CC 04-07-20 #10 Emergency Assistance Funds_Late Written Communications1
Cyrah Caburian
From:City of Cupertino Written Correspondence
Subject:FW: Furlough of Part-Time Employees; Postponement of $50,000
From: Connie Cunningham <>
Date: April 7, 2020 at 8:13:49 PM PDT
To: City Council <>
Subject: Furlough of Part‐Time Employees; Postponement of $50,000
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Dear Mayor, Vice‐Mayor, Councilmembers and City Manager:
COVID‐19 :
Even though the City Manager had mentioned in the March 31, 2020 meeting that salaries make up the
larger part of the City budget, I was taken aback by the announcement of a cut of part‐time 80
employees that has already happened. That is 27.5% of all the staff. Has that much work disappeared in
the 12% lessening of revenue?
Item 10:
With a 12% lessening in revenue, a 20% cut in budget is strikingly large, especially when announced just
minutes after stating that we were postponing an Emergency Assistance donation of $50,000 until we
can have more meetings and obtain more information. As I had said, I think it is a good plan for
including other Cities, businesses, non‐profits and other stakeholders. However, $50,000 as a way to
support any residents who have been left out seems an appropriate use.
I hope that the City is planning to hire back these employees soon. This is an addition of a number of 80
of our own Cupertino employees to the unemployed at a time when over 1,000,000 people are
unemployed in California. I would have thought that the reserves that the City has put aside for the
purposes of dealing with economic downturns would have provided some breathing room for this major
Connie Cunningham
Concerned Cupertino Resident