April 9, 1990 r h V CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 252-4505 SUMMARY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO FOR APRIL 9, 1990, MEETING HEED IN CONFERENCE ROOM A, CITY HALL, AT 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA The meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Chairman Gong. Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL. Present Members: Chairman Gong, Hoxsie, Lim and Jackson Staff Present: Tom Robillard, Planner I It was noted that Commissioner Newton has resigned from the Architectural and Site Approval Committee FORMAL REVIEW Item 1) ASAC 51-868.1 - Tandem Computers Requesting review and approval for a planned development sign program located at 19191 Vallco Parkway, northwest corner Vallco Parkway and Tantau and 10435 North Tantau, north of I 280. Tom Robillard reviewed the Staff report noting that a similar freeway-oriented sign for Tandem Computers had recently been approved. Kimberly Powell, Akagi Design, reviewed Staff comments and answered questions of the commission. Commissioners Jackson, Hoxsie, and Chairman Gong questioned the need for the extra freeway-oriented signs and expressed concern for the number of freeway-oriented signs Tandem would have. Commissioner Lim explained that he did not have any concerns with the signs. Decision: On a 3 - 1 vote with Commissioner Lim voting for approval, Application ASAC 51-868.1 was denied pursuant to the following finding: 1. The nature of the use identified by the freeway-oriented sign, does not require additional freeway-oriented signage. r ASAC MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF APRIL 9, 1990 PAGE -2- • 411, Item 2) ACAC 51,873.2 - Miyake's Restaurant Requesting review and approval to modify an existing planned development sign program located on the east side of DeAnza Boulevard north of Bollinger Road. Tom Robillard reviewed the Staff report noting Staff's concerns for the number of neon signs, the precedent-setting nature of the signs, and that the signs would be additional to two existing building mounted signs. Ron Murphy of Otsen Sign Company and Yukio Iwamoto, Miyake's Restaurant, reviewed Staff comments and explained the need for the signs. They answered questions of the Commission. The Commissioners all agreed that they did not want to contradict the set precedence for limiting the number of window signs. And, since two building-mounted signs had already been approved, these additional signs were not needed. Decision: On a 4 - 0 vote, Application ASAC 51,873.2 was denied pursuant to the findings contained in the Model Resolution. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 110 Commissioner Lim reported on the Mayor's luncheon noting that the topic was on drug abuse in the South Bay Area. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Item 3) Minutes of the regular meeting of March 12, 1990 and March 26, 1990 were approved with no modifications. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:25 PM to the next regular meeting to be held April 23, 1990 at 7:30 PM, Conference Room A, City Hall. PREP , BY: •0 % 2, BY: / 4/ 2 4 Thomas Robillard s.F.4r - �• �+ ..• . Planner I Arch.-. i - Approval Committee ATTEST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius 410 Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk (ASAC/min4-9)