'e' situation..: If it is a
condition of -an .appl•ication;.th-e Chairman may bring it to the
attention of the .'Council.
Chairman Horgan.; asked. how mucb; (or how little) . of.. a,
„'presentation --is, expe:cted of ; the' H .+Control .at :the ',City Council
meetings. The City' Manager:
said .if -.i.s::.the :duty of the Chief
Building Inspector to present =th'e-- findings; of "the H-Control
to the City -Council. 'Cliairnian",Horgan.,:said that, `in the past,
=he 'Yras..felt. that'. it places `i='d city employee at" a
disadvantage tb` try =tophod H-=Control deczs.ions ;before the
Lour cil.!'cx The City; NFanag ;+m v.aad:. he H-Control ..Cha-irman should
a't the' :CbunC "� `r�eetiov.iv :.V.0 :.ii'Andle t:h'�:s. ,pph as-.e of an
rlI}t lb.rin'v ould appli-cat
Chairman Horgan-.�aslceid •-Whothe'r�'�the :council should, bb apprised
of °changes made after appl i a; ions:! :have .�alreA` y. be.on approved.
The ' Ckfy Manager s aid ' t,mat`e i' 1"' c*3xanges in.: -plans should be
reviewed by'`•the .H .Control arid) brought':to the attention of the
Council mee"ts' if requested.
The :Chief Building Lnspe-c;tozw s :in 'favor -df hJavirig the
i'ndividual items revviewed ;:and) approved- -by : th.e .. Ciiy- Council
ratb'er 'than.:'a blanket approc►al. Mr- 'Fitch felt -that as long •
as t-heCouncil has access. t.G> :the .H-Control _Minute•s, the
Council could act just as o' ctive'ly by taking exception to
certain cases. Mr. Nuzum f �,I ljt that if the Council were asked
to delve into each H-Control application, they would be
taking back the responsibillt they have given to the H-Control.
The City Manager said that good many of the applications
are. routine. The. Chairman can - sometime's call. the. attention of
the Council to'•.some items, of sole magnitude or, significance
to .the City., In 'addition,, ''the Councilmen all receive H-Control
Minutes and. may 'ask the' Chairman .pert nerit quest1o' ns 'from
time to •t.ime.
The Chief:: Building Inspector. ..said, that, 'at the` time of -the
writing of the new ..H-.Coritrol Ordinance,, the reasoning- why
the.advertising of.;H-Control applications was offset was
because.. of the fact that it'would 'be. brought ,up .at the City
Council meeting and..the.'general public would hear about them
then: The general ;,,public does not have access to the H,-Cortrol
Minutes and,if there is a blanket,approval, the public will
not .be aware of the,, individual cases. The City Manager said
if' the public is interested -in a. certain, item, it will come
out.;at. the meeting.
't°he City Manager and'the; Lhairman agreed that:wben
significant items are up f('?r: Council approval, attention
should be,called to them..
Chairman Horgan asked the City Manager if be is satisfied
with the new H-Control Ordinance. Tb.e- City`Manager said he is.
Chairman Horgan then asked the City Manager how be felt about
H-Con.tr.ol,contacting-agencies outside, of Cupertino.' For
'instance, the Federal`Gover'nment is very interested these days
in.citie's. and communities preserving and improving themselves
and,. rio' dou'bt,, have guidance literature,, etc. The City
Manager agreed wholeheartedly with -this -thinking indicating
he -'would encourage ° tie -committee to make inquires `and then
report or 'recommend action to the Council.
• Chairman "Horgan ' asked 'the City' Manager the :best way to handle
the applications of the "old timers" acid those of -'large
businesses. ;The City Manager advised that it is :best" to. keep
thirigs.,on ari'even keel;-- avoid capriciousness - show no
partiality;' Base decisions; as-much'as'possible, on th,e same
Mr.• Fitch --asked the City Manager for his .main point of
guidance for the H-Control`-Committee,-as'a city official, in
regard.to_;'say, growth stature of -the city or proposed or
projected through the city, as an official body. The City
Managersaid the most beneficial thing would be to create a
good image, with particular attention paid to landscaping
and overall aesthetics And: -'good taste.
The City -Manager said be would like to set.up a luncheon date
with the H-Control Committee,. and after lunch, will take them
to the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation �where':Mr.'Long, our
tree consultant, is working with trees:. The:City.Manager
said the Inter -City Council meeting will be held in Cupertino
in August-. There will be`'a speaker on some phase -of
municipal government.- He'wou'ld like the Chairman -to attend
this -meeting:
The City Manager suggested the Committee should, as they
travel around the city; make note ofand.report any
deficiencies.' He'said-the problem of homeowners''maintenance
of -their parking.=strips'-came'up'at the last Council meeting.
Perhaps a friendly letter from the H-Control. Committee to the
home owner -would motivate him. This may not work 'in all cases,
but it, surely will in some, TI)e City Manager offered to
frame a letter for the' `H-Control, wbich. they are free to
modify if they wish, to send out to the people who'need to
fix up'their parking strip:
The Chief Building*'Inr'' wanted ed to clarify a point. In
t t
new developments, the City will make :4.011 x 4.011 cutouts, will
plant, an'd mainta1h, street The property owner must
purchase three -year -old trees` (15=gallon size) of the type
specified by Mr. Long. The trees will be inspected
ted by
Mr.,Long to see if they are��rqot-bou;nd, etc., and he will
supervise the planting.
Mr. Small commented. on the infeii6t.j.ob- of pruning of the
street trees on Merritt Drilet�.-- The -City Manager -will look
into this.
1. The A, -Frame sign at 146bl i S-tati-on at Wolfe Road and
e*ns'C''reek Blvd. 11 t'
Stevens The Chief uilding'jpspector said
.there is a.new-lessee at this station wbo-was not 'aware
own : dupertino"Is., regulationb.: Tb , e. A_'Fr ame' sign_ is coming
d -new sign'is. going to.�bep aced' on the building. and a.r
ty'Oe. llspineramaTjl' 'signs'.
Moved by. Mr..''Small, seconded-by1v1r. Pitcb,. to.- write a letter
to..the _Pjanhimg Co'mmission informing them that'the H-Control
Cdfam'-It-tee- Want,s,. to go on record as being opposed to the.
National, Advdt-tising. Companys using our light standards on
w cb to' mount tbeir'siZzis.. 1'� If .these became" generally 'used
u 't the City :they wo ild,-be to.tbe City
and.-in-vi'olatiort •to the Sigh -Ordin.an;cit.
Moth dri carried, 5-0
;Mbved_ by Mt, ,F s.econdedi r-;,Niizum,9 to' adjourn
fn 'the
meeting at 9:20 �A UDI
Ls JamHer
f 1 ef BiTiAdiAg. I4g r ,)"e c to