CC 06-16-20 #21 Budget Adoption -Amended Attachment F6 - Deer Hollow_Staff Written CommunicationADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | 408-777-3220 | WWW.CUPERTINO.ORG
501(c)(3)?: Yes Year Established: ___________
Total Organization Budget: __________________ Total # of Board Members: ________________________
Total # of staff: _________________ Total # of Volunteers: __________________________
Full Legal Organization Name: ______________________________________________________
Website: _________________________
NoHave you ever received a City of Cupertino Community Funding Grant in the past? If yes, when?Yes
CC 06-16-2020 #21
Mission Statement:
Brief Description of Organization:
Brief Description of Services Provided:
1.Program/Project/Event Name: ______________
2.Date(s) and/or duration of program/project/event (if applicable):
3.Total program/project/event budget: $ ___________________
4.Requested Amount: $___________________ Percent of total program/project/event budget: ______%
5.What percentage of your organization’s projected income does your funding request represent?
6.Type of Request:
Capital improvement
Program Support
One-time project
Other, please describe: __________________________
7.This grant will fund a(n):
Existing program/project/event; established in _________(year)
New program/project/event
8.Describe the purpose of requested funds and the services that will be provided:
9.Please provide a line item breakdown of how the funds will be used in the categories below. If a
category is not applicable, put $0:
a)Admin Staff $___________
b)Materials/Equipment $__________
c)Entertainment $_____________
d)Room/Venue Rental $___________
e)Other Professional Services such as ______________________: $ ________________
f)Other _____________________________________________________: $ _____________
10.Explain how the request aligns to City priorities:
11.Describe how the program/project/event fills a community need. Who identified this need? What other
similar project/program/event exists to serve Cupertino residents? How is your proposed
project/program/event unique from similar projects/programs/events or how do you collaborate to
avoid duplication?
12.Who will be served by this grant?
a) Number of individuals total: ________________
b)Number of Cupertino residents: _____________
c)Particular community groups:
d)Will the program/project/event be available to the entire community/public or are there any
eligibility criteria?
e)Will there be a charge or fee for the program/project/event (if applicable)?
f)What outreach methods does your organization use to promote the program/project/event (if
13.Describe how the funds will be used to benefit or impact the Cupertino community:
14. Demonstrate that the staff implementing and managing the program/project/event have adequate experience:
15. How will success of the program/project/event be measured?:
16.More than 75% of the requested funds will go towards direct service costs versus administrative costs?:
17. Will you collaborate with other organizations to deliver the program/project/event funded by this
grant? If so, which organizations?
18.If your organization has ever received financial or in-kind support from the City of Cupertino outside
of Community Funding Grants, please describe this support:
19.Does your organization anticipate receiving additional financial or in-kind support from the City of
Cupertino outside of Community Funding Grants for this type of program/project/event (e.g. fee
waivers)? If so, please describe this anticipated support:
20. If you are a multi-jurisdictional organization, describe any funding requested from other
agencies/organizations in regards to this program/project/event request. Indicate whether the
funding was granted, denied, or is still pending:
21.How would you fund the program/project/event if you do not receive the requested funding?:
1.If you received a Community Funding Grant in prior years, indicate the amounts for each year and
describe how those funds were used:
2.If you received a Community Funding Grant last year:
a.Please provide a line item breakdown of how the Community Funding Grant was used last year
in the categories below. If a category is not applicable, put $0:
i.Admin Staff $___________
ii.Materials/Equipment $__________
iii.Entertainment $_____________
iv.Room/Venue Rental $___________
v.Other Professional Services such as _______________________: $ ________________
vi.Other ______________________________________________________: $ ______________
b.Who was served by the grant last year?
i.Number of individuals total: ________________
ii.Number of Cupertino residents: _____________
iii.Particular community groups:
iv.Was the program/project/event be available to the entire community/public or are
there any eligibility criteria?
v.Was there a charge or fee for the program/project/event (if applicable)?
vi.What outreach methods did your organization use to promote the program/project/
event (if applicable)?
c.Was the program/project/event successful? Please indicate how success was measured:
3.Please indicate any additional funding received last year from other sources and provide your financial
statement if available:
I hereby state that the information presented in this application is true and complete to the best of my
Name: _Title: __________________________________________
Signature: Date: 02/
Financial Results Budget
General Restricted Total General Restricted Total
Grant Revenue 25,500$ 54,000$ 79,500$ -$ 51,000$ 51,000$
Direct Public Support 61,714 22,225 83,939 64,000 25,000 89,000
Cash donations at the Farm 1,689 5 1,694 2,000 - 2,000
Total Support 88,903 76,230 165,133 66,000 76,000 142,000
Fundraising Events, net
Ohlone Day (531) 1,582 1,051 (600) 2,100 1,500
Spooky Time (37) 3,330 3,293 (200) 3,400 3,200
Spring Tour (61) 7,140 7,079 (200) 6,500 6,300
Other - - - - - -
Total Fundraising Events, net (630) 12,052 11,422 (1,000) 12,000 11,000
Sales, net 105 - 105 2,000 - 2,000
Investment Income 16,032 - 16,032 12,000 - 12,000
TOTAL REVENUE 104,411 88,282 192,693 79,000 88,000 167,000
Marcomm, Web & Social Media 2,260 - 2,260 4,500 - 4,500
Donor Relations 248 - 248 1,100 - 1,100
Liability Insurance 2,846 - 2,846 3,000 - 3,000
Accounting Consultant 1,719 - 1,719 10,000 - 10,000
Office Supplies & Other Expense 797 236 1,033 2,500 200 2,700
TOTAL EXPENSES 7,869 236 8,106 21,100 200 21,300
NET REVENUE 96,541 88,046 184,587 57,900 87,800 145,700
Grants Awarded
Scholarship Program - 40,174 40,174 - 35,000 35,000
Deer Hollow Farm - Animal Care 11,565 36,727 48,292 12,000 42,800 54,800
Deer Hollow Farm - Operations 15,000 10,000 25,000 15,000 10,000 25,000
Deer Hollow Farm - Enhancements 11,499 12,822 24,322 7,000 - 7,000
MROSD - White Barn Project - - - 166,000 - 166,000
Deer Hollow Farm - Youth/Other Projects 469 - 469 2,000 - 2,000
TOTAL AWARD DISBURSEMENTS 38,533 99,724 138,257 202,000 87,800 289,800
CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 58,008 (11,678) 46,330 (144,100) - (144,100)
BEGINNING OF PERIOD 401,416 48,239 449,656 459,424 36,561 495,985
END OF PERIOD 459,424$ 36,561$ 495,985$ 315,324$ 36,561$ 351,885$
Unrealized Gain (Loss)29,203
Total Cash & Investments at FMV at:6/30/2019 525,188$
Included in General Fund Balance above:
Board Designated - White Barn 165,881$
Statement of Financial Position Year Ended 6/30/19 Year Ended 6/30/20
Cash Basis - Unaudited