PFC 86-5 RESOLUTZON HO. 86-S A RESOLUTZON APPRQVZN~ AND AUTHORIZIN~ EXECUTZON AND FZLZNG OF VARZOUS FEDERAL FORHS CUPERTZNO PUBLZC FACZLZTZES CQRPQRATZO,N RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Cupertino Publlc Facilities Corporation, that Federal Forms Nos. 1024 (Application for Recognition of Exemption under Sectton S01(c)(4)), 2848 (Powr of Attorney) and SS-4 (Appltcltton for Embloyee Identification Number), a copy of each of vhtch has thts day been presented to thts Board and are hereby, approve~ and Jones Hlll Htll &Whtte, A Professtona] Law Corporation. spectal counsel to the Corporation, ts hereby authorized to complete satd Forms and the Secret~ry t5 authorized to execute satd Forms and ts mJthortzed to cause the appropriate ftltng of sltd Forms. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Corporation be and ts hereby designated the 'person to contact' of thts Corporation for purposes of the ftllng of Federal Form No. 1024. Z hereby certtfy that the foregoing ts a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Cuperttr~ Publtc Facilities Corporation, at a meettng thereof duly held on the 2nd d~y of June, 1986, by the follovtng vote of the Directors thereof: : AYES, and In favor thereof, Directors: Ga~co, Johnson Plunl~y,'Sparka, Rogers NO£S, Directors: None ABSENT. D, rectors: None~L ~ //..~' ~