511340 / I7 e l /,<t? /7 e Z''4Q LOT NO. NO.y ''4!2,S'IREET Za W Z k i4PP l e 1'1® F®R BUILDING PERMIT CI OF CUPERTINO o < MAY 13 1968 Sanitary No. 5 " -/ 3 fWDate ā€” FF 196+ J Permit No. o Applicatio isher in'xd fb traper to t6 0- V a to a story, Type JaLlot ,_f_ ; Building W ato be occupied only as in accordance with 0 o Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee Q F' 3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ Fee $ s" z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of o Cupertino will be complied with. 3 Owner rJ7 eSi- Wo f) Address 1,'e-I La w By 0lā€” 6 v k 'L, v S c d Address o y X yr&y a U one PPA roved State License X aā€” BUILDING INSPECTOR j