PFC 86-4 R£SOLUTZ~ lC. 86.4 ' I RE~LUTION N~PROVlII; ~ AUTHORIZII~ EXECUTION ANO FILING OF [XEXIrrION APPLICATZCg( TQ STATE FRANCHISE TAX CUPERTZgO PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION RESOLVED, by the Board of Otrectors of the Cupertino Publtc Facilities Corporltlon, that that certain Exez~tton Application to the State Fr~.htse Iix Board (Fora FTB3SO0), a col]y of ~h!ch has thSs day been presented to thts BoI~, t5 hereby ipproved Ind ~ones Hall Htll & #htte, A ProfesstoM1 L~ Corporation, ts hereby authorized to caBplete said Application ~nd the Secretary ts hereby luthortzed to execute satd cmmleted Application and dtrected to cause the ftltng of satd Application vlth the State of California Franchise Iix Board. I hereby certtfy that the fo~L~Jotng ts a full. true and correct COl;y of a re$oluttnn duly passed Ind adopted by the Board of Directors of the Cupertino Publtc Facilities Corporation, at a leettng thereof duly held on the 2nd day of June, 1986, by the follovtng vote of the Directors thereof: AYES, and tn favor thereof. Directors: Gatco. Johnson, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None ~/~: