PFC 86-6 13031-5 3HHW:BDQ: rms 05/14/86 Z1963 CUPERTZNO PUBLZC FACZLZTZES CORPORATZON RESOLUTZON NO. 86-6 A RESOLUTZON APPROVZNG, AUTHORZZZNG AND DZRECT~NG EXECUTZON OF CERTAZN LEASE FZNANCZNG DOCUHEHTS, AUTHOR[ZZNG AND DIRECTING EXECUTZON OF A PURCHASE AGREEHENT AND AUTHORIZZNG AND DIRECTZNG CERTAIN ACTIONS H[TH RESPECT THERETO RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Cupertino Publlc Facilities Co~por&tton (the "Corporation"): I~IEREAS, the Ctty of Cupertino (the "Ctty'), ~orktng together wtth the Corporation, ts proposing to proceed wtth an lease financing; and WHEREAS, tn connection therevtth, the Ctty proposes to finance certaln capttal Improvements (the 'Project') and It ls tn the publlc tnterest and for the publlc beneftt that the Corporation authorize and direct execution of the Lease Agreement (as hereinafter deftned) and ce~atn other financing documents in connection theredtth; and ~EREAS, pursuant to the Ctty's authorization, Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, [nc. (the 'Underm-tter') proposes to undeT~rtte the financing and will purchase the Certificates of Participation described below; and WHEREAS, the documents belo~ specified have been ftled with the Corporation, and the members of the Board of Directors, wtth the aid of its staff, have revte~ed satd documents; NO~, THEREFORE, tt ts hereby ORDERED and DETERHZNED, as follows: SECTION 1. The below-enumerated documents be and are hereby approved, and the President, Vtce President or Treasurer is hereby authorized and dtrected to execute sald documents, wtth such Insubstantial changes, Insertions and o~tsstons as Ray be approved by such official, and the Secretary ts hereby authorized and dtrected to attest to such official's signature: a) an acquisition agreement, by and between the City and the Corporation, pursuant to which the City will transfer certain assets of the City (the 'Assets') to the Corporation to per~tt the City to undertake the Project; b) a lease agreement, by and between the Corporation, as lessor, and the City, as lessee (the "Lease Agreement"), pursuant to which the Corporation will lease the Assets back to the City; c) a trust agreement, by and among the Corporation, the City and a t~ustee bank to be selected by the City (the "Trustee"), e ... :~;~.,~..~.~,~.~r~.U.~.:.~...'' ,..~:?~.~.~.~7~:.~ ~'. ,-.-~-,..,.,-,~ .......... .~ .... . ..... ~-., ? * . relatt~ to the financing, a~ the execution ~ deltvery of ~ ce~tftca~es of participation evtdenct~ the proportionate Interests ,. of the W~s ~he~eof In lease pe~nts to be ~de b~ the Ctt~ u~er the be~se Agent (the 'Certificates of Pa~ttctpatton')~ d)- a c~ptta] icc~nt agre~n~, b~ I~ ~t~en ~he Ctt~ ~ the Co.ration, pursuant to Vhtch the p~c~s ~ecetved b~ the Ctty for the s~]e of the Asse~s vt]] be he~d ~ dts~sed~ ~nd ~ ~ e) ~n asstgwnt agrewnt, b~ ~ ~twn the Co~poratton a~ th~ T~stee. ~rsu~nt to ~htch ~he'Cor~rl~ton vt]] 8sstgn cer~atn of ~ t~s rtghts u~er ~he Lease Agre~nt. tnc]udt~ t~s rtght ~o recetve ~ ]e~se p~n~s thereunder, ~o ~he T~stee. SE~ZON Z. A purchase ag~ee~n~ b~ ~ ~ng the Unde~l~er, ~he Ct~ ~ ~he Corporation re]~tng to ~he punch.se by the Unde~lter of ~he Certificates of P~r~tctpa~ton, be and ts he~b~ ~proved, and ~he P~estden~, Vtce President or Treasu~r ts hereb~ auChortz~ a~ dtrected ~o execute satd ~g~nC, ~tth such Insubstantial ch~nges. Insertions ~ ~lsstons ~s ~ ~ 8pp~v~ b~ such offtcl~. SE~ON 3. T~ P~slden~, Vtce President. T~asu~r. Sec~eCar~ e~ "~ other officials of the Cor~ratton are he.by authorized and dtrected to exe~e such other ~g~ewnts, docu~nts a~ certificates as ~ be ~ necess~r~ to effe~ the purposes of thts resolution ~ the ]e~se financing " he~etn aut~rtz~. :. Z he~eb~ certt~ ~h~t ~he ~o~egotng ~esolutton ~s dul~ ndopted ~t a ~ettng o~ the 8o~ o~ Directors o~ the Cupe~tt~ Publtc Facilities Co~Cton held on the ZM d~ o~ ~une, ~986~ b~ the Foll~tng vote: AYES, and in f~vor of, Boardmembers: Catco, 3ohnson, Plun~y, Spark~, Rogers .~ NOES, BoirdlelM)ers: None ".' ABSENT, Bo&rcklelbers: None Secretary